class States(object): def __init__(self): self._dao = Sensors() self._sr = StateResolver() exposed = True def GET(self, *args, **kwargs): sensors = self._dao.findSensors() sensors = sorted(sensors, key = itemgetter('locationName', 'ChannelDescriptor')) elements = [] for sensor in sensors: elements.append( { 'color': self.getBackgroundColor(sensor), 'room': '%(loc)s: %(sen)s' % { 'loc': sensor['locationName'], 'sen': sensor['name'] }, 'channel': sensor['ChannelDescriptor'], 'value': sensor['value'], 'status': self._sr.getDisplayState(sensor) }) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return json.dumps(elements) def getBackgroundColor(self, sensor): stype = sensor['sensorTypeName'] if stype == 'CONTACT_REED': if float(sensor['value']) == 1: return '#FF0000' else: return '#00FF00' # closed door == green colour elif stype == 'CONTACT_PRESSUREMAT': if float(sensor['value']) == 1: return '#00FF00' # vacant chair == green colour else: return '#FF0000' elif stype == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_HOT' or stype == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_COLD': #return str((float(sensor['value']) - 0.5) * 100.0) + 'C' temp = float(sensor['value']) if temp < 0.0: r = 0 elif temp > 50.0: r = 255 else: r = int(temp * 5.1) # -0C..+50C -> 0..255 g = 0 b = 255 - r return '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r, g, b) elif stype == 'POWER_CONSUMPTION_MONITOR': if self._sr.isSensorOn(sensor): return '#FFFF00' else: return '#00FF00' # closed door == green colour else: return 'None'
def GET(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) < 1: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(403, 'Directory Listing Denied') key = args[0] sensorHist = self._dao.getSensorHistory(key) if len(sensorHist) > 0: mp = MapProcessor() s = StateResolver() sensors = s.resolveStates(sensorHist) #[{'id': sensor['sensorId'], 'value': sensor['value'], 'state':'on'},] sensors = s.appendSensorMetadata(sensors) #adds location and type img = mp.buildMap(sensors) data = io.BytesIO(img) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = mimetypes.guess_type('img.svg')[0] return file_generator(data)
class GEOSystem(PollingProcessor): def __init__ (self, hostName, userName, password, database, query): super(GEOSystem, self).__init__() self._geoDao = SQLDao(hostName, userName, password, database) self._geoQuery = query self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._sr = StateResolver() self._channels = {} self._warned = [] @property def channels(self): return self._channels def start(self): print "Started polling geo sensors" self._addPollingProcessor('geoSensors', self.pollGeoSystem, None, 0.1) def stop(self): print "Stopped polling geo sensors" self._removePollingProcessor('geoSensors') def pollGeoSystem(self): rows = self._geoDao.getData(self._geoQuery) # This appears to be needed or 'CALL exppower' doesn't update the power values, # oddly, it updates the timestamp field though... self._geoDao.close() for row in rows: try: sensor = next(s for s in self._sensors if s['ChannelDescriptor'] == str(row['ID'])) except StopIteration: # Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if row['ID'] not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unable to locate sensor record for geo sensor %s. ID: %s" % (row['Description'], row['ID']) self._warned.append(row['ID']) continue _device = sensor['locationName'] _name = sensor['name'] _id = sensor['sensorId'] _type = sensor['sensorTypeName'] # Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if _name != row['Description'] and row['ID'] not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Channel name differs from Geo-System description: %s / %s' % (_name, row['Description']) self._warned.append(row['ID']) _status = self._sr.getDisplayState({'sensorTypeName': _type, 'value': row['Power'], 'sensorId': _id }) self._channels[row['ID']] = { 'id': _id, 'room': _device, 'channel': _name, 'value': '%.1f' % row['Power'], 'status': _status }
def __init__ (self, hostName, userName, password, database, query): super(GEOSystem, self).__init__() self._geoDao = SQLDao(hostName, userName, password, database) self._geoQuery = query self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._sr = StateResolver() self._channels = {} self._warned = []
class MapImage(object): exposed = True def __init__(self): self._robotName = CareOBot().name self._dao = DataAccess() self._sr = StateResolver() def GET(self, *args, **kwargs): # if len(args) < 1: # raise cherrypy.HTTPError(403, 'Directory Listing Denied') mp = MapProcessor() sensors = self._sr.resolveStates(self._dao.findSensors()) sensors = self._sr.appendSensorMetadata(sensors) # adds location and type cob = self._dao.getRobotByName(self._robotName) robot = { "type": "robot", "name": cob["robotName"], "location": ( cob["xCoord"], cob["yCoord"], "%sd" % (cob["orientation"] * -1), ), # svg rotates opposite of our cooridnate system "id": "r%s" % (cob["robotId"]), } elements = [] elements.extend(sensors) # important to put robot last as z-order is determined by render order in svg and we want the robot icon # to always be on top elements.append(robot) img = mp.buildMap(elements) data = io.BytesIO(img) cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = mimetypes.guess_type("img.svg")[0] return file_generator(data)
def __init__ (self, ipAddress): super(ZWaveHomeController, self).__init__() self._baseUrl = "http://%(ip)s:80/api/devices" % {'ip': ipAddress} # Place for the callback methods to store "static" values. # Currently only needed for the Moving Average Filter for the MCP9700 # temperature sensor temperature calculations. self._handler_memory = {} self._channels = {} self._sr = StateResolver() self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._warned = []
def __init__ (self, udpPort): super(ZigBee, self).__init__() self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.settimeout(1) self.sock.bind(('', udpPort)) # Place for the callback methods to store "static" values. # Currently only needed for the Moving Average Filter for the MCP9700 # temperature sensor temperature calculations. self._handler_memory = {} self._channels = {} self._sr = StateResolver() self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._warned = []
def __init__ (self, ipAddress, port): super(ZWaveVeraLite, self).__init__() self._loadTime = None self._dataVersion = None self._baseUrl = "http://%(ip)s:%(port)s/data_request?id=lu_sdata&timeout=%(timeout)s" % {'ip': ipAddress, 'port': port, 'timeout': 60} # Place for the callback methods to store "static" values. # Currently only needed for the Moving Average Filter for the MCP9700 # temperature sensor temperature calculations. self._handler_memory = {} self._channels = {} self._sr = StateResolver() self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._warned = []
def __init__(self): self._dao = Sensors() self._sr = StateResolver()
def __init__(self): self._robotName = CareOBot().name self._dao = DataAccess() self._sr = StateResolver()
class ZigBee(PollingProcessor): # Initialisation method # Opens the configured UDP socket for the receipt of broadcast messages. def __init__(self, udpPort): super(ZigBee, self).__init__() self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.settimeout(1) self.sock.bind(('', udpPort)) # Place for the callback methods to store "static" values. # Currently only needed for the Moving Average Filter for the MCP9700 # temperature sensor temperature calculations. self._handler_memory = {} self._channels = {} self._sr = StateResolver() self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._warned = [] @property def channels(self): if self._channels == None: self._channels = {} return self._channels def start(self): print "Started polling zigBee sensors" self._addPollingProcessor('zigBee', self.pollZigbeeSensors, None, 0.0001) def stop(self): print "Stopped polling zigBee sensors" self._removePollingProcessor('zigBee') # ZigBee thread main loop def pollZigbeeSensors(self): try: data, _ = self.sock.recvfrom(10240, 0) except Exception as e: if type(e) != timeout: print e return (_, mac, channel, val) = data.split(' ') mac = mac.lower() channel = channel.upper() try: sensor = next(s for s in self._sensors if s['ChannelDescriptor'] == str(mac) + str(channel)) except StopIteration: #Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if str(mac) + str(channel) not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unable to locate sensor record for zigbee sensor ID: %s" % ( str(mac) + str(channel)) self._warned.append(str(mac) + str(channel)) return _device = sensor['locationName'] _pin = sensor['name'] _id = sensor['sensorId'] if val != '-' and val != '': _type = sensor['sensorTypeName'] _uuid = '%s_%s' % (mac, channel) if _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_HOT' or _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_COLD': _value = str((float(val) - 0.5) * 100.0) else: _value = val _status = self._sr.getDisplayState({ 'sensorTypeName': _type, 'value': _value, 'sensorId': _id }) self._channels[_uuid] = { 'id': _id, 'room': _device, 'channel': _pin, 'value': _value, 'status': _status }
class GEOSystem(PollingProcessor): def __init__(self, hostName, userName, password, database, query): super(GEOSystem, self).__init__() self._geoDao = SQLDao(hostName, userName, password, database) self._geoQuery = query self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._sr = StateResolver() self._channels = {} self._warned = [] @property def channels(self): return self._channels def start(self): print "Started polling geo sensors" self._addPollingProcessor('geoSensors', self.pollGeoSystem, None, 0.1) def stop(self): print "Stopped polling geo sensors" self._removePollingProcessor('geoSensors') def pollGeoSystem(self): rows = self._geoDao.getData(self._geoQuery) #This appears to be needed or 'CALL exppower' doesn't update the power values, # oddly, it updates the timestamp field though... self._geoDao.close() for row in rows: try: sensor = next(s for s in self._sensors if s['ChannelDescriptor'] == str(row['ID'])) except StopIteration: #Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if row['ID'] not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unable to locate sensor record for geo sensor %s. ID: %s" % ( row['Description'], row['ID']) self._warned.append(row['ID']) continue _device = sensor['locationName'] _name = sensor['name'] _id = sensor['sensorId'] #Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if _name != row['Description'] and row['ID'] not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Channel name differs from Geo-System description: %s / %s' % ( _name, row['Description']) self._warned.append(row['ID']) _state = self._sr.evaluateRule(sensor['sensorRule'], row['Power']) if _state: _state = 'On' else: _state = 'Off' self._channels[row['ID']] = { 'id': _id, 'room': _device, 'channel': _name, 'value': '%.1f' % row['Power'], 'status': _state }
class ZigBee(PollingProcessor): # Initialisation method # Opens the configured UDP socket for the receipt of broadcast messages. def __init__ (self, udpPort): super(ZigBee, self).__init__() self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.settimeout(1) self.sock.bind(('', udpPort)) # Place for the callback methods to store "static" values. # Currently only needed for the Moving Average Filter for the MCP9700 # temperature sensor temperature calculations. self._handler_memory = {} self._channels = {} self._sr = StateResolver() self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._warned = [] @property def channels(self): if self._channels == None: self._channels = {} return self._channels def start(self): print "Started polling zigBee sensors" self._addPollingProcessor('zigBee', self.pollZigbeeSensors, None, 0.0001) def stop(self): print "Stopped polling zigBee sensors" self._removePollingProcessor('zigBee') # ZigBee thread main loop def pollZigbeeSensors(self): try: data, _ = self.sock.recvfrom(10240, 0) except Exception as e: if type(e) != timeout: print e return (_, mac, channel, val) = data.split(' ') mac = mac.lower() channel = channel.upper() try: sensor = next(s for s in self._sensors if s['ChannelDescriptor'] == str(mac) + str(channel)) except StopIteration: #Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if str(mac) + str(channel) not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unable to locate sensor record for zigbee sensor ID: %s" % (str(mac) + str(channel)) self._warned.append(str(mac) + str(channel)) return _device = sensor['locationName'] _pin = sensor['name'] _id = sensor['sensorId'] if val != '-' and val != '': _type = sensor['sensorTypeName'] _uuid = '%s_%s' % (mac , channel) if _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_HOT' or _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_COLD': _value = str((float( val) - 0.5) * 100.0) else: _value = val _status = self._sr.getDisplayState({'sensorTypeName': _type, 'value': _value, 'sensorId': _id }) self._channels[_uuid] = { 'id': _id, 'room': _device, 'channel': _pin, 'value': _value, 'status': _status }
class ZWaveVeraLite(PollingProcessor): # Initialisation method # Opens the configured UDP socket for the receipt of broadcast messages. def __init__ (self, ipAddress, port): super(ZWaveVeraLite, self).__init__() self._loadTime = None self._dataVersion = None self._baseUrl = "http://%(ip)s:%(port)s/data_request?id=lu_sdata&timeout=%(timeout)s" % {'ip': ipAddress, 'port': port, 'timeout': 60} # Place for the callback methods to store "static" values. # Currently only needed for the Moving Average Filter for the MCP9700 # temperature sensor temperature calculations. self._handler_memory = {} self._channels = {} self._sr = StateResolver() self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._warned = [] @property def channels(self): if self._channels == None: self._channels = {} return self._channels def start(self): print "Started polling zwave sensors" self._addPollingProcessor('zwave', self.pollZWaveSensors, None, 0.1) def stop(self): print "Stopped polling zwave sensors" self._removePollingProcessor('zwave') # ZigBee thread main loop def pollZWaveSensors(self): try: # # url = self._baseUrl if self._loadTime != None and self._dataVersion != None: url += '&loadtime=%(load)s&dataversion=(dataversion)s' % {'load': self._loadTime, 'dataversion': self._dataVersion } data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url)) except Exception as e: if type(e) != timeout: print e return self._loadTime = data['loadtime'] self._dataVersion = data['dataversion'] for device in data['devices']: channelDescriptor = 'zwave:' + str(device['id']) try: sensor = next(s for s in self._sensors if s['ChannelDescriptor'] == channelDescriptor) except StopIteration: # Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if channelDescriptor not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unable to locate sensor record for zwave sensor ID: %s (%s)" % (str(channelDescriptor), str(device['name'])) self._warned.append(channelDescriptor) continue _device = sensor['locationName'] _pin = sensor['name'] _id = sensor['sensorId'] valueKeys = ['armed', 'status'] val = '' for valueKey in valueKeys: if device.has_key(valueKey): val = device[valueKey] break if val != '-' and val != '': _type = sensor['sensorTypeName'] _uuid = channelDescriptor if _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_HOT' or _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_COLD': _value = str((float(val) - 0.5) * 100.0) else: _value = val _status = self._sr.getDisplayState({'sensorTypeName': _type, 'value': _value, 'sensorId': _id }) self._channels[_uuid] = { 'id': _id, 'room': _device, 'channel': _pin, 'value': _value, 'status': _status }
class ZWaveHomeController(PollingProcessor): # Initialisation method # Opens the configured UDP socket for the receipt of broadcast messages. def __init__ (self, ipAddress): super(ZWaveHomeController, self).__init__() self._baseUrl = "http://%(ip)s:80/api/devices" % {'ip': ipAddress} # Place for the callback methods to store "static" values. # Currently only needed for the Moving Average Filter for the MCP9700 # temperature sensor temperature calculations. self._handler_memory = {} self._channels = {} self._sr = StateResolver() self._sensorDao = Sensors() self._sensors = self._sensorDao.findSensors() self._warned = [] @property def channels(self): if self._channels == None: self._channels = {} return self._channels def start(self): print "Started polling zwave sensors" self._addPollingProcessor('zwave', self.pollZWaveSensors, None, 0.1) def stop(self): print "Stopped polling zwave sensors" self._removePollingProcessor('zwave') def pollZWaveSensors(self): try: # url = self._baseUrl request = urllib2.Request(url) base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('admin', 'admin')).replace('\n', '') request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string) result = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = json.load(result) except Exception as e: if type(e) != timeout: print e return for device in data: channelDescriptor = 'zwave:' + str(device['id']) try: sensor = next(s for s in self._sensors if s['ChannelDescriptor'] == channelDescriptor) except StopIteration: # Only warn once, or we'll flood the console if channelDescriptor not in self._warned: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unable to locate sensor record for zwave sensor ID: %s (%s)" % (str(channelDescriptor), str(device['name'])) self._warned.append(channelDescriptor) continue _device = sensor['locationName'] _pin = sensor['name'] _id = sensor['sensorId'] # order determines priority valueKeys = ['valueSensor', 'value'] val = '' for valueKey in valueKeys: if device['properties'].has_key(valueKey): val = device['properties'][valueKey] break if val != '-' and val != '': _type = sensor['sensorTypeName'] _uuid = channelDescriptor if _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_HOT' or _type == 'TEMPERATURE_MCP9700_COLD': _value = str((float(val) - 0.5) * 100.0) else: _value = val _status = self._sr.getDisplayState({'sensorTypeName': _type, 'value': _value, 'sensorId': _id }) self._channels[_uuid] = { 'id': _id, 'room': _device, 'channel': _pin, 'value': _value, 'status': _status }