def build_sp_levels(self, im, height, use_band_fb=True):
        """ Recursively build the levels of a steerable pyramid

        if height <= 0:
            return [[im]]

        bands = []

        if use_band_fb:
            bands_tmp = correlate_and_downsample(im, self.filter_set.band_fb)
            #imshow(bands_tmp, 'bands_tmp')
            for i in range(0, bands_tmp.shape[2]):
            for filt in self.filter_set.band_filts:
                band = correlate_and_downsample(im, filt)

        lo = correlate_and_downsample(im, self.filter_set.lo_filt, 2)

        print lo.shape
        pyramid_below = self.build_sp_levels(lo, height-1)

        return [bands] + pyramid_below
    def process_image(self, im, pyramid_height=None, upsample=True):
        if pyramid_height is None:
            fs = self.filter_set.lo_filt.shape[0]
            pyramid_height = max_pyramid_height(im.shape, fs)

        print 'pyramid height:', pyramid_height

        hi0 = correlate_and_downsample(im, self.filter_set.hi0_filt)
        lo0 = correlate_and_downsample(im, self.filter_set.lo0_filt)

        #imshow(hi0, 'hi0')
        #imshow(lo0, 'lo0')

        self.residual_hipass = hi0
        pyramid = self.build_sp_levels(lo0, pyramid_height)

        if upsample:
            return self.upsample_pyramid(pyramid)
            return pyramid