Esempio n. 1
class DFT:

    The DFT class is the refactored class to crate DFT filters which can
    be used to filter images by applying Digital Fourier Transform. This
    is a factory class to create various DFT filters.


    Any of the following parameters can be supplied to create 
    a simple DFT object.

    * *width*        - width of the filter
    * *height*       - height of the filter
    * *channels*     - number of channels of the filter
    * *size*         - size of the filter (width, height)
    * *_numpy*       - numpy array of the filter
    * *_image*       - SimpleCV.Image of the filter
    * *_dia*         - diameter of the filter 
                      (applicable for gaussian, butterworth, notch)
    * *_type*        - Type of the filter 
    * *_order*       - order of the butterworth filter 
    * *_freqpass*    - frequency of the filter (lowpass, highpass, bandpass)
    * *_xCutoffLow*  - Lower horizontal cut off frequency for lowpassfilter
    * *_yCutoffLow*  - Lower vertical cut off frequency for lowpassfilter
    * *_xCutoffHigh* - Upper horizontal cut off frequency for highpassfilter
    * *_yCutoffHigh* - Upper vertical cut off frequency for highassfilter


    >>> gauss = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=40, size=(512,512))

    >>> dft = DFT()
    >>> butterworth = dft.createButterworthFilter(dia=300, order=2, size=(300, 300))

    width = 0
    height = 0
    channels = 1
    _numpy = None
    _image = None
    _dia = 0
    _type = ""
    _order = 0
    _freqpass = ""
    _xCutoffLow = 0
    _yCutoffLow = 0
    _xCutoffHigh = 0
    _yCutoffHigh = 0

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for key in kwargs:
            if key == 'width':
                self.width = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'height':
                self.height = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'channels':
                self.channels = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'size':
                self.width, self.height = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'numpyarray':
                self._numpy = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'image':
                self._image = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'dia':
                self._dia = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'type':
                self._type = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'order':
                self._order = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'frequency':
                self._freqpass = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'xCutoffLow':
                self._xCutoffLow = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'yCutoffLow':
                self._yCutoffLow = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'xCutoffHigh':
                self._xCutoffHigh = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'yCutoffHigh':
                self._yCutoffHigh = kwargs[key]

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<SimpleCV.DFT Object: %s %s filter of size:(%d, %d) and channels: %d>" % (
            self._type, self._freqpass, self.width, self.height, self.channels)

    def __add__(self, flt):
        if not isinstance(flt, type(self)):
            warnings.warn("Provide SimpleCV.DFT object")
            return None
        if self.size() != flt.size():
            warnings.warn("Both SimpleCV.DFT object must have the same size")
            return None
        flt_numpy = self._numpy + flt._numpy
        flt_image = Image(flt_numpy)
        retVal = DFT(numpyarray=flt_numpy,
        return retVal

    def __invert__(self, flt):
        return self.invert()

    def _updateParams(self, flt):
        self.channels = flt.channels
        self._dia = flt._dia
        self._type = flt._type
        self._order = flt._order
        self._freqpass = flt._freqpass
        self._xCutoffLow = flt._xCutoffLow
        self._yCutoffLow = flt._yCutoffLow
        self._xCutoffHigh = flt._xCutoffHigh
        self._yCutoffHigh = flt._yCutoffHigh

    def invert(self):

        Invert the filter. All values will be subtracted from 255.


        Inverted Filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter()
        >>> invertflt = flt.invert()

        flt = self._numpy
        flt = 255 - flt
        img = Image(flt)
        invertedfilter = DFT(numpyarray=flt,
        return invertedfilter

    def createGaussianFilter(self, dia=400, size=(64, 64), highpass=False):

        Creates a gaussian filter of given size.


        * *dia*       -  int - diameter of Gaussian filter
                      - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *highpass*: -  bool 
                         True: highpass filter 
                         False: lowpass filter


        DFT filter.


        >>> gauss = DFT.createGaussianfilter(200, (512, 512),
        >>> gauss = DFT.createGaussianfilter([100, 120, 140], (512, 512),
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> gauss.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia, list):
            if len(dia) != 3 and len(dia) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d in dia:
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                    self.createGaussianFilter(d, size, highpass))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy,
            return retVal

        freqpass = "******"
        sz_x, sz_y = size
        x0 = sz_x / 2
        y0 = sz_y / 2
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sz_x), np.arange(sz_y))
        D = np.sqrt((X - x0)**2 + (Y - y0)**2)
        flt = 255 * np.exp(-0.5 * (D / dia)**2)
        if highpass:
            flt = 255 - flt
            freqpass = "******"
        img = Image(flt)
        retVal = DFT(size=size,
        return retVal

    def createButterworthFilter(self,
                                size=(64, 64),

        Creates a butterworth filter of given size and order.


        * *dia*       - int - diameter of Gaussian filter
                      - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *order*     - order of the filter
        * *highpass*: -  bool 
                         True: highpass filter 
                         False: lowpass filter


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createButterworthfilter(100, (512, 512), order=3,
        >>> flt = DFT.createButterworthfilter([100, 120, 140], (512, 512),
                                             order=3, highpass=False)
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia, list):
            if len(dia) != 3 and len(dia) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d in dia:
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                    self.createButterworthFilter(d, size, order, highpass))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy,
            return retVal
        freqpass = "******"
        sz_x, sz_y = size
        x0 = sz_x / 2
        y0 = sz_y / 2
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sz_x), np.arange(sz_y))
        D = np.sqrt((X - x0)**2 + (Y - y0)**2)
        flt = 255 / (1.0 + (D / dia)**(order * 2))
        if highpass:
            frequency = "highpass"
            flt = 255 - flt
        img = Image(flt)
        retVal = DFT(size=size,
        return retVal

    def createLowpassFilter(self, xCutoff, yCutoff=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a lowpass filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoff*       - int - horizontal cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *yCutoff*       - int - vertical cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 120],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], yCutoff=[35],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 125], yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))
        >>> # yCutoff will be [35, 35, 35]

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 113, 124],
                                          yCutoff=[35, 45, 90],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(xCutoff, list):
            if len(xCutoff) != 3 and len(xCutoff) != 1:
                warnings.warn("xCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                return None
            if isinstance(yCutoff, list):
                if len(yCutoff) != 3 and len(yCutoff) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("yCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(yCutoff) == 1:
                    yCutoff = [yCutoff[0]] * len(xCutoff)
                yCutoff = [yCutoff] * len(xCutoff)
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for xfreq, yfreq in zip(xCutoff, yCutoff):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                    self.createLowpassFilter(xfreq, yfreq, size))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        xCutoff = np.clip(int(xCutoff), 0, w / 2)
        if yCutoff is None:
            yCutoff = xCutoff
        yCutoff = np.clip(int(yCutoff), 0, h / 2)
        flt = np.zeros((w, h))
        flt[0:xCutoff, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[0:xCutoff, h - yCutoff:h] = 255
        flt[w - xCutoff:w, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[w - xCutoff:w, h - yCutoff:h] = 255
        img = Image(flt)
        lowpassFilter = DFT(size=size,
        return lowpassFilter

    def createHighpassFilter(self, xCutoff, yCutoff=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a highpass filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoff*       - int - horizontal cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *yCutoff*       - int - vertical cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=75, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 120],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=75, yCutoff=35, 
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], yCutoff=[35],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 125], yCutoff=35,
                                           size=(320, 280))
        >>> # yCutoff will be [35, 35, 35]

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 113, 124],
                                           yCutoff=[35, 45, 90],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(xCutoff, list):
            if len(xCutoff) != 3 and len(xCutoff) != 1:
                warnings.warn("xCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                return None
            if isinstance(yCutoff, list):
                if len(yCutoff) != 3 and len(yCutoff) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("yCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(yCutoff) == 1:
                    yCutoff = [yCutoff[0]] * len(xCutoff)
                yCutoff = [yCutoff] * len(xCutoff)
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for xfreq, yfreq in zip(xCutoff, yCutoff):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                    self.createHighpassFilter(xfreq, yfreq, size))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy,
            return retVal

        lowpass = self.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff, yCutoff, size)
        w, h = lowpass.size()
        flt = lowpass._numpy
        flt = 255 - flt
        img = Image(flt)
        highpassFilter = DFT(size=size,
        return highpassFilter

    def createBandpassFilter(self,
                             size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a banf filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoffLow*    - int - horizontal lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *xCutoffHigh*   - int - horizontal higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffLow*    - int - vertical lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffHigh*   - int - verical higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75,
                                           xCutoffHigh=190, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75, xCutoffHigh=190,
                                           yCutoffLow=60, yCutoffHigh=210,
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75], xCutoffHigh=[190],
                                           yCutoffLow=[60], yCutoffHigh=[210],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234], 
                                           yCutoffLow=[70, 110, 112], 
                                           yCutoffHigh=[180, 220, 220], 
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        lowpass = self.createLowpassFilter(xCutoffLow, yCutoffLow, size)
        highpass = self.createHighpassFilter(xCutoffHigh, yCutoffHigh, size)
        lowpassnumpy = lowpass._numpy
        highpassnumpy = highpass._numpy
        bandpassnumpy = lowpassnumpy + highpassnumpy
        bandpassnumpy = np.clip(bandpassnumpy, 0, 255)
        img = Image(bandpassnumpy)
        bandpassFilter = DFT(size=size,
        return bandpassFilter

    def createNotchFilter(self,
                          size=(64, 64),

        Creates a disk shaped notch filter of given diameter at given center.


        * *dia1*       -  int - diameter of the disk shaped notch
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *dia2*       -  int - outer diameter of the disk shaped notch
                                used for bandpass filter
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *cen*        - tuple (x, y) center of the disk shaped notch
                         if not provided, it will be at the center of the 
        * *size*       - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *type*:      - lowpass or highpass filter

        DFT notch filter


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, dia2=300, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> notch.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia1, list):
            if len(dia1) != 3 and len(dia1) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None

            if isinstance(dia2, list):
                if len(dia2) != 3 and len(dia2) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(dia2) == 1:
                    dia2 = [dia2[0]] * len(dia1)
                dia2 = [dia2] * len(dia1)

            if isinstance(cen, list):
                if len(cen) != 3 and len(cen) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("center list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(cen) == 1:
                    cen = [cen[0]] * len(dia1)
                cen = [cen] * len(dia1)

            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d1, d2, c in zip(dia1, dia2, cen):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                    self.createNotchFilter(d1, d2, c, size, type))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy,
                         dia=dia1 + dia2,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        if cen is None:
            cen = (w / 2, h / 2)
        a, b = cen
        y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w - a, -b:h - b]
        r = dia1 / 2
        mask = x * x + y * y <= r * r
        flt = np.ones((w, h))
        flt[mask] = 255
        if type == "highpass":
            flt = 255 - flt
        if dia2 is not None:
            a, b = cen
            y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w - a, -b:h - b]
            r = dia2 / 2
            mask = x * x + y * y <= r * r
            flt1 = np.ones((w, h))
            flt1[mask] = 255
            flt1 = 255 - flt1
            flt = flt + flt1
            np.clip(flt, 0, 255)
            type = "bandpass"
        img = Image(flt)
        notchfilter = DFT(size=size,
        return notchfilter

    def applyFilter(self, image, grayscale=False):

        Apply the DFT filter to given image.


        * *image*     - SimpleCV.Image image
        * *grayscale* - if this value is True we perfrom the operation on the 
                        DFT of the gray version of the image and the result is
                        gray image. If grayscale is true we perform the 
                        operation on each channel and the recombine them to
                        create the result.


        Filtered Image.


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> notch.applyFilter(img).show()

        if self.width == 0 or self.height == 0:
            warnings.warn("Empty Filter. Returning the image.")
            return image
        w, h = image.size()
        if grayscale:
            image = image.toGray()
        fltImg = self._image
        if fltImg.size() != image.size():
            fltImg = fltImg.resize(w, h)
        filteredImage = image.applyDFTFilter(fltImg)
        return filteredImage

    def getImage(self):

        Get the SimpleCV Image of the filter


        Image of the filter.


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch.getImage().show()
        if isinstance(self._image, type(None)):
            if isinstance(self._numpy, type(None)):
                warnings.warn("Filter doesn't contain any image")
            self._image = Image(self._numpy)
        return self._image

    def getNumpy(self):

        Get the numpy array of the filter


        numpy array of the filter.


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch.getNumpy()
        if isinstance(self._numpy, type(None)):
            if isinstance(self._image, type(None)):
                warnings.warn("Filter doesn't contain any image")
            self._numpy = self._image.getNumpy()
        return self._numpy

    def getOrder(self):

        Get order of the butterworth filter


        order of the butterworth filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createButterworthFilter(order=4)
        >>> print flt.getOrder()
        return self._order

    def size(self):

        Get size of the filter


        tuple of (width, height)


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter(size=(380, 240))
        >>> print flt.size()
        return (self.width, self.height)

    def getDia(self):

        Get diameter of the filter


        diameter of the filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=200, size=(380, 240))
        >>> print flt.getDia()
        return self._dia

    def getType(self):

        Get type of the filter


        type of the filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=200, size=(380, 240))
        >>> print flt.getType() # Gaussian
        return self._type

    def stackFilters(self, flt1, flt2):

        Stack three signle channel filters of the same size to create
        a 3 channel filter.


        * *flt1* - second filter to be stacked
        * *flt2* - thrid filter to be stacked


        DFT filter


        >>> flt1 = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=200, size=(380, 240))
        >>> flt2 = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=100, size=(380, 240))
        >>> flt2 = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=70, size=(380, 240))
        >>> flt = flt1.stackFilters(flt2, flt3) # 3 channel filter
        if not (self.channels == 1 and flt1.channels == 1
                and flt2.channels == 1):
            warnings.warn("Filters must have only 1 channel")
            return None
        if not (self.size() == flt1.size() and self.size() == flt2.size()):
            warnings.warn("All the filters must be of same size")
            return None
        numpyflt = self._numpy
        numpyflt1 = flt1._numpy
        numpyflt2 = flt2._numpy
        flt = np.dstack((numpyflt, numpyflt1, numpyflt2))
        img = Image(flt)
        stackedfilter = DFT(size=self.size(),
        return stackedfilter

    def _stackFilters(self, flt1):

        stack two filters of same size. channels don't matter.


        * *flt1* - second filter to be stacked


        DFT filter

        if isinstance(self._numpy, type(None)):
            return flt1
        if not self.size() == flt1.size():
            warnings.warn("All the filters must be of same size")
            return None
        numpyflt = self._numpy
        numpyflt1 = flt1._numpy
        flt = np.dstack((numpyflt, numpyflt1))
        stackedfilter = DFT(size=self.size(),
                            channels=self.channels + flt1.channels,
        return stackedfilter
class RunningSegmentation(SegmentationBase):
    RunningSegmentation performs segmentation using a running background model.
    This model uses an accumulator which performs a running average of previous frames
    accumulator = ((1-alpha)input_image)+((alpha)accumulator)

    mError = False
    mAlpha = 0.1
    mThresh = 10
    mModelImg = None
    mDiffImg = None
    mCurrImg = None
    mBlobMaker = None
    mGrayOnly = True
    mReady = False

    def __init__(self, alpha=0.7, thresh=(20, 20, 20)):
        Create an running background difference.
        alpha - the update weighting where:
        accumulator = ((1-alpha)input_image)+((alpha)accumulator)

        threshold - the foreground background difference threshold.
        self.mError = False
        self.mReady = False
        self.mAlpha = alpha
        self.mThresh = thresh
        self.mModelImg = None
        self.mDiffImg = None
        self.mColorImg = None
        self.mBlobMaker = BlobMaker()

    def addImage(self, img):
        Add a single image to the segmentation algorithm
        if (img is None):

        self.mColorImg = img
        if (self.mModelImg == None):
            self.mModelImg = Image(
                np.zeros((img.height, img.width, 3)).astype(np.float32))
            self.mDiffImg = Image(
                np.zeros((img.height, img.width, 3)).astype(np.float32))

            # do the difference
            self.mDiffImg = Image(
            #update the model
            npimg = np.zeros((img.height, img.width, 3)).astype(np.float32)
            npimg = self.mModelImg.getFPNumpy()
            cv2.accumulateWeighted(img.getFPNumpy(), npimg, self.mAlpha)
            print npimg
            self.mModelImg = Image(npimg)
            self.mReady = True

    def isReady(self):
        Returns true if the camera has a segmented image ready.
        return self.mReady

    def isError(self):
        Returns true if the segmentation system has detected an error.
        Eventually we'll consruct a syntax of errors so this becomes
        more expressive
        return self.mError  #need to make a generic error checker

    def resetError(self):
        Clear the previous error.
        self.mError = false

    def reset(self):
        Perform a reset of the segmentation systems underlying data.
        self.mModelImg = None
        self.mDiffImg = None

    def getRawImage(self):
        Return the segmented image with white representing the foreground
        and black the background.
        return self._floatToInt(self.mDiffImg)

    def getSegmentedImage(self, whiteFG=True):
        Return the segmented image with white representing the foreground
        and black the background.
        retVal = None
        img = self._floatToInt(self.mDiffImg)
        if (whiteFG):
            retVal = img.binarize(thresh=self.mThresh)
            retVal = img.binarize(thresh=self.mThresh).invert()
        return retVal

    def getSegmentedBlobs(self):
        return the segmented blobs from the fg/bg image
        retVal = []
        if (self.mColorImg is not None and self.mDiffImg is not None):

            eightBit = self._floatToInt(self.mDiffImg)
            retVal = self.mBlobMaker.extractFromBinary(
                eightBit.binarize(thresh=self.mThresh), self.mColorImg)

        return retVal

    def _floatToInt(self, inputimg):
        convert a 32bit floating point cv array to an int array
        temp = inputimg.getNumpy()
        temp = temp * 255.0
        temp = temp.astype(np.uint8)
        #temp = cv.CreateImage((input.width,input.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)

        return Image(temp)

    def __getstate__(self):
        mydict = self.__dict__.copy()
        self.mBlobMaker = None
        self.mModelImg = None
        self.mDiffImg = None
        del mydict['mBlobMaker']
        del mydict['mModelImg']
        del mydict['mDiffImg']
        return mydict

    def __setstate__(self, mydict):
        self.__dict__ = mydict
        self.mBlobMaker = BlobMaker()
Esempio n. 3
class RunningSegmentation(SegmentationBase):
    RunningSegmentation performs segmentation using a running background model.
    This model uses an accumulator which performs a running average of previous frames
    accumulator = ((1-alpha)input_image)+((alpha)accumulator)

    mError = False
    mAlpha = 0.1
    mThresh = 10
    mModelImg = None
    mDiffImg = None
    mCurrImg = None
    mBlobMaker = None
    mGrayOnly = True
    mReady = False

    def __init__(self, alpha=0.7, thresh=(20,20,20)):
        Create an running background difference.
        alpha - the update weighting where:
        accumulator = ((1-alpha)input_image)+((alpha)accumulator)

        threshold - the foreground background difference threshold.
        self.mError = False
        self.mReady = False
        self.mAlpha = alpha
        self.mThresh = thresh
        self.mModelImg = None
        self.mDiffImg = None
        self.mColorImg = None
        self.mBlobMaker = BlobMaker()

    def addImage(self, img):
        Add a single image to the segmentation algorithm
        if( img is None ):

        self.mColorImg = img
        if( self.mModelImg == None ):
            self.mModelImg = Image(np.zeros((img.height, img.width, 3)).astype(np.float32))
            self.mDiffImg = Image(np.zeros((img.height, img.width, 3)).astype(np.float32))

            # do the difference
            self.mDiffImg = Image(cv2.absdiff(self.mModelImg.getNumpy(), self.mDiffImg.getNumpy()))
            #update the model
            npimg = np.zeros((img.height, img.width, 3)).astype(np.float32)
            npimg = self.mModelImg.getFPNumpy()
            cv2.accumulateWeighted(img.getFPNumpy(), npimg, self.mAlpha)
            print npimg
            self.mModelImg = Image(npimg)
            self.mReady = True

    def isReady(self):
        Returns true if the camera has a segmented image ready.
        return self.mReady

    def isError(self):
        Returns true if the segmentation system has detected an error.
        Eventually we'll consruct a syntax of errors so this becomes
        more expressive
        return self.mError #need to make a generic error checker

    def resetError(self):
        Clear the previous error.
        self.mError = false

    def reset(self):
        Perform a reset of the segmentation systems underlying data.
        self.mModelImg = None
        self.mDiffImg = None

    def getRawImage(self):
        Return the segmented image with white representing the foreground
        and black the background.
        return self._floatToInt(self.mDiffImg)

    def getSegmentedImage(self, whiteFG=True):
        Return the segmented image with white representing the foreground
        and black the background.
        retVal = None
        img = self._floatToInt(self.mDiffImg)
        if( whiteFG ):
            retVal = img.binarize(thresh=self.mThresh)
            retVal = img.binarize(thresh=self.mThresh).invert()
        return retVal

    def getSegmentedBlobs(self):
        return the segmented blobs from the fg/bg image
        retVal = []
        if( self.mColorImg is not None and self.mDiffImg is not None ):

            eightBit = self._floatToInt(self.mDiffImg)
            retVal = self.mBlobMaker.extractFromBinary(eightBit.binarize(thresh=self.mThresh),self.mColorImg)

        return retVal

    def _floatToInt(self,inputimg):
        convert a 32bit floating point cv array to an int array
        temp = inputimg.getNumpy()
        temp = temp * 255.0
        temp = temp.astype(np.uint8)
        #temp = cv.CreateImage((input.width,input.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)

        return Image(temp)

    def __getstate__(self):
        mydict = self.__dict__.copy()
        self.mBlobMaker = None
        self.mModelImg = None
        self.mDiffImg = None
        del mydict['mBlobMaker']
        del mydict['mModelImg']
        del mydict['mDiffImg']
        return mydict

    def __setstate__(self, mydict):
        self.__dict__ = mydict
        self.mBlobMaker = BlobMaker()
Esempio n. 4
class DFT:

    The DFT class is the refactored class to crate DFT filters which can
    be used to filter images by applying Digital Fourier Transform. This
    is a factory class to create various DFT filters.


    Any of the following parameters can be supplied to create 
    a simple DFT object.

    * *width*        - width of the filter
    * *height*       - height of the filter
    * *channels*     - number of channels of the filter
    * *size*         - size of the filter (width, height)
    * *_numpy*       - numpy array of the filter
    * *_image*       - SimpleCV.Image of the filter
    * *_dia*         - diameter of the filter 
                      (applicable for gaussian, butterworth, notch)
    * *_type*        - Type of the filter 
    * *_order*       - order of the butterworth filter 
    * *_freqpass*    - frequency of the filter (lowpass, highpass, bandpass)
    * *_xCutoffLow*  - Lower horizontal cut off frequency for lowpassfilter
    * *_yCutoffLow*  - Lower vertical cut off frequency for lowpassfilter
    * *_xCutoffHigh* - Upper horizontal cut off frequency for highpassfilter
    * *_yCutoffHigh* - Upper vertical cut off frequency for highassfilter


    >>> gauss = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=40, size=(512,512))
    >>> dft = DFT()
    >>> butterworth = dft.createButterworthFilter(dia=300, order=2, size=(300, 300))

    width = 0
    height = 0
    channels = 1
    _numpy = None
    _image = None
    _dia = 0
    _type = ""
    _order = 0
    _freqpass = ""
    _xCutoffLow = 0
    _yCutoffLow = 0
    _xCutoffHigh = 0
    _yCutoffHigh = 0

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for key in kwargs:
            if key == 'width':
                self.width = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'height':
                self.height = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'channels':
                self.channels = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'size':
                self.width, self.height = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'numpyarray':
                self._numpy = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'image':
                self._image = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'dia':
                self._dia = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'type':
                self._type = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'order':
                self._order = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'frequency':
                self._freqpass = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'xCutoffLow':
                self._xCutoffLow = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'yCutoffLow':
                self._yCutoffLow = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'xCutoffHigh':
                self._xCutoffHigh = kwargs[key]
            elif key == 'yCutoffHigh':
                self._yCutoffHigh = kwargs[key]

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<SimpleCV.DFT Object: %s %s filter of size:(%d, %d) and channels: %d>" %(self._type, self._freqpass, self.width, self.height, self.channels)

    def __add__(self, flt):
        if not isinstance(flt, type(self)):
            warnings.warn("Provide SimpleCV.DFT object")
            return None
        if self.size() != flt.size():
            warnings.warn("Both SimpleCV.DFT object must have the same size")
            return None
        flt_numpy = self._numpy + flt._numpy
        flt_image = Image(flt_numpy)
        retVal = DFT(numpyarray=flt_numpy, image=flt_image, size=flt_image.size())
        return retVal

    def __invert__(self, flt):
        return self.invert()

    def _updateParams(self, flt):
        self.channels = flt.channels
        self._dia = flt._dia
        self._type = flt._type
        self._order = flt._order
        self._freqpass = flt._freqpass
        self._xCutoffLow = flt._xCutoffLow
        self._yCutoffLow = flt._yCutoffLow
        self._xCutoffHigh = flt._xCutoffHigh
        self._yCutoffHigh = flt._yCutoffHigh

    def invert(self):

        Invert the filter. All values will be subtracted from 255.


        Inverted Filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter()
        >>> invertflt = flt.invert()

        flt = self._numpy
        flt = 255 - flt
        img = Image(flt)
        invertedfilter = DFT(numpyarray=flt, image=img,
                             size=self.size(), type=self._type)
        return invertedfilter

    def createGaussianFilter(self, dia=400, size=(64, 64), highpass=False):

        Creates a gaussian filter of given size.


        * *dia*       -  int - diameter of Gaussian filter
                      - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *highpass*: -  bool 
                         True: highpass filter 
                         False: lowpass filter


        DFT filter.


        >>> gauss = DFT.createGaussianfilter(200, (512, 512),
        >>> gauss = DFT.createGaussianfilter([100, 120, 140], (512, 512),
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> gauss.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia, list):
            if len(dia) != 3 and len(dia) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d in dia:
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(self.createGaussianFilter(d, size, highpass))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy, image=image,
                         dia=dia, channels = len(dia), size=size,
                         type="Gaussian", frequency=stackedfilter._freqpass)
            return retVal

        freqpass = "******"
        sz_x, sz_y = size
        x0 = sz_x/2
        y0 = sz_y/2
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sz_x), np.arange(sz_y))
        D = np.sqrt((X-x0)**2+(Y-y0)**2)
        flt = 255*np.exp(-0.5*(D/dia)**2) 
        if highpass:
            flt = 255 - flt
            freqpass = "******"
        img = Image(flt)
        retVal = DFT(size=size, numpyarray=flt, image=img, dia=dia,
                     type="Gaussian", frequency=freqpass)
        return retVal

    def createButterworthFilter(self, dia=400, size=(64, 64), order=2, highpass=False):

        Creates a butterworth filter of given size and order.


        * *dia*       - int - diameter of Gaussian filter
                      - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *order*     - order of the filter
        * *highpass*: -  bool 
                         True: highpass filter 
                         False: lowpass filter


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createButterworthfilter(100, (512, 512), order=3,
        >>> flt = DFT.createButterworthfilter([100, 120, 140], (512, 512),
                                             order=3, highpass=False)
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia, list):
            if len(dia) != 3 and len(dia) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d in dia:
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(self.createButterworthFilter(d, size, order, highpass))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy, image=image,
                         dia=dia, channels = len(dia), size=size,
                         type=stackedfilter._type, order=order,
            return retVal
        freqpass = "******"
        sz_x, sz_y = size
        x0 = sz_x/2
        y0 = sz_y/2
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sz_x), np.arange(sz_y))
        D = np.sqrt((X-x0)**2+(Y-y0)**2)
        flt = 255/(1.0 + (D/dia)**(order*2))
        if highpass:
            frequency = "highpass"
            flt = 255 - flt
        img = Image(flt)
        retVal = DFT(size=size, numpyarray=flt, image=img, dia=dia,
                     type="Butterworth", frequency=freqpass)
        return retVal

    def createLowpassFilter(self, xCutoff, yCutoff=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a lowpass filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoff*       - int - horizontal cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *yCutoff*       - int - vertical cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 120],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], yCutoff=[35],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 125], yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))
        >>> # yCutoff will be [35, 35, 35]

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 113, 124],
                                          yCutoff=[35, 45, 90],
                                          size=(320, 280))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(xCutoff, list):
            if len(xCutoff) != 3 and len(xCutoff) != 1:
                warnings.warn("xCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                return None
            if isinstance(yCutoff, list):
                if len(yCutoff) != 3 and len(yCutoff) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("yCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(yCutoff) == 1:
                    yCutoff = [yCutoff[0]]*len(xCutoff)
                yCutoff = [yCutoff]*len(xCutoff)
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for xfreq, yfreq in zip(xCutoff, yCutoff):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(self.createLowpassFilter(xfreq, yfreq, size))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy, image=image,
                         xCutoffLow=xCutoff, yCutoffLow=yCutoff,
                         channels=len(xCutoff), size=size,
                         type=stackedfilter._type, order=self._order,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        xCutoff = np.clip(int(xCutoff), 0, w/2)
        if yCutoff is None:
            yCutoff = xCutoff
        yCutoff = np.clip(int(yCutoff), 0, h/2)
        flt = np.zeros((w, h))
        flt[0:xCutoff, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[0:xCutoff, h-yCutoff:h] = 255
        flt[w-xCutoff:w, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[w-xCutoff:w, h-yCutoff:h] = 255
        img = Image(flt)
        lowpassFilter = DFT(size=size, numpyarray=flt, image=img,
                            type="Lowpass", xCutoffLow=xCutoff,
                            yCutoffLow=yCutoff, frequency="lowpass")
        return lowpassFilter

    def createHighpassFilter(self, xCutoff, yCutoff=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a highpass filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoff*       - int - horizontal cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *yCutoff*       - int - vertical cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=75, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 120],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=75, yCutoff=35, 
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], yCutoff=[35],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 125], yCutoff=35,
                                           size=(320, 280))
        >>> # yCutoff will be [35, 35, 35]

        >>> flt = DFT.createHighpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 113, 124],
                                           yCutoff=[35, 45, 90],
                                           size=(320, 280))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(xCutoff, list):
            if len(xCutoff) != 3 and len(xCutoff) != 1:
                warnings.warn("xCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                return None
            if isinstance(yCutoff, list):
                if len(yCutoff) != 3 and len(yCutoff) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("yCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(yCutoff) == 1:
                    yCutoff = [yCutoff[0]]*len(xCutoff)
                yCutoff = [yCutoff]*len(xCutoff)
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for xfreq, yfreq in zip(xCutoff, yCutoff):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                                self.createHighpassFilter(xfreq, yfreq, size))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy, image=image,
                         xCutoffHigh=xCutoff, yCutoffHigh=yCutoff,
                         channels=len(xCutoff), size=size,
                         type=stackedfilter._type, order=self._order,
            return retVal

        lowpass = self.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff, yCutoff, size)
        w, h = lowpass.size()
        flt = lowpass._numpy
        flt = 255 - flt
        img = Image(flt)
        highpassFilter = DFT(size=size, numpyarray=flt, image=img,
                             type="Highpass", xCutoffHigh=xCutoff,
                             yCutoffHigh=yCutoff, frequency="highpass")
        return highpassFilter

    def createBandpassFilter(self, xCutoffLow, xCutoffHigh, yCutoffLow=None,
                             yCutoffHigh=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a banf filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoffLow*    - int - horizontal lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *xCutoffHigh*   - int - horizontal higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffLow*    - int - vertical lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffHigh*   - int - verical higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75,
                                           xCutoffHigh=190, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75, xCutoffHigh=190,
                                           yCutoffLow=60, yCutoffHigh=210,
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75], xCutoffHigh=[190],
                                           yCutoffLow=[60], yCutoffHigh=[210],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234], 
                                           yCutoffLow=[70, 110, 112], 
                                           yCutoffHigh=[180, 220, 220], 
                                           size=(320, 280))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        lowpass = self.createLowpassFilter(xCutoffLow, yCutoffLow, size)
        highpass = self.createHighpassFilter(xCutoffHigh, yCutoffHigh, size)
        lowpassnumpy = lowpass._numpy
        highpassnumpy = highpass._numpy
        bandpassnumpy = lowpassnumpy + highpassnumpy
        bandpassnumpy = np.clip(bandpassnumpy, 0, 255)
        img = Image(bandpassnumpy)
        bandpassFilter = DFT(size=size, image=img,
                             numpyarray=bandpassnumpy, type="bandpass",
                             xCutoffLow=xCutoffLow, yCutoffLow=yCutoffLow,
                             xCutoffHigh=xCutoffHigh, yCutoffHigh=yCutoffHigh,
                             frequency="bandpass", channels=lowpass.channels)
        return bandpassFilter

    def createNotchFilter(self, dia1, dia2=None, cen=None, size=(64, 64), type="lowpass"):

        Creates a disk shaped notch filter of given diameter at given center.


        * *dia1*       -  int - diameter of the disk shaped notch
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *dia2*       -  int - outer diameter of the disk shaped notch
                                used for bandpass filter
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *cen*        - tuple (x, y) center of the disk shaped notch
                         if not provided, it will be at the center of the 
        * *size*       - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *type*:      - lowpass or highpass filter

        DFT notch filter


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, dia2=300, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> notch.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia1, list):
            if len(dia1) != 3 and len(dia1) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None

            if isinstance(dia2, list):
                if len(dia2) != 3 and len(dia2) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(dia2) == 1:
                    dia2 = [dia2[0]]*len(dia1)
                dia2 = [dia2]*len(dia1)

            if isinstance(cen, list):
                if len(cen) != 3 and len(cen) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("center list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(cen) == 1:
                    cen = [cen[0]]*len(dia1)
                cen = [cen]*len(dia1)

            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d1, d2, c in zip(dia1, dia2, cen):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(self.createNotchFilter(d1, d2, c, size, type))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy, image=image,
                         dia=dia1+dia2, channels = len(dia1), size=size,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        if cen is None:
            cen = (w/2, h/2)
        a, b = cen
        y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w-a, -b:h-b]
        r = dia1/2
        mask = x*x + y*y <= r*r
        flt = np.ones((w, h))
        flt[mask] = 255
        if type == "highpass":
            flt = 255-flt
        if dia2 is not None:
            a, b = cen
            y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w-a, -b:h-b]
            r = dia2/2
            mask = x*x + y*y <= r*r
            flt1 = np.ones((w, h))
            flt1[mask] = 255
            flt1 = 255 - flt1
            flt = flt + flt1
            np.clip(flt, 0, 255)
            type = "bandpass"
        img = Image(flt)
        notchfilter = DFT(size=size, numpyarray=flt, image=img, dia=dia1,
                          type="Notch", frequency=type)
        return notchfilter

    def applyFilter(self, image, grayscale=False):

        Apply the DFT filter to given image.


        * *image*     - SimpleCV.Image image
        * *grayscale* - if this value is True we perfrom the operation on the 
                        DFT of the gray version of the image and the result is
                        gray image. If grayscale is true we perform the 
                        operation on each channel and the recombine them to
                        create the result.


        Filtered Image.


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> notch.applyFilter(img).show()

        if self.width == 0 or self.height == 0:
            warnings.warn("Empty Filter. Returning the image.")
            return image
        w, h = image.size()
        if grayscale:
            image = image.toGray()
        fltImg = self._image
        if fltImg.size() != image.size():
            fltImg = fltImg.resize(w, h)
        filteredImage = image.applyDFTFilter(fltImg)
        return filteredImage

    def getImage(self):

        Get the SimpleCV Image of the filter


        Image of the filter.


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch.getImage().show()
        if isinstance(self._image, type(None)):
            if isinstance(self._numpy, type(None)):
                warnings.warn("Filter doesn't contain any image")
            self._image = Image(self._numpy)
        return self._image

    def getNumpy(self):

        Get the numpy array of the filter


        numpy array of the filter.


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch.getNumpy()
        if isinstance(self._numpy, type(None)):
            if isinstance(self._image, type(None)):
                warnings.warn("Filter doesn't contain any image")
            self._numpy = self._image.getNumpy()
        return self._numpy

    def getOrder(self):

        Get order of the butterworth filter


        order of the butterworth filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createButterworthFilter(order=4)
        >>> print flt.getOrder()
        return self._order

    def size(self):

        Get size of the filter


        tuple of (width, height)


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter(size=(380, 240))
        >>> print flt.size()
        return (self.width, self.height)

    def getDia(self):

        Get diameter of the filter


        diameter of the filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=200, size=(380, 240))
        >>> print flt.getDia()
        return self._dia

    def getType(self):

        Get type of the filter


        type of the filter


        >>> flt = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=200, size=(380, 240))
        >>> print flt.getType() # Gaussian
        return self._type

    def stackFilters(self, flt1, flt2):

        Stack three signle channel filters of the same size to create
        a 3 channel filter.


        * *flt1* - second filter to be stacked
        * *flt2* - thrid filter to be stacked


        DFT filter


        >>> flt1 = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=200, size=(380, 240))
        >>> flt2 = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=100, size=(380, 240))
        >>> flt2 = DFT.createGaussianFilter(dia=70, size=(380, 240))
        >>> flt = flt1.stackFilters(flt2, flt3) # 3 channel filter
        if not(self.channels == 1 and flt1.channels == 1 and flt2.channels == 1):
            warnings.warn("Filters must have only 1 channel")
            return None
        if not (self.size() == flt1.size() and self.size() == flt2.size()):
            warnings.warn("All the filters must be of same size")
            return None
        numpyflt = self._numpy
        numpyflt1 = flt1._numpy
        numpyflt2 = flt2._numpy
        flt = np.dstack((numpyflt, numpyflt1, numpyflt2))
        img = Image(flt)
        stackedfilter = DFT(size=self.size(), numpyarray=flt, image=img, channels=3)
        return stackedfilter

    def _stackFilters(self, flt1):

        stack two filters of same size. channels don't matter.


        * *flt1* - second filter to be stacked


        DFT filter

        if isinstance(self._numpy, type(None)):
            return flt1
        if not self.size() == flt1.size():
            warnings.warn("All the filters must be of same size")
            return None
        numpyflt = self._numpy
        numpyflt1 = flt1._numpy
        flt = np.dstack((numpyflt, numpyflt1))
        stackedfilter = DFT(size=self.size(), numpyarray=flt,
                            type=self._type, frequency=self._freqpass)
        return stackedfilter