def curl_to_file(url, fname, proto, port=None): _g.conf._fsz = 0 _g.conf._time = 0 _g.conf._lastdl = 0 # unicurses doesn't seem to add these manually... _g.conf._LINES,_g.conf._COLS = unicurses.getmaxyx(_g.conf._stdscr) with open(os.path.join(_g.conf._outdir, fname), 'wb') as fh: c = curl_common_init(fh) c.setopt(c.URL, url) #'/'.join(rempath, urllib.parse.quote(fname))) c.setopt(c.NOPROGRESS, False) c.setopt(c.XFERINFOFUNCTION, curl_progress) if port: c.setopt(c.PORT, port) try: c.perform() except pycurl.error: check_curl_error(c, fh, proto, True) check_curl_error(c, fh, proto) c.close() return None
def render(self, etc=None): unicurses.redrawwin(self.screen) unicurses.noutrefresh(self.screen) (hw, ww) = unicurses.getmaxyx(self.screen) (yw, xw) = (max(0, (hw - self.h)/2), max(0, (ww - self.w)/2)) if yw > 0 and xw > 0: unicurses.mvwin(self.frame, yw - 1, xw - 1) unicurses.noutrefresh(self.frame) unicurses.mvwin(, yw, xw) unicurses.noutrefresh( if etc != None: (buf, a, b, c, d, e, f) = etc (yb, xb) = unicurses.getbegyx( unicurses.prefresh(buf, a, b, c + yb, d + xb, e + yb, f + xb) unicurses.doupdate()
def update_windows(self): """Give all windows correct sizes and positions.""" ymax, xmax = curses.getmaxyx(stdscr) # We draw the windows bottom up linenumber = ymax status_win_height = 1 linenumber -= status_win_height self.status_win.setdimensions(xmax, status_win_height, 0, linenumber) log_win_height = 1 linenumber -= log_win_height self.log_win.setdimensions(xmax, log_win_height, 0, linenumber) if self.undo_win.enabled: undo_win_height = 4 linenumber -= undo_win_height self.undo_win.setdimensions(xmax, undo_win_height, 0, linenumber) if self.error_win.enabled: error_win_height = 6 linenumber -= error_win_height self.error_win.setdimensions(xmax, error_win_height, 0, linenumber) if self.completion_win.enabled: completion_win_height = 6 linenumber -= completion_win_height self.completion_win.setdimensions(xmax, completion_win_height, 0, linenumber) if self.clipboard_win.enabled: clipboard_win_height = 3 linenumber -= clipboard_win_height self.clipboard_win.setdimensions(xmax, clipboard_win_height, 0, linenumber) self.text_win.setdimensions(xmax, linenumber - 1, 0, 1) self.document_win.setdimensions(xmax, 1, 0, 0) self.prompt_win.setdimensions(int(xmax / 2), 2, int(xmax / 2), 4)
def init_wins(self): uc.wclear(stdscr) self.max_y, self.max_x = uc.getmaxyx(stdscr) border_x = ceil(self.max_x * 2 / 3) c = int(self.max_x % 2 == 1) self.win_title = uc.newwin(3, self.max_x, 0, 0) #(h, w, starty, startx) self.win_boardarea = uc.newwin(self.max_y - 4, border_x, 3, 0) self.win_shipmenu = uc.newwin(self.max_y - 4, self.max_x - border_x, 3, border_x) self.win_statusbar = uc.newwin(1, self.max_x, self.max_y - 1, 0) x, y = self.player.board.str_size() self.win_board = uc.newwin(y, x + 2, 0, 0) self.pan_board = uc.new_panel(self.win_board) uc.move_panel(self.pan_board, 3 + (self.max_y - 3) // 2 - y // 2, (border_x - 3) // 2 - x // 2) uc.wrefresh(stdscr) self.draw()
def __init__(self): # Initialize screen self.stdscr = uni.initscr() # Hide cursor uni.curs_set(0) # Characters available one-by-one uni.cbreak() # Prevent displying user input uni.noecho() # Allow user input uni.keypad(self.stdscr, True) # Enable colors uni.start_color() # Enable mouse uni.mouseinterval(0) uni.mousemask(uni.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS) # Window dimensions y, x = uni.getmaxyx(self.stdscr) # Make maxx/maxy the last row/col visible self.maxy = y - 1 self.maxx = x - 1 # Drawing order of contained widgets self.widgets = []
def input(self): self.key = uc.wgetch(stdscr) if self.key == uc.KEY_RESIZE: self.max_y, self.max_x = uc.getmaxyx(stdscr) if self.max_x > 10 and self.max_y > 10: self.init_wins() if (self.on_menu): if (self.key == uc.KEY_UP): self.menu_hi -= 1 if self.menu_hi == -1: self.menu_hi = len( - 1 elif (self.key == uc.KEY_DOWN): self.menu_hi += 1 if self.menu_hi >= len( self.menu_hi = 0 elif (self.key == ord('\n')): for ship in self.player.ship_list: if ==[self.menu_hi].id: ship.placed = True self.new_ship_id =[self.menu_hi].id self.new_ship_len =[self.menu_hi].length self.new_ship_x = 0 self.new_ship_y = 0 self.new_ship_hor = True self.on_menu = False else: if (self.key == uc.KEY_LEFT): if self.new_ship_x - 1 >= 0: self.new_ship_x -= 1 elif (self.key == uc.KEY_RIGHT): if self.new_ship_hor: if self.new_ship_x +[ self.menu_hi].length < self.player.board.size: self.new_ship_x += 1 else: if self.new_ship_x + 1 < self.player.board.size: self.new_ship_x += 1 elif (self.key == uc.KEY_UP): if self.new_ship_y - 1 >= 0: self.new_ship_y -= 1 elif (self.key == uc.KEY_DOWN): if self.new_ship_hor: if self.new_ship_y + 1 < self.player.board.size: self.new_ship_y += 1 else: if self.new_ship_y +[ self.menu_hi].length < self.player.board.size: self.new_ship_y += 1 elif (self.key == ord('r') or self.key == ord('R')): if self.new_ship_hor: if self.new_ship_y +[ self.menu_hi].length > self.player.board.size: self.new_ship_y = self.player.board.size -[ self.menu_hi].length else: if self.new_ship_x +[ self.menu_hi].length > self.player.board.size: self.new_ship_x = self.player.board.size -[ self.menu_hi].length self.new_ship_hor = not self.new_ship_hor elif (self.key == ord('s') or self.key == ord('S')): s = self.player.board.suggest([self.menu_hi].length) if type(s) != bool: x, y, h = s self.new_ship_x = x self.new_ship_y = y self.new_ship_hor = h elif (self.key == ord('\n')): if self.player.board.check_new_ship( self.new_ship_x, self.new_ship_y,[self.menu_hi].length, self.new_ship_hor): self.player.board.set_new_ship( self.new_ship_x, self.new_ship_y,[self.menu_hi].id,[self.menu_hi].length, self.new_ship_hor) self.num_ships_set += 1 if not self.all_set(): self.on_menu = True = self.player.left_to_set() self.menu_hi = 0 if self.key == ord('q') or self.key == ord('Q'): self.close() if self.key == ord('w') or self.key == ord('W'): uc.endwin() exit()
# Window NLINES = 10 NCOLS = 40 #my_wins = [0] * 3 stdscr = uni.initscr() uni.cbreak() uni.noecho() uni.keypad(stdscr, True) uni.curs_set(0) uni.start_color() # Sub window # Max coords of parent window maxy, maxx = uni.getmaxyx(stdscr) menu_height = 3 menu = uni.newwin(menu_height, maxx, 0, 0) starty, startx = uni.getbegyx(menu) height, width = uni.getmaxyx(menu) # Box line, 0, 0) #uni.bkgd(uni.COLOR_PAIR(1)) # Box label #uni.wattron(menu, uni.COLOR_PAIR(0)) #uni.mvwaddstr(menu, 0, 2, "Garin") uni.mvwaddstr(menu, 1, 1, "File") uni.mvwaddstr(menu, 1, len("File") + 2, "Edit")
import unicurses as curses import time import os from random import randint, choice os.environ['ESCDELAY'] = '25' stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.keypad(stdscr, 1) curses.wborder(stdscr) curses.curs_set(0) middley, middlex = map(lambda x: x // 2, curses.getmaxyx( stdscr)) # get middle coordinates depending on the size of the terminal UP = 259 # ascii key codes DOWN = 258 LEFT = 261 RIGHT = 260 asci = ''' _____ _ _ _ ________ / ____| \ | | /\ | |/ / ____| | (___ | \| | / \ | ' /| |__ \___ \| . ` | / /\ \ | < | __| ____) | |\ |/ ____ \| . \| |____ |_____/|_| \_/_/ \_\_|\_\______|''' def reset_game(): '''
def _cols(self): return uc.getmaxyx(self.stdscr)[1]
def _rows(self): return uc.getmaxyx(self.stdscr)[0]
def _init_render_window(self, window_name): win = self._windows[window_name].window uc.werase(win) rows, cols = uc.getmaxyx(win) return win, rows, cols
def height(self): """Height of the window.""" height, _ = curses.getmaxyx( return height
def width(self): """Width of the window.""" _, width = curses.getmaxyx( return width
import unicurses import numpy as np import math import wave import struct import time stdscr = unicurses.initscr() unicurses.cbreak() unicurses.noecho() unicurses.curs_set(0) unicurses.keypad(stdscr, True) LINES, COLS = unicurses.getmaxyx(stdscr) height = 16 def drawData(data, x, y): for i in range(len(data)): v = data[i] for j in range(height): c = ' ' if (j <= v - 1): c = '#' unicurses.mvaddstr(y + height - 1 - j, x + i, c) # Initialize matrix matrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] power = [] weighting = [2, 2, 8, 8, 16, 32, 64, 64] # Change these according to taste # Set up audio