Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_constructor(self):
     Test the Qfactor() constructor.
     # constructor tests
     _Q1 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection')
     _Q2 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection', Q_L0=3)
     _Q3 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection', f_L0=85e9)
     _Q3 = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection', Q_L0=3, f_L0=85e9)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_NLQFIT7(self):
        Fit FL and QL to reflection (S11) data by using the NLQFIT7 algorithm.

        Test data is read from file Table6c27.txt (as used in Figure 16 and
        Table 6(c) of MAT 58).

        ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Table6c27.txt")
        Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='reflection', verbose=True)
        # Expected results after initial fit
        assert_almost_equal(Q._a, 760.9731 + 67.7804j, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0609 - 0.6432j, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 779.068, decimal=3)
        # Expected results after fit
        res = Q.fit(method='NLQFIT7')
        # Fitted length of uncalibrated line [m]
        assert_almost_equal(-res.m7a*rf.c/(4.0*np.pi*1.3), 57.47056249053462e-3)
        assert_allclose(Q.f_L, 3.65293800e9)
        assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 708, decimal=0)

        # Unloaded Q-factor and some other useful quantities.
        print("Q-factor of unloaded one-port resonator by Method 1:")
        print("Assumes attenuating uncalibrated line")
        Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res)
        cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res)
        # Test against expected solutions
        assert_almost_equal(Q0, 862, decimal=0)
        assert_almost_equal(cal_diam, 0.3573, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_V, 0.09084890 - 0.99586469j)  # S11 detuned
        assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_T, 0.05878773 - 0.64003179j)  # S11 tuned

        print("Q-factor of unloaded one-port resonator by Method 2:")
        print("Scaling factor A = 1.0 (assume no attenuation in uncalibrated line)")
        Q2 = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='reflection_method2', verbose=True)
        res2 = Q2.fit(method='NLQFIT7')

        Q0_2 = Q.Q_unloaded(res2, A=1)
        cal_diam2, cal_gamma_V2, cal_gamma_T2 = Q.Q_circle(res2, A=1)

        # Test against expected solutions
        assert_almost_equal(Q0_2, 862, decimal=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res2.weighting_ratio, 28.317, decimal=3)
        assert_almost_equal(res2.RMS_Error, 0.00145957)
        assert_almost_equal(cal_diam2, 0.3573, decimal=2)
        assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_V2, 0.08996562 - 0.98618239j)
        assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_T2, 0.05821616 - 0.63380908j)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_BW(self):
     "Test bandwidth values."
     Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_2port.s11, res_type='reflection')
     # before the fit, warnings should be raised
     with self.assertWarns(Warning):
         BW = Q.BW
         BW_scaled = Q.BW_scaled
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_f_L(self):
     "Test resonant frequency values."
     # expected values
     f_L_expected = self.ntwk_2port.f[np.argmin(self.ntwk_2port.s11.s_mag)]
     f_L_expected_scaled = f_L_expected/self.ntwk_2port.frequency.multiplier
     # fitted values
     Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_2port.s11, res_type='reflection')
     # before the fit, warnings should be raised
     with self.assertWarns(Warning):
         # the resonance frequency corresponds to min value before fitting
         assert_almost_equal(Q.f_L, f_L_expected)
         assert_almost_equal(Q.f_L_scaled, f_L_expected_scaled)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_exceptions(self):
     "Test the raised exceptions."
     # Passing a 2-port Network raises a ValueError
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, rf.Qfactor, self.ntwk_2port, 'reflection')
     # Uncorrect resonance type raises a ValueError
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, rf.Qfactor, self.ntwk_1port, 'dummy')
     # Asking for fitted S-param and Network without prior fit raises a ValueError
     _Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection')
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, _Q.fitted_s)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, _Q.fitted_network)        
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_Q_circle(self):
     """Test Q-circle method."""
     Q = rf.Qfactor(self.ntwk_1port, res_type='reflection')
     res = Q.fit(method="NLQFIT6")
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, A='dummy')
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, A=1j)   
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, res, A='dummy')
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Q.Q_circle, res, A=1j)        
     # passing of not the fitted results after fit should be the same
     self.assertEqual(Q.Q_circle(res), Q.Q_circle())
     # passing a different solution should lead to different values
     res2 = Q.fit(method="NLQFIT7")
     self.assertNotEqual(Q.Q_circle(res), Q.Q_circle(res2))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_NLQFIT6(self):
        Fit FL and QL to transmission (S21) data by using the NLQFIT6 algorithm.

        Test data is read from file Figure6b.txt (as used in Figure 6(b) of MAT 58).

        # File 'Figure6b.txt' contains S21 data for Fig. 6(b) in MAT 58
        ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Figure6b.txt")
        Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='transmission', verbose=True)

        # Test against expected solutions
        assert_almost_equal(Q._a, 0.8104 - 1.6928j, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0077 - 0.0071j, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 7440.848, decimal=3)

        # Optimised weighted fit --> result vector
        res = Q.fit(method="NLQFIT6")
        # Test against expected solutions
        assert_allclose(res.f_L, 3.987848e9)
        assert_almost_equal(res.Q_L, 7454, decimal=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res.RMS_Error, 0.00001216)
        assert_array_equal(res.f_L, Q.f_L)
        assert_array_equal(res.Q_L, Q.Q_L)

        # Now calculate unloaded Q-factor and some other useful quantities.
        # Reciprocal of |S21| of a thru in place of resonator
        scaling_factor_A = 1 / 0.874  # 1/|S21_thru|
        Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res, scaling_factor_A)
        cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res, scaling_factor_A)

        # Q-factor of uncoupled two-port resonator (unloaded Q-factor)
        assert_almost_equal(Q0, 7546, decimal=0)
        assert_almost_equal(cal_diam, 0.0121, decimal=4)
        # S21 detuned = leakage vector
        assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_V, -0.00008895 + 0.00003852j)
        # S21 tuned
        assert_almost_equal(cal_gamma_T, 0.00849357 - 0.00845349j)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_NLQFIT6_2(self):
        Fit FL and QL to transmission (S21) data by using the NLQFIT6 algorithm.

        From a two-port superconducting absorption resonator.

        Test data is read from file Figure27.txt (as used in Figure 27 of MAT 58).

        ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Figure27.txt")
        Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='absorption', verbose=True)

        # Test against expected solutions
        assert_almost_equal(Q._a, -17072.3098 + 9047.0761j, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0063 + 0.0168j, decimal=4)
        # Q.tol = 1.0e-5 * np.argmax(np.abs(Q.s))
        # Step 2: Optimised weighted fit --> result vector
        res = Q.fit(method="NLQFIT6")
        assert_allclose(res.f_L, 6.07225567e9)
        assert_almost_equal(res.Q_L, 56019.85, decimal=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res.weighting_ratio, 4.714, decimal=3)
        assert_almost_equal(res.RMS_Error, 0.01394722)
        assert_allclose(Q.Q_L, res.Q_L)
        assert_allclose(Q.f_L, res.f_L)
        Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res)
        cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res)

        assert_allclose(Q0, 1846782, rtol=1/100)
        assert_allclose(cal_diam, 0.970, rtol=1/100)
        assert_almost_equal(2.0 * res.f_L / res.Q_L/1e9, 0.00021678942580071302, decimal=10)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_NLQFIT8(self):
        Fits to transmission (S21) data by using the NLQFIT8 algorithm.

        frequency-dependent leakage

        Test data is read from file Figure23.txt (shown in Figure 23 of MAT 58)

        ntwk = self.csv_file_example_to_network(self.test_dir + "qfactor_data/Figure23.txt")
        Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk, res_type='transmission')
        # # De-embed cables
        # N = len(Q.f)
        ncablelen = 1.2  # root_eps * cable length in metres
        # D =  ntwk.s[:,0,0]* np.exp(-1j * 2*np.pi *Q.f * ncablelen / rf.c)
        # ntwk2 = ntwk.copy()
        # ntwk2.s[:,0,0] = D
        # piece of transmission line to deembbed
        gamma = 0 - 1j*ntwk.frequency.w * ncablelen / rf.c
        coax = rf.media.DefinedGammaZ0(frequency=ntwk.frequency, gamma=gamma)
        line = coax.line(1/2, unit='m')
        ntwk2 = line.inv ** ntwk
        # Find peak in |S21| - this is used to give initial value of freq.
        # Tol is 1.0E-5 * |S21| at peak.
        Mg = np.abs(ntwk2.s).squeeze()
        index_max = np.argmax(Mg)
        Tol = Mg[index_max] * 1.0e-5
        Fseed = Q.f[index_max]

        # Set Qseed: An order-of-magnitude estimate for Q-factor
        mult = 5.0  # Not critical. A value of around 5.0 will work well for initial and optimised fits (Section 2.6).
        Qseed = mult * Fseed / (Q.f[-1] - Q.f[0])

        Q = rf.Qfactor(ntwk2, res_type='transmission', Q_L0=Qseed, f_L0=Fseed)
        assert_almost_equal(Q._a, 8.9408 + 2.1298j, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(Q._b, 0.0054 - 0.0045j, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 4664.2418, decimal=3)

        # Step 2: Optimised weighted fit
        res = Q.fit(method="NLQFIT8", loop_plan="fwfwfwc")

        # Unloaded Q-factor and some other useful quantities.
        # Reciprocal of |S21| of a thru in place of resonator
        scaling_factor_A = 1 / 0.949  # 1/|S21_thru|
        Q0 = Q.Q_unloaded(res, scaling_factor_A)
        cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = Q.Q_circle(res, scaling_factor_A)

        # Test against expected solutions
        assert_allclose(Q.f_L, 9.76015571e9)
        assert_almost_equal(Q.Q_L, 4760.04, decimal=0)
        assert_almost_equal(Q0, 4789.49, decimal=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res.weighting_ratio, 5.078, decimal=3)
        assert_almost_equal(res.RMS_Error, 0.00000910)
        assert_almost_equal(cal_diam, 0.0061, decimal=2)