def rooms_info(simple_r,premium_r, vip_r,saman_caribbean): for simple_room in saman_caribbean: clase = 'Simple' cost = simple_room['cost']['simple'] capacity = simple_room['capacity']['simple'] hallway = simple_room['rooms']['simple'][0] hab = simple_room['rooms']['simple'][1] room = Rooms(clase, capacity,cost, hallway, hab) simple_r.append(room) for premium_room in saman_caribbean: clase = 'Premium' cost = premium_room['cost']['premium'] capacity = premium_room['capacity']['premium'] hallway = premium_room['rooms']['premium'][0] hab = premium_room['rooms']['premium'][1] room = Rooms(clase, capacity,cost, hallway, hab) premium_r.append(room) for vip_room in saman_caribbean: clase = 'VIP' cost = vip_room['cost']['vip'] capacity = vip_room['capacity']['vip'] hallway = vip_room['rooms']['simple'][0] hab = vip_room['rooms']['simple'][1] room = Rooms(clase, capacity,cost, hallway, hab) vip_r.append(room) return simple_r, premium_r, vip_r
def create( spec, K=1, scheme = 'none', count = 20, *args ): """ @spec - Specification (size, endpoints, barriers); either exactly specified in a file, or with numeric values in a list @option_scheme - none|manual|optimal|small-world|random|ozgur's betweenness|ozgur's randomness|end @n_actions - Number of steps that need to taken comment : optimal(shortest path to destination)??|random|ozgur's betweenness|ozgur's randomness """ env = Rooms.create( spec, K ) # Percentage if isinstance(count,str): count = int(count[:-1]) count = count*env.S/100 # Add options for all the optimal states O = [] if scheme == "none": pass elif scheme == "random-node": O = OptionGenerator.optimal_options_from_random_nodes( env, count, *args ) elif scheme == "random-path": O = OptionGenerator.optimal_options_from_random_paths( env, count, *args ) elif scheme == "betweenness": O = OptionGenerator.optimal_options_from_betweenness( env, count, *args ) elif scheme == "small-world": O = OptionGenerator.optimal_options_from_small_world( env, count, *args ) elif scheme == "ultra-small-world": O = OptionGenerator.optimal_options_from_ultra_small_world( env, count, *args ) elif scheme == "betweenness+small-world": O = OptionEnvironment.optimal_options_from_betweenness( env, count ) count_ = count - len( O ) O += OptionEnvironment.optimal_options_from_small_world( env, count_, *args ) elif scheme == "load": O = OptionGenerator.options_from_file( count, *args ) else: raise NotImplemented() return OptionEnvironment( RoomsOptions, env.S, env.A, env.P, env.R, env.R_bias, env.start_set, env.end_set, O )
def db_test(config): test_user = { "username" : "test" , "password" : "29148931" , "salt" : "1234" , "admin" : "1" } users = Users() users.create() test_room = { "room_id" : "seka" , "password" : "29148931" } test_room2 = { "room_id" : "test" , "password" : "29148931" } rooms = Rooms() rooms.create() test_entry = { "room_id" : "seka" , "entry" : u"この内容はテストです" , "type" : "keep" , "good" : 4 } test_entry2 = { "room_id" : "seka" , "entry" : u"この内容はテストです" , "type" : "try" , "good" : 5 } entries = Entry() entries.create() goods = Goods() goods.create() test_comment = { "kpt_id" : 1 , "text" : u"テストのコメントです" } test_comment2 = { "kpt_id" : 1 , "text" : u"テストのコメントです2" } test_comment3 = { "kpt_id" : 2 , "text" : u"テスト2のコメントです" } comments = Comments() comments.create()
from Rooms import Rooms rooms = Rooms("input.txt") # Part 1 print(f'Valid Rooms Sector Id Sum = {rooms.sector_id_sum()}') # Part 2 decrypted_rooms = rooms.decrypt_room_names() for dr in decrypted_rooms: if dr[0] == "northpole object storage": print(f'Sector Id of North Pole Object Storage = {dr[1]}')
## Flag which notify when the user types 'play' "PLAY": False, ## Contains the name of the desired room entered by the user "TARGET_ROOM": "None", ## Contains the color of the detected ball (room) "NEW_ROOM_COLOR": "None", ## Flag indicating if the FIND mode is active or not "FIND_MODE": False } ## Initialization of the move_base client in order to assign target position to the move_base action server client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) ## Publisher to the startRD topic which allows to enable/disable the room detector roomD_pub = rospy.Publisher('startRD', Bool, queue_size=10) ## Object of the class Rooms necessary for the knowledge representation of the environment rooms = Rooms() ## Callback mathod of the UIsubscriber which handels the commands sent by the user. # @param data is a string message coming from the UI ROS node def UIcallback(data): global control_variables, rooms, client, roomD_pub if == "play" or == "Play": rospy.loginfo("[CommandManager] Recived a 'play' request!") control_variables["PLAY"] = True client.cancel_all_goals() # stop detecting roomD_pub.publish(False) time.sleep(3) elif == "list": rospy.loginfo("The discovered rooms are:")
def reset_rewards( env, spec, K=1, *args ): O = env.O env = Rooms.reset_rewards( env, spec, K ) return OptionEnvironment( RoomsOptions, env.S, env.A, env.P, env.R, env.R_bias, env.start_set, env.end_set, O )
def open_rooms(self): """opens rooms page""" self.newwindow = Toplevel(self.window) Rooms(self.newwindow)
import OptionGenerator from Rooms import Rooms class RoomsOptions( ): @staticmethod def create( spec, K=1 scheme = 'none', count = 20, *args ): """ @spec - Specification (size, endpoints, barriers); either exactly specified in a file, or with numeric values in a list @option_scheme - none|manual|optimal|small-world|random|ozgur's betweenness|ozgur's randomness|end @n_actions - Number of steps that need to taken comment : optimal(shortest path to destination)??|random|ozgur's betweenness|ozgur's randomness """ env = Rooms.create( spec, K ) # Percentage if isinstance(count,str): count = int(count[:-1]) count = count*env.S/100 # Add options for all the optimal states O = [] if scheme == "none": pass elif scheme == "random-node": O = OptionGenerator.optimal_options_from_random_nodes( env, count, *args ) elif scheme == "random-path": O = OptionGenerator.optimal_options_from_random_paths( env, count, *args ) elif scheme == "betweenness":
def test_sector_id_sum(file, sector_id_sum): rooms = Rooms(file) assert (rooms.sector_id_sum() == sector_id_sum)
def test_decrypt_room_name(file, decrypted_room_name, sector_id): rooms = Rooms(file) decrytped = rooms.decrypt_room_names() assert (decrytped[0][0] == decrypted_room_name and decrytped[0][1] == sector_id)
# from Mechanics import * from os import system from time import time from Player.Player import Player from Rooms import Rooms from Mechanics.Mechanics import PlayerDead if __name__ == '__main__': player = Player() try: while player.location: system('cls') player.location = getattr(Rooms, player.location)(player) except PlayerDead: Rooms.death(player)