def test_negative_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits a negative GC ratio, they are
     shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, -1.5, 0.6)
     assert (str(exc_info.value) ==
             'Invalid GC ratio for ratio between zero and one: -1.5')
 def test_greater_than_one_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits a GC ratio greater than one, they
     are shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 20, 0.6)
     assert (str(exc_info.value) ==
             'Invalid GC ratio for ratio between zero and one: 20')
 def test_single_cpg(self, algorithm):
     seq_str = 'CG'
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 2, 1, 2)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(0, 2, 1, 2)])
     print computed.seq_record.features[0].extract(computed.seq_record.seq)
     for a in [computed, expected]:
         print a.island_metadata_list[0].gc_ratio
     assert computed == expected
 def test_single_cpg(self, algorithm):
     seq_str = 'CG'
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 2, 1, 2)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(0, 2, 1, 2)])
     print computed.seq_record.features[0].extract(computed.seq_record.seq)
     for a in [computed, expected]:
         print a.island_metadata_list[0].gc_ratio
     assert computed == expected
 def test_negative_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits a negative GC ratio, they are
     shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, -1.5, 0.6)
     assert (str(exc_info.value) ==
             'Invalid GC ratio for ratio between zero and one: -1.5')
 def test_greater_than_one_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits a GC ratio greater than one, they
     are shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 20, 0.6)
     assert (str(exc_info.value) ==
             'Invalid GC ratio for ratio between zero and one: 20')
 def test_negative_obs_to_exp_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits a negative observed-to-expected CpG
     ratio, they are shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 0.5, -1.5)
     assert (str(exc_info.value) ==
             'Invalid observed-to-expected CpG ratio '
             'for ratio greater than or equal to zero: -1.5')
 def test_negative_obs_to_exp_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits a negative observed-to-expected CpG
     ratio, they are shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 0.5, -1.5)
     assert (str(
         exc_info.value) == 'Invalid observed-to-expected CpG ratio '
             'for ratio greater than or equal to zero: -1.5')
 def test_island_size_less_than_sequence_size(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits an island size greater than the
     sequence size, they are shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATATGCGC'), 9, 0.5, 0.6)
     assert ((str(exc_info.value)) ==
             'Island size (9) must be less than or '
             'equal to sequence length (8)')
 def test_island_size_less_than_sequence_size(self, algorithm):
     """When the user submits an island size greater than the
     sequence size, they are shown an error.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record('ATATGCGC'), 9, 0.5, 0.6)
     assert ((str(
         exc_info.value)) == 'Island size (9) must be less than or '
             'equal to sequence length (8)')
    def test_set_results_islands_computed_called(self, model):
        seq_str = 'ATATCGCGCGCGCATATA'
        feature_tuples = [(0, 3), (5, 7), (8, 13)]
        seq_record = make_seq_record(seq_str, feature_tuples)
        results = AlgoResults(seq_record, [])

        callback = MagicMock()
        model.set_results(results, sentinel.algo_name, sentinel.exec_time)
        assert (callback.mock_calls == [
            call(seq_str, feature_tuples, sentinel.algo_name,
Exemple #12
    def test_get_island_info(self, model):
        seq_record = make_seq_record(
            'ATATCGCGCGCGCATATA', [(0, 3), (5, 7), (8, 13)])
        island_metadata_list = [
            IslandMetadata(0.57, 0.89),
            IslandMetadata(0.65, 2.13),
            IslandMetadata(0.78, 1.3)]
        results = AlgoResults(seq_record, island_metadata_list)

        model.set_results(results, sentinel.algo_name, sentinel.exec_time)
        computed = model.get_island_info(1)
        expected = IslandInfo(5, 7, 2, 'GC', 0.65, 2.13)
        assert computed == expected
    def test_get_island_info(self, model):
        seq_record = make_seq_record('ATATCGCGCGCGCATATA', [(0, 3), (5, 7),
                                                            (8, 13)])
        island_metadata_list = [
            IslandMetadata(0.57, 0.89),
            IslandMetadata(0.65, 2.13),
            IslandMetadata(0.78, 1.3)
        results = AlgoResults(seq_record, island_metadata_list)

        model.set_results(results, sentinel.algo_name, sentinel.exec_time)
        computed = model.get_island_info(1)
        expected = IslandInfo(5, 7, 2, 'GC', 0.65, 2.13)
        assert computed == expected
Exemple #14
    def test_set_results_islands_computed_called(self, model):
        seq_str = 'ATATCGCGCGCGCATATA'
        feature_tuples = [(0, 3), (5, 7), (8, 13)]
        seq_record = make_seq_record(seq_str, feature_tuples)
        results = AlgoResults(seq_record, [])

        callback = MagicMock()
        model.set_results(results, sentinel.algo_name, sentinel.exec_time)
        assert (callback.mock_calls ==
Exemple #15
        def test_file_loaded_called(self, model):
            seq_str = 'ATATGCGCATATA'
            with patch('cpg_islands.models.Entrez') as mock_entrez:
                with patch('cpg_islands.models.SeqIO') as mock_seqio:
                    # call previously necessary methods
           = {
                        'IdList': [sentinel._, sentinel._,
                                   sentinel._, sentinel._],
                        'QueryTranslation': sentinel._}
           = make_seq_record(seq_str)

            assert model.seq_input_model.mock_calls == [
Exemple #16
 def test_user_selected(self, presenter):
     seq_str = 'ATATACGCGCATATA'
     seq_id = 'NG_032827.2'
     seq_desc = "It's a pretty cool sequence"
     seq_record = make_seq_record(seq_str) = seq_id
     seq_record.description = seq_desc
     presenter.model.get_seq_record.return_value = seq_record
     assert presenter.model.mock_calls == [
     assert presenter.view.mock_calls == [
             seq_id, ''),
         call.set_seq_len('15 bases'),
        def test_file_loaded_called(self, model):
            seq_str = 'ATATGCGCATATA'
            with patch('cpg_islands.models.Entrez') as mock_entrez:
                with patch('cpg_islands.models.SeqIO') as mock_seqio:
                    # call previously necessary methods
           = {
                        [sentinel._, sentinel._, sentinel._, sentinel._],
                        'QueryTranslation': sentinel._
           = make_seq_record(seq_str)

            assert model.seq_input_model.mock_calls == [
 def test_user_selected(self, presenter):
     seq_str = 'ATATACGCGCATATA'
     seq_id = 'NG_032827.2'
     seq_desc = "It's a pretty cool sequence"
     seq_record = make_seq_record(seq_str) = seq_id
     seq_record.description = seq_desc
     presenter.model.get_seq_record.return_value = seq_record
     assert presenter.model.mock_calls == [
     assert presenter.view.mock_calls == [
             seq_id, ''),
         call.set_seq_len('15 bases'),
 def test_zero_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit a GC ratio of zero."""
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATCG'), 2, 0, 0.6)
 def test_island_at_end(self, algorithm):
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 2, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(6, 12, 0.5, 3),
                                            (17, 21, 0.5, 4)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_island_at_end(self, algorithm):
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 5, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(10, 18, 0.625, 4 / 3)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_zero_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit a GC ratio of zero."""
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATCG'), 2, 0, 0.6)
 def test_negative_island_size(self, algorithm):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record(''), -1, 0, 0.6)
     assert str(exc_info.value) == 'Invalid island size: -1'
 def test_island_at_beginning(self, algorithm):
     seq_str = 'CGGATATATA'
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 3, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(0, 6, 0.5, 3)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_greater_than_one_obs_to_exp_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit an observed-to-expected CpG ratio
     greater than one.
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 0.5, 1.5)
 def test_island_in_middle(self, algorithm):
     seq_str = 'ATATACACGGAATATT'
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 4, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(5, 13, 0.5, 2)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_island_at_end(self, algorithm):
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 5, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(10, 18, 0.625,  4 / 3)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_empty_sequence(self, algorithm):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record(''), 1, 0, 0)
     assert (str(exc_info.value) == 'Island size (1) must be less than or '
             'equal to sequence length (0)')
 def test_island_at_beginning(self, algorithm):
     seq_str = 'CGGATATATA'
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 3, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(0, 6, 0.5, 3)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_zero_island_size(self, algorithm):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record(''), 0, 0, 0)
     # exc_info.value returns the actual exception
     assert str(exc_info.value) == 'Invalid island size: 0'
 def test_greater_than_one_obs_to_exp_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit an observed-to-expected CpG ratio
     greater than one.
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 0.5, 1.5)
 def test_negative_island_size(self, algorithm):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record(''), -1, 0, 0.6)
     assert str(exc_info.value) == 'Invalid island size: -1'
 def test_one_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit a GC ratio of one."""
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATCG'), 2, 1, 0.6)
 def test_island_at_end(self, algorithm):
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 2, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(
         seq_str, [(6, 12, 0.5, 3), (17, 21, 0.5, 4)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_island_in_middle(self, algorithm):
     seq_str = 'ATATACACGGAATATT'
     computed = algorithm(make_seq_record(seq_str), 4, 0.5, 0.6)
     expected = make_algo_results(seq_str, [(5, 13, 0.5, 2)])
     assert computed == expected
 def test_empty_sequence(self, algorithm):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record(''), 1, 0, 0)
     assert (str(exc_info.value) ==
             'Island size (1) must be less than or '
             'equal to sequence length (0)')
 def test_zero_obs_to_exp_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit an observed-to-expected CpG ratio of zero."""
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 0.5, 0)
 def test_zero_island_size(self, algorithm):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
         algorithm(make_seq_record(''), 0, 0, 0)
     # exc_info.value returns the actual exception
     assert str(exc_info.value) == 'Invalid island size: 0'
 def test_zero_obs_to_exp_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit an observed-to-expected CpG ratio of zero."""
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATGC'), 2, 0.5, 0)
 def test_one_gc_ratio(self, algorithm):
     """The user can submit a GC ratio of one."""
     algorithm(make_seq_record('ATCG'), 2, 1, 0.6)