def main(cosmicParsedGene, cosmicParsedGene2Mutation, cosmicParsedMutation, databasePassword, schemaProteins,
         tableCOSMICGene, tableCOSMICGene2Mutation, tableCOSMICMutation):

    # Extract and format the parsed data.
    cosmicGene = utilities.file2list.main(cosmicParsedGene)
    cosmicGene = [eval(i) for i in cosmicGene]
    cosmicGene2Mutation = utilities.file2list.main(cosmicParsedGene2Mutation)
    cosmicGene2Mutation = [eval(i) for i in cosmicGene2Mutation]
    cosmicMutation = utilities.file2list.main(cosmicParsedMutation)
    cosmicMutation = [eval(i) for i in cosmicMutation]

    # Update the database tables.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(cosmicGene[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableCOSMICGene, values, cosmicGene)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(cosmicMutation[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableCOSMICMutation, values, cosmicMutation)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(cosmicGene2Mutation[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableCOSMICGene2Mutation, values, cosmicGene2Mutation)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def update_gene_table(ensemblParsedTranscripts, schemaProteins, tableEnsemblGene, databasePassword):

    # ===========================================================================
    # Extract and format the parsed gene data.
    # ===========================================================================
    geneData = utilities.file2list.main(ensemblParsedTranscripts)
    geneData = [eval(i) for i in geneData]
    geneDict = dict([(i[0], i) for i in geneData])
    values = "(" + ("%s," * len(geneData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ")"

    rowsToAdd = geneData
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute("TRUNCATE " + tableEnsemblGene)
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableEnsemblGene, values, rowsToAdd)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print "\tEntries added to the Ensembl gene table: ", len(rowsToAdd)
def update_homolog_table(ensemblParsedHomology, schemaProteins, tableHomologs, databasePassword):

    # ===========================================================================
    # Extract and format the parsed gene data.
    # ===========================================================================
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute("TRUNCATE " + tableHomologs)
    readVariants = open(ensemblParsedHomology, "r")
    count = 0
    for line in readVariants:
        count += 1
        line = eval(line)
        values = "(" + ("%s," * len(line))
        values = values[:-1] + ")"
            cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableHomologs, values, [line])
            print line
            print count
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(UPPPIData, schemaProteins, tablePPI, databasePassword):

    # Extract and format the parsed gene data.
    ppiData = utilities.file2list.main(UPPPIData)
    ppiData = [eval(i) for i in ppiData]
    ppiDict = dict([(tuple([i[0], i[1]]), i) for i in ppiData])

    # Extract the gene information recorded in the database.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, '*', tablePPI)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # Compare the parsed data with the data recorded in the table.
    columnIndices = range(1, len(ppiData[0]))
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' + tablePPI)
    columns = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    columns = [i[0] for i in columns]

    toRemove = []
    toUpdate = {}
    toAdd = ppiDict.keys()
    for i in results:
        proteinOne = i[0]
        proteinTwo = i[1]
        dictKey = tuple([proteinOne, proteinTwo])
        if ppiDict.has_key(dictKey):
            # If the key is in both the parsed file and the table, then it does not need to be added.
            # Compare the row from the table with the parsed file, to determine if the table needs updating.
            for j in columnIndices:
                if i[j] != ppiDict[dictKey][j]:
                    if not toUpdate.has_key(dictKey):
                        toUpdate[dictKey] = []
            # If the key is in the table, but not in the parsed file, then the row needs to be removed.
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(ppiData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'

    # Remove rows from the table that are not in the parsed file.
    for i in toRemove:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.rowDELETE(cursor, tablePPI, 'PPIProteinOne="' + i[0] + '" AND PPIProteinTwo="' + i[1] + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries removed from the PPI table: ', len(toRemove)

    # Update rows that have different values in the parsed file and the table.
    for i in toUpdate.keys():
        toSet = []
        for j in toUpdate[i]:
            updateString = columns[j] + ' = "' + str(ppiDict[i][j]) + '"'
        toSet = ', '.join(toSet)
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tablePPI, toSet, 'PPIProteinOne="' + i[0] + '" AND PPIProteinTwo="' + i[1] + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries updated in the PPI table: ', len(toUpdate)

    # Add rows which are not in the table, but are in the parsed file.
    rowsToAdd = [ppiDict[i] for i in toAdd]
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tablePPI, values, rowsToAdd)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries added to the PPI table: ', len(toAdd)
def main(databasePassword, schemaPharmGKB, pharmGKBDiseases, pharmGKBDrugs, pharmGKBGenes, pharmGKBRelationships,
         pharmGKBInitialisation, MYSQLBIN):

    # Define the tables needed.
    tableDisease = schemaPharmGKB + '.disease'
    tableDrug = schemaPharmGKB + '.drug'
    tableGene = schemaPharmGKB + '.gene'
    tableDrug2Drug = schemaPharmGKB + '.drug2drug'
    tableDrug2DrugClass = schemaPharmGKB + '.drug2drugclass'
    tableDrug2Disease = schemaPharmGKB + '.drug2disease'
    tableDrug2Gene = schemaPharmGKB + '.drug2gene'
    tableDrugClass2Disease = schemaPharmGKB + '.drugclass2disease'
    tableDrugClass2Gene = schemaPharmGKB + '.drugclass2gene'
    tableGene2Disease = schemaPharmGKB + '.gene2disease'
    tableGene2Gene = schemaPharmGKB + '.gene2gene'
    tableDisease2MeSH = schemaPharmGKB + '.disease2mesh'
    tableDisease2SnoMED = schemaPharmGKB + '.disease2snomed'
    tableDisease2UMLS = schemaPharmGKB + '.disease2umls'

    # Create the schema and the tables.'mysql.exe -u root -p' + databasePassword + ' mysql < ' + pharmGKBInitialisation, shell=True, cwd=MYSQLBIN)

    # Parse the files that contain the data to enter into the database.
    diseaseTuples = []
    meshTuples = []
    snomedTuples = []
    umlsTuples = []
    readIn = open(pharmGKBDiseases, 'r')
    readIn.readline()  # Strip off the header of the file.
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split('\t')
        diseaseID = chunks[0]
        diseaseName = chunks[1]
        diseaseTuples.append(tuple([diseaseID, diseaseName]))
        externalVocab = chunks[4]
        mesh = re.findall('(?<=MeSH:)D[0-9]+', externalVocab)
        meshTuples.extend([tuple([diseaseID, i]) for i in mesh])
        snomed = re.findall('(?<=SnoMedCT:)[0-9]+', externalVocab)
        snomedTuples.extend([tuple([diseaseID, i]) for i in snomed])
        umls = re.findall('(?<=UMLS:)C[0-9]+', externalVocab)
        umlsTuples.extend([tuple([diseaseID, i]) for i in umls])

    drugTuples = []
    readIn = open(pharmGKBDrugs, 'r')
    readIn.readline()  # Strip off the header of the file.
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split('\t')
        drugID = chunks[0]
        drugName = chunks[1]
        compoundType = chunks[5]
        if compoundType == 'Drug/Small Molecule':
            compoundType = 'Drug'
        xrefs = chunks[6]
        drugBank = re.findall('(?<=drugBank:)DB[0-9]+', xrefs)
        drugBank = drugBank[0] if drugBank != [] else 'NA'
        pubchemCID = re.findall('(?<=pubChemCompound:)[0-9]+', xrefs)
        pubchemCID = pubchemCID[0] if pubchemCID != [] else 'NA'
        drugTuples.append(tuple([drugID, drugName, compoundType, drugBank, pubchemCID]))

    geneTuples = []
    readIn = open(pharmGKBGenes, 'r')
    readIn.readline()  # Strip off the header of the file.
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split('\t')
        geneID = chunks[0]
        entrezID = chunks[1]
        if entrezID == '':
            entrezID = '0'
        geneTuples.append(tuple([geneID, entrezID]))

    drug2drugTuples = []
    drug2drugClassTuples = {}
    drug2diseaseTuples = []
    drugClass2diseaseTuples = []
    drug2geneTuples = {}
    drugClass2geneTuples = {}
    gene2diseaseTuples = {}
    gene2geneTuples = {}
    readIn = open(pharmGKBRelationships, 'r')
    readIn.readline()  # Strip off the header of the file.
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split('\t')
        entityOne = chunks[0].split(':')
        entityTwo = chunks[2].split(':')
        evidence = chunks[5]
        publication = 'Y' if 'Publication' in evidence else 'N'
        pathway = 'Y' if 'Pathway' in evidence else 'N'
        variant = 'Y' if 'Variant' in evidence else 'N'
        if entityOne[0] == 'Drug':
            if entityTwo[0] == 'Drug':
                drug2drugTuples.append(tuple([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1], pathway, publication, variant]))
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Drug Class':
                key = tuple([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1]])
                if drug2drugClassTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or drug2drugClassTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or drug2drugClassTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or drug2drugClassTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    drug2drugClassTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    drug2drugClassTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Gene':
                key = tuple([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1]])
                if drug2geneTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or drug2geneTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or drug2geneTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or drug2geneTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    drug2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    drug2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Disease':
                drug2diseaseTuples.append(tuple([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1], pathway, publication, variant]))
        elif entityOne[0] == 'Gene':
            if entityTwo[0] == 'Drug':
                key = tuple([entityTwo[1], entityOne[1]])
                if drug2geneTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or drug2geneTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or drug2geneTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or drug2geneTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    drug2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    drug2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Drug Class':
                key = tuple([entityTwo[1], entityOne[1]])
                if drugClass2geneTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or drugClass2geneTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or drugClass2geneTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or drugClass2geneTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    drugClass2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    drugClass2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Disease':
                key = tuple([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1]])
                if gene2diseaseTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or gene2diseaseTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or gene2diseaseTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or gene2diseaseTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    gene2diseaseTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    gene2diseaseTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Gene':
                key = tuple(sorted([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1]]))
                if gene2geneTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or gene2geneTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or gene2geneTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or gene2geneTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    gene2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    gene2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
        elif entityOne[0] == 'Disease':
            if entityTwo[0] == 'Drug':
                drug2diseaseTuples.append(tuple([entityTwo[1], entityOne[1], pathway, publication, variant]))
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Drug Class':
                drugClass2diseaseTuples.append(tuple([entityTwo[1], entityOne[1], pathway, publication, variant]))
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Gene':
                key = tuple([entityTwo[1], entityOne[1]])
                if gene2diseaseTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or gene2diseaseTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or gene2diseaseTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or gene2diseaseTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    gene2diseaseTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    gene2diseaseTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
        elif entityOne[0] == 'Drug Class':
            if entityTwo[0] == 'Drug':
                key = tuple([entityTwo[1], entityOne[1]])
                if drug2drugClassTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or drug2drugClassTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or drug2drugClassTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or drug2drugClassTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    drug2drugClassTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    drug2drugClassTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Disease':
                drugClass2diseaseTuples.append(tuple([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1], pathway, publication, variant]))
            elif entityTwo[0] == 'Gene':
                key = tuple([entityOne[1], entityTwo[1]])
                if drugClass2geneTuples.has_key(key):
                    pathEvidence = 'Y' if pathway == 'Y' or drugClass2geneTuples[key][2] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    pubEvidence = 'Y' if publication == 'Y' or drugClass2geneTuples[key][3] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    varEvidence = 'Y' if variant == 'Y' or drugClass2geneTuples[key][4] == 'Y' else 'N'
                    drugClass2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathEvidence, pubEvidence, varEvidence])
                    drugClass2geneTuples[key] = tuple([key[0], key[1], pathway, publication, variant])

    # Enter the data into the database.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaPharmGKB)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(diseaseTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDisease, values, diseaseTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(meshTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDisease2MeSH, values, meshTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(snomedTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDisease2SnoMED, values, snomedTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(umlsTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDisease2UMLS, values, umlsTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(drugTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrug, values, drugTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(geneTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableGene, values, geneTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(drug2drugTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrug2Drug, values, drug2drugTuples)

    drug2drugClassTuples = [drug2drugClassTuples[i] for i in drug2drugClassTuples.keys()]
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(drug2drugClassTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrug2DrugClass, values, drug2drugClassTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(drug2diseaseTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrug2Disease, values, drug2diseaseTuples)

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(drugClass2diseaseTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrugClass2Disease, values, drugClass2diseaseTuples)

    drug2geneTuples = [drug2geneTuples[i] for i in drug2geneTuples.keys()]
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(drug2geneTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrug2Gene, values, drug2geneTuples)

    drugClass2geneTuples = [drugClass2geneTuples[i] for i in drugClass2geneTuples.keys()]
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(drugClass2geneTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrugClass2Gene, values, drugClass2geneTuples)

    gene2diseaseTuples = [gene2diseaseTuples[i] for i in gene2diseaseTuples.keys()]
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(gene2diseaseTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableGene2Disease, values, gene2diseaseTuples)

    gene2geneTuples = [gene2geneTuples[i] for i in gene2geneTuples.keys()]
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(gene2geneTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableGene2Gene, values, gene2geneTuples)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(CGCParsed, cancerTargets, UPExternalLinks, UPHumanAccessionMap, TTDTarget2Drug, DBTargetIDs, schemaProteins, tableCancerGene, DATABASEPASSWORD):

    # Record the mapping of non-representative UniProt accessions to representative accessions.
    accMap = {}
    readIn = open(UPHumanAccessionMap, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = (line.strip()).split()
        accMap[chunks[0]] = chunks[1]

    # Read in the CGC information.
    CGCData = {}
    readIn = open(CGCParsed, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = (line.strip()).split('\t')
        geneID = chunks[0]
        germline = chunks[1]
        somatic = chunks[2]
        CGCData[geneID] = {'Cancer' : 'Y', 'Target' : 'N', 'Somatic' : somatic, 'Germline' : germline}

    cancerTTDTargets = set([])
    cancerDrugBankDrugs = set([])
    cancerDrugTargetUPAccs = set([])

    # Read in the information about anti-neoplastic drugs.
    readIn = open(cancerTargets, 'r')
    readIn.readline()  # Strip the header line.
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split('\t')
    cancerTTDTargets -= set([''])
    cancerDrugBankDrugs -= set([''])

    # Determine the UniProt accessions of the TTD targets.
    readIn = open(TTDTarget2Drug, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        accessions = line.split('\t')[1]
        for i in accessions.split(','):

    # Determine the UniProt accessions of the targets of the DrugBank drugs.
    readIn = open(DBTargetIDs, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split('\t')
        accession = chunks[0]
        drugs = chunks[1].split(';')
        for i in drugs:
            if i in cancerDrugBankDrugs:

    geneXRef = {}
    readIn = open(UPExternalLinks, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split(',')
        UPAcc = chunks[0]
        geneID = chunks[1]
        if geneID == '':
            geneID = geneID.split(';')
            for i in geneID:
                if geneXRef.has_key(i):
                    geneXRef[i] = set([UPAcc])

    # Create the set of all representative UniProt accessions.
    allUPAccessions = set([])
    for i in accMap:

    # For every representative UniProt accession, determine whether it is implicated in cancer and if it is a target for anti-neoplastic drugs.
    cancerProteins = dict([(i, {'Cancer' : 'N', 'Target' : 'N', 'Somatic' : 'N', 'Germline' : 'N'}) for i in allUPAccessions])
    for i in CGCData.keys():
        if geneXRef.has_key(i):
            for j in geneXRef[i]:
                cancerProteins[j]['Cancer'] = 'Y'
                if cancerProteins[j]['Somatic'] == 'Y':
                    # Keep it as a yes.
                elif cancerProteins[j]['Somatic'] == 'N':
                    if CGCData[i]['Somatic'] == 'Y':
                        # Change it to a yes.
                        cancerProteins[j]['Somatic'] = 'Y'
                if cancerProteins[j]['Germline'] == 'Y':
                    # Keep it as a yes.
                elif cancerProteins[j]['Germline'] == 'N':
                    if CGCData[i]['Germline'] == 'Y':
                        # Change it to a yes.
                        cancerProteins[j]['Germline'] = 'Y'

    for i in cancerDrugTargetUPAccs:
        # Record all the proteins that are targets of anti-neoplastic drugs as being implicated in cancer and being targets.
            # Only adding representative accessions.
            representativeAcc = accMap[i]
            cancerProteins[representativeAcc]['Cancer'] = 'Y'
            cancerProteins[representativeAcc]['Target'] = 'Y'

    dataRecords = [tuple([i, cancerProteins[i]['Cancer'], cancerProteins[i]['Target'], cancerProteins[i]['Somatic'], cancerProteins[i]['Germline']])
                   for i in cancerProteins]
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(DATABASEPASSWORD, schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableCancerGene)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(dataRecords[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableCancerGene, values, dataRecords)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(UPProteinInfo, schemaProteins, tableProteinInfo, folderSEG, SEGExe, folderEpestfind, epestfindExe,
         folderPepstats, pepstatsExe, folderBLAST, psiblastExe, makeBLASTDatabaseExe, tableBLASTResults,

    # Extract and format the parsed protein data.
    uniprotData = utilities.file2list.main(UPProteinInfo)
    uniprotData = [eval(i) for i in uniprotData]
    uniprotDict = dict([(i[0], i) for i in uniprotData])
    sequenceOfAllProteinsDict = dict([(i, uniprotDict[i][-1]) for i in uniprotDict])  # A dictionary indexed by UniProt accession with the value for each index being the sequence of the protein.

    # Add the data to the database.
    rowsToAdd = [uniprotDict[i] for i in uniprotDict]
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(uniprotData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableProteinInfo, values, rowsToAdd)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries added to the UniProt table: ', len(toAdd)

    # Annotate the proteins which have just been added to the database.
    # Calculate the number of low complexity regions.
    proteinFasta = folderSEG + '/TempSEGFasta.fasta'
    SEGOutput = folderSEG + '/TempSEGOutput.txt'
    calculate_low_complexity(sequenceOfAllProteinsDict, SEGExe, proteinFasta, SEGOutput, schemaProteins,
                             tableProteinInfo, databasePassword)

    # Calculate the number of pest motifs.
    proteinFasta = folderEpestfind + '/TempEpestfindFasta.fasta'
    epestfindOutput = folderEpestfind + '/TempEpestfindOutput.txt'
    calculate_pest_motif(sequenceOfAllProteinsDict, epestfindExe, proteinFasta, epestfindOutput, schemaProteins,
                         tableProteinInfo, databasePassword)

    # Calculate simple sequence statistics.
    proteinFasta = folderPepstats + '/TempPepstatsFasta.fasta'
    pepstatsOutput = folderPepstats + '/TempPepstatsOutput.txt'
    calculate_sequence_stats(sequenceOfAllProteinsDict, pepstatsExe, proteinFasta, pepstatsOutput, schemaProteins,
                             tableProteinInfo, databasePassword)

    # Use BLAST to determine the pairwise sequence identity of all the proteins in the table.
    BLASTOutput = folderBLAST + '/ProcessedBLAST.txt'
    if os.path.isfile(BLASTOutput):

    # Generate the two fasta file to make the BLAST database from.
    allProteinsFasta = folderBLAST + '/TempAllProteinsFasta.fasta'
    writeTo = open(allProteinsFasta, 'w')
    for i in sequenceOfAllProteinsDict.keys():
        writeTo.write('>' + i + '\n')
        writeTo.write(sequenceOfAllProteinsDict[i] + '\n')

    # Set the non-unique PSI-BLAST parameters
    tempQuery = folderBLAST + '/TempQuery.fasta'
    evalue = ' -evalue 1'
    inclusionEThresh = ' -inclusion_ethresh 0.0001'
    numIterations = ' -num_iterations 3'
    gapTrigger = ' -gap_trigger 18'
    numDescriptions = ' -num_descriptions 10000'
    numAlignments = ' -num_alignments 10000'
    dbsize = ' -dbsize 0'
    outputFormat = ' -outfmt "7 qseqid sseqid pident length evalue"'
    numThreads = ' -num_threads 2'

    # BLAST the proteins.
    tempBlastDatabaseFolder = folderBLAST + '/TempAllProtDB'
    tempBlastDatabase = tempBlastDatabaseFolder + '/AllProt'
    makeDBArgs = makeBLASTDatabaseExe + ' -in ' + allProteinsFasta + ' -out ' + tempBlastDatabase
    allBLASTOutput = folderBLAST + '/AllBLASTOutput.txt'
    out = ' -out ' + allBLASTOutput
    db = ' -db ' + tempBlastDatabase
    for i in sequenceOfAllProteinsDict.keys():
        writeTo = open(tempQuery, 'w')
        writeTo.write('>' + i + '\n')
        writeTo.write(sequenceOfAllProteinsDict[i] + '\n')
        query = ' -query ' + tempQuery
        argsPSI = (query + out + evalue + inclusionEThresh + numIterations + gapTrigger + numDescriptions +
                   numAlignments + dbsize + db + outputFormat + numThreads) + argsPSI, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        parsers.parsePSIBLAST.main(allBLASTOutput, BLASTOutput)

    # Enter the BLAST information into the blast results table.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    matchesFound = {}
    readIn = open(BLASTOutput, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        chunks = line.split('\t')
        index = tuple(sorted([chunks[0], chunks[1]]))
        query = index[0]
        hit = index[1]
        similarity = float(chunks[2])
        length = int(chunks[3])
        eValue = float(chunks[4])
        if not matchesFound.has_key(index):
            # If this is the first time the (query, hit) pair has been found.
            matchesFound[index] = {}
            matchesFound[index]['Similarity'] = similarity
            matchesFound[index]['Tuple'] = tuple([query, hit, similarity, length, eValue])
            # If the (query, hit) pair has been found previously.
            if similarity < matchesFound[index]['Similarity']:
                # If the similarity of the new (query, hit) pair is less than the previously found occurence of the
                # pair, then discard this pair. This is because we are looking for the situation where the
                # similarity is greatest, in order to know which pairs are redundant. Continue to next loop
                # iteration as we do not want to update the database with this pair, or add this pair.
                matchesFound[index]['Similarity'] = similarity
                matchesFound[index]['Tuple'] = tuple([query, hit, similarity, length, eValue])

    tuplesToAdd = []
    for i in matchesFound:
        query = matchesFound[i]['Tuple'][0]
        hit = matchesFound[i]['Tuple'][1]
        if not query == hit:

    if tuplesToAdd != []:
        values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(tuplesToAdd[0]))
        values = values[:-1] + ')'
        cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableBLASTResults)
        cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableBLASTResults, values, tuplesToAdd)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(parsedGOOutput, schemaProteins, tableGOInfo, databasePassword):

    # ===========================================================================
    # Extract and format the parsed GO data.
    # ===========================================================================
    GOData = utilities.file2list.main(parsedGOOutput)
    GOData = [eval(i) for i in GOData]
    GODict = dict([(i[0], i) for i in GOData])

    # ===========================================================================
    # Extract the GO information recorded in the database.
    # ===========================================================================
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, "*", tableGOInfo)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # ===========================================================================
    # Compare the parsed data with the data recorded in the table.
    # ===========================================================================
    columnIndices = range(1, len(GOData[0]))
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " + tableGOInfo)
    columns = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    columns = [i[0] for i in columns]

    toRemove = []
    toUpdate = {}
    toAdd = GODict.keys()
    for i in results:
        geneID = i[0]
        if GODict.has_key(geneID):
            # If the key is in both the parsed file and the table, then it does not need to be added.
            # Compare the row from the table with the parsed file, to determine if the table needs updating.
            for j in columnIndices:
                if i[j] != GODict[geneID][j]:
                    if not toUpdate.has_key(geneID):
                        toUpdate[geneID] = []
            # If the key is in the table, but not in the parsed file, then the row needs to be removed.
    values = "(" + ("%s," * len(GOData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ")"

    # ===========================================================================
    # Remove rows from the table that are not in the parsed file.
    # ===========================================================================
    for i in toRemove:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.rowDELETE(cursor, tableGOInfo, 'GOTermID="' + str(i) + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print "\tEntries removed from the GO table: ", len(toRemove)

    # ===========================================================================
    # Update rows that have different values in the parsed file and the table.
    # ===========================================================================
    for i in toUpdate.keys():
        toSet = []
        for j in toUpdate[i]:
            updateString = columns[j] + ' = "' + GODict[i][j] + '"'
        toSet = ", ".join(toSet)
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableGOInfo, toSet, 'GOTermID="' + str(i) + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print "\tEntries updated in the GO table: ", len(toUpdate)

    # ===========================================================================
    # Add rows which are not in the table, but are in the parsed file.
    # ===========================================================================
    # Split the records to be inserted into smaller chunks so the database connection is not lost
    # In order to get this to work you need to increase the size of max_allowed_packet for the
    # MySQL server. This is because the size of some of the paths is very large.
    # I did this by altering the default my.ini file to contain the line:
    # max_allowed_packets=32M
    # and put this line under the [mysqld] section
    rowsToAdd = [GODict[i] for i in toAdd]
    length = len(rowsToAdd)
    itemsInSplit = 5
    numberOfSplits = length / itemsInSplit
    if length % itemsInSplit != 0:
        numberOfSplits += 1
    recordsToInsert = [rowsToAdd[i * itemsInSplit : (i + 1) * itemsInSplit] for i in range(numberOfSplits)]
    for i in recordsToInsert:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableGOInfo, values, i)
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print "\tEntries added to the GO table: ", len(toAdd)
def main(pathwayElements, UPHumanNames, UPHumanAccessionMap, databasePassword, schemaProteins, tablePathways):

    # Generate the human accession mapping:
    UPAccMap = utilities.file2list.main(UPHumanAccessionMap)
    # Make a dictionary where the index is the, possibly deprecated UniProt accession, and the entry is the
    # representative accession.
    allUPID = {}
    for i in UPAccMap:
        chunks = i.split()
        allUPID[chunks[0]] = chunks[1]

    # Extract the names of the valid proteins.
    validProteinNames = utilities.file2list.main(UPHumanNames)

    # Extract the information about what pathways each element is in.
    proteinData = {}
    readIn = open(pathwayElements, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        line = line.rstrip()
        chunks = line.split('\t')
        pathway = chunks[0]
        elements = chunks[2:]
        for i in elements:
            # For every element in the pathway, extract the names and accessions of the protein. Also record the
            # name of the pathways that the protein is associated with.
            chunks = i.split(':')
            cpath = chunks[0]
            type = chunks[1]
            name = chunks[2]
            UPAccession = chunks[3]
            if proteinData.has_key(cpath):
                proteinData[cpath]['Names'] |= set(name.split(','))
                proteinData[cpath]['UPAccessions'] |= set(UPAccession.split(','))
                proteinData[cpath] = {'Names' : set(name.split(',')), 'UPAccessions' : set(UPAccession.split(',')), 'Pathways' : set([pathway])}

    # Consolidate the pathway element information extracted. This means combining records with UniProt accessions
    # that map to the same accession, and removing any proteins that can't be found to have a known accession or
    # a valid name.
    consolidatedProteinData = {}
    for i in proteinData.keys():
        UPAccessions = proteinData[i]['UPAccessions']
        pathways = proteinData[i]['Pathways']
        for j in UPAccessions:
            j = j.split('-')[0]  # Combine all isoforms into one record.
            # Convert each UniProt accession into its representative form.
            if allUPID.has_key(j):
                reprAcc = allUPID[j]
                if consolidatedProteinData.has_key(reprAcc):
                    consolidatedProteinData[reprAcc]['UPAccessions'] |= UPAccessions
                    consolidatedProteinData[reprAcc]['Pathways'] |= pathways
                    consolidatedProteinData[reprAcc] = {'UPAccessions' : UPAccessions, 'Pathways' : pathways}
                # Don't use the names for anything right now.

    proteinTuples = []
    for i in consolidatedProteinData.keys():
        proteinTuples.append(tuple([i, len(consolidatedProteinData[i]['Pathways'])]))

    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(proteinTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tablePathways)
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tablePathways, values, proteinTuples)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(DBDrugIDs, DBTargetIDs, TTDUPAccessions, ChEMBLUPAccessions, UPHumanAccessionMap,
         UPDrugIDs, folderCulling, schemaProteins, tableProteinInfo, tableNonRedundant, tableBLASTResults,
         databasePassword, viewsDict):

    allTargetsDB = xref_drugbank_uniprot(DBTargetIDs, UPHumanAccessionMap)
    allTargetsTTD = xref_TTD_uniprot(TTDUPAccessions, UPHumanAccessionMap)
    allTargets = list(set(allTargetsChEMBL) | set(allTargetsDB) | set(allTargetsTTD) | set(allTargetsUP))
    print '\tTotal number of unique targets found: ', len(allTargets)

    # Extract mode of action and clear the target information.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, 'UPAccession, ModeOfAction', tableProteinInfo)
    resultsModeOfAction = cursor.fetchall()
    for i in resultsModeOfAction:
        upid = i[0]
        mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableProteinInfo, 'Target="N"', 'UPAccession="' + upid + '"')
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # Generate the sets of proteins that are GPCRs, kinases, ion channels and proteases.
    gpcr = []
    kinases = []
    ionChannels = []
    proteases = []
    for i in resultsModeOfAction:
        if i[1] == 'G-protein coupled receptor':
        elif i[1] == 'Kinase':
        elif i[1] == 'Ion Channel':
        elif i[1] == 'Protease':

    # Update the table to indicate which proteins are targets.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaProteins)
    for i in allTargets:
        mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableProteinInfo, 'Target="Y"', 'UPAccession="' + i + '"')
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # Perform redundancy removal using Leaf.
    print '\tPerforming redundancy removal.'
    # Proteins have had their target status changed, so the redundancy needs to be recalculated.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaProteins)
    # Set the number of columns in the nonredundant table.
    cursor.execute('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' + tableNonRedundant)
    numberColumns = len(cursor.fetchall())
    # Select all the proteins recorded in the database. The number of columns has one subtracted from it as the
    # UP accession column does not take the default value.
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, 'UPAccession', tableProteinInfo)
    allProteins = [tuple([i[0]] + (['N'] * (numberColumns - 1))) for i in cursor.fetchall()]
    # Wipe and refill the nonredundant table.
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableNonRedundant)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * numberColumns)
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableNonRedundant, values, allProteins)
    for column in sorted(viewsDict.keys()):
        print '\t\tRunning redundancy removal on ', column
        # For each set of proteins, run the Leaf program.
        inputLocation = folderCulling + '/' + column + '.txt'
        cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, '*', viewsDict[column])
        results = cursor.fetchall()
        # Determine the accessions of the proteins in the current set.
        proteinSet = [i[0] for i in results]
        print '\t\t\tSize of Redundant Dataset: ', len(proteinSet)
        proteinSetString = '\',\''.join(proteinSet)
        # Select all the BLAST results where both the hit and query protein are in the set to cull.
        cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, '*', tableBLASTResults, 'ProteinA IN (\'' + proteinSetString + '\') AND ProteinB IN (\'' + proteinSetString + '\')')
        protResults = cursor.fetchall()
        # Generate the file that is going to be used to perform the culling.
        writeTo = open(inputLocation, 'w')
        for i in protResults:
            writeTo.write('\t'.join([str(j) for j in i]) + '\n')
        # Perform the culling.
        adjMatrix, proteinNames = culling.adjlistcreation.main(inputLocation, cutoffPercent=20, maxEValue=1, minAlignLength=20)
        print '\t\t\tNumber of Proteins in Similarity Graph: ', len(proteinNames)
        proteinsToCull = culling.Leafcull.main(adjMatrix, proteinNames)
        print '\t\t\tNumber of Proteins to Cull: ', len(proteinsToCull)
        for i in proteinsToCull:
            mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableNonRedundant, column + '="N"', 'UPAccession="' + str(i) + '"')
        proteinsToKeep = [i for i in proteinSet if i not in proteinsToCull]
        print '\t\t\tNumber of Proteins to Keep: ', len(proteinsToKeep)
        for i in proteinsToKeep:
            mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableNonRedundant, column + '="Y"', 'UPAccession="' + str(i) + '"')
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(UPDrugIDs, DBDrugIDs, DBTargetIDs, TTDTarget2Drug, ChEMBLUPAccessions, ChEMBLCID, bindingParsed,
         UPHumanAccessionMap, databasePassword, schemaProteins, tableDrugs):

    # Generate the human accession mapping:
    UPAccMap = utilities.file2list.main(UPHumanAccessionMap)
    # Make a dictionary where the index is the, possibly deprecated UniProt accession, and the entry is the
    # representative accession.
    allUPID = {}
    for i in UPAccMap:
        chunks = i.split()
        allUPID[chunks[0]] = chunks[1]

    # Extract the DrugBank drug IDs, the CAS number and the CID for every approved DrugBank drug.
    approvedDrugBankDrugs = {}
    approvedDrugTuples = set([])
    readDrugs = open(DBDrugIDs, 'r')
    for line in readDrugs:
        chunks = (line.replace('\n', '')).split('\t')
        if len(chunks) < 4 or not 'approved' in chunks[2]:
        name = chunks[1]
        CAS = chunks[3]
        CID = chunks[4]
        approvedDrugBankDrugs[chunks[0]] = tuple([name, CAS, CID])
        approvedDrugTuples.add(tuple([name, CAS, CID]))
    approvedDrugs = approvedDrugBankDrugs.keys()

    # Extract the information about which DrugBank drugs target UniProt proteins, as recorded by UniProt.
    targetsUP = utilities.file2list.main(UPDrugIDs)
    targetDrugLinks = {}
    for i in targetsUP:
        chunks = i.split('\t')
        targetDrugLinks[chunks[0]] = set([i for i in chunks[1].split(';') if i in approvedDrugs])

    # Extract the information about which DrugBank drugs target UniProt proteins, as recorded by DrugBank.
    targetsDB = utilities.file2list.main(DBTargetIDs)
    for i in targetsDB:
        chunks = i.split('\t')
        proteinAcc = chunks[0]
        if not allUPID.has_key(proteinAcc):
        proteinAcc = allUPID[proteinAcc]
        if targetDrugLinks.has_key(proteinAcc):
            targetDrugLinks[proteinAcc].union([i for i in chunks[1].split(';') if i in approvedDrugs])
            #targetDrugLinks[proteinAcc].intersection([i for i in chunks[1].split(';') if i in approvedDrugs])
            targetDrugLinks[proteinAcc] = [i for i in chunks[1].split(';') if i in approvedDrugs]

    # Convert DrugBank drug IDs to CIDs where possible.
    for i in targetDrugLinks.keys():
        targetDrugLinks[i] = [approvedDrugBankDrugs[j] for j in targetDrugLinks[i]]

    # Extract the TTD target-drug relationship information.
    targetsTTD = utilities.file2list.main(TTDTarget2Drug)
    for i in targetsTTD:
        chunks = i.split('\t')
        proteinAccs = [allUPID[i] for i in chunks[1].split(',') if allUPID.has_key(i)]
        if proteinAccs == []:
        drugInfo = [tuple(j.split(',')) for j in chunks[2].split(';')]
        for j in drugInfo:
        for j in proteinAccs:
            if not targetDrugLinks.has_key(j):
                # If the UniProt accession associated with the TTD target is not already recorded as a drug target,
                # then add it along with the drugs that target it.
                targetDrugLinks[j] = drugInfo
                # The UniProt accession is already recorded in the target drug relationship dictionary.
                # Collect all the (Name, CAS, CID) tuples, and see if the drugs associated with the UniProt
                # accession in the TTD, are already accounted for.
                drugTuples = targetDrugLinks[j]
                drugNames = set([])
                drugCASes = set([])
                drugCIDs = set([])
                for k in drugTuples:
                emptySet = set([''])
                drugNames -= emptySet
                drugCASes -= emptySet
                drugCIDs -= emptySet
                for k in drugInfo:
                    if k[0] in drugNames or k[1] in drugCASes or k[2] in drugCIDs:
                    # If this is True, then that means that one of the name, CAS or CID is already recorded in the
                    # list of drugs that target the protein. Therefore, the drug is already recorded as targeting
                    # the protein and should not be added.

    # Extract the ChEMBL drug-target relationship information, along with the binding information.
    molregno2CID = {}
    readCIDs = open(ChEMBLCID, 'r')
    for line in readCIDs:
        chunks = (line.strip()).split('\t')
        molregno2CID[chunks[0]] = chunks[1]
    targetDrugBinding = {}
    targetsChEMBL = utilities.file2list.main(ChEMBLUPAccessions)
    for i in targetsChEMBL:
        chunks = i.split('\t')
        UPAccession = chunks[0]
        if not allUPID.has_key(UPAccession):
            # If the target protein is not a UniProt human protein.
            UPAccession = allUPID[UPAccession]
        molregno = chunks[1]
        drugID = molregno2CID[molregno] if molregno2CID.has_key(molregno) else 'm' + molregno
        name = chunks[2]

        # Update the drug-target relationship information.
        drugInfo = tuple([name, '', drugID])
        if not targetDrugLinks.has_key(UPAccession):
            # If the UniProt accession associated with the TTD target is not already recorded as a drug target,
            # then add it along with the drugs that target it.
            targetDrugLinks[UPAccession] = [drugInfo]
            # The UniProt accession is already recorded in the target drug relationship dictionary.
            # Collect all the (Name, CAS, CID) tuples, and see if the drugs associated with the UniProt
            # accession in the TTD, are already accounted for.
            drugTuples = targetDrugLinks[UPAccession]
            drugNames = set([])
            drugCASes = set([])
            drugCIDs = set([])
            for j in drugTuples:
            emptySet = set([''])
            drugNames -= emptySet
            drugCASes -= emptySet
            drugCIDs -= emptySet
            if drugInfo[0] in drugNames or drugInfo[1] in drugCASes or drugInfo[2] in drugCIDs:
            # If this is True, then that means that one of the name, CAS or CID is already recorded in the
            # list of drugs that target the protein. Therefore, the drug is already recorded as targeting
            # the protein and should not be added.

        # Record drug binding information.
        if chunks[4] == 'None' or chunks[5] == 'None':
        value = float(chunks[4])
        units = chunks[5]
        if units == 'M':
            # Convert the value to nM.
            value *= 1000000000
        elif units == 'mM':
            # Convert the value to nM.
            value *= 1000000
        elif units == 'uM':
            # Convert the value to nM.
            value *= 1000
        type = chunks[6]
        bindingKey = tuple([UPAccession, drugID])
        if type.lower() == 'ki':
            if not targetDrugBinding.has_key(bindingKey):
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey] = {'Ki' : value, 'Kd' : float('Inf')}
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Ki'] = min(targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Ki'], value)
        elif type.lower() == 'kd':
            if not targetDrugBinding.has_key(bindingKey):
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey] = {'Ki' : float('Inf'), 'Kd' : value}
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Kd'] = min(targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Kd'], value)

    # Extract binding information from BindingDB.
    bindingData = utilities.file2list.main(bindingParsed)
    for i in bindingData:
        chunks = i.split('\t')
        UPAccession = chunks[0]
        if allUPID.has_key(UPAccession):
            UPAccession = allUPID[UPAccession]
        CID = chunks[1]
        Ki = chunks[2]
        Kd = chunks[3]
        if CID == 'n/a' or (Ki == 'n/a' and Kd == 'n/a'):
            # If any of these are True then the binding information can not be cross-referenced (CID == 'n/a',
            # or there is no binding information.
        if Ki[0] in ['>', '<', '=']:
            Ki = float(Ki[1:])
                Ki = float(Ki)
        if Kd[0] in ['>', '<', '=']:
            Ki = float(Kd[1:])
                Kd = float(Kd)
        bindingKey = tuple([UPAccession, CID])
        if Ki != 'n/a':
            if not targetDrugBinding.has_key(bindingKey):
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey] = {'Ki' : Ki, 'Kd' : float('Inf')}
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Ki'] = min(targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Ki'], Ki)
        if Kd != 'n/a':
            if not targetDrugBinding.has_key(bindingKey):
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey] = {'Ki' : float('Inf'), 'Kd' : Kd}
                targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Kd'] = min(targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]['Kd'], Kd)

    # Generate the tuples to insert into the database.
    tuplesToInsert = []
    for i in targetDrugLinks:
        for j in targetDrugLinks[i]:
            drugName = j[0]
            drugID = j[2]
            bindingKey = tuple([i, drugID])
            if targetDrugBinding.has_key(bindingKey):
                bindingData = targetDrugBinding[bindingKey]
                Ki = bindingData['Ki']
                if Ki == float('inf'):
                    Ki = -1
                Kd = bindingData['Kd']
                if Kd == float('inf'):
                    Kd = -1
                Ki = -1
                Kd = -1
            tuplesToInsert.append(tuple([i, drugID, drugName, Ki, Kd]))

    # Remove potential duplicates caused by the names of the drugs having different capital letters, and mysql
    # ignoring the capitalisation of the names.
    tuplesToInsert = [tuple([i[0], i[1], i[2].upper(), i[3], i[4]]) for i in tuplesToInsert]
    tuplesToInsert = list(set(tuplesToInsert))

    # Insert the tuples into the database.
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(tuplesToInsert[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableDrugs)  # Remove the old data in the table first.
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableDrugs, values, tuplesToInsert)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(UPExternalLinks, tableUniProt2Ensembl, tableUniProt2GO, tableUniProt2UniGene, tableUniProt2HGNC,
         tableDict, schemaProteins, databasePassword):

    # Determine all the external database links for each represetnative UniProt accession.
    proteinLinks = {}
    readIn = open(UPExternalLinks, 'r')
    for line in readIn:
        line = line.strip()
        chunks = line.split(',')
        entrezLinks = [i for i in chunks[1].split(';')] if chunks[1] != '' else []
        unigeneLinks = [int(i.replace('Hs.', '')) for i in chunks[2].split(';')] if chunks[2] != '' else []
        goLinks = [int(i.replace('GO:', '')) for i in chunks[3].split(';')] if chunks[3] != '' else []
        hgncLinks = [i for i in chunks[4].split(';')] if chunks[4] != '' else []
        ensemblLinks = [i.split('-') for i in chunks[5].split(';')] if chunks[4] != '' else []
        proteinLinks[chunks[0]] = {'Entrez' : entrezLinks, 'UniGene' : unigeneLinks, 'GO' : goLinks,
                                   'HGNC' : hgncLinks, 'Ensembl' : ensemblLinks

    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaProteins)

    validXrefIDs = {'EnsemblGeneID' : set([]), 'GeneID' : set([]), 'GOTermID' : set([]), 'UPAccession' : set([]),
                    'UniGeneID' : set([]), 'EnsemblTranscriptID' : set([])}
    for i in tableDict.keys():
        for j in tableDict[i]:
            # For each of the external databases with its own table in the database (e.g. Ensembl genes, UniGene, GO terms), determine which of the cross-references recorded
            # are actually referencing a valid ID in the respective database.
            # For example, if the file of cross-references says that UniProt accession U is linked to GO term 123, then make sure that 123 is in fact a valid Go term ID (i.e. that
            # it is in the table that contains all the GO term IDs).
            cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, i, j)
            results = [k[0] for k in cursor.fetchall()]
            results = set(results)
            validXrefIDs[i] = validXrefIDs[i].union(results)

    # Determine all the UniProt accession cross-references that are referencing a valid external database identifier.
    entrezInsert = []
    unigeneInsert = []
    goInsert = []
    hgncInsert = []
    ensemblInsert = []
    for i in proteinLinks.keys():
        if not i in validXrefIDs['UPAccession']:
        for j in proteinLinks[i]['Entrez']:
            if j in validXrefIDs['GeneID']:
                entrezInsert.append(tuple([i, str(j)]))
        for j in proteinLinks[i]['UniGene']:
            if j in validXrefIDs['UniGeneID']:
                unigeneInsert.append(tuple([i, j]))
        for j in proteinLinks[i]['GO']:
            if j in validXrefIDs['GOTermID']:
                goInsert.append(tuple([i, j]))
        for j in proteinLinks[i]['HGNC']:
            hgncInsert.append(tuple([i, j]))
        for j in proteinLinks[i]['Ensembl']:
            if j[0] in validXrefIDs['EnsemblGeneID']:# and j[1] in validXrefIDs['EnsemblTranscriptID']:
                ensemblInsert.append(tuple([i] + j))

    print '\tNow Recording UniGene Crossreferences.'
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableUniProt2UniGene)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(unigeneInsert[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniProt2UniGene, values, unigeneInsert)

    print '\tNow Recording GO Crossreferences.'
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableUniProt2GO)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(goInsert[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniProt2GO, values, goInsert)

    print '\tNow Recording HGNC Crossreferences.'
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableUniProt2HGNC)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(hgncInsert[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniProt2HGNC, values, hgncInsert)

    print '\tNow Recording Ensembl Crossreferences.'
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableUniProt2Ensembl)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(ensemblInsert[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniProt2Ensembl, values, ensemblInsert)

    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
def main(unigeneParsedOutput, unigeneParsedTotals, schemaProteins, tableUniGene, tableUniGeneTotals, databasePassword):

    # Extract and format the parsed UniGene data, and the UniGene expression totals.
    UGData = utilities.file2list.main(unigeneParsedOutput)
    UGData = [tuple([int(j) for j in eval(i)]) for i in UGData]
    UGDict = dict([(i[0], i) for i in UGData])

    UGTotalsData = utilities.file2list.main(unigeneParsedTotals)
    UGTotalsData = [tuple([j[0], eval(j[1])]) for j in [eval(i) for i in UGTotalsData]]

    # Extract the UniGene information recorded in the database.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, '*', tableUniGene)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

    # Compare the parsed data with the data recorded in the expression table.
    columnIndices = range(1, len(UGData[0]))
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' + tableUniGene)
    columns = cursor.fetchall()
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    columns = [i[0] for i in columns]

    toRemove = []
    toUpdate = {}
    toAdd = UGDict.keys()
    for i in results:
        UniGeneID = i[0]
        if UGDict.has_key(UniGeneID):
            # If the key is in both the parsed file and the expression table, then it does not need to be added.
            # Compare the row from the expression table with the parsed file, to determine if the expression table needs updating.
            for j in columnIndices:
                if i[j] != UGDict[UniGeneID][j]:
                    if not toUpdate.has_key(UniGeneID):
                        toUpdate[UniGeneID] = []
            # If the key is in the expression table, but not in the parsed file, then the row needs to be removed.
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(UGData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'

    # Remove rows from the expression table that are not in the parsed file.
    for i in toRemove:
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.rowDELETE(cursor, tableUniGene, 'UniGeneID="' + i + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries removed from the UniGene table: ', len(toRemove)

    # Update rows that have different values in the parsed file and the expression table.
    for i in toUpdate.keys():
        toSet = []
        for j in toUpdate[i]:
            updateString = columns[j] + ' = "' + UGDict[i][j] + '"'
        toSet = ', '.join(toSet)
        conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
        cursor = mysql.tableUPDATE(cursor, tableUniGene, toSet, 'UniGeneID="' + i + '"')
        mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries updated in the UniGene table: ', len(toUpdate)

    # Add rows which are not in the expression table, but are in the parsed file.
    rowsToAdd = [UGDict[i] for i in toAdd]
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniGene, values, rowsToAdd)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tEntries added to the UniGene table: ', len(toAdd)

    # Enter the expression totals in the totals table.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(inputPass=databasePassword, database=schemaProteins)
    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableUniGeneTotals)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(UGTotalsData[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    cursor = mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableUniGeneTotals, values, UGTotalsData)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)
    print '\tUniGene totals table updated.'
def main(databasePassword, schemaProteins, tableProteinInfo, tableStability):

    # Define N-terminus half life values (explanation and the ProtParam tool).
    halfLife = {'A' : 4.4, 'C' : 1.2, 'D' : 1.1, 'E' : 1.0, 'F' : 1.1, 'G' : 30.0, 'H' : 3.5, 'I' : 20.0, 'K' : 1.3,
                'L' : 5.5, 'M' : 30.0, 'N' : 1.4, 'P' : 20.0, 'Q' : 0.8, 'R' : 1.0, 'S' : 1.9, 'T' : 7.2,
                'V' : 100.0, 'W' : 2.8, 'Y' : 2.8}

    # Extract all the sequences stored in the database.
    conn, cursor = mysql.openConnection(databasePassword, schemaProteins)
    cursor = mysql.tableSELECT(cursor, 'UPAccession, Sequence', tableProteinInfo)
    results = cursor.fetchall()

    # Calculate the half life and instability index for each protein.
    stabilityTuples = []
    for i in results:
        sequence = i[1]
        if halfLife.has_key(sequence[0]):
            protHalfLife = halfLife[sequence[0]]
            # This will occur when the N-terminal is not an amino acid with an associated half-life value (e.g. X, B, etc.)
            protHalfLife = -1
        analysedSeq = ProteinAnalysis(sequence)
            instabilityIndex = analysedSeq.instability_index()
            instabilityIndex = -1
            print '\tContains invalid aa code: ', i[0]
        stabilityTuples.append(tuple([i[0], protHalfLife, instabilityIndex]))

    cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + tableStability)
    values = '(' + ('%s,' * len(stabilityTuples[0]))
    values = values[:-1] + ')'
    mysql.tableINSERT(cursor, tableStability, values, stabilityTuples)
    mysql.closeConnection(conn, cursor)

#def instability_index(prot, sequence):
#    # A two dimentional dictionary for calculating the instability index.
#    # Guruprasad K., Reddy B.V.B., Pandit M.W.    Protein Engineering 4:155-161(1990).
#    # It is based on dipeptide values therefore the vale for the dipeptide DG is DIWV['D']['G'].
#    DIWV = {'A': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 44.94, 'E': 1.0, 'D': -7.49,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': -7.49,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 1.0, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'C': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 20.26,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 33.60,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 33.60, 'L': 20.26, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': -6.54, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': 33.60, 'W': 24.68, 'V': -6.54, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'E': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 44.94, 'E': 33.60, 'D': 20.26,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 20.26, 'H': -6.54,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 20.26, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': -14.03, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'D': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': -6.54, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 1.0, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 20.26, 'R': -6.54,
#                  'T': -14.03, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'F': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 13.34,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': -14.03, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 1.0, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 33.601},
#            'I': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 44.94, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 13.34,
#                  'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 20.26, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 1.0, 'P': -1.88, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -7.49, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'G': {'A': -7.49, 'C': 1.0, 'E': -6.54, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': 13.34, 'F': 1.0, 'I': -7.49, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': -7.49,
#                  'Q': 1.0, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': -7.49, 'W': 13.34, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': -7.49},
#            'H': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': -9.37, 'F': -9.37, 'I': 44.94, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': 24.68, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 24.68,
#                  'Q': 1.0, 'P': -1.88, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': -6.54, 'W': -1.88, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 44.94},
#            'K': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': -7.49, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 33.60, 'L': -7.49, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 24.64, 'P': -6.54, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 33.60,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -7.49, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'M': {'A': 13.34, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 58.28,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': -1.88, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': -6.54, 'P': 44.94, 'S': 44.94, 'R': -6.54,
#                  'T': -1.88, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 24.68},
#            'L': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 33.60, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 20.26,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 24.68, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'N': {'A': 1.0, 'C': -1.88, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
#                  'G': -14.03, 'F': -14.03, 'I': 44.94, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': 24.68, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': -6.54, 'P': -1.88, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': -7.49, 'W': -9.37, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'Q': {'A': 1.0, 'C': -6.54, 'E': 20.26, 'D': 20.26,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': -6.54, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 44.94, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -6.54, 'Y': -6.54},
#            'P': {'A': 20.26, 'C': -6.54, 'E': 18.38, 'D': -6.54,
#                  'G': 1.0, 'F': 20.26, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': -6.54, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
#                  'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 20.26, 'R': -6.54,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': -1.88, 'V': 20.26, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'S': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 33.60, 'E': 20.26, 'D': 1.0, 'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0, 'Q': 20.26, 'P': 44.94, 'S': 20.26, 'R': 20.26,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'R': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0, 'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 20.26,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 13.34, 'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 44.94, 'R': 58.28,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': 58.28, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': -6.54},
#            'T': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 20.26, 'D': 1.0, 'G': -7.49, 'F': 13.34, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': -14.03, 'Q': -6.54, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': 1.0, 'W': -14.03, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'W': {'A': -14.03, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0, 'G': -9.37, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 24.68,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 24.68, 'L': 13.34, 'N': 13.34, 'Q': 1.0, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': -14.03, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -7.49, 'Y': 1.0},
#            'V': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': -14.03, 'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
#                  'K': -1.88, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0, 'Q': 1.0, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
#                  'T': -7.49, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': -6.54},
#            'Y': {'A': 24.68, 'C': 1.0, 'E': -6.54, 'D': 24.68, 'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 13.34,
#                  'K': 1.0, 'M': 44.94, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0, 'Q': 1.0, 'P': 13.34, 'S': 1.0, 'R': -15.91,
#                  'T': -7.49, 'W': -9.37, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 13.34},
#            }
#    score = 0.0
#    for i in range(len(sequence) - 1):
#        if DIWV.has_key(sequence[i]):
#            if DIWV[sequence[i]].has_key(sequence[i+1]):
#                score += DIWV[sequence[i]][sequence[i+1]]
#    return (10.0 / len(sequence)) * score