def __init__(self, layer_id, variables, batch_size, output_shape, input, phase, params, shared_variables=True): with tf.variable_scope(layer_id): self.input_shape = input.shape.as_list() = batch_norm(input, phase, params, 'batchnorm_input') if shared_variables: # main decoder pipe, variables are shared between horizontal and vertical if variables.stride[2] != 1 or variables.stride[3] != 1: = tf.stack([ resize_bicubic([:, i, :, :, :], output_shape) for i in range(0, self.input_shape[1]) ], axis=1) = tf.pad(, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'SYMMETRIC') = tf.pad(, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], 'CONSTANT') self.conv = tf.nn.conv3d(, variables.decoder_variables_W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') self.features = resnet_elu(self.conv + variables.decoder_variables_b) if variables.resample: # bug (?) workaround: conv3d_transpose with strides does not seem to work, no idea why. # instead, we use upsampling + conv3d_transpose without stride. self.input_upsampled = input if variables.stride[2] != 1 or variables.stride[3] != 1: self.input_upsampled = tf.stack([ resize_bicubic(input[:, i, :, :, :], output_shape) for i in range(0, self.input_shape[1]) ], axis=1) identity = tf.nn.conv3d(self.input_upsampled, variables.decoder_variables_embedding, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') else: identity = input self.out = self.features + identity
def create_2D_decoder(self, decoder_config): decoder = dict() decoder_id = decoder_config['id'] ids = [] for i in range(0, len(self.config.layer_config)): ids.append(self.config.layer_config[i]['id']) pos_layout = ids.index(decoder_id) print('creating decoder pipeline ' + decoder_id) # create a decoder pathway (center view only) with tf.variable_scope(decoder_id): decoder['id'] = decoder_id decoder['channels'] = decoder_config['channels'] decoder['loss_fn'] = decoder_config['loss_fn'] decoder['weight'] = decoder_config['weight'] decoder['train'] = decoder_config['train'] decoder['preferred_gpu'] = decoder_config['preferred_gpu'] decoder['2D_variables'] = [] decoder['concat_variables'] = [] decoder['upscale_variables'] = [] decoder['start'] = self.config.layer_config[pos_layout]['start'] decoder['end'] = self.config.layer_config[pos_layout]['end'] decoder['bicubic'] = resize_bicubic( self.stack_v[:, self.cv_pos, :, :, decoder['start']:decoder['end']], [self.H_HR, self.W_HR]) sh = self.encoders_3D[decoder_id]['feature_shape'] decoder['nodes'] = sh[2] * sh[3] * sh[4] * self.config.patch_weight decoder['upconv_in'] = layers.bn_dense( self.encoders_3D[decoder_id]['features_transposed'], self.encoders_3D[decoder_id]['encoder_nodes'], decoder['nodes'], self.phase,, 'bn_decoder_' + decoder_id + '_in') sh = self.encoders_3D[decoder_id]['feature_shape'] decoder['upconv'] = tf.reshape( decoder['upconv_in'], [-1, sh[2], sh[3], sh[4] * self.config.patch_weight]) decoder['layers'] = [] ######################################################################################################## # decoder variables layout = [] layout.insert(0, self.config.layer_config[pos_layout]['layout'][0]) for i in range(0, len(self.config.layers['encoder_3D'])): layout.append(self.config.layers['encoder_3D'][i]) last_layer = min(len(layout), self.max_layer) patches = self.config.nviews for i in range(0, last_layer): layer_id_cat = "skip_patch_%s_%i" % (decoder_id, i) print(' generating decoder ' + layer_id_cat) patches = math.ceil(patches / layout[i]['stride'][1]) decoder['concat_variables'].append( layers.concat_variables(layer_id_cat, layout[i], patches, input_features=[], output_features=[])) # maybe change later layer_id_cat = "skip_patch_%s_%i" % (decoder_id, i + 1) decoder['concat_variables'].insert( 0, layers.concat_variables( layer_id_cat, layout[i], self.config.nviews, input_features=self.config.layer_config[pos_layout] ['layout'][0]['conv'][-2], output_features=self.config.layer_config[pos_layout] ['upscale'][0]['conv'][-2])) layout[0] = self.config.layer_config[pos_layout]['upscale'][0] for i in range(0, last_layer): layer_id = "decoder_%s_%i" % (decoder_id, i) print(' generating upconvolution variables ' + layer_id) decoder['2D_variables'].append( layers.decoder_variables_2D(layer_id, layout[i], i, last_layer, self.config.patch_weight, self.config.D)) for i in range(0, last_layer): layer_id = "decoder_%s_layer%i" % (decoder_id, last_layer - i - 1) layer_id_cat = "skip_patch_%s_layer%i" % (decoder_id, last_layer - i - 1) print(' generating upconvolution layer structure ' + layer_id) out_channels = -1 # evil hack no_relu = False decoder['layers'].insert( -1 - i, layers.layer_upconv2d_v2(layer_id, decoder['2D_variables'][-1 - i], self.batch_size, decoder['upconv'], self.phase,, out_channels=out_channels, no_relu=no_relu)) if self.pinhole: if i != last_layer - 1: concat_cv = layers.layer_conv_one( layer_id_cat, decoder['concat_variables'][-2 - i], layers.layer_concat( self.encoders_3D[decoder_id]['conv_layers_v'][ -2 - i].out, self.encoders_3D[decoder_id] ['conv_layers_h'][-2 - i].out).out).out else: start = self.config.layer_config[pos_layout]['start'] end = self.config.layer_config[pos_layout]['end'] concat_cv = layers.layer_conv_one( layer_id_cat, decoder['concat_variables'][-2 - i], layers.layer_concat( self.stack_v[:, :, :, :, start:end], self.stack_h[:, :, :, :, start:end]).out).out decoder['upconv'] = tf.concat( [decoder['layers'][-1 - i].out, concat_cv], axis=3) else: decoder['upconv'] = decoder['layers'][-1 - i].out # decoder['layers'] = tf.reverse(decoder['layers'],0) decoder['upconv_reduce'] = decoder[ 'upconv'][:, loss_min_coord_2D:loss_max_coord_2D, loss_min_coord_2D:loss_max_coord_2D, :] decoder['input'] = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.H_HR, self.W_HR, decoder['channels']]) decoder['input_reduce'] = decoder[ 'input'][:, loss_min_coord_2D:loss_max_coord_2D_1, loss_min_coord_2D:loss_max_coord_2D_1, :] layout = [] for i in range(0, len(self.config.layers['upscale'])): layout.append(self.config.layers['upscale'][i]) last_layer_up = min(len(layout), self.max_layer) for i in range(0, last_layer_up): layer_id_upscale = "upscale_%s_%i" % (decoder_id, i) print(' creating variables for ' + layer_id_upscale) decoder['upscale_variables'].append( layers.upscale_variables(layer_id_upscale, layout[i])) layout_final = self.config.layer_config[pos_layout]['final'][0] no_relu = False for upscale in range(0, last_layer_up): out_channels = -1 layer_id = "upscale_%s_%i" % (decoder_id, upscale) print(' creating layers for ' + layer_id) if upscale == 1: decoder['upconv'] = tf.concat( [decoder['upconv'], decoder['bicubic']], axis=3) decoder['upconv'] = layers.layer_upconv2d_v2( layer_id, decoder['upscale_variables'][upscale], self.batch_size, decoder['upconv'], self.phase,, out_channels=out_channels, no_relu=no_relu).out if self.config.config['ColorSpace'] == 'YUV' or self.config.config[ 'ColorSpace'] == 'LAB': no_relu = True decoder['SR'] = layers.layer_pure_conv2D("upscale_final", layout_final, decoder['upconv'], self.phase,, no_relu=no_relu).out self.decoders_2D[decoder_id] = decoder
def __init__(self, layer_id, variables, batch_size, output_shape, input, phase, params, shared_variables=True): with tf.variable_scope(layer_id): self.input_shape = input.shape.as_list() self.output_shape = [ batch_size, output_shape[0] + 2, output_shape[1] + 2, variables.C_out ] = batch_norm(input, phase, params, 'batchnorm_input') if shared_variables: # main decoder pipe, variables are shared between horizontal and vertical if variables.stride[1] != 1 or variables.stride[2] != 1: = resize_bicubic(, output_shape) self.conv = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(, variables.decoder_variables_W, output_shape=self.output_shape, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') self.conv = self.conv[:, 1:-1, 1:-1, :] self.features = resnet_elu(self.conv + variables.decoder_variables_b) if variables.resample: # bug (?) workaround: conv3d_transpose with strides does not seem to work, no idea why. # instead, we use upsampling + conv3d_transpose without stride. self.input_upsampled = input if variables.stride[1] != 1 or variables.stride[2] != 1: self.input_upsampled = resize_bicubic(input, output_shape) self.input_upsampled = tf.pad(self.input_upsampled, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], 'CONSTANT') identity = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose( self.input_upsampled, variables.decoder_variables_embedding, output_shape=self.output_shape, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') # if variables.stride[1] > 1: identity = identity[:, 1:-1, 1:-1, :] else: identity = input self.out = self.features + identity self.out = self.features
def __init__(self, layer_id, variables, batch_size, input, phase, params, out_channels=-1, no_relu=False): with tf.variable_scope(layer_id): # define in/out shapes self.shape = variables.shape self.stride = variables.stride # self.input_shape = input.shape.as_list() self.input_shape = input.shape self.C_in = variables.C_in self.C_out = variables.C_out self.output_shape = input.shape.as_list() self.output_shape[0] = batch_size self.output_shape[1] = self.output_shape[1] * self.stride[1] self.output_shape[2] = self.output_shape[2] * self.stride[2] self.output_shape[3] = self.C_out self.W = variables.decoder_variables_W self.b = variables.decoder_variables_b sh = input.shape.as_list() self.resample = variables.resample if self.resample: self.embedding = variables.decoder_variables_embedding if out_channels != -1: # output channel override self.output_shape[3] = out_channels self.shape[2] = out_channels self.C_in = out_channels self.resample = True # generate layers = batch_norm(input, phase, params, 'batchnorm_input') if self.stride[1] != 1 or self.stride[2] != 1: = resize_bicubic(, [[1] * 2),[2] * 2)]) self.conv = tf.nn.conv2d(, self.W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') if no_relu: self.features = self.conv + self.b else: self.features = resnet_elu(self.conv + self.b) if variables.resample: if self.stride[1] != 1 or self.stride[2] != 1: self.input_upsampled = resize_bicubic( input, [[1] * 2),[2] * 2)]) else: self.input_upsampled = input identity = tf.nn.conv2d(self.input_upsampled, self.embedding, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') else: identity = input self.out = self.features + identity