def test_constructor(self): """ Test the Qfactor() constructor. """ # constructor tests _Q1 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection') _Q2 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection', Q_L0=3) _Q3 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection', f_L0=85e9) _Q3 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection', Q_L0=3, f_L0=85e9)
def test_NLQFIT7(self): """ Fit FL and QL to reflection (S11) data by using the NLQFIT7 algorithm. References ---------- Test data is read from file Table6c27.txt (as used in Figure 16 and Table 6(c) of MAT 58). """ ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Table6c27.txt") Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='reflection', verbose=True) # Expected results after initial fit assert_almost_equal(Q._a, 760.9731 + 67.7804j, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0609 - 0.6432j, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 779.068, decimal=3) # Expected results after fit res ='NLQFIT7') # Fitted length of uncalibrated line [m] assert_almost_equal(-res.m7a*rf.c/(4.0*np.pi*1.3), 57.47056249053462e-3) assert_allclose(Q.f_L, 3.65293800e9) assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 708, decimal=0) # Unloaded Q-factor and some other useful quantities. print("Q-factor of unloaded one-port resonator by Method 1:") print("Assumes attenuating uncalibrated line") Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res) cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res) # Test against expected solutions assert_almost_equal(Q0, 862, decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(cal_diam, 0.3573, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_V, 0.09084890 - 0.99586469j) # S11 detuned assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_T, 0.05878773 - 0.64003179j) # S11 tuned print("Q-factor of unloaded one-port resonator by Method 2:") print("Scaling factor A = 1.0 (assume no attenuation in uncalibrated line)") Q2 = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='reflection_method2', verbose=True) res2 ='NLQFIT7') Q0_2 = Q.Q_unloaded(res2, A=1) cal_diam2, cal_gamma_V2, cal_gamma_T2 = Q.Q_circle(res2, A=1) # Test against expected solutions assert_almost_equal(Q0_2, 862, decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(res2.weighting_ratio, 28.317, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(res2.RMS_Error, 0.00145957) assert_almost_equal(cal_diam2, 0.3573, decimal=2) assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_V2, 0.08996562 - 0.98618239j) assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_T2, 0.05821616 - 0.63380908j)
def test_BW(self): "Test bandwidth values." Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_2port.s11, res_type='reflection') # before the fit, warnings should be raised with self.assertWarns(Warning): BW = Q.BW BW_scaled = Q.BW_scaled
def test_f_L(self): "Test resonant frequency values." # expected values f_L_expected = self.ntwk_2port.f[np.argmin(self.ntwk_2port.s11.s_mag)] f_L_expected_scaled = f_L_expected/self.ntwk_2port.frequency.multiplier # fitted values Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_2port.s11, res_type='reflection') # before the fit, warnings should be raised with self.assertWarns(Warning): # the resonance frequency corresponds to min value before fitting assert_almost_equal(Q.f_L, f_L_expected) assert_almost_equal(Q.f_L_scaled, f_L_expected_scaled)
def test_exceptions(self): "Test the raised exceptions." # Passing a 2-port Network raises a ValueError self.assertRaises(ValueError, rf.Qfactor, self.ntwk_2port, 'reflection') # Uncorrect resonance type raises a ValueError self.assertRaises(ValueError, rf.Qfactor, self.ntwk_1port, 'dummy') # Asking for fitted S-param and Network without prior fit raises a ValueError _Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection') self.assertRaises(ValueError, _Q.fitted_s) self.assertRaises(ValueError, _Q.fitted_network)
def test_Q_circle(self): """Test Q-circle method.""" Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection') res ="NLQFIT6") self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, A='dummy') self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, A=1j) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, res, A='dummy') self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, res, A=1j) # passing of not the fitted results after fit should be the same self.assertEqual(Q.Q_circle(res), Q.Q_circle()) # passing a different solution should lead to different values res2 ="NLQFIT7") self.assertNotEqual(Q.Q_circle(res), Q.Q_circle(res2))
def test_NLQFIT6(self): """ Fit FL and QL to transmission (S21) data by using the NLQFIT6 algorithm. References ---------- Test data is read from file Figure6b.txt (as used in Figure 6(b) of MAT 58). """ # File 'Figure6b.txt' contains S21 data for Fig. 6(b) in MAT 58 ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Figure6b.txt") Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='transmission', verbose=True) # Test against expected solutions assert_almost_equal(Q._a, 0.8104 - 1.6928j, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0077 - 0.0071j, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 7440.848, decimal=3) # Optimised weighted fit --> result vector res ="NLQFIT6") # Test against expected solutions assert_allclose(res.f_L, 3.987848e9) assert_almost_equal(res.Q_L, 7454, decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(res.RMS_Error, 0.00001216) assert_array_equal(res.f_L, Q.f_L) assert_array_equal(res.Q_L, Q.Q_L) # Now calculate unloaded Q-factor and some other useful quantities. # Reciprocal of |S21| of a thru in place of resonator scaling_factor_A = 1 / 0.874 # 1/|S21_thru| Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res, scaling_factor_A) cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res, scaling_factor_A) # Q-factor of uncoupled two-port resonator (unloaded Q-factor) assert_almost_equal(Q0, 7546, decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(cal_diam, 0.0121, decimal=4) # S21 detuned = leakage vector assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_V, -0.00008895 + 0.00003852j) # S21 tuned assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_T, 0.00849357 - 0.00845349j)
def test_NLQFIT6_2(self): """ Fit FL and QL to transmission (S21) data by using the NLQFIT6 algorithm. From a two-port superconducting absorption resonator. References ---------- Test data is read from file Figure27.txt (as used in Figure 27 of MAT 58). """ ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Figure27.txt") Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='absorption', verbose=True) # Test against expected solutions assert_almost_equal(Q._a, -17072.3098 + 9047.0761j, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0063 + 0.0168j, decimal=4) # Q.tol = 1.0e-5 * np.argmax(np.abs(Q.s)) # Step 2: Optimised weighted fit --> result vector res ="NLQFIT6") assert_allclose(res.f_L, 6.07225567e9) assert_almost_equal(res.Q_L, 56019.85, decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(res.weighting_ratio, 4.714, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(res.RMS_Error, 0.01394722) assert_allclose(Q.Q_L, res.Q_L) assert_allclose(Q.f_L, res.f_L) Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res) cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res) assert_allclose(Q0, 1846782, rtol=1/100) assert_allclose(cal_diam, 0.970, rtol=1/100) assert_almost_equal(2.0 * res.f_L / res.Q_L/1e9, 0.00021678942580071302, decimal=10)
def test_NLQFIT8(self): """ Fits to transmission (S21) data by using the NLQFIT8 algorithm. frequency-dependent leakage References ---------- Test data is read from file Figure23.txt (shown in Figure 23 of MAT 58) """ ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Figure23.txt") Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='transmission') # # De-embed cables # N = len(Q.f) ncablelen = 1.2 # root_eps * cable length in metres # D = ntwk.s[:,0,0]* np.exp(-1j * 2*np.pi *Q.f * ncablelen / rf.c) # ntwk2 = ntwk.copy() # ntwk2.s[:,0,0] = D # piece of transmission line to deembbed gamma = 0 - 1j*ntwk.frequency.w * ncablelen / rf.c coax =, gamma=gamma) line = coax.line(1/2, unit='m') ntwk2 = line.inv ** ntwk # Find peak in |S21| - this is used to give initial value of freq. # Tol is 1.0E-5 * |S21| at peak. Mg = np.abs(ntwk2.s).squeeze() index_max = np.argmax(Mg) Tol = Mg[index_max] * 1.0e-5 Fseed = Q.f[index_max] # Set Qseed: An order-of-magnitude estimate for Q-factor mult = 5.0 # Not critical. A value of around 5.0 will work well for initial and optimised fits (Section 2.6). Qseed = mult * Fseed / (Q.f[-1] - Q.f[0]) Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk2, res_type='transmission', Q_L0=Qseed, f_L0=Fseed) assert_almost_equal(Q._a, 8.9408 + 2.1298j, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0054 - 0.0045j, decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 4664.2418, decimal=3) # Step 2: Optimised weighted fit res ="NLQFIT8", loop_plan="fwfwfwc") # Unloaded Q-factor and some other useful quantities. # Reciprocal of |S21| of a thru in place of resonator scaling_factor_A = 1 / 0.949 # 1/|S21_thru| Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res, scaling_factor_A) cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res, scaling_factor_A) # Test against expected solutions assert_allclose(Q.f_L, 9.76015571e9) assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 4760.04, decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(Q0, 4789.49, decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(res.weighting_ratio, 5.078, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(res.RMS_Error, 0.00000910) assert_almost_equal(cal_diam, 0.0061, decimal=2)