def test_parse_func_var_valid(self): test_vars = ('JpsiPt', 'JpsiRap', 'chic_Mass', 'someFunkyVariable_34') test_funcs = ('abs', 'sqrt', 'sin') for var in test_vars: self.assertEqual((var, None), mh.parse_func_var(var)) for func in test_funcs: self.assertEqual((var, getattr(np, func)), (mh.parse_func_var(func + '(' + var + ')')))
def get_load_vars(self): """ Get the variable names and bounds that are necessary to define the variables in a workspace such that data can be imported from a TTree. Returns: load_vars, bounds: List of tuples of strings, where first element is the name of the variable and the second is the boundaries as comma separated list """ variables = [ (self.fit_var, ",".join([str(v) for v in self.fit_range])), ] for ivar, var in enumerate(self.bin_cut_vars): var_name, var_func = parse_func_var(var) bounds_up = np.max(self.binning[ivar]) # For now only handle the 'abs(var)' case separately if var_func is not None and 'abs' in var_func.__name__: bounds_low = -bounds_up else: bounds_low = np.min(self.binning[ivar]) variables.append((var_name, "{}, {}".format(bounds_low, bounds_up))) return variables
def test_parse_func_var_invalid(self, mock_logger): res = mh.parse_func_var('some_funky_func(some_funky_var)') mock_logger.error.assert_called_with( 'Could not find a numpy function named \'some_funky_func\' that '\ 'was parsed from \'some_funky_func(some_funky_var)\'' ) self.assertEqual(None, res)
def run_fit(model, datafile, outfile, bin_var, binning, massrange, fix_shape=False, refit=False, weights=None): """Import data, run fits and store the results""" if bin_var is None: logging.fatal('Trying to run a fit without specifying a bin variable. ' 'It is also possible that this was not implemented for ' 'the model that is trying to be used. Sorry :(') sys.exit(1) wsp, costh_bins = create_workspace(model, datafile, bin_var, binning, massrange, outfile, weights) model.define_model(wsp) wsp.Print() if fix_shape: # Refitting doesn't make sense if we already fixed the shapes beforehand refit = False, 'costh_integrated', weighted_fit=weights is not None) shape_pars = get_shape_params(wsp, 'costh_integrated', model) fix_params(wsp, [(sp, None) for sp in shape_pars]) bin_var = parse_func_var(bin_var)[0] do_binned_fits(model, wsp, costh_bins, refit, weights is not None, bin_var) wsp.writeToFile(outfile)
def get_binning(config): """ Read the fit config json and get the bin variable and the binning """ binning = parse_binning(config['binning'][1]) bins = zip(binning[:-1], binning[1:]) return parse_func_var(config['bin_vars'][1])[0], bins
def create_workspace(model, datafile, binvar, binning, massrange, fitfile, weights=None): """ Create the workspace with the data already imported and the model defined, also in charge of writing the bin info json file """ wsp = r.RooWorkspace('ws_mass_fit') massrange = [float(v) for v in massrange.split(',')] # load the data and apply the mass selection of the fitting range immediately bin_var = parse_func_var(binvar) # necessary for loading variables = [model.mname, bin_var[0]] if weights is not None: variables.append(weights) data = apply_selections(get_dataframe(datafile, columns=variables), select_bin(model.mname, *massrange)) costh_bins, costh_means = get_costh_bins(binning, bin_var, data) create_bin_info_json(fitfile.replace('.root', '_bin_sel_info.json'), costh_bins, costh_means, bin_var[0], datafile) # Create the variables in the workspace try_factory(wsp, '{}[{}, {}]'.format(model.mname, *massrange)) if 'abs' in bin_var[1].__name__: try_factory( wsp, '{}[{}, {}]'.format(bin_var[0], -np.max(costh_bins), np.max(costh_bins))) else: try_factory( wsp, '{}[{}, {}]'.format(bin_var[0], np.min(costh_bins), np.max(costh_bins))) dset_vars = r.RooArgSet(get_var(wsp, model.mname), get_var(wsp, bin_var[0])) tree = array2tree(data.to_records(index=False)) if weights is not None: try_factory(wsp, '{}[0, 1e5]'.format(weights)) dataset = r.RooDataSet('full_data', 'full data sample', tree, dset_vars, '', weights) else: dataset = r.RooDataSet('full_data', 'full data sample', tree, dset_vars) ws_import(wsp, dataset) return wsp, costh_bins
def __init__(self, config): """ Read all the info from the config and do some computation which are then needed throughout """ # TODO: read the configuration from a json file and make that the # argument to the function self.binning = np.array([ parse_binning(config['binning'][0]), parse_binning(config['binning'][1]) ]) # variables as they are defined and used for deciding the binning # inside ROOT with string cuts self.bin_cut_vars = config['bin_vars'] # For the internal use and especially for naming the variables it is not # possible to have functional variable definitions. Simply use whatever # is the argument of func(var) (i.e. var) self.bin_vars = [parse_func_var(v)[0] for v in config['bin_vars']] self.bins = get_bins(self.binning[0], self.binning[1], self.bin_vars[0], self.bin_vars[1]) self.fit_var = config['fit_variable'] self.fit_range = config['fit_range'] self.expression_strings = config['expression_strings'] self.proto_params = config['proto_parameters'] self.sub_models = config['sub_models'] self.nevent_yields = [m['event_yield'] for m in self.sub_models] self.components = [(m['name'], m['plot']) for m in self.sub_models] self.full_model = config['full_model']['name'] # prototype full model expression, where the bin model can be achieved # with simple replacements self.proto_fexpr = _full_model_expr(config['full_model']['type'], self.full_model, [c[0] for c in self.components], self.nevent_yields) self.fix_vars = [] if 'fix_vars' in config: for var in config['fix_vars']: self.fix_vars.append((var.keys()[0], var.values()[0])) self.plot_config = config['plot_config']
def main(args): """Main""" frames = args.frames.split(',') if args.bin_variable is not None: bin_var = parse_func_var(args.bin_variable) if args.binning is None: logging.error('You have to define a binning for \'{}\' if you want ' 'to use it as binning variable'.format(bin_var)) sys.exit(1) binning = parse_binning(args.binning) else: binning = None bin_var = None'Processing gen level file') gen_hists = create_histograms(get_dataframe(args.genlevelfile), frames, args.ncosth, args.nphi, bin_var, binning)'Processing reco level file') reco_hists = create_histograms(get_dataframe(args.recolevelfile), frames, args.ncosth, args.nphi, bin_var, binning, WEIGHT_F) logging.debug('Scaling gen level hists by '.format(args.scale_gen)) for hist in gen_hists.values(): hist.Scale(args.scale_gen)'calculating acceptance maps') acc_maps = OrderedDict() for name, hist in reco_hists.iteritems(): gen_map_n = [n for n in gen_hists if n in name] if len(gen_map_n) > 1: logging.warning('Found more than 1 gen level map for \'{}\': {}' .format(name, gen_map_n)) # Still use just the first, since we should always just have 1 acc_maps[name] = divide(hist, gen_hists[gen_map_n[0]]) logging.debug('storing to output file') outfile = r.TFile(args.outfile, 'recreate' if args.recreate else 'update') store_hists(outfile, gen_hists, 'gen_costh_phi', bin_var) store_hists(outfile, reco_hists, 'reco_costh_phi', bin_var) store_hists(outfile, acc_maps, 'acc_map_costh_phi', bin_var)
def corr_w(data): corr = corrmap.eval(_get_var(data, 'costh_' + frame), _get_var(data, 'phi_' + frame), _get_var(data, *parse_func_var(var))) print('Percentage in acceptance: ', np.sum(corr > 0) / float(len(corr))) return (corr > 0) * corr