def main(parsedGOOutput, schemaProteins, tableGOInfo, databasePassword):

    # ===========================================================================
    # Extract and format the parsed GO data.
    # ===========================================================================
    GOData = utilities.file2list.main(parsedGOOutput)
    GOData = [eval(i) for i in GOData]
    GODict = dict([(i[0], i) for i in GOData])

    # ===========================================================================
    # Extract the GO information recorded in the database.
    # ===========================================================================
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, "*", tableGOInfo)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # ===========================================================================
    # Compare the parsed data with the data recorded in the table.
    # ===========================================================================
    columnIndices = range(1, len(GOData[0]))
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " + tableGOInfo)
    columns = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    columns = [i[0] for i in columns]

    toRemove = []
    toUpdate = {}
    toAdd = GODict.keys()
    for i in results:
        geneID = i[0]
        if GODict.has_key(geneID):
            # If the key is in both the parsed file and the table, then it does not need to be added.
            # Compare the row from the table with the parsed file, to determine if the table needs updating.
            for j in columnIndices:
                if i[j] != GODict[geneID][j]:
                    if not toUpdate.has_key(geneID):
                        toUpdate[geneID] = []
            # If the key is in the table, but not in the parsed file, then the row needs to be removed.
    values = "(" + ("%s," * len(GOData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ")"

    # ===========================================================================
    # Remove rows from the table that are not in the parsed file.
    # ===========================================================================
    for i in toRemove:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.rowDELETE(cursor, tableGOInfo, 'GOTermID="' + str(i) + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print "\tEntries removed from the GO table: ", len(toRemove)

    # ===========================================================================
    # Update rows that have different values in the parsed file and the table.
    # ===========================================================================
    for i in toUpdate.keys():
        toSet = []
        for j in toUpdate[i]:
            updateString = columns[j] + ' = "' + GODict[i][j] + '"'
        toSet = ", ".join(toSet)
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableGOInfo, toSet, 'GOTermID="' + str(i) + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print "\tEntries updated in the GO table: ", len(toUpdate)

    # ===========================================================================
    # Add rows which are not in the table, but are in the parsed file.
    # ===========================================================================
    # Split the records to be inserted into smaller chunks so the database connection is not lost
    # In order to get this to work you need to increase the size of max_allowed_packet for the
    # MySQL server. This is because the size of some of the paths is very large.
    # I did this by altering the default my.ini file to contain the line:
    # max_allowed_packets=32M
    # and put this line under the [mysqld] section
    rowsToAdd = [GODict[i] for i in toAdd]
    length = len(rowsToAdd)
    itemsInSplit = 5
    numberOfSplits = length / itemsInSplit
    if length % itemsInSplit != 0:
        numberOfSplits += 1
    recordsToInsert = [rowsToAdd[i * itemsInSplit : (i + 1) * itemsInSplit] for i in range(numberOfSplits)]
    for i in recordsToInsert:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableGOInfo, values, i)
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print "\tEntries added to the GO table: ", len(toAdd)
def main(UPPPIData, schemaProteins, tablePPI, databasePassword):

    # Extract and format the parsed gene data.
    ppiData = utilities.file2list.main(UPPPIData)
    ppiData = [eval(i) for i in ppiData]
    ppiDict = dict([(tuple([i[0], i[1]]), i) for i in ppiData])

    # Extract the gene information recorded in the database.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, '*', tablePPI)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # Compare the parsed data with the data recorded in the table.
    columnIndices = range(1, len(ppiData[0]))
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' + tablePPI)
    columns = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    columns = [i[0] for i in columns]

    toRemove = []
    toUpdate = {}
    toAdd = ppiDict.keys()
    for i in results:
        proteinOne = i[0]
        proteinTwo = i[1]
        dictKey = tuple([proteinOne, proteinTwo])
        if ppiDict.has_key(dictKey):
            # If the key is in both the parsed file and the table, then it does not need to be added.
            # Compare the row from the table with the parsed file, to determine if the table needs updating.
            for j in columnIndices:
                if i[j] != ppiDict[dictKey][j]:
                    if not toUpdate.has_key(dictKey):
                        toUpdate[dictKey] = []
            # If the key is in the table, but not in the parsed file, then the row needs to be removed.
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(ppiData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'

    # Remove rows from the table that are not in the parsed file.
    for i in toRemove:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.rowDELETE(cursor, tablePPI, 'PPIProteinOne="' + i[0] + '" AND PPIProteinTwo="' + i[1] + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries removed from the PPI table: ', len(toRemove)

    # Update rows that have different values in the parsed file and the table.
    for i in toUpdate.keys():
        toSet = []
        for j in toUpdate[i]:
            updateString = columns[j] + ' = "' + str(ppiDict[i][j]) + '"'
        toSet = ', '.join(toSet)
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tablePPI, toSet, 'PPIProteinOne="' + i[0] + '" AND PPIProteinTwo="' + i[1] + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries updated in the PPI table: ', len(toUpdate)

    # Add rows which are not in the table, but are in the parsed file.
    rowsToAdd = [ppiDict[i] for i in toAdd]
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tablePPI, values, rowsToAdd)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries added to the PPI table: ', len(toAdd)
def main(unigeneParsedOutput, unigeneParsedTotals, schemaProteins, tableUniGene, tableUniGeneTotals, databasePassword):

    # Extract and format the parsed UniGene data, and the UniGene expression totals.
    UGData = utilities.file2list.main(unigeneParsedOutput)
    UGData = [tuple([int(j) for j in eval(i)]) for i in UGData]
    UGDict = dict([(i[0], i) for i in UGData])

    UGTotalsData = utilities.file2list.main(unigeneParsedTotals)
    UGTotalsData = [tuple([j[0], eval(j[1])]) for j in [eval(i) for i in UGTotalsData]]

    # Extract the UniGene information recorded in the database.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, '*', tableUniGene)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # Compare the parsed data with the data recorded in the expression table.
    columnIndices = range(1, len(UGData[0]))
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' + tableUniGene)
    columns = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    columns = [i[0] for i in columns]

    toRemove = []
    toUpdate = {}
    toAdd = UGDict.keys()
    for i in results:
        UniGeneID = i[0]
        if UGDict.has_key(UniGeneID):
            # If the key is in both the parsed file and the expression table, then it does not need to be added.
            # Compare the row from the expression table with the parsed file, to determine if the expression table needs updating.
            for j in columnIndices:
                if i[j] != UGDict[UniGeneID][j]:
                    if not toUpdate.has_key(UniGeneID):
                        toUpdate[UniGeneID] = []
            # If the key is in the expression table, but not in the parsed file, then the row needs to be removed.
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(UGData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'

    # Remove rows from the expression table that are not in the parsed file.
    for i in toRemove:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.rowDELETE(cursor, tableUniGene, 'UniGeneID="' + i + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries removed from the UniGene table: ', len(toRemove)

    # Update rows that have different values in the parsed file and the expression table.
    for i in toUpdate.keys():
        toSet = []
        for j in toUpdate[i]:
            updateString = columns[j] + ' = "' + UGDict[i][j] + '"'
        toSet = ', '.join(toSet)
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableUniGene, toSet, 'UniGeneID="' + i + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries updated in the UniGene table: ', len(toUpdate)

    # Add rows which are not in the expression table, but are in the parsed file.
    rowsToAdd = [UGDict[i] for i in toAdd]
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniGene, values, rowsToAdd)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries added to the UniGene table: ', len(toAdd)

    # Enter the expression totals in the totals table.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableUniGeneTotals)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(UGTotalsData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniGeneTotals, values, UGTotalsData)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tUniGene totals table updated.'