def test_getFormattedHTML(self):
            test_getFormattedHTML - Tests the getFormattedHTML call for pretty-printing HTML
        parser = AdvancedHTMLParser()


        formattedHTML = parser.getFormattedHTML()

        assert formattedHTML == '\n<html >\n  <head >\n    <title >Hello World\n    </title>\n  </head> \n  <body > \n    <div >Hello world \n      <span >And welcome to the show.\n      </span> \n    </div> \n  </body>\n</html>', 'Did not get expected formatting using default 4 spaces.'

        formattedHTMLTabIndent = parser.getFormattedHTML('\t')

        assert formattedHTMLTabIndent == '\n<html >\n\t<head >\n\t\t<title >Hello World\n\t\t</title>\n\t</head> \n\t<body > \n\t\t<div >Hello world \n\t\t\t<span >And welcome to the show.\n\t\t\t</span> \n\t\t</div> \n\t</body>\n</html>', 'Did not get expected formatting using tabs.'
    def test_getFormattedHTML(self):
            test_getFormattedHTML - Tests the getFormattedHTML call for pretty-printing HTML
        parser = AdvancedHTMLParser()


        formattedHTML = parser.getFormattedHTML()

        assert formattedHTML == '\n<html >\n  <head >\n    <title >Hello World\n    </title>\n  </head> \n  <body > \n    <div >Hello world \n      <span >And welcome to the show.\n      </span> \n    </div> \n  </body>\n</html>' , 'Did not get expected formatting using default 4 spaces.'

        formattedHTMLTabIndent = parser.getFormattedHTML('\t')

        assert formattedHTMLTabIndent == '\n<html >\n\t<head >\n\t\t<title >Hello World\n\t\t</title>\n\t</head> \n\t<body > \n\t\t<div >Hello world \n\t\t\t<span >And welcome to the show.\n\t\t\t</span> \n\t\t</div> \n\t</body>\n</html>' , 'Did not get expected formatting using tabs.'