def process_eye(image): """ process the Eye System """ global TRACKING global TURNING_TO # if TRACKING is not "front": # return # rospy.loginfo('\n[PROC] frontcam image received') # rospy.loginfo(EYE.is_occupied()) if not SCHEDULER.is_frontcam_occupied(): info = EYE.see(image) # rospy.loginfo("\n[PROC] info: " + str(info)) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), EYE.release_occupied, oneshot=True) if TRACKING is not "front": return if info is None: pass else: center = info["center"] TURTLE.set_speed('normal') if info["state"] is "straight": # TURTLE.set_speed('normal') pass elif info["state"] is "lost_track": rospy.loginfo("\n[PROC] state: lost_track") TURNING_TO = info["turning_to"] TURTLE.go_forward(1) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), track_fish, oneshot=True, reset=True) # elif info["state"] is "turning": # TURNING_TO = info["turning_to"] # track_fish() # rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(5.5), track_fish, oneshot=True, reset=True) if center > 500: TURTLE.set_angular(0.27) rospy.loginfo("\n[PROC] [!] turning to right at " + str(center)) return if center < -500: TURTLE.set_angular(-0.27) rospy.loginfo("\n[PROC] [!] turning to left at " + str(center)) return if center > 60: TURTLE.set_angular(0.12) # TURTLE.set_angular(0.08) rospy.loginfo("\n[PROC] turning to right at " + str(center)) return elif center < -60: TURTLE.set_angular(-0.12) # TURTLE.set_angular(-0.08) rospy.loginfo("\n[PROC] turning to left at " + str(center)) return TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(0) return
def process_fish_image(image): """ process the fisheye lens image """ trace_line(image) if CURRENT_STATE == 'intersection': if sign_intersection == 'left': TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(0.5) TURTLE.set_angular(TURTLE._angular + 0.2) elif sign_intersection == 'right': TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(0.5) TURTLE.set_angular(TURTLE._angular - 0.2) elif CURRENT_STATE == 'stop_sign': if left_detected > right_detected : TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(0.5) TURTLE.set_angular(TURTLE._angular + 0.2) elif right_detected < left_detected : TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(0.5) TURTLE.set_angular(TURTLE._angular - 0.2) TURTLE.move()
def process_subcam(image): """ process the subcam image """ start = timeit.default_timer() global LINE_BASE global TRACKING global TURNING_TO global TEST_ANGULAR if TRACKING is not "fish": return if not SCHEDULER.is_subcam_occupied(): # if True: rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.04), SCHEDULER.release_subcam_occupied, oneshot=True) info = EYE.see_sub(image) # rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.04), SCHEDULER.release_subcam_occupied, oneshot=True, reset=True) if info is None: print("NO INFO!") # TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(0.12) # pass else: # TURTLE.set_speed('slow') # if info["slope"]: # TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(-abs(info["slope"] / 6)) # else: TURTLE.set_speed('normal') center_x, center_y, point_x, point_y = ( value for value in info["line_center"]) gap_x = abs(point_x - center_x) rospy.loginfo("\n[PROC] info: \n" + str(info)) rospy.loginfo("\nGAP: " + str(gap_x)) if info["slope"] > 0: slope = math.sqrt(0.5 * info["slope"]) else: slope = -math.sqrt(-0.5 * info["slope"]) if not info["has_line"]: if gap_x > 100: if TEST_ONCE: TURTLE.set_angular(-1.75) TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(-0.1) else: TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(-0.1) elif gap_x < 0: if TEST_ONCE: TURTLE.set_angular(1.75) TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(0.2) else: TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(0.2) TEST_ONCE = False # elif gap_x > 100: # TURTLE.set_angular(-0.15 * info["slope"] * 4) # TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(-0.1) else: TEST_ONCE = True if gap_x > 100: TURTLE.set_angular(-0.15 + slope) TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(-0.1) elif gap_x > 30: TURTLE.set_angular(0) else: # if slope < 0: # TURTLE.set_angular(-0.25 + slope * 1.5) # TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(-0.1) # else: rospy.loginfo("LOST") TURTLE.set_angular(0.45 + slope) TURTLE.set_angular_smooth(0.1) # SCHEDULER.release_subcam_occupied() end = timeit.default_timer() # print("sub l: {:d}".format(info["left"]) + " s: {:.01f}".format(slope) # + " time: {:.02f}".format(end - start)) print("\nTIME: {:.02f}".format(end - start))
def gogo(): print("running") TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(0.5) TURTLE.set_angular(0) TURTLE.move()
def trace_one_line(compressed_data, LINE_BASE): """ view image """ raw_data = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) cv_img = cv2.imdecode(raw_data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) Knew = K.copy() Knew[(0, 1), (0, 1)] = 0.8 * Knew[(0, 1), (0, 1)] img = cv2.fisheye.undistortImage(cv_img, K, D=D, Knew=Knew) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray[gray < 220] = 0 #cv2.imshow("distorted",cv_img) ROI = gray[140:280, 20:620] ROI_org = ROI.copy() #cv2.imshow("undistorted",img) #cv2.imshow("ths_gray",gray) #cv2.waitKey(1) ROI = cv2.GaussianBlur(ROI, (7, 7), 0) degree_ref = 10 if LINE_BASE == 1: ROI = ROI[:, :ROI.shape[1]//2] ## LEFT BASE elif LINE_BASE == 2: ROI = ROI[:, ROI.shape[1]//2:] ## RIGHT BASE thr = cv2.adaptiveThreshold( ROI, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 9) edge = cv2.Canny(thr, 180, 460) #cv2.imshow("edge",edge) lines = cv2.HoughLines(edge, 1, np.pi/180, 30) #print("lines: ",len(lines)) line_cnt = 0 degree = 0. distance = 0. weight = 0. x_list = [] degree_list = [] ii = 0 ######### for visulization of extracted lines ########### bin3 = np.zeros(ROI.shape, dtype=np.uint8) bin3 = cv2.cvtColor(bin3, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) bin3[:, :, :] = 255 ######################################################### if lines is not None: print("lines num: ",len(lines)) for i in range(len(lines)): for rho, theta in lines[i]: a = np.cos(theta) b = np.sin(theta) x0 = a*rho y0 = b*rho x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b)) y1 = int(y0+1000*(a)) x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b)) y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a)) degree_ = np.arctan2(y2-y1, x2-x1)*180/np.pi #print("checked degree: ",degree_) if abs(degree_) > degree_ref and ii < 2: ii += 1 #degree = degree_ degree_list.append(degree_) x_list.append(x1) cv2.line(bin3, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2) for bin3_x in range(bin3.shape[1]): if LINE_BASE == 1 and bin3[bin3.shape[0]//2,bin3_x,0] != 255: ## LEFT SIDE distance = bin3.shape[1] - bin3_x elif LINE_BASE == 2 and bin3[bin3.shape[0]//2,bin3_x,0] != 255: ## RIGHT SIDE distance = bin3_x #print("real_distance: ",distance) distance = (distance - 0)/(bin3.shape[1]-0) ## distance normalization #print("distance: ",distance) break else: continue if len(x_list) == 2: print("degree1: ",degree_list[0],"degree2: ",degree_list[1]) if degree_list[0]*degree_list[1] < 0: if LINE_BASE == 1: degree = -90 else: degree = 90 else: degree = (degree_list[0] + degree_list[1])/2 elif len(x_list) == 1: degree = degree_list[0] #print("extracted L: ",L, "R: ", R) #Rdegree += 2. ''' cv2.imshow("binmerge_org",binmerge_org) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows() ''' if LINE_BASE == 1: img[140:280, 20:ROI.shape[1]+20, :] = bin3[:, :, :] ## LEFT SIDE elif LINE_BASE == 2: img[140:280, ROI.shape[1]+19:619, :] = bin3[:, :, :] ## RIGHT SIDE print('degree: %0.2f ' % (degree)) # print("") print("detected line: ", ii) print("distance: ",distance) if ii != 0: ''' if LINE_BASE == 1: ## LEFT SIDE if degree > 0: ## LEFT TURN weight = distance**2 ## the shorter the distance, the weaker the weight else: ## RIGHT TURN weight = (distance - 1)**2 + 1 ## the shorter the distance, the stronger the weight elif LINE_BASE == 2: ## RIGHT SIDE if degree > 0: ## LEFT TURN weight = (distance - 1)**2 + 1 ## the shorter the distance, the stronger the weight else: ## RIGHT TURN weight = distance**2 ## the shorter the distance, the weaker the weight ''' weight = 0.6*(1 - distance) if degree < 0 : ## '/' shape if LINE_BASE == 1: angular = -(degree+90)*0.04 - weight else: angular = -(degree+90)*0.04 + weight else: ## '\' shape if LINE_BASE == 1: angular = -(degree-90)*0.04 - weight else: angular = -(degree-90)*0.04 + weight if angular > 0.45: angular = 0.45 elif angular < -0.45: angular = -0.45 print("init angular: ",angular) print("init weight: ",weight) else: if LINE_BASE == 1: angular = 0.6 if LINE_BASE == 2: angular = -0.6 linear = MAX_SPEED -(-0.03*np.exp(-abs(3.3*angular)) + 0.03) angular = 0.9*angular percent = 1.2*(linear/MAX_SPEED) ''' if angular>0.23 or angular<-0.23: percent = (0.11/MAX_SPEED) print('curve') else: percent = (0.13/MAX_SPEED) ''' #turtlemove(linear, 1.2*angular) # assume max speed = 0.15 # percentage = (linear/max_speed) * 100 print("percent:", percent) print("angular:",angular) print("") TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(percent) TURTLE.set_angular(angular) #TURTLE.move() img_ = cv2.resize(img, (img.shape[1]*2, img.shape[0]*2), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.imshow("final_result", img_) cv2.waitKey(1)
def trace_line(compressed_data): global angular """ view image """ # print("viewing image.") # rospy.loginfo("img_viewer()") raw_data = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) cv_img = cv2.imdecode(raw_data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) Knew = K.copy() Knew[(0, 1), (0, 1)] = 0.8 * Knew[(0, 1), (0, 1)] img = cv2.fisheye.undistortImage(cv_img, K, D=D, Knew=Knew) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray[gray < 220] = 0 #cv2.imshow("distorted",cv_img) #cv2.line(img,(30,140),(615,140),(253,244,8),2) ## top row #cv2.line(img,(30,280),(615,280),(253,244,8),2) ## bottom row #cv2.line(img,(30,140),(30,280),(253,244,8),2) ## left col #cv2.line(img,(615,140),(615,280),(253,244,8),2) ## right col ROI = gray[140:280, 30:615] ROI_org = ROI.copy() cv2.imshow("undistorted",img) #cv2.imshow("ths_gray",gray) #cv2.waitKey(1) """ cv2.imshow("roi_full",img) cv2.imshow("roi",ROI) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ ROI = cv2.GaussianBlur(ROI, (7, 7), 0) left_ROI = ROI[:, : ROI.shape[1] // 2] right_ROI = ROI[:, ROI.shape[1] // 2 :] thr = cv2.adaptiveThreshold( ROI, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 9 ) edges = cv2.Canny(thr, 180, 460) """ cv2.imshow("thr",thr) cv2.imshow("ROI",ROI) cv2.imshow("edges",edges) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ # in left side, it finds only '/'type when jucha stage left_edge = edges[:, : edges.shape[1] // 2] # in right side, it finds only '\'type when jucha stage right_edge = edges[:, edges.shape[1] // 2 :] L_lines = cv2.HoughLines(left_edge, 1, np.pi / 180, 30) R_lines = cv2.HoughLines(right_edge, 1, np.pi / 180, 30) L = 0 Ldegree = 0 R = 0 Rdegree = 0 ii = 0 ######### for visulization of extracted lines ########### bin3 = np.zeros(left_ROI.shape, dtype=np.uint8) bin3 = cv2.cvtColor(bin3, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) bin3[:, :, :] = 255 bin4 = np.zeros(right_ROI.shape, dtype=np.uint8) bin4 = cv2.cvtColor(bin4, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) bin4[:, :, :] = 255 ######################################################### if L_lines is not None: # print("L_lines num: ",len(L_lines)) for i in range(len(L_lines)): for rho, theta in L_lines[i]: a = np.cos(theta) b = np.sin(theta) x0 = a * rho y0 = b * rho x1 = int(x0 + 1000 * (-b)) y1 = int(y0 + 1000 * (a)) x2 = int(x0 - 1000 * (-b)) y2 = int(y0 - 1000 * (a)) degree = np.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / np.pi if degree < -10 and L < 2: ii += 1 Ldegree = degree L += 2 # cv2.line(left_ROI,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0,0,255),2) cv2.line(bin3, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2) break else: continue if R_lines is not None: # print("R_lines num: ",len(R_lines)) for i in range(len(R_lines)): for rho, theta in R_lines[i]: a = np.cos(theta) b = np.sin(theta) x0 = a * rho y0 = b * rho x1 = int(x0 + 1000 * (-b)) y1 = int(y0 + 1000 * (a)) x2 = int(x0 - 1000 * (-b)) y2 = int(y0 - 1000 * (a)) degree = np.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / np.pi if degree > 10 and R < 2: ii += 1 Rdegree = degree R += 2 # cv2.line(right_ROI,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0,0,255),2) cv2.line(bin4, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2) break else: continue #print("extracted L: ",L, "R: ", R) #Rdegree += 2. binmerge_org = np.hstack((bin3, bin4)) """ cv2.imshow("binmerge_org",binmerge_org) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ ROI = np.hstack((left_ROI, right_ROI)) img[140:280, 30:615, :] = binmerge_org[:, :, :] print('Ldegree: %0.2f / Rdegree: %0.2f' % (Ldegree, Rdegree)) # print("") print("detected line: ", ii) if ii == 2: # print("==>2 line detected") angular = -(Ldegree + Rdegree) * 0.05 # print("==>selected angluar :",angular) # if there are two lines, then angular_vel depends on difference of angle elif ii == 1: if Ldegree == 0: # print("==>1 right line detected") if Rdegree > 87: angular = -(Rdegree - 92) * 0.03 # print("==>1 right line detected and unbalanced no center position") # print("==>selected angluar :",angular) else: angular = -(Rdegree - 92) * 0.035 # print("==>selected angluar :",angular) elif Rdegree == 0: # print("==>1 left line detected") if Ldegree < -87: angular = -(Ldegree + 92) * 0.03 # print("==>1 left line detected and unbalanced no center position") # print("==>selected angluar :",angular) else: angular = -(Ldegree + 92) * 0.035 # print("==>selected angluar :",angular) else: angular = -0.001 #print("no line detected") #print("==>selected angluar :",-0.001) if angular > 1.4: angular = 1.4 elif angular < -1.4: angular = -1.4 linear = 1.1*(MAX_SPEED - (-0.03*np.exp(-abs(3.3*angular)) + 0.03)) if ii == 2 and abs(angular) < 0.23 : linear += 0.2*(0.23 - abs(angular)) percent = (linear/MAX_SPEED) ''' if angular>0.23 or angular<-0.23: percent = (0.11/MAX_SPEED) print('curve') else: percent = (0.13/MAX_SPEED) ''' #turtlemove(linear, 1.2*angular) # assume max speed = 0.15 # percentage = (linear/max_speed) * 100 print("percent:", percent) print("angular:",angular) print("\n") TURTLE.set_speed_by_percentage(percent) TURTLE.set_angular(angular) #TURTLE.move() img_ = cv2.resize(img, (img.shape[1]*2, img.shape[0]*2), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.imshow("final_result", img_) cv2.waitKey(1) '''