def check_vol(vol_params): """ Check volume information. """ pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) # Supported operation if vol_name not in pv.list_volumes():"Volume %s doesn't exist" % vol_name) ret = virsh.vol_dumpxml(vol_name, pool_name) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret) # vol-info if not pv.volume_info(vol_name):"Can't see volume info") # vol-key ret = virsh.vol_key(vol_name, pool_name) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret) if "%s/%s" % (disk_src_pool, vol_name) not in ret.stdout:"Volume key isn't correct") # vol-path ret = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, pool_name) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret) if "%s/%s" % (disk_src_pool, vol_name) not in ret.stdout:"Volume path isn't correct") # vol-pool ret = virsh.vol_pool("%s/%s" % (disk_src_pool, vol_name)) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret) if pool_name not in ret.stdout:"Volume pool isn't correct") # vol-name ret = virsh.vol_name("%s/%s" % (disk_src_pool, vol_name)) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret) if vol_name not in ret.stdout:"Volume name isn't correct") # vol-resize ret = virsh.vol_resize(vol_name, "2G", pool_name) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret) # Not supported operation # vol-clone ret = virsh.vol_clone(vol_name, cloned_vol_name, pool_name) libvirt.check_result(ret, skip_if=unsupported_err) # vol-create-from volxml = vol_xml.VolXML() vol_params.update({"name": "%s" % create_from_cloned_volume}) v_xml = volxml.new_vol(**vol_params) v_xml.xmltreefile.write() ret = virsh.vol_create_from(pool_name, v_xml.xml, vol_name, pool_name) libvirt.check_result(ret, skip_if=unsupported_err) # vol-wipe ret = virsh.vol_wipe(vol_name, pool_name) libvirt.check_result(ret, skip_if=unsupported_err) # vol-upload ret = virsh.vol_upload(vol_name, vm.get_first_disk_devices()['source'], "--pool %s" % pool_name) libvirt.check_result(ret, skip_if=unsupported_err) # vol-download ret = virsh.vol_download(vol_name, cloned_vol_name, "--pool %s" % pool_name) libvirt.check_result(ret, skip_if=unsupported_err)
def create_volume(expected_vol): """ Creates Volume """ pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(expected_vol['pool_name']) return pv.create_volume(expected_vol['name'], expected_vol['capacity'], expected_vol['allocation'], expected_vol['format'])
def pre_vol(self, vol_name, vol_format, capacity, allocation, pool_name): """ Preapare the specific type volume in pool """ pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if not pv.create_volume(vol_name, capacity, allocation, vol_format): raise error.TestFail("Prepare volume failed.") if not pv.volume_exists(vol_name): raise error.TestFail("Can't find volume: %s", vol_name)
def delete_volume(expected_vol): """ Deletes Volume """ pool_name = expected_vol['pool_name'] vol_name = expected_vol['name'] pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if not pv.delete_volume(vol_name):"Delete volume failed." % vol_name) else: logging.debug("Volume: %s successfully deleted on pool: %s", vol_name, pool_name)
def run_test(self): """ Start test, Creat a volume. """ emulated_size = "%sG" % (int(self.volume_size[:-1]) + 1) if int(self.volume_size[:-1]) <= 1: raise error.TestNAError("Volume size must large than 1G") self.pvtest = libvirt.PoolVolumeTest(self.test, self.params) self.pvtest.pre_pool(self.pool_name, self.pool_type, self.pool_target, self.emulated_img, image_size=emulated_size, pre_disk_vol=[self.volume_size]) self.pool = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(self.pool_name) self.pool.create_volume(self.vol_name, self.volume_size)
def cleanup_pool(self, pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, source_name=None): """ Delete vols, destroy the created pool and restore the env """ sp = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() try: if sp.pool_exists(pool_name): pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if pool_type in ["dir", "netfs", "logical", "disk"]: vols = pv.list_volumes() for vol in vols: # Ignore failed deletion here for deleting pool pv.delete_volume(vol) if not sp.delete_pool(pool_name): raise error.TestFail("Delete pool %s failed" % pool_name) finally: if pool_type == "netfs": nfs_server_dir = self.params.get("nfs_server_dir", "nfs-server") nfs_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, nfs_server_dir) setup_or_cleanup_nfs(is_setup=False, mount_dir=nfs_path) if os.path.exists(nfs_path): shutil.rmtree(nfs_path) if pool_type == "logical": cmd = "pvs |grep vg_logical|awk '{print $1}'" pv = utils.system_output(cmd) # Cleanup logical volume anyway"vgremove -f vg_logical", ignore_status=True)"pvremove %s" % pv, ignore_status=True) # These types used iscsi device if pool_type in ["logical", "iscsi", "fs", "disk", "scsi"]: setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(is_setup=False, emulated_image=emulated_image) if pool_type in ["dir", "fs", "netfs"]: pool_target = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, pool_target) if os.path.exists(pool_target): shutil.rmtree(pool_target) if pool_type == "gluster": setup_or_cleanup_gluster(False, source_name)
def create_vol(p_name, vol_params): """ Create volume. :param p_name: Pool name. :param vol_params: Volume parameters dict. """ # Clean up dirty volumes if pool has. pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(p_name) vol_name_list = pv.list_volumes() for vol_name in vol_name_list: pv.delete_volume(vol_name) volxml = vol_xml.VolXML() v_xml = volxml.new_vol(**vol_params) v_xml.xmltreefile.write() ret = virsh.vol_create(p_name, v_xml.xml, **virsh_dargs) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret)
def create_vol(p_name, target_encrypt_params, vol_params): """ Create volume. :param p_name. Pool name. :param target_encrypt_params encrypt parameters in dict. :param vol_params. Volume parameters dict. :return: True if create successfully. """ # Clean up dirty volumes if pool has. pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(p_name) vol_name_list = pv.list_volumes() for vol_name in vol_name_list: pv.delete_volume(vol_name) volxml = vol_xml.VolXML() v_xml = volxml.new_vol(**vol_params) v_xml.encryption = volxml.new_encryption(**target_encrypt_params) v_xml.xmltreefile.write() ret = virsh.vol_create(p_name, v_xml.xml, **virsh_dargs) libvirt.check_exit_status(ret)
def run(test, params, env): """ Test storage pool and volumes with applications such as: install vms, attached to vms... """ pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_name = "test_%s_app" % pool_type pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_img = params.get("emulated_image", "emulated-image") volume_count = int(params.get("volume_count", 1)) volume_size = params.get("volume_size", "1G") emulated_size = "%sG" % (volume_count * int(volume_size[:-1]) + 1) application = params.get("application", "install") disk_target = params.get("disk_target", "vdb") test_message = params.get("test_message", "") vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "avocado-vt-vm1") block_device = params.get("block_device", "/DEV/EXAMPLE") if application == "install": cdrom_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(), params.get("cdrom_cd1")) if not os.path.exists(cdrom_path): raise error.TestNAError("Can't find installation cdrom:%s" % cdrom_path) # Get a nonexist domain name vm_name = "vol_install_test" try: pvtest = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvtest.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_img, image_size=emulated_size, pre_disk_vol=[volume_size], device_name=block_device) logging.debug("Current pools:\n%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) new_pool = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if pool_type == "disk": volumes = new_pool.list_volumes() logging.debug("Current volumes:%s", volumes) else: volumes = create_volumes(new_pool, volume_count, volume_size) if application == "attach": vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) session = vm.wait_for_login() virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, volumes.values()[volume_count - 1], disk_target) vm_attach_device = "/dev/%s" % disk_target if session.cmd_status("which parted"): # No parted command, check device only if session.cmd_status("ls %s" % vm_attach_device): raise error.TestFail("Didn't find attached device:%s" % vm_attach_device) return # Test if attached disk can be used normally utlv.mk_part(vm_attach_device, session=session) session.cmd("mkfs.ext4 %s1" % vm_attach_device) session.cmd("mount %s1 /mnt" % vm_attach_device) session.cmd("echo %s > /mnt/test" % test_message) output = session.cmd_output("cat /mnt/test").strip() if output != test_message: raise error.TestFail("%s cannot be used normally!" % vm_attach_device) elif application == "install": # Get a nonexist domain name anyway while virsh.domain_exists(vm_name): vm_name += "_test" # Prepare installation parameters params["main_vm"] = vm_name vm = env.create_vm("libvirt", None, vm_name, params, test.bindir) env.register_vm(vm_name, vm) params["image_name"] = volumes.values()[volume_count - 1] params["image_format"] = "raw" params['force_create_image'] = "yes" params['remove_image'] = "yes" params['shutdown_cleanly'] = "yes" params['shutdown_cleanly_timeout'] = 120 params['guest_port_unattended_install'] = 12323 params['inactivity_watcher'] = "error" params['inactivity_treshold'] = 1800 params['image_verify_bootable'] = "no" params['unattended_delivery_method'] = "cdrom" params['drive_index_unattended'] = 1 params['drive_index_cd1'] = 2 params['boot_once'] = "d" params['medium'] = "cdrom" params['wait_no_ack'] = "yes" params['image_raw_device'] = "yes" params['backup_image_before_testing'] = "no" params['kernel_params'] = ("ks=cdrom nicdelay=60 " "console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0") params['cdroms'] = "unattended cd1" params['redirs'] += " unattended_install" selinux_mode = None try: selinux_mode = utils_selinux.get_status() utils_selinux.set_status("permissive") try:, params, env) except process.CmdError, detail: raise error.TestFail("Guest install failed:%s" % detail) finally: if selinux_mode is not None: utils_selinux.set_status(selinux_mode) env.unregister_vm(vm_name) finally: try: if application == "install": if virsh.domain_exists(vm_name): virsh.remove_domain(vm_name) elif application == "attach": virsh.detach_disk(vm_name, disk_target) finally: pvtest.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_img, device_name=block_device)
def run(test, params, env): """ This test cover two volume commands: vol-clone and vol-wipe. 1. Create a given type pool. 2. Create a given format volume in the pool. 3. Clone the new create volume. 4. Wipe the new clone volume. 5. Delete the volume and pool. """ pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") if not os.path.dirname(pool_target): pool_target = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), pool_target) emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") emulated_image_size = params.get("emulated_image_size") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") new_vol_name = params.get("new_vol_name") vol_capability = params.get("vol_capability") vol_allocation = params.get("vol_allocation") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") clone_option = params.get("clone_option", "") wipe_algorithms = params.get("wipe_algorithms") b_luks_encrypted = "luks" == params.get("encryption_method") encryption_password = params.get("encryption_password", "redhat") secret_uuids = [] wipe_old_vol = False with_clusterSize = "yes" == params.get("with_clusterSize") vol_clusterSize = params.get("vol_clusterSize", "64") vol_clusterSize_unit = params.get("vol_clusterSize_unit") libvirt_version.is_libvirt_feature_supported(params) if virsh.has_command_help_match("vol-clone", "--prealloc-metadata") is None: if "prealloc-metadata" in clone_option: test.cancel("Option --prealloc-metadata " "is not supported.") clone_status_error = "yes" == params.get("clone_status_error", "no") wipe_status_error = "yes" == params.get("wipe_status_error", "no") setup_libvirt_polkit = "yes" == params.get("setup_libvirt_polkit") # libvirt acl polkit related params uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unpri_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unpri_user: if unpri_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unpri_user = '******' if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if setup_libvirt_polkit: test.cancel("API acl test not supported in current" " libvirt version.") # Using algorithms other than zero need scrub installed. try: utils_path.find_command('scrub') except utils_path.CmdNotFoundError: logging.warning("Can't locate scrub binary, only 'zero' algorithm " "is used.") valid_algorithms = ["zero"] else: valid_algorithms = [ "zero", "nnsa", "dod", "bsi", "gutmann", "schneier", "pfitzner7", "pfitzner33", "random" ] # Choose an algorithm randomly if wipe_algorithms: alg = random.choice(wipe_algorithms.split()) else: alg = random.choice(valid_algorithms) libvirt_pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) libvirt_pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() if libvirt_pool.pool_exists(pool_name): test.error("Pool '%s' already exist" % pool_name) try: # Create a new pool disk_vol = [] if pool_type == 'disk': disk_vol.append(params.get("pre_vol", '10M')) libvirt_pvt.pre_pool(pool_name=pool_name, pool_type=pool_type, pool_target=pool_target, emulated_image=emulated_image, image_size=emulated_image_size, pre_disk_vol=disk_vol) libvirt_vol = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) # Create a new volume if vol_format in ['raw', 'qcow2', 'qed', 'vmdk']: if (b_luks_encrypted and vol_format in ['raw', 'qcow2']): if not libvirt_version.version_compare(2, 0, 0): test.cancel("LUKS is not supported in current" " libvirt version") if vol_format == "qcow2" and not libvirt_version.version_compare( 6, 10, 0): test.cancel("Qcow2 format with luks encryption is not" " supported in current libvirt version") luks_sec_uuid = create_luks_secret( os.path.join(pool_target, vol_name), encryption_password, test) secret_uuids.append(luks_sec_uuid) vol_arg = {} vol_arg['name'] = vol_name vol_arg['capacity'] = int(vol_capability) vol_arg['allocation'] = int(vol_allocation) vol_arg['format'] = vol_format if with_clusterSize: vol_arg['clusterSize'] = int(vol_clusterSize) vol_arg['clusterSize_unit'] = vol_clusterSize_unit create_luks_vol(pool_name, vol_name, luks_sec_uuid, vol_arg) else: libvirt_pvt.pre_vol(vol_name=vol_name, vol_format=vol_format, capacity=vol_capability, allocation=None, pool_name=pool_name) elif vol_format == 'partition': vol_name = list(utlv.get_vol_list(pool_name).keys())[0] logging.debug("Find partition %s in disk pool", vol_name) elif vol_format == 'sparse': # Create a sparse file in pool sparse_file = pool_target + '/' + vol_name cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=" + sparse_file cmd += " bs=1 count=0 seek=" + vol_capability, ignore_status=True, shell=True) else: test.error("Unknown volume format %s" % vol_format) # Refresh the pool virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name, debug=True) vol_info = libvirt_vol.volume_info(vol_name) if not vol_info: test.error("Fail to get info of volume %s" % vol_name) for key in vol_info: logging.debug("Original volume info: %s = %s", key, vol_info[key]) # Metadata preallocation is not support for block volume if vol_info["Type"] == "block" and clone_option.count( "prealloc-metadata"): clone_status_error = True if b_luks_encrypted: wipe_old_vol = True if pool_type == "disk": new_vol_name = utlv.new_disk_vol_name(pool_name) if new_vol_name is None: test.error("Fail to generate volume name") # update polkit rule as the volume name changed if setup_libvirt_polkit: vol_pat = r"lookup\('vol_name'\) == ('\S+')" new_value = "lookup('vol_name') == '%s'" % new_vol_name utlv.update_polkit_rule(params, vol_pat, new_value) bad_cloned_vol_name = params.get("bad_cloned_vol_name", "") if bad_cloned_vol_name: new_vol_name = bad_cloned_vol_name # Clone volume clone_result = virsh.vol_clone(vol_name, new_vol_name, pool_name, clone_option, debug=True) if not clone_status_error: if clone_result.exit_status != 0:"Clone volume fail:\n%s" % clone_result.stderr.strip()) else: vol_info = libvirt_vol.volume_info(new_vol_name) for key in vol_info: logging.debug("Cloned volume info: %s = %s", key, vol_info[key]) logging.debug("Clone volume successfully.") # Wipe the new clone volume if alg: logging.debug("Wiping volume by '%s' algorithm", alg) wipe_result = virsh.vol_wipe(new_vol_name, pool_name, alg, unprivileged_user=unpri_user, uri=uri, debug=True) unsupported_err = [ "Unsupported algorithm", "no such pattern sequence" ] if not wipe_status_error: if wipe_result.exit_status != 0: if any(err in wipe_result.stderr for err in unsupported_err): test.cancel(wipe_result.stderr)"Wipe volume fail:\n%s" % clone_result.stdout.strip()) else: virsh_vol_info = libvirt_vol.volume_info(new_vol_name) for key in virsh_vol_info: logging.debug("Wiped volume info(virsh): %s = %s", key, virsh_vol_info[key]) vol_path = virsh.vol_path(new_vol_name, pool_name).stdout.strip() qemu_vol_info = utils_misc.get_image_info(vol_path) for key in qemu_vol_info: logging.debug("Wiped volume info(qemu): %s = %s", key, qemu_vol_info[key]) if qemu_vol_info['format'] != 'raw':"Expect wiped volume " "format is raw") elif wipe_status_error and wipe_result.exit_status == 0:"Expect wipe volume fail, but run" " successfully.") elif clone_status_error and clone_result.exit_status == 0:"Expect clone volume fail, but run" " successfully.") if wipe_old_vol: # Wipe the old volume if alg: logging.debug("Wiping volume by '%s' algorithm", alg) wipe_result = virsh.vol_wipe(vol_name, pool_name, alg, unprivileged_user=unpri_user, uri=uri, debug=True) unsupported_err = [ "Unsupported algorithm", "no such pattern sequence" ] if not wipe_status_error: if wipe_result.exit_status != 0: if any(err in wipe_result.stderr for err in unsupported_err): test.cancel(wipe_result.stderr)"Wipe volume fail:\n%s" % clone_result.stdout.strip()) else: virsh_vol_info = libvirt_vol.volume_info(vol_name) for key in virsh_vol_info: logging.debug("Wiped volume info(virsh): %s = %s", key, virsh_vol_info[key]) vol_path = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, pool_name).stdout.strip() qemu_vol_info = utils_misc.get_image_info(vol_path) for key in qemu_vol_info: logging.debug("Wiped volume info(qemu): %s = %s", key, qemu_vol_info[key]) if qemu_vol_info['format'] != 'raw':"Expect wiped volume " "format is raw") elif wipe_status_error and wipe_result.exit_status == 0:"Expect wipe volume fail, but run" " successfully.") if bad_cloned_vol_name: pattern = "volume name '%s' cannot contain '/'" % new_vol_name if, clone_result.stderr) is None:"vol-clone failed with unexpected reason") finally: # Clean up try: libvirt_pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) for secret_uuid in set(secret_uuids): virsh.secret_undefine(secret_uuid) except exceptions.TestFail as detail: logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh undefine command. Undefine an inactive domain, or convert persistent to transient. 1.Prepare test environment. 2.Backup the VM's information to a xml file. 3.When the libvirtd == "off", stop the libvirtd service. 4.Perform virsh undefine operation. 5.Recover test environment.(libvirts service,VM) 6.Confirm the test result. """ vm_ref = params.get("undefine_vm_ref", "vm_name") extra = params.get("undefine_extra", "") option = params.get("undefine_option", "") libvirtd_state = params.get("libvirtd", "on") status_error = ("yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")) undefine_twice = ("yes" == params.get("undefine_twice", 'no')) local_ip = params.get("local_ip", "LOCAL.EXAMPLE.COM") remote_ip = params.get("remote_ip", "REMOTE.EXAMPLE.COM") remote_user = params.get("remote_user", "user") remote_pwd = params.get("remote_pwd", "password") remote_prompt = params.get("remote_prompt", "#") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "test") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") volume_size = params.get("volume_size", "1G") vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "test_vol") emulated_img = params.get("emulated_img", "emulated_img") emulated_size = "%sG" % (int(volume_size[:-1]) + 1) disk_target = params.get("disk_target", "vdb") wipe_data = "yes" == params.get("wipe_data", "no") if wipe_data: option += " --wipe-storage" vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "virt-tests-vm1") vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vm_id = vm.get_id() vm_uuid = vm.get_uuid() # polkit acl related params uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unprivileged_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unprivileged_user: if unprivileged_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unprivileged_user = '******' if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current" " libvirt version.") # Back up xml file.Xen host has no guest xml file to define a guset. backup_xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name) # Confirm how to reference a VM. if vm_ref == "vm_name": vm_ref = vm_name elif vm_ref == "id": vm_ref = vm_id elif vm_ref == "hex_vm_id": vm_ref = hex(int(vm_id)) elif vm_ref == "uuid": vm_ref = vm_uuid elif vm_ref.find("invalid") != -1: vm_ref = params.get(vm_ref) volume = None pvtest = None status3 = None try: save_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save/" % vm_name if option.count("managedsave") and vm.is_alive(): virsh.managedsave(vm_name) if not vm.is_lxc(): snp_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name) if option.count("snapshot"): snp_file_list = [] if not len(snp_list): virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name) logging.debug("Create a snapshot for test!") else: # Backup snapshots for domain for snp_item in snp_list: tmp_file = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, snp_item + ".xml") virsh.snapshot_dumpxml(vm_name, snp_item, to_file=tmp_file) snp_file_list.append(tmp_file) else: if len(snp_list): raise error.TestNAError("This domain has snapshot(s), " "cannot be undefined!") if option.count("remove-all-storage"): pvtest = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvtest.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_img, emulated_size=emulated_size) new_pool = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if not new_pool.create_volume(vol_name, volume_size): raise error.TestFail("Creation of volume %s failed." % vol_name) volumes = new_pool.list_volumes() volume = volumes[vol_name] virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, volume, disk_target, "--config") # Turn libvirtd into certain state. if libvirtd_state == "off": utils_libvirtd.libvirtd_stop() # Test virsh undefine command. output = "" if vm_ref != "remote": vm_ref = "%s %s" % (vm_ref, extra) cmdresult = virsh.undefine(vm_ref, option, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, uri=uri, ignore_status=True, debug=True) status = cmdresult.exit_status output = cmdresult.stdout.strip() if status: logging.debug("Error status, command output: %s", cmdresult.stderr.strip()) if undefine_twice: status2 = virsh.undefine(vm_ref, ignore_status=True).exit_status else: if remote_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM") or local_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM"): raise error.TestNAError("remote_ip and/or local_ip parameters" " not changed from default values") try: uri = libvirt_vm.complete_uri(local_ip) session = remote.remote_login("ssh", remote_ip, "22", remote_user, remote_pwd, remote_prompt) cmd_undefine = "virsh -c %s undefine %s" % (uri, vm_name) status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd_undefine)"Undefine output: %s", output) except (error.CmdError, remote.LoginError, aexpect.ShellError), de: logging.error("Detail: %s", de) status = 1 # Recover libvirtd state. if libvirtd_state == "off": utils_libvirtd.libvirtd_start() # Shutdown VM. if virsh.domain_exists( try: if vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) except error.CmdError, detail: logging.error("Detail: %s", detail)
def run(test, params, env): """ Test command: virsh vol-resize Resize the capacity of the given volume (default bytes). 1. Define and start a given type pool. 2. Create a volume in the pool. 3. Do vol-resize. 4. Check the volume info. 5. Delete the volume and pool. TODO: Add volume shrink test after libvirt uptream support it. """ pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") emulated_image_size = params.get("emulated_image_size") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") vol_capacity = params.get("vol_capacity") vol_new_capacity = params.get("vol_new_capacity") resize_option = params.get("resize_option", "") check_vol_size = "yes" == params.get("check_vol_size", "yes") status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no") # libvirt acl polkit related params uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unpri_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unpri_user: if unpri_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unpri_user = '******' if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current" + " libvirt version.") libv_pvt = libvirt.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) try: libv_pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() pool_rename_times = 0 # Rename pool if given name pool exist, the max rename times is 5 while libv_pool.pool_exists(pool_name) and pool_rename_times < 5: logging.debug("Pool '%s' already exist.", pool_name) pool_name = pool_name + "_t" logging.debug("Using a new name '%s' to define pool.", pool_name) pool_rename_times += 1 else: # Create a new pool libv_pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, emulated_image_size) pool_info = libv_pool.pool_info(pool_name) for key in pool_info: logging.debug("Pool info: %s = %s", key, pool_info[key]) # Deal with vol_new_capacity, '--capacity' only accpet integer if vol_new_capacity == "pool_available": pool_avai = pool_info["Available"].split() vol_new_capacity = pool_avai[0].split('.')[0] + pool_avai[1] if vol_new_capacity == "pool_capacity": pool_capa = pool_info["Capacity"].split() vol_new_capacity = pool_capa[0].split('.')[0] + pool_capa[1] # Create a volume libv_pvt.pre_vol(vol_name=vol_name, vol_format=vol_format, capacity=vol_capacity, allocation=None, pool_name=pool_name) libv_vol = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) check_vol_info(libv_vol, vol_name) # The volume size may not accurate as we expect after resize, such as: # 1) vol_new_capacity = 1b with --delta option, the volume size will not # change; run # 2) vol_new_capacity = 1KB with --delta option, the volume size will # increase 1024 not 1000 # So we can disable volume size check after resize if check_vol_size: vol_path = libv_vol.list_volumes()[vol_name] expect_info = get_expect_info(vol_new_capacity, vol_path, resize_option) logging.debug("Expect volume info: %s", expect_info) else: expect_info = {} # Run vol-resize result = virsh.vol_resize(vol_name, vol_new_capacity, pool_name, resize_option, uri=uri, unprivileged_user=unpri_user, debug=True) if not status_error: if result.exit_status != 0: raise error.TestFail(result.stdout.strip()) else: if check_vol_info(libv_vol, vol_name, expect_info): logging.debug("Volume %s resize check pass.", vol_name) else: raise error.TestFail("Volume %s resize check fail." % vol_name) elif result.exit_status == 0: raise error.TestFail("Expect resize fail but run successfully.") finally: # Clean up try: libv_pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) except error.TestFail, detail: logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh snapshot command when disk in all kinds of type. (1). Init the variables from params. (2). Create a image by specifice format. (3). Attach disk to vm. (4). Snapshot create. (5). Snapshot revert. (6). cleanup. """ # Init variables. vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "avocado-vt-vm1") vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vm_state = params.get("vm_state", "running") image_format = params.get("snapshot_image_format", "qcow2") snapshot_del_test = "yes" == params.get("snapshot_del_test", "no") status_error = ("yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")) snapshot_from_xml = ("yes" == params.get("snapshot_from_xml", "no")) snapshot_current = ("yes" == params.get("snapshot_current", "no")) snapshot_revert_paused = ("yes" == params.get("snapshot_revert_paused", "no")) replace_vm_disk = "yes" == params.get("replace_vm_disk", "no") disk_source_protocol = params.get("disk_source_protocol") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "gluster-pool") brick_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, pool_name) multi_gluster_disks = "yes" == params.get("multi_gluster_disks", "no") # Pool variables. snapshot_with_pool = "yes" == params.get("snapshot_with_pool", "no") pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image", "emulated-image") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") lazy_refcounts = "yes" == params.get("lazy_refcounts") options = params.get("snapshot_options", "") export_options = params.get("export_options", "rw,no_root_squash,fsid=0") # Set volume xml attribute dictionary, extract all params start with 'vol_' # which are for setting volume xml, except 'lazy_refcounts'. vol_arg = {} for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith('vol_'): if key[4:] in ['capacity', 'allocation', 'owner', 'group']: vol_arg[key[4:]] = int(params[key]) else: vol_arg[key[4:]] = params[key] vol_arg['lazy_refcounts'] = lazy_refcounts supported_pool_list = [ "dir", "fs", "netfs", "logical", "iscsi", "disk", "gluster" ] if snapshot_with_pool: if pool_type not in supported_pool_list: raise error.TestNAError("%s not in support list %s" % (pool_target, supported_pool_list)) # Do xml backup for final recovery vmxml_backup = libvirt_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name) # Some variable for xmlfile of snapshot. snapshot_memory = params.get("snapshot_memory", "internal") snapshot_disk = params.get("snapshot_disk", "internal") no_memory_snap = "yes" == params.get("no_memory_snap", "no") # Skip 'qed' cases for libvirt version greater than 1.1.0 if libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 0): if vol_format == "qed" or image_format == "qed": raise error.TestNAError("QED support changed, check bug: " "" "?id=731570") if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 7): # As bug 1017289 closed as WONTFIX, the support only # exist on 1.2.7 and higher if disk_source_protocol == 'gluster': raise error.TestNAError("Snapshot on glusterfs not support in " "current version. Check more info with " "" "bug_id=1017289,1032370") # Init snapshot_name snapshot_name = None snapshot_external_disk = [] snapshot_xml_path = None del_status = None image = None pvt = None # Get a tmp dir snap_cfg_path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/%s/" % vm_name try: if replace_vm_disk: utlv.set_vm_disk(vm, params, tmp_dir) if multi_gluster_disks: new_params = params.copy() new_params["pool_name"] = "gluster-pool2" new_params["vol_name"] = "gluster-vol2" new_params["disk_target"] = "vdf" new_params["image_convert"] = 'no' utlv.set_vm_disk(vm, new_params, tmp_dir) if snapshot_with_pool: # Create dst pool for create attach vol img pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, image_size="1G", pre_disk_vol=["20M"], source_name=vol_name, export_options=export_options) if pool_type in ["iscsi", "disk"]: # iscsi and disk pool did not support create volume in libvirt, # logical pool could use libvirt to create volume but volume # format is not supported and will be 'raw' as default. pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) vols = pv.list_volumes().keys() if vols: vol_name = vols[0] else: raise error.TestNAError("No volume in pool: %s" % pool_name) else: # Set volume xml file volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() newvol = volxml.new_vol(**vol_arg) vol_xml = newvol['xml'] # Run virsh_vol_create to create vol logging.debug("create volume from xml: %s" % newvol.xmltreefile) cmd_result = virsh.vol_create(pool_name, vol_xml, ignore_status=True, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to create attach volume.") cmd_result = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, pool_name, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to get volume path from pool.") img_path = cmd_result.stdout.strip() if pool_type in ["logical", "iscsi", "disk"]: # Use qemu-img to format logical, iscsi and disk block device if vol_format != "raw": cmd = "qemu-img create -f %s %s 10M" % (vol_format, img_path) cmd_result =, ignore_status=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to format volume, %s" % cmd_result.stdout.strip()) extra = "--persistent --subdriver %s" % vol_format else: # Create a image. params['image_name'] = "snapshot_test" params['image_format'] = image_format params['image_size'] = "1M" image = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, tmp_dir, "snapshot_test") img_path, _ = image.create(params) extra = "--persistent --subdriver %s" % image_format if not multi_gluster_disks: # Do the attach action. out ="qemu-img info %s" % img_path) logging.debug("The img info is:\n%s" % out.stdout.strip()) result = virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, source=img_path, target="vdf", extra=extra, debug=True) if result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to attach disk %s to VM." "Detail: %s." % (img_path, result.stderr)) # Create snapshot. if snapshot_from_xml: snap_xml = libvirt_xml.SnapshotXML() snapshot_name = "snapshot_test" snap_xml.snap_name = snapshot_name snap_xml.description = "Snapshot Test" if not no_memory_snap: if "--disk-only" not in options: if snapshot_memory == "external": memory_external = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "snapshot_memory") snap_xml.mem_snap_type = snapshot_memory snap_xml.mem_file = memory_external snapshot_external_disk.append(memory_external) else: snap_xml.mem_snap_type = snapshot_memory # Add all disks into xml file. vmxml = libvirt_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name) disks = vmxml.devices.by_device_tag('disk') new_disks = [] for src_disk_xml in disks: disk_xml = snap_xml.SnapDiskXML() disk_xml.xmltreefile = src_disk_xml.xmltreefile del disk_xml.device del disk_xml.address disk_xml.snapshot = snapshot_disk disk_xml.disk_name =['dev'] # Only qcow2 works as external snapshot file format, update it # here driver_attr = disk_xml.driver driver_attr.update({'type': 'qcow2'}) disk_xml.driver = driver_attr if snapshot_disk == 'external': new_attrs = disk_xml.source.attrs if disk_xml.source.attrs.has_key('file'): new_file = "%s.snap" % disk_xml.source.attrs['file'] snapshot_external_disk.append(new_file) new_attrs.update({'file': new_file}) hosts = None elif disk_xml.source.attrs.has_key('name'): new_name = "%s.snap" % disk_xml.source.attrs['name'] new_attrs.update({'name': new_name}) hosts = disk_xml.source.hosts elif (disk_xml.source.attrs.has_key('dev') and disk_xml.type_name == 'block'): # Use local file as external snapshot target for block type. # As block device will be treat as raw format by default, # it's not fit for external disk snapshot target. A work # around solution is use qemu-img again with the target. disk_xml.type_name = 'file' del new_attrs['dev'] new_file = "%s/blk_src_file.snap" % tmp_dir snapshot_external_disk.append(new_file) new_attrs.update({'file': new_file}) hosts = None new_src_dict = {"attrs": new_attrs} if hosts: new_src_dict.update({"hosts": hosts}) disk_xml.source = disk_xml.new_disk_source(**new_src_dict) else: del disk_xml.source new_disks.append(disk_xml) snap_xml.set_disks(new_disks) snapshot_xml_path = snap_xml.xml logging.debug("The snapshot xml is: %s" % snap_xml.xmltreefile) options += " --xmlfile %s " % snapshot_xml_path if vm_state == "shut off": vm.destroy(gracefully=False) snapshot_result = virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name, options, debug=True) out_err = snapshot_result.stderr.strip() if snapshot_result.exit_status: if status_error: return else: if "live disk snapshot not supported with this " "QEMU binary", out_err): raise error.TestNAError(out_err) if libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 5): # As commit d2e668e in 1.2.5, internal active snapshot # without memory state is rejected. Handle it as SKIP # for now. This could be supportted in future by bug: # if "internal snapshot of a running VM" + " must include the memory state", out_err): raise error.TestNAError("Check Bug #1083345, %s" % out_err) raise error.TestFail( "Failed to create snapshot. Error:%s." % out_err) else: snapshot_result = virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name, options, debug=True) if snapshot_result.exit_status: if status_error: return else: raise error.TestFail( "Failed to create snapshot. Error:%s." % snapshot_result.stderr.strip()) snapshot_name ="\d+", snapshot_result.stdout.strip()).group(0) if snapshot_current: snap_xml = libvirt_xml.SnapshotXML() new_snap = snap_xml.new_from_snapshot_dumpxml( vm_name, snapshot_name) # update an element new_snap.creation_time = snapshot_name snapshot_xml_path = new_snap.xml options += "--redefine %s --current" % snapshot_xml_path snapshot_result = virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name, options, debug=True) if snapshot_result.exit_status: raise error.TestFail("Failed to create snapshot --current." "Error:%s." % snapshot_result.stderr.strip()) if status_error: if not snapshot_del_test: raise error.TestFail("Success to create snapshot in negative" " case\nDetail: %s" % snapshot_result) # Touch a file in VM. if vm.is_dead(): vm.start() session = vm.wait_for_login() # Init a unique name for tmp_file. tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=("snapshot_test_"), dir="/tmp") tmp_file_path = tmp_file.close() echo_cmd = "echo SNAPSHOT_DISK_TEST >> %s" % tmp_file_path status, output = session.cmd_status_output(echo_cmd) logging.debug("The echo output in domain is: '%s'", output) if status: raise error.TestFail("'%s' run failed with '%s'" % (tmp_file_path, output)) status, output = session.cmd_status_output("cat %s" % tmp_file_path) logging.debug("File created with content: '%s'", output) session.close() # As only internal snapshot revert works now, let's only do revert # with internal, and move the all skip external cases back to pass. # After external also supported, just move the following code back. if snapshot_disk == 'internal': # Destroy vm for snapshot revert. if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 3): virsh.destroy(vm_name) # Revert snapshot. revert_options = "" if snapshot_revert_paused: revert_options += " --paused" revert_result = virsh.snapshot_revert(vm_name, snapshot_name, revert_options, debug=True) if revert_result.exit_status: # Attempts to revert external snapshots will FAIL with an error # "revert to external disk snapshot not supported yet" or "revert # to external snapshot not supported yet" since d410e6f. Thus, # let's check for that and handle as a SKIP for now. Check bug: # if "revert to external \w* ?snapshot not supported yet", revert_result.stderr): raise error.TestNAError(revert_result.stderr.strip()) else: raise error.TestFail("Revert snapshot failed. %s" % revert_result.stderr.strip()) if vm.is_dead(): raise error.TestFail("Revert snapshot failed.") if snapshot_revert_paused: if vm.is_paused(): vm.resume() else: raise error.TestFail( "Revert command successed, but VM is not " "paused after reverting with --paused" " option.") # login vm. session = vm.wait_for_login() # Check the result of revert. status, output = session.cmd_status_output("cat %s" % tmp_file_path) logging.debug("After revert cat file output='%s'", output) if not status: raise error.TestFail("Tmp file exists, revert failed.") # Close the session. session.close() # Test delete snapshot without "--metadata", delete external disk # snapshot will fail for now. # Only do this when snapshot creat succeed which filtered in cfg file. if snapshot_del_test: if snapshot_name: del_result = virsh.snapshot_delete(vm_name, snapshot_name, debug=True, ignore_status=True) del_status = del_result.exit_status snap_xml_path = snap_cfg_path + "%s.xml" % snapshot_name if del_status: if not status_error: raise error.TestFail("Failed to delete snapshot.") else: if not os.path.exists(snap_xml_path): raise error.TestFail( "Snapshot xml file %s missing" % snap_xml_path) else: if status_error: err_msg = "Snapshot delete succeed but expect fail." raise error.TestFail(err_msg) else: if os.path.exists(snap_xml_path): raise error.TestFail("Snapshot xml file %s still" % snap_xml_path + " exist") finally: if vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) virsh.detach_disk(vm_name, target="vdf", extra="--persistent") if image: image.remove() if del_status and snapshot_name: virsh.snapshot_delete(vm_name, snapshot_name, "--metadata") for disk in snapshot_external_disk: if os.path.exists(disk): os.remove(disk) vmxml_backup.sync("--snapshots-metadata") libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd() if disk_source_protocol == 'gluster': utlv.setup_or_cleanup_gluster(False, vol_name, brick_path) if multi_gluster_disks: brick_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "gluster-pool2") utlv.setup_or_cleanup_gluster(False, "gluster-vol2", brick_path) libvirtd.restart() if snapshot_xml_path: if os.path.exists(snapshot_xml_path): os.unlink(snapshot_xml_path) if pvt: try: pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, source_name=vol_name) except error.TestFail, detail: libvirtd.restart() logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ Test svirt in adding disk to VM. (1).Init variables for test. (2).Create a image to attached to VM. (3).Attach disk. (4).Start VM and check result. """ # Get general variables. status_error = ('yes' == params.get("status_error", 'no')) host_sestatus = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_host_selinux", "enforcing") # Get variables about seclabel for VM. sec_type = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_type", "dynamic") sec_model = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_model", "selinux") sec_label = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_label", None) sec_relabel = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_relabel", "yes") sec_dict = {'type': sec_type, 'model': sec_model, 'label': sec_label, 'relabel': sec_relabel} # Get variables about pool vol with_pool_vol = 'yes' == params.get("with_pool_vol", "no") check_cap_rawio = "yes" == params.get("check_cap_rawio", "no") virt_use_nfs = params.get("virt_use_nfs", "off") pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") # Get variables about VM and get a VM object and VMXML instance. vm_name = params.get("main_vm") vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vmxml = VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name) backup_xml = vmxml.copy() # Get varialbles about image. img_label = params.get('svirt_attach_disk_disk_label') img_name = "svirt_disk" # Default label for the other disks. # To ensure VM is able to access other disks. default_label = params.get('svirt_attach_disk_disk_default_label', None) # Set selinux of host. backup_sestatus = utils_selinux.get_status() utils_selinux.set_status(host_sestatus) # Set the default label to other disks of vm. disks = vm.get_disk_devices() for disk in disks.values(): utils_selinux.set_context_of_file(filename=disk['source'], context=default_label) pvt = None qemu_conf = utils_config.LibvirtQemuConfig() libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd() try: # set qemu conf if check_cap_rawio: qemu_conf.user = '******' = 'root' logging.debug("the qemu.conf content is: %s" % qemu_conf) libvirtd.restart() # Set the context of the VM. vmxml.set_seclabel([sec_dict]) vmxml.sync() logging.debug("the domain xml is: %s" % vmxml.xmltreefile) if with_pool_vol: # Create dst pool for create attach vol img pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) logging.debug("pool_type %s" % pool_type) pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, image_size="1G", pre_disk_vol=["20M"]) if pool_type in ["iscsi", "disk"]: # iscsi and disk pool did not support create volume in libvirt, # logical pool could use libvirt to create volume but volume # format is not supported and will be 'raw' as default. pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) vols = pv.list_volumes().keys() if vols: vol_name = vols[0] else: raise error.TestNAError("No volume in pool: %s" % pool_name) else: vol_arg = {'name': vol_name, 'format': vol_format, 'capacity': 1073741824, 'allocation': 1048576, } # Set volume xml file volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() newvol = volxml.new_vol(**vol_arg) vol_xml = newvol['xml'] # Run virsh_vol_create to create vol logging.debug("create volume from xml: %s" % newvol.xmltreefile) cmd_result = virsh.vol_create(pool_name, vol_xml, ignore_status=True, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to create attach volume.") cmd_result = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, pool_name, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to get volume path from pool.") img_path = cmd_result.stdout.strip() if pool_type in ["iscsi", "disk"]: extra = "--driver qemu --type lun --rawio --persistent" else: extra = "--persistent --subdriver qcow2" # set host_sestatus as nfs pool will reset it utils_selinux.set_status(host_sestatus) # set virt_use_nfs result ="setsebool virt_use_nfs %s" % virt_use_nfs) if result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to set virt_use_nfs value") else: # Init a QemuImg instance. params['image_name'] = img_name tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() image = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, tmp_dir, img_name) # Create a image. img_path, result = image.create(params) # Set the context of the image. utils_selinux.set_context_of_file(filename=img_path, context=img_label) extra = "--persistent" # Do the attach action. result = virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, source=img_path, target="vdf", extra=extra, debug=True) if result.exit_status: raise error.TestFail("Failed to attach disk %s to VM." "Detail: %s." % (img_path, result.stderr)) # Start VM to check the VM is able to access the image or not. try: vm.start() # Start VM successfully. # VM with set seclabel can access the image with the # set context. if status_error: raise error.TestFail('Test succeeded in negative case.') if check_cap_rawio: cap_list = ['CapPrm', 'CapEff', 'CapBnd'] cap_dict = {} pid = vm.get_pid() pid_status_path = "/proc/%s/status" % pid with open(pid_status_path) as f: for line in f: val_list = line.split(":") if val_list[0] in cap_list: cap_dict[val_list[0]] = int(val_list[1].strip(), 16) # bit and with rawio capabilitiy value to check cap_sys_rawio # is set cap_rawio_val = 0x0000000000020000 for i in cap_list: if not cap_rawio_val & cap_dict[i]: err_msg = "vm process with %s: 0x%x" % (i, cap_dict[i]) err_msg += " lack cap_sys_rawio capabilities" raise error.TestFail(err_msg) else: inf_msg = "vm process with %s: 0x%x" % (i, cap_dict[i]) inf_msg += " have cap_sys_rawio capabilities" logging.debug(inf_msg) except virt_vm.VMStartError, e: # Starting VM failed. # VM with set seclabel can not access the image with the # set context. if not status_error: raise error.TestFail("Test failed in positive case." "error: %s" % e) try: virsh.detach_disk(vm_name, target="vdf", extra="--persistent", debug=True) except error.CmdError: raise error.TestFail("Detach disk 'vdf' from VM %s failed." %
def run(test, params, env): """ Test simultaneous volume operations 1. Create a pool and a volume 2. Create n number of volumes simultaneously whose source volume is the same 3. Run virsh.vol_xxx before step2 volume is creating vol-create vol-clone vol-download vol-upload vol-delete vol-wipe vol-resize 4. Check if success or error throw as expected """ src_pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") pool_target = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), pool_target) vol_format = params.get("volume_format") vol_size = params.get("volume_size", "262144") volume_count = int(params.get("volume_number")) new_capacity = params.get("new_capacity") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image", "emulated-image") emulated_image_size = params.get("emulated_image_size") status_error = ("yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")) file_to_clean = [] updown_load_f = params.get("to_file") if updown_load_f: updown_load_f = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), updown_load_f) file_to_clean.append(updown_load_f) if os.path.basename(updown_load_f) == "upload_file": open(updown_load_f, "w").close() pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) try: # Create the src pool pvt.pre_pool(src_pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, image_size=emulated_image_size) # Print current pools for debugging logging.debug("Current pools:%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) # Create the src vol src_vol_name = params.get("volume_name") pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(src_pool_name) pv.create_volume(src_vol_name, vol_size, None, vol_format) # Create n number of volumes simultaneously threads = [] new_vol_list = [] for count in range(1, volume_count + 1): new_vol_name = "new_vol%s" % count vol_file = prepare_vol_xml(new_vol_name, vol_size, vol_format) file_to_clean.append(vol_file) new_vol_list.append(new_vol_name) # Run virsh_vol_create_from in parallel create_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_create_from, False, src_pool_name, vol_file, src_vol_name, src_pool_name)) threads.append(create_t) # Run virsh.vol_xxx when volume is creating vol_status = params.get("vol_status") operate_vol = "" if vol_status == "reading": operate_vol = src_vol_name elif vol_status == "writing": operate_vol = "new_vol%s" % volume_count vol_operation = params.get("vol_operation") operation_t = "" if vol_operation == "create": vol_file = prepare_vol_xml("vol-create", vol_size, vol_format) file_to_clean.append(vol_file) operation_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_create_from, True, src_pool_name, vol_file, operate_vol, src_pool_name)) elif vol_operation == "delete": operation_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_delete, True, operate_vol, src_pool_name)) elif vol_operation == "wipe": operation_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_wipe, True, operate_vol, src_pool_name)) elif vol_operation == "resize": operation_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_resize, True, operate_vol, new_capacity, src_pool_name)) elif vol_operation == "clone": operation_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_clone, True, operate_vol, "vol-clone", src_pool_name)) elif vol_operation == "upload": operation_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_upload, True, operate_vol, updown_load_f, src_pool_name)) elif vol_operation == "download": operation_t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(virsh.vol_download, True, operate_vol, updown_load_f, src_pool_name)) is_started = False for t in threads: t.start() while threading.active_count() > 1: if pv.volume_exists(operate_vol): operation_t.start() is_started = True break if not is_started: test.cancel("The creation of volume completed already") for t in threads: t.join() operation_t.join() # Print current volumes for debugging logging.debug("Current volumes:%s", pv.list_volumes()) # Check volume creation for vol_name in new_vol_list: if vol_name not in pv.list_volumes():"Failed to create volume %s" % vol_name) # Check each thread running result result_list = [] while not q.empty(): result_list.append(q.get()) for item in result_list: if vol_operation in item[1].__name__: if not status_error and item[0].exit_status:"%s failed:\n%s" % (item[1], item[0].stderr)) elif status_error and not item[0].exit_status:"%s expect to fail but succeed:\n%s" % (item[1], item[0].stdout)) check_cmd_output(item[0], status_error, test) finally: # Cleanup: both src and dest should be removed try: pvt.cleanup_pool(src_pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) except exceptions.TestFail as detail: logging.error(str(detail)) logging.debug("clean file: %s", str(file_to_clean)) for file in file_to_clean: if os.path.exists(file): os.remove(file)
def run(test, params, env): """ This test cover two volume commands: vol-clone and vol-wipe. 1. Create a given type pool. 2. Create a given format volume in the pool. 3. Clone the new create volume. 4. Wipe the new clone volume. 5. Delete the volume and pool. """ pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") if not os.path.dirname(pool_target): pool_target = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, pool_target) emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") emulated_image_size = params.get("emulated_image_size") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") new_vol_name = params.get("new_vol_name") vol_capability = params.get("vol_capability") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") clone_option = params.get("clone_option", "") wipe_algorithms = params.get("wipe_algorithms") if virsh.has_command_help_match("vol-wipe", "--prealloc-metadata") is None: if "prealloc-metadata" in clone_option: raise error.TestNAError("Option --prealloc-metadata " "is not supported.") # Using algorithms other than zero need scrub installed. try: utils_misc.find_command('scrub') except ValueError: logging.warning("Can't locate scrub binary, only 'zero' algorithm " "is used.") valid_algorithms = ["zero"] else: valid_algorithms = [ "zero", "nnsa", "dod", "bsi", "gutmann", "schneier", "pfitzner7", "pfitzner33", "random" ] # Choose an algorithms randomly if wipe_algorithms: alg = random.choice(wipe_algorithms.split()) else: alg = random.choice(valid_algorithms) clone_status_error = "yes" == params.get("clone_status_error", "no") wipe_status_error = "yes" == params.get("wipe_status_error", "no") # libvirt acl polkit related params uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unpri_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unpri_user: if unpri_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unpri_user = '******' if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current" + " libvirt version.") libv_pvt = libvirt.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) try: libv_pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() pool_rename_times = 0 # Rename pool if given name pool exist, the max rename times is 5 while libv_pool.pool_exists(pool_name) and pool_rename_times < 5: logging.debug("Pool '%s' already exist.", pool_name) pool_name = pool_name + "_t" logging.debug("Using a new name '%s' to define pool.", pool_name) pool_rename_times += 1 else: # Create a new pool libv_pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, emulated_image_size) # Create a new volume libv_pvt.pre_vol(vol_name=vol_name, vol_format=vol_format, capacity=vol_capability, allocation=None, pool_name=pool_name) libv_vol = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) vol_info = libv_vol.volume_info(vol_name) for key in vol_info: logging.debug("Original volume info: %s = %s", key, vol_info[key]) # Metadata preallocation is not support for block volume if vol_info["Type"] == "block" and clone_option.count( "prealloc-metadata"): clone_status_error = True # Clone volume clone_result = virsh.vol_clone(vol_name, new_vol_name, pool_name, clone_option, debug=True) if not clone_status_error: if clone_result.exit_status != 0: raise error.TestFail("Clone volume fail:\n%s" % clone_result.stdout.strip()) else: vol_info = libv_vol.volume_info(new_vol_name) for key in vol_info: logging.debug("Cloned volume info: %s = %s", key, vol_info[key]) logging.debug("Clone volume successfully.") # Wipe the new clone volume if alg: logging.debug("Wiping volume by '%s' algorithm", alg) wipe_result = virsh.vol_wipe(new_vol_name, pool_name, alg, unprivileged_user=unpri_user, uri=uri, debug=True) if not wipe_status_error: if wipe_result.exit_status != 0: raise error.TestFail("Wipe volume fail:\n%s" % clone_result.stdout.strip()) else: vol_info = libv_vol.volume_info(new_vol_name) for key in vol_info: logging.debug("Wiped volume info: %s = %s", key, vol_info[key]) logging.debug("Wipe volume successfully.") elif wipe_status_error and wipe_result.exit_status == 0: raise error.TestFail("Expect wipe volume fail, but run" " successfully.") elif clone_status_error and clone_result.exit_status == 0: raise error.TestFail("Expect clone volume fail, but run" " successfully.") finally: # Clean up try: libv_pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) except error.TestFail, detail: logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh vol-create command to cover the following matrix: pool_type = [dir, fs, netfs] volume_format = [raw, bochs, cloop, cow, dmg, iso, qcow, qcow2, qed, vmdk, vpc] pool_type = [disk] volume_format = [none, linux, fat16, fat32, linux-swap, linux-lvm, linux-raid, extended] pool_type = [logical] volume_format = [none] pool_type = [iscsi, scsi] Not supported with format type TODO: pool_type = [rbd, glusterfs] Reference: """ src_pool_type = params.get("src_pool_type") src_pool_target = params.get("src_pool_target") src_pool_format = params.get("src_pool_format", "") pool_vol_num = int(params.get("src_pool_vol_num", '1')) src_emulated_image = params.get("src_emulated_image") extra_option = params.get("extra_option", "") prefix_vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "vol_create_test") vol_format = params.get("vol_format", "raw") vol_capacity = params.get("vol_capacity", 1048576) vol_allocation = params.get("vol_allocation", 1048576) image_size = params.get("emulate_image_size", "1G") lazy_refcounts = "yes" == params.get("lazy_refcounts") status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no") by_xml = "yes" == params.get("create_vol_by_xml", "yes") incomplete_target = "yes" == params.get("incomplete_target", "no") if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): if "--prealloc-metadata" in extra_option: raise error.TestNAError("metadata preallocation not supported in" " current libvirt version.") if incomplete_target: raise error.TestNAError("It does not support generate target " "path in thi libvirt version.") pool_type = ['dir', 'disk', 'fs', 'logical', 'netfs', 'iscsi', 'scsi'] if src_pool_type not in pool_type: raise error.TestNAError("pool type %s not in supported type list: %s" % (src_pool_type, pool_type)) # libvirt acl polkit related params if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current" " libvirt version.") uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unprivileged_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unprivileged_user: if unprivileged_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unprivileged_user = '******' # Stop multipathd to avoid start pool fail(For fs like pool, the new add # disk may in use by device-mapper, so start pool will report disk already # mounted error). multipathd = service.Factory.create_service("multipathd") multipathd_status = multipathd.status() if multipathd_status: multipathd.stop() # Set volume xml attribute dictionary, extract all params start with 'vol_' # which are for setting volume xml, except 'lazy_refcounts'. vol_arg = {} for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith('vol_'): if key[4:] in ['capacity', 'allocation', 'owner', 'group']: vol_arg[key[4:]] = int(params[key]) else: vol_arg[key[4:]] = params[key] vol_arg['lazy_refcounts'] = lazy_refcounts def post_process_vol(ori_vol_path): """ Create or disactive a volume without libvirt :param ori_vol_path: Full path of an original volume :retur: Volume name for checking """ process_vol_name = params.get("process_vol_name", "process_vol") process_vol_options = params.get("process_vol_options", "") process_vol_capacity = params.get("process_vol_capacity", vol_capacity) process_vol_cmd = "" unsupport_err = "Unsupport do '%s %s' in this test" % ( process_vol_by, process_vol_type) if process_vol_by == "lvcreate": process_vol_cmd = "lvcreate -L %s " % process_vol_capacity if process_vol_type == "thin": if not process_vol_options: process_vol_options = "-T " process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_options processthin_pool_name = params.get("processthin_pool_name", "thinpool") processthin_vol_name = params.get("processthin_vol_name", "thinvol") process_vol_capacity = params.get("process_vol_capacity", "1G") os.path.dirname(ori_vol_path) process_vol_cmd += "%s/%s " % (os.path.dirname(ori_vol_path), processthin_pool_name) process_vol_cmd += "-V %s " % process_vol_capacity process_vol_cmd += "-n %s " % processthin_vol_name process_vol_name = processthin_vol_name elif process_vol_type == "snapshot": if not process_vol_options: process_vol_options = "-s " process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_options process_vol_cmd += "-n %s " % process_vol_name process_vol_cmd += "%s " % (ori_vol_path) else: logging.error(unsupport_err) return elif process_vol_by == "qemu-img" and process_vol_type == "create": process_vol_cmd = "qemu-img create " process_vol_path = os.path.dirname(ori_vol_path) + "/" process_vol_path += process_vol_name process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_options process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_path process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_capacity elif process_vol_by == "lvchange" and process_vol_type == "deactivate": process_vol_cmd = "lvchange %s " % ori_vol_path if not process_vol_options: process_vol_options = "-an" process_vol_cmd += process_vol_options else: logging.error(unsupport_err) return rst =, ignore_status=True) if rst.exit_status: if "Snapshots of snapshots are not supported" in rst.stderr: logging.debug("%s is already a snapshot volume", ori_vol_path) process_vol_name = os.path.basename(ori_vol_path) else: logging.error(rst.stderr) return return process_vol_name def check_vol(pool_name, vol_name, expect_exist=True): """ Check volume vol_name in pool pool_name """ src_volumes = src_pv.list_volumes().keys() logging.debug("Current volumes in %s: %s", pool_name, src_volumes) if expect_exist: if vol_name not in src_volumes: raise error.TestFail("Can't find volume %s in pool %s" % (vol_name, pool_name)) # check format in volume xml post_xml = volxml.new_from_vol_dumpxml(vol_name, pool_name) logging.debug("Volume %s XML: %s" % (vol_name, post_xml.xmltreefile)) if 'format' in post_xml.keys() and vol_format is not None: if post_xml.format != vol_format: raise error.TestFail("Volume format %s is not expected" % vol_format + " as defined.") else: if vol_name in src_volumes: raise error.TestFail( "Find volume %s in pool %s, but expect not" % (vol_name, pool_name)) fmt_err0 = "Unknown file format '%s'" % vol_format fmt_err1 = "Formatting or formatting option not " fmt_err1 += "supported for file format '%s'" % vol_format fmt_err2 = "Driver '%s' does not support " % vol_format fmt_err2 += "image creation" fmt_err_list = [fmt_err0, fmt_err1, fmt_err2] skip_msg = "Volume format '%s' is not supported by qemu-img" % vol_format vol_path_list = [] try: # Create the src pool src_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % src_pool_type pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image, image_size=image_size, source_format=src_pool_format) src_pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(src_pool_name) # Print current pools for debugging logging.debug("Current pools:%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) # Create volumes by virsh in a loop while pool_vol_num > 0: # Set volume xml file vol_name = prefix_vol_name + "_%s" % pool_vol_num pool_vol_num -= 1 if by_xml: # According to BZ#1138523, we need inpect the right name # (disk partition) for new volume if src_pool_type == "disk": vol_name = utlv.new_disk_vol_name(src_pool_name) if vol_name is None: raise error.TestError("Fail to generate volume name") vol_arg['name'] = vol_name volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() newvol = volxml.new_vol(**vol_arg) vol_xml = newvol['xml'] if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':"chmod 666 %s" % vol_xml, ignore_status=True) # Run virsh_vol_create to create vol logging.debug("Create volume from XML: %s" % newvol.xmltreefile) cmd_result = virsh.vol_create( src_pool_name, vol_xml, extra_option, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, uri=uri, ignore_status=True, debug=True) else: # Run virsh_vol_create_as to create_vol cmd_result = virsh.vol_create_as( vol_name, src_pool_name, vol_capacity, vol_allocation, vol_format, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, uri=uri, ignore_status=True, debug=True) # Check result try: utlv.check_exit_status(cmd_result, status_error) check_vol(src_pool_name, vol_name, not status_error) if not status_error: vol_path = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, src_pool_name).stdout.strip() logging.debug("Full path of %s: %s", vol_name, vol_path) vol_path_list.append(vol_path) except error.TestFail, e: stderr = cmd_result.stderr if any(err in stderr for err in fmt_err_list): raise error.TestNAError(skip_msg) else: raise e # Post process vol by other programs process_vol_by = params.get("process_vol_by") process_vol_type = params.get("process_vol_type", "") expect_vol_exist = "yes" == params.get("expect_vol_exist", "yes") if process_vol_by and vol_path_list: process_vol = post_process_vol(vol_path_list[0]) if process_vol is not None: try: virsh.pool_refresh(src_pool_name, ignore_status=False) check_vol(src_pool_name, process_vol, expect_vol_exist) except (error.CmdError, error.TestFail), e: if process_vol_type == "thin": logging.error(e) raise error.TestNAError( "You may encounter bug BZ#1060287") else: raise e else: raise error.TestFail("Post process volume failed")
def get_vol_info(pool_name, vol_name): """ Parse the volume info """ pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) return pv.volume_info(vol_name)
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh vol-create command to cover the following matrix: pool_type = [dir, fs, netfs] volume_format = [raw, bochs, cloop, cow, dmg, iso, qcow, qcow2, qed, vmdk, vpc] pool_type = [disk] volume_format = [none, linux, fat16, fat32, linux-swap, linux-lvm, linux-raid, extended] pool_type = [logical] volume_format = [none] pool_type = [iscsi, scsi] Not supported with format type TODO: pool_type = [rbd, glusterfs] Reference: """ src_pool_type = params.get("src_pool_type") src_pool_target = params.get("src_pool_target") src_emulated_image = params.get("src_emulated_image") extra_option = params.get("extra_option", "") vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "vol_create_test") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") lazy_refcounts = "yes" == params.get("lazy_refcounts") status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no") # Set volume xml attribute dictionary, extract all params start with 'vol_' # which are for setting volume xml, except 'lazy_refcounts'. vol_arg = {} for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith('vol_'): if key[4:] in ['capacity', 'allocation', 'owner', 'group']: vol_arg[key[4:]] = int(params[key]) else: vol_arg[key[4:]] = params[key] vol_arg['lazy_refcounts'] = lazy_refcounts pool_type = ['dir', 'disk', 'fs', 'logical', 'netfs', 'iscsi', 'scsi'] if src_pool_type not in pool_type: raise error.TestNAError("pool type %s not in supported type list: %s" % (src_pool_type, pool_type)) if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): if "--prealloc-metadata" in extra_option: raise error.TestNAError("metadata preallocation not supported in" + " current libvirt version.") try: # Create the src pool src_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % src_pool_type pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image, image_size="2G", pre_disk_vol=["1M"]) # Print current pools for debugging logging.debug("Current pools:%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) # Set volume xml file volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() newvol = volxml.new_vol(**vol_arg) vol_xml = newvol['xml'] # Run virsh_vol_create to create vol logging.debug("create volume from xml: %s" % newvol.xmltreefile) cmd_result = virsh.vol_create(src_pool_name, vol_xml, extra_option, ignore_status=True, debug=True) status = cmd_result.exit_status # Check result if not status_error: if not status: src_pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(src_pool_name) src_volumes = src_pv.list_volumes().keys() logging.debug("Current volumes in %s: %s", src_pool_name, src_volumes) if vol_name not in src_volumes: raise error.TestFail( "Can't find volume: %s from pool: %s" % (vol_name, src_pool_name)) # check format in volume xml post_xml = volxml.new_from_vol_dumpxml(vol_name, src_pool_name) logging.debug("the created volume xml is: %s" % post_xml.xmltreefile) if 'format' in post_xml.keys(): if post_xml.format != vol_format: raise error.TestFail( "Volume format %s is not expected" % vol_format + " as defined.") else: # Skip the format not supported by qemu-img error if vol_format: fmt_err = "Unknown file format '%s'" % vol_format fmt_err1 = "Formatting or formatting option not " fmt_err1 += "supported for file format '%s'" % vol_format fmt_err2 = "Driver '%s' does not support " % vol_format fmt_err2 += "image creation" if "qemu-img" in cmd_result.stderr: er = cmd_result.stderr if fmt_err in er or fmt_err1 in er or fmt_err2 in er: err_msg = "Volume format '%s' is not" % vol_format err_msg += " supported by qemu-img." raise error.TestNAError(err_msg) else: raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.") else: raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.") else: if status: logging.debug("Expect error: %s", cmd_result.stderr) else: raise error.TestFail("Expect fail, but run successfully!") finally: # Cleanup try: pvt.cleanup_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image) except error.TestFail, detail: logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh undefine command. Undefine an inactive domain, or convert persistent to transient. 1.Prepare test environment. 2.Backup the VM's information to a xml file. 3.When the libvirtd == "off", stop the libvirtd service. 4.Perform virsh undefine operation. 5.Recover test environment.(libvirts service,VM) 6.Confirm the test result. """ vm_ref = params.get("undefine_vm_ref", "vm_name") extra = params.get("undefine_extra", "") option = params.get("undefine_option", "") libvirtd_state = params.get("libvirtd", "on") status_error = ("yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")) undefine_twice = ("yes" == params.get("undefine_twice", 'no')) local_ip = params.get("local_ip", "LOCAL.EXAMPLE.COM") local_pwd = params.get("local_pwd", "password") remote_ip = params.get("remote_ip", "REMOTE.EXAMPLE.COM") remote_user = params.get("remote_user", "user") remote_pwd = params.get("remote_pwd", "password") remote_prompt = params.get("remote_prompt", "#") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "test") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") volume_size = params.get("volume_size", "1G") vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "test_vol") emulated_img = params.get("emulated_img", "emulated_img") emulated_size = "%sG" % (int(volume_size[:-1]) + 1) disk_target = params.get("disk_target", "vdb") wipe_data = "yes" == params.get("wipe_data", "no") if wipe_data: option += " --wipe-storage" nvram_o = None if platform.machine() == 'aarch64': nvram_o = " --nvram" option += nvram_o vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "avocado-vt-vm1") vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vm_id = vm.get_id() vm_uuid = vm.get_uuid() # polkit acl related params uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unprivileged_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unprivileged_user: if unprivileged_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unprivileged_user = '******' if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': test.cancel("API acl test not supported in current" " libvirt version.") # Back up xml file.Xen host has no guest xml file to define a guset. backup_xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name) # Confirm how to reference a VM. if vm_ref == "vm_name": vm_ref = vm_name elif vm_ref == "id": vm_ref = vm_id elif vm_ref == "hex_vm_id": vm_ref = hex(int(vm_id)) elif vm_ref == "uuid": vm_ref = vm_uuid elif vm_ref.find("invalid") != -1: vm_ref = params.get(vm_ref) volume = None pvtest = None status3 = None elems = backup_xml.xmltreefile.findall('/devices/disk/source') existing_images = [elem.get('file') for elem in elems] # Backup images since remove-all-storage could remove existing libvirt # managed guest images if existing_images and option.count("remove-all-storage"): for img in existing_images: backup_img = img + '.bak''Backup %s to %s', img, backup_img) shutil.copyfile(img, backup_img) try: save_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save/" % vm_name if option.count("managedsave") and vm.is_alive(): virsh.managedsave(vm_name) if not vm.is_lxc(): snp_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name) if option.count("snapshot"): snp_file_list = [] if not len(snp_list): virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name) logging.debug("Create a snapshot for test!") else: # Backup snapshots for domain for snp_item in snp_list: tmp_file = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), snp_item + ".xml") virsh.snapshot_dumpxml(vm_name, snp_item, to_file=tmp_file) snp_file_list.append(tmp_file) else: if len(snp_list): test.cancel("This domain has snapshot(s), " "cannot be undefined!") if option.count("remove-all-storage"): pvtest = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvtest.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_img, emulated_size=emulated_size) new_pool = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if not new_pool.create_volume(vol_name, volume_size):"Creation of volume %s failed." % vol_name) volumes = new_pool.list_volumes() volume = volumes[vol_name] ret = virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, volume, disk_target, "--config", debug=True) if ret.exit_status != 0: test.error("Attach disk failed: %s" % ret.stderr) # Turn libvirtd into certain state. if libvirtd_state == "off": utils_libvirtd.libvirtd_stop() # Test virsh undefine command. output = "" if vm_ref != "remote": vm_ref = "%s %s" % (vm_ref, extra) cmdresult = virsh.undefine(vm_ref, option, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, uri=uri, ignore_status=True, debug=True) status = cmdresult.exit_status output = cmdresult.stdout.strip() if status: logging.debug("Error status, command output: %s", cmdresult.stderr.strip()) if undefine_twice: status2 = virsh.undefine(vm_ref, nvram_o, ignore_status=True).exit_status else: if remote_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM") or local_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM"): test.cancel("remote_ip and/or local_ip parameters" " not changed from default values") try: local_user = params.get("username", "root") uri = libvirt_vm.complete_uri(local_ip) # setup ssh auto login from remote machine to test machine # for the command to execute remotely ssh_key.setup_remote_ssh_key(remote_ip, remote_user, remote_pwd, hostname2=local_ip, user2=local_user, password2=local_pwd) session = remote.remote_login("ssh", remote_ip, "22", remote_user, remote_pwd, remote_prompt) cmd_undefine = "virsh -c %s undefine %s" % (uri, vm_name) status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd_undefine)"Undefine output: %s", output) except (process.CmdError, remote.LoginError, aexpect.ShellError) as de: logging.error("Detail: %s", de) status = 1 # Recover libvirtd state. if libvirtd_state == "off": utils_libvirtd.libvirtd_start() # Shutdown VM. if virsh.domain_exists( try: if vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) except process.CmdError as detail: logging.error("Detail: %s", detail) # After vm.destroy, virsh.domain_exists returns True due to # timing issue and tests fails. time.sleep(2) # Check if VM exists. vm_exist = virsh.domain_exists(vm_name) # Check if xml file exists. xml_exist = False if vm.is_qemu() and os.path.exists( "/etc/libvirt/qemu/%s.xml" % vm_name): xml_exist = True if vm.is_lxc() and os.path.exists("/etc/libvirt/lxc/%s.xml" % vm_name): xml_exist = True if vm.is_xen() and os.path.exists("/etc/xen/%s" % vm_name): xml_exist = True # Check if save file exists if use --managed-save save_exist = os.path.exists(save_file) # Check if save file exists if use --managed-save volume_exist = volume and os.path.exists(volume) # Test define with acl control and recover domain. if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': if virsh.domain_exists( virsh.undefine(vm_ref, nvram_o, ignore_status=True) cmd = "chmod 666 %s" % backup_xml.xml, ignore_status=False, shell=True) s_define = virsh.define(backup_xml.xml, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, uri=uri, ignore_status=True, debug=True) status3 = s_define.exit_status finally: # Recover main VM. try: backup_xml.sync() except LibvirtXMLError: # sync() tries to undefines and define the xml to sync # but virsh_undefine test would have undefined already # may lead to error out backup_xml.define() # Recover existing guest images if existing_images and option.count("remove-all-storage"): for img in existing_images: backup_img = img + '.bak''Recover image %s to %s', backup_img, img) shutil.move(backup_img, img) # Clean up pool if pvtest: pvtest.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_img) # Recover VM snapshots. if option.count("snapshot") and (not vm.is_lxc()): logging.debug("Recover snapshots for domain!") for file_item in snp_file_list: virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name, file_item) # Check results. if status_error: if not status: if libvirtd_state == "off" and libvirt_version.version_compare( 5, 6, 0): "From libvirt version 5.6.0 libvirtd is restarted " "and command should succeed") else:"virsh undefine return unexpected result.") if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': if status3 == 0:"virsh define with false acl permission" + " should failed.") else: if status:"virsh undefine failed.") if undefine_twice: if not status2:"Undefine the same VM twice succeeded.") if vm_exist:"VM still exists after undefine.") if xml_exist:"Xml file still exists after undefine.") if option.count("managedsave") and save_exist:"Save file still exists after undefine.") if option.count("remove-all-storage") and volume_exist:"Volume file '%s' still exists after" " undefine." % volume) if wipe_data and option.count("remove-all-storage"): if not output.count("Wiping volume '%s'" % disk_target):"Command didn't wipe volume storage!") if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': if status3:"virsh define with right acl permission" + " should succeeded")
fmt_err1 += "supported for file format '%s'" % vol_format fmt_err2 = "Driver '%s' does not support " % vol_format fmt_err2 += "image creation" fmt_err_list = [fmt_err0, fmt_err1, fmt_err2] skip_msg = "Volume format '%s' is not supported by qemu-img" % vol_format vol_path_list = [] secret_uuids = [] try: # Create the src pool src_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % src_pool_type pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image, image_size=image_size, source_format=src_pool_format) src_pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(src_pool_name) # Print current pools for debugging logging.debug("Current pools:%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) # Create volumes by virsh in a loop while pool_vol_num > 0: # Set volume xml file vol_name = prefix_vol_name + "_%s" % pool_vol_num pool_vol_num -= 1 if by_xml: # According to BZ#1138523, we need inpect the right name # (disk partition) for new volume if src_pool_type == "disk": vol_name = utlv.new_disk_vol_name(src_pool_name) if vol_name is None:
def check_vol(expected, avail=True): """ Checks the expected volume details with actual volume details from vol-dumpxml vol-list vol-info vol-key vol-path qemu-img info """ error_count = 0 pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(expected['pool_name']) vol_exists = pv.volume_exists(expected['name']) if vol_exists: if not avail: error_count += 1 logging.error("Expect volume %s not exists but find it", expected['name']) return error_count else: if avail: error_count += 1 logging.error("Expect volume %s exists but not find it", expected['name']) return error_count else:"Volume %s checked successfully for deletion", expected['name']) return error_count actual_list = get_vol_list(expected['pool_name'], expected['name']) actual_info = pv.volume_info(expected['name']) # Get values from vol-dumpxml volume_xml = vol_xml.VolXML.new_from_vol_dumpxml( expected['name'], expected['pool_name']) # Check against virsh vol-key vol_key = virsh.vol_key(expected['name'], expected['pool_name']) if vol_key.stdout.strip() != volume_xml.key: logging.error( "Volume key is mismatch \n%s" "Key from xml: %s\nKey from command: %s", expected['name'], volume_xml.key, vol_key) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "virsh vol-key for volume: %s successfully" " checked against vol-dumpxml", expected['name']) # Check against virsh vol-name get_vol_name = virsh.vol_name(expected['path']) if get_vol_name.stdout.strip() != expected['name']: logging.error( "Volume name mismatch\n" "Expected name: %s\nOutput of vol-name: %s", expected['name'], get_vol_name) # Check against virsh vol-path vol_path = virsh.vol_path(expected['name'], expected['pool_name']) if expected['path'] != vol_path.stdout.strip(): logging.error( "Volume path mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected path: %s\nOutput of vol-path: %s\n", expected['name'], expected['path'], vol_path) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "virsh vol-path for volume: %s successfully checked" " against created volume path", expected['name']) # Check path against virsh vol-list if expected['path'] != actual_list['path']: logging.error( "Volume path mismatch for volume:%s\n" "Expected Path: %s\nPath from virsh vol-list: %s", expected['name'], expected['path'], actual_list['path']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Path of volume: %s from virsh vol-list " "successfully checked against created " "volume path", expected['name']) # Check path against virsh vol-dumpxml if expected['path'] != volume_xml.path: logging.error( "Volume path mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected Path: %s\nPath from virsh vol-dumpxml: %s", expected['name'], expected['path'], volume_xml.path) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Path of volume: %s from virsh vol-dumpxml " "successfully checked against created volume path", expected['name']) # Check type against virsh vol-list if expected['type'] != actual_list['type']: logging.error( "Volume type mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected Type: %s\n Type from vol-list: %s", expected['name'], expected['type'], actual_list['type']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Type of volume: %s from virsh vol-list " "successfully checked against the created " "volume type", expected['name']) # Check type against virsh vol-info if expected['type'] != actual_info['Type']: logging.error( "Volume type mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected Type: %s\n Type from vol-info: %s", expected['name'], expected['type'], actual_info['Type']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Type of volume: %s from virsh vol-info successfully" " checked against the created volume type", expected['name']) # Check name against virsh vol-info if expected['name'] != actual_info['Name']: logging.error( "Volume name mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected name: %s\n Name from vol-info: %s", expected['name'], expected['name'], actual_info['Name']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Name of volume: %s from virsh vol-info successfully" " checked against the created volume name", expected['name']) # Check format from against qemu-img info img_info = utils_misc.get_image_info(expected['path']) if expected['format']: if expected['format'] != img_info['format']: logging.error( "Volume format mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected format: %s\n" "Format from qemu-img info: %s", expected['name'], expected['format'], img_info['format']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Format of volume: %s from qemu-img info " "checked successfully against the created " "volume format", expected['name']) # Check format against vol-dumpxml if expected['format']: if expected['format'] != volume_xml.format: logging.error( "Volume format mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected format: %s\n" "Format from vol-dumpxml: %s", expected['name'], expected['format'], volume_xml.format) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Format of volume: %s from virsh vol-dumpxml " "checked successfully against the created" " volume format", expected['name'])['encrypt_format']) # Check encrypt against vol-dumpxml if expected['encrypt_format']: # As the 'default' format will change to specific valut(qcow), so # just output it here logging.debug("Encryption format of volume '%s' is: %s", expected['name'], volume_xml.encryption.format) # And also output encryption secret uuid secret_uuid = volume_xml.encryption.secret['uuid'] logging.debug("Encryption secret of volume '%s' is: %s", expected['name'], secret_uuid) if expected['encrypt_secret']: if expected['encrypt_secret'] != secret_uuid: logging.error( "Encryption secret mismatch for volume: %s\n" "Expected secret uuid: %s\n" "Secret uuid from vol-dumpxml: %s", expected['name'], expected['encrypt_secret'], secret_uuid) error_count += 1 else: # If no set encryption secret value, automatically # generate a secret value at the time of volume creation logging.debug("Volume encryption secret is %s", secret_uuid) # Check pool name against vol-pool vol_pool = virsh.vol_pool(expected['path']) if expected['pool_name'] != vol_pool.stdout.strip(): logging.error( "Pool name mismatch for volume: %s against" "virsh vol-pool", expected['name']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Pool name of volume: %s checked successfully" " against the virsh vol-pool", expected['name']) norm_cap = {} capacity = {} capacity['list'] = actual_list['capacity'] capacity['info'] = actual_info['Capacity'] capacity['xml'] = volume_xml.capacity capacity['qemu_img'] = img_info['vsize'] norm_cap = norm_capacity(capacity) delta_size = int(params.get('delta_size', "1024")) if abs(expected['capacity'] - norm_cap['list']) > delta_size: logging.error( "Capacity mismatch for volume: %s against virsh" " vol-list\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s", expected['name'], expected['capacity'], norm_cap['list']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Capacity value checked successfully against" " virsh vol-list for volume %s", expected['name']) if abs(expected['capacity'] - norm_cap['info']) > delta_size: logging.error( "Capacity mismatch for volume: %s against virsh" " vol-info\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s", expected['name'], expected['capacity'], norm_cap['info']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Capacity value checked successfully against" " virsh vol-info for volume %s", expected['name']) if abs(expected['capacity'] - norm_cap['xml']) > delta_size: logging.error( "Capacity mismatch for volume: %s against virsh" " vol-dumpxml\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s", expected['name'], expected['capacity'], norm_cap['xml']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Capacity value checked successfully against" " virsh vol-dumpxml for volume: %s", expected['name']) if abs(expected['capacity'] - norm_cap['qemu_img']) > delta_size: logging.error( "Capacity mismatch for volume: %s against " "qemu-img info\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s", expected['name'], expected['capacity'], norm_cap['qemu_img']) error_count += 1 else: logging.debug( "Capacity value checked successfully against" " qemu-img info for volume: %s", expected['name']) return error_count
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh vol-create and vol-create-as command to cover the following matrix: pool_type = [dir, fs, netfs] volume_format = [raw, bochs, cloop, cow, dmg, iso, qcow, qcow2, qed, vmdk, vpc] pool_type = [disk] volume_format = [none, linux, fat16, fat32, linux-swap, linux-lvm, linux-raid, extended] pool_type = [logical] volume_format = [none] pool_type = [iscsi, scsi] Not supported with format type TODO: pool_type = [rbd, glusterfs] Reference: """ src_pool_type = params.get("src_pool_type") src_pool_target = params.get("src_pool_target") src_pool_format = params.get("src_pool_format", "") pool_vol_num = int(params.get("src_pool_vol_num", '1')) src_emulated_image = params.get("src_emulated_image") extra_option = params.get("extra_option", "") prefix_vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "vol_create_test") vol_format = params.get("vol_format", "raw") vol_capacity = params.get("vol_capacity", 1048576) vol_allocation = params.get("vol_allocation", 1048576) image_size = params.get("emulate_image_size", "1G") lazy_refcounts = "yes" == params.get("lazy_refcounts") status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no") by_xml = "yes" == params.get("create_vol_by_xml", "yes") incomplete_target = "yes" == params.get("incomplete_target", "no") luks_encrypted = "luks" == params.get("encryption_method") encryption_secret_type = params.get("encryption_secret_type", "passphrase") virsh_readonly_mode = 'yes' == params.get("virsh_readonly", "no") if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): if "--prealloc-metadata" in extra_option: test.cancel("metadata preallocation not supported in" " current libvirt version.") if incomplete_target: test.cancel("It does not support generate target path" "in current libvirt version.") pool_type = ['dir', 'disk', 'fs', 'logical', 'netfs', 'iscsi', 'scsi'] if src_pool_type not in pool_type: test.cancel("pool type %s not in supported type list: %s" % (src_pool_type, pool_type)) # libvirt acl polkit related params if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': test.cancel("API acl test not supported in current" " libvirt version.") uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unprivileged_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unprivileged_user: if unprivileged_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unprivileged_user = '******' # Stop multipathd to avoid start pool fail(For fs like pool, the new add # disk may in use by device-mapper, so start pool will report disk already # mounted error). multipathd = service.Factory.create_service("multipathd") multipathd_status = multipathd.status() if multipathd_status: multipathd.stop() # Set volume xml attribute dictionary, extract all params start with 'vol_' # which are for setting volume xml, except 'lazy_refcounts'. vol_arg = {} for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith('vol_'): if key[4:] in ['capacity', 'allocation', 'owner', 'group']: vol_arg[key[4:]] = int(params[key]) else: vol_arg[key[4:]] = params[key] vol_arg['lazy_refcounts'] = lazy_refcounts def create_luks_secret(vol_path): """ Create secret for luks encryption :param vol_path. volume path. :return: secret id if create successfully. """ sec_xml = secret_xml.SecretXML("no", "yes") sec_xml.description = "volume secret" sec_xml.usage = 'volume' sec_xml.volume = vol_path sec_xml.xmltreefile.write() ret = virsh.secret_define(sec_xml.xml) utlv.check_exit_status(ret) # Get secret uuid. try: encryption_uuid = re.findall(r".+\S+(\ +\S+)\ +.+\S+", ret.stdout.strip())[0].lstrip() except IndexError as detail: test.error("Fail to get newly created secret uuid") logging.debug("Secret uuid %s", encryption_uuid) # Set secret value. encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() secret_string = base64.b64encode( 'redhat'.encode(encoding)).decode(encoding) ret = virsh.secret_set_value(encryption_uuid, secret_string) utlv.check_exit_status(ret) return encryption_uuid def post_process_vol(ori_vol_path): """ Create or disactive a volume without libvirt :param ori_vol_path: Full path of an original volume :retur: Volume name for checking """ process_vol_name = params.get("process_vol_name", "process_vol") process_vol_options = params.get("process_vol_options", "") process_vol_capacity = params.get("process_vol_capacity", vol_capacity) process_vol_cmd = "" unsupport_err = "Unsupport do '%s %s' in this test" % ( process_vol_by, process_vol_type) if process_vol_by == "lvcreate": process_vol_cmd = "lvcreate -L %s " % process_vol_capacity if process_vol_type == "thin": if not process_vol_options: process_vol_options = "-T " process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_options processthin_pool_name = params.get("processthin_pool_name", "thinpool") processthin_vol_name = params.get("processthin_vol_name", "thinvol") process_vol_capacity = params.get("process_vol_capacity", "1G") os.path.dirname(ori_vol_path) process_vol_cmd += "%s/%s " % (os.path.dirname(ori_vol_path), processthin_pool_name) process_vol_cmd += "-V %s " % process_vol_capacity process_vol_cmd += "-n %s " % processthin_vol_name process_vol_name = processthin_vol_name elif process_vol_type == "snapshot": if not process_vol_options: process_vol_options = "-s " process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_options process_vol_cmd += "-n %s " % process_vol_name process_vol_cmd += "%s " % (ori_vol_path) else: logging.error(unsupport_err) return elif process_vol_by == "qemu-img" and process_vol_type == "create": process_vol_cmd = "qemu-img create " process_vol_path = os.path.dirname(ori_vol_path) + "/" process_vol_path += process_vol_name process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_options process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_path process_vol_cmd += "%s " % process_vol_capacity elif process_vol_by == "lvchange" and process_vol_type == "deactivate": process_vol_cmd = "lvchange %s " % ori_vol_path if not process_vol_options: process_vol_options = "-an" process_vol_cmd += process_vol_options else: logging.error(unsupport_err) return rst =, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if rst.exit_status: if "Snapshots of snapshots are not supported" in rst.stderr_text: logging.debug("%s is already a snapshot volume", ori_vol_path) process_vol_name = os.path.basename(ori_vol_path) else: logging.error(rst.stderr_text) return return process_vol_name def check_vol(pool_name, vol_name, expect_exist=True): """ Check volume vol_name in pool pool_name """ src_volumes = src_pv.list_volumes().keys() logging.debug("Current volumes in %s: %s", pool_name, src_volumes) if expect_exist: if vol_name not in src_volumes:"Can't find volume %s in pool %s" % (vol_name, pool_name)) # check format in volume xml volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() post_xml = volxml.new_from_vol_dumpxml(vol_name, pool_name) logging.debug("Volume %s XML: %s" % (vol_name, post_xml.xmltreefile)) if 'format' in post_xml.keys() and vol_format is not None: if post_xml.format != vol_format:"Volume format %s is not expected" % vol_format + " as defined.") else: if vol_name in src_volumes:"Find volume %s in pool %s, but expect not" % (vol_name, pool_name)) fmt_err0 = "Unknown file format '%s'" % vol_format fmt_err1 = "Formatting or formatting option not " fmt_err1 += "supported for file format '%s'" % vol_format fmt_err2 = "Driver '%s' does not support " % vol_format fmt_err2 += "image creation" fmt_err_list = [fmt_err0, fmt_err1, fmt_err2] skip_msg = "Volume format '%s' is not supported by qemu-img" % vol_format vol_path_list = [] secret_uuids = [] try: # Create the src pool src_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % src_pool_type pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image, image_size=image_size, source_format=src_pool_format) src_pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(src_pool_name) src_pool_uuid = libvirt_storage.StoragePool().pool_info( src_pool_name)['UUID'] # Print current pools for debugging logging.debug("Current pools:%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) # Create volumes by virsh in a loop while pool_vol_num > 0: # Set volume xml file vol_name = prefix_vol_name + "_%s" % pool_vol_num bad_vol_name = params.get("bad_vol_name", "") if bad_vol_name: vol_name = bad_vol_name pool_vol_num -= 1 # disk partition for new volume if src_pool_type == "disk": vol_name = utlv.new_disk_vol_name(src_pool_name) if vol_name is None: test.error("Fail to generate volume name") if by_xml: # According to BZ#1138523, we need inpect the right name # (disk partition) for new volume if src_pool_type == "disk": vol_name = utlv.new_disk_vol_name(src_pool_name) if vol_name is None: test.error("Fail to generate volume name") vol_arg['name'] = vol_name volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() newvol = volxml.new_vol(**vol_arg) if luks_encrypted: # For luks encrypted disk, add related xml in newvol luks_encryption_params = {} luks_encryption_params.update({"format": "luks"}) luks_secret_uuid = create_luks_secret( os.path.join(src_pool_target, vol_name)) secret_uuids.append(luks_secret_uuid) luks_encryption_params.update({ "secret": { "type": encryption_secret_type, "uuid": luks_secret_uuid } }) newvol.encryption = volxml.new_encryption( **luks_encryption_params) vol_xml = newvol['xml'] if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':"chmod 666 %s" % vol_xml, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if luks_encrypted and libvirt_version.version_compare( 4, 5, 0): try: polkit = test_setup.LibvirtPolkitConfig(params) polkit_rules_path = polkit.polkit_rules_path with open(polkit_rules_path, 'r+') as f: rule = f.readlines() for index, v in enumerate(rule): if v.find("secret") >= 0: nextline = rule[index + 1] s = nextline.replace( "QEMU", "secret").replace( "pool_name", "secret_uuid").replace( "virt-dir-pool", "%s" % luks_secret_uuid) rule[index + 1] = s rule = ''.join(rule) with open(polkit_rules_path, 'w+') as f: f.write(rule) logging.debug(rule) polkit.polkitd.restart() except IOError as e: logging.error(e) # Run virsh_vol_create to create vol logging.debug("Create volume from XML: %s" % newvol.xmltreefile) cmd_result = virsh.vol_create( src_pool_name, vol_xml, extra_option, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, uri=uri, ignore_status=True, debug=True) else: # Run virsh_vol_create_as to create_vol pool_name = src_pool_name if params.get("create_vol_by_pool_uuid") == "yes": pool_name = src_pool_uuid cmd_result = virsh.vol_create_as( vol_name, pool_name, vol_capacity, vol_allocation, vol_format, extra_option, unprivileged_user=unprivileged_user, uri=uri, readonly=virsh_readonly_mode, ignore_status=True, debug=True) # Check result try: utlv.check_exit_status(cmd_result, status_error) check_vol(src_pool_name, vol_name, not status_error) if bad_vol_name: pattern = "volume name '%s' cannot contain '/'" % vol_name logging.debug("pattern: %s", pattern) if "\\" in pattern and by_xml: pattern = pattern.replace("\\", "\\\\") if, cmd_result.stderr) is None:"vol-create failed with unexpected reason") if not status_error: vol_path = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, src_pool_name).stdout.strip() logging.debug("Full path of %s: %s", vol_name, vol_path) vol_path_list.append(vol_path) except exceptions.TestFail as detail: stderr = cmd_result.stderr if any(err in stderr for err in fmt_err_list): test.cancel(skip_msg) else:"Create volume fail:\n%s" % detail) # Post process vol by other programs process_vol_by = params.get("process_vol_by") process_vol_type = params.get("process_vol_type", "") expect_vol_exist = "yes" == params.get("expect_vol_exist", "yes") if process_vol_by and vol_path_list: process_vol = post_process_vol(vol_path_list[0]) if process_vol is not None: try: virsh.pool_refresh(src_pool_name, ignore_status=False) check_vol(src_pool_name, process_vol, expect_vol_exist) except (process.CmdError, exceptions.TestFail) as detail: if process_vol_type == "thin": logging.error(str(detail)) test.cancel("You may encounter bug BZ#1060287") else:"Fail to refresh pool:\n%s" % detail) else:"Post process volume failed") finally: # Cleanup # For old version lvm2(2.02.106 or early), deactivate volume group # (destroy libvirt logical pool) will fail if which has deactivated # lv snapshot, so before destroy the pool, we need activate it manually if src_pool_type == 'logical' and vol_path_list: vg_name = vol_path_list[0].split('/')[2]"lvchange -ay %s" % vg_name, shell=True) try: pvt.cleanup_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image) for secret_uuid in set(secret_uuids): virsh.secret_undefine(secret_uuid) except exceptions.TestFail as detail: logging.error(str(detail)) if multipathd_status: multipathd.start()
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh snapshot command when disk in all kinds of type. (1). Init the variables from params. (2). Create a image by specifice format. (3). Attach disk to vm. (4). Snapshot create. (5). Snapshot revert. (6). cleanup. """ # Init variables. vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "virt-tests-vm1") vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) image_format = params.get("snapshot_image_format", "qcow2") snapshot_del_test = "yes" == params.get("snapshot_del_test", "no") status_error = ("yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")) snapshot_from_xml = ("yes" == params.get("snapshot_from_xml", "no")) snapshot_current = ("yes" == params.get("snapshot_current", "no")) snapshot_revert_paused = ("yes" == params.get("snapshot_revert_paused", "no")) # Pool variables. snapshot_with_pool = "yes" == params.get("snapshot_with_pool", "no") pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") lazy_refcounts = "yes" == params.get("lazy_refcounts") options = params.get("snapshot_options", "") # Set volume xml attribute dictionary, extract all params start with 'vol_' # which are for setting volume xml, except 'lazy_refcounts'. vol_arg = {} for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith('vol_'): if key[4:] in ['capacity', 'allocation', 'owner', 'group']: vol_arg[key[4:]] = int(params[key]) else: vol_arg[key[4:]] = params[key] vol_arg['lazy_refcounts'] = lazy_refcounts supported_pool_list = [ "dir", "fs", "netfs", "logical", "iscsi", "disk", "gluster" ] if snapshot_with_pool: if pool_type not in supported_pool_list: raise error.TestNAError("%s not in support list %s" % (pool_target, supported_pool_list)) # Do xml backup for final recovery vmxml_backup = libvirt_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name) # Some variable for xmlfile of snapshot. snapshot_memory = params.get("snapshot_memory", "internal") snapshot_disk = params.get("snapshot_disk", "internal") # Skip 'qed' cases for libvirt version greater than 1.1.0 if libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 0): if vol_format == "qed": raise error.TestNAError("QED support changed, check bug: " "" "?id=731570") # Init snapshot_name snapshot_name = None snapshot_external_disk = [] snapshot_xml_path = None del_status = None image = None pvt = None # Get a tmp dir tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() snap_cfg_path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/%s/" % vm_name try: if snapshot_with_pool: # Create dst pool for create attach vol img pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, image_size="1G", pre_disk_vol=["20M"]) if pool_type in ["iscsi", "disk"]: # iscsi and disk pool did not support create volume in libvirt, # logical pool could use libvirt to create volume but volume # format is not supported and will be 'raw' as default. pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) vols = pv.list_volumes().keys() if vols: vol_name = vols[0] else: raise error.TestNAError("No volume in pool: %s", pool_name) else: # Set volume xml file volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() newvol = volxml.new_vol(**vol_arg) vol_xml = newvol['xml'] # Run virsh_vol_create to create vol logging.debug("create volume from xml: %s" % newvol.xmltreefile) cmd_result = virsh.vol_create(pool_name, vol_xml, ignore_status=True, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to create attach volume.") cmd_result = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, pool_name, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to get volume path from pool.") img_path = cmd_result.stdout.strip() if pool_type in ["logical", "iscsi", "disk"]: # Use qemu-img to format logical, iscsi and disk block device if vol_format != "raw": cmd = "qemu-img create -f %s %s 10M" % (vol_format, img_path) cmd_result =, ignore_status=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to format volume, %s" % cmd_result.stdout.strip()) extra = "--persistent --subdriver %s" % vol_format else: # Create a image. params['image_name'] = "snapshot_test" params['image_format'] = image_format params['image_size'] = "1M" image = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, tmp_dir, "snapshot_test") img_path, _ = image.create(params) extra = "--persistent --subdriver %s" % image_format # Do the attach action. out ="qemu-img info %s" % img_path) logging.debug("The img info is:\n%s" % out.stdout.strip()) result = virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, source=img_path, target="vdf", extra=extra, debug=True) if result.exit_status: raise error.TestNAError("Failed to attach disk %s to VM." "Detail: %s." % (img_path, result.stderr)) # Create snapshot. if snapshot_from_xml: snapshot_name = "snapshot_test" lines = [ "<domainsnapshot>\n", "<name>%s</name>\n" % snapshot_name, "<description>Snapshot Test</description>\n" ] if snapshot_memory == "external": memory_external = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "snapshot_memory") snapshot_external_disk.append(memory_external) lines.append("<memory snapshot=\'%s\' file='%s'/>\n" % (snapshot_memory, memory_external)) else: lines.append("<memory snapshot='%s'/>\n" % snapshot_memory) # Add all disks into xml file. disks = vm.get_disk_devices().values() lines.append("<disks>\n") for disk in disks: lines.append("<disk name='%s' snapshot='%s'>\n" % (disk['source'], snapshot_disk)) if snapshot_disk == "external": snap_path = "%s.snap" % os.path.basename(disk['source']) disk_external = os.path.join(tmp_dir, snap_path) snapshot_external_disk.append(disk_external) lines.append("<source file='%s'/>\n" % disk_external) lines.append("</disk>\n") lines.append("</disks>\n") lines.append("</domainsnapshot>") snapshot_xml_path = "%s/snapshot_xml" % tmp_dir snapshot_xml_file = open(snapshot_xml_path, "w") snapshot_xml_file.writelines(lines) snapshot_xml_file.close() logging.debug("The xml content for snapshot create is:") with open(snapshot_xml_path, 'r') as fin: logging.debug( options += " --xmlfile %s " % snapshot_xml_path snapshot_result = virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name, options, debug=True) out_err = snapshot_result.stderr.strip() if snapshot_result.exit_status: if status_error: return else: if "live disk snapshot not supported with this QEMU binary", out_err): raise error.TestNAError(out_err) if libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 5): # As commit d2e668e in 1.2.5, internal active snapshot # without memory state is rejected. Handle it as SKIP # for now. This could be supportted in future by bug: # if "internal snapshot of a running VM" + " must include the memory state", out_err): raise error.TestNAError("Check Bug #1083345, %s" % out_err) raise error.TestFail( "Failed to create snapshot. Error:%s." % out_err) else: snapshot_result = virsh.snapshot_create(vm_name, options) if snapshot_result.exit_status: if status_error: return else: raise error.TestFail( "Failed to create snapshot. Error:%s." % snapshot_result.stderr.strip()) snapshot_name ="\d+", snapshot_result.stdout.strip()).group(0) if snapshot_current: lines = [ "<domainsnapshot>\n", "<description>Snapshot Test</description>\n", "<state>running</state>\n", "<creationTime>%s</creationTime>" % snapshot_name, "</domainsnapshot>" ] snapshot_xml_path = "%s/snapshot_xml" % tmp_dir snapshot_xml_file = open(snapshot_xml_path, "w") snapshot_xml_file.writelines(lines) snapshot_xml_file.close() logging.debug("The xml content for snapshot create is:") with open(snapshot_xml_path, 'r') as fin: logging.debug( options += "--redefine %s --current" % snapshot_xml_path if snapshot_result.exit_status: raise error.TestFail("Failed to create snapshot --current." "Error:%s." % snapshot_result.stderr.strip()) if status_error: if not snapshot_del_test: raise error.TestFail("Success to create snapshot in negative" " case\nDetail: %s" % snapshot_result) # Touch a file in VM. if vm.is_dead(): vm.start() session = vm.wait_for_login() # Init a unique name for tmp_file. tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=("snapshot_test_"), dir="/tmp") tmp_file_path = tmp_file.close() echo_cmd = "echo SNAPSHOT_DISK_TEST >> %s" % tmp_file_path status, output = session.cmd_status_output(echo_cmd) logging.debug("The echo output in domain is: '%s'", output) if status: raise error.TestFail("'%s' run failed with '%s'" % (tmp_file_path, output)) status, output = session.cmd_status_output("cat %s" % tmp_file_path) logging.debug("File created with content: '%s'", output) session.close() # Destroy vm for snapshot revert. if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 3): virsh.destroy(vm_name) # Revert snapshot. revert_options = "" if snapshot_revert_paused: revert_options += " --paused" revert_result = virsh.snapshot_revert(vm_name, snapshot_name, revert_options, debug=True) if revert_result.exit_status: # As commit d410e6f for libvirt 1.2.3, attempts to revert external # snapshots will FAIL with an error "revert to external snapshot # not supported yet". Thus, let's check for that and handle as a # SKIP for now. Check bug: # if libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 3): if"revert to external snapshot not supported yet", revert_result.stderr): raise error.TestNAError(revert_result.stderr.strip()) else: raise error.TestFail("Revert snapshot failed. %s" % revert_result.stderr.strip()) if vm.is_dead(): raise error.TestFail("Revert snapshot failed.") if snapshot_revert_paused: if vm.is_paused(): vm.resume() else: raise error.TestFail("Revert command successed, but VM is not " "paused after reverting with --paused" " option.") # login vm. session = vm.wait_for_login() # Check the result of revert. status, output = session.cmd_status_output("cat %s" % tmp_file_path) logging.debug("After revert cat file output='%s'", output) if not status: raise error.TestFail("Tmp file exists, revert failed.") # Close the session. session.close() # Test delete snapshot without "--metadata", delete external disk # snapshot will fail for now. # Only do this when snapshot creat succeed which filtered in cfg file. if snapshot_del_test: if snapshot_name: del_result = virsh.snapshot_delete(vm_name, snapshot_name, debug=True, ignore_status=True) del_status = del_result.exit_status snap_xml_path = snap_cfg_path + "%s.xml" % snapshot_name if del_status: if not status_error: raise error.TestFail("Failed to delete snapshot.") else: if not os.path.exists(snap_xml_path): raise error.TestFail( "Snapshot xml file %s missing" % snap_xml_path) else: if status_error: err_msg = "Snapshot delete succeed but expect fail." raise error.TestFail(err_msg) else: if os.path.exists(snap_xml_path): raise error.TestFail("Snapshot xml file %s still" % snap_xml_path + " exist") finally: virsh.detach_disk(vm_name, target="vdf", extra="--persistent") if image: image.remove() if del_status and snapshot_name: virsh.snapshot_delete(vm_name, snapshot_name, "--metadata") for disk in snapshot_external_disk: if os.path.exists(disk): os.remove(disk) vmxml_backup.sync("--snapshots-metadata") if snapshot_xml_path: if os.path.exists(snapshot_xml_path): os.unlink(snapshot_xml_path) if pvt: try: pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) except error.TestFail, detail: logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ This test cover two volume commands: vol-clone and vol-wipe. 1. Create a given type pool. 2. Create a given format volume in the pool. 3. Clone the new create volume. 4. Wipe the new clone volume. 5. Delete the volume and pool. """ pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") if not os.path.dirname(pool_target): pool_target = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, pool_target) emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") emulated_image_size = params.get("emulated_image_size") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") new_vol_name = params.get("new_vol_name") vol_capability = params.get("vol_capability") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") clone_option = params.get("clone_option", "") wipe_algorithms = params.get("wipe_algorithms") if virsh.has_command_help_match("vol-wipe", "--prealloc-metadata") is None: if "prealloc-metadata" in clone_option: raise error.TestNAError("Option --prealloc-metadata " "is not supported.") # Using algorithms other than zero need scrub installed. try: utils_misc.find_command('scrub') except ValueError: logging.warning("Can't locate scrub binary, only 'zero' algorithm " "is used.") valid_algorithms = ["zero"] else: valid_algorithms = [ "zero", "nnsa", "dod", "bsi", "gutmann", "schneier", "pfitzner7", "pfitzner33", "random" ] # Choose an algorithms randomly if wipe_algorithms: alg = random.choice(wipe_algorithms.split()) else: alg = random.choice(valid_algorithms) clone_status_error = "yes" == params.get("clone_status_error", "no") wipe_status_error = "yes" == params.get("wipe_status_error", "no") setup_libvirt_polkit = "yes" == params.get("setup_libvirt_polkit") # libvirt acl polkit related params uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unpri_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unpri_user: if unpri_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unpri_user = '******' if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if setup_libvirt_polkit: raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current" " libvirt version.") del_pool = True libv_pvt = libvirt.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) try: libv_pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() while libv_pool.pool_exists(pool_name): logging.debug("Use exist pool '%s'", pool_name) del_pool = False else: # Create a new pool disk_vol = [] if pool_type == 'disk': disk_vol.append(params.get("pre_vol", '10M')) libv_pvt.pre_pool(pool_name=pool_name, pool_type=pool_type, pool_target=pool_target, emulated_image=emulated_image, image_size=emulated_image_size, pre_disk_vol=disk_vol) libv_vol = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) if libv_vol.volume_exists(vol_name): logging.debug("Use exist volume '%s'", vol_name) elif vol_format in ['raw', 'qcow2', 'qed', 'vmdk']: # Create a new volume libv_pvt.pre_vol(vol_name=vol_name, vol_format=vol_format, capacity=vol_capability, allocation=None, pool_name=pool_name) elif vol_format == 'partition': vol_name = libv_vol.list_volumes().keys()[0] logging.debug("Partition %s in disk pool is volume" % vol_name) elif vol_format == 'sparse': # Create a sparse file in pool sparse_file = pool_target + '/' + vol_name cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=" + sparse_file cmd += " bs=1 count=0 seek=" + vol_capability else: raise error.TestError("Unknown volume format %s" % vol_format) # Refresh the pool virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name) vol_info = libv_vol.volume_info(vol_name) for key in vol_info: logging.debug("Original volume info: %s = %s", key, vol_info[key]) # Metadata preallocation is not support for block volume if vol_info["Type"] == "block" and clone_option.count( "prealloc-metadata"): clone_status_error = True if pool_type == "disk": new_vol_name = libvirt.new_disk_vol_name(pool_name) if new_vol_name is None: raise error.TestError("Fail to generate volume name") # update polkit rule as the volume name changed if setup_libvirt_polkit: vol_pat = r"lookup\('vol_name'\) == ('\S+')" new_value = "lookup('vol_name') == '%s'" % new_vol_name libvirt.update_polkit_rule(params, vol_pat, new_value) # Clone volume clone_result = virsh.vol_clone(vol_name, new_vol_name, pool_name, clone_option, debug=True) if not clone_status_error: if clone_result.exit_status != 0: raise error.TestFail("Clone volume fail:\n%s" % clone_result.stderr.strip()) else: vol_info = libv_vol.volume_info(new_vol_name) for key in vol_info: logging.debug("Cloned volume info: %s = %s", key, vol_info[key]) logging.debug("Clone volume successfully.") # Wipe the new clone volume if alg: logging.debug("Wiping volume by '%s' algorithm", alg) wipe_result = virsh.vol_wipe(new_vol_name, pool_name, alg, unprivileged_user=unpri_user, uri=uri, debug=True) unsupported_err = [ "Unsupported algorithm", "no such pattern sequence" ] if not wipe_status_error: if wipe_result.exit_status != 0: if any(err in wipe_result.stderr for err in unsupported_err): raise error.TestNAError(wipe_result.stderr) raise error.TestFail("Wipe volume fail:\n%s" % clone_result.stdout.strip()) else: virsh_vol_info = libv_vol.volume_info(new_vol_name) for key in virsh_vol_info: logging.debug("Wiped volume info(virsh): %s = %s", key, virsh_vol_info[key]) vol_path = virsh.vol_path(new_vol_name, pool_name).stdout.strip() qemu_vol_info = utils_misc.get_image_info(vol_path) for key in qemu_vol_info: logging.debug("Wiped volume info(qemu): %s = %s", key, qemu_vol_info[key]) if qemu_vol_info['format'] != 'raw': raise error.TestFail("Expect wiped volume " "format is raw") elif wipe_status_error and wipe_result.exit_status == 0: raise error.TestFail("Expect wipe volume fail, but run" " successfully.") elif clone_status_error and clone_result.exit_status == 0: raise error.TestFail("Expect clone volume fail, but run" " successfully.") finally: # Clean up try: if del_pool: libv_pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) else: # Only delete the volumes libv_vol = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) for vol in [vol_name, new_vol_name]: libv_vol.delete_volume(vol) except error.TestFail, detail: logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh vol-create-from command to cover the following matrix: pool = [source, destination] pool_type = [dir, disk, fs, logical, netfs, iscsi, scsi] volume_format = [raw, qcow2, qed] Note, both 'iscsi' and 'scsi' type pools don't support create volume by virsh, so which can't be destination pools. And for disk pool, it can't create volume with specified format. """ src_pool_type = params.get("src_pool_type") src_pool_target = params.get("src_pool_target") src_emulated_image = params.get("src_emulated_image") src_vol_format = params.get("src_vol_format") dest_pool_type = params.get("dest_pool_type") dest_pool_target = params.get("dest_pool_target") dest_emulated_image = params.get("dest_emulated_image") dest_vol_format = params.get("dest_vol_format") prealloc_option = params.get("prealloc_option") status_error = params.get("status_error", "no") try: # Create the src/dest pool src_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % src_pool_type dest_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % dest_pool_type pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image, image_size="40M", pre_disk_vol=["1M"]) if src_pool_type != dest_pool_type: pvt.pre_pool(dest_pool_name, dest_pool_type, dest_pool_target, dest_emulated_image, image_size="50M", pre_disk_vol=["1M"]) # Print current pools for debugging logging.debug("Current pools:%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) # Create the src vol vol_size = "1048576" if src_pool_type in ["dir", "logical", "netfs", "fs"]: src_vol_name = "src_vol" pvt.pre_vol(vol_name=src_vol_name, vol_format=src_vol_format, capacity=vol_size, allocation=None, pool_name=src_pool_name) else: src_pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(src_pool_name) src_vols = src_pv.list_volumes().keys() if src_vols: src_vol_name = src_vols[0] else: raise error.TestFail("No volume in pool: %s", src_pool_name) # Prepare vol xml file dest_vol_name = "dest_vol" if dest_pool_type == "disk": dest_vol_format = "" prealloc_option = "" vol_xml = """ <volume> <name>%s</name> <capacity unit='bytes'>%s</capacity> <target> <format type='%s'/> </target> </volume> """ % (dest_vol_name, vol_size, dest_vol_format) logging.debug("Prepare the volume xml: %s", vol_xml) vol_file = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, "dest_vol.xml") xml_object = open(vol_file, 'w') xml_object.write(vol_xml) xml_object.close() # iSCSI and SCSI type pool can't create vols via virsh if dest_pool_type in ["iscsi", "scsi"]: raise error.TestFail("Unsupport create vol for %s type pool", dest_pool_type) # Metadata preallocation is not supported for block volumes if dest_pool_type in ["disk", "logical"]: prealloc_option = "" # Run run_virsh_vol_create_from to create dest vol cmd_result = virsh.vol_create_from(dest_pool_name, vol_file, src_vol_name, src_pool_name, prealloc_option, ignore_status=True, debug=True) status = cmd_result.exit_status # Check result if status_error == "no": if status == 0: dest_pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(dest_pool_name) dest_volumes = dest_pv.list_volumes().keys() logging.debug("Current volumes in %s: %s", dest_pool_name, dest_volumes) if dest_vol_name not in dest_volumes: raise error.TestFail("Can't find volume: % from pool: %s", dest_vol_name, dest_pool_name) else: raise error.TestFail(cmd_result.stderr) else: if status: logging.debug("Expect error: %s", cmd_result.stderr) else: raise error.TestFail("Expect fail, but run successfully!") finally: # Cleanup: both src and dest should be removed try: pvt.cleanup_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image) except error.TestFail, detail: logging.error(str(detail)) if src_pool_type != dest_pool_type: pvt.cleanup_pool(dest_pool_name, dest_pool_type, dest_pool_target, dest_emulated_image) if os.path.isfile(vol_file): os.remove(vol_file)
def run(test, params, env): """ Test svirt in adding disk to VM. (1).Init variables for test. (2).Create a image to attached to VM. (3).Attach disk. (4).Start VM and check result. """ # Get general variables. status_error = ('yes' == params.get("status_error", 'no')) host_sestatus = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_host_selinux", "enforcing") # Get variables about seclabel for VM. sec_type = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_type", "dynamic") sec_model = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_model", "selinux") sec_label = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_label", None) sec_relabel = params.get("svirt_attach_disk_vm_sec_relabel", "yes") sec_dict = { 'type': sec_type, 'model': sec_model, 'label': sec_label, 'relabel': sec_relabel } disk_seclabel = params.get("disk_seclabel", "no") # Get variables about pool vol with_pool_vol = 'yes' == params.get("with_pool_vol", "no") check_cap_rawio = "yes" == params.get("check_cap_rawio", "no") virt_use_nfs = params.get("virt_use_nfs", "off") pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") vol_format = params.get("vol_format", "qcow2") device_target = params.get("disk_target") device_bus = params.get("disk_target_bus") device_type = params.get("device_type", "file") # Get variables about VM and get a VM object and VMXML instance. vm_name = params.get("main_vm") vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vmxml = VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name) backup_xml = vmxml.copy() # Get varialbles about image. img_label = params.get('svirt_attach_disk_disk_label') sec_disk_dict = { 'model': sec_model, 'label': img_label, 'relabel': sec_relabel } enable_namespace = 'yes' == params.get('enable_namespace', 'no') img_name = "svirt_disk" # Default label for the other disks. # To ensure VM is able to access other disks. default_label = params.get('svirt_attach_disk_disk_default_label', None) # Set selinux of host. backup_sestatus = utils_selinux.get_status() utils_selinux.set_status(host_sestatus) # Set the default label to other disks of vm. disks = vm.get_disk_devices() for disk in list(disks.values()): utils_selinux.set_context_of_file(filename=disk['source'], context=default_label) pvt = None qemu_conf = utils_config.LibvirtQemuConfig() libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd() disk_xml = Disk(type_name=device_type) disk_xml.device = "disk" try: # set qemu conf if check_cap_rawio: qemu_conf.user = '******' = 'root' logging.debug("the qemu.conf content is: %s" % qemu_conf) libvirtd.restart() if with_pool_vol: # Create dst pool for create attach vol img pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) logging.debug("pool_type %s" % pool_type) pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, image_size="1G", pre_disk_vol=["20M"]) if pool_type in ["iscsi", "disk"]: # iscsi and disk pool did not support create volume in libvirt, # logical pool could use libvirt to create volume but volume # format is not supported and will be 'raw' as default. pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) vols = list(pv.list_volumes().keys()) vol_format = "raw" if vols: vol_name = vols[0] else: test.cancel("No volume in pool: %s" % pool_name) else: vol_arg = { 'name': vol_name, 'format': vol_format, 'capacity': 1073741824, 'allocation': 1048576, } # Set volume xml file volxml = libvirt_xml.VolXML() newvol = volxml.new_vol(**vol_arg) vol_xml = newvol['xml'] # Run virsh_vol_create to create vol logging.debug("create volume from xml: %s" % newvol.xmltreefile) cmd_result = virsh.vol_create(pool_name, vol_xml, ignore_status=True, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: test.cancel("Failed to create attach volume.") cmd_result = virsh.vol_path(vol_name, pool_name, debug=True) if cmd_result.exit_status: test.cancel("Failed to get volume path from pool.") img_path = cmd_result.stdout.strip() if pool_type in ["iscsi", "disk"]: source_type = "dev" if pool_type == "iscsi": disk_xml.device = "lun" disk_xml.rawio = "yes" else: if not enable_namespace: qemu_conf.namespaces = '' logging.debug("the qemu.conf content is: %s" % qemu_conf) libvirtd.restart() else: source_type = "file" # set host_sestatus as nfs pool will reset it utils_selinux.set_status(host_sestatus) # set virt_use_nfs result ="setsebool virt_use_nfs %s" % virt_use_nfs, shell=True) if result.exit_status: test.cancel("Failed to set virt_use_nfs value") else: source_type = "file" # Init a QemuImg instance. params['image_name'] = img_name tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() image = qemu_storage.QemuImg(params, tmp_dir, img_name) # Create a image. img_path, result = image.create(params) # Set the context of the image. if sec_relabel == "no": utils_selinux.set_context_of_file(filename=img_path, context=img_label) = {"dev": device_target, "bus": device_bus} disk_xml.driver = {"name": "qemu", "type": vol_format} if disk_seclabel == "yes": source_seclabel = [] sec_xml = seclabel.Seclabel() sec_xml.update(sec_disk_dict) source_seclabel.append(sec_xml) disk_source = disk_xml.new_disk_source(**{ "attrs": { source_type: img_path }, "seclabels": source_seclabel }) else: disk_source = disk_xml.new_disk_source( **{"attrs": { source_type: img_path }}) # Set the context of the VM. vmxml.set_seclabel([sec_dict]) vmxml.sync() disk_xml.source = disk_source logging.debug(disk_xml) # Do the attach action. cmd_result = virsh.attach_device(domainarg=vm_name, filearg=disk_xml.xml, flagstr='--persistent') libvirt.check_exit_status(cmd_result, expect_error=False) logging.debug("the domain xml is: %s" % vmxml.xmltreefile) # Start VM to check the VM is able to access the image or not. try: vm.start() # Start VM successfully. # VM with set seclabel can access the image with the # set context. if status_error:'Test succeeded in negative case.') if check_cap_rawio: cap_list = ['CapPrm', 'CapEff', 'CapBnd'] cap_dict = {} pid = vm.get_pid() pid_status_path = "/proc/%s/status" % pid with open(pid_status_path) as f: for line in f: val_list = line.split(":") if val_list[0] in cap_list: cap_dict[val_list[0]] = int( val_list[1].strip(), 16) # bit and with rawio capabilitiy value to check cap_sys_rawio # is set cap_rawio_val = 0x0000000000020000 for i in cap_list: if not cap_rawio_val & cap_dict[i]: err_msg = "vm process with %s: 0x%x" % (i, cap_dict[i]) err_msg += " lack cap_sys_rawio capabilities" else: inf_msg = "vm process with %s: 0x%x" % (i, cap_dict[i]) inf_msg += " have cap_sys_rawio capabilities" logging.debug(inf_msg) if pool_type == "disk": if libvirt_version.version_compare(3, 1, 0) and enable_namespace: vm_pid = vm.get_pid() output = process.system_output( "nsenter -t %d -m -- ls -Z %s" % (vm_pid, img_path)) else: output = process.system_output('ls -Z %s' % img_path) logging.debug("The default label is %s", default_label) logging.debug("The label after guest started is %s", to_text(output.strip().split()[-2])) if default_label not in to_text(output.strip().split()[-2]):"The label is wrong after guest started\n") except virt_vm.VMStartError as e: # Starting VM failed. # VM with set seclabel can not access the image with the # set context. if not status_error:"Test failed in positive case." "error: %s" % e) cmd_result = virsh.detach_device(domainarg=vm_name, filearg=disk_xml.xml) libvirt.check_exit_status(cmd_result, status_error) finally: # clean up vm.destroy() if not with_pool_vol: image.remove() if pvt: try: pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) except exceptions.TestFail as detail: logging.error(str(detail)) backup_xml.sync() utils_selinux.set_status(backup_sestatus) if check_cap_rawio: qemu_conf.restore() libvirtd.restart()
def run(test, params, env): """ Test command: virsh vol-resize Resize the capacity of the given volume (default bytes). 1. Define and start a given type pool. 2. Create a volume in the pool. 3. Do vol-resize. 4. Check the volume info. 5. Delete the volume and pool. TODO: Add volume shrink test after libvirt uptream support it. """ pool_name = params.get("pool_name") pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_image = params.get("emulated_image") emulated_image_size = params.get("emulated_image_size") vol_name = params.get("vol_name") vol_format = params.get("vol_format") vol_capacity = params.get("vol_capacity") vol_new_capacity = params.get("vol_new_capacity") resize_option = params.get("resize_option", "") check_vol_size = "yes" == params.get("check_vol_size", "yes") status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no") b_luks_encrypt = "luks" == params.get("encryption_method") encryption_password = params.get("encryption_password", "redhat") secret_uuids = [] if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): if "--allocate" in resize_option: test.cancel("'--allocate' flag is not supported in" " current libvirt version.") # libvirt acl polkit related params uri = params.get("virsh_uri") unpri_user = params.get('unprivileged_user') if unpri_user: if unpri_user.count('EXAMPLE'): unpri_user = '******' if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1): if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes': test.cancel("API acl test not supported in current" " libvirt version.") libv_pvt = libvirt.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) try: libv_pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool() # Raise error if given name pool already exist if libv_pool.pool_exists(pool_name): test.error("Pool '%s' already exist", pool_name) else: # Create a new pool libv_pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, image_size=emulated_image_size) pool_info = libv_pool.pool_info(pool_name) for key in pool_info: logging.debug("Pool info: %s = %s", key, pool_info[key]) # Deal with vol_new_capacity, '--capacity' only accpet integer if vol_new_capacity == "pool_available": pool_avai = pool_info["Available"].split() vol_new_capacity = pool_avai[0].split('.')[0] + pool_avai[1] if vol_new_capacity == "pool_capacity": pool_capa = pool_info["Capacity"].split() vol_new_capacity = pool_capa[0].split('.')[0] + pool_capa[1] # Create a volume if b_luks_encrypt: luks_sec_uuid = create_luks_secret( os.path.join(pool_target, vol_name), test) secret_uuids.append(luks_sec_uuid) set_secret_value(encryption_password, luks_sec_uuid) create_luks_vol(vol_name, luks_sec_uuid, params, test) else: libv_pvt.pre_vol(vol_name=vol_name, vol_format=vol_format, capacity=vol_capacity, allocation=None, pool_name=pool_name) libv_vol = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) check_vol_info(libv_vol, vol_name, test) # The volume size may not accurate as we expect after resize, such as: # 1) vol_new_capacity = 1b with --delta option, the volume size will not # change; run # 2) vol_new_capacity = 1KB with --delta option, the volume size will # increase 1024 not 1000 # So we can disable volume size check after resize if check_vol_size: vol_path = libv_vol.list_volumes()[vol_name] expect_info = get_expect_info(vol_new_capacity, vol_path, test, resize_option) logging.debug("Expect volume info: %s", expect_info) else: expect_info = {} # Run vol-resize result = virsh.vol_resize(vol_name, vol_new_capacity, pool_name, resize_option, uri=uri, unprivileged_user=unpri_user, debug=True) if not status_error: if result.exit_status != 0: + result.stderr.strip()) else: if check_vol_info(libv_vol, vol_name, test, expect_info): logging.debug("Volume %s resize check pass.", vol_name) else:"Volume %s resize check fail." % vol_name) elif result.exit_status == 0:"Expect resize fail but run successfully.") finally: # Clean up try: libv_pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image) for secret_uuid in set(secret_uuids): virsh.secret_undefine(secret_uuid) except exceptions.TestFail as detail: logging.error(str(detail))
def run(test, params, env): """ Test virsh vol-create-from command to cover the following matrix: pool = [source, destination] pool_type = [dir, disk, fs, logical, netfs, iscsi, scsi] volume_format = [raw, qcow2, qed] Note, both 'iscsi' and 'scsi' type pools don't support create volume by virsh, so which can't be destination pools. And for disk pool, it can't create volume with specified format. """ src_pool_type = params.get("src_pool_type") src_pool_target = params.get("src_pool_target") src_emulated_image = params.get("src_emulated_image") src_vol_format = params.get("src_vol_format") dest_pool_type = params.get("dest_pool_type") dest_pool_target = params.get("dest_pool_target") dest_emulated_image = params.get("dest_emulated_image") dest_vol_format = params.get("dest_vol_format") prealloc_option = params.get("prealloc_option") status_error = params.get("status_error", "no") if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): if "--prealloc-metadata" in prealloc_option: test.cancel("metadata preallocation not supported in" " current libvirt version.") vol_file = "" try: # Create the src/dest pool src_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % src_pool_type dest_pool_name = "virt-%s-pool" % dest_pool_type pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvt.pre_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image, image_size="40M", pre_disk_vol=["1M"]) if src_pool_type != dest_pool_type: pvt.pre_pool(dest_pool_name, dest_pool_type, dest_pool_target, dest_emulated_image, image_size="100M", pre_disk_vol=["1M"]) # Print current pools for debugging logging.debug("Current pools:%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) # Create the src vol # 8M is the minimal size for logical volume(PPC) # 4M is the minimal size for logical volume(x86) vol_size = params.get("image_volume_size", "16777216") if src_pool_type in ["dir", "logical", "netfs", "fs"]: src_vol_name = "src_vol" pvt.pre_vol(vol_name=src_vol_name, vol_format=src_vol_format, capacity=vol_size, allocation=None, pool_name=src_pool_name) else: src_vol_name = list(utlv.get_vol_list(src_pool_name).keys())[0] # Prepare vol xml file dest_vol_name = "dest_vol" # According to BZ#1138523, we need inpect the right name # (disk partition) for new volume if dest_pool_type == "disk": dest_vol_name = utlv.new_disk_vol_name(dest_pool_name) if dest_vol_name is None: test.error("Fail to generate volume name") if dest_pool_type == "disk": dest_vol_format = "" prealloc_option = "" vol_xml = """ <volume> <name>%s</name> <capacity unit='bytes'>%s</capacity> <target> <format type='%s'/> </target> </volume> """ % (dest_vol_name, vol_size, dest_vol_format) logging.debug("Prepare the volume xml: %s", vol_xml) vol_file = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, "dest_vol.xml") with open(vol_file, 'w') as xml_object: xml_object.write(vol_xml) # iSCSI and SCSI type pool can't create vols via virsh if dest_pool_type in ["iscsi", "scsi"]:"Unsupport create vol for %s type pool" % dest_pool_type) # Metadata preallocation is not supported for block volumes if dest_pool_type in ["disk", "logical"]: prealloc_option = "" # Run run_virsh_vol_create_from to create dest vol cmd_result = virsh.vol_create_from(dest_pool_name, vol_file, src_vol_name, src_pool_name, prealloc_option, ignore_status=True, debug=True) status = cmd_result.exit_status # Check result if status_error == "no": if status == 0: dest_pv = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(dest_pool_name) dest_volumes = list(dest_pv.list_volumes().keys()) logging.debug("Current volumes in %s: %s", dest_pool_name, dest_volumes) if dest_vol_name not in dest_volumes:"Can't find volume: % from pool: %s" % (dest_vol_name, dest_pool_name)) else: else: if status: logging.debug("Expect error: %s", cmd_result.stderr) else:"Expect fail, but run successfully!") finally: # Cleanup: both src and dest should be removed try: pvt.cleanup_pool(src_pool_name, src_pool_type, src_pool_target, src_emulated_image) except exceptions.TestFail as detail: logging.error(str(detail)) if src_pool_type != dest_pool_type: pvt.cleanup_pool(dest_pool_name, dest_pool_type, dest_pool_target, dest_emulated_image) if os.path.isfile(vol_file): os.remove(vol_file)
def run(test, params, env): """ Test storage pool and volumes with applications such as: install vms, attached to vms... """ pool_type = params.get("pool_type") pool_name = "test_%s_app" % pool_type pool_target = params.get("pool_target") emulated_img = params.get("emulated_img", "emulated_img") volume_count = int(params.get("volume_count", 1)) volume_size = params.get("volume_size", "1G") emulated_size = "%sG" % (volume_count * int(volume_size[:-1]) + 1) application = params.get("application", "install") disk_target = params.get("disk_target", "vdb") test_message = params.get("test_message", "") vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "virt-tests-vm1") if application == "install": vm_name = params.get("vm_name", "vm1") try: pvtest = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params) pvtest.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_img, emulated_size) logging.debug("Current pools:\n%s", libvirt_storage.StoragePool().list_pools()) new_pool = libvirt_storage.PoolVolume(pool_name) volumes = create_volumes(new_pool, volume_count, volume_size) if application == "attach": vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) session = vm.wait_for_login() # The attach-disk action based on running guest, # so no need to recover the guest, it will be # recovered automatically after shutdown/reboot virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, volumes.values()[volume_count - 1], disk_target) vm_attach_device = "/dev/%s" % disk_target # Test if attached disk can be used normally utlv.mk_part(vm_attach_device, session=session) session.cmd("mkfs.ext4 %s1" % vm_attach_device) session.cmd("mount %s1 /mnt" % vm_attach_device) session.cmd("echo %s > /mnt/test" % test_message) output = session.cmd_output("cat /mnt/test").strip() if output != test_message: raise error.TestFail("%s cannot be used normally!" % vm_attach_device) elif application == "install": # Get a nonexist domain name while virsh.domain_exists(vm_name): vm_name += "_test" params["image_name"] = volumes.values()[volume_count - 1] params["image_format"] = "raw" try:, params, env) except error.CmdError, detail: raise error.TestFail("Guest install failed:%s" % detail) finally: try: if application == "install": if virsh.domain_exists(vm_name): virsh.remove_domain(vm_name) finally: pvtest.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_img)