def update(self, stop_event):
        # Mobot hardware update loop
        # self.alphacv() # Removed: Image Processing doesnt happen here anymore
        while not stop_event.is_set():
            self.touchcount = abs(self.touchcount - 1)
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[L] = self.vL
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[L1] = self.vL
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[R] = self.vR
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[R1] = self.vR
            result = BrickPiUpdateValues()
            if not result:
                # Successfully updated values
                # Read touch sensor values
                if BrickPi.Sensor[S2]:
                    # Prevent signal disturbances
                    threshold = int(28 - self.values['TCHS'] * 20)
                    self.touchcount += 2
                    if self.touchcount > threshold:
                        # Increment gates count
                        self.status['GATC'] += 1
                        # Reset signal strength
                        self.touchcount = 0
                # Update encoder values
                self.encL = BrickPi.Encoder[L]
                self.encR = BrickPi.Encoder[R]

            speeds = self.calculateMobotMovement()
            self._setMotorSpeed(speeds[0], speeds[1])

            # Emergency Abort
            if (not GPIO.input(ABORT_BTN)):
                warn('manually aborting mission!!!')

            # Ramp Adapatation
            incline_btn = not GPIO.input(RAMP_BTN)
            if ((not self.incline_btn_prev) and incline_btn):
                # Button is pressed, set inclined

            elif ((self.incline_btn_prev) and not incline_btn):
                # Button is released, unset inclined

            self.incline_btn_prev = incline_btn

            # Update Terminal Feedback
            # Should be disabled for safety considerations -> STABLE_MODE
            if term2 != None and not STABLE_MODE:
                c = term2.scr.getch()
                if c == 410:
                    info("@terminal: resize event")
    def update(self, stop_event):
        # Mobot hardware update loop
        # self.alphacv() # Removed: Image Processing doesnt happen here anymore
        while not stop_event.is_set():
            self.touchcount = abs(self.touchcount - 1)
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[L] = self.vL
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[L1] = self.vL
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[R] = self.vR
            BrickPi.MotorSpeed[R1] = self.vR
            result = BrickPiUpdateValues()
            if not result:
                # Successfully updated values
                # Read touch sensor values
                if BrickPi.Sensor[S2]:
                    # Prevent signal disturbances
                    threshold = int(28 - self.values['TCHS'] * 20)
                    self.touchcount += 2
                    if self.touchcount > threshold:
                        # Increment gates count
                        self.status['GATC'] += 1
                        # Reset signal strength
                        self.touchcount = 0
                # Update encoder values
                self.encL = BrickPi.Encoder[L]
                self.encR = BrickPi.Encoder[R]

            speeds = self.calculateMobotMovement()
            self._setMotorSpeed(speeds[0], speeds[1])

            # Update Terminal Feedback
            if term2 != None and not STABLE_MODE:
                c = term2.scr.getch()
                if c == 410:
                    info("@terminal: resize event")