Esempio n. 1
	def testP(self):
		K, RT = Calibrate.decomposeKRT(self.P())
		print ('K', K, self.K())
		print ('RT', RT, self.RT())
		print (self.cameraFovX,self.cameraKox,self.cameraKoy,self.cameraKsquare,self.cameraKskew)
		print ((self.cameraPan, self.cameraTilt, self.cameraRoll), self.cameraT, self.cameraInterest)
		print ('cf')
		print (Calibrate.decomposeK(K))
		print (Calibrate.decomposeRT(RT, self.cameraInterest, False))
Esempio n. 2
	def setRT(self, RT, setInterest = True):
		'''Set the view to match the given extrinsic matrix.'''
		(self.cameraPan, self.cameraTilt, self.cameraRoll), self.cameraT, self.cameraInterest = Calibrate.decomposeRT(RT, self.cameraInterest, setInterest)
		if self.cameraInterest == 0: self.cameraInterest = 1e-6
Esempio n. 3
    def generate_skeleton_lods(skelDict, Gs=None):
        # TODO: First iteration: Improve code and optimise
        # TODO: Contains hard coded values (generalise.. actually probably better to use a callback.. lodgenerator visitor)
        from GCore import Calibrate
        vs, tris, orientation, names = [], [], [], []
        if 'jointWidth' not in skelDict: return
        jointWidth = skelDict['jointWidth']
        jointHeightMultiplier = 1.3

        if Gs is None: Gs = skelDict['Gs']
        Bs = skelDict['Bs']

        lodVerts = skelDict['verts']
        lodTris = skelDict['tris']

        for jointIdx, jointName in enumerate(skelDict['jointNames']):
            if 'Free' in jointName: continue

            jointGs = Gs[jointIdx]
            jointBs = Bs[jointIdx]
            whichAxis = np.where(jointBs == 0)[0]
            R, T, _ = Calibrate.decomposeRT(jointGs, 1, False)
            jointMeshScale = jointBs.copy()
            if jointName == 'root': jointMeshScale = jointMeshScale * 1.4
            elif 'Spine' in jointName: jointMeshScale = jointMeshScale * 1.2

            jointMeshScale[whichAxis] = jointWidth[jointName]

            if jointName == 'VSS_Chest':
                jointMeshScale[0] = jointWidth[jointName][0]
                jointMeshScale[1] = 120.
                jointMeshScale[2] = jointWidth[jointName][1]

            axisToggle = np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32)
            axisToggle[whichAxis] = 0.0
            translations = jointMeshScale / 2
            if jointName == 'VSS_Chest': translations[0:1] = 0
            offset = translations * axisToggle

            boneVerts = lodVerts.copy()
            for vi, v in enumerate(boneVerts):
                v = v * jointMeshScale
                if jointName in ['root']:
                    v = v - offset
                    v =
                            np.array([0, 0, 90], dtype=np.float32)), v.T)
                    v = v + offset

                v =, np.hstack((v, 1)).T)
                boneVerts[vi] = v[:3]

            tris.append(lodTris + len(vs) * 8)

            boneLength = jointBs[np.where(jointBs != 0)[0]]
                0 if boneLength.any() and boneLength[0] < 0 else 1)

        v = np.concatenate((vs))
        t = np.concatenate((tris)).tolist()
        lodAttrs = {
            'triangles': v[t],
            'verts': v,
            'tris': t,
            'faces': tris,
            'names': names
        skelDict['visibilityLod'] = lodAttrs
        return v, t, vs, tris, orientation, names