def transform_mni_to_subject(subject, subjects_dir, volue_fol, volume_fname='sig.mgz', subject_contrast_file_name='sig_subject.mgz', print_only=False): mni305_sig_file = os.path.join(volue_fol, volume_fname) subject_sig_file = os.path.join(volue_fol, subject_contrast_file_name) rs = utils.partial_run_script(locals(), print_only=print_only) rs(mni305_to_subject_reg) rs(mni305_to_subject) subject_fol = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'mmvt') utils.make_dir(subject_fol) shutil.move(op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(), 'mn305_to_{}.dat'.format(subject)), op.join(subject_fol, 'mn305_to_{}.dat'.format(subject)))
def post_meg_preproc(args): inv_method, em = 'MNE', 'mean_flip' atlas = 'darpa_atlas' bands = dict(theta=[4, 8], alpha=[8, 15], beta=[15, 30], gamma=[30, 55], high_gamma=[65, 200]) times = (-2, 4) subjects = args.subject res_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(MMVT_DIR), 'msit-ecr')) for subject in subjects: args.subject = subject for task in args.tasks: task = task.lower() if not utils.both_hemi_files_exist( op.join( MMVT_DIR, subject, 'meg', 'labels_data_{}_{}_{}_{}_lh.npz'.format( task, atlas, inv_method, em, '{hemi}'))): print('label data can\'t be found for {} {}'.format( subject, task)) continue utils.make_dir(op.join(res_fol, subject)) meg.calc_labels_func(subject, task, atlas, inv_method, em, tmin=0, tmax=0.5, times=times, norm_data=False) meg.calc_labels_mean_power_bands(subject, task, atlas, inv_method, em, tmin=times[0], tmax=times[1], overwrite=True) for fname in [ f for f in glob.glob( op.join(MMVT_DIR, subject, 'labels', 'labels_data', '*')) if op.isfile(f) ]: shutil.copyfile( fname, op.join(res_fol, subject, utils.namebase_with_ext(fname)))
def combine_two_figures_with_cb(fname1, fname2, data_max, data_min, cb_cm, cb_ticks=[], crop_figures=True, background='black', cb_ticks_font_size=10): if crop_figures: crop_image(fname1, fname1, dx=150, dy=0, dw=50, dh=70) crop_image(fname2, fname2, dx=150 + 50, dy=0, dw=0, dh=70) new_image_fname = op.join( utils.get_parent_fol(fname1), '{}_{}.{}'.format(utils.namebase(fname1), utils.namebase(fname2), utils.file_type(fname1))) combine_two_images(fname1, fname2, new_image_fname, facecolor=background, dpi=400, w_fac=1, h_fac=1) if len(cb_ticks) == 0: cb_ticks = [data_min, data_max] fol = utils.get_parent_fol(fname1) plot_color_bar(data_max, data_min, cb_cm, do_save=True, cb_ticks=cb_ticks, fol=fol, background_color=background, cb_ticks_font_size=cb_ticks_font_size) cb_fname = op.join(fol, '{}_colorbar.jpg'.format(cb_cm)) cb_img = return combine_brain_with_color_bar(new_image_fname, cb_img, overwrite=True)
def call_script(script_fname, args, log_name='', blend_fname=None, call_args=None): if args.blender_fol == '': args.blender_fol = get_blender_dir() if not op.isdir(args.blender_fol): print('No Blender folder!') return logs_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(__file__, 4), 'logs')) if log_name == '': log_name = utils.namebase(script_fname) if len(args.subjects) == 0: args.subjects = [args.subject] for subject in args.subjects: args.subject = subject args.subjects = '' print('*********** {} ***********'.format(subject)) if blend_fname is None: blend_fname = get_subject_fname(args) else: blend_fname = op.join(get_mmvt_dir(), blend_fname) if call_args is None: call_args = create_call_args(args) log_fname = op.join(logs_fol, '{}.log'.format(log_name)) cmd = '{blender_exe} {blend_fname} --background --python "{script_fname}" {call_args}'.format( # > {log_fname} blender_exe=op.join(args.blender_fol, 'blender'), blend_fname=blend_fname, script_fname=script_fname, call_args=call_args, log_fname=log_fname) mmvt_addon_fol = utils.get_parent_fol(__file__, 2) os.chdir(mmvt_addon_fol) print(cmd) utils.run_script(cmd) print('Finish! For more details look in {}'.format(log_fname))
def project_on_surface(subject, volume_file, surf_output_fname, target_subject=None, overwrite_surf_data=False, modality='fmri', subjects_dir='', mmvt_dir='', **kargs): if target_subject is None: target_subject = subject if subjects_dir == '': subjects_dir = utils.get_link_dir(utils.get_links_dir(), 'subjects', 'SUBJECTS_DIR') if mmvt_dir == '': mmvt_dir = utils.get_link_dir(utils.get_links_dir(), 'mmvt') utils.make_dir(op.join(mmvt_dir, subject, 'fmri')) os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = subjects_dir os.environ['SUBJECT'] = subject for hemi in utils.HEMIS: if not op.isfile( surf_output_fname.format(hemi=hemi)) or overwrite_surf_data: print('project {} to {}'.format(volume_file, hemi)) if modality != 'pet': surf_data = project_volume_data( volume_file, hemi, subject_id=subject, surf="pial", smooth_fwhm=3, target_subject=target_subject, output_fname=surf_output_fname.format(hemi=hemi)) else: surf_data = project_pet_volume_data( subject, volume_file, hemi, surf_output_fname.format(hemi=hemi)) nans = np.sum(np.isnan(surf_data)) if nans > 0: print('there are {} nans in {} surf data!'.format(nans, hemi)) surf_data = np.squeeze( nib.load(surf_output_fname.format(hemi=hemi)).get_data()) output_fname = op.join( mmvt_dir, subject, modality, '{}_{}'.format(modality, op.basename(surf_output_fname.format(hemi=hemi)))) npy_output_fname = op.splitext(output_fname)[0] if not op.isfile( '{}.npy'.format(npy_output_fname)) or overwrite_surf_data: print('Saving surf data in {}.npy'.format(npy_output_fname)) utils.make_dir(utils.get_parent_fol(npy_output_fname)), surf_data)
def transform_mni_to_subject(subject, subjects_dir, volue_fol, volume_fname='sig.mgz', subject_contrast_file_name='sig_subject.mgz', print_only=False): mni305_sig_file = os.path.join(volue_fol, volume_fname) subject_sig_file = os.path.join(volue_fol, subject_contrast_file_name) rs = utils.partial_run_script(locals(), print_only=print_only) rs(mni305_to_subject_reg) rs(mni305_to_subject) subject_fol = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'mmvt') utils.make_dir(subject_fol) shutil.move( op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(), 'mn305_to_{}.dat'.format(subject)), op.join(subject_fol, 'mn305_to_{}.dat'.format(subject)))
def calc_linda_surf(subject, atlas): # Check for Linda's output fname if not utils.both_hemi_files_exist(op.join(fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', 'fmri_linda_{}.npy'.format('{hemi}'))) \ and not op.isfile(op.join(fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', 'linda_minmax.pkl')): # Find Linda's files linda_volume_fnames = glob.glob( op.join(linda_fol.format(subject=subject), linda_vol_template.format(subject=subject))) linda_volume_folder = utils.get_parent_fol(linda_volume_fnames[0]) # project linda files on the surface args = fmri.read_cmd_args( dict(subject=subject, function='project_volume_to_surface', remote_fmri_dir=linda_volume_folder, fmri_file_template=linda_vol_template.format(subject=subject), overwrite_surf_data=True)) pu.run_on_subjects(args, fmri.main) # rename Linda's files linda_fnames = glob.glob( op.join( fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', 'fmri_{}'.format(linda_template_npy.format(subject=subject)))) for fname in linda_fnames: hemi = lu.get_label_hemi(utils.namebase(fname)) target_file = op.join(fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', 'fmri_linda_{}.npy'.format(hemi)) if not op.isfile(target_file): os.rename(fname, target_file) # rename minmax file linda_minmax_name = '{}.pkl'.format( utils.namebase( glob.glob( op.join( fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', '{}_minmax.pkl'.format( utils.namebase( linda_vol_template.format( subject=subject)))))[0])) os.rename(op.join(fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', linda_minmax_name), op.join(fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', 'linda_minmax.pkl')) # delete mgz files mgz_files = glob.glob( op.join( fmri.MMVT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', 'fmri_{}_?h.mgz'.format( utils.namebase( linda_vol_template.format(subject=subject))))) for mgz_file in mgz_files: os.remove(mgz_file)
def fix_amplitude_fnames(subject, bands): stcs_files = glob.glob(op.join(MMVT_DIR, subject, 'meg', '{}-epilepsy-*-zvals-?'.format(subject))) + \ glob.glob(op.join(MMVT_DIR, subject, 'eeg', '{}-epilepsy-*-zvals-?'.format(subject))) for stc_fname in stcs_files: stc_name = utils.namebase( stc_fname)[len('{}-epilepsy-'.format(subject)):-len('-zvals-lh')] if stc_name.endswith('amplitude'): continue if not any([stc_name.endswith(band) for band in bands]): stc_name += '_amplitude' stc_end = '' if stc_fname.endswith( '') else '' new_stc_fname = op.join( utils.get_parent_fol(stc_fname), '{}-epilepsy-{}{}'.format(subject, stc_name, stc_end)) print('{} -> {}'.format(stc_fname, new_stc_fname)) utils.rename_files(stc_fname, new_stc_fname)
def main(html_template_fname, scan_fol, patient_name, task_name, mrn, scan_date, img_prefix=None, report_name_suffix='', output_fname=''): if utils.get_parent_fol(html_template_fname) != scan_fol: shutil.copy(html_template_fname, scan_fol) if output_fname == '': output_fname = op.join(scan_fol, '{}{}.pdf'.format(mrn, '_{}'.format(report_name_suffix) \ if report_name_suffix != '' else '')) new_html_fname = utils.change_fname_extension(output_fname, 'html') if img_prefix == 'auto': img_prefix = utils.find_common_start([utils.namebase(f) for f in glob.glob(op.join(scan_fol, '*.png'))]) img_prefix = img_prefix[:-1] if img_prefix[-1] == '_' else img_prefix img_prefix = img_prefix[:-2] if img_prefix[-2:] == '_l' else img_prefix html = read_html(html_template_fname) html = replace_fields(html, patient_name, task_name, mrn, scan_date, img_prefix) create_new_html(html, new_html_fname) create_pdf(new_html_fname, output_fname) os.remove(op.join(scan_fol, utils.namebase_with_ext(html_template_fname)))
def prepare_files(args): # todo: should look in the dict for files locations ret = {} for subject in args.subject: ret[subject] = True for task in args.tasks: fol = utils.make_dir(op.join(MEG_DIR, task, subject)) local_epo_fname = op.join( fol, '{}_{}_Onset-epo.fif'.format(subject, task)) local_raw_fname = op.join(fol, '{}_{}-raw.fif'.format(subject, task)) if not args.overwrite and (op.islink(local_epo_fname) or op.isfile(local_epo_fname)) and \ (op.islink(local_raw_fname) or op.isfile(local_raw_fname)): continue if op.islink(local_epo_fname) or op.isfile(local_epo_fname): os.remove(local_epo_fname) remote_epo_fname = op.join( args.meg_dir, subject, '{}_{}_meg_Onset-epo.fif'.format(subject, task)) if not op.isfile(remote_epo_fname): print('{} does not exist!'.format(remote_epo_fname)) ret[subject] = False continue print('Creating a local link to {}'.format(remote_epo_fname)) utils.make_link(remote_epo_fname, local_epo_fname) if op.islink(local_raw_fname) or op.isfile(local_raw_fname): os.remove(local_raw_fname) remote_raw_fname = op.join( utils.get_parent_fol(args.meg_dir), 'raw_preprocessed', subject, '{}_{}_meg_ica-raw.fif'.format(subject, task)) if not op.isfile(remote_epo_fname): print('{} does not exist!'.format(remote_raw_fname)) ret[subject] = False continue print('Creating a local link to {}'.format(remote_raw_fname)) utils.make_link(remote_raw_fname, local_raw_fname) ret[subject] = ret[subject] and (op.isfile(local_epo_fname) or op.islink(local_epo_fname)) and \ (op.isfile(local_raw_fname) or op.islink(local_raw_fname)) print('Good subjects:') print([s for s, r in ret.items() if r]) print('Bad subjects:') print([s for s, r in ret.items() if not r])
def combine_brain_with_color_bar(image_fname, cb_img=None, w_offset=10, overwrite=False, cb_max=None, cb_min=None, cb_cm=None, background='black', cb_ticks=[], cb_ticks_font_size=10): if cb_img is None: if len(cb_ticks) == 0: cb_ticks = [cb_min, cb_max] fol = utils.get_parent_fol(image_fname) cb_fname = op.join(fol, '{}_colorbar.jpg'.format(cb_cm)) plot_color_bar(cb_max, cb_min, cb_cm, do_save=True, cb_ticks=cb_ticks, fol=fol, background_color=background, cb_ticks_font_size=cb_ticks_font_size) cb_img = background = bg_w, bg_h = background.size cb_w, cb_h = cb_img.size offset = (int((bg_w - cb_w)) - w_offset, int((bg_h - cb_h) / 2)) background.paste(cb_img, offset) if not overwrite: image_fol = utils.get_fname_folder(image_fname) image_fname = op.join(image_fol, '{}_cb.{}'.format(image_fname[:-4], image_fname[-3:])) return image_fname
def compute_noise_cov(subject, hcp_path, noise_cov_fname=''): if noise_cov_fname == '': noise_cov_fname = meg.NOISE_COV.format(cond='empty_room') if op.isfile(noise_cov_fname): noise_cov = mne.read_cov(noise_cov_fname) return noise_cov utils.make_dir(utils.get_parent_fol(noise_cov_fname)) raw_noise = hcp.read_raw(subject=subject, hcp_path=hcp_path, data_type='noise_empty_room') raw_noise.load_data() # apply ref channel correction and drop ref channels preproc.apply_ref_correction(raw_noise) raw_noise.filter(0.50, None, method='iir', iir_params=dict(order=4, ftype='butter'), n_jobs=1) raw_noise.filter(None, 60, method='iir', iir_params=dict(order=4, ftype='butter'), n_jobs=1) ############################################################################## # Note that using the empty room noise covariance will inflate the SNR of the # evkoked and renders comparisons to `baseline` rather uninformative. noise_cov = mne.compute_raw_covariance(raw_noise, method='empirical') return noise_cov
def project_and_calc_clusters(args): if not op.isdir(args.root_fol): print('You should first set args.root_fol!') return False img_files = [f for f in glob.glob(op.join(args.root_fol, '*.img')) if op.isfile(f)] for img_fname in img_files: mgz_fname = fu.mri_convert_to(img_fname, 'mgz', overwrite=False) if ' ' in utils.namebase(mgz_fname): mgz_new_fname = op.join( utils.get_parent_fol(mgz_fname), utils.namebase_with_ext(mgz_fname).replace(' ', '_').replace(',', '').lower()) os.rename(mgz_fname, mgz_new_fname) nii_files = [f for f in glob.glob(op.join(args.root_fol, '*')) if op.isfile(f) and utils.file_type(f) in ('nii', 'nii.gz', 'mgz')] for fname in nii_files: fmri_args = fmri.read_cmd_args(dict( subject=args.subject, function='project_volume_to_surface,find_clusters', fmri_file_template=fname, threshold=args.cluster_threshold )) pu.run_on_subjects(fmri_args, fmri.main)
def trans_tal_coords(roi, file_name, subjects_dir, template='colin27', overwrite=False): subjects = {} output_fol = utils.make_dir(op.join(MMVT_DIR, template, 'rois_peaks')) csv_fname = op.join(output_fol, '{}.csv'.format(roi)) pkl_fname = op.join(output_fol, '{}.pkl'.format(roi)) if op.isfile(pkl_fname) and op.isfile(csv_fname) and not overwrite: print('Data already exist for {}'.format(roi)) return driver = tu.yale_get_driver() files = list(utils.find_recursive(subjects_dir, file_name)) for fname in tqdm(files): lines = list(utils.csv_file_reader(fname, delimiter=' ')) subject = utils.namebase(utils.get_parent_fol(fname, 3)) subjects[subject] = {} if len(lines) == 0: print() subjects[subject]['error'] = '{} is empty!'.format(fname) continue elif len(lines) > 1: print('More than one line in {}!'.format(fname)) subjects[subject] = '>1' continue tal = [int(float(v)) for v in lines[0] if utils.is_float(v)] subjects[subject]['tal'] = tal subjects[subject]['mni'] = tu.yale_tal2mni(tal, driver) del driver print(subjects) with open(csv_fname, 'w') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',') for subject, subject_data in subjects.items(): if 'mni' in subject_data: csv_writer.writerow(subjects[subject]['mni']), pkl_fname)
def remove_large_negative_values_from_ct(ct_fname, new_ct_fname='', threshold=-200, overwrite=False): ''' Opens the CT, checks for values less than threshold. Sets all values less than threshold to threshold instead. This is helpful for registration as extremely large negative values present in the CT but not in the MR skew the mutual information algorithm. Parameters ---------- ct_fname : Str The filename containing the CT scan new_ct_fname: Str The output fname ''' if not op.isfile(ct_fname): print(f'The CT could not be found in {ct_fname}!') return '' if new_ct_fname == '': new_ct_fname = op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(ct_fname), 'ct_no_large_negative_values.mgz') if op.isfile(new_ct_fname): if overwrite: os.remove(new_ct_fname) else: return new_ct_fname h = nib.load(ct_fname) ct_data = h.get_data() ct_data[ct_data < threshold] = threshold ct_new = nib.Nifti1Image(ct_data, header=h.get_header(), affine=h.get_affine()), new_ct_fname) return new_ct_fname
def ani_frame(time_range, xticks, images, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, fol, fol2, cb_title='', cb_min_max_eq=True, cb_norm_percs=None, color_map='jet', cb2_data_type='', cb2_title='', cb2_min_max_eq=True, color_map2='jet', bitrate=5000, images2=(), ylim=(), ylabels=(), xticklabels=(), xlabel='Time (ms)', show_first_pic=False, show_animation=False, overwrite=True): def two_brains_two_graphs(): if cb2_data_type == '': brain_ax = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, :g3]) else: brain_ax = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, 1:g3 + 1]) brain_ax.set_aspect('equal') brain_ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) brain_ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) image = mpimg.imread(images[0]) im = brain_ax.imshow( image, animated=True) #, cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') if cb2_data_type == '': brain_ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, g3:-1]) else: brain_ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, g3 + 1:-1]) brain_ax2.set_aspect('equal') brain_ax2.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) brain_ax2.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) image2 = mpimg.imread(images2[0]) im2 = brain_ax2.imshow( image2, animated=True) #, cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') graph1_ax = plt.subplot(gs[-g2:, :]) graph2_ax = graph1_ax.twinx() if cb_data_type != '': ax_cb = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, -1]) else: ax_cb = None if cb2_data_type != '': ax_cb2 = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, -1]) ax_cb = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, 0]) else: ax_cb2 = None plt.tight_layout() resize_and_move_ax(brain_ax, dx=0.04) resize_and_move_ax(brain_ax2, dx=-0.00) if cb2_data_type != '': resize_and_move_ax(ax_cb2, ddw=0.5, ddh=0.9, dx=-0.04, dy=0.03) resize_and_move_ax(ax_cb, ddw=0.5, ddh=0.9, dx=0.03, dy=0.03) resize_and_move_ax(brain_ax, dx=-0.03) resize_and_move_ax(brain_ax2, dx=-0.04) elif cb_data_type != '': resize_and_move_ax(ax_cb, ddw=0.5, ddh=0.8, dx=-0.01, dy=0.06) for graph_ax in [graph1_ax, graph2_ax]: resize_and_move_ax(graph_ax, dx=0.04, dy=0.03, ddw=0.89) # if cb2_data_type != '': # resize_and_move_ax(graph_ax, ddh=1.2) return ax_cb, im, im2, graph1_ax, graph2_ax, ax_cb2 def one_brain_one_graph(gs, g2, two_graphs=False): brain_ax = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, :-1]) brain_ax.set_aspect('equal') brain_ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) brain_ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) image = mpimg.imread(images[0]) im = brain_ax.imshow( image, animated=True) #, cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') graph1_ax = plt.subplot(gs[-g2:, :]) graph2_ax = graph1_ax.twinx() if two_graphs else None ax_cb = plt.subplot(gs[:-g2, -1]) plt.tight_layout() # resize_and_move_ax(brain_ax, dx=0.03) resize_and_move_ax(ax_cb, ddw=1, dx=-0.06) resize_and_move_ax(graph1_ax, dx=0.05, dy=0.03, ddw=0.89) if not graph2_ax is None: resize_and_move_ax(graph2_ax, dx=0.05, dy=0.03, ddw=0.89) return ax_cb, im, graph1_ax, graph2_ax first_image =[0]) img_width, img_height = first_image.size print('video: width {} height {} dpi {}'.format(img_width, img_height, dpi)) img_width_fac = 2 if fol2 != '' else 1.1 w, h = img_width / dpi * img_width_fac, img_height / dpi * 3 / 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), dpi=dpi, facecolor='white') fig.canvas.draw() g = 15 g2 = int(g / 3) g3 = int((g - 1) / 2) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(g, g) #, height_ratios=[3, 1]) if fol2 != '': if cb2_data_type != '': gs = gridspec.GridSpec(g, g + 1) # , height_ratios=[3, 1]) ax_cb, im, im2, graph1_ax, graph2_ax, ax_cb2 = two_brains_two_graphs() else: two_graphes = len(data_to_show_in_graph) == 2 ax_cb, im, graph1_ax, graph2_ax = one_brain_one_graph( gs, g2, two_graphes) im2, ax_cb2 = None, None # gs.update(left=0.05, right=0.48, wspace=0.05) # graph_data, graph_colors, t_line, ymin, ymax = plot_graph( # graph1_ax, data_to_show_in_graph, fol, fol2, graph2_ax, ylabels) graph_data, graph_colors, t_line, ymin, ymax = plot_graph( graph1_ax, data_to_show_in_graph, time_range, xticks, fol, fol2, graph2_ax, xlabel, ylabels, xticklabels, ylim, images) if not ax_cb2 is None and fol2 != '': graph_data2, _ = utils.load(op.join(fol2, 'data.pkl')) plot_color_bar(ax_cb, graph_data, cb_title, cb_data_type, cb_min_max_eq, cb_norm_percs, color_map, 'left') plot_color_bar(ax_cb2, graph_data2, cb2_title, cb2_data_type, cb2_min_max_eq, cb_norm_percs, color_map2) else: plot_color_bar(ax_cb, graph_data, cb_title, cb_data_type, cb_min_max_eq, cb_norm_percs, color_map) now = time.time() if show_first_pic: def init_func(): return update_img(0) def update_img(image_index): # print(image_fname) utils.time_to_go(now, image_index, len(images)) image = mpimg.imread(images[image_index]) im.set_data(image) if im2: image2 = mpimg.imread(images2[image_index]) im2.set_data(image2) current_t = get_t(images, image_index, time_range) if not current_t is None: t_line.set_data([current_t, current_t], [ymin, ymax]) # print('Reading image {}, current t {}'.format(images[image_index], current_t)) return [im] else: return None if show_animation: ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_img, len(images), init_func=init_func, interval=1000, blit=True, repeat=False) # Set up formatting for the movie files # Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] #FFMpegWriter # # Writer = animation.AVConvWriter # writer = Writer(fps=fps, bitrate=1800) #, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264']) #, video_fname), writer=writer) # writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'](fps=fps, bitrate=bitrate) #, video_fname), writer=writer, dpi=dpi) else: images_fol = utils.get_parent_fol(images[0]) new_images_fol = op.join(images_fol, 'movie_images') utils.make_dir(new_images_fol) images_nb = utils.namebase(images_fol) for image_index in range(len(images)): new_image_fname = op.join(new_images_fol, 'mv_{}.png'.format(image_index)) if not op.isfile(new_image_fname) or overwrite: img = update_img(image_index) if not img is None: plt.savefig(new_image_fname, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), transparent=True) movie_fname = op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(images_fol), images_nb) if op.isfile('{}.mp4'.format(movie_fname)) and overwrite: utils.remove_file('{}.mp4'.format(movie_fname)) mu.combine_images(new_images_fol, movie_fname, frame_rate=fps, movie_name_full_path=True)
import glob import os.path as op import importlib import sys import nibabel as nib import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist from src.utils import utils from src.utils import preproc_utils as pu from src.utils import labels_utils as lu from src.preproc import anatomy as anat mmvt_code_fol = utils.get_mmvt_code_root() ela_code_fol = op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(mmvt_code_fol), 'electrodes_rois') if ela_code_fol not in sys.path: sys.path.append(ela_code_fol) from find_rois import find_rois from find_rois import freesurfer_utils as fu importlib.reload(find_rois) SUBJECTS_DIR, MMVT_DIR, FREESURFER_HOME = pu.get_links() WHITES = set([ 'Left-Cerebral-White-Matter', 'Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter', 'Right-Cerebral-White-Matter', 'Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter' ]) mri_robust_register = 'mri_robust_register --mov {subjects_dir}/{subject_from}/mri/T1.mgz --dst {subjects_dir}/{subject_to}/mri/T1.mgz --lta {subjects_dir}/{subject_from}/mri/{lta_name}.lta --satit --mapmov {subjects_dir}/{subject_from}/mri/T1_to_{subject_to}.mgz --cost nmi'
def post_analysis(args): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import defaultdict atlas = 'darpa_atlas' res_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(MMVT_DIR), 'msit-ecr')) bands = dict(theta=[4, 8], alpha=[8, 15], beta=[15, 30], gamma=[30, 55], high_gamma=[65, 200]) data_dic = np.load(op.join(res_fol, 'data_dictionary.npz')) meta_data = data_dic['noam_dict'].tolist() # brain_overall_res_fname = op.join(res_fol, 'brain_overall_res.npz') subjects1 = set(meta_data[0]['MSIT'].keys()) subjects2 = set(meta_data[1]['MSIT'].keys()) subjects_with_data = defaultdict(list) mean_evo = {group_id: defaultdict(list) for group_id in range(2)} mean_power = {group_id: {} for group_id in range(2)} power = {group_id: {} for group_id in range(2)} for group_id in range(2): for task in args.tasks: mean_power[group_id][task] = defaultdict(list) power[group_id][task] = {band: None for band in bands.keys()} for subject in meta_data[group_id]['ECR'].keys(): if not op.isdir(op.join(res_fol, subject)): print('No folder data for {}'.format(subject)) continue for task in args.tasks: mean_fname = op.join( res_fol, subject, '{}_{}_mean.npz'.format(task.lower(), atlas)) if op.isfile(mean_fname): d = utils.Bag(np.load(mean_fname)) mean_evo[group_id][task].append( for band in bands.keys(): if power[group_id][task][band] is None: power[group_id][task][band] = defaultdict(list) mean_power_fname = op.join( res_fol, subject, '{}_power_{}.npz'.format(task.lower(), band)) if op.isfile(mean_power_fname): d = utils.Bag(np.load(mean_power_fname)) mean_power[group_id][task][band].append( for label_id, label in enumerate(d.names): power[group_id][task][band][label].append([label_id]) for group_id in range(2): x = [np.array(mean_evo[group_id][task]) for task in args.tasks] # x = [_x[_x < np.percentile(_x, 90)] for _x in x] ttest(x[0], x[1]) for band in bands.keys(): # fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) for group_id in range(2): #, ax in zip(range(2), [ax1, ax2]): subjects_with_data[group_id] = np.array( subjects_with_data[group_id]) print() x = [ np.array(mean_power[group_id][task][band]) for task in args.tasks ] x = [_x[_x < np.percentile(_x, 90)] for _x in x] # ttest(x[0], x[1], title='group {} band {}'.format(group_id, band)) for label_id, label in enumerate(d.names): x = [ np.array(power[group_id][task][band][label]) for task in args.tasks ] x = [_x[_x < np.percentile(_x, 95)] for _x in x] ttest(x[0], x[1], alpha=0.01, title='group {} band {} label {}'.format( group_id, band, label))
def meg_preproc_power(args): inv_method, em, atlas = 'dSPM', 'mean_flip', 'laus125' # 'darpa_atlas' # bands = dict(theta=[4, 8], alpha=[8, 15], beta=[15, 30], gamma=[30, 55], high_gamma=[65, 200]) times = (-2, 4) subjects_with_error = [] good_subjects = get_good_subjects(args) args.subject = good_subjects prepare_files(args) for subject in good_subjects: args.subject = subject empty_fnames, cors, days = get_empty_fnames(subject, args.tasks, args) input_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(MEG_DIR, subject, 'labels_induced_power')) for task in args.tasks: # output_fname = op.join( # MMVT_DIR, subject, 'meg', '{}_{}_{}_power_spectrum.npz'.format(task.lower(), inv_method, em)) # if op.isfile(output_fname) and args.check_file_modification_time: # file_mod_time = utils.file_modification_time_struct(output_fname) # if file_mod_time.tm_year >= 2018 and (file_mod_time.tm_mon == 9 and file_mod_time.tm_mday >= 21) or \ # (file_mod_time.tm_mon > 9): # print('{} already exist!'.format(output_fname)) # continue input_fnames = glob.glob( op.join( input_fol, '{}_*_{}_{}_{}_induced_power.npz'.format( task.lower(), atlas, inv_method, em))) if len(input_fnames) == 28: print('{} has already all the results for {}'.format( subject, task)) continue remote_epo_fname = op.join( args.meg_dir, subject, args.epo_template.format(subject=subject, task=task)) local_epo_fname = op.join( MEG_DIR, task, subject, args.epo_template.format(subject=subject, task=task)) if not op.isfile(local_epo_fname) and not op.isfile( remote_epo_fname): print('Can\'t find {}!'.format(local_epo_fname)) continue if not op.isfile(local_epo_fname): utils.make_link(remote_epo_fname, local_epo_fname) meg_args = meg.read_cmd_args( dict( subject=args.subject, mri_subject=args.subject, task=task, inverse_method=inv_method, extract_mode=em, atlas=atlas, # meg_dir=args.meg_dir, remote_subject_dir=args. remote_subject_dir, # Needed for finding COR get_task_defaults=False, fname_format='{}_{}_Onset'.format('{subject}', task), raw_fname=op.join(MEG_DIR, task, subject, '{}_{}-raw.fif'.format(subject, task)), epo_fname=local_epo_fname, empty_fname=empty_fnames[task] if empty_fnames != '' else '', function= 'make_forward_solution,calc_inverse_operator,calc_labels_induced_power', #, conditions=task.lower(), cor_fname=cors[task].format( subject=subject) if cors != '' else '', average_per_event=False, data_per_task=True, pick_ori= 'normal', # very important for calculation of the power spectrum # fmin=4, fmax=120, bandwidth=2.0, max_epochs_num=args.max_epochs_num, ica_overwrite_raw=False, normalize_data=False, fwd_recreate_source_space=True, t_min=times[0], t_max=times[1], read_events_from_file=False, stim_channels='STI001', use_empty_room_for_noise_cov=True, read_only_from_annot=False, # pick_ori='normal', overwrite_labels_power_spectrum=args. overwrite_labels_power_spectrum, overwrite_evoked=args.overwrite, overwrite_fwd=args.overwrite, overwrite_inv=args.overwrite, overwrite_stc=args.overwrite, overwrite_labels_data=args.overwrite, n_jobs=args.n_jobs)) ret = meg.call_main(meg_args) output_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(MMVT_DIR, subject, 'labels', 'labels_data')) join_res_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(MMVT_DIR), 'msit-ecr', subject)) for res_fname in glob.glob( op.join( output_fol, '{}_labels_{}_{}_*_power.npz'.format( task.lower(), inv_method, em))): shutil.copyfile( res_fname, op.join(join_res_fol, utils.namebase_with_ext(res_fname))) if not ret: if args.throw: raise Exception("errors!") else: subjects_with_error.append(subject) good_subjects = [ s for s in good_subjects if op.isfile( op.join( MMVT_DIR, subject, 'meg', 'labels_data_msit_{}_{}_{}_minmax.npz'.format( atlas, inv_method, em))) and op.isfile( op.join( MMVT_DIR, subject, 'meg', 'labels_data_ecr_{}_{}_{}_minmax.npz' .format(atlas, inv_method, em))) ] print('Good subjects:') print(good_subjects) print('subjects_with_error:') print(subjects_with_error)
def post_meg_preproc(args): inv_method, em, atlas = 'dSPM', 'mean_flip', 'darpa_atlas' bands = dict(theta=[4, 8], alpha=[8, 15], beta=[15, 30], gamma=[30, 55], high_gamma=[65, 200]) norm_times = (500, 2500) do_plot = False subjects = args.subject res_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(MMVT_DIR), 'msit-ecr')) subjects_with_results = {} labels = lu.read_labels(subjects[0], SUBJECTS_DIR, atlas) labels_names = [ for l in labels] labels_num = len(labels_names) epochs_max_num = 50 template_brain = 'colin27' now = time.time() bands_power_mmvt_all = [] for subject_ind, subject in enumerate(subjects): utils.time_to_go(now, subject_ind, len(subjects), runs_num_to_print=1) subjects_with_results[subject] = {} input_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(MEG_DIR, subject, 'labels_induced_power')) plots_fol = utils.make_dir(op.join(input_fol, 'plots')) args.subject = subject bands_power_mmvt = {'rh': {}, 'lh': {}} for task_ind, task in enumerate(args.tasks): task = task.lower() input_fnames = glob.glob( op.join( input_fol, '{}_*_{}_{}_induced_power.npz'.format( task, inv_method, em))) if len(input_fnames) < 1: # labels_num: print('No enough files for {} {}!'.format(subject, task)) subjects_with_results[subject][task] = False continue # input_dname = ecr_caudalanteriorcingulate-lh_dSPM_mean_flip_induced_power # if not do_plot: # continue bands_power = np.empty((len(bands), labels_num, epochs_max_num)) for input_fname in input_fnames: d = utils.Bag(np.load(input_fname)) # label_name, atlas, data # label_power = np.empty((len(bands), epochs_num, T)) (5, 50, 3501) label_power, label_name =, d.label_name # for band_ind in range(len(bands)): # label_power[band_ind] /= label_power[band_ind][:, norm_times[0]:norm_times[1]].mean() label_ind = labels_names.index(label_name) hemi = labels[label_ind].hemi for band_ind, band in enumerate(bands.keys()): label_power_norm = label_power[ band_ind][:, norm_times[0]:norm_times[1]].mean( axis=1)[:epochs_max_num] if len(label_power_norm) != epochs_max_num: print('{} does have {} epochs!'.format( input_fname, len(label_power_norm))) break bands_power[band_ind, label_ind] = label_power_norm if band not in bands_power_mmvt[hemi]: bands_power_mmvt[hemi][band] = np.empty( (len(labels_names), label_power[band_ind].shape[1], 1, len(args.tasks))) bands_power_mmvt[hemi][band][ label_ind, :, 0, task_ind] = label_power[band_ind].mean(axis=0) fig_fname = op.join(plots_fol, 'power_{}_{}.jpg'.format(label_name, task)) if do_plot: # not op.isfile(fig_fname) and times = np.arange( 0, label_power.shape[2]) if 'times' not in d else d.times plot_label_power(label_power, times, label_name, bands, task, fig_fname) for band_ind, band in enumerate(bands.keys()): power_fname = op.join( res_fol, subject, '{}_labels_{}_{}_{}_power.npz'.format( task.lower(), inv_method, em, band)) np.savez(power_fname, data=np.array(bands_power[band_ind]), names=labels_names) subjects_with_results[subject][task] = True if all(subjects_with_results[subject].values()): bands_power_mmvt_all.append(bands_power_mmvt) else: print('{} does not have both tasks data!'.format(subject)) labels_data_template = op.join(MMVT_DIR, template_brain, 'meg', 'labels_data_power_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.npz' ) # task, atlas, extract_method, hemi for hemi in utils.HEMIS: for band_ind, band in enumerate(bands.keys()): power = np.array([x[hemi][band] for x in bands_power_mmvt_all]).mean(axis=0) labels_output_fname = meg.get_labels_data_fname( labels_data_template, inv_method, band, atlas, em, hemi) utils.make_dir(utils.get_parent_fol(labels_output_fname)) np.savez(labels_output_fname, data=power, names=labels_names, conditions=args.tasks) have_all = len([ subject for subject, results in subjects_with_results.items() if all(results.values()) ]) print('{}/{} with all files'.format(have_all, len(subjects))) print(subjects_with_results)
def post_analysis(args): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import defaultdict inv_method, em = 'dSPM', 'mean_flip' res_fol = utils.make_dir( op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(MMVT_DIR), 'msit-ecr')) plot_fol = utils.make_dir(op.join(res_fol, 'plots')) bands = dict(theta=[4, 8], alpha=[8, 15], beta=[15, 30], gamma=[30, 55], high_gamma=[65, 200]) data_dic = np.load(op.join(res_fol, 'data_dictionary.npz')) meta_data = data_dic['noam_dict'].tolist() # brain_overall_res_fname = op.join(res_fol, 'brain_overall_res.npz') msit_subjects = set(meta_data[0]['MSIT'].keys()) ecr_subjects = set(meta_data[1]['ECR'].keys()) subjects_with_data = defaultdict(list) mean_evo = {group_id: defaultdict(list) for group_id in range(2)} mean_power_power_emotion_reactivit = { group_id: {} for group_id in range(2) } power_emotion_reactivit = {group_id: {} for group_id in range(2)} mean_power_power_task = {} power_task = {} for task in args.tasks: mean_power_power_task[task] = defaultdict(list) power_task[task] = {band: None for band in bands.keys()} for subject in args.subject: if not op.isdir(op.join(res_fol, subject)): print('No folder data for {}'.format(subject)) continue for task in args.tasks: # mean_fname = op.join(res_fol, subject, '{}_{}_mean.npz'.format(task.lower(), args.atlas)) # if op.isfile(mean_fname): # d = utils.Bag(np.load(mean_fname)) # mean_evo[group_id][task].append( for band in bands.keys(): if power_task[task][band] is None: power_task[task][band] = defaultdict(list) power_fname = op.join( res_fol, subject, '{}_labels_{}_{}_{}_power.npz'.format( task.lower(), inv_method, em, band)) if op.isfile(power_fname): d = utils.Bag(np.load(power_fname)) mean_power_power_task[task][band].append( for label_id, label in enumerate(d.names): power_task[task][band][label].append([label_id].mean()) # for group_id in range(2): # for task in args.tasks: # mean_power_power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task] = defaultdict(list) # power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task] = {band: None for band in bands.keys()} # for subject in meta_data[group_id]['ECR'].keys(): # if not op.isdir(op.join(res_fol, subject)): # print('No folder data for {}'.format(subject)) # continue # for task in args.tasks: # mean_fname = op.join(res_fol, subject, '{}_{}_mean.npz'.format(task.lower(), args.atlas)) # if op.isfile(mean_fname): # d = utils.Bag(np.load(mean_fname)) # mean_evo[group_id][task].append( # for band in bands.keys(): # if power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task][band] is None: # power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task][band] = defaultdict(list) # power_fname = op.join( # res_fol, subject, '{}_labels_{}_{}_{}_power.npz'.format(task.lower(), inv_method, em, band)) # if op.isfile(power_fname): # d = utils.Bag(np.load(power_fname)) # mean_power_power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task][band].append( # for label_id, label in enumerate(d.names): # power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task][band][label].append([label_id].mean()) do_plot = False percentile = 90 alpha = 0.05 for band in bands.keys(): x = [ np.array(mean_power_power_task[task][band]) for task in args.tasks ] x[0] = x[0][x[0] < np.percentile(x[0], percentile)] x[1] = x[1][x[1] < np.percentile(x[1], percentile)] sig = ttest(x[0], x[1], title='MSIT vs ECR band {}'.format(band), alpha=alpha, always_print=False) if do_plot or sig: f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.hist(x[0], bins=80) ax1.set_title('{} {}'.format(band, args.tasks[0])) ax2.hist(x[1], bins=80) ax2.set_title('{} {}'.format(band, args.tasks[1])) # plt.title('{} mean power'.format(band)) # plt.savefig(op.join(plot_fol, '{}_group_{}.jpg'.format(band, group_id))) for label_id, label in enumerate(d.names): x = [ np.array(power_task[task][band][label]) for task in args.tasks ] x[0] = x[0][x[0] < np.percentile(x[0], percentile)] x[1] = x[1][x[1] < np.percentile(x[1], percentile)] sig = ttest(x[0], x[1], alpha=alpha, title='band {} label {}'.format(band, label)) if do_plot or sig: f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.hist(x[0], bins=80) ax2.hist(x[1], bins=80) plt.title('{} mean power'.format(band)) # plt.savefig(op.join(plot_fol, '{}_group_{}.jpg'.format(band, group_id))) continue for group_id in range(2): #, ax in zip(range(2), [ax1, ax2]): # subjects_with_data[group_id] = np.array(subjects_with_data[group_id]) # print() x = [ np.array( mean_power_power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task][band]) for task in args.tasks ] # x = [_x[_x < np.percentile(_x, 90)] for _x in x] x[0] = x[0][x[0] < np.percentile(x[0], percentile)] x[1] = x[1][x[1] < np.percentile(x[1], percentile)] print('band {}, group {}, {} for {}, {} for {}'.format( band, group_id, len(x[0]), args.tasks[0], len(x[1]), args.tasks[1])) ttest(x[0], x[1], title='group {} band {}'.format(group_id, band), alpha=alpha) if do_plot: f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.hist(x[0], bins=80) ax2.hist(x[1], bins=80) plt.title('{} mean power'.format(band)) plt.savefig( op.join(plot_fol, '{}_group_{}.jpg'.format(band, group_id))) for label_id, label in enumerate(d.names): x = [ np.array( power_emotion_reactivit[group_id][task][band][label]) for task in args.tasks ] # x = [_x[_x < np.percentile(_x, 90)] for _x in x] x[0] = x[0][x[0] < np.percentile(x[0], percentile)] x[1] = x[1][x[1] < np.percentile(x[1], percentile)] ttest(x[0], x[1], alpha=alpha, title='group {} band {} label {}'.format( group_id, band, label)) if do_plot: f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.hist(x[0], bins=80) ax2.hist(x[1], bins=80) plt.title('{} {} power'.format(band, label)) plt.savefig( op.join( plot_fol, '{}_group_{}_label_{}.jpg'.format( band, group_id, label)))
import numpy as np import as sio from src.utils import labels_utils as lu from src.utils import matlab_utils from src.utils import utils from src.utils import freesurfer_utils as fu from src.mmvt_addon import colors_utils as cu LINKS_DIR = utils.get_links_dir() SUBJECTS_DIR = utils.get_link_dir(LINKS_DIR, 'subjects', 'SUBJECTS_DIR') FREE_SURFER_HOME = utils.get_link_dir(LINKS_DIR, 'freesurfer', 'FREESURFER_HOME') MMVT_DIR = op.join(LINKS_DIR, 'mmvt') os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = SUBJECTS_DIR BRAINDER_SCRIPTS_DIR = op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(utils.get_parent_fol()), 'brainder_scripts') ASEG_TO_SRF = op.join(BRAINDER_SCRIPTS_DIR, 'aseg2srf -s "{}"') # -o {}' HEMIS = ['rh', 'lh'] def subcortical_segmentation(subject, overwrite_subcortical_objs=False): # Must source freesurfer. You need to have write permissions on SUBJECTS_DIR script_fname = op.join(BRAINDER_SCRIPTS_DIR, 'aseg2srf') if not op.isfile(script_fname): raise Exception('The subcortical segmentation script is missing! {}'.format(script_fname)) if not utils.is_exe(script_fname): utils.set_exe_permissions(script_fname) # aseg2srf: For every subcortical region (8 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 26 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 58): # 1) mri_pretess: Changes region segmentation so that the neighbors of all voxels have a face in common # 2) mri_tessellate: Creates surface by tessellating
import as sio import nibabel as nib from src.utils import labels_utils as lu from src.utils import matlab_utils from src.utils import utils from src.utils import freesurfer_utils as fu from src.mmvt_addon import colors_utils as cu LINKS_DIR = utils.get_links_dir() SUBJECTS_DIR = utils.get_link_dir(LINKS_DIR, 'subjects', 'SUBJECTS_DIR') FREE_SURFER_HOME = utils.get_link_dir(LINKS_DIR, 'freesurfer', 'FREESURFER_HOME') MMVT_DIR = op.join(LINKS_DIR, 'mmvt') os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = SUBJECTS_DIR BRAINDER_SCRIPTS_DIR = op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(utils.get_parent_fol()), 'brainder_scripts') ASEG_TO_SRF = op.join(BRAINDER_SCRIPTS_DIR, 'aseg2srf -s "{}"') # -o {}' HEMIS = ['rh', 'lh'] def subcortical_segmentation(subject, overwrite_subcortical_objs=False): # Must source freesurfer. You need to have write permissions on SUBJECTS_DIR if not op.isfile(op.join(SUBJECTS_DIR, subject, 'mri', 'norm.mgz')): return False script_fname = op.join(BRAINDER_SCRIPTS_DIR, 'aseg2srf') if not op.isfile(script_fname): raise Exception('The subcortical segmentation script is missing! {}'.format(script_fname)) if not utils.is_exe(script_fname): utils.set_exe_permissions(script_fname) # aseg2srf: For every subcortical region (8 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 26 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 58):
def register_ct_to_mr_using_mutual_information(subject, subjects_dir, ct_fname, output_fname='', lta_name='', overwrite=False, cost_function='nmi', print_only=False): ''' Performs the registration between CT and MR using the normalized mutual information cost option in freesurfer's mri_robust_register. Saves the output to a temporary file which is subsequently examined and the linear registration is returned. Freesurfer should already be sourced. Parameters ---------- ct_fname : Str The filename containing the CT scan subject : Str The freesurfer subject. subjects_dir : Str The freesurfer subjects_dir. overwrite : Bool When true, will do the computation and not search for a saved value. Defaults to false. cost_function : Enum uses mi or nmi or blank cost function. If blank, then its not actually using MI at all, just rigid 6 parameter dof registration (with resampling tricks and so on) Returns ------- affine : 4x4 np.ndarray The matrix containing the affine transformation from CT to MR space. ''' xfms_dir = utils.make_dir( op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'mri', 'transforms')) if lta_name == '': lta_name = 'ct2mr.lta' lta_fname = op.join(xfms_dir, lta_name) if op.isfile(lta_fname) and op.isfile(output_fname): if overwrite: os.remove(lta_fname) os.remove(output_fname) else: return True rawavg = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'mri', 'T1.mgz') #''rawavg.mgz') if output_fname == '': output_fname = op.join(utils.get_parent_fol(ct_fname), 'ct_reg_to_mr.mgz') fu.robust_register(subject, subjects_dir, ct_fname, rawavg, output_fname, lta_name, cost_function, print_only) if print_only: return True else: return op.isfile(lta_fname) and op.isfile(output_fname)