def createFromBytes(self, msgtype, data): Message.createFromBytes(self, msgtype, data) self.options = unpack(">B", data[0])[0] numcerts = unpack(">B", data[1])[0] for i in range(0, numcerts): # TODO: Not implemented pass
def createKeywordText(path, corpusName): ''' This function takes in the location of the email files and finds the keywords from all of the files and saves the corpus to a text file that can be read later ''' saveCorpus = open(corpusName + ".txt", 'w') saveCorpusIndex = open(corpusName + ".index", 'w') messages = [] i = 0 errors = 0 l = len(os.listdir(path)) for filename in os.listdir(path): print "Working on", str(filename) if errors == 10: print "More than 10 errors. Stopping." break else: new = Message(path + filename) messages.append(new) result = new.getError() tokens = ' '.join(map(str, messages[i].getTokens())) saveCorpus.write(tokens + '\n') saveCorpusIndex.write(filename + '\n') if result: errors += 1 i += 1 print("Completed " + str(i) + " of " + str(l) + '\n') saveCorpus.close() saveCorpusIndex.close() print "Errors creating keyword text = " + str(errors) return True
def sendmail(From, To, Cc=None, Bcc=None, Subject="", Body="", File=None, Filename="", InReplyTo=None): text = makePart(Body, "quoted-printable") if File is not None: data = if data: attach = makePart(data, "base64") ext = os.path.splitext(Filename)[1] ctype = mimetypes.guess_type(ext)[0] or "application/octet-stream" attach["Content-Type"] = ctype Filename = os.path.split(Filename)[1] attach["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % Filename msg = Message(StringIO()) msg.boundary = choose_boundary() msg["Content-Type"] = 'multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"' % msg.boundary[text, attach]) else: msg = text else: msg = text msg["From"] = From msg["To"] = To if Cc: msg["Cc"] = Cc if Bcc: msg["Bcc"] = Bcc if InReplyTo: msg["In-Reply-To"] = InReplyTo msg["Subject"] = Subject or "" msg["Mime-Version"] = "1.0" text["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1" msg["X-Mailer"] = XMailer Recipients = msg.getaddrlist("to") + msg.getaddrlist("cc") + msg.getaddrlist("bcc") for i in range(len(Recipients)): Recipients[i] = Recipients[i][1] return sendMessage(From, Recipients, msg)
def takeUserInput(self): print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("-----------------------Welcome to Safeway!!-------------------------------") enterOption = input("Press 1 to Enter, Press 2 to Exit") if enterOption == 1: print("-----------------------------------------------------------------------") new_customer = "" while True: print("-----------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Enter 1 for creating a customer") print("Enter 2 for generating a random customer") print("Enter 3 to exit") option = input("Please Enter your choice") print("\n") if option == 1: new_customer = Customer() del new_customer.items[:] while True: print("Enter 1 for Adding Item") print("Enter 2 to see all the Items") print("Enter 3 If finished shopping") option2 = input("Please Enter your choice") if option2 == 1: item = Item.Item() new_customer.items.append(item) print("---------------------New Item Added-------------------------\n") elif option2 == 2: print("Item Name Item Price\n") print("-----------------------------------------") for i in new_customer.items: print(str(" "+ str(i.value)) print("\n") elif option2 ==3: message = Message('addcustomer', new_customer) m = message.get_message_json() self.protocol.sendLine(m) print("Customer sent to the queue") break if option==2: message = Message('addcustomer', Customer()) m = message.get_message_json() self.protocol.sendLine(m) print("Customer sent to the queue") continue if option ==3: break if enterOption == 2: print("Good Bye") sys.exit()
def createResponse(self): ''' Get response from similarity check. If good, send reply ''' new = Message('lastEmail.txt') # print "Incoming Mail: " + '\n' + new.getBody() subject = new.getSubject() subject = "AMR Response: " + subject # print new.getBody() tool = 's' # Chose g for Gensim or s for Scikit Learn modelToUse = "lda" if tool == 'g': match, accuracy, self.models = main.emailCheck( self.path, self.corpusName, modelToUse, "gensim", new, self.models) elif tool == 's': match, accuracy, self.models = main.emailCheck( self.path, self.corpusName, modelToUse, "scikit", new, self.models) else: match, accuracy = None, None if match is not None: # print "Outgoing Mail: " + '\n' + match.getBody() reply = self.buildReply(match, accuracy) # print reply self.send(reply, subject) return True return False
def add_new_conversation(cls, sender, receiver, title, content): """Adds new conversation with receiver for sender, returns Conversation object """ #TODO: check if sender and receiver aren't the same person, if so, add only once skey = ndb.Key('User', sender) rkey = ndb.Key('User', receiver) if sender == receiver: rl = [skey] rln = [sender] else: rl = [rkey, skey] rln = [sender, receiver] conv = Conversation( owner = sender, receivers_list = rl, receivers_list_norm = rln, title = title, ) msg = Message( sender = sender, content = content ) k = msg.put() conv.insert_message(k) ck = conv.put() User.add_conversation_for_users(ck, sender, receiver) return conv, msg
def __init__(self): """Initialize the request. Subclasses are responsible for invoking super and initializing self._time. """ Message.__init__(self) self._transaction = None
def createFromValues(self, taskid, ts, hmac, certhash, trace): # set message type and length (72B for taskid, ts, hmac and # certhash plus length of traceroute) Message.createFromValues(self, messageTypes["TASK_REPLY_KNOWN_CERT"], 72 + len(trace)) self.taskid = taskid self.ts = ts self.hmac = hmac self.certhash = certhash self.trace = trace
def send_availability(strProv,strResource, quantity): messageAvail = Message('') messageAvail.setMethod(Message.SEND_AVAILABILITY) messageAvail.setParameter('Provider', strProv) messageAvail.setParameter('Resource', strResource) messageAvail.setParameter('Quantity', quantity) return messageAvail
def getAvailability(strProvider, serviceStr, bidId): messageGetAvailability = Message('') messageGetAvailability.setMethod(Message.GET_AVAILABILITY) messageGetAvailability.setParameter('Provider', strProvider) messageGetAvailability.setParameter('Service', serviceStr) messageGetAvailability.setParameter('Bid', bidId) return messageGetAvailability
def verifyPurchaseMessage(sock2, qty): received = sock2.recv(16800) messagePurchase= Message(received) print messagePurchase.__str__() if (not messagePurchase.isMessageStatusOk()): raise FoundationException("error in creating purchase") else: # verify that the quantity purchased. qtyPurchasedStr = messagePurchase.getParameter('Quantity_Purchased') qtyPurchased = float(qtyPurchasedStr) if (qtyPurchased <> qty): print "error in creating purchase - Qty purchased" + str(qtyPurchased)+ " not equal to " + str(qty)
def createFromValues(self, taskid, ts, hmac, certchain, trace): # Convert certs to DER self.certchain = [] for cert in certchain[:min(255,len(certchain))]: self.certchain.append(ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(cert)) certlength = sum(len(x) for x in self.certchain) # set message type and length ( 41 Bytes for taskid, ts, hmac and number of certificates # plus length of trace and length of cert chain. Message.createFromValues(self, messageTypes['TASK_REPLY_NEW_CERT'], 41 + len(trace) + certlength) self.taskid = taskid self.ts = ts self.hmac = hmac self.trace = trace
def run(self): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(('', self.port)) while True: data, ip_addr = s.recvfrom(1024) incomeMessage = Message() incomeMessage.decapsulate(data) # print (incomeMessage.header.type) # print (incomeMessage.header.length) # start a new thread to handle message _thread.start_new_thread(self.handleMessage, (incomeMessage, ip_addr))
def createFromValues(self, options, certs, hostname, ip, port): self.certchain = [] chainlength = 0 for cert in certs: derobj = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(cert) chainlength += len(derobj) self.certchain.append(derobj) Message.createFromValues(self, messageTypes['CERT_VERIFY_REQUEST'], 4 + chainlength + len(hostname) + len(ip) + len(str(port))) self.options = options self.hostname = hostname self.ip = ip self.port = port
def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) == type(""): self.chdir(index) return self if type(index) == type(()): index, preview = index else: preview = false if preview: resp, data = self.con.query("fetch", (index, '(FLAGS RFC822.HEADER RFC822.SIZE)')) else: resp, data = self.con.query("fetch", (index, '(FLAGS RFC822 RFC822.SIZE)')) m = Message(StringIO(data[0][1]), preview) m.unique_num = int(index) m.Size = int(data[1][find(data[1], "RFC822.SIZE")+11:-1]) m.SizeStr = bytesizestr(m.Size) return m
def verifyAvailabilityMessage(sock2, qty): received = sock2.recv(16800) messageAvail= Message(received) print messageAvail.__str__() if (not messageAvail.isMessageStatusOk()): raise FoundationException("error in the availability message") else: # verify that the quantity purchased. qtyStr = messageAvail.getParameter('Quantity') qtyAvail = float(qtyStr) qtyAvail = round(qtyAvail,2) if (qtyAvail <> qty): print "error in the quantity available" + str(qtyAvail)+ "- Qty not equal to " + str(qty)
def createFromBytes(self, msgtype, data): """ Initialiser. Compute the difference between cb server time and local time # (in milliseconds) and store it. """ Message.createFromBytes(self, msgtype, data) if len(data) != 4: raise (ValueError, "Supplied data doesn't have the correct length: " +\ str(len(data))) # get four bytes from data and convert them to long. Why is this a signed long? # Python documentation says that time() returns a float. (self.servertime,) = unpack(">l", data[:4]) self.diff = self.servertime - time()
def createFromBytes(self, msgtype, data): Message.createFromBytes(self, msgtype, data) self.hmac = data[:32] if msgtype == MessageTypes.messageTypes['PUBLIC_IP_NOTIF4']: ipLen = 4 self.ipversion = 4 elif msgtype == MessageTypes.messageTypes['PUBLIC_IP_NOTIF6']: ipLen = 16 self.ipversion = 6 self.publicIP = unpack(">" + "B" * ipLen, data[32:32 + ipLen]) if ipLen == 4: self.publicIPString = ".".join(str(x) for x in self.publicIP) elif ipLen == 16: self.publicIPString = ":".join(str(x) for x in self.publicIP)
def __getitem__(self, index): """returns a message object index can be a tuple - in this case the second element is a flag for only returning the headers (faster) """ if type(index) == type(""): self.chdir(index) return self if type(index) == type(()): index, preview = index else: preview = false index = index + 1 if preview: m = Message(self.con.query("top", (index, 0))[1], preview) else: m = Message(self.con.query("retr", (index,))[1], preview) m.unique_num = index - 1 return m
def writing_log(input_file, output_file): time = 0 out = open(output_file, "w") packet = "IDH: %02X, IDL: %02X, Len: 08, Data: " # out.write(packet + '\n') f = open(input_file, "r") for line in f: time += 1 msg = Message(line) msg.TS = time message = "IDH: %02X, IDL: %02X, Len: %02X, Data: %s TS: %s" % (int(msg.idh, 16), int(msg.idl, 16), int(msg.len, 16),, msg.TS) print message out.write(message + '\n') f.close()
def makePart(body, encoding): msg = Message(StringIO()) msg["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = encoding out = StringIO() if encoding != "base64": encode(StringIO(replace(body,"\r","")), out, encoding) else: encode(StringIO(body), out, encoding) msg.body = out.getvalue() if encoding == "quoted-printable": lines = split(msg.body, "\n") for i in xrange(len(lines)): if lines[i] and lines[i][:5] == 'From ': lines[i] = "=%02x" % ord("F") + lines[i][1:] msg.body = join(lines, "\n") return msg
class JHSQ(): '''A class of jhs redis queue''' def __init__(self, _obj, _q_type=None): self._obj = _obj self._q_type = _q_type # queue type self.jhs_type = Config.JHS_TYPE # queue type # DB self.redisQueue = RedisQueue() # redis queue # message self.message = Message() # queue key if self._q_type: self._key = '%s_%s_%s' % (self.jhs_type, self._obj, self._q_type) else: self._key = '%s_%s' % (self.jhs_type, self._obj) # clear queue def clearQ(self): self.redisQueue.clear_q(self._key) # 写入redis queue def putQ(self, _msg): self.redisQueue.put_q(self._key, _msg) # 转换msg def putlistQ(self, item_list): for _item in item_list: _val = (0,self._obj,self.jhs_type) + _item msg = self.message.jhsQueueMsg(self._obj, _val) if msg: self.putQ(msg)
def __init__(self): # jhs group item type self.worker_type = Config.JHS_GroupItem self.jhs_type = Config.JHS_TYPE # queue type # message self.message = Message() # 获取Json数据 self.jsonpage = Jsonpage() # 抓取设置 self.crawler = TBCrawler() # 抓取时间设定 self.crawling_time = # 当前爬取时间 self.begin_time = self.begin_date = Common.today_s() self.begin_hour = Common.nowhour_s() # DB # mysql access self.mysqlAccess = MysqlAccess() # redis queue self.redisQueue = RedisQueue() # redis access self.redisAccess = RedisAccess() # mongodb fs access self.mongofsAccess = MongofsAccess()
def get_message1(): macs=copy.deepcopy(hacker_mac_list) privateFile=open("private.pem") privateFile.close() privateKey=rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(privateData) uid=str(uuid.uuid1()) m=Message.get_sum(macs,uid, signature=rsa.sign(m,privateKey,"SHA-256") message=Message(macs,uid,signature) return message.dumps()
def post(self, user_id, message_id): # Set this method to return JSON instead of normal text self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' try: # self.response.write("User id: %s, Message id: %s" % (user_id, message_id)) message = Message.get_by_id(int(message_id)) # self.response.write("Message %s" % message.body) # Grab the POST request parameters and put them into variables. param_author = self.request.get('author') param_body = self.request.get('body') # Make a User object. His Key should be his JID. response = Response(author=param_author, body=param_body) response.put() # Save the new User into the datastore. message.responses.append(response.key()) # Tell the user. self.response.write(json.dumps(response.to_json())) except (TypeError, ValueError): # If we couldn't grab the PUT request parameters, then show an error. self.response.write('Invalid inputs') return
class Update(JsonPickle): def __init__(self, jobj): self.update_id = jobj['update_id'] self.message = Message(jobj['message']) def to_json(self): return json.load('{"update_id":' + self.update_id + ', "message": ' + self.message.to_json() + '}')
def handle(self): UdpServerHandler.logger.debug('Handling a UDP packet.') json_message = self.request[0].strip() self.rcvd_msg = Message() self.rcvd_msg.getFromJson(json_message) self.rcvd_msg.rx_time =
def HandleReceiveLoop(self, alive_socket, *args, **kwargs): stringReply = alive_socket.recv().decode("utf_16") mReply = Message() mReply.__dict__ = simplejson.loads(stringReply) print("Received by handler: " + stringReply + "\n") #Cleanup for errors received from client should be somewhere here. MethodIdentifier = 'None' try: MethodIdentifier = Alphanumeric(mReply.Callback) if mReply.Action.upper() == Protocol.ClientAction.CMD: MethodUUID = self.InstantiateProcedure(MethodIdentifier, Socket = alive_socket) self.dInstantiatedProcedures[MethodUUID].Uuid = MethodUUID else: MethodUUID = MethodIdentifier except Exception, ex: mMessage = MessageFactory.Error(ex, MethodIdentifier, self.ErrorMessages)
def add_new_conversation(cls, sender, receiver, title, content): """Adds new conversation with receiver for sender, returns Conversation object Args: sender: sender's username as string receiver: receiver's username as string title: title of the conversation content: content of the first post Returns: tupple with: newly created Conversation instance newly created Message instance """ #TODO: check if sender and receiver aren't the same person, if so, add only once skey = ndb.Key('User', sender) rkey = ndb.Key('User', receiver) if sender == receiver: rl = [skey] rln = [sender] else: rl = [rkey, skey] rln = [sender, receiver] conv = Conversation( owner = sender, receivers_list = rl, receivers_list_norm = rln, title = title, ) msg = Message( sender = sender, content = content ) k = msg.put() conv.insert_message(k) ck = conv.put() User.add_conversation_for_users(ck, sender, receiver) return conv, msg
def __given_pending_request_exists_and_has_timed_out(self): with Spy() as PresenceConfirmationManager: PresenceConfirmationManager.hasPendingRequest() >> True PresenceConfirmationManager.hasTimedOut() >> True PresenceConfirmationManager.startNewRequest() self.__PresenceConfirmationManager = PresenceConfirmationManager PreviousRequestedRecipient = [ JidHandle('somePreviousJid', '*****@*****.**') ] JidHandles = [JidHandle('someJid', '*****@*****.**')] JidHandleGroups = [JidHandleGroup(JidHandles)] with Spy() as RecipientChooser: RecipientChooser.getJidHandleGroupResult( any(), any()) >> Result(JidHandleGroups) RecipientChooser.getCurrentRequestedRecipient( ) >> PreviousRequestedRecipient self.__RecipientChooser = RecipientChooser relayMessageBody = 'Some Message Body' notificationMessageBody = 'Hey snoozer your message has been forwarded' with Stub() as MessageBuilder: MessageBuilder.getTimedOutNotificationMessageBody( any()) >> notificationMessageBody MessageBuilder.getPendingMessagesForRequestedRecipient( ) >> relayMessageBody self.__MessageBuilder = MessageBuilder self.__ExpectedForwardedMessage = Message(JidHandleGroups, relayMessageBody) self.__ExpectedNotificationMessage = Message( [JidHandleGroup(PreviousRequestedRecipient)], notificationMessageBody) self.__ExpectedRequesterNotificationMessage = Message( [JidHandleGroup(PreviousRequestedRecipient)], notificationMessageBody) with Spy() as ItBot: pass self.__ItBot = ItBot
def test_create_introduction_response(self): identifier = int(random() * 2**16) destination_address = ("", 8) source_lan_address = ("", 20000) source_wan_address = ("", 20000) lan_introduction_address = ("", 2) wan_introduction_address = ("", 3) data = ( inet_aton(destination_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(destination_address[1]), inet_aton(source_lan_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(source_lan_address[1]), inet_aton(source_wan_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(source_wan_address[1]), inet_aton(lan_introduction_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(lan_introduction_address[1]), inet_aton(wan_introduction_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(wan_introduction_address[1]), self._struct_B.pack(self._encode_connection_type_map[u"unknown"] | self._encode_tunnel_map[False]), self._struct_H.pack(identifier)) container = [self.prefix, chr(245)] container.append(self.my_mid) now = self._struct_Q.pack(neighbor_discovery.global_time) container.append(now) container.extend(data) packet = "".join(container) signiture = self.crypto.create_signature(self.my_key, packet) packet_len = len(packet) packet = packet + signiture #message = walker.create_introduction_response(identifier,destination_address,source_lan_address,source_wan_address,lan_introduction_address,wan_introduction_address) message = Message( neighbor_discovery=neighbor_discovery, identifier=identifier, source_private_address=source_lan_address, source_public_address=source_wan_address, private_introduction_address=lan_introduction_address, public_introduction_address=wan_introduction_address, destination_address=destination_address) message.encode_introduction_response() assert_equals(message.packet[0:packet_len], packet[0:packet_len])
def setupHostConnection(self, host_ip): """ This function is responsible for connecting to all hosts on the network. The host will also setup it's left and right neighbor and create the listening threads for host connections """ if host_ip != self.ip and host_ip != '': host_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) indicator = host_socket.connect_ex((host_ip, 9090)) if indicator != 0: return False else: new_host_msg = Message("NHST", self.ip, '\0') host_socket.sendall(new_host_msg.generateByteMessage()) print('NHST message sent to Host at ' + host_ip) area_message = self.parseMessage(host_socket) if (area_message.type == 'AREA'): print('AREA message received from ' + area_message.origin) payload_array = area_message.payload.split(':') curr_host_ip = area_message.origin host_min_x = payload_array[0] host_max_x = payload_array[1] if host_max_x > self.curr_x_max: self.curr_x_max = host_max_x if self.min_x == host_max_x: self.l_neighbor = curr_host_ip if host_min_x <= self.curr_x_min: self.curr_x_min = host_min_x self.curr_x_min_ip = curr_host_ip new_thread = Thread( target=lambda: self.listenToHost(host_socket)) new_thread.daemon = True new_thread.start() new_connection = Connection(host_ip, host_socket, new_thread, host_min_x, host_max_x) self.connections.append(new_connection) return True else: print('Invalid message type received from ' + area_message.origin + ' - Host corrupt') return False return True
def init_delete(self): if self.is_sponsor: print("Cannot delete Node. Currently a sponsor node") else: if self.is_leader: #Get next highest key and broadcast new_ldr_id. key_list = list(self.network_dict.keys()) key_list.sort() new_ldr_id = key_list[0] for n in self.network_dict: new_ldr_msg = Message(Msg_type['new_ldr_id'],msg_id = (self.node_id,threading.current_thread().ident)) new_ldr_msg._source_host,new_ldr_msg._source_port = self.HOST,self.PORT new_ldr_msg._recv_host,new_ldr_msg._recv_port = self.network_dict[n][0],self.network_dict[n][1] new_ldr_msg._data_dict = {'type':'del_ldr','id':new_ldr_id,'ip': self.network_dict[new_ldr_id][0] ,'port':self.network_dict[new_ldr_id][1]} with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as soc: soc.connect((new_ldr_msg._recv_host,new_ldr_msg._recv_port)) send_msg(soc,new_ldr_msg) #send message print("DEBUG_MSG: Sent new leader id: ", new_ldr_id) self.is_leader = False # print("---------") # print(new_ldr_msg.get_data('id')) # print(new_ldr_msg.get_data('ip')) # print(new_ldr_msg.get_data('port')) self.ldr_port = self.network_dict[new_ldr_id][1] self.ldr_ip = self.network_dict[new_ldr_id][0] time.sleep(1) #send delete_msg to leader and stop delete_msg = Message(Msg_type['delete_node'],msg_id = (self.node_id,threading.current_thread().ident)) delete_msg._source_host,delete_msg._source_port=self.HOST,self.PORT delete_msg._recv_host,delete_msg._recv_port = self.ldr_ip,self.ldr_port delete_msg._data_dict = {'id':self.node_id} with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as soc: soc.connect((self.ldr_ip,self.ldr_port)) send_msg(soc,delete_msg) #send message #stop time.sleep(1) os._exit(0)
def test_create_introduction_request(self): #the following three address are fabricated #only for test use destination_address = ("", 8) source_lan_address = ("", 20000) source_wan_address = ("", 20000) #use the walker to create a message message = Message(neighbor_discovery=neighbor_discovery, source_private_address=source_lan_address, source_public_address=source_wan_address, destination_address=destination_address) message.encode_introduction_request() #now we create a message using in a KNOWN CORRECT WAY identifier = message.identifier data = [ inet_aton(destination_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(destination_address[1]), inet_aton(source_lan_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(source_lan_address[1]), inet_aton(source_wan_address[0]), self._struct_H.pack(source_wan_address[1]), self._struct_B.pack(self._encode_advice_map[True] | self._encode_connection_type_map[u"unknown"] | self._encode_sync_map[False]), self._struct_H.pack(identifier) ] container = [self.prefix, chr(246)] #container.append(self.my_mid) my_public_key = self.my_public_key #container.extend((self._struct_H.pack(len(my_public_key)), my_public_key)) container.append(self.my_mid) #now = int(time()) now = self._struct_Q.pack(message.global_time) container.append(now) container.extend(data) #print container packet = "".join(container) packet_len = len(packet) signiture = neighbor_discovery.crypto.create_signature( self.my_key, packet) packet = packet + signiture assert_equals(message.packet[0:packet_len], packet[0:packet_len])
def getAllMessages(self): cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute( """SELECT id, timestamp, node_id, node_type, value FROM messages""" ) messagesList = [] for row in cursor: #print('{0} : {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) messagesList.append(Message(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) return messagesList
def parse_messages(): with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() messages = [] for line in lines: try: messages += [Message(line)] except ValueError: pass # ignore messages with errors return messages
def read_unread_messages(username): db_messages = DB.get_messages(username, unread=True) if db_messages: msg_id_tup = get_messages_id(db_messages) DB.update_messages_as_read(msg_id_tup, username) json_messages_array = [] for db_message in db_messages: message = Message(db_message, username).to_json() json_messages_array.append(message) return jsonify({'messages': json_messages_array}), 200 return {"message": "No unread messages for current user"}, 200
def on_crawl_request(self, packet, addr): message_crawl_request = Message(packet=packet) message_crawl_request.decode_crawl() blocks = self.database.get_blocks_since( public_key=self.my_public_key, sequence_number=message_crawl_request.requested_sequence_number) #print("get a crawl request!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") for block in blocks: #print("send a block:") #print(block.public_key) message = Message(neighbor_discovery=self, block=block) message.encode_halfblock() self.send_message(message.packet, addr)
def __init__(self, symbolFilePath, avTimeSeriesObj, avTechIndicatorObj, inqueryInterval, schedulerInterval, channel): self.path = symbolFilePath self.inqueryInterval = inqueryInterval self.scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) self.msg = Message() self.avTimeSeriesObj = avTimeSeriesObj self.avTechIndicatorObj = avTechIndicatorObj self.schedulerInterval = schedulerInterval self.msgChannel = channel self.symbolList = list(set(readIntoList(symbolFilePath)))
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.WIDTH = 640 self.HEIGHT = 480 self.screen = Screen(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT) self.screen.caption("Squash game") self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.FPS = 30 RED = (255, 0, 0) START = (randint(0, self.WIDTH - 1), 0) self.ball = Ball(self.screen.surface, color=RED, start=START) left = self.WIDTH // 2 top = self.HEIGHT - 50 self.racket = Racket(self.screen.surface, left=left, top=top) xpos = left ypos = self.HEIGHT // 2 YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) self.msg_gover = Message( self.screen.surface, 'Game Over!!',\ xpos, ypos, color=YELLOW ) pygame.key.set_repeat(10, 10)
def prepare(msg: Message) -> str: full_msg: Dict[str, object] = {} module = inspect.getmodule(msg) assert (module) full_msg['module'] = module.__name__ full_msg['type'] = msg.__class__.__name__ full_msg['data'] = msg.serialize() return str(full_msg)
def parseLine(self, line): m = if m: fromRank = toRank = message = Message("PrepareSendToNeighbour") message.addAttribute("From", fromRank) message.addAttribute("To", toRank) return message else: m = if m: toRank = fromRank = message = Message("MergeWithNeighbour") message.addAttribute("From", fromRank) message.addAttribute("To", toRank) return message else: return None
def getMessagesForClone(mes: Message, vk: VK): include = 0 try: include = int(mes.get_text().split(" ")[1]) except: pass mes_id = mes.get_id() message = BaseModule._get_message_by_id(mes_id, vk) if "reply_message" in message["items"][0].keys(): messages = [message["items"][0]["reply_message"]] else: messages = message["items"][0]["fwd_messages"] for i in range(include): try: messages = messages[0]["fwd_messages"] except: pass return messages
def _onDo(self, mes: Message, vk: VK, arg1, arg2): message = self._get_message_by_id(mes.get_id(), vk) if message["count"] != 0: message = message["items"][0] if len(message["fwd_messages"]) != 0: message_id = message["fwd_messages"][0]["id"] elif "reply_message" in message.keys(): message_id = message["reply_message"]["id"] else: return self._reply_text(mes, vk, str(message_id))
def collectTweet(api, search): searchQuery = search # this is what we're searching for maxTweets = 50000 # Some arbitrary large number tweetsPerQry = 100 # this is the max the API permits fName = 'data.txt' # We'll store the tweets in a text file. # If results from a specific ID onwards are reqd, set since_id to that ID. # else default to no lower limit, go as far back as API allows sinceId = None # If results only below a specific ID are, set max_id to that ID. # else default to no upper limit, start from the most recent tweet matching the search query. max_id = -1L tweetCount = 0 print("Downloading max {0} tweets".format(maxTweets)) while tweetCount < maxTweets: try: if (max_id <= 0): if (not sinceId): new_tweets =, count=tweetsPerQry) else: new_tweets =, count=tweetsPerQry, since_id=sinceId) else: if (not sinceId): new_tweets =, count=tweetsPerQry, max_id=str(max_id - 1)) else: new_tweets =, count=tweetsPerQry, max_id=str(max_id - 1), since_id=sinceId) if not new_tweets: print("No more tweets found") break messages = [] for tweet in new_tweets: message = Message(tweet.text, tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.created_at, search) messages.append(message) with open('data.txt', 'a') as file: for m in messages: pickle.dump(m, file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) tweetCount += len(new_tweets) print("Downloaded {0} tweets".format(tweetCount)) max_id = new_tweets[-1].id except tweepy.TweepError as e: # Just exit if any error print("some error : " + str(e)) break print("Downloaded {0} tweets, Saved to {1}".format(tweetCount, fName))
async def main(): try: print("Trying to connect...", end=' ', flush=True) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session, session.ws_connect( CFG.MGR_WS_URI) as mgr: print("connected", flush=True) await mgr.send_bytes( Message(type_=Message.SUBSCRIBE, data=Message.VIDEO_FRAME).dumps()) async for ws_msg in mgr: if ws_msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: input_message: Message = Message.loads( if time.time() - input_message.timestamp > 1 / CFG.FPS: continue if input_message.type == Message.VIDEO_FRAME: faces, boxes, landmarks = recognizer.detectFaces( embeddings = [ recognizer._getEmbedding(face) for face in faces ] users = [] for embed in embeddings: result, scores = recognizer.identify(embed) users.append(result) output_message = Message( data=(boxes, users), type_=Message.RECOGNIZED_FACE_ROI, device_id=input_message.device_id) asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( mgr.send_bytes(output_message.dumps())) elif ws_msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: print('ws connection closed with exception %s' % mgr.exception()) except ConnectionRefusedError: print("refused", flush=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: return except Exception as e: print(f"Unexpected exception: {e}", flush=True) await asyncio.sleep(CFG.RECONNECT_TIMEOUT) asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(main())
def encodeMsg_in(self, _msgtype, _msgContent, _msgSender): # this method should be called only by the messageCenter # create Message Object from received data target = self.dictionary[_msgSender] # for master newMsg = Message(self.localHost.getIP(), self.localHost.getPort(), _msgtype, _msgContent, target) self.updateLastMsg(newMsg) return newMsg
def set_msg(self, data): msg = None if (len(data) == 1): if "TO" in data[0]: dst_cli, text = self.filter_msg(data[0]) msg = Message(4, self.client, len(text), text, dst_cli.pvt_addr) if (dst_cli == self.client): print(msg.message) elif "COMMANDS" in data[0]: self.show_commands() elif "SHOW_ALL" in data[0]: self.show_connected() elif "LEAVE" in data[0]: msg = Message(5, self.client, len(""), "") else: text = data[0] msg = Message(3, self.client, len(text), text) else: msg = Message(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]) return msg
def frequency_checker(input_file, mids, message_timings): # {"Msg_ID": msg.mid, "Time Stamp": msg.ts, "Frequency Range": x} msg_id = [] message = {} time_old = {} msg_timing = message_timings # Message Frequency Range constant for each MID # {msg.mid: message_freq} f = open(input_file, "r") for line in f: # Get Message ID msg = Message(line) # Need to set up old_time for every MSG ID before frequency check if msg.mid not in msg_id: msg_id.append(msg.mid) u = { msg.mid: { "Time Stamp": msg.TS, "Message Timing": 0, "Message Frequency": 0 } } message.update(u) t = {msg.mid: {"Time Stamp": msg.TS}} time_old.update(t) # Get Message Time elif msg.mid in msg_id: # Calculate Message Frequency msg_freq = float(msg.TS) - float(time_old[msg.mid]["Time Stamp"]) time_old.update({msg.mid: {"Time Stamp": msg.TS}}) u = { msg.mid: { "Time Stamp": msg.TS, "Message Frequency": msg_freq } } message.update(u) if (float(msg_timing[msg.mid]["Message Timing"]) - (float(msg_timing[msg.mid]["Message Timing"]) * 0.5)) \ <= int(message[msg.mid]["Message Frequency"]) <= \ (float(msg_timing[msg.mid]["Message Timing"]) + (float(msg_timing[msg.mid]["Message Timing"]) * 0.5)): pass else: print "Increased message frequency detected" print msg.mid print message[msg.mid]["Message Frequency"] print "Normal Message Timing" print msg_timing[msg.mid]["Message Timing"] detectors.message_detector_status = 1 #print "msg_detect_stat" #print detectors.message_detector_status f.close()
def update(self): self.mesh.update() # random sleep time #print("sleeping update") time.sleep(10) self.timeToSendSelfInfo -= 10 if self.timeToSendSelfInfo <= 0: self.timeToSendSelfInfo = 40 self.messageBoard.sendMessage( Message(self.decoration.toString(), Message.TYPE_BROADCAST, self.meshState.getIP(), 0, False, False, True))
def handleEvent(data, connection): data = json.loads(data.decode()) print(data['dataType']) message = Message(dataType=data['dataType'], host=data['host'], port=data['port'], data=data['data']) return if message.dataType == 'boardcast': pass if message.dataType == 'verifyserver': connection.transport.abortConnection()
def alarmFeuer(message): data = Message(message) send = False for user in AUTH_USER: if (data.chatID == user): print("Befehl Shutdown Recived") pcSchutdown() bot.reply_to(message, "PC Shutdown wird ausgeführt") send = True break if (send == False): bot.reply_to(message, "Du bist nicht Berechtigt")
def _calculate_estimate(self, msg): # msg = Message('FB_ESTIMATE', msg.timestamp(), self._id, msg.source(), 30) # Find best estimate value based on received cpa and possible combinations of unresolved constraints. # msg = FB_CPA fb_cpa = msg.get_payload() min_cost = sys.maxsize # cost difference est_value = None for x in range(0, len(self._domain[0])): # assignment_cost = self._current_cost(self._current_assignment) # f_v = assignment_cost + self._future_cost(self._current_assignment) tmp = self._possible_cpa_assignment_cost(fb_cpa.get_cpa(), x) + self._future_cpa_cost(x) if tmp < min_cost: min_cost = tmp est_value = x # Generate a FB_ESTIMATE # print('[Agent-%d] Estimate: %d %s'%(self._id, min_cost, self._domain[0][est_value])) msg = Message('FB_ESTIMATE', msg.get_timestamp(), self._id, msg.get_source(), min_cost) return [msg]
def place(self, message): player, game, args, channel = self.getplayergamecommands(message, partof=True) try: val = int(args) except: print(message) raise Exception("invalid arg") print(game.currentplayer) if message.nick == game.currentplayer: result = if result: response = "{} has successfully put down all of thier cards! GAME OVER".format(game.mostrecentplayer) else: response = "Player {} has placed {} {} {}".format(message.nick, len(player), val, "\3{0[0]},{0[1]}{1}{2}\3 ".format(backcolour, backstr * 2, backstr) * min(len(player),5)) return Message(text=response, params=channel, command="PRIVMSG", server=message.server) else: return Message(params=message.nick, command="PRIVMSG", server=message.server, text="Game: {}: it is not your turn, it is currently {}'s turn".format(channel, game.currentplayer))
def encodeMsg_out(self, _msgtype, _msgContent, _msgTarget): # create Message Object from the host # _msgTarget should be a string target = self.dictionary[_msgTarget] # for master newMsg = Message(target.getIP(), target.getPort(), _msgtype, _msgContent, self.localHost.getIP()) self.updateLastMsg(newMsg) return newMsg
def test_get_returns_message(self): = mock.MagicMock() = [ Message("Marcel", "abcd", datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) ] = staticmethod( lambda: datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8)) lines = self.sut.get("Marcel") self.assertEquals(1, len(lines)) self.assertEquals("abcd (3 seconds ago)", lines[0])
def setUp(self): """ Setup function TestTypes for class Message """ self.MessageObj = Message(input_info, n_frames) self.input_info = self.MessageObj.input_info self.bitstream_frames = self.MessageObj.bitstream_frames self.number_of_frames = self.MessageObj.number_of_frames self.rx_bitstream_frames = self.MessageObj.rx_bitstream_frames self.output_info = self.MessageObj.output_info pass
def addImage(): update = yield Message('отправьте картинку, которую хотите добавить\n/cancel чтобы отменить') while 'photo' not in update.message.__dict__ or len( == 0: if update.message.text.startswith('/cancel'): update = yield Message('закончили') return update print('cycle') update = yield Message('вам нужно отправить картинку', 'отправьте картинку, которую хотите добавить') print('cycle end') photo =[0].get_file() print('photo get') update = yield Message('отправьте текст для картинки\n/clear если без подписи') text = update.message.text if text == '/cancel': update = yield Message('закончили') return update if text == '/clear': text = '' with open('Images/count') as r: count = int( pic = open(str('Images/' + str(count) + '.jpg'), 'xb') with open(str('Images/' + str(count)), 'x') as r: r.write(text) pic.close() with open('Images/count', 'w') as r: r.write(str(count + 1)) update = yield Message('Done') return update
def runThread(repo): messageList = [] compteur = 0 for message in repo.fetch(): if 'plain' in message['data']['body'] and 'Message-ID' in message['data'] and 'From' in message['data'] and 'Subject' in message['data']: if message['data']['Message-ID'] is not None and message['data']['From'] is not None and message['data']['Subject'] is not None: mes = Message() compteur += 1 mes.msg = message['data']['body']['plain'] mes.message_id = message['data']['Message-ID'] mes.subject = message['data']['Subject'] if 'Data types question' in message["data"]["Subject"]: print("Coucou j'existe") newRefs = [] if 'References' in message['data']: if message['data']['References'] is not None: refs = message['data']['References'] refs = refs.replace("\t"," ") refs = refs.replace("\n","") refs = refs.split(" ") for elem in refs: if elem not in newRefs: newRefs.append(elem.replace("\n","")) if 'In-Reply-To' in message['data']: if message['data']['In-Reply-To'] is not None: newRefs.append(message['data']['In-Reply-To']) mes.references = newRefs messageList.append(mes) print('Threading the mails...') subject_table = thread(messageList) sorted(subject_table) jsonBuilder().buildSubjectTableJSON(subject_table) # jsonBuilder().buildThreadJSON(subject_table) return subject_table
def process(self, line): final = Message() messages = { 'src': 'source_ip', 'dst': 'destination_ip', 'spt': 'source_port', 'dpt': 'destination_port', 'ttl': 'ttl', 'len': 'packet_length', 'date': None } od = str(line).lower().split() reconstructed_date = "%s %s 2017 %s" % (str(od[0]).title(), str( od[1]), str(od[2])) date = datetime.datetime.strptime(reconstructed_date, "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") del (od[0:2]) messages['date'] = date final.add('date', date) for field in od: of = field.split("=") key = str(of[0]).split()[0] if key in messages.keys(): final.add(messages[key], of[1]) return final