Exemple #1
def RestTest():

    l_2w = ReadFile(data_path + 'train_2w.txt')
    l_all = ReadFile(data_path + 'list.txt')

    te_out = open(data_path + 'test_rest.txt', 'w')

    tr_imgs_path = []
    te_imgs_path = []

    for ind, line in enumerate(l_2w):
        tr_imgs_path.append(line.split(' ')[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0])
    print str(len(tr_imgs_path))

    for l in l_all:
        if l + '_128' not in tr_imgs_path:
            im_path = img_path + l + '_128.jpg'
            p3_path = para_path + l + '_pose.mat'

            Euler = sio.loadmat(p3_path)['Euler_Para'][0]
            pitch = degrees(Euler[0])
            yaw = degrees(Euler[1])
            roll = degrees(Euler[2])
            roll = roll - align_degree[prefix.index(l)] - disturb_degree[

            te_out.writelines(im_path + ' ' + str(pitch) + ' ' + str(yaw) +
                              ' ' + str(roll))

    print str(len(te_imgs_path))

Exemple #2
def invFile(filenameIn, filenameOut):
    print " -- Checking if we need to invert?",
    # Find the amount of translation we need to do!
    data = ReadFile(filenameIn)
    dataLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip() and not l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    CommentLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip() and l.strip().startswith("#") ]

    xmin,xmax = None,None
    outData = CommentLines
    for l in dataLines:
        i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)
        xmin = min( [xmin,x,X] ) if xmin != None else min( [x,X] )
        xmax = max( [xmax,x,X] ) if xmax != None else max( [x,X] )
    if not( xmin<=0 and xmax <=0):
        print "  No, xmin,max:", xmin,xmax 
        WriteFile(filenameOut, data)
        print "  Yes, xmin,max:", xmin,xmax
        # Ok, we have no positive x's:
        outData = CommentLines
        for l in dataLines:
            i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)
            x = x * -1
            X = X * -1
            outData.append( "\t".join( [str(g) for g in [i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p] ] ) )
        WriteFile( filenameOut, "\n".join( outData) )
Exemple #3
def nrnXYZToSWC(srcFilename, sinkFilename):
    datestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d-%B-%Y")
    print " -- Converting to SWC"
    # Find the amount of translation we need to do!
    data = ReadFile(srcFilename)
    dataLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip() and not l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    CommentLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip and l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    outData = CommentLines + ["# Converted from xyz to swc using nrnXYZtoSWC.py" + " on: %s" %datestr] #["# Translated by (%d,%d,%d) using nrnTranslate.py"%translation + " On: %s"%datestr] + ["# Corrected for shrinkage (x1.28) using nrnScaled.py" + " On: %s"%datestr] + ["# Files Concatenated by nrnConcatenate.py" + " on: %s"%datestr] + ["# Converted from xyz to swc using nrnXYZtoSWC.py" + " on: %s" %datestr] 
    for l in dataLines:
        i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)

        sX = (float(x)+float(X)) / 2.0
        sY = (float(y)+float(Y)) / 2.0
        sZ = (float(z)+float(Z)) / 2.0
        dX = float(x) - float(X)
        dY = float(y) - float(Y)
        dZ = float(z) - float(Z)
        d = math.sqrt( dX**2 + dY**2 + dZ**2 )
        r = d / 2.0
        r = r if r > 0.15 else 0.15
        outData.append( "\t".join( [str(g) for g in [i,t,sX,sY,sZ,r,p] ] ) )
    WriteFile( sinkFilename, "\n".join( outData) )
Exemple #4
def nrnScale(srcFilename, sinkFilename, scaleFactor):
    datestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d-%B-%Y")
    # Find the amount of translation we need to do!
    data = ReadFile(srcFilename)
    dataLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip() and not l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    CommentLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip() and l.strip().startswith("#") ]

    outData = CommentLines + ["# Corrected for shrinkage (x1.28) using nrnScaled.py" + " On: %s"%datestr]
    for l in dataLines:
        i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)
        x *= scaleFactor
        y *= scaleFactor
        z *= scaleFactor
        X *= scaleFactor
        Y *= scaleFactor
        Z *= scaleFactor
        outData.append( "\t".join( [str(g) for g in [i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p] ] ) )
    WriteFile( sinkFilename, "\n".join( outData) )
Exemple #5
def nrnTranslate( nsFilenameSrc, nrnFilenameSrc,nsFilenameSink, nrnFilenameSink):
    print " -- Finding Translation"
    nsData = ReadFile(nsFilenameSrc)
    # Find the amount of translation we need to do!
    dataLines = [l for l in nsData.split("\n") if l.strip() and not l.strip().startswith("#") ]

    tPoint = None
    for l in dataLines:
        i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)

        if p==-1 and t==9:
            assert not tPoint
            tPoint = (-1.0*x,-1.0*y,-1.0*z)
    assert tPoint
    print " -- Translating by", tPoint  
    TranslateFile(nsFilenameSrc, nsFilenameSink, tPoint)
    TranslateFile(nrnFilenameSrc, nrnFilenameSink, tPoint)
Exemple #6
def CheckInFile(file_name, Checker):
    lines = ReadFile(file_name)
    comment_lines = Checker.GetCommentLines(lines)
    single_line_comments = Checker.GetSingleLineComments(lines)
    block_comment_lines = Checker.GetBlockCommentLines(lines)
    total_block_comments = Checker.CountBlockComments(lines)
    total_TODOs = Checker.CountTODOs(lines)
    print("Total # of lines: ", len(lines))
    print("Total # of comment lines: ", len(comment_lines))
    print("Total # of single line comments: ", len(single_line_comments))
    print("Total # of comment lines within block comments: ",
    print("Total # of block line comments: ", total_block_comments)
    print("Total # of TODO's: ", total_TODOs)
Exemple #7
def TranslateFile(filenameIn, filenameOut, translation):
    datestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d-%B-%Y")
    # Find the amount of translation we need to do!
    data = ReadFile(filenameIn)
    dataLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip() and not l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    CommentLines = [l for l in data.split("\n") if l.strip() and l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    # copies comment lines and adds comment line showing the processing that's been done plus date.
    #outData = CommentLines + ["# Translated by (%d,%d,%d) using nrnTranslate.py"%translation] + ["# On: %s"%datestr]
    outData = CommentLines + ["# Translated by (%d,%d,%d) using nrnTranslate.py"%translation + " On: %s"%datestr]
    #outData = outData + ["# On: %s"%datestr] 
    for l in dataLines:
        i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)

        x = x + translation[0]
        y = y + translation[0]
        z = z + translation[0]
        X = X + translation[0]
        Y = Y + translation[0]
        Z = Z + translation[0]
        outData.append( "\t".join( [str(g) for g in [i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p] ] ) )
    WriteFile( filenameOut, "\n".join( outData) )
Exemple #8
def SplitTxt():

    lines = ReadFile(data_path + 'test_3w6.txt')
    new_ind = np.random.permutation(len(lines)).tolist()
    new_lines = []
    for ind in new_ind:
    tr_num = 20000
    tr_lines = new_lines[:tr_num]
    te_lines = new_lines[tr_num:]

    out_tr = open(data_path + 'train_rest_2w.txt', 'w')
    out_te = open(data_path + 'test_rest_1w6.txt', 'w')

    for tr in tr_lines:
    for te in te_lines:
def nrnConcatenateXYZS( srcFilename1, srcFilename2, sinkFilename):
    datestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d-%B-%Y")
    print " -- Concatentating Files"
    D1 = ReadFile(srcFilename1)
    D2 = ReadFile(srcFilename2)

    dataLines1 = [l for l in D1.split("\n") if l.strip() and not l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    dataLines2 = [l for l in D2.split("\n") if l.strip() and not l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    CommentLines1 = [l for l in D1.split("\n") if l.strip() and l.strip().startswith("#") ]
    CommentLines2 = [l for l in D2.split("\n") if l.strip() and l.strip().startswith("#") ]

    # copies comment lines and adds comment line showing the processing that's been done plus date.
    #outData = [ "#Comment From File1: %s"%srcFilename1 ] + CommentLines1 + [	"#Comment From File2: %s"%srcFilename2 ] + CommentLines2 + ["# Files Concatenated by nrnConcatenate.py" + " on: %s"%datestr]
    outData = CommentLines1 + CommentLines2 + ["# Files Concatenated by nrnConcatenate.py" + " on: %s"%datestr] 
    # Remap the id's
    # Write Datafile 1
    idMap = {}
    for l in dataLines1:
        i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)
        new_id = len(idMap) + 1
        new_p = p if p ==-1 else idMap[ (0,p) ]
        outData.append( "\t".join( [str(g) for g in [new_id,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,new_p] ] ) ) 
        idMap[ (0,i) ] = new_id
    #print srcFilename2
    # Write Datafile 2
    for l in dataLines2:
        #print l
        i,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,p = extractXYZLine(l)
        new_id = len(idMap) + 1
        #print p
        new_p = p if p ==-1 else idMap[(1,p)]
        outData.append( "\t".join( [str(g) for g in [new_id,t,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,new_p] ] ) ) 
        idMap[(1,i)] = new_id
    WriteFile( sinkFilename, "\n".join( outData) )
Exemple #10
def WriteHdf5(setname):

    IMAGE_SIZE = (128, 128)
    MEAN_VALUE = 0

    filename = data_path + setname + '.txt'

    lines = ReadFile(filename)

    sample_size = len(lines)
    imgs = np.zeros((
    ) + IMAGE_SIZE, dtype=np.float32)
    poses = np.zeros((sample_size, 3), dtype=np.float32)

    h5_filename = '{}.h5'.format(setname)
    with h5py.File(h5_filename, 'w') as h:
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            image_name, pitch, yaw, roll = line.split()
            img = cv2.imread(image_name).astype(np.float32)
            img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)

            img = img.reshape((1, ) + img.shape)
            img -= MEAN_VALUE
            imgs[i] = img
            poses[i] = [float(pitch), float(yaw), float(roll)]
            if (i + 1) % 1000 == 0:
                print('processed {} images!'.format(i + 1))
        h.create_dataset('data', data=imgs)
        h.create_dataset('pose', data=poses)

    print "save h5 file"
    with open('{}_h5.txt'.format(setname), 'w') as f:
Exemple #11
    forward_kwargs = {'data': image.astype(np.float32)}
    blobs_out = net.forward(**forward_kwargs)

    euler = net.blobs['poselayer'].data[0].tolist()

    return euler

model_dir = '/Users/momo/Desktop/Euler/Model/'
prototxt = model_dir + 'resSmallV2_noBN_Ridge_bigyawpitch_731.prototxt'
caffemodel = prototxt.replace('prototxt', 'caffemodel')
net = caffe.Net(prototxt, caffemodel, caffe.TEST)

imgSize = 128
train_names = ReadFile('/Users/momo/Desktop/MoGaze/data/train/head/img.txt')
train_names = np.random.permutation(train_names)
#test_names = ReadFile('/Users/momo/Desktop/MoGaze/data/train/head/img.txt')

f = open('./test_head_lo.txt','w')
for name in train_names:
    ori_img = cv2.imread(name)
    crop_img = ori_img[ori_img.shape[0] // 2 - 200:ori_img.shape[0] // 2 + 200,
               ori_img.shape[1] // 2 - 200:ori_img.shape[1] // 2 + 200]

    euler = TestAImage(crop_img, net)
    euler = np.asarray([euler[1], euler[0]]).astype(np.float32)

    f.writelines(name.split('/')[-1].strip('.png') + '\n')
Exemple #12
def Gen_txt():

    pre_list = ReadFile(data_path + 'list_96.txt')

    tr_num = 36000
    te_num = 1000

    tr_out = open(data_path + '96_train_%d.txt' % (tr_num), 'w')
    te_out = open(data_path + '96_test_%d.txt' % (te_num), 'w')
    re_out = open(data_path + '96_test_rest.txt', 'w')

    tr_start_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(pre_list) - tr_num - te_num)

    new_ind = np.random.permutation(len(pre_list))
    tr_ind = new_ind[tr_start_ind:tr_start_ind + tr_num]
    te_ind = new_ind[tr_start_ind + tr_num:tr_start_ind + tr_num + te_num]

    for ti in tr_ind:
        p = pre_list[ti]
        im_path = img_path + p + '_128.jpg'
        p3_path = para_path + p + '_pose.mat'

        Euler = sio.loadmat(p3_path)['Euler_Para'][0]
        pitch = degrees(Euler[0])
        yaw = degrees(Euler[1])
        roll = degrees(Euler[2])

        # ***** validation roll *********
        #         img = cv2.imread(im_path.replace('/input_96/', '/img/').replace('_128.jpg', '.jpg'))
        #         cv2.imshow("ori_img", img)
        #         small_img_ro = cv2.imread(im_path)
        #         M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((img.shape[1] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2), roll, 1)
        #         big_img_ro = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]))
        #         cv2.putText(small_img_ro, str(roll), (40, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1,
        #                     (200, 20, 200), 1)
        #         cv2.imshow("ori_img_ro", big_img_ro)
        #         cv2.imshow("small_img_ro", small_img_ro)
        #         cv2.waitKey()
        # *********************************
        tr_out.writelines(im_path + ' ' + str(pitch) + ' ' + str(yaw) + ' ' +

    for te in te_ind:
        p = pre_list[te]
        im_path = img_path + p + '_128.jpg'
        p3_path = para_path + p + '_pose.mat'

        Euler = sio.loadmat(p3_path)['Euler_Para'][0]
        pitch = degrees(Euler[0])
        yaw = degrees(Euler[1])
        roll = degrees(Euler[2])

        te_out.writelines(im_path + ' ' + str(pitch) + ' ' + str(yaw) + ' ' +

    cou = 0
    for s in new_ind:
        if s not in tr_ind and s not in te_ind:
            p = pre_list[s]
            im_path = img_path + p + '_128.jpg'
            p3_path = para_path + p + '_pose.mat'

            Euler = sio.loadmat(p3_path)['Euler_Para'][0]
            pitch = degrees(Euler[0])
            yaw = degrees(Euler[1])
            roll = degrees(Euler[2])

            re_out.writelines(im_path + ' ' + str(pitch) + ' ' + str(yaw) +
                              ' ' + str(roll))
            cou += 1
    print " the rest number of samples : " + str(len(pre_list) - cou)
    print " = " + str(len(pre_list) - len(tr_ind) - len(te_ind))