def createFuselagePositionings(parent, nose,cabin,tail, lnose,lcabin,ltail, strUID, strName): ''' This method is used to create the positioning of the sections of a fuselage. It calculates the sweep and length. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: could be any Type holding a positioningsType. Here [fuselageType] @param myRQSi: crosssection data @param strUID: UID of this Positioning [string] @param strName: Name of this Positioning [string] ''' myPositionings = positioningsType() # countAll counts the total amount of cross sections for this fuselage countAll = 0 for part in [[nose,lnose],[cabin,lcabin],[tail,ltail]]: # lastPos is used to calc the lenght of a Segment from the absolute position # reset lastPos to 0 after each part because positions are given in relative koordinates from 0 to 1 in each part (nose,cabine and tail) lastPos = 0. # create positionings for cs in part[0]: countAll += 1 pos = cs[0]*part[1] # create Positionings if countAll <= 1: createPositioning(myPositionings, strUID+'_Pos'+str(countAll),None,strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll),pos,90.,0.,strName+'_Position'+str(countAll)) else: createPositioning(myPositionings, strUID+'_Pos'+str(countAll),strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll-1),strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll),pos-lastPos,90.,0.,strName+'_Position'+str(countAll)) lastPos = pos parent.set_positionings(myPositionings)
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0): # just for now if LoD==FUSE_LOD.NONE: return cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']' # gets a list of all wing elements myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj,cpacsPath) strUID = myFuse.get_uID() myUID = strUID myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_=id) myDescr = stringBaseType(valueOf_=strUID) myFuse.set_uID(myUID) myFuse.set_name(myName) myFuse.set_description(myDescr) createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal',0.,0.,0.) if LoD==FUSE_LOD.A320: nose = list(NOSE) cabin = list(CABIN) tail = list(TAIL) # remove double values cabin.pop(0) tail.pop(0) # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, dfus, strUID, strUID, strUID) createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, lnose,lcabin,ltail, strUID, strUID) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, len(nose)+len(cabin)+len(tail)-1) elif LoD==FUSE_LOD.ZYL: # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted mySections = fuselageSectionsType() #calc fuselage radius #rfus = dfus/2. # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]] fuseConf = [0.,0.,0.5,0.5] createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4') myFuse.set_sections(mySections) myPositionings = positioningsType() createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,90.,0.,id + '_Pos1') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',lnose,90.,0,id + '_Pos2') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',lcabin,90.,0,id + '_Pos3') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',ltail,90.,0,id + '_Pos4') myFuse.set_positionings(myPositionings) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)
def createDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID): ''' This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters taperRatio = (cTip/cRoot) cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf) createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cKink,1.,cKink, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,twist,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi length1 = (etakf*span/2.)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) length2 = span/2.*(1-etakf)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,phiLE,dihedral,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) # calc wing position tauk = cTip/cKink myLambda = span**2/Sref sweep_rad = 35./180.*pi tanPhi25a = calcPhi25a(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot) tanPhi25i = calcPhi25i(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot) Xef = calcXef(cRoot, myLambda, tanPhi25i, tanPhi25a, etakf, taperRatio, tauk) xRoot = calcXRoot(xMAC25, Xef, cRoot) # set wing x - position myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(None, None, None,str(xRoot)))
def createTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, strUID): ''' This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi length = (span / 2.) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos( dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length, phiLE, dihedral, id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 1) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'trapezoid') createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'trapezoid') createRibs(parent=myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], parentUID=id, typeOfSeg='trapezoid')
def createStrut(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xRoot, yRoot, etaStrut, strUID): ''' This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() incidence_angle = 2. createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', yRoot, 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', span, phiLE, dihedral, id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID, fromElement='_Sec2_Elem1') createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut', etaStrut=etaStrut) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut') createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut') createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strut') createWingWingAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strut') # set wing x - position and twist myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot))) #myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_y(doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(yRoot)))
def createUCAVWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, etakf, strUID): ''' This method creates a ucav wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters cRoot, cKink, cTip,etaD = calcWing(span, Sref, phiLE, etakf) createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cKink,1.,cKink, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') #Tip Section rather short createWingSection(mySections, 0.,0.,0., 0.01,1.,0.01, 0.,0.,0., 'NACA0000', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi length1 = (etakf*span/2.)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral length2 = span/2.*(1-etakf-etaD)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral length3 = span/2.*etaD/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,phiLE,dihedral,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',length3,phiLE,dihedral,id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
def createFuselagePositionings(parent, nose, cabin, tail, lnose, lcabin, ltail, strUID, strName): ''' This method is used to create the positioning of the sections of a fuselage. It calculates the sweep and length. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: could be any Type holding a positioningsType. Here [fuselageType] @param myRQSi: crosssection data @param strUID: UID of this Positioning [string] @param strName: Name of this Positioning [string] ''' myPositionings = positioningsType() # countAll counts the total amount of cross sections for this fuselage countAll = 0 for part in [[nose, lnose], [cabin, lcabin], [tail, ltail]]: # lastPos is used to calc the lenght of a Segment from the absolute position # reset lastPos to 0 after each part because positions are given in relative koordinates from 0 to 1 in each part (nose,cabine and tail) lastPos = 0. # create positionings for cs in part[0]: countAll += 1 pos = cs[0] * part[1] # create Positionings if countAll <= 1: createPositioning(myPositionings, strUID + '_Pos' + str(countAll), None, strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll), pos, 90., 0., strName + '_Position' + str(countAll)) else: createPositioning(myPositionings, strUID + '_Pos' + str(countAll), strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll - 1), strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll), pos - lastPos, 90., 0., strName + '_Position' + str(countAll)) lastPos = pos parent.set_positionings(myPositionings)
def createTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, strUID): ''' This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi length = (span / 2.) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length, phiLE, dihedral, id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 1) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'trapezoid') createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'trapezoid') createRibs(parent=myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], parentUID=id, typeOfSeg='trapezoid')
def createStrut(myWing, id, tcRoot, tcTip, cTip, cRoot, span, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xRoot, yRoot, etaStrut, strUID): ''' This method creates a trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() incidence_angle = 2. createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, dihedral, incidence_angle, 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', yRoot, 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', span, phiLE, dihedral, id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID, fromElement='_Sec2_Elem1') createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut', etaStrut=etaStrut) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut') createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strut') createWingFuselageAttachment( myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strut') createWingWingAttachment( myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strut') # set wing x - position and twist myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x( doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
def createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID, yfus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip): ''' This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. ** Introduced a linear twist distribution from *0* at root to *twist* at tip @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param dfus: fuselage diameter [m] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot) cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf, dfus) # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi # trying to correct the commented statement that uses dfus. will try to use yfus # length1 = dfus / 2. length1 = yfus length2 = (etakf * span / 2. - length1) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) length3 = span / 2. * (1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing) twist = twist - 4. twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.) twist1 = twistgrad * length1 twist2 = twistgrad * etakf * (span / 2.) twist3 = twist createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink, 0., twist2, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist3, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos4', str(id) + '_Sec3', str(id) + '_Sec4', length3, phiLE, dihedral, id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) etafus = yfus / (span / 2.) # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etafus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8)) createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', etaFus=etafus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaEng=etaEng, span=span / 2.) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', length1 / (span / 2.), etakf / cos(dihedral_rad), cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot) createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid') createWingFuselageAttachment( myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid') # Estimate ribNum of outer Rib iRib = int(span * (0.85 - etaEng) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1 createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', nRib=iRib) # calc wing position tauK = cTip / cKink etar = dfus / span # XN25F = calcXN25F(cRoot, span, phiLE, etar, etakf, tauK, taperRatio) # = calcXRoot(xMAC25, XN25F) # set wing x - position and twist myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x( doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot))) myWing.get_transformation().get_rotation().set_y( doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(4.)))
def createStrutBracedWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etaFus, etaStrut, tcRoot, tcTip, xRoot, strUID): ''' This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters taperRatio = (cTip/cRoot) cRoot = calcWing(b=span, S=Sref, tau=taperRatio, eF=etaFus) cStrut = cRoot+(cTip-cRoot)*(etaStrut-etaFus)/(1-etaFus) cTip = taperRatio * cRoot # cRoot was updated in the last step # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi length1 = (etaFus*span/2.) length2 = (etaStrut-etaFus)*span/2/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) length3 = span/2.*(1-etaStrut)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing) incidenceAngle = 4. twist = twist + incidenceAngle twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.) twist2 = twistgrad * length2 twist3 = twist createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot/0.09, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cStrut,1.,cStrut, 0.,twist2,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,twist3,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,0.,0.,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',length3,phiLE,dihedral,id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaFus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8)) createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaStrut=etaStrut, span=span / 2., phi25 = phiLE) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot) createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing') iRib = int(span * (0.9 - etaStrut) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1 if iRib == 1: iRib = 2 createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strutBracedWing', nRib=iRib) createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid') # set wing x - position and twist myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(xRoot)))
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0): # just for now if LoD == FUSE_LOD.NONE: return cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']' # gets a list of all wing elements myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) strUID = myFuse.get_uID() myUID = strUID myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, id) myDescr = stringBaseType(None, None, None, strUID) myFuse.set_uID(myUID) myFuse.set_name(myName) myFuse.set_description(myDescr) createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal', 0., 0., 0.) if LoD == FUSE_LOD.A320: nose = list(NOSE) cabin = list(CABIN) tail = list(TAIL) # remove double values cabin.pop(0) tail.pop(0) # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, dfus, strUID, strUID, strUID) createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, lnose, lcabin, ltail, strUID, strUID) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, len(nose) + len(cabin) + len(tail) - 1) elif LoD == FUSE_LOD.ZYL: # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted mySections = fuselageSectionsType() #calc fuselage radius #rfus = dfus/2. # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]] fuseConf = [0., 0., 0.5, 0.5] createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') myFuse.set_sections(mySections) myPositionings = positioningsType() createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 90., 0., id + '_Pos1') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', lnose, 90., 0, id + '_Pos2') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', lcabin, 90., 0, id + '_Pos3') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos4', str(id) + '_Sec3', str(id) + '_Sec4', ltail, 90., 0, id + '_Pos4') myFuse.set_positionings(myPositionings) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)
def createStrutBracedWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etaFus, etaStrut, tcRoot, tcTip, xRoot, strUID): ''' This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters taperRatio = (cTip/cRoot) #cRoot, cFuselage, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etaFus) cStrut = cRoot+(cTip-cRoot)*(etaStrut-etaFus)/(1-etaFus) # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE/180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral/180. * pi length1 = (etaFus*span/2.) length2 = (etaStrut-etaFus)*span/2/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) length3 = span/2.*(1-etaStrut)/cos(sweep_rad)/cos(dihedral_rad) # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing) incidenceAngle = 4. twist = twist + incidenceAngle twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.) twist2 = twistgrad * length2 twist3 = twist createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot/0.09, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cRoot,1.,cRoot, 0.,incidenceAngle,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cStrut,1.,cStrut, 0.,twist2,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0.,0.,0., cTip,1.,cTip, 0.,twist3,0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,0.,0.,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',length1,0.,0.,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',length2,phiLE,dihedral,id) createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',length3,phiLE,dihedral,id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaFus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8)) createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaStrut=etaStrut, span=span / 2., phi25 = phiLE) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing', etaFus=etaFus, cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot) createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'strutBracedWing') iRib = int(span * (0.9 - etaStrut) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1 if iRib == 1: iRib = 2 createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, typeOfSeg='strutBracedWing', nRib=iRib) createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid') # set wing x - position and twist myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
def createUCAVWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, etakf, strUID): """ This method creates a ucav wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: """ # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters cRoot, cKink, cTip, etaD = calcWing(span, Sref, phiLE, etakf) createWingSection( mySections, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cRoot, 1.0, cRoot, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "NACA0000", 1, strUID + "_Sec1", strUID + "_Sec1", strUID + "_Sec1", ) createWingSection( mySections, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cKink, 1.0, cKink, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "NACA0000", 1, strUID + "_Sec2", strUID + "_Sec2", strUID + "_Sec2", ) createWingSection( mySections, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cTip, 1.0, cTip, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "NACA0000", 1, strUID + "_Sec3", strUID + "_Sec3", strUID + "_Sec3", ) # Tip Section rather short createWingSection( mySections, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 1.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "NACA0000", 1, strUID + "_Sec4", strUID + "_Sec4", strUID + "_Sec4", ) # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE / 180.0 * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180.0 * pi length1 = (etakf * span / 2.0) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral length2 = span / 2.0 * (1 - etakf - etaD) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral length3 = span / 2.0 * etaD / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) # @todo: provide dihedral createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos1", None, str(id) + "_Sec1", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, id) createPositioning( myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos2", str(id) + "_Sec1", str(id) + "_Sec2", length1, phiLE, dihedral, id ) createPositioning( myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos3", str(id) + "_Sec2", str(id) + "_Sec3", length2, phiLE, dihedral, id ) createPositioning( myPositionings, str(id) + "_Pos4", str(id) + "_Sec3", str(id) + "_Sec4", length3, phiLE, dihedral, id ) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
def createDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID): ''' This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot) cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf) createWingSection(mySections, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi length1 = (etakf * span / 2.) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) length2 = span / 2. * (1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, phiLE, dihedral, id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 2) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) # calc wing position tauk = cTip / cKink myLambda = span**2 / Sref sweep_rad = 35. / 180. * pi tanPhi25a = calcPhi25a(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot) tanPhi25i = calcPhi25i(sweep_rad, taperRatio, tauk, etakf, span, cRoot) Xef = calcXef(cRoot, myLambda, tanPhi25i, tanPhi25a, etakf, taperRatio, tauk) xRoot = calcXRoot(xMAC25, Xef, cRoot) # set wing x - position myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x( doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
def createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID, yfus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip): ''' This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter. ** Introduced a linear twist distribution from *0* at root to *twist* at tip @author: Jonas Jepsen @param myWing: wings CPACS object @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m] @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m] @param span: span of the wing [m] @param Sref: reference area [m^2] @param dfus: fuselage diameter [m] @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg] @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg] @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg] @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-] @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing ''' # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted mySections = wingSectionsType() myPositionings = positioningsType() # calc Lvl 1 parameters taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot) cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf, dfus) # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi # trying to correct the commented statement that uses dfus. will try to use yfus # length1 = dfus / 2. length1 = yfus length2 = (etakf * span / 2. - length1) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) length3 = span / 2.*(1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad) # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing) twist = twist - 4. twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.) twist1 = twistgrad * length1 twist2 = twistgrad * etakf * (span / 2.) twist3 = twist createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink, 0., twist2, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist3, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, 0., 0., id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id) createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos4', str(id) + '_Sec3', str(id) + '_Sec4', length3, phiLE, dihedral, id) myWing.set_sections(mySections) myWing.set_positionings(myPositionings) createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3) createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID) etafus = yfus / (span / 2.) # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etafus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8)) createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', etaFus=etafus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaEng=etaEng, span=span / 2.) createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', length1 / (span / 2.), etakf / cos(dihedral_rad), cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot) createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid') createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid') # Estimate ribNum of outer Rib iRib = int(span * (0.85 - etaEng) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1 createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', nRib=iRib) # calc wing position tauK = cTip / cKink etar = dfus / span # XN25F = calcXN25F(cRoot, span, phiLE, etar, etakf, tauK, taperRatio) # = calcXRoot(xMAC25, XN25F) # set wing x - position and twist myWing.get_transformation().get_translation().set_x(doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(xRoot))) myWing.get_transformation().get_rotation().set_y(doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(4.)))