Exemple #1
def get_lightbar(lcallers, lcalls):
    Return UI element for browsing last callers, given ``lcallers`` as
    a list of handles, and parallel array ``lcalls`` as unicode string
    to display for last call of each handle.
    from x84.bbs import getterminal, Lightbar
    term = getterminal()
    width = min(50, max(10, term.width - 5))
    height = max(4, min(term.height - 8, 35))
    xloc = (term.width / 2) - (width / 2)
    yloc = term.height - height
    pager = Lightbar(height, width, yloc, xloc)
    pager.glyphs['left-vert'] = pager.glyphs['right-vert'] = u''
    pager.colors['highlight'] = term.red_reverse
    pager.colors['border'] = term.yellow
    pager.xpadding, pager.ypadding = 2, 1
    pager.alignment = 'center'
    pager.update([(lcallers[n], txt,)
                  for (n, txt) in enumerate(lcalls.split('\n'))])
    return pager
Exemple #2
def get_lightbar(lcallers, lcalls):
    Return UI element for browsing last callers, given ``lcallers`` as
    a list of handles, and parallel array ``lcalls`` as unicode string
    to display for last call of each handle.
    from x84.bbs import getterminal, Lightbar
    term = getterminal()
    width = min(50, max(10, term.width - 5))
    height = max(4, min(term.height - 8, 35))
    xloc = (term.width / 2) - (width / 2)
    yloc = term.height - height
    pager = Lightbar(height, width, yloc, xloc)
    pager.glyphs['left-vert'] = pager.glyphs['right-vert'] = u''
    pager.colors['highlight'] = term.red_reverse
    pager.colors['border'] = term.yellow
    pager.xpadding, pager.ypadding = 2, 1
    pager.alignment = 'center'
    pager.update([(lcallers[n], txt,)
                  for (n, txt) in enumerate(lcalls.split('\n'))])
    return pager
Exemple #3
def lb_init(position=None, menu_index=None):
    """ Initialize Lightbar Main Menu """
    from x84.bbs import getsession, getterminal, echo, showart, ini, Lightbar
    import os
    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger()
    session, term = getsession(), getterminal()
    session.activity = u'Lightbar main menu'

    # set up lightbar pager, determine terminal dimensions
    term = getterminal()
    height = term.height - 11
    lb_width = int(term.width * .4)
    lb_xloc = int(term.width * .3)
    lightbar = Lightbar(height, lb_width, (term.height - height - 1), lb_xloc)

    # Lightbar main menu entries
    entries = [
        #('',  '-----[COmMs]-----'),
        ('$', 'rEAD bUllETiNS'),
        ('n', 'latest nEWS'),
        ('p', 'pOSt A MSG'),
        ('r', 'rEAd All MSGS'),
        ('c', 'chAt'),
        ('i', 'iRC chAt'),
        #('',  '                  '),
        #('',  '----[SeRVIcES]----'),
        ('l', 'lASt CAllS'),
        ('o', 'oNE liNERS'),
        ('b', 'bbS NEXUS'),
        ('f', 'WeAThER fORECASt'),
        ('t', 'tEtRiS'),
        ('w', "whO'S ONliNE"),
        #('',  '                  '),
        #('',  '-----[SySTeM]-----'),
        ('!', 'ENCOdiNG'),
        ('s', 'sYS. iNfO'),
        ('u', 'uSER LiST'),
        ('e', 'edit PROfilE'),

    if ini.CFG.getboolean(
            'enabled') and (ini.CFG.get('dosemu', 'lord_path') != 'no'):
        entries.insert(0, ('#', 'PlAY lORd!'))

    # add sesame doors to menu if enabled
    if ini.CFG.has_section('sesame'):
        from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
        for door in ini.CFG.options('sesame'):
            if '_' in door:

            # .. but only if we have the binary
            if not os.path.exists(ini.CFG.get('sesame', door)):

            # .. and a key is configured
                key = ini.CFG.get('sesame', '{}_key'.format(door))
            except NoOptionError:
                logger.error("no key configured for sesame door '{}'".format(
                    door, ))
                logger.debug("added sesame door '{}' with key '{}'".format(
                    door, key))
                entries.insert(0, (key, 'PlAY {}'.format(door)))

    if 'sysop' in session.user.groups:
        entries += (('v', 'VidEO CASSEttE'), )

    entries += (('g', 'gOOdbYE /lOGOff'), )


    if menu_index is not None:

    # set up some nice colors
    lightbar.colors['highlight'] = term.bold_cyan_reverse
    lightbar.colors['border'] = term.bold_blue
    lightbar.xpadding, lightbar.ypadding = 2, 1
    lightbar.alignment = 'center'

    # set lightbar theme

    ## re-select previous selection
    if position is not None:
        lightbar.position = position
    return (lightbar)
Exemple #4
def lb_init(position=None, menu_index=None):
    """ Initialize Lightbar Main Menu """
    from x84.bbs import getsession, getterminal, ini, Lightbar
    import os
    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger()
    session, term = getsession(), getterminal()
    session.activity = u'Lightbar main menu'

    # set up lightbar pager, determine terminal dimensions
    term = getterminal()
    height = term.height - 11
    lb_width = int(term.width * .4)
    lb_xloc = int(term.width * .3)
    lightbar = Lightbar(height, lb_width, (term.height - height - 1), lb_xloc)

    # Lightbar main menu entries
    entries = [
        ('',  '-----[COmMs]-----'),
        ('$', 'rEAD bUllETiNS'),
        ('n', 'latest nEWS'),
        ('hn', 'hACkEr nEWS'),
        # ('p', 'pOSt A MSG'),
        ('r', 'MEsSAgE ArEAs'),
        ('c', 'chAt'),
        ('i', 'iRC chAt'),
        ('',  '                  '),
        ('',  '----[FIleS]----'),
        ('fb', 'FIle BrOWsEr'),
        ('',  '                  '),
        ('',  '----[SeRVIcES]----'),
        ('l', 'lASt CAllS'),
        ('o', 'oNE liNERS'),
        ('b', 'bbS NEXUS'),
        ('f', 'WeAThER fORECASt'),
        ('t', 'tEtRiS'),
        ('v', "vOtINg BoOth"),
        ('w', "whO'S ONliNE"),
        ('',  '                  '),
        ('',  '-----[SySTeM]-----'),
        ('!', 'ENCOdiNG'),
        ('kb', 'kEYbOaRd tESt'),
        ('s', 'sYS. iNfO'),
        ('u', 'uSER LiST'),
        ('e', 'edit PROfilE'), ]

    if ini.CFG.getboolean('dosemu', 'enabled') and (
            ini.CFG.get('dosemu', 'lord_path') != 'no'):
        entries.insert(0, ('#', 'PlAY lORd!'))

    # add sesame doors to menu if enabled
    if ini.CFG.has_section('sesame'):
        from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
        for door in ini.CFG.options('sesame'):
            if '_' in door:

            # .. but only if we have the binary
            if not os.path.exists(ini.CFG.get('sesame', door)):

            # .. and a key is configured
                key = ini.CFG.get('sesame', '{}_key'.format(door))
            except NoOptionError:
                logger.error("no key configured for sesame door '{}'".format(
                logger.debug("added sesame door '{}' with key '{}'".format(
                    door, key
                entries.insert(0, (key, 'PlAY {}'.format(door)))

    if 'sysop' in session.user.groups:
        entries += (('v', 'VidEO CASSEttE'),)

    entries += (('g', 'gOOdbYE /lOGOff'),)


    if menu_index is not None:

    # set up some nice colors
    lightbar.colors['highlight'] = term.bold_cyan_reverse
    lightbar.colors['border'] = term.bold_blue
    lightbar.xpadding, lightbar.ypadding = 2, 1
    lightbar.alignment = 'center'

    # set lightbar theme
    # lightbar.init_theme()

    # re-select previous selection
    if position is not None:
        lightbar.position = position
    return (lightbar)