Exemple #1
def runReportSimilarity(fileName, threshold=0.9, reportType="lsi"):
    """ Assumes reports have FINDINGS: or REPORT: """
    fileText = [row.rstrip("\n") for row in open(fileName)]

    wordsToFind = ["FINDINGS:", "REPORT:"]
    report1 = fileText[0]
    report2 = fileText[1]

    startLoc1 = -1
    # startLoc2 = -1
    for word in wordsToFind:
        if startLoc1 == -1 and report1.find(word) != -1:
            startLoc1 = report1.find(word) + len(word)
        # if startLoc2 == -1 and report2.find(word) != -1:
        #       startLoc2 = report2.find(word)+len(word)

    sCom = []
    report1 = report1[startLoc1:]
    sentences1 = rnn.splitIntoSentences(report1)
    sentences2 = rnn.splitIntoSentences(report2)

    # sentences1 = rnn.textPreprocess(report1)
    # sentences2 = rnn.textPreprocess(report2)

    # sentences1 = report1.split('.')
    # sentences2 = report2.split('.')
    sent1 = sentences1[:]
    sent2 = sentences2[:]

    if reportType == "lsi":
        # report2 = report2[startLoc2:]

        report1 = search_engine.textPreprocess(report1)
        report1 = search_engine.getDerivations(report1)
        report2 = search_engine.textPreprocess(report2)
        report2 = search_engine.getDerivations(report2)
        for i in range(len(sentences1)):
            sentences1[i] = search_engine.textPreprocess(sentences1[i])
            sentences1[i] = search_engine.getDerivations(sentences1[i])
        for i in range(len(sentences2)):
            sentences2[i] = search_engine.textPreprocess(sentences2[i])
            sentences2[i] = search_engine.getDerivations(sentences2[i])

            # corpus = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus('./model_files/reports_lsi.mm')
        tfidf_model = gensim.models.TfidfModel.load("./model_files/reports.tfidf_model")
        lsi_model = gensim.models.LsiModel.load("./model_files/reports.lsi_model")

        dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary.load("./model_files/reports.dict")
        vec_lsi1 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[dictionary.doc2bow(report1)]]
        vec_lsi2 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[dictionary.doc2bow(report2)]]
        sen1Corp = [dictionary.doc2bow(sent) for sent in sentences1]
        sen2Corp = [dictionary.doc2bow(sent) for sent in sentences2]
        vec_lsis1 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[sen1Corp]]
        vec_lsis2 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[sen2Corp]]

        # print corpus.num_terms
        # ind = gensim.similarities.MatrixSimilarity(vec_lsis1,num_features=corpus.num_terms)
        ind = gensim.similarities.MatrixSimilarity(vec_lsis1, num_features=10)
        # similarity table
        for i in vec_lsis2:
    elif reportType == "rnn":
        sCom = rnn.compareReportSentences(report1, report2)
        sCom2 = []
        for i in range(len(sCom[0])):
            row = []
            for j in range(len(sCom)):

        sCom = sCom2

    missing = [0 for s in sent1]
    # obtain correct sentence
    i = 0

    output = {"missing": 0, "corrections": 0, "extras": 0, "correct": 0}
    for col in sCom:
        # for col in range(len(sCom[0]))
        # for col in sent2:
        aboveTopThreshold = False
        j = 0
        bestSim = 0
        for sim in col:
            if sim > threshold:
                aboveTopThreshold = True
            if sim > bestSim:
                bestSim = sim
            if missing[j] < sim:
                missing[j] = sim

            j += 1
        if aboveTopThreshold:
            # maybe add percentage for debugging
            # sent2[i] = " ".join([k for k in sent2[i]])
            s = "n\t" + sent2[i] + "\t"
            output["correct"] += 1
            print s
            # sent2[i] = " ".join([k for k in sent2[i]])
            s = "e\t" + sent2[i] + "\t"
            output["extras"] += 1
            print s
        i += 1
    i = 0
    for k in missing:
        if k <= threshold:
            # sent1[i] = " ".join([k for k in sent1[i]])
            # s = str(k)
            s = "m\t" + sent1[i] + "\t"
            output["missing"] += 1
            print s

        i += 1

    return output

Exemple #2
def runReportSimilarity2(fileName, threshold=0.9):
    """ Assumes reports have FINDINGS: or REPORT: """
    fileText = [row.rstrip("\n") for row in open(fileName)]

    wordsToFind = ["FINDINGS:", "REPORT:"]
    report1 = fileText[0]
    report2 = fileText[1]

    startLoc1 = -1
    # startLoc2 = -1
    for word in wordsToFind:
        if startLoc1 == -1 and report1.find(word) != -1:
            startLoc1 = report1.find(word) + len(word)
        # if startLoc2 == -1 and report2.find(word) != -1:
        #       startLoc2 = report2.find(word)+len(word)

    sCom = []

    report1 = report1[startLoc1:]
    # report2 = report2[startLoc2:]
    sentences1 = report1.split(".")
    sent1 = sentences1[:]
    sentences2 = report2.split(".")
    sent2 = sentences2[:]

    report1 = search_engine.textPreprocess(report1)
    report1 = search_engine.getDerivations(report1)
    report2 = search_engine.textPreprocess(report2)
    report2 = search_engine.getDerivations(report2)
    for i in range(len(sentences1)):
        sentences1[i] = search_engine.textPreprocess(sentences1[i])
        sentences1[i] = search_engine.getDerivations(sentences1[i])
    for i in range(len(sentences2)):
        sentences2[i] = search_engine.textPreprocess(sentences2[i])
        sentences2[i] = search_engine.getDerivations(sentences2[i])

        # corpus = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus('./model_files/reports_lsi.mm')
    tfidf_model = gensim.models.TfidfModel.load("./model_files/reports.tfidf_model")
    lsi_model = gensim.models.LsiModel.load("./model_files/reports.lsi_model")

    dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary.load("./model_files/reports.dict")
    vec_lsi1 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[dictionary.doc2bow(report1)]]
    vec_lsi2 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[dictionary.doc2bow(report2)]]
    sen1Corp = [dictionary.doc2bow(sent) for sent in sentences1]
    sen2Corp = [dictionary.doc2bow(sent) for sent in sentences2]
    vec_lsis1 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[sen1Corp]]
    vec_lsis2 = lsi_model[tfidf_model[sen2Corp]]

    # print corpus.num_terms
    # ind = gensim.similarities.MatrixSimilarity(vec_lsis1,num_features=corpus.num_terms)
    ind = gensim.similarities.MatrixSimilarity(vec_lsis1, num_features=10)
    # similarity table
    for i in vec_lsis2:
    missing = [0 for s in vec_lsis1]
    # obtain correct sentence
    i = 0

    # correction is a wrong sentence but has close meaning
    # to another sentence therefore we can give a suggestion for a correction

    output = {"missing": 0, "corrections": 0, "wrong": 0, "correct": 0}
    for col in sCom:
        aboveTopThreshold = False
        # aboveMedThreshold = False
        j = 0
        correction = ""
        bestSim = 0
        for sim in col:
            if sim > threshold:
                aboveTopThreshold = True
            elif sim > threshold * 0.9:
                correction = sent1[j]
                aboveMedThreshold = True

            if sim > bestSim:
                bestSim = sim
            if missing[j] < sim:
                missing[j] = sim

            j += 1
        if aboveTopThreshold:
            # s = str(bestSim)
            s = "n\t" + sent2[i] + "\t"
            output["correct"] += 1
            print s
        elif aboveMedThreshold:
            # s = str(bestSim)
            s = "c\t" + sent2[i] + "\t" + correction
            output["corrections"] += 1
            # s = str(bestSim)
            s = "w\t" + sent2[i] + "\t"
            output["wrong"] += 1
            print s
            # else:
            # 	s = str(bestSim)+"e\t"+sent2[i]+"\t"
            # 	output['extras'] += 1
            # 	print s
        i += 1
    i = 0
    for k in missing:
        if k <= threshold:
            # s = str(k)
            s = "m\t" + sent1[i] + "\t"
            output["missing"] += 1
            print s

        i += 1

        # a correction is not considered missing or wrong
    output["missing"] -= output["corrections"]

    return output