Exemple #1
    def makeShapeFiles(self):

        myFileName = QgsProject.instance().fileName()
        myFileName = str(myFileName)
        # if this is a windows OS then the filename needs to have '/' converted to '\'
        if myFileName.find('windows') != 0 or myFileName.find('Windows') != 0: 
            myFileName = os.path.normpath(myFileName)
        myFilePath = os.path.dirname(myFileName)

        myShapeFileNamesDlg = ShapeFileNames(myFilePath)
        isOK = myShapeFileNamesDlg.exec_()
        CRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
        crsIsOk = CRS.createFromOgcWmsCrs("EPSG:%d" % self.GPSTracks[0][0].datumEPSG)
        if not crsIsOk: 
            QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(),"trackGPS - makeShapeFiles","Error creating CRS from"+\
                                            " EPSG ID:" + str(self.GPSTracks[0][0].datumEPSG))
        if isOK and crsIsOk:
            if len(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lnePointsFileName.text()) > 0:
                # set up the fields for the Points SHAPE file
                box = QgsFields() 
                box.append(QgsField("LATITUDE", QVariant.Double , "Real", 9, 6)) 
                box.append(QgsField("LONGITUDE", QVariant.Double, "Real", 10, 6)) 
                box.append(QgsField("NUMOFSATS", QVariant.Int, "Integer", 2, 0))
                box.append(QgsField("HDOP", QVariant.Double, "Real", 4, 2))
                box.append(QgsField("DATETIME", QVariant.String, "String", 19, 0)) 
                box.append(QgsField("FIXTYPE", QVariant.String, "String", 1, 0))

                box.append(QgsField("BEARING", QVariant.Double, "Real", 6, 2))
                box.append(QgsField("SPEED-KPH", QVariant.Double, "Real", 5, 1)) 
                box.append(QgsField("TRACKNUM", QVariant.Int, "Integer", 2, 0))
                # set up the CRS
                # open the points SHAPE file
                pointsFile, fileOK = self.createSHAPEfile(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lnePointsFileName.text(),box,QGis.WKBPoint,CRS)
                if fileOK:
                    for j in range(len(self.GPSTracks)):
                        for i in range(len(self.GPSTracks[j])):
                            theFeature = QgsFeature()
                            latitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitude
                            if self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitudeNS == 'S': 
                                latitude = -latitude
                            longitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitude
                            if self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitudeEW == 'W': 
                                longitude = -longitude
                            theFeature.setAttributes([0, latitude])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([1, longitude])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([2, self.GPSTracks[j][i].numSatellites])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([3, self.GPSTracks[j][i].hdop])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([4, self.GPSTracks[j][i].theDateTime])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([5, self.GPSTracks[j][i].fixQuality])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([6, self.GPSTracks[j][i].bearing])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([7, self.GPSTracks[j][i].speed])
                            theFeature.setAttributes([8, j+1])
                    del pointsFile # del file object to force a flush and close
            if len(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lneLinesFileName.text()) > 0:
                # set up the fields for the Lines SHAPE file
                lines_box = QgsFields()
                lines_box.append(QgsField("SDATETIME", QVariant.String, "String", 19, 0))
                lines_box.append(QgsField("EDATETIME", QVariant.String, "String", 19, 0))
                lines_box.append(QgsField("TRACKNUM", QVariant.Int, "Integer", 2, 0))
                linesFile, fileOK = self.createSHAPEfile(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lneLinesFileName.text(),lines_box,QGis.WKBLineString,CRS)
                if fileOK:
                    for j in range(len(self.GPSTracks)):
                        theFeature = QgsFeature()
                        pointsList = []
                        for i in range(len(self.GPSTracks[j])):
                            latitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitude
                            if self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitudeNS == 'S': 
                                latitude = -latitude
                            longitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitude
                            if self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitudeEW == 'W': 
                                longitude = -longitude
                        theFeature.setAttributes([0, self.GPSTracks[j][0].theDateTime])
                        theFeature.setAttributes([1, self.GPSTracks[j][len(self.GPSTracks[j])-1].theDateTime])
                        theFeature.setAttributes([2, j+1])
                    del linesFile # del file object to force a flush and close
Exemple #2
 def makeShapeFiles(self):
     Function to save data to SHAPE files
     myFileName = QgsProject.instance().fileName()
     myFileName = str(myFileName)
     # if this is a windows OS then the filename needs to have '/' converted to '\'
     if myFileName.find('windows') != 0 or myFileName.find('Windows') != 0: myFileName = os.path.normpath(myFileName)
     myFilePath = os.path.dirname(myFileName)
     #mymessage = 'QGIS Project Pathname=\'' + myFilePath + '\''
     myShapeFileNamesDlg = ShapeFileNames(myFilePath)
     isOK = myShapeFileNamesDlg.exec_()
     CRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
     crsIsOk = CRS.createFromEpsg(self.GPSTracks[0][0].datumEPSG)
     if not crsIsOk: QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(),"trackGPS - makeShapeFiles","Error creating CRS from"+\
                                         " EPSG ID:" + str(self.GPSTracks[0][0].datumEPSG))
     if isOK and crsIsOk:
         if len(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lnePointsFileName.text()) > 0:
             # set up the fields for the Points SHAPE file
             latf = QgsField ("LATITUDE", QVariant.Double, "Real", 9, 6)
             lonf = QgsField ("LONGITUDE", QVariant.Double, "Real", 10, 6)
             nums = QgsField ("NUMOFSATS", QVariant.Int, "Integer", 2, 0)
             hdop = QgsField ("HDOP", QVariant.Double, "Real", 4, 2)
             theDateTime = QgsField ("DATETIME", QVariant.String, "String", 19, 0)
             fixType = QgsField ("FIXTYPE", QVariant.String, "String", 1, 0)
             #fixType = QgsField ("FIXTYPE", QVariant.String)
             bearing = QgsField ("BEARING", QVariant.Double, "Real", 6, 2)
             speed = QgsField ("SPEED-KPH", QVariant.Double, "Real", 5, 1)
             trackNumber = QgsField ("TRACKNUM", QVariant.Int, "Integer", 2, 0)
             qFields = {}
             qFields[0] = latf
             qFields[1] = lonf
             qFields[2] = nums
             qFields[3] = hdop
             qFields[4] = theDateTime
             qFields[5] = fixType
             qFields[6] = bearing
             qFields[7] = speed
             qFields[8] = trackNumber
             # set up the CRS
             # open the points SHAPE file
             # pointsFile = QgsVectorFileWriter(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lnePointsFileName.text(),"System",qFields,QGis.WKBPoint,CRS)
             pointsFile, fileOK = self.createSHAPEfile(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lnePointsFileName.text(),qFields,QGis.WKBPoint,CRS)
             if fileOK:
                 for j in range(len(self.GPSTracks)):
                     for i in range(len(self.GPSTracks[j])):
                         theFeature = QgsFeature()
                         latitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitude
                         if self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitudeNS == 'S': latitude = -latitude
                         longitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitude
                         if self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitudeEW == 'W': longitude = -longitude
                         theFeature.addAttribute(0, QVariant(latitude))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(1, QVariant(longitude))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(2, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][i].numSatellites))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(3, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][i].hdop))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(4, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][i].theDateTime))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(5, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][i].fixQuality))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(6, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][i].bearing))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(7, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][i].speed))
                         theFeature.addAttribute(8, QVariant(j+1))
                 del pointsFile # del file object to force a flush and close
         if len(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lneLinesFileName.text()) > 0:
             # set up the fields for the Lines SHAPE file
             startDateTime = QgsField ("SDATETIME", QVariant.String, "String", 19, 0)
             endDateTime = QgsField ("EDATETIME", QVariant.String, "String", 19, 0)
             trackNumber = QgsField ("TRACKNUM", QVariant.Int, "Integer", 2, 0)
             qFields = {}
             qFields[0] = startDateTime
             qFields[1] = endDateTime
             qFields[2] = trackNumber
             linesFile, fileOK = self.createSHAPEfile(myShapeFileNamesDlg.lneLinesFileName.text(),qFields,QGis.WKBLineString,CRS)
             if fileOK:
                 for j in range(len(self.GPSTracks)):
                     theFeature = QgsFeature()
                     pointsList = []
                     for i in range(len(self.GPSTracks[j])):
                         latitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitude
                         if self.GPSTracks[j][i].latitudeNS == 'S': latitude = -latitude
                         longitude = self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitude
                         if self.GPSTracks[j][i].longitudeEW == 'W': longitude = -longitude
                     theFeature.addAttribute(0, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][0].theDateTime))
                     theFeature.addAttribute(1, QVariant(self.GPSTracks[j][len(self.GPSTracks[j])-1].theDateTime))
                     theFeature.addAttribute(2, QVariant(j+1))
                 del linesFile # del file object to force a flush and close