def test_getElementsByClassName(self):
            test_getElementsByClassName - Test the getElementsByClassName method

        html = '''<html><head><title>Page</title></head>
<body class="background">
  <div id="outer" class="outer">
   <div class="inner special">Hello</div>
   <div class="inner cheese">
     <div class="blah" id="blahdiv1">One</div>
         <div class="blah" id="blahdiv2" >
        document = AdvancedHTMLParser()

        tags = document.getElementsByClassName('background')
        assert len(tags) == 1 and tags[
            0].tagName == 'body', 'Expected to get body tag for getElementsByClassName("background")'

        tags = document.getElementsByClassName("inner")
        assert len(tags) == 2 and tags[0].tagName == 'div' and tags[
            1].tagName == 'div', 'Expected to find 2 div tags with class="inner"'

        assert "inner" in tags[0].classNames and "inner" in tags[
            1].classNames, 'Expected to find "inner" in the classNames list'

        assert issubclass(
            (list, tuple)), 'Expected .classNames to be a list of class names'

        assert tags[0].className.startswith(
            "inner") and tags[1].className.startswith(
            ), 'Expected to find "inner" at start of className string'

        specialDiv = None
        cheeseDiv = None
        for tag in tags:
            if "cheese" in tag.classNames:
                cheeseDiv = tag
            elif "special" in tag.classNames:
                specialDiv = tag

        assert specialDiv, 'Failed to find div with "special" in className'
        assert cheeseDiv, 'Failed to find div with "cheese" in className'

        assert 'Hello' in specialDiv.innerHTML, 'Expected "Hello" to be inside special div'

        assert specialDiv.getElementsByClassName(
        ) == [], 'Expected to get no results for specialDiv.getElementsByClassName("bogus")'

        blahDivsDocument = document.getElementsByClassName("blah")
        blahDivsCheese = cheeseDiv.getElementsByClassName("blah")

        assert len(
        ) == 2, 'Expected to get 2 class="blah" divs from document, but got ' + str(

        assert len(
        ) == 2, 'Expected to get 2 class="blah" divs from cheeseDiv, but got ' + str(

        blahDiv1 = None
        blahDiv2 = None

        for blahDiv in blahDivsDocument:
            if == 'blahdiv1':
                blahDiv1 = blahDiv
            elif == 'blahdiv2':
                blahDiv2 = blahDiv

        assert blahDiv1, 'Failed to find id="blahdiv1" on one of the class="blah" divs'
        assert blahDiv2, 'Failed to find id="blahdiv2" on one of the class="blah" divs'

        assert blahDiv1 in blahDivsCheese, 'Expected id="blahdiv1" div to also be in results from root=cheese div'
        assert blahDiv2 in blahDivsCheese, 'Expected id="blahdiv2" div to also be in results from root=cheese div'