Esempio n. 1
def createFuselagePositionings(parent, nose,cabin,tail, lnose,lcabin,ltail, strUID, strName):
    This method is used to create the positioning of the sections of a fuselage.
    It calculates the sweep and length.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param parent: could be any Type holding a positioningsType. Here [fuselageType]
    @param myRQSi: crosssection data
    @param strUID:  UID of this Positioning [string]
    @param strName: Name of this Positioning [string]
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # countAll counts the total amount of cross sections for this fuselage
    countAll = 0
    for part in [[nose,lnose],[cabin,lcabin],[tail,ltail]]: 
        # lastPos is used to calc the lenght of a Segment from the absolute position
        # reset lastPos to 0 after each part because positions are given in relative koordinates from 0 to 1 in each part (nose,cabine and tail)
        lastPos = 0.
        # create positionings
        for cs in part[0]:
            countAll += 1
            pos = cs[0]*part[1]
            # create Positionings
            if countAll <= 1:
                createPositioning(myPositionings, strUID+'_Pos'+str(countAll),None,strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll),pos,90.,0.,strName+'_Position'+str(countAll))
                createPositioning(myPositionings, strUID+'_Pos'+str(countAll),strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll-1),strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll),pos-lastPos,90.,0.,strName+'_Position'+str(countAll))
            lastPos = pos
Esempio n. 2
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0):
    # just for now
    if LoD==FUSE_LOD.NONE:

    cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']'
    # the next line is the one to use later on
    #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']'
    # gets a list of all wing elements
    myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj,cpacsPath)
    strUID       = myFuse.get_uID()
    myUID        = strUID
    myName       = stringBaseType(valueOf_=id)
    myDescr      = stringBaseType(valueOf_=strUID)
    createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal',0.,0.,0.)
    if LoD==FUSE_LOD.A320:
        nose = list(NOSE)
        cabin = list(CABIN)
        tail = list(TAIL)
        # remove double values
        # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted
        createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, dfus, strUID, strUID, strUID)
        createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, lnose,lcabin,ltail, strUID, strUID)
        createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, len(nose)+len(cabin)+len(tail)-1)
    elif LoD==FUSE_LOD.ZYL:
        # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted
        mySections = fuselageSectionsType()
        #calc fuselage radius
        #rfus = dfus/2.
        # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]]
        fuseConf = [0.,0.,0.5,0.5]
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1')
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2')
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3')
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4')
        myPositionings = positioningsType()
        createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,90.,0.,id + '_Pos1')
        createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',lnose,90.,0,id + '_Pos2')
        createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',lcabin,90.,0,id + '_Pos3')
        createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',ltail,90.,0,id + '_Pos4')
        createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)
Esempio n. 3
def createDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip/cRoot)
    cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf)
    createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cKink,1.,cKink, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,twist,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi
    length1 = (etakf*span/2.)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)
    length2 = span/2.*(1-etakf)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,phiLE,dihedral,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2)
    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)

    # calc wing position
    tauk = cTip/cKink
    myLambda = span**2/Sref
    sweep_rad = 35./180.*pi
    tanPhi25a = calcPhi25a(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot)
    tanPhi25i = calcPhi25i(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot)
    Xef = calcXef(cRoot, myLambda, tanPhi25i, tanPhi25a, etakf, taperRatio, tauk)
    xRoot = calcXRoot(xMAC25, Xef, cRoot)
    # set wing x - position
    myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(None, None, None,str(xRoot)))
Esempio n. 4
def createTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE,
                        dihedral, twist, strUID):
    This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()

    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot,
                      0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1',
                      strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0.,
                      twist, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec2',
                      strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi
    length = (span / 2.) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(
        dihedral_rad)  # @todo: provide dihedral

                      str(id) + '_Pos1', None,
                      str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec1',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2', length, phiLE, dihedral, id)


    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 1)

    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)
                strUID, 'trapezoid')
                strUID, 'trapezoid')
Esempio n. 5
def createStrut(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xRoot, yRoot, etaStrut, strUID):
    This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()

    incidence_angle = 2.

    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')

    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', yRoot, 0., 0., id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', span, phiLE, dihedral, id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2)

    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID, fromElement='_Sec2_Elem1')
    createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut', etaStrut=etaStrut)
    createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut')
    createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut')

    createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strut')
    createWingWingAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strut')

    # set wing x - position and twist
    myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
    #myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_y(doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(yRoot)))
Esempio n. 6
def createUCAVWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, etakf, strUID):
    This method creates a ucav wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] 
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: 
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    cRoot, cKink, cTip,etaD = calcWing(span, Sref, phiLE, etakf)
    createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cKink,1.,cKink, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')
    #Tip Section rather short
    createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., 0.01,1.,0.01, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4')
    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi
    length1 = (etakf*span/2.)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)          # @todo: provide dihedral
    length2 = span/2.*(1-etakf-etaD)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)        # @todo: provide dihedral
    length3 = span/2.*etaD/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)        # @todo: provide dihedral
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,phiLE,dihedral,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',length3,phiLE,dihedral,id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
Esempio n. 7
def createFuselagePositionings(parent, nose, cabin, tail, lnose, lcabin, ltail,
                               strUID, strName):
    This method is used to create the positioning of the sections of a fuselage.
    It calculates the sweep and length.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param parent: could be any Type holding a positioningsType. Here [fuselageType]
    @param myRQSi: crosssection data
    @param strUID:  UID of this Positioning [string]
    @param strName: Name of this Positioning [string]
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # countAll counts the total amount of cross sections for this fuselage
    countAll = 0
    for part in [[nose, lnose], [cabin, lcabin], [tail, ltail]]:
        # lastPos is used to calc the lenght of a Segment from the absolute position
        # reset lastPos to 0 after each part because positions are given in relative koordinates from 0 to 1 in each part (nose,cabine and tail)
        lastPos = 0.
        # create positionings
        for cs in part[0]:
            countAll += 1
            pos = cs[0] * part[1]
            # create Positionings
            if countAll <= 1:
                                  strUID + '_Pos' + str(countAll), None,
                                  strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll), pos, 90.,
                                  0., strName + '_Position' + str(countAll))
                                  strUID + '_Pos' + str(countAll),
                                  strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll - 1),
                                  strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll),
                                  pos - lastPos, 90., 0.,
                                  strName + '_Position' + str(countAll))
            lastPos = pos

Esempio n. 8
def createTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, strUID):
    This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi
    length = (span / 2.) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)  # @todo: provide dihedral
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length, phiLE, dihedral, id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 1)

    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)
    createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'trapezoid')
    createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'trapezoid')
    createRibs(parent=myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], parentUID=id, typeOfSeg='trapezoid')
Esempio n. 9
def createStrut(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral,
                twist, xRoot, yRoot, etaStrut, strUID):
    This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()

    incidence_angle = 2.

    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot,
                      0., incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1',
                      strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot,
                      dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1,
                      strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip,
                      dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1,
                      strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')

                      str(id) + '_Pos1', None,
                      str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec1',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2', yRoot, 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos3',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec3', span, phiLE, dihedral, id)


    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2)

    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID, fromElement='_Sec2_Elem1')
                strUID, 'strut')
                strUID, 'strut')


    # set wing x - position and twist
        doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
Esempio n. 10
def createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus,
                                 phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID,
                                 yfus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    ** Introduced a linear twist distribution from *0* at root to *twist* at tip 
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param dfus: fuselage diameter [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot)
    cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf, dfus)

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi
    # trying to correct the commented statement that uses dfus. will try to use yfus
    # length1 = dfus / 2.
    length1 = yfus
    length2 = (etakf * span / 2. -
               length1) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)
    length3 = span / 2. * (1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)

    # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing)
    twist = twist - 4.
    twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.)
    twist1 = twistgrad * length1
    twist2 = twistgrad * etakf * (span / 2.)
    twist3 = twist

    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot,
                      0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1',
                      strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot,
                      0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2',
                      strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink,
                      0., twist2, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3',
                      strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0.,
                      twist3, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4',
                      strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4')

                      str(id) + '_Pos1', None,
                      str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec1',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos3',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos4',
                      str(id) + '_Sec3',
                      str(id) + '_Sec4', length3, phiLE, dihedral, id)


    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)

    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)
    etafus = yfus / (span / 2.)
    # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance
    nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etafus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8))
               span=span / 2.)
                length1 / (span / 2.),
                etakf / cos(dihedral_rad),
                strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')
        myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID,

    # Estimate ribNum of outer Rib
    iRib = int(span * (0.85 - etaEng) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1

    # calc wing position
    tauK = cTip / cKink
    etar = dfus / span
    # XN25F = calcXN25F(cRoot, span, phiLE, etar, etakf, tauK, taperRatio)
    # = calcXRoot(xMAC25, XN25F)

    # set wing x - position and twist
        doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
        doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(4.)))
Esempio n. 11
def createStrutBracedWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etaFus, etaStrut, tcRoot, tcTip, xRoot, strUID):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip/cRoot)
    cRoot = calcWing(b=span, S=Sref, tau=taperRatio, eF=etaFus)
    cStrut = cRoot+(cTip-cRoot)*(etaStrut-etaFus)/(1-etaFus)
    cTip = taperRatio * cRoot # cRoot was updated in the last step

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi
    length1 = (etaFus*span/2.)
    length2 = (etaStrut-etaFus)*span/2/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)
    length3 = span/2.*(1-etaStrut)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)

    # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing)
    incidenceAngle = 4.
    twist = twist + incidenceAngle
    twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.)
    twist2 = twistgrad * length2
    twist3 = twist

    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot/0.09, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cStrut,1.,cStrut, 0.,twist2,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,twist3,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4')

    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,0.,0.,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',length3,phiLE,dihedral,id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)

    # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance
    nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaFus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8))
    createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaStrut=etaStrut, span=span / 2., phi25 = phiLE)
    createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot)
    createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing')

    iRib = int(span * (0.9 - etaStrut) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1
    if iRib == 1:
        iRib = 2
    createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strutBracedWing', nRib=iRib)

    createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')

    # set wing x - position and twist
Esempio n. 12
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0):
    # just for now
    if LoD == FUSE_LOD.NONE:

    cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']'
    # the next line is the one to use later on
    #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']'
    # gets a list of all wing elements
    myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath)

    strUID = myFuse.get_uID()
    myUID = strUID
    myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, id)
    myDescr = stringBaseType(None, None, None, strUID)

    createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal', 0., 0., 0.)

    if LoD == FUSE_LOD.A320:
        nose = list(NOSE)
        cabin = list(CABIN)
        tail = list(TAIL)
        # remove double values
        # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted
        createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, dfus, strUID, strUID,
        createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, lnose, lcabin,
                                   ltail, strUID, strUID)

        createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID,
                               len(nose) + len(cabin) + len(tail) - 1)

    elif LoD == FUSE_LOD.ZYL:
        # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted
        mySections = fuselageSectionsType()
        #calc fuselage radius
        #rfus = dfus/2.
        # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]]
        fuseConf = [0., 0., 0.5, 0.5]
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle',
                              strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1',
                              strUID + '_Sec1')
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle',
                              strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2',
                              strUID + '_Sec2')
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle',
                              strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3',
                              strUID + '_Sec3')
        createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle',
                              strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4',
                              strUID + '_Sec4')

        myPositionings = positioningsType()
                          str(id) + '_Pos1', None,
                          str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 90., 0., id + '_Pos1')
                          str(id) + '_Pos2',
                          str(id) + '_Sec1',
                          str(id) + '_Sec2', lnose, 90., 0, id + '_Pos2')
                          str(id) + '_Pos3',
                          str(id) + '_Sec2',
                          str(id) + '_Sec3', lcabin, 90., 0, id + '_Pos3')
                          str(id) + '_Pos4',
                          str(id) + '_Sec3',
                          str(id) + '_Sec4', ltail, 90., 0, id + '_Pos4')

        createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)
Esempio n. 13
def createStrutBracedWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etaFus, etaStrut, tcRoot, tcTip, xRoot, strUID):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip/cRoot)
    #cRoot, cFuselage, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etaFus)

    cStrut = cRoot+(cTip-cRoot)*(etaStrut-etaFus)/(1-etaFus)

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi
    length1 = (etaFus*span/2.)
    length2 = (etaStrut-etaFus)*span/2/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)
    length3 = span/2.*(1-etaStrut)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad)

    # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing)
    incidenceAngle = 4.
    twist = twist + incidenceAngle
    twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.)
    twist2 = twistgrad * length2
    twist3 = twist

    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot/0.09, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cStrut,1.,cStrut, 0.,twist2,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,twist3,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4')

    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,0.,0.,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',length3,phiLE,dihedral,id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)

    # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance
    nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaFus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8))
    createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaStrut=etaStrut, span=span / 2., phi25 = phiLE)
    createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot)
    createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing')

    iRib = int(span * (0.9 - etaStrut) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1
    if iRib == 1:
        iRib = 2
    createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strutBracedWing', nRib=iRib)

    createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')

    # set wing x - position and twist
    myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
Esempio n. 14
def createUCAVWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, etakf, strUID):
    This method creates a ucav wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] 
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: 
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    cRoot, cKink, cTip, etaD = calcWing(span, Sref, phiLE, etakf)
        strUID + "_Sec1",
        strUID + "_Sec1",
        strUID + "_Sec1",
        strUID + "_Sec2",
        strUID + "_Sec2",
        strUID + "_Sec2",
        strUID + "_Sec3",
        strUID + "_Sec3",
        strUID + "_Sec3",
    # Tip Section rather short
        strUID + "_Sec4",
        strUID + "_Sec4",
        strUID + "_Sec4",
    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180.0 * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180.0 * pi
    length1 = (etakf * span / 2.0) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)  # @todo: provide dihedral
    length2 = span / 2.0 * (1 - etakf - etaD) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)  # @todo: provide dihedral
    length3 = span / 2.0 * etaD / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)  # @todo: provide dihedral

    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos1", None, str(id) + "_Sec1", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, id)
        myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos2", str(id) + "_Sec1", str(id) + "_Sec2", length1, phiLE, dihedral, id
        myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos3", str(id) + "_Sec2", str(id) + "_Sec3", length2, phiLE, dihedral, id
        myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos4", str(id) + "_Sec3", str(id) + "_Sec4", length3, phiLE, dihedral, id


    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
Esempio n. 15
def createDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE,
                              dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot)
    cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf)
    createWingSection(mySections, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0.,
                      'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1',
                      strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink, 0., 0., 0.,
                      'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2',
                      strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist, 0.,
                      'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3',
                      strUID + '_Sec3')

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi
    length1 = (etakf * span / 2.) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)
    length2 = span / 2. * (1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)

                      str(id) + '_Pos1', None,
                      str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec1',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, phiLE, dihedral, id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos3',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id)


    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2)

    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)

    # calc wing position
    tauk = cTip / cKink
    myLambda = span**2 / Sref
    sweep_rad = 35. / 180. * pi
    tanPhi25a = calcPhi25a(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot)
    tanPhi25i = calcPhi25i(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot)
    Xef = calcXef(cRoot, myLambda, tanPhi25i, tanPhi25a, etakf, taperRatio,
    xRoot = calcXRoot(xMAC25, Xef, cRoot)
    # set wing x - position
        doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
Esempio n. 16
def createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID, yfus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    ** Introduced a linear twist distribution from *0* at root to *twist* at tip 
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param dfus: fuselage diameter [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot)
    cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf, dfus)

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi
    # trying to correct the commented statement that uses dfus. will try to use yfus
    # length1 = dfus / 2.
    length1 = yfus
    length2 = (etakf * span / 2. - length1) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)
    length3 = span / 2.*(1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)
    # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing)
    twist = twist - 4.
    twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.)
    twist1 = twistgrad * length1 
    twist2 = twistgrad * etakf * (span / 2.)
    twist3 = twist
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink, 0., twist2, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist3, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4')

    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, 0., 0., id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos4', str(id) + '_Sec3', str(id) + '_Sec4', length3, phiLE, dihedral, id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)
    etafus = yfus / (span / 2.)
    # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance
    nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etafus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8))
    createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', etaFus=etafus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaEng=etaEng, span=span / 2.)
    createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', length1 / (span / 2.), etakf / cos(dihedral_rad), cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot)
    createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')
    createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')
    # Estimate ribNum of outer Rib
    iRib = int(span * (0.85 - etaEng) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1
    createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', nRib=iRib)
    # calc wing position
    tauK = cTip / cKink
    etar = dfus / span
    # XN25F = calcXN25F(cRoot, span, phiLE, etar, etakf, tauK, taperRatio)
    # = calcXRoot(xMAC25, XN25F)
    # set wing x - position and twist