def print_versions(): """Print all the versions of software that PyTables relies on.""" print '-=' * 38 print "PyTables version: %s" % tables.__version__ print "HDF5 version: %s" % tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] print "NumPy version: %s" % numpy.__version__ tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("zlib") if numexpr.use_vml: # Get only the main version number and strip out all the rest vml_version = numexpr.get_vml_version() vml_version = re.findall("[0-9.]+", vml_version)[0] vml_avail = "using VML/MKL %s" % vml_version else: vml_avail = "not using Intel's VML/MKL" print "Numexpr version: %s (%s)" % (numexpr.__version__, vml_avail) if tinfo is not None: print "Zlib version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], "in Python interpreter") tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("lzo") if tinfo is not None: print "LZO version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("bzip2") if tinfo is not None: print "BZIP2 version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("blosc") if tinfo is not None: blosc_date = tinfo[2].split()[1] print "Blosc version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], blosc_date) try: from Cython.Compiler.Main import Version as Cython_Version print 'Cython version: %s' % Cython_Version.version except: pass print 'Python version: %s' % sys.version if == 'posix': (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine) = os.uname() print 'Platform: %s-%s' % (sys.platform, machine) print 'Byte-ordering: %s' % sys.byteorder print 'Detected cores: %s' % detectNumberOfCores() print '-=' * 38
def print_versions(): """Print all the versions of software that PyTables relies on.""" print "-=" * 38 print "PyTables version: %s" % tables.__version__ print "HDF5 version: %s" % tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] print "NumPy version: %s" % numpy.__version__ tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("zlib") if numexpr.use_vml: # Get only the main version number and strip out all the rest vml_version = numexpr.get_vml_version() vml_version = re.findall("[0-9.]+", vml_version)[0] vml_avail = "using VML/MKL %s" % vml_version else: vml_avail = "not using Intel's VML/MKL" print "Numexpr version: %s (%s)" % (numexpr.__version__, vml_avail) if tinfo is not None: print "Zlib version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], "in Python interpreter") tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("lzo") if tinfo is not None: print "LZO version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("bzip2") if tinfo is not None: print "BZIP2 version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("blosc") blosc_date = tinfo[2].split()[1] if tinfo is not None: print "Blosc version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], blosc_date) try: from Cython.Compiler.Main import Version as Cython_Version print "Cython version: %s" % Cython_Version.version except: pass print "Python version: %s" % sys.version if == "posix": (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine) = os.uname() print "Platform: %s-%s" % (sys.platform, machine) print "Byte-ordering: %s" % sys.byteorder print "Detected cores: %s" % detectNumberOfCores() print "-=" * 38
def print_versions(): """Print all the versions of software that PyTables relies on.""" print "-=" * 38 print "PyTables version: %s" % tables.__version__ print "HDF5 version: %s" % tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] # print "HDF5 version: %s" % tables.hdf5Version print "NumPy version: %s" % numpy.__version__ # print "Zlib version: %s" % tables.whichLibVersion("zlib")[1] tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("zlib") if tinfo is not None: print "Zlib version: %s" % (tinfo[1]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("lzo") if tinfo is not None: print "LZO version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("bzip2") if tinfo is not None: print "BZIP2 version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) print "Python version: %s" % sys.version if == "posix": (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine) = os.uname() print "Platform: %s-%s" % (sys.platform, machine) print "Byte-ordering: %s" % sys.byteorder print "-=" * 38
def print_versions(): """Print all the versions of software that PyTables relies on.""" print '-=' * 38 print "PyTables version: %s" % tables.__version__ print "HDF5 version: %s" % tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] #print "HDF5 version: %s" % tables.hdf5Version print "NumPy version: %s" % numpy.__version__ #print "Zlib version: %s" % tables.whichLibVersion("zlib")[1] tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("zlib") if tinfo is not None: print "Zlib version: %s" % (tinfo[1]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("lzo") if tinfo is not None: print "LZO version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) tinfo = tables.whichLibVersion("bzip2") if tinfo is not None: print "BZIP2 version: %s (%s)" % (tinfo[1], tinfo[2]) print 'Python version: %s' % sys.version if == 'posix': (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine) = os.uname() print 'Platform: %s-%s' % (sys.platform, machine) print 'Byte-ordering: %s' % sys.byteorder print '-=' * 38
print_versions() print_heavy(heavy) # What a context this is! oldverbose, common.verbose = common.verbose, verbose oldheavy, common.heavy = common.heavy, heavy try: unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite()) finally: common.verbose = oldverbose common.heavy = oldheavy # there are pretty young heavies, too ;) if __name__ == "__main__": hdf5_version = get_tuple_version(tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[0]) if hdf5_version < min_hdf5_version: print "*Warning*: HDF5 version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % (hdf5_version, min_hdf5_version) if numpy.__version__ < min_numpy_version: print "*Warning*: NumPy version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % (numpy.__version__, min_numpy_version) # Handle some global flags (i.e. only useful for only_versions = 0 args = sys.argv[:] for arg in args: # Remove 'show-versions' for PyTables 2.3 or higher if arg in ["--print-versions", "--show-versions"]: only_versions = True sys.argv.remove(arg) elif arg == "--show-memory":
print_versions() print_heavy(heavy) # What a context this is! oldverbose, common.verbose = common.verbose, verbose oldheavy, common.heavy = common.heavy, heavy try: unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite()) finally: common.verbose = oldverbose common.heavy = oldheavy # there are pretty young heavies, too ;) if __name__ == "__main__": hdf5_version = tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] if hdf5_version < minimum_hdf5_version: print "*Warning*: HDF5 version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % (hdf5_version, minimum_hdf5_version) if numpy.__version__ < minimum_numpy_version: print "*Warning*: NumPy version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % (numpy.__version__, minimum_numpy_version) # Handle some global flags (i.e. only useful for only_versions = 0 args = sys.argv[:] for arg in args: if arg == "--show-versions": only_versions = True sys.argv.remove(arg) elif arg == "--show-memory": common.show_memory = True
oldverbose, common.verbose = common.verbose, verbose oldheavy, common.heavy = common.heavy, heavy try: result = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite()) if result.wasSuccessful(): return 0 else: return 1 finally: common.verbose = oldverbose common.heavy = oldheavy # there are pretty young heavies, too ;) if __name__ == '__main__': hdf5_version = get_tuple_version(tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[0]) if hdf5_version < min_hdf5_version: print "*Warning*: HDF5 version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % \ (hdf5_version, min_hdf5_version) if numpy.__version__ < min_numpy_version: print "*Warning*: NumPy version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % \ (numpy.__version__, min_numpy_version) # Handle some global flags (i.e. only useful for only_versions = 0 args = sys.argv[:] for arg in args: # Remove 'show-versions' for PyTables 2.3 or higher if arg in ['--print-versions', '--show-versions']: only_versions = True
f.close() print_filesize(h5fname, clib, clevel) if __name__ == '__main__': tb.print_versions() print "Total size for datasets:", round(2*N*dtype.itemsize/MB, 1), "MB" # Get the compression libraries supported #supported_clibs = [clib for clib in ("zlib", "lzo", "bzip2", "blosc") #supported_clibs = [clib for clib in ("zlib", "lzo", "blosc") supported_clibs = [clib for clib in ("blosc",) if tb.whichLibVersion(clib)] # Initialization code #for what in ["numpy", "numpy.memmap", "numexpr"]: for what in ["numpy", "numexpr"]: #break print "Populating x using %s with %d points..." % (what, N) t0 = time() if what == "numpy": populate_x_numpy() compute = compute_numpy elif what == "numexpr": populate_x_numpy() compute = compute_numexpr elif what == "numpy.memmap": populate_x_memmap()
f.close() print_filesize(h5fname, clib, clevel) if __name__ == '__main__': tb.print_versions() print "Total size for datasets:", round(2 * N * dtype.itemsize / MB, 1), "MB" # Get the compression libraries supported #supported_clibs = [clib for clib in ("zlib", "lzo", "bzip2", "blosc") #supported_clibs = [clib for clib in ("zlib", "lzo", "blosc") supported_clibs = [ clib for clib in ("blosc", ) if tb.whichLibVersion(clib) ] # Initialization code #for what in ["numpy", "numpy.memmap", "numexpr"]: for what in ["numpy", "numexpr"]: #break print "Populating x using %s with %d points..." % (what, N) t0 = time() if what == "numpy": populate_x_numpy() compute = compute_numpy elif what == "numexpr": populate_x_numpy() compute = compute_numexpr elif what == "numpy.memmap":
def helpVersions(self): """ Message box with info about versions of libraries used by ``ViTables``. """ # The libraries versions dictionary libs_versions = { 'title': translate('VTApp', 'Version Numbers', 'Caption of the Versions dialog'), 'Python': reduce(lambda x,y: '.'.join([unicode(x), unicode(y)]), sys.version_info[:3]), 'PyTables': tables.__version__ , 'NumPy': tables.numpy.__version__, 'Qt': QtCore.qVersion(), 'PyQt': QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, 'ViTables': vtconfig.getVersion() } # Add new items to the dictionary libraries = ('HDF5', 'Zlib', 'LZO', 'BZIP2') for lib in libraries: lversion = tables.whichLibVersion(lib.lower()) if lversion: libs_versions[lib] = lversion[1] else: libs_versions[lib] = translate('VTApp', 'not available', 'Part of the library not found text') # Construct the dialog versions_dlg = QtGui.QDialog(self.gui) versions_dlg.setWindowTitle(translate('VTApp', 'Version Numbers', 'Caption of the Versions dialog')) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(versions_dlg) versions_edit = QtGui.QTextEdit(versions_dlg) buttons_box = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) layout.addWidget(versions_edit) layout.addWidget(buttons_box) buttons_box.accepted.connect(versions_dlg.accept) versions_edit.setReadOnly(1) versions_edit.setText(\ u""" <qt> <h3>{title}</h3> <table> <tr><td><b>Python</b></td><td>{Python}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>PyTables</b></td><td>{PyTables}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>NumPy</b></td><td>{NumPy}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>HDF5</b></td><td>{HDF5}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Zlib</b></td><td>{Zlib}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>LZO</b></td><td>{LZO}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>BZIP2</b></td><td>{BZIP2}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Qt</b></td><td>{Qt}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>PyQt</b></td><td>{PyQt}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>ViTables</b></td><td>{ViTables}</td></tr> </table> </qt>""".format( title=libs_versions['title'], Python=libs_versions['Python'], PyTables=libs_versions['PyTables'], NumPy=libs_versions['NumPy'], Qt=libs_versions['Qt'], PyQt=libs_versions['PyQt'], ViTables=libs_versions['ViTables'], HDF5=libs_versions['HDF5'], Zlib=libs_versions['Zlib'], LZO=libs_versions['LZO'], BZIP2=libs_versions['BZIP2'], )) # Show the dialog versions_dlg.exec_()
print_versions() print_heavy(heavy) # What a context this is! oldverbose, common.verbose = common.verbose, verbose oldheavy, common.heavy = common.heavy, heavy try: unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite()) finally: common.verbose = oldverbose common.heavy = oldheavy # there are pretty young heavies, too ;) if __name__ == '__main__': hdf5_version = tables.whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] if hdf5_version < minimum_hdf5_version: print "*Warning*: HDF5 version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % \ (hdf5_version, minimum_hdf5_version) if numpy.__version__ < minimum_numpy_version: print "*Warning*: NumPy version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % \ (numpy.__version__, minimum_numpy_version) # Handle some global flags (i.e. only useful for only_versions = 0 args = sys.argv[:] for arg in args: if arg == '--show-versions': only_versions = True sys.argv.remove(arg)