the content length. """ return self._marshalData(response) def marshalException(self, ctxt, exc_info=None): """should return response data appropriate for the current exception. """ if exc_info is None: exc_info=sys.exc_info() res=RequestFailed(ctxt, exc_info) if res: return self._marshalData(res) else: exc_text=''.join(format_exception(*exc_info)) return self._marshalData(exc_text) def _marshalData(self, data): return "%10d%s" %(len(data), data) def serviceInit(): """service initialization function""" if Configuration.AecgiListenPorts: addRequestHandler(AecgiProtocol(), Configuration.AecgiListenPorts) mergeDefaults(AecgiListenPorts=['TCP:localhost:9888'])
def configDefaults(): mergeDefaults(pidFile='/tmp/', run_group=None, run_user=None, services=(), jobs=())
from skunk.web.config import mergeDefaults from skunk.util.hooks import Hook from skunk.util.gziputil import TimelessGzipFile from skunk.web.util.status import http_statuses, headersonlyStatuses mergeDefaults(textCompression=False, generateEtagHeader=True, HttpLoggingOn=False) headersOnlyMethods=('HEAD',) # hooks declared here HaveConnection=Hook() PreHandleConnection=Hook() HandleConnection=Hook() ProcessResponse=Hook() class Redirect(Exception): pass class NullOutput: def write(self, *args): pass def getvalue(self): return '' def _processRequest(requestData, ctxt): """ request handling functioning for requestHandler's HandleRequest hook. """ response=None
from skunk.web.config import (Configuration, updateConfig, _scopeman, mergeDefaults) import signal import socket import errno # create standard logging methods loginit(make_all=False) __all__ = [ 'HandleRequest', 'PostResponse', 'RequestFailed', 'addRequestHandler', 'DocumentTimeout', 'ClientProtocol' ] mergeDefaults(DocumentTimeout=30, PostResponseTimeout=20, jobs=()) # hooks HandleRequest = Hook() PostResponse = Hook() def processRequest(sock, addr, protocol): """ the actual handler for requestHandler-managed requests.""" requestData, responseData, ctxt = None, None, {} # capture the socket address (ip & port, or path, for a unix # socket) on which the request came, for scoping of configuration # data on their basis ip, port, unixpath = None, None, None try: addr = sock.getsockname()
import signal import socket import errno # create standard logging methods loginit(make_all=False) __all__=['HandleRequest', 'PostResponse', 'RequestFailed', 'addRequestHandler', 'DocumentTimeout', 'ClientProtocol'] mergeDefaults(DocumentTimeout=30, PostResponseTimeout=20, jobs=()) # hooks HandleRequest=Hook() PostResponse=Hook() def processRequest(sock, addr, protocol): """ the actual handler for requestHandler-managed requests.""" requestData, responseData, ctxt=None, None, {} # capture the socket address (ip & port, or path, for a unix # socket) on which the request came, for scoping of configuration # data on their basis ip, port, unixpath=None, None, None try:
from skunk.web.config import mergeDefaults from skunk.util.hooks import Hook from skunk.util.gziputil import TimelessGzipFile from skunk.web.util.status import http_statuses, headersonlyStatuses mergeDefaults(textCompression=False, generateEtagHeader=True, HttpLoggingOn=False) headersOnlyMethods = ('HEAD', ) # hooks declared here HaveConnection = Hook() PreHandleConnection = Hook() HandleConnection = Hook() ProcessResponse = Hook() class Redirect(Exception): pass class NullOutput: def write(self, *args): pass def getvalue(self): return '' def _processRequest(requestData, ctxt):