Exemple #1
def get_vunit_test_configs():
    assert os.path.exists(VUNIT_ROOT) and len(
        os.listdir(VUNIT_ROOT)) > 0, "VUnit repo not downloaded correctly"
    for verilog_file in find_files(VUNIT_ROOT, "*.vhd"):
        fn = get_file_name(verilog_file)
        should_fail = False
        lang = Language.VHDL_2008
        if fn in [
            should_fail = True

        defs = {}
        inc_dirs = []
        yield ExternTestSpec(verilog_file, lang, defs, inc_dirs, should_fail)
Exemple #2
def get_vunit_test_configs():
    for vhdl_file in find_files(VUNIT_ROOT, "*.vhd"):
        fn = get_file_name(vhdl_file)
        should_fail = False
        lang = Language.VHDL_2008
        if fn in [
                # ? broken assert always  statement?
            should_fail = True

        defs = {}
        inc_dirs = []
        yield ExternTestSpec(vhdl_file, lang, defs, inc_dirs, should_fail)
Exemple #3
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, _dict):

        def gen_test(sv_file):

            def test(self):
                c = HdlConvertor()
                incdirs = []
                c.parse([sv_file, ], Language.SYSTEM_VERILOG_2017, incdirs, debug=False)

            return test

        for sv_file in sv_files:
            fn = get_file_name(sv_file)
            test_name = "test_%s" % fn
            t = gen_test(sv_file)
            _dict[test_name] = t 
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, _dict)
Exemple #4
 def generate_test_method_name(self, existing_prop_dict):
     fn = get_file_name(self.main_file)
     return generate_test_method_name(fn, self.language, existing_prop_dict)
Exemple #5
def get_verilator_test_configs():
    RE_TOPFILENAME = re.compile(
        r'top_filename\("\s*([^"]+)"\s*\)', re.MULTILINE)
    for test_script_name in find_files(VERILATOR_TEST_ROOT, "*.pl"):
        do_ignore = False
        for ignored in ["t_flag_", "t_dist_", "t_vlcov_",
                        "t_verilated_all_oldest.pl", "bootstrap.pl",
            if ignored in test_script_name:
                do_ignore = True
        if do_ignore:

        with open(test_script_name) as f:
            s = f.read()
        should_fail = "fails => 1" in s
        main_file = RE_TOPFILENAME.search(s)
        if main_file is not None:
            main_file = main_file.group(1)
            if "$Self->{obj_dir}" in main_file:
            assert main_file.startswith(
                "t/") or main_file.startswith("t_"), main_file
            main_file = os.path.basename(main_file)
            verilog_file = test_script_name.replace(".pl", ".v")
            if os.path.exists(verilog_file):
                main_file = os.path.basename(verilog_file)
                verilog_file = test_script_name.replace(".pl", ".sv")
                if os.path.exists(verilog_file):
                    main_file = os.path.basename(verilog_file)
                    # raise NotImplementedError(test_script_name)

        lang = Language.SYSTEM_VERILOG_2009
        fn = get_file_name(main_file)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            if fn == "t_math_cond_huge":
                # skip this test on windows build because appveyor runout of the memory
                # and there is no free way how to increase it
        if fn in {
                # non std {} initializer
                # should fail but fail value not parsed in script correctly
                # requires additional preproc definitions
                # "t_sys_fread",
                # "t_preproc_undefineall",
                # "t_lint_unused",
                # "t_interface_down_gen",
                # "t_case_write1",
                # not a verilog files
                # non std. primitive with assign
                # non std. numbers starting with _
                # = #100'b0
                # non std.? parameters without the parenthesis?
                # non std. ordered and named port list mixed syntax
                # non std. missing return type of function
                # non std. mpodport can be only in interface
                # non std. case without items
                # /dev/null is not present under windows
                # non std bind syntax
                # `uselib

                # should fail but not directly noted in .pl

                # non-std macro expansion in `timescale
            should_fail = True
        if fn == "t_var_rsvd":
            lang = Language.SYSTEM_VERILOG_2005
        preproc_defs = {
            "TEST_OBJ_DIR": "obj/",
            "PREDEF_COMMAND_LINE": '$display("PREDEF_COMMAND_LINE");',
            "T_ASSERT_INSIDE_COND": "1",
            "SIM_CYCLES": "100",
            "TEST_EXPECT": "100ns",
            "time_scale_units": "1fs",
            "define time_scale_prec": "1fs",

        incdirs = [VERILATOR_TEST_ROOT,
                   os.path.join(VERILATOR_ROOT, "include")]

        yield ExternTestSpec(os.path.join(VERILATOR_TEST_ROOT, main_file),
                             lang, preproc_defs, incdirs, should_fail)
Exemple #6
def get_verilog1_test_configs():
    assert os.path.exists(VERILOG1_ROOT) and len(os.listdir(
        VERILOG1_ROOT)) > 0, "verilog1 repo not downloaded correctly"
    for verilog_file in chain(find_files(VERILOG1_ROOT, "*.v"),
                              find_files(VERILOG1_ROOT, "*.sv")):
        fn = get_file_name(verilog_file)
        should_fail = False
        lang = Language.SYSTEM_VERILOG_2009
        defs = {}
        if fn in [
                # c defined macros

                # not a verilog file

                # depends on generated file
                # (2**i)'b0

                # error example

                # incorrect escaped id

                # non std? +/- after specify_input_terminal_descriptor

                # non std? extra , in module port list

                # non std ID'd1

                # non std binary ~&/|

                # non std based digit starting with _
            should_fail = True
        if fn in ["test_dsp_model", "eagle_bb", "drams_map"]:
            lang = Language.VERILOG_2005
        if fn == "mux_map":
            defs["MIN_MUX_INPUTS"] = "32"
        if fn in ["gate2lut", "cmp2lut"]:
            defs["LUT_WIDTH"] = "8"
        if fn in [
            defs["outfile"] = "tmp/outfile"

        inc_dirs = [VERILOG1_TEST_ROOT, os.path.join(VERILOG1_ROOT, "include")]
        yield ExternTestSpec(verilog_file, lang, defs, inc_dirs, should_fail)
def get_yosys_test_configs():
    assert os.path.exists(YOSYS_ROOT) and len(os.listdir(YOSYS_ROOT)) > 0,\
        "Yosys repo not downloaded correctly (git submodule in this test directory)"
    for verilog_file in chain(find_files(YOSYS_ROOT, "*.v"),
                              find_files(YOSYS_ROOT, "*.sv")):
        fn = get_file_name(verilog_file)
        should_fail = False
        lang = Language.SYSTEM_VERILOG_2009
        defs = {}
        if fn in [
                # c defined macros

                # not a verilog file

                # non std generate if syntax
                # non std var type in parenthesis

                # depends on generated file
                # (2**i)'b0

                # error example

                # incorrect escaped id

                # non std? +/- after specify_input_terminal_descriptor

                # non std? extra , in module port list

                # non std ID'd1

                # non std binary ~&/|

                # non std based digit starting with _

                # non std $ id

                # non std, hierarchical name for component instance
            should_fail = True
        if fn in [
            lang = Language.VERILOG_2005
        if fn == "mux_map":
            defs["MIN_MUX_INPUTS"] = "32"
        if fn in ["gate2lut", "cmp2lut"]:
            defs["LUT_WIDTH"] = "8"
        if fn in [
            defs["outfile"] = "tmp/outfile"
        if fn == "quartus_rename":
            defs["LCELL"] = "LCELL"
        if fn in ["lut_map", "cmp2lcu", "arith_map"]:
            defs["LUT_WIDTH"] = "32"
            defs["LUT_SIZE"] = "64"
        # if fn == "mul2dsp":
        #    defs["DSP_A_MAXWIDTH"] = "32"
        #    defs["DSP_B_MAXWIDTH"] = "64"
        #    defs["DSP_NAME"] = "dsp_name"
        inc_dirs = []
        yield ExternTestSpec(verilog_file, lang, defs, inc_dirs, should_fail)