Exemple #1
def mirror_archive_filename(spec):
    """Get the name of the spec's archive in the mirror."""
    if not spec.version.concrete:
        raise ValueError("mirror.path requires spec with concrete version.")

    fetcher = spec.package.fetcher
    if isinstance(fetcher, fs.URLFetchStrategy):
        # If we fetch this version with a URLFetchStrategy, use URL's archive type
        ext = url.downloaded_file_extension(fetcher.url)
        # Otherwise we'll make a .tar.gz ourselves
        ext = 'tar.gz'

    return "%s-%s.%s" % (spec.package.name, spec.version, ext)
Exemple #2
def mirror_archive_filename(spec, fetcher):
    """Get the name of the spec's archive in the mirror."""
    if not spec.version.concrete:
        raise ValueError("mirror.path requires spec with concrete version.")

    if isinstance(fetcher, fs.URLFetchStrategy):
        if fetcher.expand_archive:
            # If we fetch this version with a URLFetchStrategy, use URL's archive type
            ext = url.downloaded_file_extension(fetcher.url)
            # If the archive shouldn't be expanded, don't check for its extension.
            ext = None
        # Otherwise we'll make a .tar.gz ourselves
        ext = 'tar.gz'

    filename = "%s-%s" % (spec.package.name, spec.version)
    if ext:
        filename += ".%s" % ext
    return filename
Exemple #3
def mirror_archive_filename(spec, fetcher):
    """Get the name of the spec's archive in the mirror."""
    if not spec.version.concrete:
        raise ValueError("mirror.path requires spec with concrete version.")

    if isinstance(fetcher, fs.URLFetchStrategy):
        if fetcher.expand_archive:
            # If we fetch this version with a URLFetchStrategy, use URL's archive type
            ext = url.downloaded_file_extension(fetcher.url)
            # If the archive shouldn't be expanded, don't check for its extension.
            ext = None
        # Otherwise we'll make a .tar.gz ourselves
        ext = 'tar.gz'

    filename = "%s-%s" % (spec.package.name, spec.version)
    if ext:
        filename += ".%s" % ext
    return filename