Exemple #1
def test_composite_beam():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b1 = Beam(2, E, 1.5*I)
    b2 = Beam(2, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2, "fixed")
    b.apply_load(-20, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(80, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    assert b.length == 4
    assert b.second_moment == Piecewise((1.5*I, x <= 2), (I, x <= 4))
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 4) == 120.0/(E*I)
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 2) == 80.0/(E*I)
    assert int(b.deflection().subs(x, 4).args[0]) == 302  # Coefficient of 1/(E*I)

    l = symbols('l', positive=True)
    R1, M1, R2, R3, P = symbols('R1 M1 R2 R3 P')
    b1 = Beam(2*l, E, I)
    b2 = Beam(2*l, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2,"hinge")
    b.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(R3, 4*l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 3*l, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (l, 0), (4*l, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(M1, R1, R2, R3)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R3: -P/2, R2: -5*P/4, M1: -P*l/4, R1: 3*P/4}
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 3*l) == -7*P*l**2/(48*E*I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 2*l) == 7*P*l**3/(24*E*I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 3*l) == 5*P*l**3/(16*E*I)
Exemple #2
def test_point_cflexure():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b = Beam(10, E, I)
    b.apply_load(-4, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(-46, 6, -1)
    b.apply_load(10, 2, -1)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    b.apply_load(3, 6, 0)
    assert b.point_cflexure() == [S(10)/3]
Exemple #3
 def set_E_I_Len(self, instance):
     #print(self.E_text.text, "\n", self.I_text.text, "\n",self.len_text.text)
     self.E = self.E_text.text
     self.I = self.I_text.text
     self.Len = self.len_text.text
     self.BEAM = Beam(self.Len, self.E, self.I)
Exemple #4
def test_composite_beam():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b1 = Beam(2, E, 1.5*I)
    b2 = Beam(2, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2, "fixed")
    b.apply_load(-20, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(80, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    assert b.length == 4
    assert b.second_moment == Piecewise((1.5*I, x <= 2), (I, x <= 4))
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 4) == 120.0/(E*I)
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 2) == 80.0/(E*I)
    assert int(b.deflection().subs(x, 4).args[0]) == 302  # Coefficient of 1/(E*I)

    l = symbols('l', positive=True)
    R1, M1, R2, R3, P = symbols('R1 M1 R2 R3 P')
    b1 = Beam(2*l, E, I)
    b2 = Beam(2*l, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2,"hinge")
    b.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(R3, 4*l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 3*l, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (l, 0), (4*l, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(M1, R1, R2, R3)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R3: -P/2, R2: -5*P/4, M1: -P*l/4, R1: 3*P/4}
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 3*l) == -7*P*l**2/(48*E*I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 2*l) == 7*P*l**3/(24*E*I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 3*l) == 5*P*l**3/(16*E*I)
Exemple #5
 def popup_newbeam(self, instance):
     del self.BEAM
     self.E = "210E9"
     self.I = "1.71E-6"
     self.Len = '10'
     self.reaction_vars = []
     self.i = 0
     self.BEAM = Beam(self.Len, self.E, self.I)
     layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
     layout.add_widget(Label(text = "ANALYSE A NEW BEAM NOW!!!"))
     btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
     btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
     self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "!!NEW!!",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
Exemple #6
def menu():
    print("Welcome to the Macaulay notation plotter.")
    print("How long is the beam?")
    xend = int(input(""))
    b = Beam(xend, E, I)
    print("How many forces are acting upon the beam?")
    num_forces = int(input(""))
    for x in range(num_forces):
        print("\nForce number " + str(x+1) + ":")
        print("What's the magnitude of the force? (Convention is upwards being positive.)")
        mag = int(input(""))
        print("How far along the beam is the force?")
        dist = int(input(""))
        print("What's the power?")
        power = int(input(""))
        b.apply_load(mag, dist, power-1)
    print("The Macaulay equation for the beam is:")
Exemple #7
def test_composite_beam():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b1 = Beam(2, E, 1.5*I)
    b2 = Beam(2, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2, "fixed")
    b.apply_load(-20, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(80, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    assert b.length == 4
    assert b.second_moment == Piecewise((1.5*I, x <= 2), (I, x <= 4))
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 4) == 120.0/(E*I)
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 2) == 80.0/(E*I)
    assert int(b.deflection().subs(x, 4).args[0]) == 302  # Coefficient of 1/(E*I)

    l = symbols('l', positive=True)
    R1, M1, R2, R3, P = symbols('R1 M1 R2 R3 P')
    b1 = Beam(2*l, E, I)
    b2 = Beam(2*l, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2,"hinge")
    b.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(R3, 4*l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 3*l, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (l, 0), (4*l, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(M1, R1, R2, R3)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R3: -P/2, R2: -5*P/4, M1: -P*l/4, R1: 3*P/4}
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 3*l) == -7*P*l**2/(48*E*I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 2*l) == 7*P*l**3/(24*E*I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 3*l) == 5*P*l**3/(16*E*I)

    # When beams having same second moment are joined.
    b1 = Beam(2, 500, 10)
    b2 = Beam(2, 500, 10)
    b = b1.join(b2, "fixed")
    b.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, 1, -1)
    b.apply_load(R3, 4, -1)
    b.apply_load(10, 3, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (4, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(M1, R1, R2, R3)
    assert b.slope() == -2*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1)/5625 + SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)/1875\
                - 133*SingularityFunction(x, 1, 2)/135000 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 2)/1000\
                - 37*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 2)/67500
    assert b.deflection() == -SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)/5625 + SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/5625\
                    - 133*SingularityFunction(x, 1, 3)/405000 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3)/3000\
                    - 37*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 3)/202500
Exemple #8
def test_variable_moment():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(4, E, 2*(4 - x))
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    R, M = symbols('R, M')
    b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
    assert b.slope().expand() == ((10*x*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0)
        - 10*(x - 4)*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 0))/E).expand()
    assert b.deflection().expand() == ((5*x**2*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0)
        - 10*Piecewise((0, Abs(x)/4 < 1), (16*meijerg(((3, 1), ()), ((), (2, 0)), x/4), True))
        + 40*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 1))/E).expand()

    b = Beam(4, E - x, I)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    R, M = symbols('R, M')
    b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
    assert b.slope().expand() == ((-80*(-log(-E) + log(-E + x))*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0)
        + 80*(-log(-E + 4) + log(-E + x))*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 0) + 20*(-E*log(-E)
        + E*log(-E + x) + x)*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0) - 20*(-E*log(-E + 4) + E*log(-E + x)
        + x - 4)*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 0))/I).expand()
Exemple #9
def test_insufficient_bconditions():
    # Test cases when required number of boundary conditions
    # are not provided to solve the integration constants.
    L = symbols('L', positive=True)
    E, I, P, a3, a4 = symbols('E I P a3 a4')

    b = Beam(L, E, I, base_char='a')
    b.apply_load(R2, L, -1)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(-P, L/2, -1)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)

    p = b.slope()
    q = P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)/4 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 2)/2 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 2)/4
    assert p == q/(E*I) + a3

    p = b.deflection()
    q = P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/12 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 3)/6 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 3)/12
    assert p == q/(E*I) + a3*x + a4

    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    p = b.deflection()
    q = a3*x + P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/12 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 3)/6 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 3)/12
    assert p == q/(E*I)

    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (L, 0)]
    p = b.deflection()
    q = -L**2*P*x/16 + P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/12 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 3)/6 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 3)/12
    assert p == q/(E*I)
Exemple #10
from sympy.physics.continuum_mechanics.beam import Beam
from sympy import symbols
R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
b = Beam(8, 200*(10**9), 400*(10**-6))
b.apply_load(5000, 2, -1)
b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
b.apply_load(R2, 8, -1)
b.apply_load(10000, 4, 0, end=8)
b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (8, 0)]
b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
# Plot object containing:
# [0]: cartesian line: 0.00138541666666667*x - 2.86458333333333e-5*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)
# + 1.04166666666667e-5*SingularityFunction(x, 2, 3) + 5.20833333333333e-6*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 4)
# - 6.51041666666667e-5*SingularityFunction(x, 8, 3) - 5.20833333333333e-6*SingularityFunction(x, 8, 4)
# for x over (0.0, 8.0)
Exemple #11
def Test():
	x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
	init_printing(use_unicode=True, wrap_line=False)
	E, I = symbols('E, I')
	b = Beam(9, E, I)

	#Apply loads
	# -point load of 12 kN downward at x = 9 and of the -1 order or,  -12<x-9>^-1
	b.apply_load(-12, 9, -1)

	# -Moment applied at x = 5 or,  5<x-5>^-2
	b.apply_load(50, 5, -2)

	# -Distributed load from x= 0 to x=5 and of -8, or  -8<x-0>^0  8<x-5>^0
	b.apply_load(-8, 0, 0, end=5)
	#Boundary conditions
	# -At 0,0 the deflection will be 0
	b.bc_deflection.append((0, 0))

	# -At 0, 0 the slope will be 0
	b.bc_slope.append((0, 0))

	R, M = symbols('R, M')
	b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
	b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
	b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
Exemple #12
def test_cross_section():
    I = Symbol('I')
    l = Symbol('l')
    E = Symbol('E')
    C3, C4 = symbols('C3, C4')
    a, c, g, h, r, n = symbols('a, c, g, h, r, n')

    # test for second_moment and cross_section setter
    b0 = Beam(l, E, I)
    assert b0.second_moment == I
    assert b0.cross_section == None
    b0.cross_section = Circle((0, 0), 5)
    assert b0.second_moment == pi*Rational(625, 4)
    assert b0.cross_section == Circle((0, 0), 5)
    b0.second_moment = 2*n - 6
    assert b0.second_moment == 2*n-6
    assert b0.cross_section == None
    with raises(ValueError):
        b0.second_moment = Circle((0, 0), 5)

    # beam with a circular cross-section
    b1 = Beam(50, E, Circle((0, 0), r))
    assert b1.cross_section == Circle((0, 0), r)
    assert b1.second_moment == pi*r*Abs(r)**3/4

    b1.apply_load(-10, 0, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R1, 5, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R2, 50, -1)
    b1.apply_load(90, 45, -2)
    b1.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b1.load == (-10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, -1) + 82*SingularityFunction(x, 5, -1)/S(9)
                         + 90*SingularityFunction(x, 45, -2) + 8*SingularityFunction(x, 50, -1)/9)
    assert b1.bending_moment() == (-10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) + 82*SingularityFunction(x, 5, 1)/9
                                     + 90*SingularityFunction(x, 45, 0) + 8*SingularityFunction(x, 50, 1)/9)
    q = (-5*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) + 41*SingularityFunction(x, 5, 2)/S(9)
           + 90*SingularityFunction(x, 45, 1) + 4*SingularityFunction(x, 50, 2)/S(9))/(pi*E*r*Abs(r)**3)
    assert b1.slope() == C3 + 4*q
    q = (-5*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3 + 41*SingularityFunction(x, 5, 3)/27 + 45*SingularityFunction(x, 45, 2)
           + 4*SingularityFunction(x, 50, 3)/27)/(pi*E*r*Abs(r)**3)
    assert b1.deflection() == C3*x + C4 + 4*q

    # beam with a recatangular cross-section
    b2 = Beam(20, E, Polygon((0, 0), (a, 0), (a, c), (0, c)))
    assert b2.cross_section == Polygon((0, 0), (a, 0), (a, c), (0, c))
    assert b2.second_moment == a*c**3/12
    # beam with a triangular cross-section
    b3 = Beam(15, E, Triangle((0, 0), (g, 0), (g/2, h)))
    assert b3.cross_section == Triangle(Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(g, 0), Point2D(g/2, h))
    assert b3.second_moment == g*h**3/36

    # composite beam
    b = b2.join(b3, "fixed")
    b.apply_load(-30, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(65, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(40, 0, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]

    assert b.second_moment == Piecewise((a*c**3/12, x <= 20), (g*h**3/36, x <= 35))
    assert b.cross_section == None
    assert b.length == 35
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 7) == 8400/(E*a*c**3)
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 25) == 52200/(E*g*h**3) + 39600/(E*a*c**3)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 30) == 537000/(E*g*h**3) + 712000/(E*a*c**3)
Exemple #13
from sympy import symbols
from sympy.physics.continuum_mechanics.beam import Beam
E, I = symbols('E, I')
R_0, R_8 = symbols('R_0, R_8')
b = Beam(12, E, I)
b.apply_support(0, 'roller')
b.apply_support(8, 'roller')
b.solve_for_ild_reactions(1, R_0, R_8)
b.solve_for_ild_shear(4, 1, R_0, R_8)
# Piecewise((x/8, x < 4), (x/8 - 1, x > 4))
# Plot object containing:
# [0]: cartesian line: Piecewise((x/8, x < 4), (x/8 - 1, x > 4)) for x over (0.0, 12.0)
from sympy.physics.continuum_mechanics.beam import Beam
E, I = symbols('E, I')
b = Beam(9, E, I)
Exemple #15
def test_insufficient_bconditions():
    # Test cases when required number of boundary conditions
    # are not provided to solve the integration constants.
    L = symbols('L', positive=True)
    E, I, P, a3, a4 = symbols('E I P a3 a4')

    b = Beam(L, E, I, base_char='a')
    b.apply_load(R2, L, -1)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(-P, L/2, -1)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)

    p = b.slope()
    q = P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)/4 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 2)/2 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 2)/4
    assert p == q/(E*I) + a3

    p = b.deflection()
    q = P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/12 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 3)/6 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 3)/12
    assert p == q/(E*I) + a3*x + a4

    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    p = b.deflection()
    q = a3*x + P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/12 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 3)/6 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 3)/12
    assert p == q/(E*I)

    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (L, 0)]
    p = b.deflection()
    q = -L**2*P*x/16 + P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/12 - P*SingularityFunction(x, L/2, 3)/6 + P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 3)/12
    assert p == q/(E*I)
Exemple #16
def test_parabolic_loads():

    E, I, L = symbols('E, I, L', positive=True, real=True)
    R, M, P = symbols('R, M, P', real=True)

    # cantilever beam fixed at x=0 and parabolic distributed loading across
    # length of beam
    beam = Beam(L, E, I)

    beam.bc_deflection.append((0, 0))
    beam.bc_slope.append((0, 0))
    beam.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    beam.apply_load(M, 0, -2)

    # parabolic load
    beam.apply_load(1, 0, 2)

    beam.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)

    assert beam.reaction_loads[R] == -L**3 / 3

    # cantilever beam fixed at x=0 and parabolic distributed loading across
    # first half of beam
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)

    beam.bc_deflection.append((0, 0))
    beam.bc_slope.append((0, 0))
    beam.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    beam.apply_load(M, 0, -2)

    # parabolic load from x=0 to x=L
    beam.apply_load(1, 0, 2, end=L)

    beam.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)

    # result should be the same as the prior example
    assert beam.reaction_loads[R] == -L**3 / 3

    # check constant load
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)
    beam.apply_load(P, 0, 0, end=L)
    loading = beam.load.xreplace({L: 10, E: 20, I: 30, P: 40})
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 5}) == 40
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 15}) == 0

    # check ramp load
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)
    beam.apply_load(P, 0, 1, end=L)
    assert beam.load == (P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) -
                         P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 1) -
                         P*L*SingularityFunction(x, L, 0))

    # check higher order load: x**8 load from x=0 to x=L
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)
    beam.apply_load(P, 0, 8, end=L)
    loading = beam.load.xreplace({L: 10, E: 20, I: 30, P: 40})
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 5}) == 40 * 5**8
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 15}) == 0
Exemple #17
def test_max_bmoment():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    l, P = symbols('l, P', positive=True)

    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, l/2, -1)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.max_bmoment() == (l/2, P*l/4)

    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 0, 0, end=l)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.max_bmoment() == (l/2, P*l**2/8)
Exemple #18
def max_shear_force(self):
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(3, E, I)
    R, M = symbols('R, M')
    b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(2, 3, -1)
    b.apply_load(4, 2, -1)
    b.apply_load(2, 2, 0, end=3)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
    assert b.max_shear_force() == (Interval(0, 2), 8)

    l = symbols('l', positive=True)
    P = Symbol('P')
    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 0, 0, end=l)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.max_shear_force() == (0, l*Abs(P)/2)
Exemple #19
def test_apply_support():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(4, E, I)
    b.apply_support(0, "cantilever")
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    M_0, R_0 = symbols('M_0, R_0')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_0, M_0)
    assert b.slope() == (80*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 2))/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (40*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 3)/3)/(E*I)

    b = Beam(30, E, I)
    b.apply_support(10, "pin")
    b.apply_support(30, "roller")
    b.apply_load(-8, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(120, 30, -2)
    R_10, R_30 = symbols('R_10, R_30')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_10, R_30)
    assert b.slope() == (-4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 2)
            + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + S(4000)/3)/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (4000*x/3 - 4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 10, 3)
            + 60*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 3)/3 - 12000)/(E*I)

    P = Symbol('P', positive=True)
    L = Symbol('L', positive=True)
    b = Beam(L, E, I)
    b.apply_support(0, type='fixed')
    b.apply_support(L, type='fixed')
    b.apply_load(-P, L/2, -1)
    R_0, R_L, M_0, M_L = symbols('R_0, R_L, M_0, M_L')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_0, R_L, M_0, M_L)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R_0: P/2, R_L: P/2, M_0: -L*P/8, M_L: L*P/8}
Exemple #20
def test_statically_indeterminate():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    M1, M2 = symbols('M1, M2')
    F = Symbol('F')
    l = Symbol('l', positive=True)

    b5 = Beam(l, E, I)
    b5.bc_deflection = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]
    b5.bc_slope = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]

    b5.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b5.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b5.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b5.apply_load(M2, l, -2)
    b5.apply_load(-F, l/2, -1)

    b5.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2, M1, M2)
    p = b5.reaction_loads
    q = {R1: F/2, R2: F/2, M1: -F*l/8, M2: F*l/8}
    assert p == q
Exemple #21
def test_max_deflection():
    E, I, l, F = symbols('E, I, l, F', positive=True)
    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]
    b.apply_load(F/2, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(-F*l/8, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(F/2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(F*l/8, l, -2)
    b.apply_load(-F, l/2, -1)
    assert b.max_deflection() == (l/2, F*l**3/(192*E*I))
Exemple #22
def test_apply_support():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(4, E, I)
    b.apply_support(0, "cantilever")
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    M_0, R_0 = symbols('M_0, R_0')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_0, M_0)
    assert b.slope() == (80*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 2))/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (40*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 3)/3)/(E*I)

    b = Beam(30, E, I)
    b.apply_support(10, "pin")
    b.apply_support(30, "roller")
    b.apply_load(-8, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(120, 30, -2)
    R_10, R_30 = symbols('R_10, R_30')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_10, R_30)
    assert b.slope() == (-4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 2)
            + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + 4000/3)/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (4000*x/3 - 4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 10, 3)
            + 60*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 3)/3 - 12000)/(E*I)
Exemple #23
    def calc_sympy(self):
        self.cal_flag = 'CALCULATE BY SYMPY'  # change flag to CALCULATE BY SYMPY
        if (self.tie_release == 1):
            self.listAnchor = self.alt_release_tie(self.listAnchor0)
            self.listAnchor = self.listAnchor0

        # total deflection by external load
        moment = self.topLoad[0]
        force_horizontal = self.topLoad[1]
        force_verticle = self.topLoad[2]

        E, I = symbols('E, I')
        # create tuple for constrain: base translation constrain, base rotation constrain, constrain of anchorage[1,2,3,...]

        # R1: assign force reaction at foundation, M1: assign moment reaction at foundation
        R1, M1 = symbols('R1,M1')

        # Assign anchorage force sysbols programically
        listAnchorSym = []
        for countA in range(0, len(self.listAnchor)):
            listAnchorSym.append(symbols('A' + str(countA + 1)))

        beam = Beam(float(self.mastHeight), E, I)
        beam.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)  # apply reaction force at height=0
        beam.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)  # apply reaction moment at height=0
            (self.windForceRegion[0], 0))  # boundary condition at h=0, slope=0
             0))  # boundary condition at h=0, deflection=0

        for countAA in range(1, len(self.listAnchor) + 1):
            # apply reaction force at each anchorage
            beam.apply_load(listAnchorSym[countAA - 1],
                            self.listAnchor[countAA - 1], -1)
            # apply boundary condition at each anchorage, deflection=0
            beam.bc_deflection.append((self.listAnchor[countAA - 1], 0))

        # apply external loads
        beam.apply_load(moment, float(self.mastHeight), -2)  # apply moment
        beam.apply_load(force_horizontal, float(self.topWindHeight),
                        -1)  # apply horizontal force

        windRegn = self.windForceRegion[:]
        # print(windRegn)
        nc = 0
        # apply wind pressure
        for f_w in self.windForce:
            # print('1st: '+str(windRegn[nc]))
            # print('2nd: '+str(windRegn[nc+1]))
            # print('Force: '+str(f_w))
            exStr = 'beam.apply_load(f_w,' + str(
                windRegn[nc]) + ',0,end=' + str(windRegn[nc + 1]) + ')'
            # beam.apply_load(f_w,windRegn[nc],0,end=windRegn[nc+1])
            nc += 1

        # solve for reaction
        # l_anc=[R1,M1]+list(dict_anc.values())  # get value in dict_anc to list

        ### beam.solve_for_reaction_loads(tup)

        strOfAncSym = ''
        for countAB in range(0, len(self.listAnchor)):

            strOfAncSym += ', listAnchorSym[{}]'.format(str(countAB))

        exec('beam.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, M1{})'.format(strOfAncSym))

        self.tab_fa = list(
Exemple #24
def test_max_deflection():
    E, I, l, F = symbols('E, I, l, F', positive=True)
    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]
    b.apply_load(F/2, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(-F*l/8, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(F/2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(F*l/8, l, -2)
    b.apply_load(-F, l/2, -1)
    assert b.max_deflection() == (l/2, F*l**3/(192*E*I))
Exemple #25
def test_Beam():
    E = Symbol("E")
    E_1 = Symbol("E_1")
    I = Symbol("I")
    I_1 = Symbol("I_1")
    b = Beam(1, E, I)
    assert b.length == 1
    assert b.elastic_modulus == E
    assert b.second_moment == I
    assert b.variable == x

    # Test the length setter
    b.length = 4
    assert b.length == 4

    # Test the E setter
    b.elastic_modulus = E_1
    assert b.elastic_modulus == E_1

    # Test the I setter
    b.second_moment = I_1
    assert b.second_moment is I_1

    # Test the variable setter
    b.variable = y
    assert b.variable is y

    # Test for all boundary conditions.
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 2)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 1)]
    assert b.boundary_conditions == {"deflection": [(0, 2)], "slope": [(0, 1)]}

    # Test for slope boundary condition method
    b.bc_slope.extend([(4, 3), (5, 0)])
    s_bcs = b.bc_slope
    assert s_bcs == [(0, 1), (4, 3), (5, 0)]

    # Test for deflection boundary condition method
    b.bc_deflection.extend([(4, 3), (5, 0)])
    d_bcs = b.bc_deflection
    assert d_bcs == [(0, 2), (4, 3), (5, 0)]

    # Test for updated boundary conditions
    bcs_new = b.boundary_conditions
    assert bcs_new == {"deflection": [(0, 2), (4, 3), (5, 0)], "slope": [(0, 1), (4, 3), (5, 0)]}

    b1 = Beam(30, E, I)
    b1.apply_load(-8, 0, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R1, 10, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R2, 30, -1)
    b1.apply_load(120, 30, -2)
    b1.bc_deflection = [(10, 0), (30, 0)]
    b1.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)

    # Test for finding reaction forces
    p = b1.reaction_loads
    q = {R1: 6, R2: 2}
    assert p == q

    # Test for load distribution function.
    p = b1.load
    q = (
        -8 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, -1)
        + 6 * SingularityFunction(x, 10, -1)
        + 120 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, -2)
        + 2 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, -1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for shear force distribution function
    p = b1.shear_force()
    q = (
        -8 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0)
        + 6 * SingularityFunction(x, 10, 0)
        + 120 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, -1)
        + 2 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, 0)
    assert p == q

    # Test for bending moment distribution function
    p = b1.bending_moment()
    q = (
        -8 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1)
        + 6 * SingularityFunction(x, 10, 1)
        + 120 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, 0)
        + 2 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for slope distribution function
    p = b1.slope()
    q = (
        -4 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)
        + 3 * SingularityFunction(x, 10, 2)
        + 120 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1)
        + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2)
        + 4000 / 3
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    # Test for deflection distribution function
    p = b1.deflection()
    q = (
        4000 * x / 3
        - 4 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3) / 3
        + SingularityFunction(x, 10, 3)
        + 60 * SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2)
        + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 3) / 3
        - 12000
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    # Test using symbols
    l = Symbol("l")
    w0 = Symbol("w0")
    w2 = Symbol("w2")
    a1 = Symbol("a1")
    c = Symbol("c")
    c1 = Symbol("c1")
    d = Symbol("d")
    e = Symbol("e")
    f = Symbol("f")

    b2 = Beam(l, E, I)

    b2.apply_load(w0, a1, 1)
    b2.apply_load(w2, c1, -1)

    b2.bc_deflection = [(c, d)]
    b2.bc_slope = [(e, f)]

    # Test for load distribution function.
    p = b2.load
    q = w0 * SingularityFunction(x, a1, 1) + w2 * SingularityFunction(x, c1, -1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for shear force distribution function
    p = b2.shear_force()
    q = w0 * SingularityFunction(x, a1, 2) / 2 + w2 * SingularityFunction(x, c1, 0)
    assert p == q

    # Test for bending moment distribution function
    p = b2.bending_moment()
    q = w0 * SingularityFunction(x, a1, 3) / 6 + w2 * SingularityFunction(x, c1, 1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for slope distribution function
    p = b2.slope()
    q = (
        - w0 * SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4) / 24
        + w0 * SingularityFunction(x, a1, 4) / 24
        - w2 * SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2) / 2
        + w2 * SingularityFunction(x, c1, 2) / 2
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    # Test for deflection distribution function
    p = b2.deflection()
    q = (
        -c * f
        + c * w0 * SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4) / 24
        + c * w2 * SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2) / 2
        + d
        + f * x
        - w0 * x * SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4) / 24
        - w0 * SingularityFunction(c, a1, 5) / 120
        + w0 * SingularityFunction(x, a1, 5) / 120
        - w2 * x * SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2) / 2
        - w2 * SingularityFunction(c, c1, 3) / 6
        + w2 * SingularityFunction(x, c1, 3) / 6
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    b3 = Beam(9, E, I)
    b3.apply_load(value=-2, start=2, order=2, end=3)
    b3.bc_slope.append((0, 2))
    p = b3.load
    q = -2 * SingularityFunction(x, 2, 2) + 2 * SingularityFunction(x, 3, 0) + 2 * SingularityFunction(x, 3, 2)
    assert p == q

    p = b3.slope()
    q = -SingularityFunction(x, 2, 5) / 30 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3) / 3 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 5) / 30 + 2
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    p = b3.deflection()
    q = (
        2 * x
        - SingularityFunction(x, 2, 6) / 180
        + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4) / 12
        + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 6) / 180
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    b4 = Beam(4, E, I)
    b4.apply_load(-3, 0, 0, end=3)

    p = b4.load
    q = -3 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0) + 3 * SingularityFunction(x, 3, 0)
    assert p == q

    p = b4.slope()
    q = -3 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3) / 6 + 3 * SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3) / 6
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    p = b4.deflection()
    q = -3 * SingularityFunction(x, 0, 4) / 24 + 3 * SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4) / 24
    assert p == q / (E * I)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: b4.apply_load(-3, 0, -1, end=3))
    with raises(TypeError):
        b4.variable = 1
Exemple #26
def test_Beam():
    E = Symbol('E')
    E_1 = Symbol('E_1')
    I = Symbol('I')
    I_1 = Symbol('I_1')
    b = Beam(1, E, I)
    assert b.length == 1
    assert b.elastic_modulus == E
    assert b.second_moment == I
    assert b.variable == x

    # Test the length setter
    b.length = 4
    assert b.length == 4

    # Test the E setter
    b.elastic_modulus = E_1
    assert b.elastic_modulus == E_1

    # Test the I setter
    b.second_moment = I_1
    assert b.second_moment is I_1

    # Test the variable setter
    b.variable = y
    assert b.variable is y

    # Test for all boundary conditions.
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 2)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 1)]
    assert b.boundary_conditions == {'deflection': [(0, 2)], 'slope': [(0, 1)]}

    # Test for slope boundary condition method
    b.bc_slope.extend([(4, 3), (5, 0)])
    s_bcs = b.bc_slope
    assert s_bcs == [(0, 1), (4, 3), (5, 0)]

    # Test for deflection boundary condition method
    b.bc_deflection.extend([(4, 3), (5, 0)])
    d_bcs = b.bc_deflection
    assert d_bcs == [(0, 2), (4, 3), (5, 0)]

    # Test for updated boundary conditions
    bcs_new = b.boundary_conditions
    assert bcs_new == {
        'deflection': [(0, 2), (4, 3), (5, 0)],
        'slope': [(0, 1), (4, 3), (5, 0)]}

    b1 = Beam(30, E, I)
    b1.apply_load(-8, 0, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R1, 10, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R2, 30, -1)
    b1.apply_load(120, 30, -2)
    b1.bc_deflection = [(10, 0), (30, 0)]
    b1.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)

    # Test for finding reaction forces
    p = b1.reaction_loads
    q = {R1: 6, R2: 2}
    assert p == q

    # Test for load distribution function.
    p = b1.load
    q = -8*SingularityFunction(x, 0, -1) + 6*SingularityFunction(x, 10, -1) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, -2) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 30, -1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for shear force distribution function
    p = b1.shear_force()
    q = -8*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0) + 6*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 0) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, -1) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 0)
    assert p == q

    # Test for bending moment distribution function
    p = b1.bending_moment()
    q = -8*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) + 6*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 1) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 0) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for slope distribution function
    p = b1.slope()
    q = -4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 2) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + S(4000)/3
    assert p == q/(E*I)

    # Test for deflection distribution function
    p = b1.deflection()
    q = 4000*x/3 - 4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 10, 3) + 60*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 3)/3 - 12000
    assert p == q/(E*I)

    # Test using symbols
    l = Symbol('l')
    w0 = Symbol('w0')
    w2 = Symbol('w2')
    a1 = Symbol('a1')
    c = Symbol('c')
    c1 = Symbol('c1')
    d = Symbol('d')
    e = Symbol('e')
    f = Symbol('f')

    b2 = Beam(l, E, I)

    b2.apply_load(w0, a1, 1)
    b2.apply_load(w2, c1, -1)

    b2.bc_deflection = [(c, d)]
    b2.bc_slope = [(e, f)]

    # Test for load distribution function.
    p = b2.load
    q = w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 1) + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, -1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for shear force distribution function
    p = b2.shear_force()
    q = w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 2)/2 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 0)
    assert p == q

    # Test for bending moment distribution function
    p = b2.bending_moment()
    q = w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 3)/6 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for slope distribution function
    p = b2.slope()
    q = (w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 4)/24 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 2)/2)/(E*I) + (E*I*f - w0*SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4)/24 - w2*SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2)/2)/(E*I)
    assert p == q

    # Test for deflection distribution function
    p = b2.deflection()
    q = x*(E*I*f - w0*SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4)/24 - w2*SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2)/2)/(E*I) + (w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 5)/120 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 3)/6)/(E*I) + (E*I*(-c*f + d) + c*w0*SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4)/24 + c*w2*SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2)/2 - w0*SingularityFunction(c, a1, 5)/120 - w2*SingularityFunction(c, c1, 3)/6)/(E*I)
    assert p == q

    b3 = Beam(9, E, I)
    b3.apply_load(value=-2, start=2, order=2, end=3)
    b3.bc_slope.append((0, 2))
    C3 = symbols('C3')
    C4 = symbols('C4')
    p = b3.load
    q = -2*SingularityFunction(x, 2, 2) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 0) + 4*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 1) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 2)
    assert p == q

    p = b3.slope()
    q = 2 + (-SingularityFunction(x, 2, 5)/30 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4)/6 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 5)/30)/(E*I)
    assert p == q

    p = b3.deflection()
    q = 2*x + (-SingularityFunction(x, 2, 6)/180 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4)/12 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 5)/30 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 6)/180)/(E*I)
    assert p == q + C4

    b4 = Beam(4, E, I)
    b4.apply_load(-3, 0, 0, end=3)

    p = b4.load
    q = -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 0)
    assert p == q

    p = b4.slope()
    q = -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/6 + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3)/6
    assert p == q/(E*I) + C3

    p = b4.deflection()
    q = -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 4)/24 + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4)/24
    assert p == q/(E*I) + C3*x + C4

    # can't use end with point loads
    raises(ValueError, lambda: b4.apply_load(-3, 0, -1, end=3))
    with raises(TypeError):
        b4.variable = 1
Exemple #27
def test_apply_support():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(4, E, I)
    b.apply_support(0, "cantilever")
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    M_0, R_0 = symbols('M_0, R_0')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_0, M_0)
    assert b.slope() == (80*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 2))/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (40*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 3)/3)/(E*I)

    b = Beam(30, E, I)
    b.apply_support(10, "pin")
    b.apply_support(30, "roller")
    b.apply_load(-8, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(120, 30, -2)
    R_10, R_30 = symbols('R_10, R_30')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_10, R_30)
    assert b.slope() == (-4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 2)
            + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + Rational(4000, 3))/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (x*Rational(4000, 3) - 4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 10, 3)
            + 60*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 3)/3 - 12000)/(E*I)

    P = Symbol('P', positive=True)
    L = Symbol('L', positive=True)
    b = Beam(L, E, I)
    b.apply_support(0, type='fixed')
    b.apply_support(L, type='fixed')
    b.apply_load(-P, L/2, -1)
    R_0, R_L, M_0, M_L = symbols('R_0, R_L, M_0, M_L')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_0, R_L, M_0, M_L)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R_0: P/2, R_L: P/2, M_0: -L*P/8, M_L: L*P/8}
Exemple #28
def test_beam_units():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')

    b = Beam(8*meter, 200*giga*newton/meter**2, 400*1000000*(milli*meter)**4)
    b.apply_load(5*kilo*newton, 2*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, 8*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(10*kilo*newton/meter, 4*meter, 0, end=8*meter)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0*meter, 0*meter), (8*meter, 0*meter)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R1: -13750*newton, R2: -31250*newton}

    b = Beam(3*meter, E*newton/meter**2, I*meter**4)
    b.apply_load(8*kilo*newton, 1*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, 3*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(12*kilo*newton*meter, 2*meter, -2)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0*meter, 0*meter), (3*meter, 0*meter)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R1: -28000*newton/3, R2: 4000*newton/3}
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 1*meter) == 62000*meter/(9*E*I)
Exemple #29
def test_composite_beam():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b1 = Beam(2, E, 1.5 * I)
    b2 = Beam(2, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2, "fixed")
    b.apply_load(-20, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(80, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    assert b.length == 4
    assert b.second_moment == Piecewise((1.5 * I, x <= 2), (I, x <= 4))
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 4) == 120.0 / (E * I)
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 2) == 80.0 / (E * I)
    assert int(b.deflection().subs(x,
                                   4).args[0]) == 302  # Coefficient of 1/(E*I)

    l = symbols('l', positive=True)
    R1, M1, R2, R3, P = symbols('R1 M1 R2 R3 P')
    b1 = Beam(2 * l, E, I)
    b2 = Beam(2 * l, E, I)
    b = b1.join(b2, "hinge")
    b.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(R3, 4 * l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 3 * l, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (l, 0), (4 * l, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(M1, R1, R2, R3)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {
        R3: -P / 2,
        R2: -5 * P / 4,
        M1: -P * l / 4,
        R1: 3 * P / 4
    assert b.slope().subs(x, 3 * l) == -7 * P * l**2 / (48 * E * I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 2 * l) == 7 * P * l**3 / (24 * E * I)
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 3 * l) == 5 * P * l**3 / (16 * E * I)

    # When beams having same second moment are joined.
    b1 = Beam(2, 500, 10)
    b2 = Beam(2, 500, 10)
    b = b1.join(b2, "fixed")
    b.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, 1, -1)
    b.apply_load(R3, 4, -1)
    b.apply_load(10, 3, -1)
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (4, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(M1, R1, R2, R3)
    assert b.slope() == -2*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1)/5625 + SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)/1875\
                - 133*SingularityFunction(x, 1, 2)/135000 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 2)/1000\
                - 37*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 2)/67500
    assert b.deflection() == -SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)/5625 + SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/5625\
                    - 133*SingularityFunction(x, 1, 3)/405000 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3)/3000\
                    - 37*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 3)/202500
from sympy.physics.continuum_mechanics.beam import Beam
from sympy import symbols, plot, S
E, I = symbols('E, I')
R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
b = Beam(6, E, I)
b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
b.apply_load(-S(3) / 2, 3, -2)
b.apply_load(3, 3, 0)
b.apply_load(1, 3, 1)
b.apply_load(R2, 6, -1)
b.bc_deflection.append((0, 0))
b.bc_deflection.append((6, 0))
b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
# {R₁: -11/4, R₂: -43/4}

# -1            -2                                     -1
# 11⋅<x>     3⋅<x - 3>              0          1   43⋅<x - 6>
# - ──────── - ─────────── + 3⋅<x - 3>  + <x - 3>  - ────────────
# 4            2                                     4
Exemple #31
def Problem4_7():
	x, y, z = symbols('x y z')

	A = lambda d: np.pi/4*d**2

	I1 = MomentOfArea.MomentOfArea2("circle", 1, 1).momentEnglish
	I2 = MomentOfArea.MomentOfArea2("circle", 1, 1.5).momentEnglish
	I3 = MomentOfArea.MomentOfArea2("circle", 1, 1.75).momentEnglish

	gamma = 0.282
	g = 32.2 * 12

	L1 = 0.5
	L2 = 8.0
	L3 = 11.0
	L4 = 0.5

	A1 = A(1)
	A2 = A(1.5)
	A3 = A(1.75)
	A4 = A(1)

	# E, I = symbols('E, I')

	E = 30E6
	init_printing(use_latex=True, wrap_line=False)
	b1 = Beam(L1, E, I1)
	b2 = Beam(L2, E, I2)
	b3 = Beam(L3, E, I3)
	b4 = Beam(L4, E, I1)
	ba = b1.join(b2, "fixed")
	bb = b2.join(ba, "fixed")
	bc = b3.join(bb, "fixed")
	b = b4.join(bc, "fixed")

	#Apply loads
	# -point load of 12 kN downward at x = 9 and of the -1 order or,  -12<x-9>^-1
	R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
	# b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
	b.apply_load(-600, 8.5, -1)

	# -Moment

	# -Distributed load
	#Boundary conditions
	# -At 0,0 the deflection will be 0
	b.bc_deflection.append((0, 0))
	b.bc_deflection.append((0.5, 0))
	# print(b.load)

	# -At 0, 0 the slope will be 0
	# b.bc_slope.append((0, 0))

	# R, M = symbols('R, M')
	b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
	b.apply_load(R2, 20, -1)
	# b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
	# b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)

	b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
	# b.plot_shear_force()
	# b.plot_bending_moment()
	# Y = lambdify(x, b.plot_deflection(subs={E: 30E6}), "sympy")
	expr = b.deflection()
	# print(expr)
	m = b.max_deflection()
	f = lambdify(x, expr, "sympy")

	ans = f(5)
	L1c = L1/2
	L2c = L1 + L2/2
	L3c = L1 + L2 + L3/2
	L4c = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4/2

	w1 = gamma*g*L1*A1
	w2 = gamma*g*L2*A2
	w3 = gamma*g*L3*A3
	w4 = gamma*g*L4*A4

	omega = Fatigue.RayleighsLumpedMasses([w1, w2, w3, w4], [f(L1c), f(L2c), f(L3c), f(L4c)])
Exemple #32
def test_remove_load():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b = Beam(4, E, I)

        b.remove_load(2, 1, -1)
    # As no load is applied on beam, ValueError should be returned.
    except ValueError:
        assert True
        assert False

    b.apply_load(-3, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(4, 2, -1)
    b.apply_load(-2, 2, 2, end = 3)
    b.remove_load(-2, 2, 2, end = 3)
    assert b.load == -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, -2) + 4*SingularityFunction(x, 2, -1)
    assert b.applied_loads == [(-3, 0, -2, None), (4, 2, -1, None)]

        b.remove_load(1, 2, -1)
    # As load of this magnitude was never applied at
    # this position, method should return a ValueError.
    except ValueError:
        assert True
        assert False

    b.remove_load(-3, 0, -2)
    b.remove_load(4, 2, -1)
    assert b.load == 0
    assert b.applied_loads == []
Exemple #33
def test_Beam():
    E = Symbol('E')
    E_1 = Symbol('E_1')
    I = Symbol('I')
    I_1 = Symbol('I_1')
    b = Beam(1, E, I)
    assert b.length == 1
    assert b.elastic_modulus == E
    assert b.second_moment == I
    assert b.variable == x

    # Test the length setter
    b.length = 4
    assert b.length == 4

    # Test the E setter
    b.elastic_modulus = E_1
    assert b.elastic_modulus == E_1

    # Test the I setter
    b.second_moment = I_1
    assert b.second_moment is I_1

    # Test the variable setter
    b.variable = y
    assert b.variable is y

    # Test for all boundary conditions.
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 2)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 1)]
    assert b.boundary_conditions == {'deflection': [(0, 2)], 'slope': [(0, 1)]}

    # Test for slope boundary condition method
    b.bc_slope.extend([(4, 3), (5, 0)])
    s_bcs = b.bc_slope
    assert s_bcs == [(0, 1), (4, 3), (5, 0)]

    # Test for deflection boundary condition method
    b.bc_deflection.extend([(4, 3), (5, 0)])
    d_bcs = b.bc_deflection
    assert d_bcs == [(0, 2), (4, 3), (5, 0)]

    # Test for updated boundary conditions
    bcs_new = b.boundary_conditions
    assert bcs_new == {
        'deflection': [(0, 2), (4, 3), (5, 0)],
        'slope': [(0, 1), (4, 3), (5, 0)]}

    b1 = Beam(30, E, I)
    b1.apply_load(-8, 0, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R1, 10, -1)
    b1.apply_load(R2, 30, -1)
    b1.apply_load(120, 30, -2)
    b1.bc_deflection = [(10, 0), (30, 0)]
    b1.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)

    # Test for finding reaction forces
    p = b1.reaction_loads
    q = {R1: 6, R2: 2}
    assert p == q

    # Test for load distribution function.
    p = b1.load
    q = -8*SingularityFunction(x, 0, -1) + 6*SingularityFunction(x, 10, -1) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, -2) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 30, -1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for shear force distribution function
    p = b1.shear_force()
    q = -8*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0) + 6*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 0) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, -1) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 0)
    assert p == q

    # Test for bending moment distribution function
    p = b1.bending_moment()
    q = -8*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) + 6*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 1) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 0) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for slope distribution function
    p = b1.slope()
    q = -4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 2) + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + 4000/3
    assert p == q/(E*I)

    # Test for deflection distribution function
    p = b1.deflection()
    q = 4000*x/3 - 4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 10, 3) + 60*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 3)/3 - 12000
    assert p == q/(E*I)

    # Test using symbols
    l = Symbol('l')
    w0 = Symbol('w0')
    w2 = Symbol('w2')
    a1 = Symbol('a1')
    c = Symbol('c')
    c1 = Symbol('c1')
    d = Symbol('d')
    e = Symbol('e')
    f = Symbol('f')

    b2 = Beam(l, E, I)

    b2.apply_load(w0, a1, 1)
    b2.apply_load(w2, c1, -1)

    b2.bc_deflection = [(c, d)]
    b2.bc_slope = [(e, f)]

    # Test for load distribution function.
    p = b2.load
    q = w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 1) + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, -1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for shear force distribution function
    p = b2.shear_force()
    q = w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 2)/2 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 0)
    assert p == q

    # Test for bending moment distribution function
    p = b2.bending_moment()
    q = w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 3)/6 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 1)
    assert p == q

    # Test for slope distribution function
    p = b2.slope()
    q = (w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 4)/24 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 2)/2)/(E*I) + (E*I*f - w0*SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4)/24 - w2*SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2)/2)/(E*I)
    assert p == q

    # Test for deflection distribution function
    p = b2.deflection()
    q = x*(E*I*f - w0*SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4)/24 - w2*SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2)/2)/(E*I) + (w0*SingularityFunction(x, a1, 5)/120 + w2*SingularityFunction(x, c1, 3)/6)/(E*I) + (E*I*(-c*f + d) + c*w0*SingularityFunction(e, a1, 4)/24 + c*w2*SingularityFunction(e, c1, 2)/2 - w0*SingularityFunction(c, a1, 5)/120 - w2*SingularityFunction(c, c1, 3)/6)/(E*I)
    assert p == q

    b3 = Beam(9, E, I)
    b3.apply_load(value=-2, start=2, order=2, end=3)
    b3.bc_slope.append((0, 2))
    C3 = symbols('C3')
    C4 = symbols('C4')
    p = b3.load
    q = -2*SingularityFunction(x, 2, 2) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 0) + 4*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 1) + 2*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 2)
    assert p == q

    p = b3.slope()
    q = 2 + (-SingularityFunction(x, 2, 5)/30 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4)/6 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 5)/30)/(E*I)
    assert p == q

    p = b3.deflection()
    q = 2*x + (-SingularityFunction(x, 2, 6)/180 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4)/12 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 5)/30 + SingularityFunction(x, 3, 6)/180)/(E*I)
    assert p == q + C4

    b4 = Beam(4, E, I)
    b4.apply_load(-3, 0, 0, end=3)

    p = b4.load
    q = -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 0)
    assert p == q

    p = b4.slope()
    q = -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/6 + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 3)/6
    assert p == q/(E*I) + C3

    p = b4.deflection()
    q = -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 4)/24 + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 3, 4)/24
    assert p == q/(E*I) + C3*x + C4

    # can't use end with point loads
    raises(ValueError, lambda: b4.apply_load(-3, 0, -1, end=3))
    with raises(TypeError):
        b4.variable = 1
Exemple #34
def max_shear_force(self):
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(3, E, I)
    R, M = symbols('R, M')
    b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(2, 3, -1)
    b.apply_load(4, 2, -1)
    b.apply_load(2, 2, 0, end=3)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
    assert b.max_shear_force() == (Interval(0, 2), 8)

    l = symbols('l', positive=True)
    P = Symbol('P')
    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 0, 0, end=l)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.max_shear_force() == (0, l*Abs(P)/2)
Exemple #35
def test_statically_indeterminate():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    M1, M2 = symbols('M1, M2')
    F = Symbol('F')
    l = Symbol('l', positive=True)

    b5 = Beam(l, E, I)
    b5.bc_deflection = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]
    b5.bc_slope = [(0, 0),(l, 0)]

    b5.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b5.apply_load(M1, 0, -2)
    b5.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b5.apply_load(M2, l, -2)
    b5.apply_load(-F, l/2, -1)

    b5.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2, M1, M2)
    p = b5.reaction_loads
    q = {R1: F/2, R2: F/2, M1: -F*l/8, M2: F*l/8}
    assert p == q
Exemple #36
def test_beam_units():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')

    b = Beam(8*meter, 200*giga*newton/meter**2, 400*1000000*(milli*meter)**4)
    b.apply_load(5*kilo*newton, 2*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, 8*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(10*kilo*newton/meter, 4*meter, 0, end=8*meter)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0*meter, 0*meter), (8*meter, 0*meter)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R1: -13750*newton, R2: -31250*newton}

    b = Beam(3*meter, E*newton/meter**2, I*meter**4)
    b.apply_load(8*kilo*newton, 1*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R1, 0*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, 3*meter, -1)
    b.apply_load(12*kilo*newton*meter, 2*meter, -2)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0*meter, 0*meter), (3*meter, 0*meter)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.reaction_loads == {R1: -28000*newton/3, R2: 4000*newton/3}
    assert b.deflection().subs(x, 1*meter) == 62000*meter/(9*E*I)
Exemple #37
def test_variable_moment():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(4, E, 2*(4 - x))
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    R, M = symbols('R, M')
    b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
    assert b.slope().expand() == ((10*x*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0)
        - 10*(x - 4)*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 0))/E).expand()
    assert b.deflection().expand() == ((5*x**2*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0)
        - 10*Piecewise((0, Abs(x)/4 < 1), (16*meijerg(((3, 1), ()), ((), (2, 0)), x/4), True))
        + 40*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 1))/E).expand()

    b = Beam(4, E - x, I)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    R, M = symbols('R, M')
    b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
    b.bc_deflection = [(0, 0)]
    b.bc_slope = [(0, 0)]
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
    assert b.slope().expand() == ((-80*(-log(-E) + log(-E + x))*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0)
        + 80*(-log(-E + 4) + log(-E + x))*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 0) + 20*(-E*log(-E)
        + E*log(-E + x) + x)*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 0) - 20*(-E*log(-E + 4) + E*log(-E + x)
        + x - 4)*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 0))/I).expand()
Exemple #38
class Panel(FloatLayout):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Panel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.E = "210E9"
        self.I = "1.71E-6"
        self.Len = '10'
        self.reaction_vars = []
        self.BEAM = Beam(self.Len, self.E, self.I)
        self.i = 0
        self.add_widget(Label(text = 'MAKE BEAM', size_hint = (.25, 0.1), pos_hint = {'x' : 0, 'y' : 0.9}))
        layout = GridLayout(cols=1, spacing=10, size_hint_y=None, size_hint_x = 1)
        layout.bind(minimum_height = layout.setter('height'))
        default_val = Button(text = 'SET E, I, L', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        default_val.bind(on_press = self.popup_default_value)
        layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'SUPPORTS', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
        Fix = Button(text = 'FIX', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        Fix.bind(on_press = self.popup_fix)
        Roller = Button(text = 'ROLLER', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        Roller.bind(on_press = self.popup_roller)
        Pin = Button(text = 'PIN', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        Pin.bind(on_press = self.popup_pin)
        layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'LOADS', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
        layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'CONCENTRATED', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
        Vertical = Button(text = 'VERTICAL', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        Vertical.bind(on_press = self.popup_vertical)
        Moment = Button(text = 'MOMENT', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        Moment.bind(on_press = self.popup_moment)
        layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'DISTRIBUTED', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
        Linear = Button(text = 'LINEAR', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        Linear.bind(on_press = self.popup_linear)
        NewBeam = Button(text = 'NEW BEAM', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        NewBeam.bind(on_press = self.popup_newbeam)
        MakeBeam = ScrollView(size_hint=(.25, .9))
        self.add_widget(Label(text = 'ANALYSE BEAM', size_hint = (.75, .1), pos_hint = {'x' : .25, 'y' : .9}))
        layout_analysis = GridLayout(cols=2, spacing=10, size_hint = (.75, .3), pos_hint = {'x' : .25, 'y' : .6})
        Shear = Button(text = 'SHEAR FORCE DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
        Shear.bind(on_press = self.popup_shear)
        Bending = Button(text = 'BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
        Bending.bind(on_press = self.popup_bending)
        Slope = Button(text = 'SLOPE DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
        Slope.bind(on_press = self.popup_slope)
        Deflection = Button(text = 'DEFLECTION DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
        Deflection.bind(on_press = self.popup_deflection)
        PlotAll = Button(text = 'PLOT ALL 4', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
        PlotAll.bind(on_press = self.popup_plotall)
        Reaction = Button(text = 'REACTION LOADS', size_hint_y=None, height=15)
        Reaction.bind(on_press = self.popup_reaction)
    def popup_default_value(self, instance):
        #layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
        #layout1 is our child wiget of layout and is GridLayout with coloumn = 2
        layout1 = GridLayout(cols = 2)
        #layout1's child widget Label
        layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'E () = '))
        #layout1's child widget having value of E
        self.E_text = TextInput(text = self.E,multiline = False)
        #layout1's child widget Label
        layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'I () = '))
        #layout1's another child widget having value of E
        self.I_text = TextInput(text = self.I,multiline = False)
        #layout1's child widget Label
        layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'LENGTH (m) = '))
        #layout1's another child widget having value of length of beam
        self.len_text = TextInput(text = self.Len,multiline = False)
        #Button to save the changes done
        btn = Button(text = 'SAVE')
        btn.bind(on_press = self.set_E_I_Len)
        #Button to accept the default values and close the popup
        btn2 = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
        btn2.bind(on_press = self.popup_dismiss)
        #Instantiating the Popup 
        self.popup = Popup(title = 'SET E, I  AND LENGTH FOR BEAM', content = layout1, size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_fix(self, instance):
         layout = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'X (m) = '))
         self.fix_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         btn = Button(text = 'SAVE')
         btn.bind(on_press = self.add_fix)
         btn2 = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
         btn2.bind(on_press = self.popup_dismiss)
         self.popup = Popup(title = 'FIX SUPPPORT (m)', content = layout, size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_roller(self, instance):
         layout = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'X (m) = '))
         self.roller_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         btn = Button(text = 'SAVE')
         btn.bind(on_press = self.add_roller)
         btn2 = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
         btn2.bind(on_press = self.popup_dismiss)
         self.popup = Popup(title = 'ROLLER SUPPORT (m)', content = layout, size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_pin(self, instance):
         layout = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'X (m) = '))
         self.pin_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         btn = Button(text = 'SAVE')
         btn.bind(on_press = self.add_pin)
         btn2 = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
         btn2.bind(on_press = self.popup_dismiss)
         self.popup = Popup(title = 'PIN SUPPORT ', content = layout, size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_vertical(self, instance):
         layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
         layout1 = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'X(m) = '))
         self.vertical_load_pos_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'LOAD(kN) = '))
         self.vertical_load_mag_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         self.load_dir = Toggle_btn()
         layout2 = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         btn = Button(text = 'SAVE')
         btn.bind(on_press = self.add_vertical_load)
         btn2 = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
         btn2.bind(on_press = self.popup_dismiss)
         self.popup = Popup(title = 'POINT LOAD ', content = layout, size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_moment(self, instance):
         layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
         layout1 = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'X(m) = '))
         self.moment_pos_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'MOMENT (kN * m)= '))
         self.moment_mag_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         self.moment_dir = Toggle_btn_moment()
         layout2 = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         btn = Button(text = 'SAVE')
         btn.bind(on_press = self.add_moment)
         btn2 = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
         btn2.bind(on_press = self.popup_dismiss)
         self.popup = Popup(title = 'MOMENT MAG. ', content = layout, size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_linear(self, instance):
         layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
         layout1 = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'X1 (m) = '))
         self.starting_pos_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'X2 (m) = '))
         self.ending_pos_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         layout1.add_widget(Label(text = 'LOAD(kN) = '))
         self.load_per_m_text = TextInput(multiline = False)
         self.load_dir_linear = Toggle_btn()
         layout2 = GridLayout(cols = 2)
         btn = Button(text = 'SAVE')
         btn.bind(on_press = self.add_linear_load)
         btn2 = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
         btn2.bind(on_press = self.popup_dismiss)
         self.popup = Popup(title = 'DISTRIBUTED LINEAR LOAD ', content = layout, size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_shear(self, instance):
    def popup_bending(self, instance):
    def popup_slope(self, instance):
    def popup_deflection(self, instance):
    def popup_plotall(self, instance):
        d = self.BEAM.reaction_loads
        for i, j in d.items():
    def popup_reaction(self, instance):
        if self.i > 0:
            layout_react = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
            for i, j in self.d.items():
                alphabet, distance = str(i).split('_')
                if alphabet == 'R':
                    text1 = 'Reaction Force at x = {} m is {} N'.format(distance, j)
                elif alphabet == 'M':
                    text1 = 'Reaction Moment at x = {} m is {} N*m'.format(distance, j)
                layout_react.add_widget(Label(text = text1))
            btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
            btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
            self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "SUPPPORT REACTIONS",content = layout_react , size_hint = (.8, .8), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
            self.i += 1
                layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
                layout.add_widget(Label(text = "INSUFFICIENT DATA GIVEN!!"))
                btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
                btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
                self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "BEAM UNSTABLE!",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
                layout_react = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
                self.d = self.BEAM.reaction_loads
                #react_name = list(d.keys())
                #react_value = list(d.values())
                #print(self.BEAM.reaction_loads, d, react_name, react_value)
                for i, j in self.d.items():
                    alphabet, distance = str(i).split('_')
                    if alphabet == 'R':
                        text1 = 'Reaction Force at x = {} m is {} N'.format(distance, j)
                    elif alphabet == 'M':
                        text1 = 'Reaction Moment at x = {} m is {} N*m'.format(distance, j)
                    layout_react.add_widget(Label(text = text1))
                btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
                btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
                self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "SUPPPORT REACTIONS",content = layout_react , size_hint = (.8, .8), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_cflexure(self, instance):
    def popup_newbeam(self, instance):
        del self.BEAM
        self.E = "210E9"
        self.I = "1.71E-6"
        self.Len = '10'
        self.reaction_vars = []
        self.i = 0
        self.BEAM = Beam(self.Len, self.E, self.I)
        layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
        layout.add_widget(Label(text = "ANALYSE A NEW BEAM NOW!!!"))
        btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
        btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
        self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "!!NEW!!",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    """def len_of_beam(self, instance):
        self.BEAM = Beam(self.len_text.text, self.E, self.I)
    def set_E_I_Len(self, instance):
        #print(self.E_text.text, "\n", self.I_text.text, "\n",self.len_text.text)
        self.E = self.E_text.text
        self.I = self.I_text.text
        self.Len = self.len_text.text
        self.BEAM = Beam(self.Len, self.E, self.I)
    def add_fix(self, instance):
        if self.fix_text.text:
            self.BEAM.apply_support(self.fix_text.text, 'fixed')
            self.BEAM.bc_deflection.append((self.fix_text.text, 0))
            self.BEAM.bc_slope.append((self.fix_text.text, 0))
            layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
            layout.add_widget(Label(text = "YOU HAVEN'T ENTERED POSITION"))
            btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
            btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
            self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "NOTHING TO SAVE",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def add_roller(self, instance):
        if self.roller_text.text:
            self.BEAM.apply_support(self.roller_text.text, 'roller')
            self.BEAM.bc_deflection.append((self.roller_text.text, 0))
            layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
            layout.add_widget(Label(text = "YOU HAVEN'T ENTERED POSITION"))
            btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
            btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
            self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "NOTHING TO SAVE",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def add_pin(self, instance):
        if self.pin_text.text:
            self.BEAM.apply_support(self.pin_text.text, 'pin')
            self.BEAM.bc_deflection.append((self.pin_text.text, 0))
            layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
            layout.add_widget(Label(text = "YOU HAVEN'T ENTERED POSITION"))
            btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
            btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
            self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "NOTHING TO SAVE",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def add_vertical_load(self, instance):
        if self.vertical_load_mag_text.text != '' and self.vertical_load_pos_text.text != '':
            states = self.load_dir.get_state()
            if (states[0] == 'normal' and states[1] == 'down') or (states[0] == 'down' and states[1] == 'normal'):
                if states[0] == 'normal' and states[1] == 'down':
                    self.BEAM.apply_load(self.vertical_load_mag_text.text, self.vertical_load_pos_text.text, -1)
                    self.BEAM.apply_load('-' + self.vertical_load_mag_text.text, self.vertical_load_pos_text.text, -1)
                layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
                layout.add_widget(Label(text = "YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE DIRECTION"))
                btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
                btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
                self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "IN WHICH DIR. DO I APPLY LOAD ?",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
            layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
            layout.add_widget(Label(text = "ENTER BOTH LOAD MAG. AND POS."))
            btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
            btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
            self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "INSUFFICIENT INFO !",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def add_moment(self, instance):
        if self.moment_pos_text.text != '' and self.moment_mag_text.text != '':
            states = self.moment_dir.get_state()
            if (states[0] == 'normal' and states[1] == 'down') or (states[0] == 'down' and states[1] == 'normal'):
                if states[0] == 'normal' and states[1] == 'down':
                    self.BEAM.apply_load(self.moment_mag_text.text, self.moment_pos_text.text, -2)
                    self.BEAM.apply_load('-' + self.moment_mag_text.text, self.moment_pos_text.text, -2)
                layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
                layout.add_widget(Label(text = "YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE DIRECTION"))
                btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
                btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
                self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "IN WHICH DIR. DO I APPLY MOMENT ?",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
            layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
            layout.add_widget(Label(text = "ENTER BOTH MOMENT MAG. AND POS."))
            btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
            btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
            self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "INSUFFICIENT INFO !",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def add_linear_load(self, instance):
        if self.starting_pos_text.text != '' and self.ending_pos_text.text != '' and self.load_per_m_text.text != '':
            states = self.load_dir_linear.get_state()
            if (states[0] == 'normal' and states[1] == 'down') or (states[0] == 'down' and states[1] == 'normal'):
                if states[0] == 'normal' and states[1] == 'down':
                    self.BEAM.apply_load(self.load_per_m_text.text, self.starting_pos_text.text, 0, self.ending_pos_text.text)
                    self.BEAM.apply_load('-' + self.load_per_m_text.text, self.starting_pos_text.text, 0, int(self.ending_pos_text.text))
                layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
                layout.add_widget(Label(text = "YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE DIRECTION"))
                btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
                btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
                self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "IN WHICH DIR. DO I APPLY THE LOAD ?",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
            layout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
            layout.add_widget(Label(text = "ENTER ALL START, END AND LOAD"))
            btn = Button(text = 'CLOSE')
            btn.bind(on_press = self.popup_in_popup_dismiss)
            self.popup_in_popup = Popup(title = "INSUFFICIENT INFO !",content = layout , size_hint = (.4, .4), pos_hint = {'center_x' : .5, 'center_y' : .5})
    def popup_dismiss(self, instance):
    def popup_in_popup_dismiss(self, instance):
Exemple #39
def test_point_cflexure():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b = Beam(10, E, I)
    b.apply_load(-4, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(-46, 6, -1)
    b.apply_load(10, 2, -1)
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    b.apply_load(3, 6, 0)
    assert b.point_cflexure() == [S(10)/3]
Exemple #40
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(Panel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.E = "210E9"
     self.I = "1.71E-6"
     self.Len = '10'
     self.reaction_vars = []
     self.BEAM = Beam(self.Len, self.E, self.I)
     self.i = 0
     self.add_widget(Label(text = 'MAKE BEAM', size_hint = (.25, 0.1), pos_hint = {'x' : 0, 'y' : 0.9}))
     layout = GridLayout(cols=1, spacing=10, size_hint_y=None, size_hint_x = 1)
     layout.bind(minimum_height = layout.setter('height'))
     default_val = Button(text = 'SET E, I, L', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     default_val.bind(on_press = self.popup_default_value)
     layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'SUPPORTS', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
     Fix = Button(text = 'FIX', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     Fix.bind(on_press = self.popup_fix)
     Roller = Button(text = 'ROLLER', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     Roller.bind(on_press = self.popup_roller)
     Pin = Button(text = 'PIN', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     Pin.bind(on_press = self.popup_pin)
     layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'LOADS', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
     layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'CONCENTRATED', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
     Vertical = Button(text = 'VERTICAL', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     Vertical.bind(on_press = self.popup_vertical)
     Moment = Button(text = 'MOMENT', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     Moment.bind(on_press = self.popup_moment)
     layout.add_widget(Label(text = 'DISTRIBUTED', size_hint_y=None, height=40))
     Linear = Button(text = 'LINEAR', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     Linear.bind(on_press = self.popup_linear)
     NewBeam = Button(text = 'NEW BEAM', size_hint_y=None, height=40)
     NewBeam.bind(on_press = self.popup_newbeam)
     MakeBeam = ScrollView(size_hint=(.25, .9))
     self.add_widget(Label(text = 'ANALYSE BEAM', size_hint = (.75, .1), pos_hint = {'x' : .25, 'y' : .9}))
     layout_analysis = GridLayout(cols=2, spacing=10, size_hint = (.75, .3), pos_hint = {'x' : .25, 'y' : .6})
     Shear = Button(text = 'SHEAR FORCE DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
     Shear.bind(on_press = self.popup_shear)
     Bending = Button(text = 'BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
     Bending.bind(on_press = self.popup_bending)
     Slope = Button(text = 'SLOPE DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
     Slope.bind(on_press = self.popup_slope)
     Deflection = Button(text = 'DEFLECTION DIAGRAM', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
     Deflection.bind(on_press = self.popup_deflection)
     PlotAll = Button(text = 'PLOT ALL 4', size_hint_y=None, height=20)
     PlotAll.bind(on_press = self.popup_plotall)
     Reaction = Button(text = 'REACTION LOADS', size_hint_y=None, height=15)
     Reaction.bind(on_press = self.popup_reaction)
Exemple #41
def test_apply_support():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')

    b = Beam(4, E, I)
    b.apply_support(0, "cantilever")
    b.apply_load(20, 4, -1)
    M_0, R_0 = symbols('M_0, R_0')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_0, M_0)
    assert b.slope() == (80*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2)
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 2))/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (40*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) - 10*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3
                + 10*SingularityFunction(x, 4, 3)/3)/(E*I)

    b = Beam(30, E, I)
    b.apply_support(10, "pin")
    b.apply_support(30, "roller")
    b.apply_load(-8, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(120, 30, -2)
    R_10, R_30 = symbols('R_10, R_30')
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R_10, R_30)
    assert b.slope() == (-4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 2) + 3*SingularityFunction(x, 10, 2)
            + 120*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + 4000/3)/(E*I)
    assert b.deflection() == (4000*x/3 - 4*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 3)/3 + SingularityFunction(x, 10, 3)
            + 60*SingularityFunction(x, 30, 2) + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 3)/3 - 12000)/(E*I)
Exemple #42
from sympy.physics.continuum_mechanics.beam import Beam
from sympy import symbols

R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
E, I = symbols('E, I')
b = Beam(50, 20, 30)
b.apply_load(10, 2, -1)
b.apply_load(R1, 10, -1)
b.apply_load(R2, 30, -1)
b.apply_load(90, 5, 0, 23)
b.apply_load(10, 30, 1, 50)
b.apply_support(50, "pin")
b.apply_support(0, "fixed")
b.apply_support(20, "roller")
p = b.draw()
# Plot object containing:
# [0]: cartesian line: 25*SingularityFunction(x, 5, 0) - 25*SingularityFunction(x, 23, 0)
# + SingularityFunction(x, 30, 1) - 20*SingularityFunction(x, 50, 0)
# - SingularityFunction(x, 50, 1) + 5 for x over (0.0, 50.0)
# [1]: cartesian line: 5 for x over (0.0, 50.0)
Exemple #43
def test_max_bmoment():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    l, P = symbols('l, P', positive=True)

    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, l/2, -1)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.max_bmoment() == (l/2, P*l/4)

    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    R1, R2 = symbols('R1, R2')
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 0, 0, end=l)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.max_bmoment() == (l/2, P*l**2/8)
Exemple #44
def test_remove_load():
    E = Symbol('E')
    I = Symbol('I')
    b = Beam(4, E, I)

        b.remove_load(2, 1, -1)
    # As no load is applied on beam, ValueError should be returned.
    except ValueError:
        assert True
        assert False

    b.apply_load(-3, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(4, 2, -1)
    b.apply_load(-2, 2, 2, end = 3)
    b.remove_load(-2, 2, 2, end = 3)
    assert b.load == -3*SingularityFunction(x, 0, -2) + 4*SingularityFunction(x, 2, -1)
    assert b.applied_loads == [(-3, 0, -2, None), (4, 2, -1, None)]

        b.remove_load(1, 2, -1)
    # As load of this magnitude was never applied at
    # this position, method should return a ValueError.
    except ValueError:
        assert True
        assert False

    b.remove_load(-3, 0, -2)
    b.remove_load(4, 2, -1)
    assert b.load == 0
    assert b.applied_loads == []
Exemple #45
def test_parabolic_loads():

    E, I, L = symbols('E, I, L', positive=True, real=True)
    R, M, P = symbols('R, M, P', real=True)

    # cantilever beam fixed at x=0 and parabolic distributed loading across
    # length of beam
    beam = Beam(L, E, I)

    beam.bc_deflection.append((0, 0))
    beam.bc_slope.append((0, 0))
    beam.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    beam.apply_load(M, 0, -2)

    # parabolic load
    beam.apply_load(1, 0, 2)

    beam.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)

    assert beam.reaction_loads[R] == -L**3 / 3

    # cantilever beam fixed at x=0 and parabolic distributed loading across
    # first half of beam
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)

    beam.bc_deflection.append((0, 0))
    beam.bc_slope.append((0, 0))
    beam.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    beam.apply_load(M, 0, -2)

    # parabolic load from x=0 to x=L
    beam.apply_load(1, 0, 2, end=L)

    beam.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)

    # result should be the same as the prior example
    assert beam.reaction_loads[R] == -L**3 / 3

    # check constant load
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)
    beam.apply_load(P, 0, 0, end=L)
    loading = beam.load.xreplace({L: 10, E: 20, I: 30, P: 40})
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 5}) == 40
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 15}) == 0

    # check ramp load
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)
    beam.apply_load(P, 0, 1, end=L)
    assert beam.load == (P*SingularityFunction(x, 0, 1) -
                         P*SingularityFunction(x, L, 1) -
                         P*L*SingularityFunction(x, L, 0))

    # check higher order load: x**8 load from x=0 to x=L
    beam = Beam(2 * L, E, I)
    beam.apply_load(P, 0, 8, end=L)
    loading = beam.load.xreplace({L: 10, E: 20, I: 30, P: 40})
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 5}) == 40 * 5**8
    assert loading.xreplace({x: 15}) == 0
Exemple #46
def test_max_shear_force():
    E = Symbol("E")
    I = Symbol("I")

    b = Beam(3, E, I)
    R, M = symbols("R, M")
    b.apply_load(R, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(M, 0, -2)
    b.apply_load(2, 3, -1)
    b.apply_load(4, 2, -1)
    b.apply_load(2, 2, 0, end=3)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R, M)
    assert b.max_shear_force() == (Interval(0, 2), 8)

    l = symbols("l", positive=True)
    P = Symbol("P")
    b = Beam(l, E, I)
    R1, R2 = symbols("R1, R2")
    b.apply_load(R1, 0, -1)
    b.apply_load(R2, l, -1)
    b.apply_load(P, 0, 0, end=l)
    b.solve_for_reaction_loads(R1, R2)
    assert b.max_shear_force() == (0, l * Abs(P) / 2)