Exemple #1
    def _train(self, train_img, deform_param_gen):
        img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(train_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        H, W = np.shape(img_gray)[:2]
        self.logger.debug("Training image size (w, h) = ({}, {})".format(W, H))

        corners = list(get_stable_corners(img_gray, self._max_train_corners))

        draw_points(train_img, corners, title="Stable corners")

        self._classes_count = len(corners)
            "Allocating probability matrix: ferns x classes x K = {} x {} x {}"
            .format(len(self._ferns), self._classes_count, self._K))
        self._fern_p = np.zeros(
            (len(self._ferns), self._classes_count, self._K))
        self.key_points = []

        skipped = 0
        train_patches = 0
        title = "Training {} classes".format(self._classes_count)
        for R, _, img in iter_timer(
                generate_deformations(img_gray, deform_param_gen), title,
            new_corners = flip_points(corners)
            t = [[1]] * len(new_corners)
            new_corners = np.transpose(np.hstack((new_corners, t)))
            deformed_corners = flip_points(
                np.asarray(np.transpose(np.dot(R, new_corners))))

            for class_idx, (corner, deformed_corner) in enumerate(
                    zip(corners, deformed_corners)):

                cy, cx = deformed_corner
                if not (0 <= cy <= H and 0 <= cx <= W):
                    skipped += 1

                train_patches += 1

                patch = generate_patch(img, deformed_corner, self._patch_size)

                for fern_idx, fern in enumerate(self._ferns):
                    k = fern.calculate(patch)
                    assert 0 <= k < self._K, "WTF!!!"
                    self._fern_p[fern_idx, class_idx, k] += 1
        self.logger.debug("skipped {} / {} deformations".format(
            skipped, train_patches))

        Nr = 1
        for fern_idx in iter_timer(range(len(self._ferns)),
                                   title="Calculating probs"):
            for cls_idx in range(self._classes_count):
                Nc = np.sum(self._fern_p[fern_idx, cls_idx, :])
                self._fern_p[fern_idx, cls_idx, :] += Nr
                self._fern_p[fern_idx, cls_idx, :] /= Nc + self._K * Nr

        self._fern_p = np.log(self._fern_p)
def solve(world_points_in, image_points_in, pixel_scale, annotate_image=None):
    Find a camera's orientation given a set of world coordinates and
    corresponding set of camera coordinates.

    world_points: Dict mapping point names to triples corresponding with world
                  x, y, z coordinates.
    image_points: Dict mapping point names to triples corresponding with
                  camera x, y coordinates. Coordinates are translated such that
                  0, 0 corresponds with the centre of the image.

    Return: 4x4 matrix representing the camera's orientation.

    assert set(world_points_in.keys()) >= set(image_points_in.keys())
    keys = sorted(list(image_points_in.keys()))
    assert len(keys) >= 4
    world_points = hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k])).T for k in keys])
    image_points = hstack([matrix(list(image_points_in[k]) + [pixel_scale]).T for k in keys])
    image_points = image_points / pixel_scale

    control_indices = choose_control_points(world_points)
    C = make_coeff_matrix(world_points, control_indices)
    M = make_M(image_points, C)

    eig_vals, eig_vecs = numpy.linalg.eig(M.T * M)
    V = eig_vecs.T[eig_vals.argsort()].T

    world_ctrl_points = util.col_slice(world_points, control_indices)
    b1 = calc_beta_case_1(V[:, :1], world_ctrl_points)
    b2 = calc_beta_case_2(V[:, :2], world_ctrl_points)
    b3 = calc_beta_case_3(V[:, :3], world_ctrl_points)
    outs = []
    errs = []
    for b in [b1, b2, b3]:
        x = V[:, :b.shape[1]] * b.T
        x = x.reshape((4, 3))

        R, offs = util.orientation_from_correspondences(world_ctrl_points, x.T)
        outs.append((R, offs))

        e = calc_reprojection_error(R, offs, world_points, image_points)
        print "Reprojection error = %f" % e

    R, offs = outs[array(errs).argmin()]

    if annotate_image:
        P = hstack([R, offs])
        all_keys = list(world_points_in.keys())
        world_points_mat = hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k]) + [1.0]).T for k in all_keys])
        image_points_mat = P * world_points_mat
        image_points_mat = matrix([[r[0,0]/r[0,2], r[0,1]/r[0,2]] for r in image_points_mat.T]).T
                         dict(zip(all_keys, list(image_points_mat.T))))
    return R, offs
def solve(world_points, image_points, annotate_image=None):
    Find a camera's orientation and intrinsic parameters given a set of world
    coordinates and corresponding set of camera coordinates.

    world_points: Dict mapping point names to triples corresponding with world
                  x, y, z coordinates.
    image_points: Dict mapping point names to triples corresponding with
                  camera x, y coordinates. Coordinates are translated such that
                  0, 0 corresponds with the centre of the image.

    Return: 4x4 matrix representing the camera's orientation, and a pixel
            pixel scale.

    assert set(world_points.keys()) >= set(image_points.keys())
    keys = list(image_points.keys())
    # Need at least 6 points (12 DOF) to solve the 3x4 matrix
    assert len(keys) >= 6

    M = vstack([correspondence_matrix(world_points[key], image_points[key]) for key in keys])
    eig_vals, eig_vecs = numpy.linalg.eig(M.T * M)
    P = (eig_vecs.T[eig_vals.argmin()]).T
    P = P.reshape((3, 4))
    K, R = map(matrix, scipy.linalg.rq(P[:, :3]))
    t = K.I * P[:, 3:]
    R = hstack((R, t))

    K = K / K[2,2]

    #K[0, 1] = 0.0
    #K[0, 2] = 0.0
    #K[1, 2] = 0.0

    P = K * R

    if annotate_image:
        all_keys = list(world_points.keys())
        world_points_mat = hstack([matrix(list(world_points[k]) + [1.0]).T for k in all_keys])
        image_points_mat = P * world_points_mat
        image_points_mat = matrix([[r[0,0]/r[0,2], r[0,1]/r[0,2]] for r in image_points_mat.T]).T
                         dict(zip(all_keys, list(image_points_mat.T))))

    return K, R
Exemple #4
def test_ori(h_crop,
             thresh=p.threshold_point):  # p.threshold_point:0.81
    result = lane_agent.predict_lanes_test(test_images)
    confidences, offsets, instances = result[-1]
    num_batch = len(test_images)
    out_x = []
    out_y = []
    out_images = []

    for i in range(num_batch):
        # test on test data set
        image = deepcopy(test_images[i])
        image = np.rollaxis(image, axis=2, start=0)
        image = np.rollaxis(image, axis=2, start=0) * 255.0
        image = image.astype(np.uint8).copy()

        confidence = confidences[i].view(p.grid_y, p.grid_x).cpu().data.numpy()

        offset = offsets[i].cpu().data.numpy()
        offset = np.rollaxis(offset, axis=2, start=0)
        offset = np.rollaxis(offset, axis=2, start=0)

        instance = instances[i].cpu().data.numpy()
        instance = np.rollaxis(instance, axis=2, start=0)
        instance = np.rollaxis(instance, axis=2, start=0)

        raw_x, raw_y = generate_result(confidence, offset, instance, thresh)  #
        in_x, in_y = eliminate_fewer_points(raw_x, raw_y)
        in_x, in_y = util.sort_along_y(in_x, in_y)

        if draw_type == 'line':
            result_image = util.draw_lines_ori(in_x, in_y, ori_image, ratio_w,
                                               ratio_h)  # 将最后且后处理后的坐标点绘制与原图上.
        elif draw_type == 'point':
            result_image = util.draw_point_ori(in_x, in_y, ori_image, ratio_w,
                                               h_crop)  # 将最后且后处理后的坐标点绘制与原图上.
            result_image = util.draw_points(in_x, in_y, ori_image, ratio_w,
                                            ratio_h)  # 将最后且后处理后的坐标点绘制与原图上.

    return out_x, out_y, out_images
Exemple #5
def test(lane_agent, test_images, thresh=p.threshold_point, color=None):

    result = lane_agent.predict_lanes_test(test_images)
    confidences, offsets, instances = result[-1]

    num_batch = len(test_images)

    out_x = []
    out_y = []
    out_images = []

    for i in range(num_batch):
        # test on test data set
        # image = deepcopy(test_images[i])
        image = test_images[i]
        image = np.rollaxis(image, axis=2, start=0)
        image = np.rollaxis(image, axis=2, start=0) * 255.0
        image = image.astype(np.uint8).copy()

        confidence = confidences[i].view(p.grid_y, p.grid_x).cpu().data.numpy()

        offset = offsets[i].cpu().data.numpy()
        offset = np.rollaxis(offset, axis=2, start=0)
        offset = np.rollaxis(offset, axis=2, start=0)

        instance = instances[i].cpu().data.numpy()
        instance = np.rollaxis(instance, axis=2, start=0)
        instance = np.rollaxis(instance, axis=2, start=0)

        # generate point and cluster
        raw_x, raw_y = generate_result(confidence, offset, instance, thresh)

        # eliminate fewer points
        in_x, in_y = eliminate_fewer_points(raw_x, raw_y)

        # sort points along y
        in_x, in_y = util.sort_along_y(in_x, in_y)
        in_x, in_y = eliminate_out(in_x, in_y, confidence)  #, deepcopy(image))
        in_x, in_y = util.sort_along_y(in_x, in_y)
        in_x, in_y = eliminate_fewer_points(in_x, in_y)

        result_image = util.draw_points(in_x, in_y, image,
                                        color)  #deepcopy(image))


    return out_x, out_y, out_images
def solve(world_points_in, image_points_in, pixel_scale, annotate_image=None):
    Find a camera's orientation and pixel scale given a set of world
    coordinates and corresponding set of camera coordinates.

    world_points: Dict mapping point names to triples corresponding with world
                  x, y, z coordinates.
    image_points: Array of dicts mapping point names to triples corresponding
                  with camera x, y coordinates. Coordinates are translated such
                  that 0, 0 corresponds with the centre of the image.
                  One array element per source image.
    annotate_images: Optional array of images to annotate with the fitted

    Return: 4x4 matrix representing the camera's orientation, and a pixel
            pixel scale.

    assert set(world_points_in.keys()) >= set(image_points_in.keys())
    keys = sorted(list(image_points_in.keys()))
    assert len(keys) >= 4

    world_points = hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k])).T for k in keys])
    # Choose a "good" set of 4 basis indices
    basis_indices = [0]
    basis_indices += [argmax([numpy.linalg.norm(world_points[:, i]) for i,k in enumerate(keys)])]
    def dist_from_line(idx):
        v = world_points[:, idx] - world_points[:, basis_indices[0]]
        d = world_points[:, basis_indices[1]] - world_points[:, basis_indices[0]]
        d = d / numpy.linalg.norm(d)
        v -= d * (d.T * v)[0, 0]
        return numpy.linalg.norm(v)
    basis_indices += [argmax([dist_from_line(i) for i,k in enumerate(keys)])]
    def dist_from_plane(idx):
        v = world_points[:, idx] - world_points[:, basis_indices[0]]
        a = world_points[:, basis_indices[1]] - world_points[:, basis_indices[0]]
        b = world_points[:, basis_indices[2]] - world_points[:, basis_indices[0]]
        d = matrix(cross(a.T, b.T).T)
        d = d / numpy.linalg.norm(d)
        return abs((d.T * v)[0, 0])
    basis_indices += [argmax([dist_from_plane(i) for i,k in enumerate(keys)])]
    basis_indices = map(keys.index, ['12a', '11a', '9a', '12b'])

    basis        = hstack(world_points[:, i] for i in basis_indices)
    image_points = hstack([matrix(list(image_points_in[k]) + [pixel_scale]).T for k in keys])
    image_points = image_points / pixel_scale

    print "Basis = %s" % [keys[i] for i in basis_indices]

    # Choose coeffs such that basis * coeffs = P
    # where P is world_points relative to the first basis vector
    def sub_origin(M):
        return M - hstack([basis[:, :1]] * M.shape[1])
    coeffs = sub_origin(basis[:, 1:]).I * sub_origin(world_points)

    # Compute matrix M and such that M * [z0, z1, z2, ... zN] = 0
    # where zi are proportional to the  Z-value of the i'th image point
    def M_for_image_point(idx):
        assert idx not in basis_indices

        out = matrix(zeros((3, len(keys))))

        # Set d,e,f st:
        #   d * (b[1] - b[0]) + e * (b[2] - b[0]) + f * (b[3] - b[0]) =
        #       world_points[idx] - b[0]
        d, e, f = [coeffs[i, key_idx] for i in [0,1,2]]

        out[:, basis_indices[0]:][:,:1] =  (1 - d - e - f) * image_points[:,basis_indices[0]:][:,:1]
        out[:, basis_indices[1]:][:,:1] =  d * image_points[:,basis_indices[1]][:,:1]
        out[:, basis_indices[2]:][:,:1] =  e * image_points[:,basis_indices[2]][:,:1]
        out[:, basis_indices[3]:][:,:1] =  f * image_points[:,basis_indices[3]][:,:1]
        out[:, idx:][:,:1]              = -image_points[:,idx][:,:1]

        return out
    M = vstack([M_for_image_point(key_idx)
                    for key_idx in xrange(len(keys))
                    if key_idx not in basis_indices])

    # Solve for Z by taking the eigenvector corresponding with the smallest
    # eigenvalue.
    eig_vals, eig_vecs = numpy.linalg.eig(M.T * M)
    Z = (eig_vecs.T[eig_vals.argmin()]).T
    print "Eig vecs: %s" % repr(eig_vecs)
    print "Eig vals: %s" % repr(eig_vals)
    print "Min idx: %d" % eig_vals.argmin()
    print "Z = %s" % repr(Z)

    print "M * Z = %s" % repr(M*Z)

    # Project points. The scale of the projected points will be wrong, and the
    # orientation is still unknown.
    camera_points = matrix(array(image_points) * array(vstack([Z.T] * 3)))

    print "Coeffs: %s" % repr(coeffs)
    print "Projected basis: %s" % repr(util.col_slice(camera_points, basis_indices + range(len(keys))))
    print "World basis: %s" % repr(util.col_slice(world_points, basis_indices + range(len(keys))))

    if annotate_image:
        image_points_mat = matrix([[r[0,0]/r[0,2], r[0,1]/r[0,2]] for r in camera_points.T]).T
        image_points_mat *= pixel_scale
                dict(zip(["%f" % Z[i,0] for i in xrange(Z.shape[0])], list(image_points_mat.T))))

    # Compute the rotation and scale from world space to camera space.
    def sub_first(M):
        return M - hstack([M[:, basis_indices[0]:][:,:1]] * M.shape[1])
    P = sub_first(camera_points) * util.right_inverse(sub_first(world_points))

    K, R = map(matrix, scipy.linalg.rq(P))
    for i in xrange(3):
        if K[i,i] < 0:
            R[i:(i+1), :] = -R[i:(i+1), :]
            K[:, i:(i+1)] = -K[:, i:(i+1)]
    print "P = %s" % repr(P)
    print "K = %s" % repr(K)
    print "R = %s" % repr(R)

    scale = 3.0 / sum(K[i,i] for i in xrange(3))
    t = scale * camera_points[:, basis_indices[0]:][:, :1] - R * world_points[:, basis_indices[0]:][:, :1]
    P = hstack((R, t))

    # Annotate the image, if we've been asked to do so.
    if False and annotate_image:
        all_keys = list(world_points_in.keys())
        world_points_mat = hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k]) + [1.0]).T for k in all_keys])
        image_points_mat = P * world_points_mat
        image_points_mat = matrix([[r[0,0]/r[0,2], r[0,1]/r[0,2]] for r in image_points_mat.T]).T
        image_points_mat *= pixel_scale
                         dict(zip(all_keys, list(image_points_mat.T))))

    return P
Exemple #7
    dino1_score[3] = score(3)
    dino1_score[5] = score(5)
    print("score computed")
    dino1_score_mask = [None]*6
    dino1_score_mask[1] = np.zeros_like(dino1)
    dino1_score_mask[3] = np.zeros_like(dino1)
    dino1_score_mask[5] = np.zeros_like(dino1)
    for i in range(1,len(dino1)-1):
        for j in range(1,len(dino1[0])-1):
            for sigma in (1,3,5):
                if dino1_score[sigma][i,j] >= np.amax(dino1_score[sigma][i-1:i+2,j-1:j+2].flatten()):
                    dino1_score_mask[sigma][i,j] = 1
        if not i%100:

    pts = list()
    for i in range(len(dino1_score_mask[5])):
        for j in range(len(dino1_score_mask[5][0])):
            if dino1_score_mask[5][i,j]:
    pts.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
util.draw_points(dino1_color, [sublist[1] for sublist in pts[-50:]])               
def solve(world_points_in, image_points, annotate_images=None,
          initial_matrices=None, initial_bd=0., initial_ps=3000.,
          change_ps=False, change_bd=False, change_pos=True):
    Find a camera's orientation and pixel scale given a set of world
    coordinates and corresponding set of camera coordinates.

    world_points: Map of point names to triples corresponding with world
                  (x, y, z) coordinates.
    image_points: Iterable of dicts mapping point names to pairs
                  corresponding with camera x, y coordinates. Coordinates
                  should be translated such that 0, 0 corresponds with the
                  centre of the image, and Y coordinates increase going top to
                  bottom.  One element per source image.
    annotate_images: Optional iterable of images to annotate with the fitted
    initial_matrices: Optional iterable of initial rotation matrices.
    initial_bd: Optional initial barrel distortion to use.
    initial_ps: Optional initial pixel scale to use.
    change_ps: If True, allow the pixel scale (zoom) to be varied. Algorithm
               can be unstable if initial guess is inaccurate.
    change_bd: If True, allow the barrel distortion to be varied. Algorithm
               can be unstable if initial guess is inaccurate.
    change_pos: If True, allow the camera position to be varied.

    Return: 4x4 matrix representing the camera's orientation, and a pixel
            pixel scale.

    assert all(set(world_points_in.keys()) >= set(p.keys()) for p in image_points)
    keys = [list(p.keys()) for p in image_points]
    world_points = [hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k]) + [1.0]).T for k in sub_keys]) for sub_keys in keys]
    image_points = hstack([hstack([matrix(p[k]).T for k in sub_keys]) for p, sub_keys in zip(image_points, keys)])

    print image_points

    if initial_matrices:
        current_mat = [m for m in initial_matrices]
        current_mat = [util.matrix_trans(0.0, 0.0, 500.0)] * len(keys)
    current_ps = initial_ps
    current_bd = initial_bd

    def camera_to_image(m, ps, bd):
        def map_point(c):
            px, py = calculate_barrel_distortion(bd, ps * c[0, 0] / c[0, 2], ps * c[0, 1] / c[0, 2])
            return [px, py]
        return matrix([map_point(c) for c in m.T]).T

    last_err_float = None
    while True:
        # Calculate the Jacobian
        camera_points = hstack([m * p for m, p in zip(current_mat, world_points)])
        err = image_points - camera_to_image(camera_points, current_ps, current_bd)
        J = make_jacobian(camera_points.T[:, :3], keys, current_ps, current_bd)
        if not change_ps:
            J = hstack([J[:, :-2], J[:, -1:]])
        if not change_bd:
            J = J[:, :-1]
        if not change_pos:
            for i in xrange(len(keys)):
                J[:, (6 * i):(6 * i + 3)] = zeros((J.shape[0], 3))

        # Invert the Jacobian and calculate the change in parameters.
        # Limit angle changes to avoid chaotic behaviour.
        err = err.T.reshape(2 * sum(len(sub_keys) for sub_keys in keys), 1)
        param_delta = numpy.linalg.pinv(J) * (STEP_FRACTION * err)

        # Calculate the error (as sum of squares), and abort if the error has
        # stopped decreasing.
        err_float = (err.T * err)[0, 0]
        print "Error: %f" % err_float
        print err
        if last_err_float != None and abs(err_float - last_err_float) < ERROR_CUTOFF:
        last_err_float = err_float

        # Apply the parameter delta.
        for i in xrange(len(keys)):
            if change_pos:
                current_mat[i] = util.matrix_trans(param_delta[6 * i + 0, 0], param_delta[6 * i + 1, 0], param_delta[6 * i + 2, 0]) * current_mat[i]
            current_mat[i] = util.matrix_rotate_x(param_delta[6 * i + 3, 0]) * current_mat[i]
            current_mat[i] = util.matrix_rotate_y(param_delta[6 * i + 4, 0]) * current_mat[i]
            current_mat[i] = util.matrix_rotate_z(param_delta[6 * i + 5, 0]) * current_mat[i]

        if change_ps:
            current_ps += param_delta[6 * len(keys), 0]

        if change_bd:
            current_bd += param_delta[6 * len(keys) + 1, 0]

    if annotate_images:
        all_keys = list(world_points_in.keys())
        all_world_points = hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k]) + [1.0]).T for k in all_keys])
        for i, annotate_image in enumerate(annotate_images):
            all_camera_points = current_mat[i] * all_world_points
                             dict(zip(all_keys, camera_to_image(all_camera_points, current_ps, current_bd).T)))
    return current_mat, current_ps, current_bd
Exemple #9
def draw_reprojected(R, T, pixel_scale, world_points, annotate_image, color=(255, 0, 0)):
    keys = list(world_points.keys())
    reprojected = project_points(R, T, pixel_scale, world_points, keys)

    for key in keys:
        util.draw_points(annotate_image, dict(zip(keys, list(reprojected.T))), color=color)
    def search_lines(self,b_img):
        histogram = np.sum(b_img[int(b_img.shape[0]/2):, :], axis=0)

        monitor = np.dstack((b_img, b_img, b_img))
        midpoint = np.int(histogram.shape[0] / 2)
        left_sk = np.linspace(0.3, 1, 0.85*midpoint)
        left_sk = np.concatenate([left_sk,np.linspace(1, 0, 0.15*midpoint)])
        right_sk = np.linspace(0, 1, 0.15*midpoint)
        right_sk = np.concatenate([right_sk,np.linspace(1, 0.3, 0.85*midpoint)])
        left_x_max = np.argmax(left_sk*histogram[:midpoint]) 
        right_x_max = np.argmax(right_sk*histogram[midpoint:]) + midpoint

        window_height = np.int(b_img.shape[0]/self.n_windows)
        current_left = left_x_max
        current_right = right_x_max
        left_lane_x = []
        right_lane_x = []
        left_lane_y = []
        right_lane_y = []
        for windows in range(self.n_windows):
            win_y_low = b_img.shape[0] - (windows+1) * window_height
            win_y_high = win_y_low + window_height
            left_x_low = current_left - self.windows_width
            left_x_high = current_left + self.windows_width
            right_x_low = current_right - self.windows_width
            right_x_high = current_right + self.windows_width
            cv2.rectangle(monitor, (left_x_low, win_y_low), (left_x_high, win_y_high), (0, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.rectangle(monitor, (right_x_low, win_y_low), (right_x_high, win_y_high), (0, 255, 255), 2)
            left_x = np.array(b_img[win_y_low:win_y_high,left_x_low:left_x_high].nonzero()[1]) + left_x_low
            left_y = np.array(b_img[win_y_low:win_y_high,left_x_low:left_x_high].nonzero()[0]) + win_y_low
            right_x = b_img[win_y_low:win_y_high,right_x_low:right_x_high].nonzero()[1] + right_x_low
            right_y = b_img[win_y_low:win_y_high,right_x_low:right_x_high].nonzero()[0] + win_y_low

            # If you found > minpix pixels, recenter next window on their mean position
            if len(left_x) > self.min_pixel_num:
                current_left = np.int(np.mean(left_x))
            if len(right_x) > self.min_pixel_num:
                current_right = np.int(np.mean(right_x))
        lx = np.concatenate(left_lane_x)
        ly = np.concatenate(left_lane_y)
        rx = np.concatenate(right_lane_x)
        ry = np.concatenate(right_lane_y)

        self.left.current_line = [lx,ly]
        self.right.current_line = [rx,ry]
        ploty = np.linspace(0, b_img.shape[0] - 1, b_img.shape[0])
        left_fit = np.polyfit(ly, lx, self.poly_order)
        right_fit = np.polyfit(ry, rx, self.poly_order)
        line_left = np.poly1d(left_fit)
        line_right = np.poly1d(right_fit)
        y1 = line_left(ploty)
        y2 = line_right(ploty)
        if (len(rx)>2000) & (len(lx) >2000):
            self.left.detect = True
            self.right.detect = True
            self.left.detect = False
            self.right.detect = False
        num = 5
        if len(self.left.prevx) > num:
            left_avg_line = smoothing(self.left.prevx, num, self.display)
            left_avg_fit = np.polyfit(ploty, left_avg_line, self.poly_order)
            l = np.poly1d(left_avg_fit)
            left_fit_plotx = l(ploty)
            self.left.current_fit = left_avg_fit
            self.left.allx, self.left.ally = left_fit_plotx, ploty
            self.left.current_fit = left_fit
            self.left.allx, self.left.ally = y1, ploty
        if len(self.right.prevx) > num:
            right_avg_line = smoothing(self.right.prevx, num, self.display)
            right_avg_fit = np.polyfit(ploty, right_avg_line, self.poly_order)
            r = np.poly1d(right_avg_fit)
            right_fit_plotx = r(ploty)
            self.right.current_fit = right_avg_fit
            self.right.allx, self.right.ally = right_fit_plotx, ploty
            self.right.current_fit = right_fit
            self.right.allx, self.right.ally = y2, ploty

        return monitor