Exemple #1
    def test_factory_registered_with_copy_reg(self):
        # Factories registered with copy_reg.pickle loose their __name__.
        # We simply ignore those.
        from six.moves import copyreg

        class AnonymousFactory(object):

            def __new__(cls, name):
                return object.__new__(cls)

            def __init__(self, name):
                self._name = name

            def getName(self):
                return self._name

        sys.modules['module1'].AnonymousFactory = AnonymousFactory
        sys.modules['module1'].AnonymousFactory.__module__ = 'module1'
        sys.modules['module1'].Anonymous = AnonymousFactory('Anonymous')
        self.root['test'] = sys.modules['module1'].Anonymous

        updater = self.update()

        self.assertEqual('module1', self.root['test'].__class__.__module__)
        renames = updater.processor.get_rules(implicit=True)
        self.assertEqual({}, renames)
Exemple #2
    def __do_wrap( value ):
        if isinstance( value, SafeStringWrapper ):
            # Only ever wrap one-layer
            return value
        if callable( value ):
            safe_class = CallableSafeStringWrapper
            safe_class = SafeStringWrapper
        if isinstance( value, no_wrap_classes ):
            return value
        if isinstance( value, __DONT_WRAP_TYPES__ ):
            return sanitize_lists_to_string( value, valid_characters=VALID_CHARACTERS, character_map=CHARACTER_MAP )
        if isinstance( value, __WRAP_NO_SUBCLASS__ ):
            return safe_class( value, safe_string_wrapper_function=__do_wrap )
        for this_type in __WRAP_SEQUENCES__ + __WRAP_SETS__:
            if isinstance( value, this_type ):
                return this_type( map( __do_wrap, value ) )
        for this_type in __WRAP_MAPPINGS__:
            if isinstance( value, this_type ):
                # Wrap both key and value
                return this_type( map( lambda x: ( __do_wrap( x[0] ), __do_wrap( x[1] ) ), value.items() ) )
        # Create a dynamic class that joins SafeStringWrapper with the object being wrapped.
        # This allows e.g. isinstance to continue to work.
            wrapped_class_name = value.__name__
            wrapped_class = value
            wrapped_class_name = value.__class__.__name__
            wrapped_class = value.__class__
        value_mod = inspect.getmodule( value )
        if value_mod:
            wrapped_class_name = "%s.%s" % ( value_mod.__name__, wrapped_class_name )
        wrapped_class_name = "SafeStringWrapper(%s:%s)" % ( wrapped_class_name, ",".join( sorted( map( str, no_wrap_classes ) ) ) )
        do_wrap_func_name = "__do_wrap_%s" % ( wrapped_class_name )
        do_wrap_func = __do_wrap
        global_dict = globals()
        if wrapped_class_name in global_dict:
            # Check to see if we have created a wrapper for this class yet, if so, reuse
            wrapped_class = global_dict.get( wrapped_class_name )
            do_wrap_func = global_dict.get( do_wrap_func_name, __do_wrap )
                wrapped_class = type( wrapped_class_name, ( safe_class, wrapped_class, ), {} )
            except TypeError as e:
                # Fail-safe for when a class cannot be dynamically subclassed.
                log.warning( "Unable to create dynamic subclass for %s, %s: %s", type( value), value, e )
                wrapped_class = type( wrapped_class_name, ( safe_class, ), {} )
            if wrapped_class not in ( SafeStringWrapper, CallableSafeStringWrapper ):
                # Save this wrapper for reuse and pickling/copying
                global_dict[ wrapped_class_name ] = wrapped_class
                do_wrap_func.__name__ = do_wrap_func_name
                global_dict[ do_wrap_func_name ] = do_wrap_func

                def pickle_safe_object( safe_object ):
                    return ( wrapped_class, ( safe_object.unsanitized, do_wrap_func, ) )
                # Set pickle and copy properties
                copy_reg.pickle( wrapped_class, pickle_safe_object, do_wrap_func )
        return wrapped_class( value, safe_string_wrapper_function=do_wrap_func )
Exemple #3
    def __do_wrap(value):
        if isinstance(value, SafeStringWrapper):
            # Only ever wrap one-layer
            return value
        if isinstance(value, collections.Callable):
            safe_class = CallableSafeStringWrapper
            safe_class = SafeStringWrapper
        if isinstance(value, no_wrap_classes):
            return value
        if isinstance(value, __DONT_WRAP_TYPES__):
            return sanitize_lists_to_string(value, valid_characters=VALID_CHARACTERS, character_map=CHARACTER_MAP)
        if isinstance(value, __WRAP_NO_SUBCLASS__):
            return safe_class(value, safe_string_wrapper_function=__do_wrap)
        for this_type in __WRAP_SEQUENCES__ + __WRAP_SETS__:
            if isinstance(value, this_type):
                return this_type(list(map(__do_wrap, value)))
        for this_type in __WRAP_MAPPINGS__:
            if isinstance(value, this_type):
                # Wrap both key and value
                return this_type((__do_wrap(x[0]), __do_wrap(x[1])) for x in value.items())
        # Create a dynamic class that joins SafeStringWrapper with the object being wrapped.
        # This allows e.g. isinstance to continue to work.
            wrapped_class_name = value.__name__
            wrapped_class = value
        except Exception:
            wrapped_class_name = value.__class__.__name__
            wrapped_class = value.__class__
        value_mod = inspect.getmodule(value)
        if value_mod:
            wrapped_class_name = "{}.{}".format(value_mod.__name__, wrapped_class_name)
        wrapped_class_name = "SafeStringWrapper({}:{})".format(wrapped_class_name, ",".join(sorted(map(str, no_wrap_classes))))
        do_wrap_func_name = "__do_wrap_%s" % (wrapped_class_name)
        do_wrap_func = __do_wrap
        global_dict = globals()
        if wrapped_class_name in global_dict:
            # Check to see if we have created a wrapper for this class yet, if so, reuse
            wrapped_class = global_dict.get(wrapped_class_name)
            do_wrap_func = global_dict.get(do_wrap_func_name, __do_wrap)
                wrapped_class = type(wrapped_class_name, (safe_class, wrapped_class, ), {})
            except TypeError as e:
                # Fail-safe for when a class cannot be dynamically subclassed.
                log.warning("Unable to create dynamic subclass for %s, %s: %s", type(value), value, e)
                wrapped_class = type(wrapped_class_name, (safe_class, ), {})
            if wrapped_class not in (SafeStringWrapper, CallableSafeStringWrapper):
                # Save this wrapper for reuse and pickling/copying
                global_dict[wrapped_class_name] = wrapped_class
                do_wrap_func.__name__ = do_wrap_func_name
                global_dict[do_wrap_func_name] = do_wrap_func

                def pickle_safe_object(safe_object):
                    return (wrapped_class, (safe_object.unsanitized, do_wrap_func, ))
                # Set pickle and copy properties
                copy_reg.pickle(wrapped_class, pickle_safe_object, do_wrap_func)
        return wrapped_class(value, safe_string_wrapper_function=do_wrap_func)
Exemple #4
def InitMessage(descriptor, cls):
  cls._decoders_by_tag = {}
  cls._extensions_by_name = {}
  cls._extensions_by_number = {}
  if (descriptor.has_options and
    cls._decoders_by_tag[decoder.MESSAGE_SET_ITEM_TAG] = (
        decoder.MessageSetItemDecoder(cls._extensions_by_number), None)

  for field in descriptor.fields:
    _AttachFieldHelpers(cls, field)

  _AddEnumValues(descriptor, cls)
  _AddInitMethod(descriptor, cls)
  _AddPropertiesForFields(descriptor, cls)
  _AddPropertiesForExtensions(descriptor, cls)
  _AddMessageMethods(descriptor, cls)
  _AddPrivateHelperMethods(descriptor, cls)
  copyreg.pickle(cls, lambda obj: (cls, (), obj.__getstate__()))
from py_stringsimjoin.utils.generic_helper import build_dict_from_table, \
    find_output_attribute_indices, get_attrs_to_project, \
    get_num_processes_to_launch, get_output_header_from_tables, \
    get_output_row_from_tables, remove_redundant_attrs, split_table, COMP_OP_MAP
from py_stringsimjoin.utils.pickle import pickle_instance_method, \
from py_stringsimjoin.utils.validation import validate_attr, \
    validate_comp_op, validate_key_attr, validate_input_table, \
    validate_tokenizer, validate_output_attrs

# Register pickle and unpickle methods for handling instance methods.
# This is because joblib doesn't pickle instance methods, by default.
# Hence, if the sim_function supplied to apply_matcher is an instance
# method, it will result in an error. To avoid this, we register custom
# functions to pickle and unpickle instance methods.
copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, pickle_instance_method,

def apply_matcher(candset,
Exemple #6
        while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper):
            other = other.unsanitized
        return coerce(self.unsanitized, other)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.unsanitized.__enter__()

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        return self.unsanitized.__exit__(*args)

class CallableSafeStringWrapper(SafeStringWrapper):
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(
            self.unsanitized(*args, **kwds))

# Enable pickling/deepcopy
def pickle_SafeStringWrapper(safe_object):
    args = (safe_object.unsanitized, )
    cls = SafeStringWrapper
    if isinstance(safe_object, CallableSafeStringWrapper):
        cls = CallableSafeStringWrapper
    return (cls, args)

copy_reg.pickle(SafeStringWrapper, pickle_SafeStringWrapper,
copy_reg.pickle(CallableSafeStringWrapper, pickle_SafeStringWrapper,
Exemple #7
# THIS WORKS But CudaNdarray instances don't compare equal to one
# another, and what about __hash__ ?  So the unpickled version doesn't
# equal the pickled version, and the cmodule cache is not happy with
# the situation.
def CudaNdarray_unpickler(npa):

    if (config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu and config.device == 'cpu'):
        # directly return numpy array
            "config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu is set to True. Unpickling CudaNdarray as numpy.ndarray"
        return npa
    elif cuda:
        return cuda.CudaNdarray(npa)
        raise ImportError("Cuda not found. Cannot unpickle CudaNdarray")


def CudaNdarray_pickler(cnda):
    return (CudaNdarray_unpickler, (numpy.asarray(cnda), ))

# In case cuda is not imported.
if cuda is not None:
    copyreg.pickle(cuda.CudaNdarray, CudaNdarray_pickler,
Exemple #8
def pickle_func(func, target=None, protocol=None, b64encode=None, *args):
    """pickle_func(func, *args, target=None, protocol=None, b64encode=None)

    Encode a function in such a way that when it's unpickled, the function is
    reconstructed and called with the given arguments.

        Compatibility between python versions is not guaranteed. Depending on
        the `target` python version, the opcodes of the provided function are
        transcribed to try to maintain compatibility. If an opcode is emitted
        which is not supported by the target python version, a KeyError will
        be raised.

        Constructs that are known to be problematic:

        - Python 2.6 and 2.7/3.0 use very different, incompatible opcodes for
          conditional jumps (if, while, etc). Serializing those is not
          always possible between python 2.6 to 2.7/3.0.

        - Exception handling uses different, incompatible opcodes between
          python 2 and 3.

        - Python 2 and python 3 handle nested functions very differently: the
          same opcode is used in a different way and leads to a crash. Avoid
          nesting functions if you want to pickle across python functions.

        func(callable): The function to serialize and call when unpickled.
        args(tuple): The arguments to call the callable with.
        target(int): The target python version (``26`` for python 2.6, ``27``
            for python 2.7, or ``30`` for python 3.0+). Can be ``None`` in
            which case the current python version is assumed.
        protocol(int): The pickle protocol version to use.
        b64encode(bool): Whether to base64 certain code object fields. Required
            when you prepare a pickle for python 3 on python 2. If it's
            ``None`` it defaults to ``False`` unless pickling from python 2 to
            python 3.

        bytes: The data that when unpickled calls ``func(*args)``.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> import pickle
        >>> def hello(arg):
        ...     print('Hello, %s!' % arg)
        >>> p = pickle_func(hello, 'world')
        >>> del hello
        >>> pickle.loads(p)
        Hello, world!
    def code_reduce_v2(code):
        # Translate the opcodes to the target python's opcode map.
        co_code, co_stacksize = translate_opcodes(
            code.co_code, pwnypack.bytecode.OP_SPECS[target])

        if b64encode:
            # b64encode co_code and co_lnotab as they contain 8bit data.
            co_code = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(co_code))
            co_lnotab = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode,
            co_lnotab = code.co_lnotab

        if six.PY3:
            # Encode unicode to bytes as python 2 doesn't support unicode identifiers.
            co_names = tuple(n.encode('ascii') for n in code.co_names)
            co_varnames = tuple(n.encode('ascii') for n in code.co_varnames)
            co_filename = code.co_filename.encode('ascii')
            co_name = code.co_name.encode('ascii')
            co_names = code.co_names
            co_varnames = code.co_varnames
            co_filename = code.co_filename
            co_name = code.co_name

        return types.CodeType, (code.co_argcount, code.co_nlocals,
                                co_stacksize, code.co_flags, co_code,
                                code.co_consts, co_names, co_varnames,
                                co_filename, co_name, code.co_firstlineno,

    def code_reduce_v3(code):
        # Translate the opcodes to the target python's opcode map.
        co_code, co_stacksize = translate_opcodes(
            code.co_code, pwnypack.bytecode.OP_SPECS[target])

        if b64encode:
            # b64encode co_code and co_lnotab as they contain 8bit data.
            co_code = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(co_code))
            co_lnotab = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode,
            co_lnotab = code.co_lnotab

        if six.PY2:
            co_kwonlyargcount = 0
            co_kwonlyargcount = code.co_kwonlyargcount

        return types.CodeType, (code.co_argcount, co_kwonlyargcount,
                                code.co_nlocals, co_stacksize, code.co_flags,
                                co_code, code.co_consts, code.co_names,
                                code.co_varnames, code.co_filename,
                                code.co_name, code.co_firstlineno, co_lnotab)

    # Stubs to trick cPickle into pickling calls to CodeType/FunctionType.
    class CodeType(object):  # pragma: no cover

    CodeType.__module__ = 'types'
    CodeType.__qualname__ = 'CodeType'

    class FunctionType(object):  # pragma: no cover

    FunctionType.__module__ = 'types'
    FunctionType.__qualname__ = 'FunctionType'

    protocol = get_protocol_version(target, protocol)

    code = six.get_function_code(func)

    old_code_reduce = copyreg.dispatch_table.pop(types.CodeType, None)
    if target in (26, 27) or (target is None and six.PY2):
        copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, code_reduce_v2)
        if six.PY2:
            if b64encode is False:
                    'Enabling b64encode, pickling from python 2 to 3.')
            b64encode = True
        copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, code_reduce_v3)

    # This has an astonishing level of evil just to convince pickle to pickle CodeType and FunctionType:
    old_code_type, types.CodeType = types.CodeType, CodeType
    old_function_type, types.FunctionType = types.FunctionType, FunctionType

        build_func = PickleInvoke(types.FunctionType, code,
        return cPickle.dumps(PickleInvoke(build_func, *args), protocol)
        types.CodeType = old_code_type
        types.FunctionType = old_function_type

        if old_code_reduce is not None:
            copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, old_code_reduce)
            del copyreg.dispatch_table[types.CodeType]
Exemple #9
    For backwards compatibility; please use helpers._check_for_bedtools()
    return helpers._check_for_bedtools(program_to_check, force_check)

# Allow Interval objects to be pickled -- required if you want to pass them
# across process boundaries
def interval_constructor(fields):
    return create_interval_from_list(list(fields))

def interval_reducer(interval):
    return interval_constructor, (tuple(interval.fields), )

copyreg.pickle(Interval, interval_reducer, interval_constructor)

def load_path_config(fn):
    You can use a config file to specify installation paths of various programs
    used by pybedtools.  This can be useful for testing, or using different
    versions of programs.

    `fn` is a config file with the following format.  If an entry is blank,
    then assume it's already on the path. All items must be lowercase::

        if real_func is None:
            method = lambda: None
            method = getattr(classifier_cls, real_func)

        if hasattr(method, 'im_self') and getattr(method, 'im_self'):
            types.MethodType(method, proxy_class)
        elif not hasattr(method, 'im_self'):
            method = staticmethod(method)

        setattr(proxy_class, proxy_func, method)

    return proxy_class

copyreg.pickle(_dynamic_proxy_class, _dynamic_proxy_class.__reduce__, _create_proxy)

class ProxyClassifierFactory(object):

    def __init__(self, classifier_cls, learn_func=None, predict_func=None, weights_func=None):
        learn_func, predict_func, weights_func = \
                ProxyClassifierFactory.__find_funcs(classifier_cls, learn_func, predict_func, weights_func)

        self.__proxyclass = _create_proxy(
Exemple #11
        constructing class
        sage: c == c2
        calling __eq__ defined in Metaclass
    def __eq__(self, other):
        print("calling __eq__ defined in Metaclass")
        return (type(self) is type(other)) and (self.reduce_args
                                                == other.reduce_args)

    def __reduce__(self):
        Implements the pickle protocol for classes in this metaclass
        (not for the instances of this class!!!)


            sage: from sage.misc.test_class_pickling import metaclass, bar
            sage: c = metaclass("foo3", (object, bar,))
            constructing class
            sage: c.__class__.__reduce__(c)
            reducing a class
            (<function metaclass at ...>, ('foo3', (<type 'object'>, <class sage.misc.test_class_pickling.bar at ...>)))
        print("reducing a class")
        return (metaclass, self.reduce_args)

from six.moves import copyreg
copyreg.pickle(Metaclass, Metaclass.__reduce__)
Exemple #12
        sage: c2 = cPickle.loads(s)
        constructing class
        sage: c == c2
        calling __eq__ defined in Metaclass
    def __eq__(self, other):
        print("calling __eq__ defined in Metaclass")
        return (type(self) is type(other)) and (self.reduce_args == other.reduce_args)

    def __reduce__(self):
        Implement the pickle protocol for classes in this metaclass
        (not for the instances of this class!!!)


            sage: from sage.misc.test_class_pickling import metaclass, bar
            sage: c = metaclass("foo3", (object, bar,))
            constructing class
            sage: c.__class__.__reduce__(c)
            reducing a class
            (<function metaclass at ...>, ('foo3', (<... 'object'>, <class sage.misc.test_class_pickling.bar at ...>)))
        print("reducing a class")
        return (metaclass, self.reduce_args)

from six.moves import copyreg
copyreg.pickle(Metaclass, Metaclass.__reduce__)
# We have to put in some hooks to make instances of Clustered2DSkyKDE picklable
# because we dynamically create subclasses with different values of the 'frame'
# class variable. This gets even trickier because we need both the class and
# instance objects to be picklable.

class _Clustered2DSkyKDEMeta(type):
    """Metaclass to make dynamically created subclasses of Clustered2DSkyKDE

def _Clustered2DSkyKDEMeta_pickle(cls):
    """Pickle dynamically created subclasses of Clustered2DSkyKDE."""
    return type, (cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, {'frame': cls.frame})

# Register function to pickle subclasses of Clustered2DSkyKDE.
copyreg.pickle(_Clustered2DSkyKDEMeta, _Clustered2DSkyKDEMeta_pickle)

def _Clustered2DSkyKDE_factory(name, frame):
    """Unpickle instances of dynamically created subclasses of

    FIXME: In Python 3, we could make this a class method of Clustered2DSkyKDE.
    Unfortunately, Python 2 is picky about pickling bound class methods."""
    new_cls = type(name, (Clustered2DSkyKDE,), {'frame': frame})
    return super(Clustered2DSkyKDE, Clustered2DSkyKDE).__new__(new_cls)

class Clustered2DSkyKDE(with_metaclass(_Clustered2DSkyKDEMeta, SkyKDE)):
    r"""Represents a kernel-density estimate of a sky-position PDF that has
    been decomposed into clusters, using a different kernel for each
Exemple #14
    if isinstance(array, GPUArray):
        return array
    with using_device(device):
        return gpuarray.to_gpu(array, allocator=mem_alloc)

# Pickle redefinition of GPUArray. Note that pickling and unpickling of GPUArray
# do not preserve device information, i.e. the unpickled GPUArray may reside on
# a GPU different from the GPU that the original has resided on.
def _reconstruct(array, is_chainer_array):
    if is_chainer_array:
        return to_gpu(array)
    return gpuarray.to_gpu(array)

    lambda data: (_reconstruct, (data.get(), hasattr(data.gpudata, 'device'))),

def to_gpu_async(array, stream=None):
    """Copies the given CPU array asynchronously to the current device.

        array: Array to be sent to GPU. If it is :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, then
            its memory must be pagelocked.
        stream (~pycuda.driver.Stream): CUDA stream.

        ~pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray: Array on GPU.

        If given ``array`` is already on GPU, then this function just returns
    get_num_processes_to_launch, get_output_header_from_tables, \
    get_output_row_from_tables, remove_redundant_attrs, split_table, COMP_OP_MAP
from py_stringsimjoin.utils.pickle import pickle_instance_method, \
from py_stringsimjoin.utils.validation import validate_attr, \
    validate_comp_op, validate_key_attr, validate_input_table, \
    validate_tokenizer, validate_output_attrs

# Register pickle and unpickle methods for handling instance methods.
# This is because joblib doesn't pickle instance methods, by default.
# Hence, if the sim_function supplied to apply_matcher is an instance
# method, it will result in an error. To avoid this, we register custom
# functions to pickle and unpickle instance methods. 

def apply_matcher(candset,
                  candset_l_key_attr, candset_r_key_attr,
                  ltable, rtable,
                  l_key_attr, r_key_attr,
                  l_match_attr, r_match_attr,
                  tokenizer, sim_function,
                  threshold, comp_op='>=',
                  l_out_attrs=None, r_out_attrs=None,
                  l_out_prefix='l_', r_out_prefix='r_',
                  out_sim_score=True, n_jobs=1, show_progress=True):
    """Find matching string pairs from the candidate set (typically produced by
def fix_proto_pickling():
    """Fix pickling issues (see b/121323638)."""
    for proto_cls in _PROTO_CLASSES:
        copyreg.pickle(proto_cls, _pickle_proto)
Exemple #17
def pickle_func(func, target=None, protocol=None, b64encode=None, *args):
    """pickle_func(func, *args, target=None, protocol=None, b64encode=None)

    Encode a function in such a way that when it's unpickled, the function is
    reconstructed and called with the given arguments.

        Compatibility between python versions is not guaranteed. Depending on
        the `target` python version, the opcodes of the provided function are
        transcribed to try to maintain compatibility. If an opcode is emitted
        which is not supported by the target python version, a KeyError will
        be raised.

        Constructs that are known to be problematic:

        - Python 2.6 and 2.7/3.0 use very different, incompatible opcodes for
          conditional jumps (if, while, etc). Serializing those is not
          always possible between python 2.6 to 2.7/3.0.

        - Exception handling uses different, incompatible opcodes between
          python 2 and 3.

        - Python 2 and python 3 handle nested functions very differently: the
          same opcode is used in a different way and leads to a crash. Avoid
          nesting functions if you want to pickle across python functions.

        func(callable): The function to serialize and call when unpickled.
        args(tuple): The arguments to call the callable with.
        target(int): The target python version (``26`` for python 2.6, ``27``
            for python 2.7, or ``30`` for python 3.0+). Can be ``None`` in
            which case the current python version is assumed.
        protocol(int): The pickle protocol version to use.
        b64encode(bool): Whether to base64 certain code object fields. Required
            when you prepare a pickle for python 3 on python 2. If it's
            ``None`` it defaults to ``False`` unless pickling from python 2 to
            python 3.

        bytes: The data that when unpickled calls ``func(*args)``.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> import pickle
        >>> def hello(arg):
        ...     print('Hello, %s!' % arg)
        >>> p = pickle_func(hello, 'world')
        >>> del hello
        >>> pickle.loads(p)
        Hello, world!

    def code_reduce_v2(code):
        # Translate the opcodes to the target python's opcode map.
        co_code, co_stacksize = translate_opcodes(code.co_code, pwnypack.bytecode.OP_SPECS[target])

        if b64encode:
            # b64encode co_code and co_lnotab as they contain 8bit data.
            co_code = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(co_code))
            co_lnotab = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(code.co_lnotab))
            co_lnotab = code.co_lnotab

        if six.PY3:
            # Encode unicode to bytes as python 2 doesn't support unicode identifiers.
            co_names = tuple(n.encode('ascii') for n in code.co_names)
            co_varnames = tuple(n.encode('ascii') for n in code.co_varnames)
            co_filename = code.co_filename.encode('ascii')
            co_name = code.co_name.encode('ascii')
            co_names = code.co_names
            co_varnames = code.co_varnames
            co_filename = code.co_filename
            co_name = code.co_name

        return types.CodeType, (code.co_argcount, code.co_nlocals, co_stacksize, code.co_flags,
                                co_code, code.co_consts, co_names, co_varnames, co_filename,
                                co_name, code.co_firstlineno, co_lnotab)

    def code_reduce_v3(code):
        # Translate the opcodes to the target python's opcode map.
        co_code, co_stacksize = translate_opcodes(code.co_code, pwnypack.bytecode.OP_SPECS[target])

        if b64encode:
            # b64encode co_code and co_lnotab as they contain 8bit data.
            co_code = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(co_code))
            co_lnotab = PickleInvoke(base64.b64decode, base64.b64encode(code.co_lnotab))
            co_lnotab = code.co_lnotab

        if six.PY2:
            co_kwonlyargcount = 0
            co_kwonlyargcount = code.co_kwonlyargcount

        return types.CodeType, (code.co_argcount, co_kwonlyargcount, code.co_nlocals, co_stacksize,
                                code.co_flags, co_code, code.co_consts, code.co_names, code.co_varnames,
                                code.co_filename, code.co_name, code.co_firstlineno, co_lnotab)

    # Stubs to trick cPickle into pickling calls to CodeType/FunctionType.
    class CodeType(object):  # pragma: no cover
    CodeType.__module__ = 'types'
    CodeType.__qualname__ = 'CodeType'

    class FunctionType(object):  # pragma: no cover
    FunctionType.__module__ = 'types'
    FunctionType.__qualname__ = 'FunctionType'

    protocol = get_protocol_version(target, protocol)

    code = six.get_function_code(func)

    old_code_reduce = copyreg.dispatch_table.pop(types.CodeType, None)
    if target in (26, 27) or (target is None and six.PY2):
        copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, code_reduce_v2)
        if six.PY2:
            if b64encode is False:
                warnings.warn('Enabling b64encode, pickling from python 2 to 3.')
            b64encode = True
        copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, code_reduce_v3)

    # This has an astonishing level of evil just to convince pickle to pickle CodeType and FunctionType:
    old_code_type, types.CodeType = types.CodeType, CodeType
    old_function_type, types.FunctionType = types.FunctionType, FunctionType

        build_func = PickleInvoke(types.FunctionType, code, PickleInvoke(globals))
        return cPickle.dumps(PickleInvoke(build_func, *args), protocol)
        types.CodeType = old_code_type
        types.FunctionType = old_function_type

        if old_code_reduce is not None:
            copyreg.pickle(types.CodeType, old_code_reduce)
            del copyreg.dispatch_table[types.CodeType]
Exemple #18
        return bound
    except AttributeError:
        # assert im_self is not None,"No recourse: no instance to guess from."
        # Attempt a common fix before bailing -- if classes have
        # changed around since we pickled this method, we may still be
        # able to get it by looking on the instance's current class.
        unbound = getattr(im_self.__class__, im_name)
        if im_self is None:
            return unbound
        bound = types.MethodType(get_method_function(unbound),
        return bound


oldModules = {}

def pickleModule(module):
    'support function for copyreg to pickle module refs'
    return unpickleModule, (module.__name__,)

def unpickleModule(name):
    'support function for copyreg to unpickle module refs'
    if name in oldModules:
        name = oldModules[name]
    return __import__(name, {}, {}, 'x')
Exemple #19
def clone_layer(layer):
  """Clones a layer."""
  # TODO: clean this up when this change is released:
  # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/commit/4fd10c487c7e287f99b9a1831316add453dcba04
  copyreg.pickle(threading.local, lambda _: (threading.local, []))
  return copy.deepcopy(layer)
Exemple #20
from tensorflow_metadata.proto.v0 import schema_pb2

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def serialize_schema(schema):
    return (deserialize_schema, (schema.SerializeToString(), ))

def deserialize_schema(serialized):
    result = schema_pb2.Schema()
    return result

# Override default pickling.
copyreg.pickle(schema_pb2.Schema, serialize_schema)

    None, 'Schema is a deprecated, use schema_utils.schema_from_feature_spec '
    'to create a `Schema`')
def Schema(column_schemas):
    """Legacy constructor for a tensorflow_metadata.proto.v0.schema_pb2.Schema.

  Use schema_utils.schema_from_feature_spec instead.

    column_schemas: (optional) A dict from logical column names to

Exemple #21
# THIS WORKS But GpuArray instances don't compare equal to one
# another, and what about __hash__ ?  So the unpickled version doesn't
# equal the pickled version, and the cmodule cache is not happy with
# the situation. The old back-end have this same comment and use the
# same mechanism.
def GpuArray_unpickler(npa, ctx_name):
    if config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu:
        # directly return numpy array
            "config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu is set to True. "
            "Unpickling GpuArray as numpy.ndarray")
        return npa
    elif pygpu:
        ctx = get_context(ctx_name)
        return pygpu.gpuarray.array(npa, copy=True, context=ctx)
        raise ImportError("pygpu not found. Cannot unpickle GpuArray")


def GpuArray_pickler(cnda):
    ctx_name = _name_for_ctx(cnda.context)
    return (GpuArray_unpickler, (numpy.asarray(cnda), ctx_name))

# In case pygpu is not imported.
if pygpu is not None:
Exemple #22

def kerasmodel_unpickler(s):
    print("unpickling keras model")
    modelstr, weightss = pickle.loads(s)
    from .core import ConcatFixedStd
    model = model_from_json(modelstr,
                            custom_objects={"ConcatFixedStd": ConcatFixedStd})
    assert len(model.layers) == len(weightss)
    for (layer, weights) in zip(model.layers, weightss):
    return model

def kerasmodel_pickler(model):
    print("pickling keras model")
    modelstr = model.to_json()
    weightss = []
    for layer in model.layers:
    s = pickle.dumps((modelstr, weightss), -1)
    return kerasmodel_unpickler, (s, )

def function_pickler(_):
    raise RuntimeError("Trying to pickle theano function")

copyreg.pickle(Sequential, kerasmodel_pickler, kerasmodel_unpickler)
copyreg.pickle(theano.compile.function_module.Function, function_pickler)
Exemple #23
        return self._reduction

class DynamicClasscallMetaclass(DynamicMetaclass, ClasscallMetaclass):

class DynamicInheritComparisonMetaclass(DynamicMetaclass, InheritComparisonMetaclass):

class DynamicInheritComparisonClasscallMetaclass(DynamicMetaclass, InheritComparisonClasscallMetaclass):

# This registers the appropriate reduction methods (see Trac #5985)
from six.moves import copyreg
for M in [DynamicMetaclass,
    copyreg.pickle(M, M.__reduce__)

class TestClass:
    A class used for checking that introspection works
    def bla():
        bla ...
Exemple #24
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'Rami Al-Rfou'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__version__ = '15.04.22'

import types

from six.moves import copyreg
from .base import Sequence, TokenSequence
from .utils import _pickle_method, _unpickle_method

__all__ = ['Sequence', 'TokenSequence']

data_path = '~/'

copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)
Exemple #25
# another, and what about __hash__ ?  So the unpickled version doesn't
# equal the pickled version, and the cmodule cache is not happy with
# the situation. The old back-end have this same comment and use the
# same mechanism.
def GpuArray_unpickler(npa, ctx_name):
    if config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu:
        # directly return numpy array
            "config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu is set to True. "
            "Unpickling GpuArray as numpy.ndarray")
        return npa
    elif pygpu:
        ctx = get_context(ctx_name)
        return pygpu.gpuarray.array(npa, copy=True, context=ctx)
        raise ImportError("pygpu not found. Cannot unpickle GpuArray")


def GpuArray_pickler(cnda):
    ctx_name = _name_for_ctx(cnda.context)
    return (GpuArray_unpickler, (np.asarray(cnda), ctx_name))

# In case pygpu is not imported.
if pygpu is not None:
    copyreg.pickle(pygpu.gpuarray.GpuArray, GpuArray_pickler,
Exemple #26

# THIS WORKS But CudaNdarray instances don't compare equal to one
# another, and what about __hash__ ?  So the unpickled version doesn't
# equal the pickled version, and the cmodule cache is not happy with
# the situation.
def CudaNdarray_unpickler(npa):

    if config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu:
        # directly return numpy array
        warnings.warn("config.experimental.unpickle_gpu_on_cpu is set to True. Unpickling CudaNdarray as numpy.ndarray")
        return npa
    elif cuda:
        return cuda.CudaNdarray(npa)
        raise ImportError("Cuda not found. Cannot unpickle CudaNdarray")


def CudaNdarray_pickler(cnda):
    return (CudaNdarray_unpickler, (numpy.asarray(cnda),))

# In case cuda is not imported.
if cuda is not None:
    copyreg.pickle(cuda.CudaNdarray, CudaNdarray_pickler, CudaNdarray_unpickler)
Exemple #27
    def __index__( self ):
        return self.unsanitized.index()

    def __coerce__( self, other ):
        while isinstance( other, SafeStringWrapper ):
            other = other.unsanitized
        return coerce( self.unsanitized, other )

    def __enter__( self ):
        return self.unsanitized.__enter__()

    def __exit__( self, *args ):
        return self.unsanitized.__exit__( *args )

class CallableSafeStringWrapper( SafeStringWrapper ):

    def __call__( self, *args, **kwds ):
        return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__( self.unsanitized( *args, **kwds ) )

# Enable pickling/deepcopy
def pickle_SafeStringWrapper( safe_object ):
    args = ( safe_object.unsanitized, )
    cls = SafeStringWrapper
    if isinstance( safe_object, CallableSafeStringWrapper ):
        cls = CallableSafeStringWrapper
    return ( cls, args )
copy_reg.pickle( SafeStringWrapper, pickle_SafeStringWrapper, wrap_with_safe_string )
copy_reg.pickle( CallableSafeStringWrapper, pickle_SafeStringWrapper, wrap_with_safe_string )
Exemple #28
        return bound
    except AttributeError:
        # assert im_self is not None,"No recourse: no instance to guess from."
        # Attempt a common fix before bailing -- if classes have
        # changed around since we pickled this method, we may still be
        # able to get it by looking on the instance's current class.
        unbound = getattr(im_self.__class__, im_name)
        if im_self is None:
            return unbound
        bound = types.MethodType(get_method_function(unbound),
        return bound


oldModules = {}

def pickleModule(module):
    'support function for copyreg to pickle module refs'
    return unpickleModule, (module.__name__,)

def unpickleModule(name):
    'support function for copyreg to unpickle module refs'
    if name in oldModules:
        name = oldModules[name]
    return __import__(name, {}, {}, 'x')
Exemple #29
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'Rami Al-Rfou'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__version__ = '16.07.04'

import os
import sys
import types

from six.moves import copyreg
from .utils import _pickle_method, _unpickle_method

# On Windows, use %APPDATA%
if sys.platform == 'win32' and 'APPDATA' in os.environ:
    data_path = os.environ['APPDATA']
    data_path = '~/'
data_path = os.environ.get('POLYGLOT_DATA_PATH', data_path)
data_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(data_path))
polyglot_path = os.path.join(data_path, "polyglot_data")

copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)
Exemple #30
    For backwards compatibility; please use helpers._check_for_bedtools()
    return helpers._check_for_bedtools(program_to_check, force_check)

# Allow Interval objects to be pickled -- required if you want to pass them
# across process boundaries
def interval_constructor(fields):
    return create_interval_from_list(list(fields))

def interval_reducer(interval):
    return interval_constructor, (tuple(interval.fields), )

copyreg.pickle(Interval, interval_reducer, interval_constructor)

def load_path_config(fn):
    You can use a config file to specify installation paths of various programs
    used by pybedtools.  This can be useful for testing, or using different
    versions of programs.

    `fn` is a config file with the following format.  If an entry is blank,
    then assume it's already on the path. All items must be lowercase::
