def main(): # Get lens from database, get iris ration and set it lens = l.DataBaseLens() ratio = t.getFloat("Aperture Ratio",1.0) lens.setIris(ratio) # Get angle and wavelength angle = math.radians(t.getFloat("Angle",0.0)) wave = t.getFloat("Wavelength",0.55) design = 0.55 # Hard code design wavelength # set up wavefront analysis wa = a.WaveFrontAnalysis(lens,design) # do a 4th order Zernike fit with Collated lens ze = wa.fitZernike(angle,wave,4,0) t.tprint("Reference point is : ",wa.refpt) t.tprint(repr(ze)) # Plot zernike as interfometer plot with tilt of 2 fringes inter = a.Interferometer(ze) inter.draw()
def main(): ps = p.ParticleSystem().readFile(t.openFile("File",defaulttype="part")) t.tprint(ps) delta = 0.025 x = np.arange(-3.0, 3.0, delta) y = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, delta) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
def main(): u = v.Unit3d().random() vec = v.Vector3d().random(10.0) t.tprint("Random vector is : " + str(vec))
def main(): ps = p.ParticleSystem().readFile(t.openFile("File",defaulttype="part")) t.tprint(ps) while True: pos = t.getVector3d("Position") ef = ps.getElectrostaticPotential(pos) t.tprint("Field at : ",pos," is : ",ef)
def main(): l0 = tio.getFloat("Lambda_0", 0.08) beta = tio.getFloat("Beta", 1.25) index = w.Sellmeier(beta, l0) nd = index.getNd() vd = index.getVd() tio.tprint("Nd index : ", nd, " Abbe No: ", vd) index.draw()
def main(): sides = t.getInt("Number of sides on each dice", 6) startsample = t.getInt("Starting Sample", 1000) dice = Dice(sides) xData = [] yData = [] run = 0 sample = startsample while sample > 10: # Store generation and sample size in lists. xData.append(run) yData.append(sample) dice.throw(sample) # Get number of dice with value 1 n = dice.count() sample -= n # Reduce sample size by that number run += 1 # Do data fitting x = np.array(xData) # convert x/y data to np arrays. y = np.array(yData) sig = np.sqrt(y) # Define a 3 parameter line #line = lambda x,a,b,c : a*np.exp(-b*x) + c # Do a fit popt, pcov = curve_fit(line, x, y, p0=[startsample, 1.0 / sides, 0.0], sigma=sig) t.tprint(popt) # Plot data plt.plot(x, y, "x") plt.title("Decay plot for {0:d} dice with {1:d} sides".format( startsample, sides)) # Plot the fitted line with 200 points xfine = np.linspace(0.0, float(run), 200) plt.plot(xfine, dline(xfine, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2]), "r", label="Decay parameter {0:8.4f}".format(popt[1])) plt.xlabel("Generation") plt.ylabel("Dice Number") plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize="small")
def main(): tl = m.ParaxialThickLens(20,0.015,1.74,15,-0.01,5) t.tprint(tl) t.tprint("Back focal length : ",tl.backFocalLength()) ml = m.ParaxialMirror(100,-0.03,10) plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(2,1,1,axisbg="y") tl.draw(legend = True) plt.subplot(2,1,2) ml.draw()
def main(): ray = r.ParaxialRay(0,math.radians(5),10) ray.addMonitor(r.RayPath()) #tio.tprint(repr(ray)) lens = m.ParaxialThickLens(160,0.01,1.7,20.0,-0.015,radius=20) #tio.tprint(lens) tio.tprint("Focal length is : " + str(lens.backFocalLength())) ray *= lens #tio.tprint(ray) ray += 160 #tio.tprint(ray) lens.draw(legend=True) ray.draw()
def main(): l = m.ParaxialThinLens(10,0.01,1.6,-0.015,10) t.tprint(l) t.tprint("Front Focal Plane : " + str(l.frontFocalPlane())) t.tprint("Back focal length : " + str(l.backFocalLength())) t.tprint("Front focal length : " + str(l.frontFocalLength()))
def main(): xdata = [] ydata = [] a = t.getVector3d("Central", [5, 1, 0]) t.tprint(a) for i in range(0, 100): x = i / 10.0 xdata.append(x) b = v.Vector3d(x, 0, 0) f = a.inverseSquare(b, -1.0) t.tprint(f), ydata.append(abs(f)) pt.plot(xdata, ydata)
def main(): s = sur.OpticalPlane(4) tio.tprint(repr(s)) r = ray.IntensityRay([3, 4, 0], math.radians(10)) tio.tprint(repr(r)) inter = s.getSurfaceInteraction(r) tio.tprint(repr(inter))
def main(): s = t.getString("Give a string") t.tprint("Given string was : ",s) y = t.getFloat("Give a float",max=100) t.tprint("Given value was : ",y) i = t.getInt("Give and int",default = 30) t.tprint("int value is ",i) z = t.getComplex("Give complex",cmath.sqrt(-6)) t.tprint("Complex value is :",z) file = t.openFile("File","w","data","output") file.write("Hello\n") file.close()
def main(): s = p.ParticleSystem("system") for i in range(10): pos = v.Vector3d(i,-i,2*i) vel = v.Vector3d(-i,i,2*i) part = p.Particle(pos,vel,mass = 2) s.append(part) t.tprint("Total Kinetic Engery is : " + str(s.getKineticEnergy())) t.tprint("Total Linear Momentum is : " + str(s.getLinearMomentum())) t.tprint("Centre of mass is : " + str(s.getCentreOfMass()))
def main(): # read in csv file and plot file = t.openFile("Data", "r", "txt") xpos, intensity = csv.readCSV(file) peak = (xpos[0] + xpos[-1]) / 2 t.tprint("Number of data points : ", xpos.size) t.tprint("X range is : ", xpos[0], " to ", xpos[-1]) width = t.getFloat("Slit width", 0.1) separ = t.getFloat("Slit seperation", 0.4) peak = t.getFloat("Peak", peak) pintensity = t.getFloat("Peak Intensity", 1.0) # Make a guess od the slits slits = FitSlits(separ, width, distance, peak, wave, pintensity, 0.0) # Do a curve fit wit p0 v=being the initial giess popt,pcov = curve_fit(slits.line,xpos,intensity,\ p0=[slits.separ,slits.width,slits.peak,slits.intensity,slits.offset]) perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) # print(popt) # print(perr) # Print out the results t.tprint("Separation: {0:7.5f} +/- {1:7.5}".format(popt[0], perr[0])) t.tprint("Slit width: {0:7.5f} +/- {1:7.5}".format(popt[1], perr[1])) t.tprint("Peak centre: {0:7.5f} +/- {1:7.5}".format(popt[2], perr[2])) t.tprint("Peak intensity: {0:7.5f} +/- {1:7.5}".format(popt[3], perr[3])) t.tprint("Offset: {0:7.5f} +/- {1:7.5}".format(popt[4], perr[4])) # Plot outputs plt.plot(xpos, intensity, 'o') xfine = np.linspace(xpos[0], xpos[-1], 500) # do a fine plot as comparison plt.plot(xfine, slits.getArrayValues(xfine)) plt.ylim(0.0, slits.intensity) plt.title("Fit of Slit Data") plt.xlabel("X position") plt.ylabel("Intensity")
def main(): res = w.Sodium_D/(w.Sodium_D2 - w.Sodium_D1) tio.tprint("Resolution target for Na Doublet is : ",res) index = w.MaterialIndex() tio.tprint(repr(index)) tio.tprint("Nd index : ",index.getNd()," Abbe No: ",index.getVd()) dn = index.getDerivative(w.Sodium_D) tio.tprint("dn / d :",dn) d = tio.getFloat("d in mm") d *= 1000 pr = d*dn tio.tprint("Prism resolution : ",pr) if abs(pr) > abs(res): tio.tprint("Doublet resolved") else: tio.tprint("Doublet not resolved")
def main(): file = t.openFile("Particle files",defaulttype = "data") system = p.ParticleSystem().readFile(file) t.tprint(system)
def main(): # ps = p.ParticleSystem().readFile(t.openFile("Particles",defaulttype="part")) t.tprint("Initial Linear Momentum is : ",ps.getLinearMomentum()) t.tprint("Initial Angular Momnetum is : ",ps.getAngularMomentum()) t.tprint("Initial Total Energy is : ",ps.getKineticEnergy()) elastic = t.getBool("Elastic",True) if elastic : ps[0].elasticCollision(ps[1]) else: ps[0].inelasticCollision(ps[1]) t.tprint("Left particle: ",ps[0]) t.tprint("Right particle: ",ps[1]) t.tprint("Final Liner Momentum is : ",ps.getLinearMomentum()) t.tprint("Final Angular Momnetum is : ",ps.getAngularMomentum()) t.tprint("Final Total Energy is : ",ps.getKineticEnergy())
def main(): f = tio.openFile("Give file","r","lens") for l in f.readlines(): tio.tprint(l) z = tio.getComplex("Give complex",complex(1,1)) tio.tprint("Complex is " + repr(z)) v = tio.getVector3d("Vector") tio.tprint("vector is : " + repr(v)) options = ["start","close","quit","restart"] n,nopt = tio.getOption("Option",options) tio.tprint("Option {0:d} chosen, name is {1:s}".format(n,nopt)) x = tio.getFloat("float",3.0,0.0,5.0) tio.tprint(x) st = tio.getString("and a string") tio.tprint(st)
def main(): vel = t.getVector3d("Velocity :") pos = t.getVector3d("Position :", [0, 0, 0]) # org = t.getVector3d("Origin :",[0,0,0]) left = p.Particle(pos, vel, mass=5, title="Left") right = p.Particle(pos, -3.0 * vel, mass=10, title="Right") t.tprint(left) t.tprint(right) mom = left.getLinearMomentum() + right.getLinearMomentum() k = left.getKineticEnergy() + right.getKineticEnergy() t.tprint("Inital linear momentum is : ", mom) t.tprint("Initial Energy is : ", k) left.elasticCollision(right) t.tprint(left) t.tprint(right) mom = left.getLinearMomentum() + right.getLinearMomentum() k = left.getKineticEnergy() + right.getKineticEnergy() t.tprint("Final linear momentum is : ", mom) t.tprint("Final Energy is : ", k)
def main(): d = t.getString("Dir") d = t.getExpandedFilename(d) for filename in os.listdir(d): t.tprint(filename)
def main(): a = tio.getVector3d("Give a vector",[1,2,3]) tio.tprint(repr(a)) r,u = a.unitPair() tio.tprint("Abs is : ",r," Unit is : ",u) u = v.Unit3d(a) tio.tprint("Unit vector is " , repr(u)) ang = v.Angle(u) tio.tprint("Angle of u is ", repr(ang)) ang = v.Angle(a) tio.tprint("Angle of a is ", repr(ang)) w = v.Unit3d(ang) tio.tprint("Unit 3d from angle is ",w) d = tio.getAngle("Give angle pair",[0.5,0.6]) tio.tprint(repr(d))
def main(): options = ["stop","go","reset","reformat"] i,opt = tio.getOption("Which option",options,1) tio.tprint("Option chosen was : ",i," being ",opt)