Esempio n. 1
def boardSize(filePath,fileName):
	gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_etch.gcode"
	(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
	boardSizeX = gcode_maxXY[0]-gcode_minXY[0]
	boardSizeY = gcode_maxXY[1]-gcode_minXY[1]
	return (boardSizeX,boardSizeY,gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY)
Esempio n. 2
def view(filePath,fileName,showAll=0,showEtch=0,showEtch2=0,showEtch3=0,showDrill=0,showEdge=0,draw=1,newFigure=0):
	#filePath = "../GcodeGenerators/pyGerber2Gcode_CUI/out/"
	#fileName = "printshield" # sys.argv[1]
	if draw and newFigure: fig = plt.figure()
	drill_diam = 0.8
	etch_diam = 0.1
	etch2pass_diam = 0.5
	etch3pass_diam = 1
	edge_diam = 2.4
	travel_diam = etch_diam
	#	b: blue
	#	g: green
	#	r: red
	#	c: cyan
	#	m: magenta
	#	y: yellow
	#	k: black
	#	w: white
	drill_color = 'r'
	etch_color = '#00DF00'
	etch2pass_color = '#50EF00'
	etch3pass_color =  '#A0FF00'
	edge_color = 'b'
	travel_color = 'c'
	gcode_minXY_global = [1e9,1e9]
	gcode_maxXY_global = [-1e9,-1e9]
	def checkMinMax(gcode_minXY,gcode_maxXY):
		if gcode_minXY[0] < gcode_minXY_global[0]: gcode_minXY_global[0] = gcode_minXY[0]
		if gcode_minXY[1] < gcode_minXY_global[1]: gcode_minXY_global[1] = gcode_minXY[1]
		if gcode_maxXY[0] > gcode_maxXY_global[0]: gcode_maxXY_global[0] = gcode_maxXY[0]
		if gcode_maxXY[1] > gcode_maxXY_global[1]: gcode_maxXY_global[1] = gcode_maxXY[1]
	if draw:
		plt.title("Gcode viewer")
		plt.axis('equal') # 1:1 aspect ratio
	if showAll or showEtch:
		print "\n Loading etch..."
		gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_etch.gcode"
		(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
		(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcp.optimize(etch_moves)
		if draw: plotPath(etch_moves, travel_moves, etch_color, travel_color, etch_diam, travel_diam)
	if showAll or showEtch2:
		print "\n Loading etch (2nd pass)..."
		gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_etch2pass.gcode"
		(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
		(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcp.optimize(etch_moves)
		if draw: plotPath(etch_moves, travel_moves, etch2pass_color, travel_color, etch2pass_diam, travel_diam)
	if showAll or showEtch3:
		print "\n Loading etch (3rd pass)..."
		gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_etch3pass.gcode"
		(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
		(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcp.optimize(etch_moves)
		if draw: plotPath(etch_moves, travel_moves, etch3pass_color, travel_color, etch3pass_diam, travel_diam)
	if showAll or showDrill:
		print "\n Loading drill..."
		gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_drill.gcode"
		(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
		(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcp.optimize(etch_moves)
		if draw: plotPath(etch_moves, travel_moves, drill_color, travel_color, drill_diam, travel_diam)
	if showAll or showEdge:
		print "\n Loading edge..."
		gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_edge.gcode"
		(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
		(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcp.optimize(etch_moves)
		if draw: plotPath(etch_moves, travel_moves, edge_color, travel_color, edge_diam, travel_diam)
	#if draw : plt.hold(False)
	if draw and newFigure: pltShowNonBlocking()
	return (etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY_global, gcode_maxXY_global)
drill_color = 'r'
etch_color = '#00DF00'
etch2pass_color = '#00EF00'
etch3pass_color =  '#00FF00'
edge_color = 'b'
travel_color = 'c'

plt.title("Original Gcode")
plt.axis('equal') # 1:1 aspect ratio

print "\n Loading etch..."
gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_etch.gcode"
(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_originXY, grid_sizeXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
plotPoints(etch_moves, etch_color, etch_diam)
plotPoints(travel_moves, travel_color, linewidth_travel_move)

print "\n Loading etch (2nd pass)..."
gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_etch2pass.gcode"
(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_originXY, grid_sizeXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
plotPoints(etch_moves, etch2pass_color, etch2pass_diam)
plotPoints(travel_moves, travel_color, linewidth_travel_move)

print "\n Loading etch (3nd pass)..."
gcode_file = filePath+fileName+"_etch3pass.gcode"
(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_originXY, grid_sizeXY) = gcp.parseGcodeRaw(gcode_file)
plotPoints(etch_moves, etch3pass_color, etch3pass_diam)
plotPoints(travel_moves, travel_color, linewidth_travel_move)