def encode(**kwargs): if kwargs['key'] is None and kwargs['key_raw'] is None: raise Exceptions.NoKeyException() io = IOManager(**kwargs) arr = CryptAlghorithm.crypt_class(kwargs['algorithm']).encrypt( io.input_arr, io.key_arr) io.push(arr)
def hack(**kwargs): if kwargs['hack_tries'] is None: raise Exceptions.HackTriesNumberException() io = IOManager(**kwargs) arr = CryptAlghorithm.crypt_class(kwargs['algorithm']).hack( io.input_arr, kwargs['hack_tries']) io.push_pack(arr)
def convert(self, _file_in, _file_out=None, max_entries=None): # if there is not an output file, the output is the input with a new file extension: if _file_out is None: directory = os.path.dirname(_file_in) file_root = os.path.basename(_file_in) _file_out = directory + os.path.splitext( file_root)[0] + '_larcv.root' # print _file_out self._input_file = _file_in self._output_file = _file_out if not self._initialized: self.initialize_geometry() self._initialized = True # Create the instances of IO managers: self._next_io = IOManager() self._next_io.set_file(self._input_file) # larcv io: self._larcv_io = larcv.IOManager(larcv.IOManager.kWRITE) self._larcv_io.set_out_file(self._output_file) self._larcv_io.initialize() self.event_loop(max_entries=max_entries)
def __init__(self, parameters): r"""Create a new simulation loop instance for a simulation using the semiclassical Hagedorn wavepacket based propagation method. :param parameters: The simulation parameters. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters # The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None # A `IOManager` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None # The time manager self._tm = TimeManager(self.parameters) # Set up serialization of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file() # Save the simulation parameters self.IOManager.add_parameters() self.IOManager.save_parameters(parameters)
def __init__(self, parameters): """Create a new simulation loop instance for a simulation using the Fourier propagation method. :param parameters: The simulation parameters. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters # The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None # An `IOManager` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None # Which data do we want to save self._tm = self.parameters.get_timemanager() # Set up serialization of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file() self.IOManager.create_block() # Save the simulation parameters self.IOManager.add_parameters() self.IOManager.save_parameters(parameters)
def SetBinning(self, varexp, *args): if len(args) == 3: self._binning[varexp] = IOManager._convertBinning(args) elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list): self._binning[varexp] = args[0] else: logger.error("Invalid binning format '{}' for varexp '{}'!".format( args, varexp))
def raw_src_mode(caller: EncryptorApp): kwargs = { 'key_raw': str(caller.var1_keyraw.displayText()), 'img': str(caller.var1_img.displayText()), 'useimg': False, 'key': None, 'crypt': 'encode', 'src': os.path.realpath(__file__), 'dest': caller.var1_dest.displayText() } raw_src = str(caller.var1_textArea.toPlainText()) if kwargs['img'] != '': if not os.path.isfile(kwargs['img']): raise Exceptions.BadImageFileException() kwargs['useimg'] = True arr = CryptAlghorithm.crypt_class(caller.cryptType.currentIndex()).encrypt( bytearray(raw_src, sys.stdin.encoding), bytearray(kwargs['key_raw'], sys.stdin.encoding)) io = IOManager(**kwargs) io.push(arr)
def _parse_fat16_structure(self, io_manager: IOManager): self.BS_DrvNum = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.BS_Reserved1 = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.BS_bootSig = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.BS_VolID = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(4) self.BS_VolLab = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(11) self.BS_FilSysType = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(8)
def Fill(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Fill the histogram with entries. If a path (``str``) to an **infile** is given as the only argument the histogram if filled using the events in there as specified by the keyword arguments. Otherwise the standard :func:`ROOT.TH1.Fill` functionality is used. :param \*args: see below :param \**kwargs: see below :Arguments: Depending on the number of arguments (besides **name**) there are three ways to initialize a :class:`.Histo1D` object\: * *one* argument of type ``str``\: #. **infile** (``str``) -- path to the input :py:mod:`ROOT` file (use keyword arguments to define which events to select) * otherwise\: see :py:mod:`ROOT` documentation of :func:`TH1.Fill` (keyword arguments will be ignored) :Keyword Arguments: * **tree** (``str``) -- name of the input tree * **varexp** (``str``) -- name of the branch to be plotted on the x-axis * **cuts** (``str``, ``list``, ``tuple``) -- string or list of strings of boolean expressions, the latter will default to a logical *AND* of all items (default: '1') * **weight** (``str``) -- number or branch name to be applied as a weight (default: '1') * **append** (``bool``) -- append entries to the histogram instead of overwriting it (default: ``False``) """ self._varexp = kwargs.get("varexp") self._cuts = kwargs.get("cuts", []) self._weight = kwargs.get("weight", "1") if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (str, unicode)): IOManager.FillHistogram(self, args[0], **kwargs) if not kwargs.get("append", False): self._errorband.Reset() self._errorband.Add(self) else: super(Histo1D, self).Fill(*args)
def __init__(self, parameters): r"""Create a new simulation loop instance for a simulation using the semiclassical Hagedorn wavepacket based propagation method. :param parameters: The simulation parameters. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters # The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None # A `IOManager` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None # The time manager self._tm = TimeManager(self.parameters) # Set up serialization of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file(self.parameters)
def __init__(self, parameters): """Create a new simulation loop instance for a simulation using the Fourier propagation method. :param parameters: The simulation parameters. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters # The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None # An `IOManager` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None # Which data do we want to save self._tm = self.parameters.get_timemanager() # Set up serialization of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file(self.parameters) self.IOManager.create_block()
def __init__(self, parameters): r""" Create a new simulation loop instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters = TimeManager(parameters) #: The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None #: A ``IOManager`` instance for saving simulation results. self.iom = IOManager() self.iom.create_file(parameters) self.gid = self.iom.create_group()
def __init__(self, parameters): r""" Create a new simulation loop instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters #: The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None #: A ``IOManager`` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None #: The number of time steps we will perform. self.nsteps = parameters["nsteps"] # Set up serializing of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file(self.parameters) self.IOManager.create_block()
def CreateHistograms(self): factories = {} for histotype, configs in self._configs.items(): self._store[histotype] = {} for i, (infile, config) in enumerate(configs): self._store[histotype][i] = {} config = DissectProperties( config, [Histo1D, { "Fill": ["tree", "cuts", "weight"] }]) tree = config["Fill"]["tree"] if not (infile, tree) in factories.keys(): factories[infile, tree] = IOManager.Factory(infile, tree) for varexp, comparator, cutvalue in self._drawcuts: if not varexp in self._binning: logger.warning("No binning defined for varexp '{}'. " "Skipping...".format(varexp)) continue reducedcuts = list( filter( lambda x: x != "".join( [varexp, comparator, cutvalue]), self._cuts, )) self._store[histotype][i][varexp, cutvalue] = Histo1D( "N1_{}".format(uuid4().hex[:8]), "", self._binning[varexp], **config["Histo1D"]) factories[infile, tree].Register( self._store[histotype][i][varexp, cutvalue], varexp=varexp, weight=config["Fill"].get("weight", "1"), cuts=list(config["Fill"].get("cuts", []) + reducedcuts + self._preselection), ) for factory in factories.values(): factory.Run()
def _get_file_system(type_of_fat: TypeOfFAT): io_manager = IOManager(FAT_16_IMAGE_FOR_DEFRAG if type_of_fat == TypeOfFAT.fat16 else FAT_32_IMAGE_FOR_DEFRAG) return parse_disk_image(io_manager), io_manager
), xtitle=self._vartitle.get(varexp, varexp), xunits=self._varunits.get(varexp, None), inject0=cutmarker, mkdir=True, **kwargs) if __name__ == "__main__": testsamples = [] for i in range(4): testsamples.append("../data/testsample_{}.root".format(i)) try: IOManager.CreateTestSample(testsamples[i], overwrite=False) except IOError: pass cuts = [ "branch_4>1.5", "branch_1+branch_5<3.75", "(branch_6>=4.5)&&(abs(branch_7)<=9.5)", ] binnings = { "branch_4": [20, 0.0, 10.0], # fixed bin width "branch_1+branch_5": [20, 0.0, 10.0], "branch_6": [[i * 0.25 for i in range(40)] + [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17.5, 20] ], # variable bin width
class SimulationLoopHagedorn(SimulationLoop): r""" This class acts as the main simulation loop. It owns a propagator that propagates a set of initial values during a time evolution. All values are read from the ```` file. """ def __init__(self, parameters): r""" Create a new simulation loop instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters #: The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None #: A ``IOManager`` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None #: The number of time steps we will perform. self.nsteps = parameters["nsteps"] # Set up serializing of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file(self.parameters) self.IOManager.create_block() def prepare_simulation(self): r""" Set up a Hagedorn propagator for the simulation loop. Set the potential and initial values according to the configuration. :raise ValueError: For invalid or missing input data. """ potential = PF().create_potential(self.parameters) N = potential.get_number_components() # Check for enough initial values if self.parameters["leading_component"] > N: raise ValueError("Leading component index out of range.") if len(self.parameters["parameters"]) < N: raise ValueError("Too few initial states given. Parameters are missing.") if len(self.parameters["coefficients"]) < N: raise ValueError("Too few initial states given. Coefficients are missing.") # Create a suitable wave packet packet = HagedornWavepacket(self.parameters) # See if we have a list of parameter tuples or just a single 5-tuple # This is for compatibility with the inhomogeneous case. try: # We have a list of parameter tuples, take the one given by the leading component len(self.parameters["parameters"][0]) parameters = self.parameters["parameters"][self.parameters["leading_component"]] except TypeError: # We have just a single 5-tuple of parameters, take it. parameters = self.parameters["parameters"] # Set the Hagedorn parameters packet.set_parameters(parameters) packet.set_quadrature(None) # Set the initial values for component, data in enumerate(self.parameters["coefficients"]): for index, value in data: packet.set_coefficient(component, index, value) # Project the initial values to the canonical basis packet.project_to_canonical(potential) # Finally create and initialize the propagator instace self.propagator = HagedornPropagator(potential, packet, self.parameters["leading_component"], self.parameters) # Which data do we want to save tm = self.parameters.get_timemanager() slots = tm.compute_number_saves() self.IOManager.add_grid(self.parameters, blockid="global") self.IOManager.add_wavepacket(self.parameters, timeslots=slots) # Write some initial values to disk nodes = self.parameters["f"] * sp.pi * sp.arange(-1, 1, 2.0 / self.parameters["ngn"], dtype=np.complexfloating) self.IOManager.save_grid(nodes, blockid="global") self.IOManager.save_wavepacket_parameters(self.propagator.get_wavepackets().get_parameters(), timestep=0) self.IOManager.save_wavepacket_coefficients(self.propagator.get_wavepackets().get_coefficients(), timestep=0) def run_simulation(self): r""" Run the simulation loop for a number of time steps. The number of steps is calculated in the ``initialize`` function. """ tm = self.parameters.get_timemanager() # Run the simulation for a given number of timesteps for i in xrange(1, self.nsteps + 1): print(" doing timestep " + str(i)) self.propagator.propagate() # Save some simulation data if tm.must_save(i): self.IOManager.save_wavepacket_parameters( self.propagator.get_wavepackets().get_parameters(), timestep=i ) self.IOManager.save_wavepacket_coefficients( self.propagator.get_wavepackets().get_coefficients(), timestep=i ) def end_simulation(self): r""" Do the necessary cleanup after a simulation. For example request the IOManager to write the data and close the output files. """ self.IOManager.finalize()
def test_read_some_bytes_with_incorrect_value(self): io_manager = IOManager('test_io_manager') self.check_error(io_manager.read_some_bytes, ValueError, True, 0) self.check_error(io_manager.read_some_bytes, ValueError, True, -10)
class SimulationLoopHagedornInhomogeneous(SimulationLoop): r"""This class acts as the main simulation loop. It owns a propagator that propagates a set of initial values during a time evolution. """ def __init__(self, parameters): r"""Create a new simulation loop instance for a simulation using the semiclassical Hagedorn wavepacket based propagation method. :param parameters: The simulation parameters. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters # The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None # A `IOManager` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None # The time manager self._tm = TimeManager(self.parameters) # Set up serialization of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file() # Save the simulation parameters self.IOManager.add_parameters() self.IOManager.save_parameters(parameters) def prepare_simulation(self): r"""Set up a Hagedorn propagator for the simulation loop. Set the potential and initial values according to the configuration. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` For invalid or missing input data. """ # The potential instance potential = BlockFactory().create_potential(self.parameters) # Project the initial values to the canonical basis BT = BasisTransformationHAWP(potential) # Finally create and initialize the propagator instance # TODO: Attach the "leading_component to the hawp as codata self.propagator = HagedornPropagatorInhomogeneous(self.parameters, potential) # Create suitable wavepackets for packet_descr in self.parameters["initvals"]: packet = BlockFactory().create_wavepacket(packet_descr) # Transform to canonical basis BT.set_matrix_builder(packet.get_innerproduct()) BT.transform_to_canonical(packet) # And hand over self.propagator.add_wavepacket((packet,)) # Add storage for each packet npackets = len(self.parameters["initvals"]) slots = self._tm.compute_number_saves() key = ("q","p","Q","P","S","adQ") for i in xrange(npackets): bid = self.IOManager.create_block() self.IOManager.add_inhomogwavepacket(self.parameters, timeslots=slots, blockid=bid, key=key) # Write some initial values to disk for packet in self.propagator.get_wavepackets(): self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_description(packet.get_description()) # Pi self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_parameters(packet.get_parameters(key=key), timestep=0, key=key) # Basis shapes for shape in packet.get_basis_shapes(): self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(shape) # Coefficients self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(packet.get_coefficients(), packet.get_basis_shapes(), timestep=0) def run_simulation(self): r"""Run the simulation loop for a number of time steps. """ # The number of time steps we will perform. nsteps = self._tm.compute_number_timesteps() # Which parameter data to save. key = ("q","p","Q","P","S","adQ") # Run the prepropagate step self.propagator.pre_propagate() # Note: We do not save any data here # Run the simulation for a given number of timesteps for i in xrange(1, nsteps+1): print(" doing timestep "+str(i)) self.propagator.propagate() # Save some simulation data if self._tm.must_save(i): # Run the postpropagate step self.propagator.post_propagate() # TODO: Generalize for arbitrary number of wavepackets packets = self.propagator.get_wavepackets() assert len(packets) == 1 for packet in packets: # Pi self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_parameters(packet.get_parameters(key=key), timestep=i, key=key) # Basis shapes (in case they changed!) for shape in packet.get_basis_shapes(): self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(shape) # Coefficients self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(packet.get_coefficients(), packet.get_basis_shapes(), timestep=i) # Run the prepropagate step self.propagator.pre_propagate() # Run the postpropagate step self.propagator.post_propagate() # Note: We do not save any data here def end_simulation(self): r"""Do the necessary cleanup after a simulation. For example request the :py:class:`IOManager` to write the data and close the output files. """ self.IOManager.finalize()
class Converter(object): def __init__(self): super(Converter, self).__init__() # Pointers to the files: self._input_file = None self._output_file = None # IO Instances: self._larcv_io = None self._next_io = None self._initialized = False self._pc = ParticleConverter() def convert(self, _file_in, _file_out=None, max_entries=None): # if there is not an output file, the output is the input with a new file extension: if _file_out is None: directory = os.path.dirname(_file_in) file_root = os.path.basename(_file_in) _file_out = directory + os.path.splitext( file_root)[0] + '_larcv.root' # print _file_out self._input_file = _file_in self._output_file = _file_out if not self._initialized: self.initialize_geometry() self._initialized = True # Create the instances of IO managers: self._next_io = IOManager() self._next_io.set_file(self._input_file) # larcv io: self._larcv_io = larcv.IOManager(larcv.IOManager.kWRITE) self._larcv_io.set_out_file(self._output_file) self._larcv_io.initialize() self.event_loop(max_entries=max_entries) def initialize_geometry(self): '''Set up and cache the geometry information Creates meta objects for larcv and reads the database for h5. ''' # Read in the database to get the pmt and sipm locations: self._pmt_locations = load_db.DataPMT() self._sipm_locations = load_db.DataSiPM() self._det_geo = load_db.DetectorGeo() min_x = numpy.min(self._sipm_locations.X) max_x = numpy.max(self._sipm_locations.X) min_y = numpy.min(self._sipm_locations.Y) max_y = numpy.max(self._sipm_locations.Y) min_z = self._det_geo.ZMIN max_z = self._det_geo.ZMAX n_x = int(max_x - min_x) n_y = int(max_y - min_y) n_z = int(max_z - min_z) # Create just one meta to use for NEXT-New self._mc_meta = larcv.Voxel3DMeta() self._mc_meta.set(min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z, n_x, n_y, n_z) print '_sipm_locations.X', _sipm_locations.X print '_sipm_locations.Y', _sipm_locations.Y n_x = n_x / 10 n_y = n_y / 10 self._pmaps_meta = larcv.Voxel3DMeta() self._pmaps_meta.set(min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z, n_x, n_y, n_z) return def convert_mc_information(self): if self._larcv_io is None: raise Exception("No larcv IO manager found.") if self._next_io is None: raise Exception("No next IO manager found.") # Convert particle object hits = particles = larcv_particle_set = self._larcv_io.get_data("particle", "mcpart") larcv_voxel3d = self._larcv_io.get_data("sparse3d", "mcpart") larcv_cluster3d = self._larcv_io.get_data("cluster3d", "mcpart") larcv_particle_set.clear() larcv_voxel3d.clear() larcv_cluster3d.clear() larcv_voxel3d.meta(self._mc_meta) larcv_cluster3d.meta(self._mc_meta) particle_index_mapping = dict() i = 0 for particle in particles: larcv_particle = larcv.Particle() larcv_particle.track_id(int(particle['particle_indx'])) particle_index_mapping[particle['particle_indx']] = i larcv_particle.parent_track_id(int(particle['mother_indx'])) larcv_particle.pdg_code( self._pc.get_pdg(particles[i]['particle_name'])) larcv_particle.position(particle['initial_vertex'][0], particle['initial_vertex'][1], particle['initial_vertex'][2], particle['initial_vertex'][3]) larcv_particle.end_position(particle['final_vertex'][0], particle['final_vertex'][1], particle['final_vertex'][2], particle['final_vertex'][3]) # Momentum: larcv_particle.momentum(particle['momentum'][0], particle['momentum'][1], particle['momentum'][2]) #kinetic energy: larcv_particle.energy_init(particle['kin_energy']) larcv_particle.creation_process(particle['creator_proc']) larcv_particle_set.append(larcv_particle) i += 1 # print particle # Create a set of clusters to match the length of the particles: larcv_cluster3d.resize(i + 1) for hit in hits: xyz = hit['hit_position'] larcv_voxel3d.emplace(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], hit['hit_energy']) # Get the particle index of this hit: if hit['particle_indx'] in particle_index_mapping.keys(): idx = particle_index_mapping[int(hit['particle_indx'])] else: idx = i larcv_voxel_index =[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]) voxel = larcv.Voxel(larcv_voxel_index, hit['hit_energy']) larcv_cluster3d.writeable_voxel_set(idx).add(voxel) return True def convert_pmaps(self): if self._larcv_io is None: raise Exception("No larcv IO manager found.") if self._next_io is None: raise Exception("No next IO manager found.") pmaps = self._next_io.pmaps() larcv_voxel = self._larcv_io.get_data("sparse3d", "pmaps") larcv_voxel.clear() larcv_voxel.meta(self._pmaps_meta) larcv_meta = self._larcv_io.get_data("meta", "pmaps") # Get the sipms location # _sipm_locations = load_db.DataSiPM() # Use S1 to get t0 if pmaps.s1() is None: return False if pmaps.s2Pmt() is None: return False if pmaps.s2Si() is None: return False s1_peak_time_idx = numpy.argmax(numpy.asarray(pmaps.s1()['ene'])) t0 = pmaps.s1()['time'][s1_peak_time_idx] t0 *= 1e-3 # Covert the S2 df to a dictionary s2_dict = {} for i in xrange(0, len(pmaps.s2())): current_peak = s2_dict.setdefault(pmaps.s2()['peak'][i], ([], [])) current_peak[0].append(pmaps.s2()['time'][i]) current_peak[1].append(pmaps.s2()['ene'][i]) # print 's2_dict', s2_dict # Covert the S2Si df to a dictionary # s2si_dict is a dictionary {peak number, sipms dictionary} # 'sipms dictionary' is a dictionary {sipms number, time and energy arrays} s2si_dict = {} for i in xrange(0, len(pmaps.s2Si())): peak_number = pmaps.s2Si()['peak'][i] sipm_number = pmaps.s2Si()['nsipm'][i] current_peak = s2si_dict.setdefault(peak_number, {}) current_sipms = current_peak.setdefault(sipm_number, ([], [])) # Get the time from previous S2 dictionary, and save time and energy e = pmaps.s2Si()['ene'][i] t = s2_dict[peak_number][0][len(current_sipms[0])] current_sipms[0].append(t) current_sipms[1].append(e) x = self._sipm_locations.X[sipm_number] y = self._sipm_locations.Y[sipm_number] z = 1e-3 * t - t0 if e > 0.00001: larcv_voxel.emplace(x, y, z, e) # Covert the S2PMT df to a dictionary # s2pmt_dict is a dictionary {peak number, pmt dictionary} # 'pmt dictionary' is a dictionary {pmt number, time and energy arrays} s2pmt_dict = {} times = ROOT.std.vector('double')() energies = ROOT.std.vector('double')() for i in xrange(0, len(pmaps.s2Pmt())): peak_number = pmaps.s2Pmt()['peak'][i] pmt_number = pmaps.s2Pmt()['npmt'][i] current_peak = s2pmt_dict.setdefault(peak_number, {}) current_pmts = current_peak.setdefault(pmt_number, ([], [])) # Get the time from previous S2 dictionary, and save time and energy e = pmaps.s2Pmt()['ene'][i] t = s2_dict[peak_number][0][len(current_pmts[0])] current_pmts[0].append(t) current_pmts[1].append(e) times.push_back(t) energies.push_back(e)"s2pmt_time", times)"s2pmt_energy", energies) return True def event_loop(self, max_entries=None): if not self._initialized: raise Exception("Need to initialize before event loop.") entry_count = 0 for entry in self._next_io.entries(): if entry_count % 1 == 0: sys.stdout.write("Processed entry {}.\n".format(entry_count)) # Read the entry in the next IO: self._next_io.go_to_entry(entry) self._entry = entry self._event = self._next_io.event() self._run = if self._run < 0: self._run = 0 ########################## # Do the conversions here. ########################## _ok = self.convert_mc_information() _ok = self.convert_pmaps() and _ok # print _ok if _ok: self._larcv_io.set_id(int(self._run), 0, int(self._event)) self._larcv_io.save_entry() entry_count += 1 if max_entries is not None and entry > max_entries: break self._larcv_io.finalize() sys.stdout.write( "Total number of entries converted: {}\n".format(entry_count))
class TestIOManager(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.manager = IOManager() def tearDown(self): if self.manager.is_running(): self.manager.stop() def test_starts_and_stops(self): pass def test_is_running(self): self.assertTrue(self.manager.is_running()) self.manager.stop() self.assertFalse(self.manager.is_running()) def test_calls_callbacks(self): pipe = PipeWrapper() event = threading.Event() def callback(flag): if flag == select.POLLIN: text = pipe.reader.readline() if text == "super beans\n": event.set() else: self.assertEqual(flag, select.POLLHUP) self.manager.add_file(pipe.reader, lambda flag: callback(flag)) self.assertFalse(event.is_set()) pipe.send("super beans\n") event.wait(1) self.assertTrue(event.is_set()) def test_removes_callbacks(self): pipe = PipeWrapper() event = threading.Event() def callback(flag): if flag == select.POLLIN: text = pipe.reader.readline() if text == "super beans\n": event.set() else: self.assertEqual(flag, select.POLLHUP) self.manager.add_file(pipe.reader, lambda flag: callback(flag)) self.assertFalse(event.is_set()) pipe.send("super beans\n") event.wait(1) self.assertTrue(event.is_set()) event.clear() self.manager.remove_file(pipe.reader) self.assertFalse(event.is_set()) pipe.send("super beans\n") event.wait( 0.05 ) # note that this will always be taken - the callback shouldn't fire self.assertFalse(event.is_set()) def test_sends_hangups(self): pipe = PipeWrapper() event = threading.Event() def callback(flag): if flag != select.POLLHUP and flag != select.POLLNVAL: self.assertEqual(flag, select.POLLHUP | select.POLLNVAL) event.set() self.manager.add_file(pipe.reader, callback) pipe.writer.close() event.wait(1) self.assertTrue(event.is_set())
def setUp(self): self.manager = IOManager()
class SimulationLoopFourier(SimulationLoop): """This class acts as the main simulation loop. It owns a propagator that propagates a set of initial values during a time evolution. """ def __init__(self, parameters): """Create a new simulation loop instance for a simulation using the Fourier propagation method. :param parameters: The simulation parameters. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters # The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None # An `IOManager` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None # Which data do we want to save self._tm = self.parameters.get_timemanager() # Set up serialization of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file() self.IOManager.create_block() # Save the simulation parameters self.IOManager.add_parameters() self.IOManager.save_parameters(parameters) def prepare_simulation(self): r"""Set up a Fourier propagator for the simulation loop. Set the potential and initial values according to the configuration. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` For invalid or missing input data. """ # The potential instance potential = BlockFactory().create_potential(self.parameters) # Compute the position space grid points grid = BlockFactory().create_grid(self.parameters) # Construct initial values I = Initializer(self.parameters) initialvalues = I.initialize_for_fourier(grid) # Transform the initial values to the canonical basis BT = BasisTransformationWF(potential) BT.set_grid(grid) BT.transform_to_canonical(initialvalues) # Finally create and initialize the propagator instance self.propagator = FourierPropagator(potential, initialvalues, self.parameters) # Write some initial values to disk slots = self._tm.compute_number_saves() self.IOManager.add_grid(self.parameters, blockid="global") self.IOManager.add_fourieroperators(self.parameters) self.IOManager.add_wavefunction(self.parameters, timeslots=slots) self.IOManager.save_grid(grid.get_nodes(flat=True), blockid="global") self.IOManager.save_fourieroperators(self.propagator.get_operators()) self.IOManager.save_wavefunction(initialvalues.get_values(), timestep=0) def run_simulation(self): r"""Run the simulation loop for a number of time steps. """ # The number of time steps we will perform. nsteps = self._tm.compute_number_timesteps() # Run the prepropagate step self.propagator.pre_propagate() # Note: We do not save any data here # Run the simulation for a given number of timesteps for i in xrange(1, nsteps+1): print(" doing timestep "+str(i)) self.propagator.propagate() # Save some simulation data if self._tm.must_save(i): # Run the postpropagate step self.propagator.post_propagate() self.IOManager.save_wavefunction(self.propagator.get_wavefunction().get_values(), timestep=i) # Run the prepropagate step self.propagator.pre_propagate() # Run the postpropagate step self.propagator.post_propagate() # Note: We do not save any data here def end_simulation(self): """Do the necessary cleanup after a simulation. For example request the :py:class:`IOManager` to write the data and close the output files. """ self.IOManager.finalize()
def setUp(self): self.io_manager_16 = IOManager(FAT_16_IMAGE_FOR_DEFRAG) self.error_maker_16 = self.initialisation_error_maker(self.io_manager_16) self.io_manager_32 = IOManager(FAT_32_IMAGE_FOR_DEFRAG) self.error_maker_32 = self.initialisation_error_maker(self.io_manager_32)
def test_jump_back_with_correct_value(self): io_manager = IOManager('test_io_manager') io_manager.read_some_bytes(1) io_manager.jump_back(1) self.assertEqual(io_manager._current_position, 0)
def test_read_bytes_and_convert_to_int_with_incorrect_value(self): io_manager = IOManager('test_io_manager') self.check_error(io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int, ValueError, True, 0) self.check_error(io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int, ValueError, True, -10)
def test_read_bytes_and_convert_to_int_with_correct_value(self): io_manager = IOManager('test_io_manager') result = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.assertEqual(53, result)
class SimulationLoopHagedornInhomogeneous(SimulationLoop): r"""This class acts as the main simulation loop. It owns a propagator that propagates a set of initial values during a time evolution. """ def __init__(self, parameters): r"""Create a new simulation loop instance for a simulation using the semiclassical Hagedorn wavepacket based propagation method. :param parameters: The simulation parameters. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters # The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None # A `IOManager` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None # The time manager self._tm = TimeManager(self.parameters) # Set up serialization of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file(self.parameters) def prepare_simulation(self): r"""Set up a Hagedorn propagator for the simulation loop. Set the potential and initial values according to the configuration. :raise ValueError: For invalid or missing input data. """ # The potential instance potential = BlockFactory().create_potential(self.parameters) # Project the initial values to the canonical basis BT = BasisTransformationHAWP(potential) # Finally create and initialize the propagator instace # TODO: Attach the "leading_component to the hawp as codata self.propagator = HagedornPropagatorInhomogeneous( self.parameters, potential) # Create suitable wavepackets for packet_descr in self.parameters["initvals"]: packet = BlockFactory().create_wavepacket(packet_descr) # Transform to canonical basis BT.set_matrix_builder(packet.get_quadrature()) BT.transform_to_canonical(packet) # And hand over self.propagator.add_wavepacket((packet, )) # Add storage for each packet npackets = len(self.parameters["initvals"]) slots = self._tm.compute_number_saves() for i in xrange(npackets): bid = self.IOManager.create_block() self.IOManager.add_inhomogwavepacket(self.parameters, timeslots=slots, blockid=bid) # Write some initial values to disk for packet in self.propagator.get_wavepackets(): self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_description( packet.get_description()) # Pi self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_parameters( packet.get_parameters(), timestep=0) # Basis shapes for shape in packet.get_basis_shape(): self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(shape) # Coefficients self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients( packet.get_coefficients(), packet.get_basis_shape(), timestep=0) def run_simulation(self): r"""Run the simulation loop for a number of time steps. """ # The number of time steps we will perform. nsteps = self._tm.compute_number_timesteps() # Run the simulation for a given number of timesteps for i in xrange(1, nsteps + 1): print(" doing timestep " + str(i)) self.propagator.propagate() # Save some simulation data if self._tm.must_save(i): # TODO: Generalize for arbitrary number of wavepackets packets = self.propagator.get_wavepackets() assert len(packets) == 1 for packet in packets: # Pi self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_parameters( packet.get_parameters(), timestep=i) # Basis shapes (in case they changed!) for shape in packet.get_basis_shape(): self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes( shape) # Coefficients self.IOManager.save_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients( packet.get_coefficients(), packet.get_basis_shape(), timestep=i) def end_simulation(self): r"""Do the necessary cleanup after a simulation. For example request the :py:class:`IOManager` to write the data and close the output files. """ self.IOManager.finalize()
def wire(): io = IOManager() #leds = LEDManager() ap = fft.AudioProcessor() driver = DriverLPD8806(160,c_order=ChannelOrder.RGB,use_py_spi=True,dev="/dev/spidev0.0",SPISpeed=16) ledmatrix = led.LEDMatrix(driver,width=20,height=8,threadedUpdate=True,rotation=1,serpentine=False) io.start_stream() update = 0 count = 0.0 while True: #This reads the data from the input stream data = #This writes the data out to the hardware audio out port io.write(data) if len(data): brightness = ap.get_visualizer_array(data,io.chunk,io.rate) if update == 0: update = 10 else: update = 0 if int(count) >= int(255.0): count = 0.0 else: count += .25 """ HORIZONTAL leds.fill(color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count)),start=update*20,end=int((update*20+(brightness[update]*20)))) leds.fill(color=(0,0,0),start=int(((update*20+(brightness[update]*20)))),end=(update* 20)+20) """ ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=int(update),x1=int(brightness[update]*7),y1=update,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update]*7),y0=update,x1=7,y1=update,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+1,x1=int(brightness[update+1]*8),y1=update+1,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+1]*8),y0=update+1,x1=8,y1=update+1,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+2,x1=int(brightness[update+2]*8),y1=update+2,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+2]*8),y0=update+2,x1=8,y1=update+2,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+3,x1=int(brightness[update+3]*7),y1=update+3,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+3]*8),y0=update+3,x1=8,y1=update+3,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+4,x1=int(brightness[update+4]*8),y1=update+4,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+4]*8),y0=update+4,x1=8,y1=update+4,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+5,x1=int(brightness[update+5]*8),y1=update+5,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+5]*8),y0=update+5,x1=8,y1=update+5,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+6,x1=int(brightness[update+6]*8),y1=update+6,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+6]*8),y0=update+6,x1=8,y1=update+6,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+7,x1=int(brightness[update+7]*8),y1=update+7,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+7]*8),y0=update+7,x1=8,y1=update+7,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+8,x1=int(brightness[update+8]*8),y1=update+8,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+8]*8),y0=update+8,x1=8,y1=update+8,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=0,y0=update+9,x1=int(brightness[update+9]*8),y1=update+9,color=colors.hue2rgb_rainbow(int(count))) ledmatrix.drawLine(x0=int(brightness[update+9]*8),y0=update+9,x1=8,y1=update+9,color=(0,0,0)) ledmatrix.update() else: ledmatrix.fillScreen(color=(0,0,0))
def _init_dp(file_name): io_manager = IOManager(file_name) info = InfoAboutImage(io_manager) fp = FatProcessor(info, io_manager) return DirectoryParser(fp)
def __init__(self, io_manager: IOManager): self.BS_jmpBoot = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(3) self.BS_OEMName = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(8) self.BPB_BytsPerSec = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 2) # Количество байт в одном секторе # (512, 1024, 2048 or 4096) self.BPB_SecPerClus = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 1) # Количество секторов в кластере self.BPB_ResvdSecCnt = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(2) self.BPB_NumFATs = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 1) # Количество таблиц FAT на диске self.BPB_RootEntCnt = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 2) # Для FAT16 поле содержит число 32-байтных # элементов корневой директории. Для FAT32 дисков, # это поле должно быть 0 self.BPB_TotSec16 = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 2) # Старое 16-битное поле: общее количество # секторов на диске self.BPB_Media = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.BPB_FATSz16 = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 2) # FAT16 это количество секторов одной FAT. Для # FAT32 это значение 0 self.BPB_SecPerTrk = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(2) self.BPB_NumHeads = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(2) self.BPB_HiddSec = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(4) self.BPB_TotSec32 = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 4) # Новое 32-битное поле: общее количество # секторов на диске self.BPB_FATSz32 = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 4) # Поле, необходимое для некоторых вычислений, # может быть некорректным в некоторых ситуациях io_manager.jump_back(4) # сохранение целостности данных if self.BPB_FATSz16 != 0: fat_sz = self.BPB_FATSz16 else: fat_sz = self.BPB_FATSz32 self._root_dir_sectors = ( (self.BPB_RootEntCnt * 32) + (self.BPB_BytsPerSec - 1)) // self.BPB_BytsPerSec self.first_data_sector = self.BPB_ResvdSecCnt + self._root_dir_sectors + self.BPB_NumFATs * fat_sz self.count_of_clusters = self._get_count_of_clusters() self.fat_type = self._get_fat_type() if self.fat_type == TypeOfFAT.fat16: self._parse_fat16_structure(io_manager) else: self._parse_fat32_structure(io_manager) self.first_root_dir_sec = self._get_first_root_dir_sec()
if __name__ == "__main__": from Histo1D import Histo1D from IOManager import IOManager filename = "../data/ds_data18.root" logy = True h1 = ROOT.TH1D("test1", "TITLE_1", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h2 = ROOT.TH1D("test2", "TITLE_2", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h3 = ROOT.TH1D("test3", "TITLE_3", 20, 0.0, 400.0) IOManager.FillHistogram(h1, filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>650") IOManager.FillHistogram(h2, filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>750") IOManager.FillHistogram(h3, filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>550") p1 = Plot(npads=1) p1.Register(h1, 0, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV")
def test_fat32_recognition(self): io_manager = IOManager(FAT_32_IMAGE) file_system = parse_disk_image(io_manager) self.assertEqual(file_system.get_type_of_fat(), TypeOfFAT.fat32)
class SimulationLoopFourier(SimulationLoop): r""" This class acts as the main simulation loop. It owns a propagator that propagates a set of initial values during a time evolution. All values are read from the ```` file. """ def __init__(self, parameters): r""" Create a new simulation loop instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters #: The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None #: A ``IOManager`` instance for saving simulation results. self.IOManager = None #: The number of time steps we will perform. self.nsteps = parameters["nsteps"] # Set up serializing of simulation data self.IOManager = IOManager() self.IOManager.create_file(self.parameters) self.IOManager.create_block() def prepare_simulation(self): r""" Set up a Fourier propagator for the simulation loop. Set the potential and initial values according to the configuration. :raise ValueError: For invalid or missing input data. """ # Compute the position space grid points nodes = self.parameters["f"] * sp.pi * sp.arange(-1, 1, 2.0/self.parameters["ngn"], dtype=np.complexfloating) # The potential instance potential = PF().create_potential(self.parameters) # Check for enough initial values if not self.parameters.has_key("initial_values"): if len(self.parameters["parameters"]) < potential.get_number_components(): raise ValueError("Too few initial states given. Parameters are missing.") if len(self.parameters["coefficients"]) < potential.get_number_components(): raise ValueError("Too few initial states given. Coefficients are missing.") # Calculate the initial values sampled from a hagedorn wave packet d = dict([("ncomponents", 1), ("basis_size", self.parameters["basis_size"]), ("eps", self.parameters["eps"])]) # Initial values given in the "fourier" specific format if self.parameters.has_key("initial_values"): initialvalues = [ np.zeros(nodes.shape, dtype=np.complexfloating) for i in xrange(self.parameters["ncomponents"]) ] for level, params, coeffs in self.parameters["initial_values"]: hwp = HagedornWavepacket(d) hwp.set_parameters(params) for index, value in coeffs: hwp.set_coefficient(0, index, value) iv = hwp.evaluate_at(nodes, component=0, prefactor=True) initialvalues[level] = initialvalues[level] + iv # Initial value read in compatibility mode to the packet algorithms else: # See if we have a list of parameter tuples or just a single 5-tuple # This is for compatibility with the inhomogeneous case. try: # We have a list of parameter tuples this is ok for the loop below len(self.parameters["parameters"][0]) parameters = self.parameters["parameters"] except TypeError: # We have just a single 5-tuple of parameters, we need to replicate for looping parameters = [ self.parameters["parameters"] for i in xrange(self.parameters["ncomponents"]) ] initialvalues = [] for level, item in enumerate(parameters): hwp = HagedornWavepacket(d) hwp.set_parameters(item) # Set the coefficients of the basis functions for index, value in self.parameters["coefficients"][level]: hwp.set_coefficient(0, index, value) iv = hwp.evaluate_at(nodes, component=0, prefactor=True) initialvalues.append(iv) # Project the initial values to the canonical basis initialvalues = potential.project_to_canonical(nodes, initialvalues) # Store the initial values in a WaveFunction object IV = WaveFunction(self.parameters) IV.set_grid(nodes) IV.set_values(initialvalues) # Finally create and initialize the propagator instace self.propagator = FourierPropagator(potential, IV, self.parameters) # Which data do we want to save tm = self.parameters.get_timemanager() slots = tm.compute_number_saves() print(tm) self.IOManager.add_grid(self.parameters, blockid="global") self.IOManager.add_fourieroperators(self.parameters) self.IOManager.add_wavefunction(self.parameters, timeslots=slots) # Write some initial values to disk self.IOManager.save_grid(nodes, blockid="global") self.IOManager.save_fourieroperators(self.propagator.get_operators()) self.IOManager.save_wavefunction(IV.get_values(), timestep=0) def run_simulation(self): r""" Run the simulation loop for a number of time steps. The number of steps is calculated in the ``initialize`` function. """ tm = self.parameters.get_timemanager() # Run the simulation for a given number of timesteps for i in xrange(1, self.nsteps+1): print(" doing timestep "+str(i)) self.propagator.propagate() # Save some simulation data if tm.must_save(i): self.IOManager.save_wavefunction(self.propagator.get_wavefunction().get_values(), timestep=i) def end_simulation(self): r""" Do the necessary cleanup after a simulation. For example request the IOManager to write the data and close the output files. """ self.IOManager.finalize()
def _parse_fat32_structure(self, io_manager: IOManager): self.BPB_FATSz32 = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(4) self.BPB_ExtFlags = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(2) self.BPB_FSVer = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(2) self.BPB_RootClus = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int( 4) # номер первого кластера корневой директории self.BPB_FSInfo = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(2) self.BPB_BkBootSec = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(2) self.BPB_Reserved = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(12) self.BS_DrvNum = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.BS_Reserved1 = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.BS_BootSig = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(1) self.BS_VolID = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(4) self.BS_VolLab = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(11) self.BS_FilSysType = io_manager.read_bytes_and_convert_to_int(8)
def test_jump_back_with_incorrect_value(self): io_manager = IOManager('test_io_manager') io_manager.read_some_bytes(1) self.check_error(io_manager.jump_back, ValueError, True, 2) self.check_error(io_manager.jump_back, ValueError, True, 0) self.check_error(io_manager.jump_back, ValueError, True, -10)
def test_read_some_bytes_with_correct_value(self): io_manager = IOManager('test_io_manager') result = io_manager.read_some_bytes(1) self.assertEqual(b'5', result)
def _init_fp(file_name): io_manager = IOManager(file_name) info = InfoAboutImage(io_manager) return FatProcessor(info, io_manager)
class SimulationLoopSpawnAdiabatic(SimulationLoop): r""" This class acts as the main simulation loop. It owns a propagator that propagates a set of initial values during a time evolution. All values are read from the ```` file. """ def __init__(self, parameters): r""" Create a new simulation loop instance. """ # Keep a reference to the simulation parameters self.parameters = parameters = TimeManager(parameters) #: The time propagator instance driving the simulation. self.propagator = None #: A ``IOManager`` instance for saving simulation results. self.iom = IOManager() self.iom.create_file(parameters) self.gid = self.iom.create_group() def prepare_simulation(self): r""" Set up a Spawning propagator for the simulation loop. Set the potential and initial values according to the configuration. :raise ValueError: For invalid or missing input data. """ potential = PotentialFactory().create_potential(self.parameters) N = potential.get_number_components() # Check for enough initial values if self.parameters["leading_component"] > N: raise ValueError("Leading component index out of range.") if len(self.parameters["parameters"]) < N: raise ValueError("Too few initial states given. Parameters are missing.") if len(self.parameters["coefficients"]) < N: raise ValueError("Too few initial states given. Coefficients are missing.") # Create a suitable wave packet packet = HagedornWavepacket(self.parameters) packet.set_parameters(self.parameters["parameters"][self.parameters["leading_component"]]) packet.set_quadrature(None) # Set the initial values for component, data in enumerate(self.parameters["coefficients"]): for index, value in data: packet.set_coefficient(component, index, value) # Project the initial values to the canonical basis packet.project_to_canonical(potential) # Finally create and initialize the propagator instace inner = HagedornPropagator(potential, packet, self.parameters["leading_component"], self.parameters) self.propagator = SpawnAdiabaticPropagator(inner, potential, packet, self.parameters["leading_component"], self.parameters) # Write some initial values to disk slots = for packet in self.propagator.get_wavepackets(): bid = self.iom.create_block(groupid=self.gid) self.iom.add_wavepacket(self.parameters, timeslots=slots, blockid=bid) self.iom.save_wavepacket_coefficients(packet.get_coefficients(), blockid=bid, timestep=0) self.iom.save_wavepacket_parameters(packet.get_parameters(), blockid=bid, timestep=0) def run_simulation(self): r""" Run the simulation loop for a number of time steps. The number of steps is calculated in the ``initialize`` function. """ tm = # Run the simulation for a given number of timesteps for i in xrange(1, tm.get_nsteps()+1): print(" doing timestep "+str(i)) self.propagator.propagate(tm.compute_time(i)) # Save some simulation data if tm.must_save(i): # Check if we need more data blocks for newly spawned packets while self.iom.get_number_blocks(groupid=self.gid) < self.propagator.get_number_packets(): bid = self.iom.create_block(groupid=self.gid) self.iom.add_wavepacket(self.parameters, blockid=bid) for index, packet in enumerate(self.propagator.get_wavepackets()): self.iom.save_wavepacket_coefficients(packet.get_coefficients(), timestep=i, blockid=index) self.iom.save_wavepacket_parameters(packet.get_parameters(), timestep=i, blockid=index) def end_simulation(self): r""" Do the necessary cleanup after a simulation. For example request the IOManager to write the data and close the output files. """ self.iom.finalize()