Exemple #1
    def test_output_moved(self):
        class Filter(ExternalTool):

        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 0
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = ["stdout", "stderr"]

        # {output} creates an output
        # this test *moves* the file into the target location, and
        # tests the fix to issue #286
        intercepted = {}

        def fake_output_file(argv, **kw):
            intercepted["filename"] = argv[0]
            with open(argv[0] + ".tmp", "w") as f:
            import shutil

            shutil.move(argv[0] + ".tmp", argv[0])
            return DEFAULT

        self.popen.side_effect = fake_output_file
        # We get the result we generated in the hook above
        out = StringIO()
        Filter.subprocess(["{output}"], out)
        assert out.getvalue() == "bat"
        # File has been deleted
        assert not os.path.exists(intercepted["filename"])
    def test_output_moved(self):
        class Filter(ExternalTool):

        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 0
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = ['stdout', 'stderr']

        # {output} creates an output
        # this test *moves* the file into the target location, and
        # tests the fix to issue #286
        intercepted = {}

        def fake_output_file(argv, **kw):
            intercepted['filename'] = argv[0]
            with open(argv[0] + '.tmp', 'w') as f:
            import shutil
            shutil.move(argv[0] + '.tmp', argv[0])
            return DEFAULT

        self.popen.side_effect = fake_output_file
        # We get the result we generated in the hook above
        out = StringIO()
        Filter.subprocess(['{output}'], out)
        assert out.getvalue() == 'bat'
        # File has been deleted
        assert not os.path.exists(intercepted['filename'])
    def test_input_var(self):
        """Test {input} variable."""
        class Filter(ExternalTool):

        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 0
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = [
            b'stdout', b'stderr'

        # {input} creates an input file
        intercepted = {}

        def check_input_file(argv, **kw):
            intercepted['filename'] = argv[0]
            with open(argv[0], 'r') as f:
                # File has been generated with input data
                assert f.read().decode('utf-8') == u'fooñ'
            return DEFAULT

        self.popen.side_effect = check_input_file
        Filter.subprocess(['{input}'], StringIO(), data=u'fooñ')
        # No stdin was passed
        # File has been deleted
        assert not os.path.exists(intercepted['filename'])

        # {input} requires input data
        assert_raises(ValueError, Filter.subprocess, ['{input}'], StringIO())
Exemple #4
 def test_method_output(self):
     """The method=output."""
     class Filter(self.MockTool):
         method = 'output'
     assert getattr(Filter, 'input') is None
     assert getattr(Filter, 'open') is None
     Filter().output(StringIO('bla'), StringIO())
     assert Filter.result == ([], 'bla')
 def test_argv_variables(self):
     """In argv, a number of placeholders can be used. Ensure they work."""
     class Filter(self.MockTool):
         argv = [
             # The filter instance
             # Keyword and positional args to filter method
             '{kwarg}', '{0.closed}',
             # Special placeholders that are passed through
             '{input}', '{output}']
     Filter().output(StringIO('content'), StringIO(), kwarg='value')
     assert Filter.result == (
         ["Filter", 'value', 'False', '{input}', '{output}'], 'content')
Exemple #6
 def test_method_open(self):
     """The method=open."""
     class Filter(self.MockTool):
         method = 'open'
     assert getattr(Filter, 'output') is None
     assert getattr(Filter, 'input') is None
     Filter().open(StringIO(), 'filename')
     assert Filter.result == ([], None)
Exemple #7
    def test_subprocess(self):
        """Instead of the ``argv`` shortcut, subclasses can also use the
        ``subprocess`` helper manually.

        class Filter(ExternalTool): pass

        # Without stdin data
        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 0
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = [b'stdout', b'stderr']
        out = StringIO()
        Filter.subprocess(['test'], out)
        assert out.getvalue() == 'stdout'

        # With stdin data
        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 0
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = [b'stdout', b'stderr']
        out = StringIO()
        Filter.subprocess(['test'], out, data='data')
        assert out.getvalue() == 'stdout'

        # With error
        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 1
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = [b'stdout', b'stderr']
        assert_raises(FilterError, Filter.subprocess, ['test'], StringIO())
Exemple #8
    def test_output_var(self):
        class Filter(ExternalTool): pass
        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 0
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = ['stdout', 'stderr']

        # {input} creates an input file
        intercepted = {}
        def fake_output_file(argv,  **kw):
            intercepted['filename'] = argv[0]
            with open(argv[0], 'w') as f:
            return DEFAULT
        self.popen.side_effect = fake_output_file
        # We get the result we generated in the hook above
        out = StringIO()
        Filter.subprocess(['{output}'], out)
        assert out.getvalue() == 'bat'
        # File has been deleted
        assert not os.path.exists(intercepted['filename'])
Exemple #9
    def test_output_var(self):
        class Filter(ExternalTool):

        self.popen.return_value.returncode = 0
        self.popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = ["stdout", "stderr"]

        # {output} creates an output file
        intercepted = {}

        def fake_output_file(argv, **kw):
            intercepted["filename"] = argv[0]
            with open(argv[0], "w") as f:
            return DEFAULT

        self.popen.side_effect = fake_output_file
        # We get the result we generated in the hook above
        out = StringIO()
        Filter.subprocess(["{output}"], out)
        assert out.getvalue() == "bat"
        # File has been deleted
        assert not os.path.exists(intercepted["filename"])
Exemple #10
    def test_assets(self):
            import PIL
            # Travis does not support PNG files, see
            # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/746
            from PIL import Image
            Image.new('RGB', (10,10)).save(StringIO(), 'png')
        except (ImportError, IOError):
            raise SkipTest()
        self.create_files({'noise.scss': 'h1 {background: background-noise()}'})
        self.mkbundle('noise.scss', filters='pyscss', output='out.css').build()

        assert doctest_match(
            'h1 {\n  background: url("...png");\n}\n',
Exemple #11
 def loader(self, text, filename=None):
     io = StringIO(textwrap.dedent(text))
     if filename:
         io.name = filename
     return YAMLLoader(io)
Exemple #12
 def loader(self, text, filename=None):
     io = StringIO(textwrap.dedent(text))
     if filename:
         io.name = filename
     return YAMLLoader(io)
Exemple #13
    def __call__(self, bundles=None, output=None, directory=None, no_cache=None,
              manifest=None, production=None):
        """Build assets.

            A list of bundle names. If given, only this list of bundles
            should be built.

            List of (bundle, filename) 2-tuples. If given, only these
            bundles will be built, using the custom output filenames.
            Cannot be used with ``bundles``.

            Custom output directory to use for the bundles. The original
            basenames defined in the bundle ``output`` attribute will be
            used. If the ``output`` of the bundles are pointing to different
            directories, they will be offset by their common prefix.
            Cannot be used with ``output``.

            If set, a cache (if one is configured) will not be used.

            If set, the given manifest instance will be used, instead of
            any that might have been configured in the Environment. The value
            passed will be resolved through ``get_manifest()``. If this fails,
            a file-based manifest will be used using the given value as the

            If set to ``True``, then :attr:`Environment.debug`` will forcibly
            be disabled (set to ``False``) during the build.

        # Validate arguments
        if bundles and output:
            raise CommandError(
                'When specifying explicit output filenames you must '
                'do so for all bundles you want to build.')
        if directory and output:
            raise CommandError('A custom output directory cannot be '
                               'combined with explicit output filenames '
                               'for individual bundles.')

        if production:
            # TODO: Reset again (refactor commands to be classes)
            self.environment.debug = False

        # TODO: Oh how nice it would be to use the future options stack.
        if manifest is not None:
                manifest = get_manifest(manifest, env=self.environment)
            except ValueError:
                manifest = get_manifest(
                    # abspath() is important, or this will be considered
                    # relative to Environment.directory.
                    "file:%s" % os.path.abspath(manifest),
            self.environment.manifest = manifest

        # Use output as a dict.
        if output:
            output = dict(output)

        # Validate bundle names
        bundle_names = bundles if bundles else (output.keys() if output else [])
        for name in bundle_names:
            if not name in self.environment:
                raise CommandError(
                    'I do not know a bundle name named "%s".' % name)

        # Make a list of bundles to build, and the filename to write to.
        if bundle_names:
            # TODO: It's not ok to use an internal property here.
            bundles = [(n,b) for n, b in self.environment._named_bundles.items()
                             if n in bundle_names]
            # Includes unnamed bundles as well.
            bundles = [(None, b) for b in self.environment]

        # Determine common prefix for use with ``directory`` option.
        if directory:
            prefix = os.path.commonprefix(
                 for _, b in bundles if b.output])
            # dirname() gives the right value for a single file.
            prefix = os.path.dirname(prefix)

        to_build = []
        for name, bundle in bundles:
            # TODO: We really should support this. This error here
            # is just in place of a less understandable error that would
            # otherwise occur.
            if bundle.is_container and directory:
                raise CommandError(
                    'A custom output directory cannot currently be '
                    'used with container bundles.')

            # Determine which filename to use, if not the default.
            overwrite_filename = None
            if output:
                overwrite_filename = output[name]
            elif directory:
                offset = os.path.normpath(
                overwrite_filename = os.path.join(directory, offset)
            to_build.append((bundle, overwrite_filename, name,))

        # Build.
        built = []
        for bundle, overwrite_filename, name in to_build:
            if name:
                # A name is not necessary available of the bundle was
                # registered without one.
                self.log.info("Building bundle: %s (to %s)" % (
                    name, overwrite_filename or bundle.output))
                self.log.info("Building bundle: %s" % bundle.output)

                if not overwrite_filename:
                    bundle.build(force=True, env=self.environment,
                    # TODO: Rethink how we deal with container bundles here.
                    # As it currently stands, we write all child bundles
                    # to the target output, merged (which is also why we
                    # create and force writing to a StringIO instead of just
                    # using the ``Hunk`` objects that build() would return
                    # anyway.
                    output = StringIO()
                    bundle.build(force=True, env=self.environment, output=output,
                    if directory:
                        # Only auto-create directories in this mode.
                        output_dir = os.path.dirname(overwrite_filename)
                        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
            except BuildError as e:
                self.log.error("Failed, error was: %s" % e)
        if len(built):
        if len(built) != len(to_build):
            return 2