Esempio n. 1
def update(faceServer, time_diff):
    global INFO_PERIOD

    cont = G.getCurrentController()
    eyes_done = False

    # threaded server is thread-safe
    for au, value in faceServer.update(time_diff):
        if au[0] == '6':        # XXX: yes, 6 is an eye prefix (do better ?)
            if eyes_done:
            # The model is supposed to look towards negative Y values
            # Also Up is positive Z values
            ax  = -faceServer.get_AU('63.5')[3]
            az0 = faceServer.get_AU('61.5R')[3]
            az1 = faceServer.get_AU('61.5L')[3]
            # No ACTION for eyes
            G.eye_L.localOrientation = [
                [cos(az0),        -sin(az0),         0],
                [cos(ax)*sin(az0), cos(ax)*cos(az0),-sin(ax)],
                [sin(ax)*sin(az0), sin(ax)*cos(az0), cos(ax)] ]
            G.eye_R.localOrientation = [
                [cos(az1),        -sin(az1),          0],
                [cos(ax)*sin(az1), cos(ax)*cos(az1),-sin(ax)],
                [sin(ax)*sin(az1), sin(ax)*cos(az1), cos(ax)] ]
            eyes_done = True
        elif au == '26':
            # TODO: try with G.setChannel
            G.jaw['p26'] = SH_ACT_LEN * value    # see always sensor in .blend
        elif au[0] == '9':      # XXX: yes, 6 is a tongue prefix (do better ?)
            G.tongue[au] = SH_ACT_LEN * value
            cont.owner['p'+au] = value * SH_ACT_LEN

    INFO_PERIOD += time_diff
    if INFO_PERIOD > 5:
        print "--- RENDERING INFO ---"
        print "BGE logic running at", G.getLogicTicRate(), "fps."
#        print "BGE physics running at", G.getPhysicsTicRate(), "fps."
        print "BGE graphics currently at", G.getAverageFrameRate(), "fps."
        INFO_PERIOD = 0
Esempio n. 2
	def fps(self):
		"""The current fps"""
		return gl.getAverageFrameRate()