def _obtain_labels_(self, score_arc: torch.tensor, score_rel: torch.tensor) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[str]]]: arc_prediction: torch.tensor = score_arc.argmax(-1) relation_prediction: torch.tensor = score_rel.argmax(-1) relation_prediction = relation_prediction.gather(-1, arc_prediction.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) arc_prediction = [[arc+1 if token_index != arc else 0 for token_index, arc in enumerate(batch)] for batch in arc_prediction] relation_prediction = [[self.relations_dictionary.get_item_for_index(rel_tag_idx) for rel_tag_idx in batch] for batch in relation_prediction] return arc_prediction, relation_prediction
def make_output(self, input_: torch.tensor, target: torch.tensor): ''' target - one hot for main task return output If use rsc compute output applying rsc method''' assert target.shape[1] == 2 if self.config.RSC.use_rsc: # making features before avg pooling features = self.model(input_) if self.data_parallel: model1 = self.model.module else: model1 = self.model # do everything after convolutions layers, strating with avg pooling all_tasks_output = model1.make_logits(features) logits = (all_tasks_output[0] if self.config.multi_task_learning else all_tasks_output) if isinstance(logits, tuple): logits = logits[0] # take a derivative, make tensor, shape as features, but gradients insted features if self.config.aug.type_aug: fold_target = target.argmax(dim=1) target = F.one_hot(fold_target, num_classes=target.shape[1]) target_logits = torch.sum(logits*target, dim=1) gradients = torch.autograd.grad(target_logits, features, grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(target_logits), create_graph=True)[0] # get value of 1-p quatile quantile = torch.tensor(np.quantile(, q=1-self.config.RSC.p, axis=(1,2,3)), device=input_.device) quantile = quantile.reshape(input_.size(0),1,1,1) # create mask mask = gradients < quantile # element wise product of features and mask, correction for expectition value new_features = (features*mask)/(1-self.config.RSC.p) # compute new logits new_logits = model1.spoof_task(new_features) if isinstance(new_logits, tuple): new_logits = new_logits[0] # compute this operation batch wise random_uniform = torch.rand(size=(input_.size(0), 1), device=input_.device) random_mask = random_uniform <= self.config.RSC.b output = torch.where(random_mask, new_logits, logits) if self.config.loss.loss_type == 'soft_triple': output = ((output, all_tasks_output[0][1]) if self.config.multi_task_learning else (output, all_tasks_output[1])) output = (output, *all_tasks_output[1:]) return output else: assert not self.config.RSC.use_rsc features = self.model(input_) if self.data_parallel: model1 = self.model.module else: model1 = self.model output = model1.make_logits(features) return output
def eval_batch(self, batch_entity_clf: torch.tensor, batch: dict): batch_size = batch_entity_clf.shape[0] # get maximum activation (index of predicted entity type) batch_entity_types = batch_entity_clf.argmax(dim=-1) # apply entity sample mask batch_entity_types *= batch['entity_sample_masks'].long() for i in range(batch_size): # get model predictions for sample entity_types = batch_entity_types[i] # get entities that are not classified as 'None' valid_entity_indices = entity_types.nonzero().view(-1) valid_entity_types = entity_types[valid_entity_indices] valid_entity_spans = batch['entity_spans'][i][valid_entity_indices] valid_entity_scores = torch.gather( batch_entity_clf[i][valid_entity_indices], 1, valid_entity_types.unsqueeze(1)).view(-1) sample_pred_entities = self._convert_pred_entities( valid_entity_types, valid_entity_spans, valid_entity_scores) if not self._overlapping: sample_pred_entities = self._remove_overlapping( sample_pred_entities) self._pred_entities.append(sample_pred_entities)
def eval_batch(self, batch_term_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rel_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rels: torch.tensor, batch: dict): batch_size = batch_rel_clf.shape[0] rel_class_count = batch_rel_clf.shape[2] # get maximum activation (index of predicted term type) batch_term_types = batch_term_clf.argmax(dim=-1) # apply term sample mask batch_term_types *= batch['term_sample_masks'].long() batch_rel_clf = batch_rel_clf.view(batch_size, -1) # apply threshold to relations if self._rel_filter_threshold > 0: batch_rel_clf[batch_rel_clf < self._rel_filter_threshold] = 0 for i in range(batch_size): # get model predictions for sample rel_clf = batch_rel_clf[i] term_types = batch_term_types[i] # get predicted relation labels and corresponding term pairs rel_nonzero = rel_clf.nonzero().view(-1) rel_scores = rel_clf[rel_nonzero] rel_types = (rel_nonzero % rel_class_count ) + 1 # model does not predict None class (+1) rel_indices = rel_nonzero // rel_class_count rels = batch_rels[i][rel_indices] # get masks of terms in relation rel_term_spans = batch['term_spans'][i][rels].long() # get predicted term types rel_term_types = torch.zeros([rels.shape[0], 2]) if rels.shape[0] != 0: rel_term_types = torch.stack( [term_types[rels[j]] for j in range(rels.shape[0])]) # convert predicted relations for evaluation sample_pred_relations = self._convert_pred_relations( rel_types, rel_term_spans, rel_term_types, rel_scores) # get terms that are not classified as 'None' valid_term_indices = term_types.nonzero().view(-1) valid_term_types = term_types[valid_term_indices] valid_term_spans = batch['term_spans'][i][valid_term_indices] valid_term_scores = torch.gather( batch_term_clf[i][valid_term_indices], 1, valid_term_types.unsqueeze(1)).view(-1) sample_pred_terms = self._convert_pred_terms( valid_term_types, valid_term_spans, valid_term_scores) if self._no_overlapping: sample_pred_terms, sample_pred_relations = self._remove_overlapping( sample_pred_terms, sample_pred_relations) self._pred_terms.append(sample_pred_terms) self._pred_relations.append(sample_pred_relations)
def tensor_to_image(input_tensor: torch.tensor, rgb_map: dict, is_prediction: bool = False) -> \ plt.figure: """ Given an input image produces a coloured segmented response for visualization :param input_tensor: an input image with dims as expected by the nn model :param rgb_map: rgb_map used in original image :param is_prediction: a boolean of whether the data is a CXWXH tensor or just 1XWXH :return: matplotlib figure object """ # TODO: the difference in RGB input is an issue here as need to use rgb_map[color] for cityscapes if is_prediction: image_tensor = input_tensor.argmax(1)[0] else: image_tensor = input_tensor[0] # create a color palette, selecting a color for each class colors = [] # TODO: This approach is likely slow, not sure how to improve without passing in dict type if [type(k) for k in rgb_map.keys() ][0] == int: # if dict is of type int: tuple(list(rgb_triplet) for color in rgb_map: colors.append(list(rgb_map[color])) colors = np.asarray(colors).astype('uint8') else: # if dict is of type tuple(list(rgb_triplet): int for color in rgb_map: colors.append(list(color)) colors = np.asarray(colors).astype('uint8') # plot the semantic segmentation predictions for each color r = Image.fromarray(image_tensor.byte().cpu().numpy()) r.putpalette(colors) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(r) return fig
def policy(q_value: tensor, epsilon: float): # print(q_value.shape) if [True, False][random.random() < epsilon]: action = int(q_value.argmax().item()) else: action = random.sample([0, 1], 1)[0] return action
def updateStats(self, batch_ne_pred: torch.tensor, batch_ne_true: torch.tensor, batch_rel_pred: torch.tensor, batch_rel_true: torch.tensor, sentences_length: List[int]): batch_size = batch_ne_pred.size(1) batch_ne_pred = batch_ne_pred.argmax(dim=2) batch_rel_pred = batch_rel_pred.argmax(dim=3) for b in range(batch_size): sl = sentences_length[b] pred_rel_inds = batch_rel_pred[:sl, :sl, b].nonzero().detach().cpu().numpy() true_rel_inds = batch_rel_true[:sl, :sl, b].nonzero().detach().cpu().numpy() cur_tp = 0 cur_br = 0 for pr in pred_rel_inds: for tr in true_rel_inds: y_pr, x_pr = pr y_tr, x_tr = tr pred_rel = batch_rel_pred[y_pr, x_pr, b].item() pred_e1 = batch_ne_pred[y_pr, b].item() pred_e2 = batch_ne_pred[x_pr, b].item() true_rel = batch_rel_true[y_tr, x_tr, b].item() true_e1 = batch_ne_true[y_tr, b].item() true_e2 = batch_ne_true[x_tr, b].item() if (y_pr == y_tr) & (x_pr == x_tr): cur_br += 1 if (y_pr == y_tr) & (x_pr == x_tr) & ( pred_rel == true_rel) & (pred_e1 == true_e1) & ( pred_e2 == true_e2): cur_tp += 1 self.TP += cur_tp self.FP += pred_rel_inds.shape[0] - cur_tp self.FN += true_rel_inds.shape[0] - cur_tp self.true_binary_rel += cur_br self.full_binary_rel += true_rel_inds.shape[0]
def cm(pred: torch.tensor, true: torch.tensor) -> float: """ Confusion matrix """ c = pred.shape[1] pred = pred.argmax(dim=1).view(-1) true = true.view(-1) mat = torch.zeros(c, c, dtype=torch.long) mat = mat.index_put_((true, pred), torch.tensor(1), accumulate=True) return mat.double() / mat.sum()
def update_train_stats(self, loss: torch.tensor, outputs: torch.tensor, targets: torch.tensor) -> None: """[summary] Arguments: loss {torch.tensor} outputs {torch.tensor} targets {torch.tensor} """ acc = (outputs.argmax(1) == targets).sum() / float(targets.shape[0]) self.writer.add_scalar("Loss/train",, self.step) self.writer.add_scalar("Acc/train",, self.step)
def acc_satellite(pred: torch.tensor, target: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor: """Calculate accuracy for semantic segmentation Args: pred: Predictions target: Mask with label per pixel Returns: One value for the mean accuracy """ target = target.squeeze(1) mask = target != VOID_CODES_RED mask = target != VOID_CODES_BLACK return (pred.argmax(dim=1)[mask] == target[mask]).float().mean()
def accuracy( target: torch.tensor, output: torch.tensor, ): """ Computes accuracy Args: output: logits of the model target: true labels Returns: accuracy of the predictions """ return output.argmax(1).eq(target).double().mean().item()
def select_action(self, value: torch.tensor, eps: float = 0.05): """ select actions for DQN :param value: either action values, shape=(action_dim,), or continuous policy :param eps: epsilon-greedy threshold :return: selected action, shape=(1, action_dim); id of selected action, int """ flag = random.random() if flag < 1 - eps: # exploitation, greedily select a_id = int(value.argmax(dim=1)) else: # exploration, randomly select a_id = int(torch.rand(1).item() * self.model.num_a) action = self.model.a_space[a_id, :].reshape((1, -1)) return action, a_id
def updateStats(self, batch_ne_pred: torch.tensor, batch_ne_true: torch.tensor, sentences_length: List[int]): batch_size = batch_ne_pred.size(1) batch_ne_pred = batch_ne_pred.argmax(dim=2) for b in range(batch_size): sl = sentences_length[b] sp = batch_ne_pred[:sl, b].detach().cpu().numpy() st = batch_ne_true[:sl, b].detach().cpu().numpy() for i in range(sl): if (sp[i] == st[i]) & (st[i] == 0): self.TP += 1 elif (sp[i] != 0) & (st[i] == 0): self.FP += 1 elif (sp[i] == 0) & (st[i] != 0): self.FN += 1
def convert_predictions(self, batch_entity_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rel_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rels: torch.tensor, spans, span_masks, rel_filter_threshold: float, no_overlapping: bool = False): # get maximum activation (index of predicted entity type) batch_entity_types = batch_entity_clf.argmax(dim=-1) # apply entity sample mask batch_entity_types *= span_masks.long() # apply threshold to relations batch_rel_clf[batch_rel_clf < rel_filter_threshold] = 0 batch_pred_entities = [] batch_pred_relations = [] for i in range(batch_rel_clf.shape[0]): # get model predictions for sample entity_types = batch_entity_types[i] entity_spans = spans[i] entity_clf = batch_entity_clf[i] rel_clf = batch_rel_clf[i] rels = batch_rels[i] # convert predicted entities sample_pred_entities = self._convert_pred_entities( entity_types, entity_spans, entity_clf) # convert predicted relations sample_pred_relations = self._convert_pred_relations( rel_clf, rels, entity_types, entity_spans) # if no_overlapping: # sample_pred_entities, sample_pred_relations = remove_overlapping(sample_pred_entities, # sample_pred_relations) batch_pred_entities.append(sample_pred_entities) batch_pred_relations.append(sample_pred_relations) return batch_pred_entities, batch_pred_relations
def eval_batch_entities(self, batch_entity_clf: torch.tensor, batch: EvalTensorBatch, return_conversions=False): batch_size = batch_entity_clf.shape[0] # get maximum activation (index of predicted entity type) batch_entity_types = batch_entity_clf.argmax(dim=-1) # apply entity sample mask batch_entity_types *= batch.entity_sample_masks.long() batch_entities = [] for i in range(batch_size): # get model predictions for sample entity_types = batch_entity_types[i] # get original tokens tokens = self._sequences[self._evaluated_sequences] # get entities that are not classified as 'None' valid_entity_indices = entity_types.nonzero().view(-1) valid_entity_types = entity_types[valid_entity_indices] valid_entity_spans = batch.entity_spans[i][valid_entity_indices] valid_entity_scores = torch.gather( batch_entity_clf[i][valid_entity_indices], 1, valid_entity_types.unsqueeze(1)).view(-1) sample_pred_entities, mapping, json_entities = self._convert_pred_entities( valid_entity_types, valid_entity_spans, valid_entity_scores) self._pred_entities.append(sample_pred_entities) batch_entities.append(sample_pred_entities) self._predictions_json.append({ "tokens": tokens, "entities": json_entities, "relations": [], "id": hash(" ".join(tokens)) }) self._evaluated_sequences += 1 return batch_entities
def get_accuracy(model_prediction: torch.tensor, true_prediction: torch.tensor) -> float: """ Calculates accuracy with model predictions Model predictions are the raw model output True predictions are the labels :param model_prediction: raw model output :param true_prediction: labels :return: accuracy """ model_prediction: np.ndarray = model_prediction.detach().cpu().numpy() true_prediction: np.ndarray = true_prediction.detach().cpu().numpy() model_prediction = model_prediction.argmax(axis=1) accuracy_number = np.sum( model_prediction == true_prediction) / len(true_prediction) return accuracy_number
def get_f1_score(model_prediction: torch.tensor, true_prediction: torch.tensor) -> float: """ Calculates weighted f1_score with model predictions Model predictions are the raw model output True predictions are the labels :param model_prediction: raw model output :param true_prediction: labels :return: f1 score number """ model_prediction: np.ndarray = model_prediction.detach().cpu().numpy() true_prediction: np.ndarray = true_prediction.detach().cpu().numpy() model_prediction = model_prediction.argmax(axis=1) f1_score_number = f1_score(y_true=true_prediction, y_pred=model_prediction, average='weighted') return f1_score_number
def default_argmax( tensor: torch.tensor, dimension: int) -> torch.LongTensor: """Workaround for torch.argmax to enable empty tensors in case the given dimension is not of size zero. Returns the indices of the maximum value of all elements in the input tensor. Workaround for Args: tensor (torch.tensor): the input tensor. dimension (int): the dimension to reduce. Returns: torch.LongTensor: the indices of the maximum values of a tensor across a dimension. """ if tensor.shape[dimension] != 0 and tensor.numel() == 0: new_shape = list(tensor.shape) del new_shape[dimension] return tensor.new_zeros(new_shape) else: return tensor.argmax(dimension)
def eval_batch(self, batch_entity_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rel_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rels: torch.tensor, batch: EvalTensorBatch, return_conversions=False): batch_size = batch_rel_clf.shape[0] rel_class_count = batch_rel_clf.shape[2] # get maximum activation (index of predicted entity type) batch_entity_types = batch_entity_clf.argmax(dim=-1) # apply entity sample mask batch_entity_types *= batch.entity_sample_masks.long() batch_rel_clf = batch_rel_clf.view(batch_size, -1) # apply threshold to relations if self._rel_filter_threshold > 0: batch_rel_clf[batch_rel_clf < self._rel_filter_threshold] = 0 batch_entities = [] batch_relations = [] for i in range(batch_size): # get model predictions for sample rel_clf = batch_rel_clf[i] entity_types = batch_entity_types[i] # get predicted relation labels and corresponding entity pairs rel_nonzero = rel_clf.nonzero().view(-1) rel_scores = rel_clf[rel_nonzero] # rel_types = (rel_nonzero % rel_class_count) rel_types = (rel_nonzero % rel_class_count ) + 1 # model does not predict None class (+1) rel_indices = rel_nonzero // rel_class_count rels = batch_rels[i][rel_indices] # get masks of entities in relation rel_entity_spans = batch.entity_spans[i][rels].long() # get predicted entity types rel_entity_types = torch.zeros([rels.shape[0], 2]) if rels.shape[0] != 0: rel_entity_types = torch.stack( [entity_types[rels[j]] for j in range(rels.shape[0])]) # get original tokens tokens = self._sequences[self._evaluated_sequences] # get entities that are not classified as 'None' valid_entity_indices = entity_types.nonzero().view(-1) valid_entity_types = entity_types[valid_entity_indices] valid_entity_spans = batch.entity_spans[i][valid_entity_indices] valid_entity_scores = torch.gather( batch_entity_clf[i][valid_entity_indices], 1, valid_entity_types.unsqueeze(1)).view(-1) sample_pred_entities, mapping, json_entities = self._convert_pred_entities( valid_entity_types, valid_entity_spans, valid_entity_scores) self._pred_entities.append(sample_pred_entities) # convert predicted relations for evaluation sample_pred_relations, json_relations = self._convert_pred_relations( rel_types, rel_entity_spans, rel_entity_types, rel_scores, mapping) self._pred_relations.append(sample_pred_relations) batch_entities.append(sample_pred_entities) batch_relations.append(sample_pred_relations) self._predictions_json.append({ "tokens": tokens, "entities": json_entities, "relations": json_relations, "id": hash(" ".join(tokens)) }) self._evaluated_sequences += 1 return batch_entities, batch_relations
def convert_predictions(batch_entity_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rel_clf: torch.tensor, batch_rels: torch.tensor, batch: dict, rel_filter_threshold: float, input_reader: BaseInputReader, no_overlapping: bool = False): # get maximum activation (index of predicted entity type) batch_entity_types = batch_entity_clf.argmax(dim=-1) # apply entity sample mask batch_entity_types *= batch['entity_sample_masks'].long() batch_rel_clf_score = batch_rel_clf.clone() # apply threshold to relations batch_rel_clf[batch_rel_clf < rel_filter_threshold] = 0 #batch_rel_clf[batch_rel_clf < rel_filter_threshold] = 0 batch_pred_entities = [] batch_pred_entities_scores = [] batch_pred_relations = [] batch_pred_relations_scores = [] for i in range(batch_rel_clf.shape[0]): # get model predictions for sample entity_types = batch_entity_types[i] entity_spans = batch['entity_spans'][i] entity_clf = batch_entity_clf[i] rel_clf = batch_rel_clf[i] rels = batch_rels[i] rel_clf_score = batch_rel_clf_score[i] # convert predicted entities sample_pred_entities = _convert_pred_entities(entity_types, entity_spans, entity_clf, input_reader) valid_entity_indices = entity_types.nonzero().view(-1) pred_entity_needed_scores = entity_clf[valid_entity_indices] pred_entity_needed_scores = pred_entity_needed_scores.cpu() pred_entity_needed_scores = pred_entity_needed_scores.numpy() #pred_entity_spans_needed = entity_spans[valid_entity_indices] # convert predicted relations sample_pred_relations = _convert_pred_relations( rel_clf, rels, entity_types, entity_spans, input_reader) rel_nonzero = [] for idx, relation in enumerate(rel_clf): if relation.nonzero().view(-1).size() != torch.Size([0]): #print("********,bizare",relation.nonzero().view(-1).size()) rel_nonzero.append(idx) #rel_nonzero = [idx if torch.nonzero(relation).size()!=0 for idx,relation in enumerate(rel_clf))] #rel_nonzero = rel_clf.nonzero().view(-1) pred_rel_scores = rel_clf_score[rel_nonzero] #######ici pred_rel_scores = pred_rel_scores.cpu() pred_rel_scores = pred_rel_scores.numpy() if no_overlapping: sample_pred_entities, sample_pred_relations = remove_overlapping( sample_pred_entities, sample_pred_relations) batch_pred_entities_scores.append(pred_entity_needed_scores) batch_pred_relations_scores.append(pred_rel_scores) batch_pred_entities.append(sample_pred_entities) batch_pred_relations.append(sample_pred_relations) #print("*****1",len(batch_pred_entities_scores)) #print("*****2",len(batch_pred_entities)) return batch_pred_entities, batch_pred_relations, batch_pred_entities_scores, batch_pred_relations_scores
def __call__(self, outputs: torch.tensor, scalars: typing.Optional[torch.tensor] = None) -> torch.tensor: if scalars is None: return outputs.argmax(dim=1).float() scalars[:] = outputs.argmax(dim=1).float() return scalars