def ista(self, x: torch.tensor, r: torch.tensor): """ISTA steps for sparsification Args: x ([torch.tensor]): Input for reconstruction r ([torch.tensor]): Initialization of the code Returns: [torch.tensor]: the sparse code fitted to x """ r.requires_grad_(True) converged = False # update R optim = torch.optim.SGD([{'params': r, "lr": self.lr_r}]) # train while not converged: old_r = r.clone().detach() # prediction x_hat = self.U(r) # loss loss = ((x - x_hat)**2).sum() loss.backward() # update R in place optim.step() # print(r.grad) # zero grad optim.zero_grad() self.zero_grad() # prox = self.soft_thresholding_(r, self.lmda) # convergence converged = torch.norm(r - old_r) / torch.norm(old_r) < 0.01 #print(torch.norm(r - old_r) / torch.norm(old_r)) return r
def perturb(ten: torch.tensor, repr_width, p): # TODO smart kernel for GPU/CPU vs multiplication to concatenate mask # bitrank vector # compact_sample = torch.sum(compact_sample * bitrank, dim=-1) ten_repr = Cpp_Pert.generateTensorMask(ten, repr_width, p) print(ten_repr) ten_np = ten_repr.numpy() packed = np.packbits( ten_np.astype(int), axis=-1, bitorder="little") # Packing bits in order to create the mask ten_packed = torch.from_numpy(packed) mask = torch.flatten( ten_packed, start_dim=-2) # Removing the extra dimension caused by the bit packing = torch.bitwise_xor(ten, mask).data