def insert(self, docs, safe=None, flags=0, **kwargs): if isinstance(docs, dict): ids = docs.get("_id", ObjectId()) docs["_id"] = ids docs = [docs] elif isinstance(docs, list): ids = [] for doc in docs: if isinstance(doc, dict): oid = doc.get("_id", ObjectId()) ids.append(oid) doc["_id"] = oid else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents.") else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents.") docs = [BSON.encode(d) for d in docs] insert = Insert(flags=flags, collection=str(self), documents=docs) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_INSERT(insert) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ids)
def update(self, spec, document, upsert=False, multi=False, safe=None, flags=0, **kwargs): if not isinstance(spec, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: spec must be an instance of dict.") if not isinstance(document, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: document must be an instance of dict.") if not isinstance(upsert, bool): raise TypeError("TxMongo: upsert must be an instance of bool.") if multi: flags |= UPDATE_MULTI if upsert: flags |= UPDATE_UPSERT spec = BSON.encode(spec) document = BSON.encode(document) update = Update(flags=flags, collection=str(self), selector=spec, update=document) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_UPDATE(update) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: ret = yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ret)
def insert(self, docs, safe=None, flags=0, **kwargs): """Insert a document(s) into this collection. *Please consider using new-style* :meth:`insert_one()` *or* :meth:`insert_many()` *methods instead.* If document doesn't have ``"_id"`` field, :meth:`insert()` will generate new :class:`~bson.ObjectId` and set it to ``"_id"`` field of the document. :param docs: Document or a list of documents to insert into a collection. :param safe: ``True`` or ``False`` forces usage of respectively acknowledged or unacknowledged Write Concern. If ``None``, :attr:`write_concern` is used. :param flags: If zero (default), inserting will stop after the first error encountered. When ``flags`` set to :const:`txmongo.protocol.INSERT_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR`, MongoDB will try to insert all documents passed even if inserting some of them will fail (for example, because of duplicate ``_id``). Not that :meth:`insert()` won't raise any errors when this flag is used. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that fires with single ``_id`` field or a list of ``_id`` fields of inserted documents. """ if isinstance(docs, dict): ids = docs.get("_id", ObjectId()) docs["_id"] = ids docs = [docs] elif isinstance(docs, list): ids = [] for doc in docs: if isinstance(doc, dict): oid = doc.get("_id", ObjectId()) ids.append(oid) doc["_id"] = oid else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents.") else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents.") docs = [BSON.encode(d) for d in docs] insert = Insert(flags=flags, collection=str(self), documents=docs) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_INSERT(insert) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ids)
def after_connection(protocol): flags = kwargs.get("flags", 0) check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) query = Query(flags=flags, collection=str(self), n_to_skip=skip, n_to_return=limit, query=spec, fields=fields) deferred_query = protocol.send_QUERY(query) deferred_query.addCallback(after_reply, protocol, after_reply) return deferred_query
def remove(self, spec, safe=None, single=False, flags=0, **kwargs): if isinstance(spec, ObjectId): spec = SON(dict(_id=spec)) if not isinstance(spec, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: spec must be an instance of dict, not {0}".format(type(spec))) if single: flags |= DELETE_SINGLE_REMOVE spec = BSON.encode(spec) delete = Delete(flags=flags, collection=str(self), selector=spec) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_DELETE(delete) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: ret = yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ret)
def update(self, spec, document, upsert=False, multi=False, safe=None, flags=0, **kwargs): """Update document(s) in this collection *Please consider using new-style* :meth:`update_one()`, :meth:`update_many()` and :meth:`replace_one()` *methods instead.* :raises TypeError: if `spec` or `document` are not instances of `dict` or `upsert` is not an instance of `bool`. :param spec: query document that selects documents to be updated :param document: update document to be used for updating or upserting. See `MongoDB Update docs <>`_ for the format of this document and allowed operators. :param upsert: perform an upsert if ``True`` :param multi: update all documents that match `spec`, rather than just the first matching document. The default value is ``False``. :param safe: ``True`` or ``False`` forces usage of respectively acknowledged or unacknowledged Write Concern. If ``None``, :attr:`write_concern` is used. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that is called back when request is sent to MongoDB or confirmed by MongoDB (depending on selected Write Concern). """ if not isinstance(spec, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: spec must be an instance of dict.") if not isinstance(document, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: document must be an instance of dict.") if not isinstance(upsert, bool): raise TypeError("TxMongo: upsert must be an instance of bool.") if multi: flags |= UPDATE_MULTI if upsert: flags |= UPDATE_UPSERT spec = BSON.encode(spec) document = BSON.encode(document) update = Update(flags=flags, collection=str(self), selector=spec, update=document) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_UPDATE(update) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: ret = yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ret)
def patch_deadline(_): check_deadline(time() - 2)
def insert(self, docs, safe=None, flags=0, **kwargs): """Insert a document(s) into this collection. *Please consider using new-style* :meth:`insert_one()` *or* :meth:`insert_many()` *methods instead.* If document doesn't have ``"_id"`` field, :meth:`insert()` will generate new :class:`~bson.ObjectId` and set it to ``"_id"`` field of the document. :param docs: Document or a list of documents to insert into a collection. :param safe: ``True`` or ``False`` forces usage of respectively acknowledged or unacknowledged Write Concern. If ``None``, :attr:`write_concern` is used. :param flags: If zero (default), inserting will stop after the first error encountered. When ``flags`` set to :const:`txmongo.protocol.INSERT_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR`, MongoDB will try to insert all documents passed even if inserting some of them will fail (for example, because of duplicate ``_id``). Not that :meth:`insert()` won't raise any errors when this flag is used. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that fires with single ``_id`` field or a list of ``_id`` fields of inserted documents. """ if isinstance(docs, dict): ids = docs.get("_id", ObjectId()) docs["_id"] = ids docs = [docs] elif isinstance(docs, list): ids = [] for doc in docs: if isinstance(doc, dict): oid = doc.get("_id", ObjectId()) ids.append(oid) doc["_id"] = oid else: raise TypeError( "TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents." ) else: raise TypeError( "TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents.") docs = [BSON.encode(d) for d in docs] insert = Insert(flags=flags, collection=str(self), documents=docs) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_INSERT(insert) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ids)
def patch_deadline(_): check_deadline(time()-2)