def __init__(self): #Variables del modelo self.countDeath = 0 self.iteraciones = 0 self.listaObstaculos = [] self.estadoActual = self.listaObstaculos self.estadoAnt = self.listaObstaculos self.lastAction = 0 self.lastRew = 0 self.planner = AproximateQAgent(self) #Cosas de bordes width = 400 heigth = 500 self.borders = [margin,width-margin,margin,heigth-margin] self.borders1 = [0,width,heigth,0] self.borders2 = [0,width,heigth,0] self.dim = (width,heigth) self.p1 = (self.borders[0],self.borders[2]) self.p2 = (self.borders[0],self.borders[3]) self.p3 = (self.borders[1],self.borders[3]) self.p4 = (self.borders[1],self.borders[2]) #Features self.features = FeatureExtractor(self) self.featFun = None self.setJustDistFeature() self.ended = False #Setear jugador playerObj = Obstacle(30,100,100) jugadorradio=0 self.borders2 = [0+ jugadorradio,width- jugadorradio,heigth- jugadorradio,0+ jugadorradio] playerObj.setPlayer() self.listaObstaculos.append(playerObj) self.superestados=[0 for i in range(NumAccion)] pass
class JuegoModelo: def __init__(self): #Variables del modelo self.countDeath = 0 self.iteraciones = 0 self.listaObstaculos = [] self.estadoActual = self.listaObstaculos self.estadoAnt = self.listaObstaculos self.lastAction = 0 self.lastRew = 0 self.planner = AproximateQAgent(self) #Cosas de bordes width = 400 heigth = 500 self.borders = [margin,width-margin,margin,heigth-margin] self.borders1 = [0,width,heigth,0] self.borders2 = [0,width,heigth,0] self.dim = (width,heigth) self.p1 = (self.borders[0],self.borders[2]) self.p2 = (self.borders[0],self.borders[3]) self.p3 = (self.borders[1],self.borders[3]) self.p4 = (self.borders[1],self.borders[2]) #Features self.features = FeatureExtractor(self) self.featFun = None self.setJustDistFeature() self.ended = False #Setear jugador playerObj = Obstacle(30,100,100) jugadorradio=0 self.borders2 = [0+ jugadorradio,width- jugadorradio,heigth- jugadorradio,0+ jugadorradio] playerObj.setPlayer() self.listaObstaculos.append(playerObj) self.superestados=[0 for i in range(NumAccion)] pass def trainModel(self,constTime,iterations): print "Starting training of ",iterations print "Weights ",self.planner.weights self.planner.setEpsilon(0.8) for i in range(iterations): self.updateGame(constTime) self.planner.setEpsilon(0) print "Traing has ended ",self.planner.weights return self.planner.weights def setWeight(self,weight): self.planner.weights = weight self.planner.setEpsilon(0) def setFeatureFun(self,function): self.featFun = function def setJustDistFeature(self): print "Feature de just dist seteada " protoWeight = VectorCustom() protoWeight.add(0) protoWeight.add(0) self.planner.weights = protoWeight self.setFeatureFun(self.features.justDistFeature) def setBorderAndDistFeature(self): print "Feature de Border dist seteada " protoWeight = VectorCustom() protoWeight.add(0) protoWeight.add(0) protoWeight.add(0) self.planner.weights = protoWeight self.setFeatureFun(self.features.bordAndDistFeature) def setFoodFeature(self): print "Feature de food seteada " protoWeight = VectorCustom() protoWeight.add(0) protoWeight.add(0) protoWeight.add(0) protoWeight.add(0) self.planner.weights = protoWeight self.setFeatureFun(self.features.comiditas) def getFeatures(self,estado,accion): return self.featFun(estado,accion) def updateGame(self,tiempo): self.iteraciones += 1 # print self.iteraciones self.estadoAnt = copy.deepcopy(self.listaObstaculos) #Hago todos lso mov for elem in self.listaObstaculos: elem.update(tiempo) self.wallColl(elem) #Setear estado actual y ant self.estadoActual = self.listaObstaculos if self.ended: self.countDeath += 1 print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me mori !!!!!!!!!!! ",self.countDeath self.ended = False playerObj = getPlayer(self.estadoActual) playerObj.toStart() return #Es el reward? reward = self.calculateReward(self.estadoActual) self.observe(self.estadoAnt,self.estadoActual,self.lastAction,reward) #Aca va el observe self.doAction(self.estadoActual,self.planner.getBestAction(self.estadoActual)) pass def calculateReward(self,estado): acumulative=0 playerObj = getPlayer(estado) listaColisiones = self.colision(playerObj) if len(listaColisiones)>0: for obj in listaColisiones: if obj.isComida: print "Comio una comidita" self.listaObstaculos.remove(obj) acumulative += 1000 else: print "COLLISION DETECTADA" self.endGame() acumulative += -1000 return acumulative return 1 def endGame(self): #Me complico resetear el juego simplemente mantendre la transicion plana self.ended = True pass def doAction(self,estado,action): playerObj = getPlayer(estado) playerObj.changeSpeed((playerObj.velModulo*math.cos(action),playerObj.velModulo*math.sin(action))) # playerObj.teleport(actionToPoint(playerObj,action)) self.lastAction = action pass def observe(self,estadoAnt,estado,accion,recomensa): #print"vvvv",accion self.planner.update(estadoAnt,accion,estado,recomensa) pass def wallColl(self,obj): for i in range(4): # bla = [self.borders[2],self.borders[3],self.borders[0],self.borders[1]] # pared=bla[i] pared=self.borders1[i] margin=pared if i == 0 and (pared-(obj.x - > 0: # print "Choque en 0" obj.x = + margin obj.velX *= -1 if i == 1 and ((obj.x + pared) > 0: # print "Choque en 1" obj.x = + margin obj.velX *= -1 if i == 2 and ((obj.y + pared) > 0: # print "Choque en 2" obj.y = + margin obj.velY *= -1 if i == 3 and (pared-(obj.y - > 0: # print "Choque en 3" obj.y = + margin obj.velY *= -1 # exit(1) pass def colision(self,obj1): lista = [] for obj in self.listaObstaculos: if (d(obj1,obj) < ( + and obj1 != obj): # print "COLLIDE" lista.append(obj) return lista def addPlayer(self): pass def newObstacle(self,x,y): obstacle=Obstacle(30,x,y) self.listaObstaculos.append(obstacle) pass def newFood(self,x,y): food=Obstacle(7,x,y) food.color=(0,255,0) food.velX = 0 food.velY = 0 food.changeSpeed((0,0)) food.isComida=True self.listaObstaculos.append(food) def generateRandomObs(self,n): for i in range(n): xcord = randint(self.borders[0],self.borders[1]) ycord = randint(self.borders[2],self.borders[3]) self.newObstacle(xcord,ycord) pass #estooo!! def generateRandomFoods(self, m): for i in range(m): xcord = randint(self.borders[0],self.borders[1]) ycord = randint(self.borders[2],self.borders[3]) self.newFood(xcord,ycord) pass def legalActions(self,estado): jugador= getPlayer(estado) ponderaciones=self.CalcularPonderacion() acciones=[] for index,angulo in enumerate(ponderaciones): deltaAngulo=angulo*jugador.anguloGiro auxangulo = deltaAngulo+jugador.anguloAct (newX,newY)= actionToPoint(jugador,auxangulo) if (newX<self.borders2[1] and newX>self.borders2[0]) and (newY>self.borders2[3] and newY<self.borders2[2]): self.superestados[index]=((newX,newY)) acciones.append(auxangulo) else: self.superestados[index]=(None) # print "LA salidoa es ",acciones if len(acciones) == 0: raise Exception("TIRO 0 ACCIONES"); #print("tttttttttt"),acciones return acciones def CalcularPonderacion(self): return range(NumAccion)