def destroy(self): registry.delete(self) Toplevel.destroy(self) # If this is Idle's last window then quit the mainloop # (Needed for clean exit on Windows 98) if not registry.dict: self.quit()
class MailListWindow: def __init__(self, title, after_close): = Toplevel()'400x200')'-toolwindow', True)"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", after_close) inner_frame = tk.Frame( = tk.Frame(canvas) inner_frame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand = 1) scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(,orient="vertical",command=self.scrolly) scrollbar.pack(side='right', fill='y') self.btn_count = 0 self.btns = [] self.texts = [] self.callbacks = [] self.frame = inner_frame self.scrollbar = scrollbar self.btn_per_page = 4 self.first_btn = 0 self.scrolly('', '0.0') def scrolly(self, cmd, pos, what=''): if self.btn_per_page <= self.btn_count: bar_len = self.btn_per_page/self.btn_count else: bar_len=1 self.first_btn = int(float(pos)*self.btn_count) pos = str(self.getScrollPos()) self.scrollbar.set(pos, str(float(pos)+bar_len)) for i in range(len(self.btns)): mail_index = i+self.first_btn self.btns[i].config(text=self.texts[mail_index], command=self.callbacks[mail_index]) def insertButton(self, text, callback): if self.btn_count < self.btn_per_page: btn = tk.Button(self.frame, bg='#fafafa',text=text, command=callback) btn.pack(fill='both', expand=1) self.btns.append(btn) self.btn_count += 1 self.texts.append(text) self.callbacks.append(callback) self.scrolly('', self.getScrollPos()) def getScrollPos(self): if self.btn_per_page >= self.btn_count: return 0.0 if self.btn_count == 0: return 0.0 return self.first_btn/self.btn_count def callback(self): print('click') def destroy(self):
class ListDialog(object): def __init__ (self, master, items, message, accept_func): self.accept_func = accept_func = Toplevel(master), weight=1), weight=3), weight=0), weight=1), weight=1), height=True) self.frame = Frame( self.frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frame.rowconfigure(1, weight=0) self.frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=0) self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, W, E), columnspan=2) self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame) self.canvas.create_text(0, 0, text=message, anchor=NW) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, W, S, E)) self.vscroll = Scrollbar(self.frame, command=self.canvas.yview) self.vscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=(N, S)) self.canvas['yscrollcommand'] = self.vscroll.set self.hscroll = Scrollbar(self.frame, command=self.canvas.xview, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.hscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(W, E), columnspan=2) self.canvas['xscrollcommand'] = self.hscroll.set self.canvas['scrollregion'] = self.canvas.bbox('all') self.canvas.bind('<Button-4>', self.scroll) self.canvas.bind('<Button-5>', self.scroll) self.canvas.bind('<MouseWheel>', self.scroll) self.view = NameView(, sorted(items)) self.view.widget.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=(N, W, E, S)) self.delbutton = Button(, text='Ok', command=self.accept ) self.cancelbutton = Button(, text='Cancel', command=self.cancel) self.delbutton.grid(row=2, column=0) self.cancelbutton.grid(row=2, column=1) self.view.widget.focus_set() def accept(self): self.accept_func(self.view.selection()) def cancel(self): self.result = None def scroll(self, event): if event.num == 4 or > 0: self.canvas.yview(SCROLL, -1, UNITS) elif event.num == 5 or < 0: self.canvas.yview(SCROLL, 1, UNITS)
class TkWindowNode(BaseWindowNode): '''The base class of all the Window Node in the WaveSyn Object Model. Properties: tk_object: The underlying Tk Toplevel object; node_path: The path of this node on the WaveSyn Object Model Tree. Properties inherited from ModelNode: root_node: The root node of the WaveSyn Object Model Tree. ''' window_name = '' _xmlrpcexport_ = ['close'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__tk_object = Toplevel() self.__tk_object.title(f'{self.window_name} id={id(self)}') self.__tk_object.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.on_close) method_name_map = { 'update':'update', 'set_window_attributes':'wm_attributes' } for method_name in method_name_map: locals()[method_name] = MethodDelegator('tk_object', method_name_map[method_name]) def _close_callback(self): pass @Scripting.printable def close(self): #Scripting.root_node.on_window_quit(self) if hasattr(self.parent_node, 'on_window_close'): self.parent_node.on_window_close(self) # For Toplevel objects, use destroy rather than quit. if not self._close_callback(): self.__tk_object.destroy() def on_close(self): with code_printer(): self.close() @property def tk_object(self): return self.__tk_object def create_timer(self, interval=100, active=False): return TkTimer(self.__tk_object, interval, active)
def fetchMifParams(self): mifTop = Toplevel() self.mifApp = MifUI(mifTop) self.mifApp.mainloop() mifParams = self.mifApp.getParameters() mifTop.destroy() self.depth = int(mifParams[0]) self.width = int(mifParams[1]) self.address_radix = int(mifParams[2]) self.data_radix = int(mifParams[3]) self.fillZeros = int(mifParams[4])
def open_running(self, task): ''' Displays a message while running the simulation ''' popup = Toplevel(self) x = self.winfo_x() y = self.winfo_y() popup.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x//2, y//2)) popup.title("Running") msg = Message(popup, text="Running simulation. Please Wait.") msg.pack() while task.is_alive(): popup.update() popup.destroy() # only when thread dies.
class NewProjectWindow: def __init__(self, parent, model): self.model = model self.parent = parent self.window = Toplevel(parent.window) self.window.title('Nowy projekt') self.window.geometry('600x90') self.window.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.window.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.window.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) Label(self.window, text='Nazwa projektu:').grid(row=0, sticky=tk.NW + tk.N + tk.S) self.name_entry = Entry(self.window) self.name_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NW + tk.N + tk.S + tk.E) Label(self.window, text='Ścieżka do projektu:').grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.NW + tk.N + tk.S) self.path_label = Label(self.window, anchor=tk.W, bg='white', width=40) self.path_label.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.NW + tk.N + tk.S + tk.E) Button(self.window, text='Wybierz', command=self.pick_dir).grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=tk.NW + tk.N + tk.S) Button(self.window, text='Anuluj', command=self.destroy).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.NW + tk.N + tk.S + tk.E) Button(self.window, text='Stwórz', command=self.create).grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=tk.NW + tk.N + tk.S + tk.E) def pick_dir(self): options = {} options['defaultextension'] = '.afz' options['filetypes'] = [('Pliki projektu', '.afz'), ('Wszystkie pliki', '.*')] options['title'] = 'Utwórz projekt' filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(**options) self.path_label.config(text=filename) def create(self): self.model.new_project(self.path_label['text'], self.name_entry.get()) self.destroy() def destroy(self): self.window.destroy()
class SettingsCameraWindow: def __init__(self): self.root = Toplevel() self.checkbutton1 = IntVar() def getScreenSize(self): w = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() h = self.root.winfo_screenheight() return w, h def getWindowSize(self): w = self.root.winfo_screenmmwidth() h = self.root.winfo_screenmmheight() return w, h def setTitle(self): self.root.title("Settings Camera") def setBind(self): #---------- CTRL + Q (Quit) ----------# self.root.bind("<Control-q>", self.quit_callback) self.root.bind("<Control-Q>", self.quit_callback) def setup(self): width, height = self.getScreenSize() width = int(width / 2 - 100) height = int(height / 2 - 100) screensize = convert2geometry(width, height) self.root.geometry(screensize) self.setTitle() #---------- Destroy ----------# def quit_callback(self, event=None): self.root.destroy() def isChecked_callback(self): print(self.checkbutton1.get()) def createButton(self): Label(self.root, text="Is URL: ", width=6).grid(row=1, column=0) def createCheckButton(self): Checkbutton(self.root, text="Is URL", variable=self.checkbutton1, command=self.isChecked_callback, onvalue=1, offvalue=0).pack() def main(self): self.root.mainloop()
class EntryOptionsWindow: def __init__(self, ls: str, tk: Tk, select_path=False) -> None: self.select_path = select_path self.List = ls self.Tk = tk self.Root = Toplevel(self.Tk) self.Root.withdraw() self.Frame = Frame(self.Root) self.Box = Listbox(self.Frame, selectmode='extended', width=54, height=24) for i in globals()[self.List]: self.Box.insert(END, i) self.Scroll = Scrollbar(self.Frame, command=self.Box.yview) self.Entry = Entry(self.Frame) self.ButtonAdd = Button(self.Frame, text='Добавить', command=self.__add_item) self.ButtonDel = Button(self.Frame, text='Удалить', command=self.__del_item) self.ButtonDone = Button(self.Frame, text='Готово', command=self.__save_list) self.ButtonExit = Button(self.Frame, text='Отмена', command=self.Root.destroy) def __add_item(self) -> None: if self.select_path: text = filedialog.askdirectory() else: text = self.Entry.get() if text: self.Box.insert(END, text) self.Entry.delete(0, END) def __del_item(self) -> None: select = list(self.Box.curselection()) select.reverse() for i in select: self.Box.delete(i) def __save_list(self) -> None: globals()[self.List] = list(self.Box.get(0, END)) self.Root.destroy() def main(self) -> None: center_win(self.Root, '500x400') self.Root.deiconify() self.Root.title(f'Editing {self.List}') self.Box.pack(side='left', expand=True) self.Scroll.pack(side='left', fill='y') self.Box.config(yscrollcommand=self.Scroll.set) self.Frame.pack(side='left', padx=10) if not self.select_path: self.Entry.pack(anchor='n') self.ButtonAdd.pack(fill='x') self.ButtonDel.pack(fill='x') self.ButtonDone.pack(fill='x') self.ButtonExit.pack(fill='x') self.Root.mainloop()
class AddRestrictionDialog(): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.gui = Toplevel(parent.guiRoot) self.gui.grab_set() self.gui.focus() self.gui.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.gui.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) Label(self.gui, text="Enzyme:").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="e", padx=5) self.entryEnzyme = Entry(self.gui) self.entryEnzyme.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5, pady=10) self.frameButtonGroup = Frame(self.gui) self.frameButtonGroup.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=10) self.buttonOK = Button(self.frameButtonGroup, text=" OK ") self.buttonCancel = Button(self.frameButtonGroup, text=" Cancel ") self.buttonOK.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5) self.buttonCancel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="e", padx=5) # Set (minimum + max) Window size self.gui.update() self.gui.minsize(self.gui.winfo_width(), self.gui.winfo_height()) self.gui.maxsize(self.gui.winfo_width(), self.gui.winfo_height()) self.entryEnzyme.focus() self.buttonOK.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionOK) self.buttonCancel.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionCancel) self.entryEnzyme.bind("<Return>", self.actionOK) self.gui.mainloop() # self.gui.grab_release() # self.gui.destroy() def actionOK(self, event): enzymeString = self.entryEnzyme.get() if enzymeString in rest_dict.keys(): if enzymeString in self.parent.optimizer.restrictionEnzymeList: showinfo("", (enzymeString + " was already added to the list")) return self.parent.optimizer.restrictionEnzymeList.append(enzymeString) self.parent.guiRoot.event_generate("<<Update>>", when="tail") self.gui.destroy() else: showinfo("", (enzymeString + " is not a valid restriction enzyme")) def actionCancel(self, event): self.gui.destroy()
class AddRestrictionDialog: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.gui = Toplevel(parent.guiRoot) self.gui.grab_set() self.gui.focus() self.gui.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.gui.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) Label(self.gui, text="Enzyme:").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="e", padx=5) self.entryEnzyme = Entry(self.gui) self.entryEnzyme.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5, pady=10) self.frameButtonGroup = Frame(self.gui) self.frameButtonGroup.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=10) self.buttonOK = Button(self.frameButtonGroup, text=" OK ") self.buttonCancel = Button(self.frameButtonGroup, text=" Cancel ") self.buttonOK.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5) self.buttonCancel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="e", padx=5) # Set (minimum + max) Window size self.gui.update() self.gui.minsize(self.gui.winfo_width(), self.gui.winfo_height()) self.gui.maxsize(self.gui.winfo_width(), self.gui.winfo_height()) self.entryEnzyme.focus() self.buttonOK.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionOK) self.buttonCancel.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionCancel) self.entryEnzyme.bind("<Return>", self.actionOK) self.gui.mainloop() # self.gui.grab_release() # self.gui.destroy() def actionOK(self, event): enzymeString = self.entryEnzyme.get() if enzymeString in rest_dict.keys(): if enzymeString in self.parent.optimizer.restrictionEnzymeList: showinfo("", (enzymeString + " was already added to the list")) return self.parent.optimizer.restrictionEnzymeList.append(enzymeString) self.parent.guiRoot.event_generate("<<Update>>", when="tail") self.gui.destroy() else: showinfo("", (enzymeString + " is not a valid restriction enzyme")) def actionCancel(self, event): self.gui.destroy()
class MainWindow: def __init__(self): global root self.master = Toplevel(root) self.master.withdraw() self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', root.destroy) self.master.iconbitmap(imgdir) self.master.geometry("400x150") self.master.resizable(False, False) self.master.title("Adb & Fastboot Installer - By @Pato05") estyle = Style() estyle.element_create("plain.field", "from", "clam") estyle.layout("White.TEntry", [('Entry.plain.field', {'children': [( 'Entry.background', {'children': [( 'Entry.padding', {'children': [( 'Entry.textarea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})], 'sticky': 'nswe'})], 'sticky': 'nswe'})], 'border': '4', 'sticky': 'nswe'})]) estyle.configure("White.TEntry", background="white", foreground="black", fieldbackground="white") window = Frame(self.master, relief=FLAT) window.pack(padx=10, pady=5, fill=BOTH) Label(window, text='Installation path:').pack(fill=X) self.syswide = IntVar() self.instpath = StringVar() self.e = Entry(window, state='readonly', textvariable=self.instpath, style='White.TEntry') self.e.pack(fill=X) self.toggleroot() Label(window, text='Options:').pack(pady=(10, 0), fill=X) inst = Checkbutton(window, text="Install Adb and Fastboot system-wide?", variable=self.syswide, command=self.toggleroot) inst.pack(fill=X) self.path = IntVar(window, value=1) Checkbutton(window, text="Put Adb and Fastboot in PATH?", variable=self.path).pack(fill=X) Button(window, text='Install', command=self.install).pack(anchor='se') self.master.deiconify() def toggleroot(self): if self.syswide.get() == 0: self.instpath.set(installpaths['user']) elif self.syswide.get() == 1: self.instpath.set(installpaths['system']) def install(self): = InstallWindow(setpath=self.path.get( ), installpath=self.instpath.get(), systemwide=self.syswide.get()) self.master.destroy()
class HelpScreen(): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent # second screen - load screen def help_screen(self): """ This is the initial load window --- maybe separate this and put a load bar in the future """ # init top level frame/window = Toplevel(self.parent) # frame/window size"420x420") # get frame/window width/height windowWidth = windowHeight = # confirm frame/window width/height print("Width",windowWidth,"Height",windowHeight) # calculate center of frame/window width/height positionRight = int( - windowWidth/2) positionDown = int( - windowHeight/2) # positions frame/window"+{}+{}".format(positionRight, positionDown)) # init percentage of load value self.percentage = 0 # load screen text self.title2 = Label(, text=f"How do you use this URL scraper?", foreground="black",pady=10, padx=1) self.title2.pack() self.text1 = Label(, text=f"\ 1. Copy a URL from any site you are interested in and paste \n\ it into the ~Enter URL To Parse~ input box.\n\n\ 2. Make sure the Full HTML checkbox is selected. This will \n\ search each site from the opening body tag to the opening \n\ footer tag \n\n\ 3. Upload the .txt data file. This needs to be a list of \n\ words with a space between each word. \n\n\ * Important * \n\ -------------\n\ The clear button will clear the URL entered and \n\ the last .txt file uploaded\n\n\ ** What can this tool do? ** \n\ -----------------------------\n\ This tool will request the html from the url \n\ you entered and search for the keywords from \n\ the .txt file that you uploaded in the requested html\n", foreground="black", width=70, anchor="w", justify=LEFT) self.text1.pack() self.button1 = ttk.Button(, text="Close", command=self.close_help) self.button1.pack() def close_help(self):
class splash(): # try: def __init__(self): moduleDir = dirname(__file__) moduleDir = moduleDir.rsplit('\\',2)[0] image = moduleDir+'\\resources\\sirbot\\splash.gif' self.root = Tk() self.root.withdraw() self.loadingSplash = Toplevel() splashimage = PhotoImage(file=image) self.loading = ttk.Label(self.loadingSplash,image=splashimage) self.loadingSplash.overrideredirect(True) self.loading.pack() h = self.loading.winfo_screenheight() w = self.loading.winfo_screenwidth() self.loadingSplash.wm_attributes('-alpha',0.75) self.loadingSplash.update_idletasks() self.loadingSplash.geometry('262x112+'+str(int(w/2)-131*1)+ '+'+str(int(h/2)-56*1)) self.loadingSplash.update_idletasks() self.loadingSplash.update() # except: ## #log ## loadingSplash = Tk() ## #myfont = tkFont.families()[0] ## loading = Label(loadingSplash,text='SirBot') ## loadingSplash.overrideredirect(True) ## loading.pack() ## ## h = loading.winfo_screenheight() ## w = loading.winfo_screenwidth() ## ## loadingSplash.wm_attributes('-alpha',0.75) ## loadingSplash.update_idletasks() ## loadingSplash.geometry('262x112+'+str(int(w/2)-131*1)+ ## '+'+str(int(h/2)-56*1)) ## loadingSplash.update_idletasks() ## loadingSplash.update() def destroy(self): try: self.loadingSplash.destroy() except: #log pass def getroot(self): return(self.root)
def save_data(self, event): #保存数据 try: node_save_path = self.project_path + '/' + self.node_name + '.spliting' nowTime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') self.node_setting = { 'node_type': 'SPLIT', 'node_name': self.node_name, 'node_save_path': node_save_path, 'previous_node_name': self.previous_node_name, 'previous_node_time': self.previous_node_time, ##不清楚这两个是干什么的 'method': self.method, 'data_role': self.data_role, 'replace': self.replace, 'seed': self.seed, 'train_pct': self.train_pct, 'valid_pct': self.valid_pct, 'adjuest_bad': self.sample_flag, 'bad_sample_pct': self.bad_pct, 'sample_bad_rate': self.bad_rate, 'time': nowTime, #'check_change':[{'node_name': self.node_name,'node_time':nowTime}]+self.previous_check_change, 'data_variable_setting': self.par_traindatavariable_setting, 'use_node': [self.node_name] + self.previous_node_usedlist } data_save = (self.node_setting, self.trainpart_data, self.validpart_data, self.par_train_data) error2 = Toplevel(self.master) screenwidth = self.master.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = self.master.winfo_screenheight() error2.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (150, 100, (screenwidth - 150) / 2, (screenheight - 100) / 2)) L2 = Label(error2, text="保存中") L2.grid() self.master.update() filename = node_save_path fw = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(data_save, fw, 1) fw.close() = 'Y' try: error2.destroy() except: pass self.master.destroy() except Exception as e: tk.messagebox.showwarning('错误', e)
class DriversWindow: def __init__(self, parent, model): self.model = model self.parent = parent self.window = Toplevel(parent.window) self.window.title('Lista sterowników') self.window.geometry('600x400') self.window.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.x_scroll = Scrollbar(self.window, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) self.y_scroll = Scrollbar(self.window, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.x_scroll.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.E + tk.W) self.y_scroll.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=tk.N + tk.S) self.listbox = Listbox(self.window, xscrollcommand=self.x_scroll.set, yscrollcommand=self.y_scroll.set) self.x_scroll['command'] = self.listbox.xview self.y_scroll['command'] = self.listbox.yview threading.Thread(target=self.populate_list).start() self.prog_window = ProgressWindow(self, 'Trwa szukanie sterowników') self.prog_window.start() self.listbox.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.S + tk.W, columnspan=2) Button(self.window, text='Wybierz', command=self.pick_dev).grid(row=2, sticky=tk.NE, padx=10) Button(self.window, text='Anuluj', command=self.destroy).grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=tk.NW, padx=10) self.window.transient(master=parent.window) def pick_dev(self): self.model.project.devpath = self.listbox.get( self.listbox.curselection()).split()[-1] self.parent.refresh_driver() self.destroy() def populate_list(self): dev_list = self.model.list_dev_paths() for d in dev_list: if d is not '': self.listbox.insert(tk.END, d) self.prog_window.destroy() self.window.grab_set() def destroy(self): self.window.grab_release() self.window.destroy()
class SelectionY: def __init__(self, master, data): self.master = master = data self.columns = self.variable = IntVar() self.window = Toplevel(self.master) self.window.grab_set() self.window.title('Dependent Variables') self.window.geometry('400x400') self.window.minsize(250, 250) self.frame = Frame(self.window) self.frame.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH) self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, background='antique white') self.v_scroll = Scrollbar(self.frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.canvas.yview) self.v_scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.canvas['yscrollcommand'] = self.v_scroll.set self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH) self.frame2 = Frame(self.canvas, bg='antique white') self.canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.frame2, anchor=N + W) for i in range(len(self.columns)): Radiobutton(self.frame2, variable=self.variable, value=i, text=self.columns[i], bg='antique white').pack(anchor=N + W) self.none = Button(self.canvas, text='Confirm', height=2, width=10, command=lambda: self.confirm()) self.none.pack(anchor=E, padx=20, pady=20) self.canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.canvas.bbox(ALL)) self.window.mainloop() def confirm(self): self.window.grab_release() self.window.quit() self.window.destroy()
class ResultOptions: def __init__(self,strtitle,result_str_arr=[],cmd_names=[],cmd_fun=[], args=[]): self.newwin=Toplevel() self.newwin.title(strtitle) scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.newwin) scrollbar.pack(side = 'right', fill = 'y') ylist = tk.Listbox(self.newwin,yscrollcommand = scrollbar.set , width=100 , height=30) # try: for tt in result_str_arr: if type(tt)==type([]): ylist.insert('end', str(tt[0] ) ) else: ylist.insert('end', str(tt) ) #.decode("utf-8") except: ylist.insert('end', str('Binary format to avoid system exception') ) for tt in result_str_arr: if type(tt)==type([]): ylist.insert('end', str(tt[0].encode("utf-8")) ) else: ylist.insert('end', str(tt.encode("utf-8")) ) ylist.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'x') scrollbar.config( command = ylist.yview ) btns=[] for ii,btn in enumerate(cmd_names): tmpargs=() if args[ii][0]!=None: tmpargs=(result_str_arr,) + args[ii] else: tmpargs=(result_str_arr,) btns.append(ttk.Button(self.newwin,text=btn,command=partial(self.run_opt,cmd_fun[ii],tmpargs) ) ) btns[-1].pack(side='top', fill = 'x') def run_opt(self,opt_fun,args): opt_fun(*args) self.newwin.destroy()
def apply_column_selection(root: tk.Tk, win: tk.Toplevel, pane: ttk.Panedwindow): """ Автор: Баканов Г. Цель: применяет к программме выбор столбцов (изменяет рабочее пространство) Вход: главное окно, побочное окно выбора столбцов, растягивающийся виджет Выход: нет """ if any(glob.columns_selection.values()): glob.columns = [x for x in glob.columns_selection.keys() if glob.columns_selection[x].get() == 1] open_base(root, pane, glob.current_base_list_id) win.destroy() else: err.error("Не выбран ни один столбец") return "break"
def average_normals( self ): """ Applies Gouraud normalization to the module """ # Set up updater top = Toplevel() pb = Progressbar(top,orient ="horizontal",length = 200, mode ="determinate") pb['maximum'] = len(self.__elements__) pb['value'] = 10 pb.grid(row=0,column=0) tx = Label(top) tx.grid(row=1,column=0) top.update_idletasks() top.lift() t0 = time.time() # run the loop, if we're visible and phong shading if not self.invisible == 'gouroud': try: buf = np.array([0,0,0,1]) for i,polygon in enumerate(self.__elements__): if not ispoly(polygon): continue polygon._onorms = np.array([polygon.normals.astype(float)+buf for i in range(len(polygon.coordinates))]) # Update the user as to what's going on if i % 50 == 0 and i > 0: pb['value'] = i tmp = i/len(self.__elements__) estimation = int(tmp*(time.time()-t0) * (1-tmp)/tmp) tx.configure(text=str(int(100*i/len(self.__elements__)))+"%"+' Estimated time: '+str(estimation)+'s' ) top.update_idletasks() for c,coordinate in enumerate(polygon.coordinates): for j,opolygon in enumerate(self.__elements__): if i == j or not ispoly(opolygon): continue for k,ocoordinate in enumerate(opolygon.coordinates): if all(coordinate == ocoordinate): # same vertex, finally polygon._onorms[c] += (opolygon.normals+buf) polygon._onorms /= polygon._onorms[:,3,None] for polygon in self.__elements__: if ispoly(polygon): polygon.normals = polygon._onorms del polygon._onorms except IndexError as ie: pass top.destroy() if self.invisible == 'gouroud': self.invisible = False return self # for chaining
class CreateToolTip(object): """ Create a tooltip for a given widget. Parameters ---------- Returns ------ """ def __init__(self, widget, thread, text='widget info'): self.widget = widget self.text = text self.widget.bind("<Enter>", self.timer) self.widget.bind("<Leave>", self.close) self.thread = thread def timer(self, event=None): self.inside = True def go(): time.sleep(0.1) if self.inside == True: self.enter() self.thread.submit(go()) #t.start() def enter(self): x = y = 0 x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert") x += self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 25 y += self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 20 # creates a toplevel window = Toplevel(self.widget) # Leaves only the label and removes the app window"-alpha", 0.9)"+%d+%d" % (x, y)) label = tk.Label(, text=self.text, justify='left', background='white', relief='solid', borderwidth=1, font=("TkDefautlFont", "8", "normal")) label.pack(padx=0, pady=0) def close(self, event=None): self.inside = False if hasattr(self, 'tw'):
class About: def __init__(self, parent): pad_px = 5 = Toplevel(parent)'About:') # Make the window modal label_title = Label(, text='Minesweeper') label_title['font'] = 'Helvetica 16 bold' label_title.pack() file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) grid_middle = Frame( logo = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(file_path, '../res/logo.gif')) label_logo = Label(grid_middle, image=logo) label_logo.image = logo # don't garbage collect me please. label_logo.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=4) label_description = Label( grid_middle, justify=LEFT, text= 'Use your deductive powers to figure out where the mines are on the grid.\nYou lose if you step on a mine.\nTo win you must open every square except for the mines.' ) label_description.grid(row=0, column=0) label_author = Label(grid_middle, justify=LEFT, text='by: SeggiePants') label_author.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='W') label_copyright = Label(grid_middle, justify=LEFT, text='Copyright © 2019. All Rights Reserved.') label_copyright.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='W') label_version = Label(grid_middle, justify=LEFT, text='Version: ' + __version__) label_version.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='W') grid_middle.pack() button_ok = Button(, text='OK', command=self.ok) button_ok.pack(padx=pad_px, pady=pad_px * 2, anchor=SE)'wm', 'iconphoto',, logo), False) def ok(self): # Close the dialog
def save_settings(self, settings_window: Toplevel, settings: types.SimpleNamespace): if settings.aspect_ratio_checked.get(): self.controller.model.args.aspect_ratio = ( int(settings.aspect_ratio_x.get()), int(settings.aspect_ratio_y.get())) else: self.controller.model.args.aspect_ratio = None if settings.resize_checked.get(): self.controller.model.args.resize = (int(settings.resize_x.get()), int(settings.resize_y.get())) else: self.controller.model.args.resize = None settings_window.destroy()
class EditSoundsPopup(object): def __init__(self, overview, master): = Toplevel(master, padx=50, pady=20)"Edit Sounds") self.master = master self.overview = overview s_a = [x[x.rfind("\\") + 1:] for x in self.overview.sound_array] ind = next(iter([i for i in range(len(self.overview.sound_array)) \ if self.overview.sound_array[i].find(self.overview.sound_name) != -1]), None) if ind is None: ErrorPopup( self.master, "default sound " + self.overview.sound_name + " not found!") return soundobj = self.overview.sound_array[ind] self.c = Combobox(, values=s_a, width=40) self.c.set(soundobj[soundobj.rfind("\\") + 1:]) self.c.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="NEWS") Label(, text="Choose a sound:").grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="NEWS") Button(, text='Preview', command=self.play_s).grid(row=2, column=0, pady=10) Button(, text='Set', command=self.set_s).grid(row=2, column=1, pady=10) ##center after packing center(, master) def play_s(self): print(self.c.get()) ns = AudioSegment.from_file( os.path.join(self.overview._SOUNDS, self.c.get())) ns = ns[:3 * 1000] play(ns) def set_s(self): self.overview.sound_name = self.c.get() self.cleanup() def cleanup(self):
class directCheckUI(): def __init__(self, owner, repo, branch): # calculation try: nCommit = getNCommit(owner, repo, branch) msg = f"Number of commit: {str(nCommit)}" except HTTPError: msg = "Given repository or branch not found" = Toplevel()'260x150') centerWindow(["bg"] = COLORs['bg']"-alpha", 0.95) # apearance Label(, text=f"{owner}/{repo}", bg=COLORs['bg'], font=Font(, family="Helvetica", size=13), fg=COLORs['txt']).place(anchor=N, x=130, y=15) Label(, text=branch, bg=COLORs['bg'], font=Font(, family="Helvetica", size=11), fg=COLORs['txt']).place(anchor=N, x=130, y=35) Label(, text=msg, bg=COLORs['bg'], font=Font(, family="Helvetica", size=11), fg=COLORs['txt']).place(anchor=N, x=130, y=65) self.btn = Button(, text="Close", command=(lambda: self.destroyWindow()), bg=COLORs['frmLine'], fg=COLORs['txt'], relief=FLAT, width=5, height=1, font=Font(, family="Helvetica", size=11), activebackground=COLORs['frmLine'], activeforeground=COLORs['txt']) batchBindEvent([, self.btn], effect=bindPressButtonEffect, target=self.btn,, x=130, y=105) def destroyWindow(self):
def test_open_and_close(self): # open calls create_widgets, which needs default_command self.dialog.default_command = None toplevel = Toplevel(self.root) text = Text(toplevel) self.assertEqual(, 'normal') self.dialog.close() self.assertEqual(, 'withdrawn'), searchphrase="hello") self.assertEqual(self.dialog.ent.get(), 'hello') toplevel.update_idletasks() toplevel.destroy()
class ShapesMenu(object): """ """ def __init__(self, master, line_collection): try: self.width_of_entry = len(line_collection[0]) except IndexError: self.width_of_entry = 0 = Toplevel(master) self.current_lines_listbox = Listbox( self.removed_lines_listbox = Listbox( self.submit = Button(, text = "Ok", command=self.submit) self.remove_button = Button(, text = "Remove", command=self.remove_line) self.cancel = Button(, text = "Cancel","<Return>", func=self.submit) self.current_lines = line_collection self.removed_lines = [] self.ids_internal = [] self.ids = [] for index, line in enumerate(self.current_lines): #removes the point data and converts the rest to strings id = line[1] if id not in self.ids_internal: self.ids_internal.append(id) self.ids.append(id) line = [str(element) for element in line[1:]] #put into the list self.current_lines_listbox.insert(index, " ".join(line)) self.current_lines_listbox.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3) self.submit.grid(row=1, column=1) self.cancel.grid(row=1, column=2) self.remove_button.grid(row=1, column=0) def submit(self): #expose the internal IDs to remove to the exterior methods self.ids = self.ids_internal def remove_line(self): """Take the active line and remove it""" line_to_remove = self.current_lines_listbox.get(ANCHOR) id_to_remove = int(line_to_remove.split(" ")[0]) #remove it from the ID list self.ids_internal.remove(id_to_remove) #remove it from the listbox self.current_lines_listbox = self.current_lines_listbox.delete(ANCHOR)
class TkWindowNode(BaseWindowNode): '''The base class of all the Window Node in the WaveSyn Object Model. Properties: tk_object: The underlying Tk Toplevel object; node_path: The path of this node on the WaveSyn Object Model Tree. Properties inherited from ModelNode: root_node: The root node of the WaveSyn Object Model Tree. ''' window_name = '' _xmlrpcexport_ = ['close'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__tk_object = Toplevel() self.__tk_object.title(f'{self.window_name} id={id(self)}') self.__tk_object.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.on_close) method_name_map = { 'update': 'update', 'set_window_attributes': 'wm_attributes' } for method_name in method_name_map: locals()[method_name] = MethodDelegator('tk_object', method_name_map[method_name]) def _close_callback(self): pass @WaveSynScriptAPI def close(self): #Scripting.root_node.on_window_quit(self) if hasattr(self.parent_node, 'on_window_close'): self.parent_node.on_window_close(self) # For Toplevel objects, use destroy rather than quit. if not self._close_callback(): self.__tk_object.destroy() def on_close(self): with code_printer(): self.close() @property def tk_object(self): return self.__tk_object def create_timer(self, interval=100, active=False): return TkTimer(self.__tk_object, interval, active)
def askgridprop(): win = Toplevel() color = ['#000000', '#000000'] propvars = [StringVar() for i in range(4)] guidata = ({ 'linestyle': ('Major Line Style', propvars[0], None), 'linewidth': ('Major Line Width', propvars[1], check_nonnegative_float) }, { 'linestyle': ('Minor Line Style', propvars[2], None), 'linewidth': ('Minor Line Width', propvars[3], check_nonnegative_float) }) for d in guidata: for key in d: pitem = LabeledEntry(win) pitem.pack() pitem.label_text = d[key][0] pitem.entry['textvariable'] = d[key][1] if d[key][2]: pitem.checker_function = d[key][2] def setmajorcolor(): c = askcolor() color[0] = c[1] def setminorcolor(): c = askcolor() color[1] = c[1] Button(win, text='Major Line Color', command=setmajorcolor).pack() Button(win, text='Minor Line Color', command=setminorcolor).pack() win.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', win.quit) win.focus_set() win.grab_set() win.mainloop() win.destroy() c_major = StringVar() c_major.set(color[0]) c_minor = StringVar() c_minor.set(color[1]) guidata[0]['color'] = ('Major Line Color', c_major, None) guidata[1]['color'] = ('Minor Line Color', c_minor, None) return guidata
def upload(): file_path_list = filedialog.askopenfilenames( initialdir="/", title='Upload single or multiple .pdf and/or .docx files') if len(file_path_list) != 0: window_width = 200 window_height = 100 screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight() x = (screen_width / 2) - (window_width / 2) y = (screen_height / 2) - (window_height / 2) popup_loading = Toplevel() popup_loading.geometry( f'{window_width}x{window_height}+{int(x)}+{int(y)}') info = Label(popup_loading, text="Loading...") info.pack(fill='x', padx=15, pady=15) for file in file_path_list: name, extension = os.path.splitext(file) if extension == '.pdf': upload_pdf(file) elif extension == '.docx': upload_docx(file) else: upload_un_files(file) popup_loading.after(5000, lambda: popup_loading.destroy())
def demandeNouvellePartie(self): win = Toplevel(self.root) strtmp = "Le joueur " + self.reseau.nomAdversaire + " demande de faire une nouvelle partie. Acceptez-vous ?" lb = Label(win, text=strtmp) tailleX = lb.winfo_reqwidth() tailleY = 50 numero = str(self.root.geometry()).split('+') posX = int(numero[1]) posY = int(numero[2]) positionX = int(posX + (self.tailleEcranX / 2) - (tailleX / 2)) positionY = int(posY + (self.tailleEcranY / 2) - (tailleY / 2)) geo = str(tailleX) + "x" + str(tailleY) + "+" + str( positionX) + "+" + str(positionY) win.geometry(geo) win.title("Demande") win.resizable(width=False, height=False) lb.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) Button(win, text='OUI', command=lambda: [self.fenetreChoixEnLigne(), win.destroy()]).grid(row=1, column=0) Button(win, text='NON', command=win.destroy).grid(row=1, column=1)
def statistics(df, dictionaries): """ фомрмирование статистик """ global stat report = Toplevel() qty = StringVar(report) headers = [item for item in df if item not in ['Цена', 'Билет', 'Время']] q1 = LabelFrame(report, text='Качественные') q2 = LabelFrame(report, text='Количественные') choice = Combobox(q1, values=headers, textvariable=qty) qty.trace('w', lambda name, index, mode, sv=qty: updateBoxes(sv)) qty.set(headers[0]) choice.current(0) choice.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) q1.pack(side=TOP, padx=10, pady=10) choice2 = Combobox(q2, values=['Цена']) choice2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) choice2.current(0) choice2.config(state=DISABLED) q2.pack(side=TOP, padx=10, pady=10) bframe = Frame(report) Button(bframe, text='Сформировать', command=lambda frame=df: text_report_old(frame))\ .pack(side=LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) Button(bframe, text='Закрыть', command=lambda: report.destroy())\ .pack(side=LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) bframe.pack(side=TOP)
class AreYouSurePopup(object): def __init__(self, master, text): = Toplevel(master, padx=20) Label(, text="Are you sure you want to " + text + "?").pack() Button(, text='Yes', command=self.yes).pack() Button(, text='No!', ##center after packing center(, master) def yes(self, ): self.value = True def no(self, ): self.value = False
def __init__(self, controleur, fenetre): self.control = controleur jeu = Toplevel() cadre = Frame(jeu) cadre.pack(padx=5, pady=5) etiquette = Label(cadre, text='temps ') etiquette.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT) var_texte = IntVar() self.entree = Entry(cadre, textvariable=var_texte, width=50) self.entree.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT) self.entree.focus_force() btnAffiche = Button( jeu, text='ok', command=lambda: [self.afficheZoneSaisie(), jeu.destroy()]) btnAffiche.pack(padx=5, pady=5) jeu.transient(fenetre) # Réduction popup impossible jeu.grab_set() fenetre.wait_window(jeu)
def privacy_popup(): #This function defines a popup window that opens when you click the red button in GUI privacy_check_popup_window = Toplevel() privacy_check_popup_window.geometry(get_main_window_of_gui_postion( )) #this line makes popup open at the place of main window privacy_check_popup_window.wm_attributes( "-topmost", 1) #this line makes popup open on top of main window privacy_check_popup_window.wm_title("Privacy Check") post_comment_input_field = Label( privacy_check_popup_window, text= "Are you sure that this content should go live immediately? \n\n Click 'No' to move it back to Private. \n" ) post_comment_input_field.pack() Yes_button = Button( privacy_check_popup_window, text="Yes", width=10, height=1, command=lambda: privacy_approved(privacy_check_popup_window)) Yes_button.pack() No_button = Button(privacy_check_popup_window, text="No", width=10, height=1, command=lambda: privacy_check_popup_window.destroy()) No_button.pack() privacy_check_popup_window.mainloop()
def open_finder(self, event=None): '''Creates and opens a finder window that allows to find a text inside the text widget. Parameters ---------- event : object A bind key event ''' finder_window = Toplevel(self.master) finder_window.wm_title('Notepad - Finder') self.define_window_geometry(finder_window, 374, 115) finder_window.takefocus = True finder_window._current_text = None Label(finder_window, text='Text to find:').place(x=10, y=10) finder_window._finder_entry = ttk.Entry(finder_window, width=50), y=30) finder_window._find_button = ttk.Button(finder_window, text='Find',\ command=lambda: self.find_text(finder_window)), y=60, width=60) finder_window._cancel_button = ttk.Button(finder_window, text='Cancel',\ command=lambda: finder_window.destroy()), y=60, width=60)
def PausePopup(self, newColor="black", trim=False): tl = Toplevel(root) tl.attributes('-topmost', 'true') tl.grab_set() tl.title("Tool change") msg = "change the tool for a next color" if trim: tl.title("Thread trim") msg = "cut the thread" frame = Frame(tl) frame.grid() canvas = Canvas(frame, width=64, height=64) canvas.grid(row=2, column=0) canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 65, 65, fill=newColor) msgbody = Label( frame, text= "There is the moment to %s. Resume the current job after change." % msg) msgbody.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N) okbttn = Button(frame, text="OK", command=lambda: tl.destroy(), width=10) okbttn.grid(row=2, column=2)
def JobFinished(self, messagePopup=True): self.isJobRunning = False self.isJobPaused = False self.lastSendCommandIndex = -1 self.lastMove = None self.distanceTraveled = 0 self.currentToolChange = 0 self.currentToolPoint = 0 self.currentColor = 'black' self.toolPointsLabel.config( text="%d/%d" % (self.currentToolPoint, self.toolPointsTotal)) self.toolChangesLabel.config( text="%d/%d" % (self.currentToolChange, self.toolChangesTotal)) self.UpdateTimeEstLabel() self.startButton.config(text="Start job") self.status.config(text="Job finished") timeTaken = time.time() - self.start # non blocking popup messagebox if messagePopup: tl = Toplevel(root) # this pop-up is always on top and other windows are deactivated tl.attributes('-topmost', 'true') tl.title("Job finished") tl.grab_set() frame = Frame(tl) frame.grid() Label(frame, text='Current job is finished and took %s.' % time.strftime("%H hours, %M minutes, %S seconds", time.gmtime(timeTaken))).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N) Button(frame, text="OK", command=lambda: tl.destroy(), width=10).grid(row=1, column=0)
def QuitMainWindow(quit_mainwindow): quit_mainwindow = Toplevel() quit_mainwindow.title("Attention!") center_window(quit_mainwindow, quit_mainwindow_width, quit_mainwindow_height) quit_mainwindow.resizable(0, 0) # Canvas q_canvas = Canvas(quit_mainwindow, highlightthickness=0, bg='white') q_canvas.pack(fill='both', expand='yes') # 图标 image ="./items/Attention1.gif") im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) Pic = Label(q_canvas, highlightthickness=0, image=im, bg='white') Pic.pack(side='top', fill='both') # Canvas1 canvas_Button = Canvas(q_canvas, highlightthickness=0, bg='white') # 标签及按钮 label_Title = Label(q_canvas, text="Do you want to quit?", bg='white', font=("Arial", 14, "bold"), width=20, height=3, justify=CENTER) button_Yes = Button(canvas_Button, text='Yes', bg='white', font=('Arial 13 normal'), fg='#011640', width=6, height=1, justify=CENTER, command=quit) button_No = Button(canvas_Button, text='No', bg='white', font=('Arial 13 normal'), fg='#011640', width=6, height=1, justify=CENTER, command=quit_mainwindow.destroy) button_Yes.focus_set() quit_mainwindow.bind("<Return>", lambda x: quit()) quit_mainwindow.bind("<Escape>", lambda x: quit_mainwindow.destroy()) # 组件管理 label_Title.pack(side='top', fill='both') canvas_Button.pack() button_Yes.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20) button_No.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=20) quit_mainwindow.mainloop()
def askgridprop(): win = Toplevel() color = ['#000000', '#000000'] propvars = [StringVar() for i in range(4)] guidata = ( { 'linestyle': ('Major Line Style', propvars[0], None), 'linewidth': ('Major Line Width', propvars[1], check_nonnegative_float) }, { 'linestyle': ('Minor Line Style', propvars[2], None), 'linewidth': ('Minor Line Width', propvars[3], check_nonnegative_float) } ) for d in guidata: for key in d: pitem = LabeledEntry(win) pitem.pack() pitem.label_text = d[key][0] pitem.entry['textvariable'] = d[key][1] if d[key][2]: pitem.checker_function = d[key][2] def setmajorcolor(): c = askcolor() color[0] = c[1] def setminorcolor(): c = askcolor() color[1] = c[1] Button(win, text='Major Line Color', command=setmajorcolor).pack() Button(win, text='Minor Line Color', command=setminorcolor).pack() win.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', win.quit) win.focus_set() win.grab_set() win.mainloop() win.destroy() c_major = StringVar(); c_major.set(color[0]) c_minor = StringVar(); c_minor.set(color[1]) guidata[0]['color'] = ('Major Line Color', c_major, None) guidata[1]['color'] = ('Minor Line Color', c_minor, None) return guidata
class ZoomWindow(object): """description of class""" def __init__(self, master): = Toplevel(master) self.entry_width = 15 self.set_none_limits() self.real_max_label = Label(, text="Real Max: ") self.real_min_label = Label(, text="Real Min: ") self.imag_max_label = Label(, text="Imag Max: ") self.imag_min_label = Label(, text="Imag Min: ") self.real_max_entry = Entry(, width=self.entry_width) self.real_min_entry = Entry(, width=self.entry_width) self.imag_max_entry = Entry(, width=self.entry_width) self.imag_min_entry = Entry(, width=self.entry_width) self.submit_button = Button(, text="Submit", command=self.submit) self.cancel_button = Button(, text="Cancel", self.real_max_label.grid(row=0, column=0) self.real_min_label.grid(row=1, column=0) self.imag_max_label.grid(row=2, column=0) self.imag_min_label.grid(row=3, column=0) self.real_max_entry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.real_min_entry.grid(row=1, column=1) self.imag_max_entry.grid(row=2, column=1) self.imag_min_entry.grid(row=3, column=1) self.submit_button.grid(row=4, column=0) self.cancel_button.grid(row=4, column=1)"<Return>", self.submit)"<Escape>", self.real_max_entry.focus() def set_none_limits(self): self.imag_min, self.imag_max, self.real_max, self.real_min = (None, None, None, None) def submit(self, event=None): try: self.imag_min = float(self.imag_min_entry.get()) self.imag_max = float(self.imag_max_entry.get()) self.real_min = float(self.real_min_entry.get()) self.real_max = float(self.real_max_entry.get()) if self.imag_min > self.imag_max or self.real_min > self.real_max: self.set_none_limits() print("A min field exceeds a max field") except TypeError: print("Values passed are not real numbers")
def askSpan(orient='v'): win = Toplevel() pxmin = LabeledEntry(win) pxmin.pack() pxmin.label_text = 'xmin' if orient=='v' else 'ymin' pxmax = LabeledEntry(win) pxmax.pack() pxmax.label_text = 'xmax' if orient=='v' else 'ymax' def formatter(val): val = float(val) val /= 100. return '{0:0.2f}'.format(val) alphaScale = LabeledScale(win, from_=0, to=100, name='alpha', formatter=formatter) alphaScale.set(50.0) alphaScale.pack() win.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', win.quit) win.focus_set() win.grab_set() win.mainloop() xmin = pxmin.entry.get() xmax = pxmax.entry.get() alpha = alphaScale.get() / 100. win.destroy() return map(float, (xmin, xmax, alpha))
def ask_class_name(): win = Toplevel() module_name = StringVar() class_name = StringVar() module_item = LabeledEntry(win) module_item.label_text = 'Module Name' module_item.pack() module_item.entry_variable = module_name class_item = LabeledEntry(win) class_item.label_text = 'Class Name' class_item.pack() class_item.entry_variable = class_name Button(win, text='OK', command=win.quit).pack() win.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', win.quit) win.focus_set() win.grab_set() win.mainloop() win.destroy() return module_name.get(), class_name.get()
def destroy(self): # close win silently Toplevel.destroy(self) # redef for close ops
class TextSelect(Frame): def __init__(self, client, anchor, items, destroyAnchor=False): """ Args: client: [SelectionClient] The window that text is returned to. anchor: A window that the text selection popup is created relative to. items: [str], items to display in the listbox. destroyAnchor: [bool] if true, destroy the anchor after positioning the window. """ = Toplevel() self.anchor = anchor'+%s+%s' % (anchor.winfo_rootx() + anchor.winfo_x(), anchor.winfo_rooty() + anchor.winfo_y() ) ) super(TextSelect, self).__init__( self.entry = Entry(self) self.client = client self.items = items = 0.5, y = 0.5, height = 100, width = 100) self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.close) self.entry.bind('<KeyPress>', self.filter) self.entry.bind('<Escape>', self.abort) self.entry.bind('<Up>', self.up) self.entry.bind('<Down>', self.down) self.entry.pack() # Create the list of items. self.list = Listbox(self) for item in self.items: self.list.insert('end', item) self.list.pack() self.grid() self.entry.focus() # Reposition the select button against the anchor. We defer this # until after idle so that the anchor has a chance to get rendered. def reposition(*args):'+%s+%s' % ( anchor.winfo_rootx(), anchor.winfo_rooty()) ) if destroyAnchor: anchor.destroy() self.after_idle(reposition) def close(self, event): sel = self.list.curselection() if sel: item = self.list.get(sel[0]) else: item = self.entry.get() # Note that the order of this appears to be significant: destroying # before selecting leaves the focus in a weird state. self.client.selected(item) return 'braek' def abort(self, event): self.client.aborted() return 'break' def up(self, event): sel = self.list.curselection() if not sel: self.list.selection_set(0) return 'break' sel = sel[0] print('sel is %s size is %s' % (sel, self.list.size())) if sel > 0: print('setting selection to %s' % sel) self.list.selection_clear(sel) self.list.selection_set(sel - 1) self.list.see(sel) return 'break' def down(self, event): sel = self.list.curselection() if not sel: self.list.selection_set(0) return 'break' sel = sel[0] print('sel is %s size is %s' % (sel, self.list.size())) if sel < self.list.size() - 1: print('setting selection to %s' % (sel + 1)) self.list.selection_clear(sel) self.list.selection_set(sel + 1) self.list.see(sel) return 'break' def filter(self, event): """Filter the listbox based on the contents of the entryfield.""" # first add the character to the entry. currentText = self.entry.get() print(event.keysym) if event.keysym == 'BackSpace': # Handle backspace specially. if currentText: currentText = currentText[:-1] self.entry.delete(0, 'end') self.entry.insert(0, currentText) else: return 'break' else: # Assume normal character. Insert it. self.entry.insert('insert', event.char) currentText += event.char self.list.delete(0, 'end') pattern = currentText.upper() for item in self.items: if pattern in item.upper(): self.list.insert('end', item) return 'break'
def destroy(self): Toplevel.destroy(self)
class SpeciesSearchDialog: def __init__(self, parent, caller): # main window self.parent = parent # dialog that called this second dialog self.caller = caller self.gui = Toplevel(parent.guiRoot) self.gui.grab_set() self.gui.focus() self.gui.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.gui.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.entrySearch = Entry(self.gui) self.buttonSearch = Button(self.gui, text=" Search ") self.buttonAdd = Button(self.gui, text=" Add Species ") self.buttonClose = Button(self.gui, text=" Close Window ") self.frameResults = Frame(self.gui) self.frameResults.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frameResults.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.scrollResults = Scrollbar(self.frameResults, orient="vertical") self.scrollResults.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="ns") self.listResults = Listbox(self.frameResults, width=70, height=20) self.listResults.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe") self.listResults.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollResults.set) self.scrollResults.config(command=self.listResults.yview) self.entrySearch.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="we", padx=5, pady=5) self.frameResults.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="nswe", padx=5, pady=5) self.buttonSearch.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="e") self.buttonAdd.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="e") self.buttonClose.grid(row=2, column=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="e") self.gui.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.actionClose) self.buttonClose.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionClose) self.buttonAdd.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionAdd) self.buttonSearch.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionSearch) self.entrySearch.bind("<Return>", self.actionSearch) self.gui.update() self.gui.minsize(self.gui.winfo_width(), self.gui.winfo_height()) self.gui.mainloop() def actionAdd(self, event): try: selection = self.listResults.selection_get() selectionSplit = selection.split(":\t", 1) selectionSplit2 = selectionSplit[1].split("\t") if not (selectionSplit[0], selectionSplit2[0]) in self.parent.optimizer.speciesList: self.parent.optimizer.speciesList.append((selectionSplit[0], selectionSplit2[0].strip())) self.caller.gui.event_generate("<<Update>>") except tkinter.TclError: # no selection pass def actionSearch(self, event): query = self.entrySearch.get() if query: self.listResults.delete(0, "end") results = # sort results by nr of CDS results = sorted(results.items(), reverse=True, key=lambda x: (int(x[1][1]))) for name, (taxid, ncs) in results: self.listResults.insert("end", taxid + ":\t " + name + " \t(" + ncs + " CDS)") def actionClose(self, event=None): self.caller.gui.event_generate("<<Update>>", when="tail") self.gui.destroy()
class HigherUpsEmail: def __init__(self): window = Tk() window.title("E-mail Your Higher Ups") self.ports = [587,587,587,465, 465, 465, 465, 465, 25, 25, 587, 465, 465, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 465, 25, 587, 587, 587, 587, 465, 587, 465, 465, 465] self.servername = ["Chose your email provider","gmail","outlook","office365","Yahoo", "Yahoo Mail Plus", "Yahoo Uk" "Yahoo Deutschland", "Yahoo AU/NZ", "O2", "AOL", "AT&T", "NTL", "BT Connect", "BT Openworld", "BT Internet", "Orange", "", "Wandoo UK", "Hotmail", "O2 Online Deutschland", "T-Online Deutschland", "1&1 (1and1)", "1&1 Deutschland", "Comcast", "Verizon", "Verizon (Yahoo Hosted)", "Zoho Mail", "", ""] self.server = ["", "", "", "", "", "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] self.emailEndings = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] self.index = 0 # Create a menu bar menubar = Menu(window) window.config(menu = menubar) # Display the menu bar # create a pulldown menu, and add it to the menu bar userMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) menubar.add_cascade(label = "Users", menu = userMenu) userMenu.add_command(label = "Login", command = self.userLogin) self.password = StringVar() = StringVar() self.addressInformation = self.loadAddress() self.dep = set() for i in range(len(self.addressInformation)): self.dep.add(self.addressInformation[i].department) self.dpt = [] for i in self.dep: self.dpt.append(i) self.dpt.insert(0, "Choose a Department") print(self.dpt) self.levl = [] for i in range(len(self.dpt)): self.levl.append({"Choose a Level"}) for j in range(len(self.addressInformation)): if self.addressInformation[j].department == self.dpt[i]: self.levl[i].add(self.addressInformation[j].level) self.lvl = [] for i in range(len(self.levl)): self.lvl.append([]) for j in self.levl[i]: self.lvl[i].append(j) self.f1 = Frame(window) self.f1.pack() f2 = Frame(window) f2.pack() Label(self.f1, text = "From: ").grid(row = 1, column = 1) Entry(self.f1, textvariable =, state = DISABLED, width = 50).grid(row = 1, column = 2) Button(self.f1, text = "Send", command = self.send).grid(row = 1, column = 3, rowspan = 3) Label(self.f1, text = "To: ").grid(row = 2, column = 1) self.targetDepartment = StringVar() self.targetDepartment.set(self.dpt[0]) self.chosenDepartment = OptionMenu(self.f1, self.targetDepartment, *self.dpt, command = self.setLevels) self.chosenDepartment.grid(row = 2, column = 2) self.targetLevel = StringVar() self.targetLevel.set(self.lvl[0][0]) self.chosenLevel = OptionMenu(self.f1, self.targetLevel, *self.lvl[0]) self.chosenLevel.grid(row = 3, column = 2) self.subject = StringVar() Label(self.f1, text = "Subject: ").grid(row = 4, column = 1) Entry(self.f1, textvariable = self.subject, width = 50).grid(row = 4, column = 2) self.message = Text(self.f1, width = 80) self.message.grid(row=5, column = 1, columnspan = 4) Button(f2, text = "Clear", command = self.clearEmail).pack() window.mainloop() def userLogin(self): #make popup window self.w = Toplevel() self.w.title("Log in Information") #frame1 will be used to make the entry forms frame1 = Frame(self.w) frame1.pack() #frame2 will house the buttons frame2 = Frame(self.w) frame2.pack() #log in location Label(frame1, text="Email:").grid(row = 1, column = 1) Entry(frame1, width = 25, textvariable = = 1, column = 2) Label(frame1, text = "@").grid(row = 1, column = 3) self.provider = StringVar() self.provider.set(self.servername[0]) OptionMenu(frame1, self.provider, *self.servername, command = self.emailProvider).grid(row = 1, column = 4) Label(frame1, text = "Password:"******"*").grid(row = 2, column = 2) #set buttons Button(frame2, text = "Login", command = self.login).pack(side = LEFT) Button(frame2, text = "Clear", command = self.clear).pack(side = LEFT) def login(self): useremail ="@"+self.emailEndings[self.index] self.w.destroy() def clear(self):"") self.password.set("") self.subject.set("") def setLevels(self, x): self.index = self.dpt.index(x) self.chosenLevel = OptionMenu(self.f1, self.targetLevel, *self.lvl[self.index]) self.chosenLevel.grid(row = 3, column = 2) def loadAddress(self): if not os.path.isfile("emails.dat"): return [] # Return an empty list try: infile = open("emails.dat", "rb") addressList = pickle.load(infile) except EOFError: addressList = [] infile.close() return addressList def clearEmail(self): self.toEmail.set("") self.subject.set("") self.message.delete(1.0, END) def emailProvider(self, provider): self.index = self.servername.index(provider) self.index -=1 def send(self): self.msg = MIMEMultipart() server = smtplib.SMTP(self.server[self.index], self.port[self.index]) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login(, self.password.get()) for i in range(len(self.addressInformation)): if self.addressInformation[i].department == self.targetDepartment.get(): self.msg['From'] = self.msg['To'] = self.addressInformation[i].email self.msg['Subject'] = self.subject.get() self.msg.attach(MIMEText(self.message.get("1.0",END), 'plain')) self.txt = self.msg.as_string() server.sendmail(, self.toEmail.get(), self.txt) server.quit() self.clearEmail()
class MusicPlayer(): # the main GUI class stuffs def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() # make the first window self.root.geometry('600x400') # set window size, it is fixed = Frame(self.root) # frame for album art and song info self.controls = Frame(self.root) # frame for control buttons # put the frames in the window self.controls.pack() self.root.title("MyTunes") # name the window 'MyTunes' = self.readDatabase() # get all the music and put it in a circular queue self.current = # the first song is the current one displayed pygame.mixer.init() # turn on the music player try: # load the song so it's ready to play except: messagebox.showinfo('Error', 'There appears to be something wrong with the file for this song. Make sure it is in the correct directory and not corrupted. You may wish to delete this song and add it again') # give them an error if the file doesn't load right self.playing = False # not playing, keeps track of wether a song is currently playing self.started = False # not started, keeps track of whether a song has started, that way play just unpauses self.Title = StringVar() # these are stringvars for holding add song info self.Album = StringVar() self.Artist = StringVar() self.SFilepath = StringVar() self.AFilepath = StringVar() self.albumCover = Label(, image = # these are labels with the current song's info self.titleLbl = Label(, text = self.artistLbl = Label(, text = self.albumLbl = Label(, text = self.albumCover.grid(rowspan = 4, columnspan = 3) # album artwork gets more space than labels do self.titleLbl.grid(row = 1, column = 4) self.artistLbl.grid(row = 2, column = 4) self.albumLbl.grid(row = 3, column = 4) self.nextBtn = Button(self.controls, text = 'Next', command = # command buttons self.previousBtn = Button(self.controls, text = 'Previous', command = self.previous) self.playBtn = Button(self.controls, text = 'Play', command = self.pauseBtn = Button(self.controls, text = 'Pause', command = self.pause) self.deleteBtn = Button(self.controls, text = 'Delete', command = self.delete) self.addBtn = Button(self.controls, text = 'Add', command = self.add) self.searchBtn = Button(self.controls, text = 'Search', command = self.nextBtn.grid(row = 1, column = 1) # add command buttons under song info self.previousBtn.grid(row = 1, column = 2) self.playBtn.grid(row = 1, column = 3) self.pauseBtn.grid(row = 1, column = 4) self.deleteBtn.grid(row = 1, column = 5) self.addBtn.grid(row = 1, column = 6) self.searchBtn.grid(row = 1, column = 7) self.root.mainloop() #start the window return # gets all the songs from the database and stores in a circular queue def readDatabase(self): dataFile = open('songs/Songs.database', 'r') # open the database circ = circlular() for line in dataFile: listOfInfo = line.split(',') # info seperated by commas circ.addToTail(song(listOfInfo[0], listOfInfo[1], listOfInfo[2], listOfInfo[3], listOfInfo[4].strip())) # last needs .strip() to remove '\n' dataFile.close() # have to close file return circ # moves to the next song def next(self): self.current = # move to next song self.update() # update the info self.started = False # song doesn't auto start (weird, that'a normal for music players to do that...) self.playing = False # last song was stopped and new one isn't playing return # moves to previous song def previous(self): self.current = self.current.prev # move to previous self.update() # update the info self.started = False # just the same as next() self.playing = False return # play the loaded song, acts likenormal play buttons def play(self): if self.playing: # the song is already playing so don't do anything do = 'nothing' elif not self.started: # the music has not started and therefor isn't playing self.started = True # the music is now started # this method starts song from begining else: # the song has started and resumes where it is # resumes playback self.playing = True # no matter what the music is now playing (not really no matter what, but in any case) return # just pause it so it can be resumed def pause(self): # this method allows for resuming music self.playing = False # not playing, but it is started return # remove the song from the queue def delete(self): self.current = # move to next node self.current.prev = self.current.prev.prev # prev now points to deleted node's previous = self.current # node before deleted node's next now points to deleted node's next self.current = self.current.prev # now move back # moves forward and updates info return # dialof for adding a song def add(self): self.entrywindow = Toplevel() # aparently making another Tk() instance is bad practice, this is designed for this self.entrywindow.title('New Song') # title of window Label(self.entrywindow, text = 'Song Title').grid(row = 1, column = 1) # Labels and entry boxes thing1 = Entry(self.entrywindow, textvariable = self.Title) thing1.grid(row = 1, column = 2) Label(self.entrywindow, text = 'Album Title').grid(row = 2, column = 1) thing2 = Entry(self.entrywindow, textvariable = self.Album) thing2.grid(row = 2, column = 2) Label(self.entrywindow, text = 'Artist').grid(row = 3, column = 1) thing3 = Entry(self.entrywindow, textvariable = self.Artist) thing3.grid(row = 3, column = 2) Label(self.entrywindow, text = 'Song Filepath').grid(row = 4, column = 1) thing4 = Entry(self.entrywindow, textvariable = self.SFilepath) thing4.grid(row = 4, column = 2) Label(self.entrywindow, text = 'Artwork Filepath').grid(row = 5, column = 1) thing5 = Entry(self.entrywindow, textvariable = self.AFilepath) thing5.grid(row = 5, column = 2) Button(self.entrywindow, text = 'Add', command = self.reallyAdd).grid(row = 6, columnspan = 2) # add button, calls the method that actually adds the song return # actually adds a song to the queue def reallyAdd(self):, song(self.Title.get(), self.Artist.get(), self.Album.get(), self.SFilepath.get(), self.AFilepath.get())) # makes a new song instance and inserts it into the queue at the current position # move current to new song and update info self.entrywindow.destroy() # kill the add song dialog return # search dialog for music, they can put info in both feilds but in that case only artist will be searched def search(self): self.find = Toplevel() # pop up self.find.title('Search') # title Label(self.find, text = 'Fill in one of the search criteria:').grid(row = 1, columnspan = 2) # labels Label(self.find, text = 'Artist:').grid(row = 3, column = 1) Label(self.find, text = 'Title:').grid(row = 2, column = 1) self.searchArtist = StringVar() # string vars that hold the info self.searchTitle = StringVar() searchArtistEnt = Entry(self.find, textvariable = self.searchArtist) # entry boxes searchTitleEnt = Entry(self.find, textvariable = self.searchTitle) searchArtistEnt.grid(row = 3, column = 2) searchTitleEnt.grid(row = 2, column = 2) Button(self.find, text = 'Search', command = self.findIt).grid(row = 4, columnspan = 2) # button which calls the actual method for searching return # determine which criteria to use def findIt(self): if len(self.searchArtist.get()) > 0: # use artist self.setCurrent(self.searchByArtist(self.searchArtist.get())) # search for song and set the current song to it self.find.destroy() # kill search dialog elif len(self.searchTitle.get()) > 0: # use title self.setCurrent(self.searchByTitle(self.searchTitle.get())) # search for song and set the current song to it self.find.destroy() # kill search dialog return # do search by artist def searchByArtist(self, artistName): start = self.current # will hold the currently displayed song node curr = self.current # will be changed as search continues match = start # default value for return value is the current node, if no results current will not actually change notFound = True # haven't found a match yet for i in range(0, # go through all the nodes if == artistName: match = curr # we found it so set match equal to the node i = + 10 # breaks for loop notFound = False # found it! curr = # move to next node if notFound: messagebox.showinfo('Not Found', 'It appears that your search criteria doesn\'t match any songs') # didn't find it so display an error return match # return match, defaults to current node if there wasn't a match # search by title def searchByTitle(self, aSongTitle): start = self.current # will hold the currently displayed song node curr = self.current # will be changed as search continues match = start # default value for return value is the current node, if no results current will not actually change notFound = True # haven't found a match yet for i in range(0, # go through all the nodes if == aSongTitle: match = curr # we found it so set match equal to the node i = + 10 # breaks for loop notFound = False # found it! curr = # move to next node if notFound: messagebox.showinfo('Not Found', 'It appears that your search criteria doesn\'t match any songs') # didn't find it so display an error return match # return match, defaults to current node if there wasn't a match # set the current node def setCurrent(self, aNode): self.current = aNode # set the current node to the one passed self.update() # update the display info self.started = False # song not started self.playing = False # song not playing # update the display info def update(self): self.albumCover['image'] = # change image self.titleLbl['text'] = # change labels to current song's self.artistLbl['text'] = self.albumLbl['text'] = try: # load the song so it's ready to play except: messagebox.showinfo('Error', 'There appears to be something wrong with the file for this song. Make sure it is in the correct directory and not corrupted. You may wish to delete this song and add it again') # give them an error if the file doesn't load right self.delete() self.previous() return
def _popupjoincondwindow(self, index=-1): if index < 0: cond = JoinSearchCondition(("", "")) tofilename = "" else: condtuple = self._getselectedfile().joincondtuples[index] cond = condtuple[0] tofilename = condtuple[1] window = Toplevel(self) title = Label(window, text="New Search Condition") title.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W + N) filenamelabel = Label(window, text="Target Field Name: ") filenamelabel.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) filevar = StringVar(window) filenameinput = Combobox(window, textvariable=filevar, values=self.filelist.get(0, END), width=30) filenameinput.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) fromfieldlabel = Label(window, text="Field in From File: ") fromfieldlabel.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) fromfields = csvhandler.getfields(self._getselectedfile().filename) fromfieldvar = StringVar(window) fieldinput = Combobox(window, textvariable=fromfieldvar, values=fromfields, width=20) fieldinput.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) tofieldlabel = Label(window, text="Field in Target File: ") tofieldlabel.grid(row=4, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) tofields = [] tofieldvar = StringVar(window) tofieldinput = Combobox(window, textvariable=tofieldvar, values=tofields, width=20) tofieldinput.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) def updatetofieldinput(evt): if filevar.get() is not None and len(filevar.get()) > 0: tofields = csvhandler.getfields(filevar.get()) window.grid_slaves(4, 1)[0].grid_forget() tofieldinput = Combobox(window, textvariable=tofieldvar, values=tofields, width=20) tofieldinput.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) filenameinput.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', updatetofieldinput) # init value filevar.set(tofilename) fromfieldvar.set(cond.fieldtuple[0]) updatetofieldinput(None) tofieldvar.set(cond.fieldtuple[1]) def _newcond(): '''create new condition ''' cond = JoinSearchCondition((fromfieldvar.get(), tofieldvar.get())) tofilename = filevar.get() selectedfile = self._getselectedfile() if index < 0: selectedfile.joincondtuples.append((cond, tofilename)) else: del selectedfile.joincondtuples[index] selectedfile.joincondtuples[index:index] = [(cond, tofilename)] self._inflatejoincondlist(selectedfile.joincondtuples) window.destroy() okbtn = Button(window, text="Confirm", width=7, command=_newcond) okbtn.grid(row=6, column=1, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, sticky=E, padx=5, pady=5) clsbtn = Button(window, text="Close", width=7, command=lambda: window.destroy()) clsbtn.grid(row=6, column=2, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, sticky=W, padx=5, pady=5)
def _popupsearchcondwindow(self, index=-1): if index < 0: cond = ValueSearchCondition("", "") else: cond = self._getselectedfile().searchconds[index] window = Toplevel(self) title = Label(window, text="New Search Condition") title.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W + N) fieldlabel = Label(window, text="Field Name: ") fieldlabel.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) fields = csvhandler.getfields(self._getselectedfile().filename) fieldvar = StringVar(window) fieldinput = Combobox(window, textvariable=fieldvar, values=fields, width=20) fieldinput.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) valuelabel = Label(window, text="Value: ") valuelabel.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) valueinput = Entry(window) valueinput.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) minlabel = Label(window, text="Min Value: ") minlabel.grid(row=4, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) mininput = Entry(window) mininput.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) maxlabel = Label(window, text="Max Value: ") maxlabel.grid(row=5, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) maxinput = Entry(window) maxinput.grid(row=5, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) sarchkind = IntVar() def _enablesingle(): valueinput.config(state=NORMAL) mininput.config(state=DISABLED) maxinput.config(state=DISABLED) def _enablejoin(): valueinput.config(state=DISABLED) mininput.config(state=NORMAL) maxinput.config(state=NORMAL) typelabel = Label(window, text="Search Type: ") typelabel.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) singlebutton = Radiobutton(window, text="Single", variable=sarchkind, value=1, command=_enablesingle) singlebutton.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) joinbutton = Radiobutton(window, text="Range", variable=sarchkind, value=2, command=_enablejoin) joinbutton.grid(row=2, column=2, columnspan=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) # init value fieldvar.set(cond.field) if isinstance(cond, ValueSearchCondition): valueinput.insert(0, cond.val) _enablesingle() elif isinstance(cond, RangeSearchCondition): mininput.insert(0, cond.valmin) maxinput.insert(0, cond.valmax) _enablejoin() def _newcond(): '''create new condition ''' if sarchkind.get() == 1: cond = ValueSearchCondition(fieldvar.get(), valueinput.get()) else: cond = RangeSearchCondition(fieldvar.get(), mininput.get(), maxinput.get()) selectedfile = self._getselectedfile() if index < 0: selectedfile.searchconds.append(cond) else: del selectedfile.searchconds[index] selectedfile.searchconds[index:index] = [cond] self._inflatesearchcondlist(selectedfile) window.destroy() okbtn = Button(window, text="Confirm", width=7, command=_newcond) okbtn.grid(row=6, column=1, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, sticky=E, padx=5, pady=5) clsbtn = Button(window, text="Close", width=7, command=lambda: window.destroy()) clsbtn.grid(row=6, column=2, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, sticky=E, padx=5, pady=5)
class CFGEditor(object): """ A dialog window for creating and editing context free grammars. ``CFGEditor`` imposes the following restrictions: - All nonterminals must be strings consisting of word characters. - All terminals must be strings consisting of word characters and space characters. """ # Regular expressions used by _analyze_line. Precompile them, so # we can process the text faster. ARROW = SymbolWidget.SYMBOLS['rightarrow'] _LHS_RE = re.compile(r"(^\s*\w+\s*)(->|("+ARROW+"))") _ARROW_RE = re.compile("\s*(->|("+ARROW+"))\s*") _PRODUCTION_RE = re.compile(r"(^\s*\w+\s*)" + # LHS "(->|("+ARROW+"))\s*" + # arrow r"((\w+|'[\w ]*'|\"[\w ]*\"|\|)\s*)*$") # RHS _TOKEN_RE = re.compile("\\w+|->|'[\\w ]+'|\"[\\w ]+\"|("+ARROW+")") _BOLD = ('helvetica', -12, 'bold') def __init__(self, parent, cfg=None, set_cfg_callback=None): self._parent = parent if cfg is not None: self._cfg = cfg else: self._cfg = ContextFreeGrammar(Nonterminal('S'), []) self._set_cfg_callback = set_cfg_callback self._highlight_matching_nonterminals = 1 # Create the top-level window. self._top = Toplevel(parent) self._init_bindings() self._init_startframe() self._startframe.pack(side='top', fill='x', expand=0) self._init_prodframe() self._prodframe.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1) self._init_buttons() self._buttonframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='x', expand=0) self._textwidget.focus() def _init_startframe(self): frame = self._startframe = Frame(self._top) self._start = Entry(frame) self._start.pack(side='right') Label(frame, text='Start Symbol:').pack(side='right') Label(frame, text='Productions:').pack(side='left') self._start.insert(0, self._cfg.start().symbol()) def _init_buttons(self): frame = self._buttonframe = Frame(self._top) Button(frame, text='Ok', command=self._ok, underline=0, takefocus=0).pack(side='left') Button(frame, text='Apply', command=self._apply, underline=0, takefocus=0).pack(side='left') Button(frame, text='Reset', command=self._reset, underline=0, takefocus=0,).pack(side='left') Button(frame, text='Cancel', command=self._cancel, underline=0, takefocus=0).pack(side='left') Button(frame, text='Help', command=self._help, underline=0, takefocus=0).pack(side='right') def _init_bindings(self): self._top.title('CFG Editor') self._top.bind('<Control-q>', self._cancel) self._top.bind('<Alt-q>', self._cancel) self._top.bind('<Control-d>', self._cancel) #self._top.bind('<Control-x>', self._cancel) self._top.bind('<Alt-x>', self._cancel) self._top.bind('<Escape>', self._cancel) #self._top.bind('<Control-c>', self._cancel) self._top.bind('<Alt-c>', self._cancel) self._top.bind('<Control-o>', self._ok) self._top.bind('<Alt-o>', self._ok) self._top.bind('<Control-a>', self._apply) self._top.bind('<Alt-a>', self._apply) self._top.bind('<Control-r>', self._reset) self._top.bind('<Alt-r>', self._reset) self._top.bind('<Control-h>', self._help) self._top.bind('<Alt-h>', self._help) self._top.bind('<F1>', self._help) def _init_prodframe(self): self._prodframe = Frame(self._top) # Create the basic Text widget & scrollbar. self._textwidget = Text(self._prodframe, background='#e0e0e0', exportselection=1) self._textscroll = Scrollbar(self._prodframe, takefocus=0, orient='vertical') self._textwidget.config(yscrollcommand = self._textscroll.set) self._textscroll.config(command=self._textwidget.yview) self._textscroll.pack(side='right', fill='y') self._textwidget.pack(expand=1, fill='both', side='left') # Initialize the colorization tags. Each nonterminal gets its # own tag, so they aren't listed here. self._textwidget.tag_config('terminal', foreground='#006000') self._textwidget.tag_config('arrow', font='symbol') self._textwidget.tag_config('error', background='red') # Keep track of what line they're on. We use that to remember # to re-analyze a line whenever they leave it. self._linenum = 0 # Expand "->" to an arrow. self._top.bind('>', self._replace_arrows) # Re-colorize lines when appropriate. self._top.bind('<<Paste>>', self._analyze) self._top.bind('<KeyPress>', self._check_analyze) self._top.bind('<ButtonPress>', self._check_analyze) # Tab cycles focus. (why doesn't this work??) def cycle(e, textwidget=self._textwidget): textwidget.tk_focusNext().focus() self._textwidget.bind('<Tab>', cycle) prod_tuples = [(p.lhs(),[p.rhs()]) for p in] for i in range(len(prod_tuples)-1,0,-1): if (prod_tuples[i][0] == prod_tuples[i-1][0]): if () in prod_tuples[i][1]: continue if () in prod_tuples[i-1][1]: continue print(prod_tuples[i-1][1]) print(prod_tuples[i][1]) prod_tuples[i-1][1].extend(prod_tuples[i][1]) del prod_tuples[i] for lhs, rhss in prod_tuples: print(lhs, rhss) s = '%s ->' % lhs for rhs in rhss: for elt in rhs: if isinstance(elt, Nonterminal): s += ' %s' % elt else: s += ' %r' % elt s += ' |' s = s[:-2] + '\n' self._textwidget.insert('end', s) self._analyze() # # Add the producitons to the text widget, and colorize them. # prod_by_lhs = {} # for prod in # if len(prod.rhs()) > 0: # prod_by_lhs.setdefault(prod.lhs(),[]).append(prod) # for (lhs, prods) in prod_by_lhs.items(): # self._textwidget.insert('end', '%s ->' % lhs) # self._textwidget.insert('end', self._rhs(prods[0])) # for prod in prods[1:]: # print '\t|'+self._rhs(prod), # self._textwidget.insert('end', '\t|'+self._rhs(prod)) # print # self._textwidget.insert('end', '\n') # for prod in # if len(prod.rhs()) == 0: # self._textwidget.insert('end', '%s' % prod) # self._analyze() # def _rhs(self, prod): # s = '' # for elt in prod.rhs(): # if isinstance(elt, Nonterminal): s += ' %s' % elt.symbol() # else: s += ' %r' % elt # return s def _clear_tags(self, linenum): """ Remove all tags (except ``arrow`` and ``sel``) from the given line of the text widget used for editing the productions. """ start = '%d.0'%linenum end = '%d.end'%linenum for tag in self._textwidget.tag_names(): if tag not in ('arrow', 'sel'): self._textwidget.tag_remove(tag, start, end) def _check_analyze(self, *e): """ Check if we've moved to a new line. If we have, then remove all colorization from the line we moved to, and re-colorize the line that we moved from. """ linenum = int(self._textwidget.index('insert').split('.')[0]) if linenum != self._linenum: self._clear_tags(linenum) self._analyze_line(self._linenum) self._linenum = linenum def _replace_arrows(self, *e): """ Replace any ``'->'`` text strings with arrows (char \\256, in symbol font). This searches the whole buffer, but is fast enough to be done anytime they press '>'. """ arrow = '1.0' while True: arrow ='->', arrow, 'end+1char') if arrow == '': break self._textwidget.delete(arrow, arrow+'+2char') self._textwidget.insert(arrow, self.ARROW, 'arrow') self._textwidget.insert(arrow, '\t') arrow = '1.0' while True: arrow =, arrow+'+1char', 'end+1char') if arrow == '': break self._textwidget.tag_add('arrow', arrow, arrow+'+1char') def _analyze_token(self, match, linenum): """ Given a line number and a regexp match for a token on that line, colorize the token. Note that the regexp match gives us the token's text, start index (on the line), and end index (on the line). """ # What type of token is it? if[0] in "'\"": tag = 'terminal' elif in ('->', self.ARROW): tag = 'arrow' else: # If it's a nonterminal, then set up new bindings, so we # can highlight all instances of that nonterminal when we # put the mouse over it. tag = 'nonterminal_' if tag not in self._textwidget.tag_names(): self._init_nonterminal_tag(tag) start = '%d.%d' % (linenum, match.start()) end = '%d.%d' % (linenum, match.end()) self._textwidget.tag_add(tag, start, end) def _init_nonterminal_tag(self, tag, foreground='blue'): self._textwidget.tag_config(tag, foreground=foreground, font=CFGEditor._BOLD) if not self._highlight_matching_nonterminals: return def enter(e, textwidget=self._textwidget, tag=tag): textwidget.tag_config(tag, background='#80ff80') def leave(e, textwidget=self._textwidget, tag=tag): textwidget.tag_config(tag, background='') self._textwidget.tag_bind(tag, '<Enter>', enter) self._textwidget.tag_bind(tag, '<Leave>', leave) def _analyze_line(self, linenum): """ Colorize a given line. """ # Get rid of any tags that were previously on the line. self._clear_tags(linenum) # Get the line line's text string. line = self._textwidget.get(repr(linenum)+'.0', repr(linenum)+'.end') # If it's a valid production, then colorize each token. if CFGEditor._PRODUCTION_RE.match(line): # It's valid; Use _TOKEN_RE to tokenize the production, # and call analyze_token on each token. def analyze_token(match, self=self, linenum=linenum): self._analyze_token(match, linenum) return '' CFGEditor._TOKEN_RE.sub(analyze_token, line) elif line.strip() != '': # It's invalid; show the user where the error is. self._mark_error(linenum, line) def _mark_error(self, linenum, line): """ Mark the location of an error in a line. """ arrowmatch = if not arrowmatch: # If there's no arrow at all, highlight the whole line. start = '%d.0' % linenum end = '%d.end' % linenum elif not CFGEditor._LHS_RE.match(line): # Otherwise, if the LHS is bad, highlight it. start = '%d.0' % linenum end = '%d.%d' % (linenum, arrowmatch.start()) else: # Otherwise, highlight the RHS. start = '%d.%d' % (linenum, arrowmatch.end()) end = '%d.end' % linenum # If we're highlighting 0 chars, highlight the whole line. if, '==', end): start = '%d.0' % linenum end = '%d.end' % linenum self._textwidget.tag_add('error', start, end) def _analyze(self, *e): """ Replace ``->`` with arrows, and colorize the entire buffer. """ self._replace_arrows() numlines = int(self._textwidget.index('end').split('.')[0]) for linenum in range(1, numlines+1): # line numbers start at 1. self._analyze_line(linenum) def _parse_productions(self): """ Parse the current contents of the textwidget buffer, to create a list of productions. """ productions = [] # Get the text, normalize it, and split it into lines. text = self._textwidget.get('1.0', 'end') text = re.sub(self.ARROW, '->', text) text = re.sub('\t', ' ', text) lines = text.split('\n') # Convert each line to a CFG production for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line=='': continue productions += parse_cfg_production(line) #if line.strip() == '': continue #if not CFGEditor._PRODUCTION_RE.match(line): # raise ValueError('Bad production string %r' % line) # #(lhs_str, rhs_str) = line.split('->') #lhs = Nonterminal(lhs_str.strip()) #rhs = [] #def parse_token(match, rhs=rhs): # token = # if token[0] in "'\"": rhs.append(token[1:-1]) # else: rhs.append(Nonterminal(token)) # return '' #CFGEditor._TOKEN_RE.sub(parse_token, rhs_str) # #productions.append(Production(lhs, *rhs)) return productions def _destroy(self, *e): if self._top is None: return self._top.destroy() self._top = None def _ok(self, *e): self._apply() self._destroy() def _apply(self, *e): productions = self._parse_productions() start = Nonterminal(self._start.get()) cfg = ContextFreeGrammar(start, productions) if self._set_cfg_callback is not None: self._set_cfg_callback(cfg) def _reset(self, *e): self._textwidget.delete('1.0', 'end') for production in self._textwidget.insert('end', '%s\n' % production) self._analyze() if self._set_cfg_callback is not None: self._set_cfg_callback(self._cfg) def _cancel(self, *e): try: self._reset() except: pass self._destroy() def _help(self, *e): # The default font's not very legible; try using 'fixed' instead. try: ShowText(self._parent, 'Help: Chart Parser Demo', (_CFGEditor_HELP).strip(), width=75, font='fixed') except: ShowText(self._parent, 'Help: Chart Parser Demo', (_CFGEditor_HELP).strip(), width=75)
def destroy(self, event=None): "Put the focus back to the parent window and destroy the dialod" if self.had_focus is not None: self.had_focus.focus_set() Toplevel.destroy(self)
class SpeciesListDialog: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.gui = Toplevel(parent.guiRoot) self.gui.grab_set() self.gui.focus() self.gui.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.gui.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) Label(self.gui, text="Registered Species:").grid(row=0, column=0, pady=5, padx=5, sticky="w") self.listRegisteredSpecies = Listbox(self.gui, width=70) self.buttonAdd = Button(self.gui, text=" + ") self.buttonDel = Button(self.gui, text=" - ") self.listRegisteredSpecies.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="nswe", pady=5, padx=5) self.buttonAdd.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=5, padx=5) self.buttonDel.grid(row=2, column=2, pady=5, padx=5) # Set (minimum + max) Window size self.gui.update() self.gui.minsize(self.gui.winfo_width(), self.gui.winfo_height()) # self.gui.maxsize(self.gui.winfo_width(), self.gui.winfo_height()) self.actionUpdate(None) self.gui.bind("<<Update>>", self.actionUpdate) self.gui.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.actionClose) self.buttonDel.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionDel) self.buttonAdd.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.actionAdd) self.gui.mainloop() def actionClose(self): self.parent.guiRoot.event_generate("<<Update>>", when="tail") self.gui.destroy() def actionUpdate(self, event): self.listRegisteredSpecies.delete(0, "end") for (taxid, name) in self.parent.optimizer.speciesList: self.listRegisteredSpecies.insert("end", taxid + ": " + name) def actionDel(self, event): try: selection = self.listRegisteredSpecies.selection_get() selectionSplit = selection.split(": ") self.parent.optimizer.speciesList.remove((selectionSplit[0], selectionSplit[1])) self.gui.event_generate("<<Update>>") except tkinter.TclError: # no selection pass def actionAdd(self, Event): SpeciesSearchDialog(self.parent, self)