def testReportCreation (self):
                """ Returned dictionary should be correct and have the same length, name as test files """
                zipPath = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "tests", "zip_files")
                zipList = fastqc_reports.get_file_list (zipPath, True)

                dirPath = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "tests", "report_folders")
                dirList = fastqc_reports.get_file_list (dirPath, False)

                zipDict = fastqc_reports.combine_reports (zipList, True)
                dirDict = fastqc_reports.combine_reports (dirList, False)

                self.assertIsInstance (zipDict, dict)
                self.assertIsInstance (dirDict, dict)

                self.assertEqual (len(zipDict), 5)
                self.assertEqual (len(dirDict), 3)

                self.assertIn ("test", zipDict)
                self.assertIn ("001_f", dirDict)

                self.assertEqual (len (zipDict["test"]), 12)
                self.assertEqual (len (dirDict["001_f"]), 12)

                self.assertEqual (zipDict["test"]['Basic Statistics'], 'PASS')
                self.assertEqual (dirDict["001_f"]['Basic Statistics'], 'PASS')
        def testListFiles (self):
                """Given folder should contain needable files"""
                # Test works only if calles from parent directory
                path = os.getcwd()
                no_files = os.path.join (path, "tests/no_files")
                zip_files = os.path.join (path, "tests/zip_files")
                folder_files = os.path.join (path, "tests/report_folders")

                # Make folders for this test
                if not os.path.exists(no_files): os.mkdir (no_files)

                # Error if empty folder is given
                self.assertRaises (fastqc_reports.TypeError, fastqc_reports.get_file_list, no_files, False)
                # Error if folder with no report .zip files
                self.assertRaises(fastqc_reports.TypeError, fastqc_reports.get_file_list, folder_files, True)
                # Error if folder without report folders
                self.assertRaises(fastqc_reports.TypeError, fastqc_reports.get_file_list, zip_files, False)

                # Return exact numbers of files in the folder
                self.assertEqual (len (fastqc_reports.get_file_list (zip_files, True)), 5)
                self.assertEqual (len (fastqc_reports.get_file_list (folder_files, False)), 3)

                os.rmdir (no_files)