def get_bd_table(driver): # 주총결의 데이터 세팅 driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_tag_name("iframe")) bd_gubun = '' bd_kind = '' bd_gijun_ymd = '' bd_gum = 0 bd_total = 0 # 배당금 테이블 bd_tb = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( '//*[@id="XFormD1_Form0_Table0"]/tbody/tr') for i in range(0, 15): td_title = bd_tb[i].find_elements_by_tag_name('td')[0].text.replace( ' ', '') if '배당구분' in td_title: bd_gubun = bd_tb[i].find_elements_by_tag_name('td')[1].text if '배당종류' in td_title: bd_kind = bd_tb[i].find_elements_by_tag_name('td')[1].text if '주당배당금' in td_title: bd_gum = get_num(bd_tb[i].find_elements_by_tag_name('td')[2].text) if '배당금총액' in td_title: bd_total = get_num( bd_tb[i].find_elements_by_tag_name('td')[1].text) if '배당기준일' in td_title: bd_gijun_ymd = get_num( bd_tb[i].find_elements_by_tag_name('td')[1].text) return bd_gubun, bd_kind, bd_gum, bd_total, bd_gijun_ymd
def stock_use_ins(arr, meet_seq, rcp_no): stock_gijun_yy = get_num(arr[0]) if stock_gijun_yy == 'null': stock_gijun_yy = '0000' stock_ymd = arr[1] stock_pe_cnt = get_num(arr[2]) if stock_pe_cnt == 'null': stock_pe_cnt = '0' stock_give_cnt = get_num(arr[4]) if stock_give_cnt == 'null': stock_give_cnt = '0' stock_use_cnt = get_num(arr[5]) if stock_use_cnt == 'null': stock_use_cnt = '0' stock_actual_cnt = get_num(arr[6]) if stock_actual_cnt == 'null': stock_actual_cnt = '0' stock_extra_cnt = get_num_int(arr[7]) if stock_extra_cnt == 'null': stock_extra_cnt = '0' in_qry = """insert into proxy027(meet_seq, rcp_no, stock_gijun_yy, stock_ymd, stock_pe_cnt, stock_kind, stock_give_cnt, stock_use_cnt, stock_actual_cnt, stock_extra_cnt, create_dt, modify_dt) values('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', {4}, '{5}', {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, '{10}', '{11}') """.format(meet_seq, rcp_no, stock_gijun_yy, stock_ymd, stock_pe_cnt, arr[3], stock_give_cnt, stock_use_cnt, stock_actual_cnt, stock_extra_cnt, create_dt, create_dt) return in_qry
def main_page(self, s, r): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') for accountEntry in soup.find(id = 'lstAccLst').findAll('li', recursive=False): # get account details and add to accounts list r = s.get('' + accountEntry.find('h2').a['href']) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') accountNumbers = soup.find(class_ = 'numbers').get_text().split(', ') acc = {'bank': 'TSB'} acc['name'] = soup.find('h1').get_text() acc['sort'] = accountNumbers[0].replace('-', '') acc['number'] = accountNumbers[1] acc['balance'] = get_num(soup.find(class_ = 'balance').get_text()) acc['available'] = get_num(soup.find(class_ = 'manageMyAccountsFaShowMeAnchor {bubble : \'fundsAvailable\', pointer : \'top\'}').parent.get_text()) self.accounts.append(acc) # download transaction files r = s.get('' + soup.find(id = 'pnlgrpStatement:conS1:lkoverlay')['href']) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') # get all form fields, put in dictionary d - # soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') d = {e['name']: e.get('value', '') for e in soup.find_all('input', {'name': True})} now = time.localtime(time.time()) yearAgo = time.localtime(time.time() - 6570000) # ~ 2.5 months year ago # will download current view if 0, past 2.5 months if 1 d['frmTest:rdoDateRange'] = '0' d['frmTest:dtSearchFromDate'] = time.strftime('%d', yearAgo) d['frmTest:dtSearchFromDate.month'] = time.strftime('%m', yearAgo) d['frmTest:dtSearchFromDate.year'] = str(time.strftime('%Y', yearAgo)) d['frmTest:dtSearchToDate'] = time.strftime('%d', now) d['frmTest:dtSearchToDate.month'] = time.strftime('%m', now) d['frmTest:dtSearchToDate.year'] = str(time.strftime('%Y', now)) d['frmTest:strExportFormatSelected'] = 'Quicken 98 and 2000 and Money (.QIF)' r ='', data=d) filename = time.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '-' + acc['sort'] + '-' + acc['number'] + '.qif' file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(r.text) file.close()
def friends(user_id=None): if user_id is None and request.method == 'GET': return render_template('new_friend.html') if request.method == 'POST': user_id1 = utils.get_num(request, 'user_id1', required=True) user_id2 = utils.get_num(request, 'user_id2', required=True) return users.new_friend(user_id1, user_id2) return users.get_friends(user_id)
def do_comment(): u = require_token() pid = get_num(request.form.get('pid')) post = Post.query.get(pid) if not post: abort(404) if post.deleted: abort(451) content = request.form.get('text') content = content.strip() if content else None content = '[tmp]\n' + content if[:4] == 'tmp_' else content if not content or len(content) > 4096: abort(422) c = Comment( name_hash = hash_name(, content = content, ) post.comments.append(c) post.comment_timestamp = c.timestamp db.session.commit() return { 'code': 0, 'data': pid }
def users_search(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('search.html') query = utils.get_field(request, 'query', required=True) user_id = utils.get_num(request, 'user_id', required=True) return users.search_users(query, user_id)
def attention(): u = require_token() if[:4] == 'tmp_': abort(403) s = request.form.get('switch') if s not in ['0', '1']: abort(422) pid = get_num(request.form.get('pid')) post = Post.query.get(pid) if not post: abort(404) at = Attention.query.filter_by(name_hash=hash_name(, pid=pid).first() if not at: at = Attention(name_hash=hash_name(, pid=pid, disabled=True) db.session.add(at) if(at.disabled != (s == '0')): at.disabled = (s == '0') post.likenum += 1 - 2 * int(s == '0'); db.session.commit() return { 'code': 0, 'likenum': post.likenum, 'attention': (s=='1') }
def pay_handler(): if request.method =='POST': data = request_form_to_dict() pid = int(data.get("pid")) count = int(data.get("amount")) period=Period.get(id=pid) left=period.total_count-period.join_count if left >= count: num = get_num(pid, count) # 创建或更新夺宝订单明细记录 create_or_update_order_detail(, pid, { "count": count, "created_datetime": time_now, "num": num }) # 更新用户余额 update_user(, current_user.balance - count) if left == count: kj_time = get_kj_time(time_now) update_period(pid, { "join_count": period.join_count + count, "status": 1, "end_time": time_now, "kj_count": create_kj_count(time_now), "kj_time": kj_time, }) create_period(, period.total_count, period.number+ 1) else: update_period(pid,{ "join_count": period.join_count + count, }) return redirect(url_for('period_detail',pid=pid))
def main_page(self, s, r): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') acc = {'bank': 'CapitalOne'} acc['original_available'] = get_num( soup.find( text='Available to spend').parent.parent.find('div').text) acc['limit'] = get_num( soup.find(text='Credit limit').parent.parent.text) acc['balance'] = get_num( soup.find(text='Current balance').parent.parent.text) acc['available'] = None # get available in terms of debit # float precision safe comparison if abs(acc['original_available'] == acc['balance']) <= 0.01: acc['available'] = -acc['balance'] else: acc['available'] = acc['original_available'] - acc['limit'] acc['name'] = 'Capital One' self.accounts.append(acc) # download transaction files r = s.get( '' ) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') d = {} d['org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN'] = \ soup.find('input',{'name': 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN'})['value'] d['downloadType'] = 'qif' r = '', data=d) filename = time.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '-' + 'cap1.qif' file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(r.text) file.close()
def get_restaurants(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('restaurants.html', data=restaurants.filters_object()) lat = utils.get_field(request, 'lat', required=True) lng = utils.get_field(request, 'long', required=True) rad = utils.get_num(request, 'radius', 1, 20, required=True) cuisines = utils.get_list(request, 'cuisines') categories = utils.get_list(request, 'categories') price = utils.get_num(request, 'price', required=True) user_id = utils.get_num(request, 'user_id', required=True) limit = utils.get_num(request, 'limit') offset = utils.get_num(request, 'offset') return restaurants.get_restaurants(lat, lng, rad, price, limit, offset, cuisines, categories)
def stock_extra_ins(arr, meet_seq, rcp_no): stock_total_cnt = get_num(arr[0]) if stock_total_cnt == 'null': stock_total_cnt = '0' stock_avl_cnt = get_num(arr[3]) if stock_avl_cnt == 'null': stock_avl_cnt = '0' stock_ext_cnt = get_num(arr[4]) if stock_ext_cnt == 'null': stock_ext_cnt = '0' in_qry = """insert into proxy026(meet_seq, rcp_no, stock_total_cnt, stock_avl_range, stock_kind, stock_avl_cnt, stock_ext_cnt, create_dt, modify_dt) values('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', {5}, {6}, '{7}', '{8}') """.format(meet_seq, rcp_no, stock_total_cnt, arr[1], arr[2], stock_avl_cnt, stock_ext_cnt, create_dt, create_dt) return in_qry
def search(): u = require_token() page = get_num(request.args.get('page')) pagesize = max(get_num(request.args.get('pagesize')), 200) keywords = request.args.get('keywords') pids = [ for tr in TagRecord.query.filter_by(tag=keywords).order_by(db.desc('pid')).paginate(page, pagesize).items] data = [ map_post(Post.query.get(pid), for pid in pids if Post.query.get(pid) and not Post.query.get(pid).deleted ] return { 'code': 0, 'count': len(data), 'data': data }
def nextRound(self): g.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.next_button.set_sensitive(False) self.journal = True # set to False if we come in via main() self.num = utils.get_num(self.level) self.lives, self.offset = utils.get_lives(self.level) self.status = None self.input = [] self.attempts_list = [] self.compare_list = []
def __init__(self, level=3, parent=None): self.parent = parent self.level = level self.journal = True # set to False if we come in via main() self.num = utils.get_num(self.level) self.lives, self.offset = utils.get_lives(self.level) self.status = None self.input = [] self.compare_list = [] self.attempts_list = [] self.score = 0 self.parent.update_score(self.score)
def change_level(self, level): g.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.level = level self.journal = True # set to False if we come in via main() self.num = utils.get_num(self.level) self.lives, self.offset = utils.get_lives(self.level) self.status = None self.input = [] self.attempts_list = [] self.compare_list = [] self.score = 0 self.parent.update_score(self.score) self.next_button.set_sensitive(False)
def main_page(self, s, r): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') acc = {'bank': 'CapitalOne'} acc['original_available'] = get_num(soup.find(text = 'Available to spend').parent.parent.find('div').text) acc['limit'] = get_num(soup.find(text = 'Credit limit').parent.parent.text) acc['balance'] = get_num(soup.find(text = 'Current balance').parent.parent.text) acc['available'] = None # get available in terms of debit # float precision safe comparison if abs(acc['original_available'] == acc['balance']) <= 0.01: acc['available'] = -acc['balance'] else: acc['available'] = acc['original_available'] - acc['limit'] acc['name'] = 'Capital One' self.accounts.append(acc) # download transaction files r = s.get('') soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') d = {} d['org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN'] = \ soup.find('input',{'name': 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN'})['value'] d['downloadType'] = 'qif' r ='', data=d) filename = time.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '-' + 'cap1.qif' file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(r.text) file.close()
def main_page(self, s, r): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") for accountEntry in soup.find_all(class_="account-row"): # get account details and add to accounts list r = s.get("" + accountEntry.find(class_="acLink")["href"]) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") accInfo = soup.find(class_="stage-head-ac-info") accNumbers = accInfo.find("h2").get_text() acc = {"bank": "Nationwide"} acc["name"] = accNumbers.splitlines()[3].lstrip() acc["sort"] = accNumbers.splitlines()[4].lstrip().split()[0] acc["number"] = accNumbers.splitlines()[4].lstrip().split()[1] acc["balance"] = get_num(accInfo.find_all("dd")[0].get_text()) acc["available"] = get_num(accInfo.find_all("dd")[1].get_text()) self.accounts.append(acc) # download transaction files d = {} d["__token"] = soup.find(id="transactionsfullstatementdownloadfs")["value"] d["downloadType"] = "Ofx" r ="", data=d) filename = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + "-" + acc["sort"] + "-" + acc["number"] + ".ofx" file = open(filename, "w") file.write(r.text) file.close()
def main_page(self, s, r): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') for accountEntry in soup.find_all(class_ = 'account-row'): # get account details and add to accounts list r = s.get('' + accountEntry.find(class_ = 'acLink')['href']) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') accInfo = soup.find(class_ = 'stage-head-ac-info') accNumbers = accInfo.find('h2').get_text() acc = {'bank': 'Nationwide'} acc['name'] = accNumbers.splitlines()[3].lstrip() acc['sort'] = accNumbers.splitlines()[4].lstrip().split()[0] acc['number'] = accNumbers.splitlines()[4].lstrip().split()[1] acc['balance'] = get_num(accInfo.find_all('dd')[0].get_text()) acc['available'] = get_num(accInfo.find_all('dd')[1].get_text()) self.accounts.append(acc) # download transaction files d = {} d['__token'] = soup.find(id = 'transactionsfullstatementdownloadfs')['value'] d['downloadType'] = 'Ofx' r ='', data=d) filename = time.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '-' + acc['sort'] + '-' + acc['number'] + '.ofx' file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(r.text) file.close()
def report(): u = require_token() pid = get_num(request.form.get('pid')) reason = request.form.get('reason', '') db.session.add(Syslog( log_type='REPORT', log_detail=f"pid={pid}\n{reason}", name_hash=hash_name( )) db.session.commit() return {'code': 0}
def get_one(): u = require_token() pid = get_num(request.args.get('pid')) post = Post.query.get(pid) if not post: abort(404) if post.deleted: abort(451) data = map_post(post, return { 'code': 0, 'data': data }
def get_stockoption(driver, meet_seq, rcp_no, cursor): try: #print('------------------------- 주식매수선택권 -------------------------') person_arr, method_arr, extra_stock_arr, use_stock_arr = dis_stockoption( driver) # 부여받을 자의 성명 등 if person_arr: for i in range(0, len(person_arr)): person_arr[i][4] = get_num(person_arr[i][4]) stockoption_db(meet_seq, rcp_no, person_arr, method_arr, extra_stock_arr, use_stock_arr, cursor)'[10] stock option success.') except Exception as e: error_logger.error('[10] stock option fail. [{0}] : {1}'.format( rcp_no, e))
def get_comment(): u = require_token() pid = get_num(request.args.get('pid')) post = Post.query.get(pid) if not post: abort(404) if post.deleted: abort(451) data = map_comment(post, return { 'code': 0, 'attention': check_attention(, pid), 'likenum': post.likenum, 'data': data }
def get_list(): u = require_token() p = get_num(request.args.get('p')) posts = Post.query.filter_by(deleted=False) if 'no_cw' in request.args: posts = posts.filter_by(cw=None) posts = posts.order_by(db.desc('comment_timestamp')) if 'by_c' in request.args else posts.order_by(db.desc('id')) posts = posts.paginate(p, PER_PAGE) data =list(map(map_post, posts.items, [] * len(posts.items))) return { 'code': 0, 'tmp_token': tmp_token(), 'count': len(data), 'data': data }
def delete(): u = require_token() obj_type = request.form.get('type') obj_id = get_num(request.form.get('id')) note = request.form.get('note') if note and len(note)>100: abort(422) obj = None if obj_type == 'pid': obj = Post.query.get(obj_id) elif obj_type == 'cid': obj = Comment.query.get(obj_id) if not obj: abort(404) if obj.name_hash == hash_name( if obj_type == 'pid': if len(obj.comments): abort(403) Attention.query.filter_by( TagRecord.query.filter_by( db.session.delete(obj) else: obj.deleted = True elif in app.config.get('ADMINS'): obj.deleted = True db.session.add(Syslog( log_type='ADMIN DELETE', log_detail=f"{obj_type}={obj_id}\n{note}", name_hash=hash_name( )) if note.startswith('!ban'): db.session.add(Syslog( log_type='BANNED', log_detail=f"=> {obj_type}={obj_id}", name_hash=obj.name_hash )) else: abort(403) db.session.commit() return {'code': 0}
def edit_cw(): u = require_token() cw = request.form.get('cw') pid = get_num(request.form.get('pid')) cw = cw.strip() if cw else None if cw and len(cw)>32: abort(422) post = Post.query.get(pid) if not post: abort(404) if post.deleted: abort(451) if not ( in app.config.get('ADMINS') or hash_name( == post.name_hash): abort(403) = cw; db.session.commit() return {'code': 0}
def isa_elect_ins(arr, meet_seq, rcp_no, seq): # 개행 제거 for i in range(0, len(arr)): arr[i] = str(arr[i]).replace("\n", "") is_out = arr[2] if '사외이사' in is_out or is_out == '예' or is_out == 'Y' or is_out == 'y' or is_out == '해당' or is_out == 'O' or is_out == 'o' or is_out == '○': is_out = '2' elif '감사' == is_out: is_out = '3' elif '기타비상무' in is_out or '비상무' in is_out or '기타' in is_out: is_out = '4' else: is_out = '1' # 생년월/생년월일 구분 birth = arr[1] if len(get_num(birth)) < 7: birth = make_birth(birth) else: birth = make_birth_ymd(birth) # 이름 띄어쓰기 제거 pe_nm = str(arr[0]).replace(" ", "") pe_nm = get_nm(pe_nm) jm_code = meet_seq[:6] pe_code = get_pecode(jm_code, pe_nm) in_qry = """insert into proxy021(meet_seq, rcp_no, isa_gb, pe_seq, pe_code, pe_nm, pe_birth, is_out, juju_rel, recommender, bigo, create_dt, modify_dt) values('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}') """.format(meet_seq, rcp_no, arr[5], jm_code + str(seq + 1).zfill(4), pe_code, pe_nm, birth, is_out, arr[3], arr[4], '', create_dt, create_dt) return in_qry
def parse(self, response): hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response) h_div = get_one('//body/div[@id="bodydiv"]/div[@class="main_content"]/div/div[@class="left_cont"]/div[@id="msnew"]/div[@class="msnew_infobar"]')) xpath_list_div = [ ['start_time_str', 'div[@class="msnew_infotitle"]/p[@class="msinfotitle_left02"]/text()', 'strip', None], ['from_time', 'span[@class="CountDown"]/@fr', 'int', None], ['to_time', 'span[@class="CountDown"]/@to', 'int', None], ] if not h_div: self.log('no page to parse', level = log.WARNING) return attr_dict = get_attr(xpath_list_div, h_div) start_time_str = str( + " " + attr_dict['start_time_str'] print 'start_time_str ' + start_time_str.encode('utf8') display_time_begin = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").strftime("%s")) print 'display_time_begin ' + str(display_time_begin) cost_seconds = ((attr_dict['to_time'] - attr_dict['from_time']) / 1000) print 'cost_seconds ' + str(cost_seconds) display_time_end = display_time_begin + cost_seconds print 'display_time_end ' + str(display_time_end) h_li_array ='//body/div[@id="bodydiv"]/div[@class="main_content"]/div/div[@class="left_cont"]/div[@id="msnew"]/div[@class="msnew_infobar"]/ul[@id="ms_tuanlist"]/li') print "len " + str(len(h_li_array)) xpath_list = [ ['img_url', 'div[@class="pic"]/a/img/@src', 'string', None], ['title', 'div[@class="info"]/span/a[@target="_blank"]/@title', 'string', None], ['url', 'div[@class="info"]/span/a[@target="_blank"]/@href', 'string', None], ['origin_price', 'div[@class="info"]/span[@class="gray6"]/text()', 'get_float_str_to_fen', None], ['current_price', 'div[@class="info"]/span[@class="redf16"]/text()', 'get_float_str_to_fen', None], ['sale_info', 'div[@class="info"]/span[@class="red94"]/text()', 'string', None], ] ret_items = [] for h_li in h_li_array: attr_dict = get_attr(xpath_list, h_li) if attr_dict['url'][0] == '/': attr_dict['url'] = '' + attr_dict['url'] limit = get_num(attr_dict['sale_info'].split(' ')[0]) left = get_num(attr_dict['sale_info'].split(' ')[1]) sale = limit - left print 'limit ' + str(limit) + " left " + str(left) prod = VanclMiaoshaItem() prod['link'] = attr_dict['url'] prod['id'] = hashlib.md5(prod['link']).hexdigest().upper() prod['title'] = attr_dict['title'] prod['img'] = attr_dict['img_url'] prod['ori_price'] = attr_dict['origin_price'] prod['cur_price'] = attr_dict['current_price'] prod['discount'] = get_discount(attr_dict['origin_price'], attr_dict['current_price']) #TODO prod['stat'] = utils.BEGIN prod['sale'] = sale prod['sale_percent'] = sale * 100 / limit prod['display_time_begin'] = display_time_begin prod['display_time_end'] = display_time_end #prod['actual_time_begin'] = start_time #prod['actual_time_end'] = start_time prod['limit'] = limit prod['source'] = self.display_name ret_items.append(prod) return ret_items
def exposure(data_path, country, parallel=True): """" Creation of exposure table of the specified country Arguments: data_path {string} -- string of data path where all data is located. country {string} -- ISO2 code of country to consider. Keyword Arguments: parallel {bool} -- calculates all regions within a country parallel. Set to False if you have little capacity on the machine (default: {True}) Returns: dataframe -- pandas dataframe with all buildings of the country and potential exposure to wind """ input_ = buildings(country, parallel=False) #============================================================================== # Fill table #============================================================================== # Specify Country input_["COUNTRY"] = country # Calculate area input_["AREA_m2"] = input_.geometry.area # Determine centroid input_["centroid"] = input_.geometry.centroid # Get land use nuts_eu = gpd.read_file( os.path.join(data_path, 'input_data', 'NUTS3_ETRS.shp')) nuts_eu.loc[nuts_eu['NUTS_ID'] == country].to_file( os.path.join(data_path, country, 'NUTS2_SHAPE', '{}.shp'.format(country))) CLC_2012 = os.path.join(data_path, country, 'NUTS2_LANDUSE', '{}_LANDUSE.tif'.format(country)) clip_landuse(data_path, country, CLC_2012) input_['CLC_2012'] = point_query(list(input_['centroid']), CLC_2012, nodata=-9999, interpolate='nearest') print('Finished coupling land-use to buildings for {}'.format(country)) #============================================================================== # Loop through storms #============================================================================== storm_list = get_storm_list(data_path) for outrast_storm in storm_list: storm_name = str(get_num(outrast_storm[-23:])) input_[storm_name] = point_query(list(input_['centroid']), outrast_storm, nodata=-9999, interpolate='nearest') print('Finished the exposure table for {}'.format(country)) return input_
arg = parser.parse_args() conf_thresh = 0.5 duke_resize_scale = 0.1 duke_sample_step = 6 metric_dir = 'metric' txt_name = 'duke.txt' if arg.task == 'duke' else 'metric.txt' data_dir = path.join('data', arg.task, 'pt', arg.subtask, metric_dir) result_metric_dir = path.join('result', arg.task, arg.subtask, arg.exp, arg.model, metric_dir) pt_names = glob.glob(path.join(result_metric_dir, '*.pt')) # get filenames pt_names = [path.basename(pt_name) for pt_name in pt_names] # remove directory name pt_names.sort(key=lambda f: utils.get_num(f)) # sort filename by number S = len(pt_names) pt_tmp = torch.load(path.join(result_metric_dir, pt_names[0])) N = pt_tmp.size(0) T = pt_tmp.size(1) O = pt_tmp.size(2) assert pt_tmp.size(3) == 5, 'Wrong tensor size.' # load results from all pt files res = torch.Tensor(N, S, T, O, 5).zero_() for s in range(0, S): pt = torch.load(path.join(result_metric_dir, pt_names[s])) # N * T * O * 5 res[:, s].copy_(pt) res = res.view(-1, O, 5) # NST * O * 5, F * O * 5 if arg.task == 'duke':
def losses(data_path, country, parallel=True, storm_event_set=False): """"Estimation of the losses for all buildings in a country to the pre-defined list of storms Arguments: data_path {string} -- string of data path where all data is located. country {string} -- ISO2 code of country to consider. Keyword Arguments: parallel {bool} -- calculates all regions within a country parallel. Set to False if you have little capacity on the machine (default: {True}) Returns: dataframe -- pandas dataframe with all buildings of the country and their losses for each wind storm """ start = time.time() #load storms if storm_event_set == False: storm_list = get_storm_list(data_path) storm_name_list = [str(get_num(x[-23:])) for x in storm_list] else: None #load max dam max_dam = load_max_dam(data_path) #load curves curves = load_curves(data_path) #load sample sample = load_sample(country) output_table = exposure(data_path, country, parallel=False) no_storm_columns = list( set(output_table.columns).difference(list(storm_name_list))) write_output = pd.DataFrame(output_table[no_storm_columns]) for storm in storm_name_list: ##============================================================================== ## Calculate losses for buildings in this NUTS region ##============================================================================== max_dam_country = np.asarray( max_dam[max_dam['CODE'].str.contains(country)].iloc[:, 1:], dtype='int16') df_C2 = pd.DataFrame(output_table[['AREA_m2', 'CLC_2012', storm]]) df_C3 = pd.DataFrame(output_table[['AREA_m2', 'CLC_2012', storm]]) df_C4 = pd.DataFrame(output_table[['AREA_m2', 'CLC_2012', storm]]) df_C2[storm + '_curve'] = df_C2[storm].map(curves['C2']) df_C3[storm + '_curve'] = df_C3[storm].map(curves['C3']) df_C4[storm + '_curve'] = df_C4[storm].map(curves['C4']) #specify shares for urban and nonurban RES_URB = 1 - sample[3] / 100 IND_URB = sample[3] / 100 RES_NONURB = 0.5 IND_NONURB = 0.5 # Use pandas where to fill new column for losses df_C2['Loss'] = np.where( df_C2['CLC_2012'].between(0, 12, inclusive=True), (df_C2['AREA_m2'] * df_C2[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 0] * RES_URB + df_C2['AREA_m2'] * df_C2[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 2] * IND_URB) * (sample[0] / 100), 0) df_C2['Loss'] = np.where( df_C2['CLC_2012'].between(13, 23, inclusive=True), (df_C2['AREA_m2'] * df_C2[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 0] * RES_NONURB + df_C2['AREA_m2'] * df_C2[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 2] * IND_NONURB) * (sample[0] / 100), df_C2['Loss']) df_C3['Loss'] = np.where( df_C3['CLC_2012'].between(0, 12, inclusive=True), (df_C3['AREA_m2'] * df_C3[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 0] * RES_URB + df_C3['AREA_m2'] * df_C3[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 2] * IND_URB) * (sample[1] / 100), 0) df_C3['Loss'] = np.where( df_C3['CLC_2012'].between(13, 23, inclusive=True), (df_C3['AREA_m2'] * df_C3[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 0] * RES_NONURB + df_C3['AREA_m2'] * df_C3[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 2] * IND_NONURB) * (sample[1] / 100), df_C3['Loss']) df_C4['Loss'] = np.where( df_C4['CLC_2012'].between(0, 12, inclusive=True), (df_C4['AREA_m2'] * df_C4[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 0] * RES_URB + df_C4['AREA_m2'] * df_C4[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 2] * IND_URB) * (sample[2] / 100), 0) df_C4['Loss'] = np.where( df_C4['CLC_2012'].between(13, 23, inclusive=True), (df_C4['AREA_m2'] * df_C4[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 0] * RES_NONURB + df_C4['AREA_m2'] * df_C4[storm + '_curve'] * max_dam_country[0, 2] * IND_NONURB) * (sample[2] / 100), df_C4['Loss']) # # and write output write_output[storm] = (df_C2['Loss'].fillna(0).astype(int) + df_C3['Loss'].fillna(0).astype(int) + df_C4['Loss'].fillna(0).astype(int)) print('Finished estimating the losses for {}'.format(country)) end = time.time() print('{} took {} minutes to finish.'.format( country, str(np.float16((end - start) / 60)))) return (gpd.GeoDataFrame(write_output)) """
# Get image_names and cam_ids img_names_total = {'train': [], 'test': []} cam_ids_total = {'train': [], 'test': []} rg = range(1, 9) if arg.c == -1 else range(arg.c, arg.c+1) for cam_id in rg: start_bias = start_times[cam_id-1] - 1 train_start = trainval[0] - start_bias train_end = trainval[1] - start_bias test_start = test_easy[0] - start_bias test_end = test_easy[1] - start_bias input_img_dir = path.join(input_dir, 'camera'+str(cam_id)) img_names = glob.glob(path.join(input_img_dir, '*.jpg')) # get filenames img_names = [path.basename(img_name) for img_name in img_names] # remove directory name if arg.metric == 0: img_names = list(filter(lambda f: train_start <= utils.get_num(f) <= train_end, img_names)) else: img_names = list(filter(lambda f: test_start <= utils.get_num(f) <= test_end, img_names)) img_names.sort(key=lambda f: utils.get_num(f)) # sort filename by number frame_num = len(img_names) print('frame number in camera' + str(cam_id) + ': ' + str(frame_num)) train_frame_num = math.floor(frame_num * train_ratio) test_frame_num = math.floor(frame_num * (1 - train_ratio)) img_names_total['train'] += img_names[0: train_frame_num] img_names_total['test'] += img_names[train_frame_num: train_frame_num+test_frame_num] cam_ids_total['train'] += [cam_id] * train_frame_num cam_ids_total['test'] += [cam_id] * test_frame_num train_frame_num = len(img_names_total['train']) test_frame_num = len(img_names_total['test']) print('train frame number: ' + str(train_frame_num)) print('test frame number: ' + str(test_frame_num))
def main_page(self, s, r): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') for accountEntry in soup.find(id='lstAccLst').findAll('li', recursive=False): # get account details and add to accounts list r = s.get('' + accountEntry.find('h2').a['href']) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') accountNumbers = soup.find(class_='numbers').get_text().split(', ') acc = {'bank': 'TSB'} acc['name'] = soup.find('h1').get_text() acc['sort'] = accountNumbers[0].replace('-', '') acc['number'] = accountNumbers[1] acc['balance'] = get_num(soup.find(class_='balance').get_text()) acc['available'] = get_num( soup.find( class_= 'manageMyAccountsFaShowMeAnchor {bubble : \'fundsAvailable\', pointer : \'top\'}' ).parent.get_text()) self.accounts.append(acc) # download transaction files r = s.get('' + soup.find(id='pnlgrpStatement:conS1:lkoverlay')['href']) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') # get all form fields, put in dictionary d - # soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') d = { e['name']: e.get('value', '') for e in soup.find_all('input', {'name': True}) } now = time.localtime(time.time()) yearAgo = time.localtime(time.time() - 6570000) # ~ 2.5 months year ago # will download current view if 0, past 2.5 months if 1 d['frmTest:rdoDateRange'] = '0' d['frmTest:dtSearchFromDate'] = time.strftime('%d', yearAgo) d['frmTest:dtSearchFromDate.month'] = time.strftime('%m', yearAgo) d['frmTest:dtSearchFromDate.year'] = str( time.strftime('%Y', yearAgo)) d['frmTest:dtSearchToDate'] = time.strftime('%d', now) d['frmTest:dtSearchToDate.month'] = time.strftime('%m', now) d['frmTest:dtSearchToDate.year'] = str(time.strftime('%Y', now)) d['frmTest:strExportFormatSelected'] = 'Quicken 98 and 2000 and Money (.QIF)' r = '', data=d) filename = time.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '-' + acc['sort'] + '-' + acc['number'] + '.qif' file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(r.text) file.close()