def main(detectionalg=None): # Load Images img = pyplot.imread(imageDir) if detectionalg == 'ViolaJones': faces = ViolaJones.violaJones(img) elif detectionalg == 'CNN': faces = (face['box'] for face in CNN.detectCNN(img)) else: raise IOError("Detection method does not specified.") # print bounding box for each detected face RectanglesCreator.draw_image(imageDir, faces)
def _compose_model(self) -> Model: model = CNN( output_dim=self.output_dim, activation_fn=self.activation, stochastic_parameters=True, linear_model=True, dropout=self.dropout_rate > 0, dropout_rate=self.dropout_rate, uniform_init_minval=self.uniform_init_minval, uniform_init_maxval=self.uniform_init_maxval, w_init=self.w_init, b_init=self.b_init, ) return model
def testPoolingFunc(): A = np.random.randint(300, size=(2, 5, 7)) print("originale shape:", np.shape(A)) print("first channel:", "\n", A[0]) print("second channel:", "\n", A[1]) kernelSize = (3, 2) stride = 2 padding = (2, 1) poolingType = CNN.PoolingType.Max resultTensor = CNN.pooling(A, kernelSize, stride, padding, poolingType) print("new shape:", np.shape(resultTensor)) print("first channel:", "\n", resultTensor[0]) print("second channel:", "\n", resultTensor[1])
def Train(x, y, model=None, epochs=100, batch_size=128, LR=0.001, n_layers=3, layer_size=128, filters=32, dropout=False, MaxPooling=False, Embedding=False, vocab_size=None, embedding_dim=64, loss="binary_crossentropy", train=False): if model == None: print("Please define the model: [CNN,DNN,RNN,GRU,LSTM,Transformer]") elif model == "CNN": Trained_Model = CNN.Train(x, y, epochs, batch_size, LR, n_layers, filters, dropout, MaxPooling, Embedding, vocab_size, embedding_dim, loss, train) elif model == "DNN": Trained_Model = DNN.Train(x, y, epochs, batch_size, LR, n_layers, layer_size, dropout, MaxPooling, Embedding, vocab_size, embedding_dim, loss, train) elif model == "RNN": Trained_Model = RNN.Train(x, y, epochs, batch_size, LR, n_layers, layer_size, dropout, MaxPooling, Embedding, vocab_size, embedding_dim, loss, train) elif model == "GRU": Trained_Model = GRU.Train(x, y, epochs, batch_size, LR, n_layers, layer_size, dropout, MaxPooling, Embedding, vocab_size, embedding_dim, loss, train) elif model == "LSTM": Trained_Model = LSTM.Train(x, y, epochs, batch_size, LR, n_layers, layer_size, dropout, MaxPooling, Embedding, vocab_size, embedding_dim, loss, train) elif model == "Transformer": Trained_Model = Transformer.Train(x, y, epochs, batch_size, LR, vocab_size, loss, embedding_dim, train=True) return Trained_Model
def extensive_cnn(tt_dir, results_dir, params): y_train, y_test = tt.load_y(tt_dir) y_test_max = np.argmax(y_test, axis=1) X_train, X_test = tt.load_X_stacked(tt_dir, ud.features) for neurons in params['neurons']: for activation in params['activation']: for optimizer in params['optimizer']: for drop_out in params['drop_out']: if neurons == 256 and drop_out != 0.5: continue for pooling in params['pooling']: for epoch in params['epochs']: for batch_size in params['batch_size']: for feature_combi in params['features']: model_name = 'cnn_' \ + str(neurons) + '_' \ + activation + '_' \ + optimizer + '_' \ + str(drop_out) + '_' \ + pooling + '_' \ + str(epoch) + '_' \ + str(batch_size) + '_' \ + '_'.join(feature_combi) print('Training:', model_name) inputs = [] for feat in feature_combi: inputs.append(ud.inputs_cnn[feat]) #X_train, X_test = tt.load_X_stacked(tt_dir, feature_combi) model = CNN.get_cnn(inputs, neurons=neurons, activation=activation, opt=optimizer, drop_out=drop_out, pooling=pooling), y_train, epochs=epoch, batch_size=batch_size) predict_and_save_model( model, model_name, X_test, y_test_max, results_dir)
def dataset_path_updated(self, directory): distances_file_path = os.path.join(directory, DISTANCES_FILENAME) if os.path.isfile(distances_file_path): try: self.distances = list(CNN.get_pictures_distances(directory).items()) self.set_captures_count(len(self.distances)) self.captureNumberSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.set_current_capture) self.captureNumberSpinBox.setValue(1) self.captureNumberSpinBox.setMinimum(1) self.entryGroupBox.setEnabled(True) except OSError: self.disable_results() show_error(self, 'Impossible de charger le fichier de distances !') else: self.disable_results()
def cnn(): #app = Flask(__name__) #app.config['JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR'] = True now = date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') filename = './log/cnn.log' with open(filename,"a") as f: f.write(date) f.write("\n") print("날짜를 기록하였습니다") result=CNN.MoEs(date) return json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)
def cnn_predict(company: str, verbose=False, train_size=0.80, scaled=False): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, prices, times = get_features(company, train_size=train_size, scaled=scaled) X_train, X_test = reshape(array(X_train), (shape(X_train)[0], shape(X_train)[1], 1)), reshape(array(X_test), (shape(X_test)[0], shape(X_test)[1], 1)) y_train, y_test = reshape(array(y_train), (shape(y_train)[0], 1, 1)), reshape(array(y_test), (shape(y_test)[0], 1, 1)) true_labels, CNN_predictions = CNN.predict(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test) true_labels = reshape(true_labels, (shape(true_labels)[0], )) CNN_predictions = reshape(CNN_predictions, (shape(CNN_predictions)[0], )) accuracy = accuracy_score(true_labels, CNN_predictions) if verbose: print("Training Instances: " + str(len(X_train))) print("Testing Instances: " + str(len(X_test))) print() print("CNN Accuracy: " + str(accuracy * 100) + "%") prediction_distribution(CNN_predictions, true_labels) return prices, times, CNN_predictions, accuracy
def __init__(self,url,mode="TRAIN"): self.port = None self.mode = mode self.url = url if mode == "TRAIN": pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() if mode == "AUTO": = CNN.CNN()'trained_dataset.h5') self.training_file = None
def main(): obs1 = CNN.CNNFeatureExtractor( ["images/%03d.png"%i for i in range(6)] ) obs2 = srk.Observation( np.loadtxt("histogram_w.txt") ) mlda1 = mlda.MLDA(3, [1000]) mlda2 = mlda.MLDA(3, [50]) mlda3 = mlda.MLDA(3, [50,50]) mlda1.connect( obs1 ) mlda2.connect( obs2 ) mlda3.connect( mlda1, mlda2 ) for it in range(5): mlda1.update() mlda2.update() mlda3.update()
def training(): train_images, train_labels = input_data.get_files(TRAIN_DIR) batch_images, batch_labels = input_data.get_batches( train_images, train_labels, IMG_W, IMG_H, BATCH_SIZE, CAPACITY) train_logits = CNN.CNN(batch_images, BATCH_SIZE, N_CLASSES) train_loss = Layers.loss(train_logits, batch_labels) train_op = Layers.optimize(train_loss, learning_rate) train_accuracy = Layers.accuracy(train_logits, batch_labels) summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() sess = tf.Session() train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(LOGS_TRAIN_DIR, sess.graph) saver = tf.train.Saver() coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) try: for step in range(MAX_STEP): if coord.should_stop(): break _, tra_loss, tra_acc = [train_op, train_loss, train_accuracy]) if step % 50 == 0: print( 'Step %d, the training loss is %.2f, train accuracy is %.2f%%' % (step, tra_loss, tra_acc)) summary_str = train_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) if step % 2000 == 0: checkpoint_path = os.path.join(LOGS_TRAIN_DIR, 'model.ckpt'), checkpoint_path, global_step=step) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('Training Done.') finally: coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) sess.close()
def __init__(self, X_train, Y_train, Net='LeNet5', opti='SGDMomentum'): # Prepare Data: Load, Shuffle, Normalization, Batching, Preprocessing self.X_train = X_train self.Y_train = Y_train self.batch_size = 64 # D_in: input depth of network, 784, 28*28 input grayscale image self.D_in = 784 # D_out: output depth of network = 10, the 10 digits self.D_out = 10 print(' Net: ' + str(Net)) print(' batch_size: ' + str(self.batch_size)) print(' D_in: ' + str(self.D_in)) print(' D_out: ' + str(self.D_out)) print(' Optimizer: ' + opti) # ======================= if Net == 'TwoLayerNet': # H is the size of the one hidden layer. H = 400 self.model = ANN.TwoLayerNet(self.D_in, H, self.D_out) elif Net == 'ThreeLayerNet': ####################################### ############ TODO ################## ####################################### # H1, H2 are the size of the two hidden layers. #self.model = ANN.ThreeLayerNet (self.D_in, H1, H2, self.D_out) print('Not Implemented.') exit(0) elif Net == 'LeNet5': self.model = CNN.LeNet5() # store training loss over iterations, for later visualization self.losses = [] if opti == 'SGD': self.opti = optimizer.SGD(self.model.get_params(), lr=0.0001, reg=0) else: self.opti = optimizer.SGDMomentum(self.model.get_params(), lr=0.0001, momentum=0.80, reg=0.00003) self.criterion = loss.CrossEntropyLoss()
def create(self): dataset = pd.read_csv(self.dataset_path, encoding='UTF-8') data_x , data_y = split_x_y(dataset,tokenize=True) # Spilt train : test = 0.8 : 0.2 # x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data_x, data_y, train_size = 0.8) # Full train (No Spliting) x_train = data_x y_train = data_y tokenizer = dummytokenize.dummytokenize() cnn = CNN.create_CNN(x_train,y_train,self.config,tokenizer=tokenizer.tokenize) cnn.fit_tfidf() cnn.build_CNN() cnn.compile()
def __init__(self, snapshot_index=0): global class_index global predict_index class_index = int(sys.argv[2]) predict_index = int(sys.argv[3]) = Data( "../input/" + class_names[predict_index] + "_test.list", log="../log/", Test=True, class_name=class_names[class_index], ) self.local_search_log = open("../log/local_search.log", "w") qnetwork = cPickle.load(open("../output/qnetwork/" + str(snapshot_index) + ".pkl", "r")) self.qnetwork = qnetwork self.qnetwork.reset_q() self.cnn = CNN("/mnt/caffenet.model", "/mnt/caffenet.deploy")
def accept(self): import json try: with open(self.cnnPathLineEdit.text()) as cnn_json_file: from collections import OrderedDict ConvNet = CNN.convolutional_neural_network(self.heightSpinBox.value(), self.widthSpinBox.value(), self.channelsSpinBox.value(), json.load(cnn_json_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)) self.window = EvaluationWindow(ConvNet, self.cnnPathLineEdit.text(), self.checkpointPathLineEdit.text()) self.window.move( - self.window.rect().center()) self.hide() except OSError as e: show_error(self, 'Impossible de charger le fichier du réseau !', e.strerror) except json.JSONDecodeError: show_error(self, 'Le fichier est invalide !')
def main(_): test_data, test_labels = load_data() test_size = len(test_data) # print(test_size) test_X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, NUM_CHANNELS)) with tf.name_scope('cnn_model'): cnn = CNN.CNN(NUM_LABELS, EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, NUM_CHANNELS, SEED) eval_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(cnn.model(test_X, drop_out=False)) # Get all predictions for a dataset by running it in small batches. def eval_in_batches(data, sess): size = data.shape[0] if size < EVAL_BATCH_SIZE: raise ValueError("batch size for evals larger than dataset: %d" % size) predictions = np.ndarray(shape=(size, NUM_LABELS), dtype=np.float32) for begin in xrange(0, size, EVAL_BATCH_SIZE): end = begin + EVAL_BATCH_SIZE if end <= size: predictions[begin:end, :] = eval_prediction, feed_dict={test_X: data[begin:end, ...]}) else: batch_predictions = eval_prediction, feed_dict={test_X: data[-EVAL_BATCH_SIZE:, ...]}) predictions[begin:, :] = batch_predictions[begin - size:, :] return predictions # test process saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: tf.global_variables_initializer().run() # reload model ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(MODEL_PATH) saver.restore(sess, ckpt) predictions = eval_in_batches(test_data, sess) test_error = error_rate(predictions, test_labels) acc = 100.0 - test_error print('accuracy: %.1f%%' % acc)
def frames(): camera = cv2.VideoCapture(Camera.video_source) if not camera.isOpened(): raise RuntimeError('Could not start camera.') width = camera.get(3) #get width and height of img height = camera.get(4) crop_image_width = 224 #input size for pytorch pre-trained models crop_image_height = 224 startW = int ((width-crop_image_width)/2) startH = int ((height - crop_image_height)/2) endH = startH + crop_image_height endW = startW + crop_image_width start_pt = (int(startW),int(startH)) end_pt = (int(endW), int(endH) ) color = (255,0,0) thickness = 1 draw_H = startH - 20 draw_W = int ((startW +endW)/2 ) draw_pt = (int (draw_W), int(draw_H)) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX while True: # read current frame _, img = #DO ERROR CHECK IF WEBCAM CAMERA NOT DETECTED img = cv2.flip (img, 1) img = cv2.rectangle(img, start_pt, end_pt, color, thickness=thickness) #draw input rectangle cropped_img = img[startH:endH,startW:endW] #crop img to rectangle index = CNN.predict(model,cropped_img) prediction = Camera.letter_pred[index] img = cv2.putText(img, prediction, draw_pt, font, 2, (0,0,255),3) # encode as a jpeg image and return it yield cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)[1].tobytes()
def __init__(self, metadata: Optional[MetaData] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() # Populate self.hparams with args and kwargs automagically! # We want to skip metadata since it is saved separately by the NNCheckpointIO object. # Be careful when modifying this instruction. If in doubt, don't do it :] self.save_hyperparameters(logger=False, ignore=("metadata",)) self.metadata = metadata # example metric = torchmetrics.Accuracy() self.train_accuracy = metric.clone() self.val_accuracy = metric.clone() self.test_accuracy = metric.clone() self.model = CNN(num_classes=len(metadata.class_vocab))
def restore_model(checkpoint_path, vocab_size): image_features_extract_model = CNN() encoder = CNN_Encoder(embedding_dim) decoder = RNN_Decoder(embedding_dim, units, vocab_size) optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam() ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, optimizer=optimizer) ckpt_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(ckpt, checkpoint_path, max_to_keep=5) # if a checkpoint exists, restore the latest checkpoint. if ckpt_manager.latest_checkpoint: ckpt.restore(ckpt_manager.latest_checkpoint) print('Latest checkpoint restored!') return image_features_extract_model, encoder, decoder
def main(): #Lets start by loading the Kaggle data X = np.load('../data/X_train.npy') y = np.load('../data/Y_train.npy') x_val = np.load('../data/X_validation.npy') y_val = np.load('../data/Y_validation.npy') model = CNN.buildModel(None, input_size) model.summary() train_dropout =, y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epoch, verbose=1, validation_data=(x_val, y_val), shuffle=True) test_eval = model.evaluate(x_val, y_val, verbose=1) print('Test loss:', test_eval[0]) print('Test accuracy:', test_eval[1]) print("Training finished") model.save_weights("CNN_model_weights.h5") accuracy = train_dropout.history['acc'] val_accuracy = train_dropout.history['val_acc'] loss = train_dropout.history['loss'] val_loss = train_dropout.history['val_loss'] epochs = range(len(accuracy)) plt.plot(epochs, accuracy, 'bo', label='Training accuracy') plt.plot(epochs, val_accuracy, 'b', label='Validation accuracy') plt.title('Training and validation accuracy') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.plot(epochs, loss, 'bo', label='Training loss') plt.plot(epochs, val_loss, 'b', label='Validation loss') plt.title('Training and validation loss') plt.legend()
def __init__(self, network_type, index, complete_set, window, input_size): self.VARS = CNN_STATIC_VARIABLES.CNN_STATIC_VARS() subject_set = self.VARS.get_subject_set() if network_type == 'sd': convertion = self.VARS.CONVERTION_STATIC_DYNAMIC config = self.VARS.get_config(input_size, 2, index, 100, network_type) print 'Creating data set' self.data_set = input_data_window_large.read_data_sets(subject_set, self.VARS.len_convertion_list(convertion), convertion, None, window) if network_type == 'original': convertion = self.VARS.CONVERTION_ORIGINAL config = self.VARS.get_config(input_size, 17, index, 100, network_type) print 'Creating data set' self.data_set = input_data_window_large.read_data_sets(subject_set, self.VARS.len_convertion_list(convertion), convertion, None, window) if network_type == 'static': remove_activities = self.VARS.REMOVE_DYNAMIC_ACTIVITIES keep_activities = self.VARS.CONVERTION_STATIC config = self.VARS.get_config(input_size, 5, index, 100, network_type) self.data_set = input_data_window_large.read_data_sets_without_activity(subject_set, self.VARS.len_convertion_list(keep_activities), remove_activities, None, keep_activities, window) if network_type == 'dynamic': remove_activities = self.VARS.CONVERTION_STATIC keep_activities = self.VARS.CONVERTION_DYNAMIC config = self.VARS.get_config(input_size, 12, index, 100, network_type) self.data_set = input_data_window_large.read_data_sets_without_activity(subject_set, self.VARS.len_convertion_list(keep_activities), remove_activities, None, keep_activities, window) if network_type == 'shuf_stand': remove_activities = self.VARS.CONVERTION_SHUF_STAND_INVERSE keep_activities = self.VARS.CONVERTION_SHUF_STAND config = self.VARS.get_config(input_size, 3, index, 100, network_type) self.data_set = input_data_window_large.read_data_sets_without_activity(subject_set, len(keep_activities), remove_activities, None, keep_activities, window) self.cnn = CNN.CNN_TWO_LAYERS(config) self.cnn.set_data_set(self.data_set) self.cnn.load_model('models/' + network_type + '_' + str(input_size)) if complete_set: print self.cnn.test_network() else: data = self.data_set.test.next_data_label(index) print np.argmax(data[1])+1, self.cnn.run_network(data)
def build_CNN(CFG): # {{{ """ """ if CFG['CNN_MODEL'] == "vgg": import CNN vgg16 = CNN.build_model() print "Loading pretrained VGG16 parameters" model_param_values = pickle.load(open('vgg16.pkl'))['param values'] lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values( vgg16['prob'], model_param_values) l_input_img = vgg16['input'] l_input_cnn = vgg16['fc7_dropout'] #l_input_regions = vgg16['conv5_3'] cnn = vgg16 elif CFG["CNN_MODEL"] == "resnet": import resnet_CNN resnet50 = resnet_CNN.build_model( input_layer=None, batch_size=CFG['BATCH_SIZE']) model_param_values = pickle.load(open('resnet50.pkl'))[ 'param values'] from save_layers import add_names_layers_and_params, set_param_dict add_names_layers_and_params(resnet50) #lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(resnet50['prob'], model_param_values) set_param_dict(resnet50['prob'], model_param_values, prefix='', show_layers=False, relax=False) l_input_img = resnet50['input'] if CFG['RESNET_LAYER'] == 'prob': # ExpressionLayer(vgg16['fc7_dropout'],lambda X:X[:,0,:], output_shape='auto')#the first bbox is the entire image l_input_cnn = resnet50['prob'] elif CFG['RESNET_LAYER'] == 'pool5': l_input_cnn = resnet50['pool5'] else: print("Layer not supported for resnet") raise ValueError() #print(bcolors.FAIL + "Resnet not yet handled" + bcolors.ENDC) cnn = resnet50 else: print(bcolors.FAIL + "Unknown CNN selected" + bcolors.ENDC) return cnn, l_input_img, l_input_cnn
def train_test_3DCNN(data, resize): x, y = data_transform_for_RCNN(data, resize) kv = BCI.gen_kv_idx(y, 5) acc = [] for train_idx, test_idx in kv: x_train, y_train = x[train_idx], y[train_idx] x_test, y_test = x[test_idx], y[test_idx] model = CNN.create_3d_model(), y_train, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), epochs=10) metrics = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test) for i in range(len(model.metrics_names)): if (str(model.metrics_names[i] == 'acc')): acc.append(metrics[i]) pen = open('/result.csv', 'a') acc_sen += [str(v) for v in acc] pen.write()
def test(test_set, PATH): device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') classes = ('0', '1') batch_size = 4 num_workers = 2 test_loader =, shuffle=False, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) net = CNN.Net().to(device) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(PATH)) correct = 0 total = 0 n_class_correct = [0 for i in range(2)] n_class_samples = [0 for i in range(2)] with torch.no_grad(): for (images, labels) in test_loader: images = labels = outputs = net(images) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) total += labels.size(0) correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item() for i in range(len(images)): label = labels[i] pred = predicted[i] if label == pred: n_class_correct[label] += 1 n_class_samples[label] += 1 for i in range(2): acc = 100 * n_class_correct[i] / n_class_samples[i] print('Accuracy of %s: %.3f %%' % (classes[i], acc)) print('Accuracy of the network on the test images: %.3f %%' % (100 * correct / total))
def run(): global model, entrenamiento while True: try: model, entrenamiento = CNN.cnn(ventana_convolucion,ventana_display,X_train,Y_train,X_test,Y_test, lote,optimizador,prop_val,numero_capas_convolucionales,numero_capas_fullcon,loss, parada,iteraciones,control,delta,paciencia, NF,TF,RE,PAS,PO,TAMPOL,PASPOL,ACON,DRC,NO,AC,BA,DR) break except tk.TclError: mb.showerror("Error desconocido", "Por favor vuelva a intentarlo ") ventana_display.destroy() return except RuntimeError: mb.showerror("Error desconocido", "Por favor reinicie la aplicación ") ventana_display.destroy() return except sklearn.metrics.classification.UndefinedMetricWarning: mb.showerror("Error ", "Algo salió mal con los datos, reinicie la aplicación y vuelva a intentarlo ") ventana_display.destroy() return
def targetVectorConvertTest(targets): modelTest = CNN.SequentialModel() modelTest.AddTargetVectors(targets) checkArray = modelTest.GetTargetVectors() for z in range(targets.shape[2]): for row_i in range(targets.shape[0]): for col_j in range(targets.shape[1]): #print("z = ", z, "i = ", row_i, "j = ", col_j) if checkArray[z][row_i][col_j] != targets[row_i, col_j, z]: print( "ERROR: Input image arrays do not match converted vector arrays in SequentialModel for i = ", row_i, " j = ", col_j, " z = ", z) print("Vector element value = ", checkArray[z][row_i][col_j]) print("Input image array value = ", targets[row_i, col_j, z]) return False return True
def imageArrayConvertTest(inputImageArray): modelTest = CNN.SequentialModel() modelTest.AddInputDataPoints(inputImageArray) checkArray = modelTest.GetInputDataPointsVector() for z in range(inputImageArray.shape[2]): for row_i in range(inputImageArray.shape[0]): for col_j in range(inputImageArray.shape[1]): #print("z = ", z, "i = ", row_i, "j = ", col_j) if checkArray[z][row_i][col_j] != inputImageArray[row_i, col_j, z]: print( "ERROR: Input image arrays do not match converted vector arrays in SequentialModel for i = ", row_i, " j = ", col_j, " z = ", z) print("Vector element value = ", checkArray[z][row_i][col_j]) print("Input image array value = ", inputImageArray[row_i, col_j, z]) return False return True
def run_with_cnn(image_filename="../Wheat_Images/004.jpg", ser_filename=None): ''' Estimates the number of grains in a given image using a Convolutional neural network. Args: image_filename: The path to the image from which a grain count is to be obtained. ser_filename: path to serialized list of isub-images already extracted from the image from which a grain count is to be obtained. Returns: count: An estimate of the number of grains in the provided image. ''' global img_data # Chop image up into sub-images and serilaise or just load serialised data if # it already exists. if (ser_filename == None and image_filename == "../Wheat_Images/004.jpg"): ser_filename = "../Wheat_Images/" if (Helper.unserialize(ser_filename) == None): img = img_as_ubyte(io.imread(image_filename)) roi_img = spectral_roi.extract_roi(img, [1]) Helper.block_proc(roi_img, (20, 20), blockfunc) #Helper.serialize(ser_filename, img_data) else: img_data = Helper.unserialize(ser_filename) # classify r = CNN.classify(img_data[0], model_file=None, featureRepresentation='glcm', shouldSaveResult=True) # Count number of '1s' in the result and return count = r.tolist().count(1) print("COUNT: {}".format(count)) return count
def prediction(ModelName, lines): string = '' wordList = [] for image in lines: #if type(image) is str: # case of "," if image == ',': wordList.append(string) string = '' else: #calling model if ModelName == 'SVM': prediction = SVM.SVM(image) if ModelName == 'CNN': prediction = CNN.CNN(image) # if ModelName == 'KNN': # prediction = SVM.SVM(image) # string += prediction return wordList # word_list=prediction() # print(word_list)
def init_CNN(): # Initializes NN classifier clf = CNN( layer_sizes = [ {'type':'conv', 'f_H':3, 'f_W':3, 'n_C':10, 'stride':1, 'pad':0}, {'type':'pool', 'f_H':2, 'f_W':2, 'stride':2, 'mode':'max'}, {'type':'fc', 'size':20}, {'type':'fc', 'size':20} ], learning_rate = 0.0005, max_iter = 75, L2 = 0, beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999, minibatch_size = 540, activation = 'relu', classification = 'multiclass', plot_N = 1, end_on_close = False, end_on_delete = True) return clf
def run_tests(self): count=0 for vocabSize in self.vocabSizeVector: for maxSequenceLength in self.maxSequenceLengthVector: for vectorizationType in self.vectorizationTypeVector: for epochs in self.epochsVector: for minNumArticlesPerDewey in self.minNumArticlesPerDeweyVector: new_configFile, run_name = self.create_config_file(vocabSize, maxSequenceLength, vectorizationType, epochs, minNumArticlesPerDewey) tid = time.time() count += 1 run_length = len(self.vocabSizeVector) * len(self.maxSequenceLengthVector) * len( self.vectorizationTypeVector) * len(self.epochsVector) * len( self.minNumArticlesPerDeweyVector) print("Gjør test nr {} av {} : ".format(count, run_length)) cnn_model = CNN.cnn(new_configFile) cnn_model.predict(self.testSetPath) cnn_model.run_evaluation() new_logPath = os.path.join(self.logFolder, run_name + ".log") cnn_model.printResultToLog(new_logPath) print("Det tok {} \n".format(time.time() - tid))
def run_with_cnn(image_filename="../Wheat_Images/004.jpg", ser_filename=None): ''' Estimates the number of grains in a given image using a Convolutional neural network. Args: image_filename: The path to the image from which a grain count is to be obtained. ser_filename: path to serialized list of isub-images already extracted from the image from which a grain count is to be obtained. Returns: count: An estimate of the number of grains in the provided image. ''' global img_data # Chop image up into sub-images and serilaise or just load serialised data if # it already exists. if(ser_filename == None and image_filename == "../Wheat_Images/004.jpg"): ser_filename = "../Wheat_Images/" if(Helper.unserialize(ser_filename) == None): img = img_as_ubyte(io.imread(image_filename)) roi_img = spectral_roi.extract_roi(img, [1]) Helper.block_proc(roi_img, (20,20), blockfunc) #Helper.serialize(ser_filename, img_data) else: img_data = Helper.unserialize(ser_filename) # classify r = CNN.classify(img_data[0], model_file=None,featureRepresentation='glcm', shouldSaveResult=True) # Count number of '1s' in the result and return count = r.tolist().count(1) print("COUNT: {}".format(count)) return count
def learn(inputs, error): fcnn.backprop(net.receptors, net.synapses, net.bias, net.deltas, error) cnn.backprop(net.filters, net.conv_bias, net.pooled, net.switches, net.conv_error, net.conv_delta, net.deltas[0], inputs)
def execute_net(inputs): cnn.fwdPass(inputs, net.convolved, net.filters, net.conv_bias, net.pooled, net.switches) fcnn.fwdPass(net.pooled[net.conv_layers-1], net.receptors, net.synapses, net.bias) #pass the CNN output to FC NNet
#################################---CREATE MODEL---######################################## x,y = training[0][0].shape inputShape = (1,x,y) # images are 1 channel # Create layers to be used # dict = {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7} # keys are Name and Age, values are Zara and 7 layers = [ {'Convolution': {'filterSize': 5, 'stride': 1, 'numFilters': 20} }, # convolution layer {'Pooling': {'poolSize': (2,2)} }, # pooling to reduce computation {'fullyConnected': {'numOutput': 50} }, # full connected layer at the end {'outputLayer': {'numClasses': 10} } # 10 classes for digits 0-9 ] # Create Model test = CNN(inputShape,layers) # init model print(' ') print('Model Initialized') ##################################---TRAIN MODEL---######################################### batchSize = 10 # number of training images per batch, weights updated after each batch if smax: learningRate = .1 # Best learning rate found for softmax (from testing) else: learningRate = 1.5 # Best learning rate foudn for mse (from testing) numEpochs = 5 # num of epochs to loop through test.train(training,batchSize,learningRate,numEpochs) # train the model #################################---GET ACCURACY---############################################ def getAccuracy(net,testData): print('Begin Testing') numCorrect = 0
class TestSystem: def __init__(self, snapshot_index=0): global class_index global predict_index class_index = int(sys.argv[2]) predict_index = int(sys.argv[3]) = Data( "../input/" + class_names[predict_index] + "_test.list", log="../log/", Test=True, class_name=class_names[class_index], ) self.local_search_log = open("../log/local_search.log", "w") qnetwork = cPickle.load(open("../output/qnetwork/" + str(snapshot_index) + ".pkl", "r")) self.qnetwork = qnetwork self.qnetwork.reset_q() self.cnn = CNN("/mnt/caffenet.model", "/mnt/caffenet.deploy") def local_search_element(self, element, cur_size): local_boxes = local_search(, cur_size) res_element = [element] for box in local_boxes: loop = True = box t = 5 prob = 0.0 overlap_ratio = 0.0 tmp_element = -1 while (t != 0) and loop: state = action = self.qnetwork.choose_action_test(state) overlap_ratio = get_overlapping_ratio(, new_element = Element(, class_index, 0, overlap_ratio, -1) crop_img =, False) if (not or (action == 16): loop = False t = t - 1 tmp_element = new_element res_element.append(tmp_element) size = len(res_element) co_overlap_mat = np.zeros(size * size, dtype=float).reshape((size, size)) for i in range(size): for j in range(i, size): co_overlap_mat[i][j] = get_overlapping_ratio(res_element[i].box, res_element[j].box) / 10.0 co_overlap_mat[j][i] = co_overlap_mat[i][j] for i in range(size): res_element[i].local_search_index = co_overlap_mat[i].sum() sorted_list = res_element for ele in sorted_list: self.local_search_log.write(str(ele) + "\n") self.local_search_log.write("\n") if sorted_list[0].local_search_index > local_search_index_threshold: return sorted_list[0] else: return -1 def gen_initial_boxes(self, cur_size): res = [] res.append([0, 0, cur_size[0], cur_size[1]]) res.append([0, 0, int(0.5 * cur_size[0]), int(0.5 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.5 * cur_size[0]), 0, int(cur_size[0]), int(0.5 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([0, int(0.5 * cur_size[1]), int(0.5 * cur_size[0]), int(cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.5 * cur_size[0]), int(0.5 * cur_size[1]), int(cur_size[0]), int(cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.00 * cur_size[0]), int(0.00 * cur_size[1]), int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(0.00 * cur_size[1]), int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(0.00 * cur_size[1]), int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(0.00 * cur_size[1]), int(1.00 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.00 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1]), int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1]), int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1]), int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(0.25 * cur_size[1]), int(1.00 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.00 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1]), int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1]), int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1]), int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(0.50 * cur_size[1]), int(1.00 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.00 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1]), int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(1.00 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.25 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1]), int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(1.00 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.50 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1]), int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(1.00 * cur_size[1])]) res.append([int(0.75 * cur_size[0]), int(0.75 * cur_size[1]), int(1.00 * cur_size[0]), int(1.00 * cur_size[1])]) return res def test_xml_image(self): fout = [] for i in range(1, predict_index + 1): fout.append(open("../output/test/comp3_det_test_" + class_names[i - 1] + ".txt", "r")) fout.append(open("../output/test/comp3_det_test_" + class_names[predict_index] + ".txt", "w")) count = 0 index = 0 upper_count = 0 while (not and index != total: print imgid ="ns/")[1].split(".xml")[0] output_list = [] upper_counted = False initial_boxes = self.gen_initial_boxes( k = 0 while len(initial_boxes) != 0: print "%dth crop" % (k) k = k + 1 past_list = [] loop = True = initial_boxes.pop() t = num_iter prob = 0.0 overlap_ratio = 0.0 tmp_element = -1 while (t != 0) and loop: state = action = self.qnetwork.choose_action_test(state) overlap_ratio = get_overlapping_ratio(, if overlap_ratio > 5 and (not upper_counted): upper_count = upper_count + 1 upper_counted = True new_element = Element( transform_box(,, predict_index, -1, overlap_ratio, self.qnetwork.max_q_value, ) print "%f, %s, %f" % (overlap_ratio, str(, self.qnetwork.max_q_value), False) if (not or (action == 16): loop = False if NMS(past_list, loop = False else: past_list.append( if tmp_element == -1 or tmp_element.q_val > new_element.q_val: tmp_element = new_element t = t - 1 if tmp_element != -1:, "../log/test.jpg") class_predict, proba = self.cnn.get_class("../log/test.jpg") print "%d:%f" % (class_predict, proba) if class_predict == class_index + 1: tmp_element.local_search_index = proba print "end: %f, %s, %f" % ( tmp_element.overlap_ratio, str(, tmp_element.local_search_index, ) output_list.append(tmp_element) else: print "-1" else: print "-1" sorted_list = sorted(output_list, key=lambda element: element.local_search_index, reverse=True) res = False for ele in sorted_list: if ele.overlap_ratio > 5.0: res = True fout[ele.class_index].write( imgid + " " + str(ele.local_search_index) + " " + str([0]) + " " + str([1]) + " " + str([2]) + " " + str([3]) + "\n" ) if res: count = count + 1 print "Hitted" else: print "Missed" index = index + 1 print "Hitted count, Upper Count, Total: %d, %d, %d" % (count, upper_count, total)
y_train = y_train[selector] print "size of dataset is : %s" % len(y) print "now training..." #################### # Training the CNN # #################### max_w = X.shape[1] print max_w x_train = np.reshape(x_train, [-1, max_w, 320, 1]) x_test = np.reshape(x_test, [-1, max_w, 320, 1]) cnn = CNN(input_shape=[max_w, 320, 1], classes=np.unique(y), conv_shape=[4, 55], epochs=25000), y_train, x_test, y_test) print "done training" print "testing" # Testing : ########### y_pred = np.array([]) for c, t in enumerate(Batcher.chunks(x_test, 100)): y_pred = np.append(y_pred, cnn.predict(t)) classification_rep = classification_report(y_test, y_pred) print classification_rep
# Reading mnist Data : ###################### mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data', one_hot=True) # Training : ############ x_train = np.reshape(mnist.train.images, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) # converting mnist correct labels 1 hot vectors into data into ids of correct labels y_train = mnist.train.labels y_train = [np.where(i == 1)[0][0] for i in y_train] classes = np.unique(y_train) cnn = CNN(input_shape=[28, 28, 1], classes=classes, conv_shape=[5, 5]), y_train) # Testing : ########### x_test = np.reshape(mnist.test.images, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) y_pred = cnn.predict(x_test) y_true = mnist.test.labels y_true = [list(i).index(1) for i in y_true] print classification_report(y_true, y_pred)