def main(word, language, part_of_speech, number_of_clusters):
    # here we need to get sentences either from txt or db file
    sentences = get_corpus_from_txt_file(language)
    # sentences = get_corpus_from_db (language)
    print("Got sentences for language " + language)

    vocabulary = Vocabulary(language)
    print("Created Vocabulary")
    cluster = Cluster(language, number_of_clusters)

    words = vocabulary.make_array_of_words_from_sentences(sentences)
    print("Made arrays for every sentence")
    throne2vec = vocabulary.build_vocabulary(words) # get the trained model (vocabulary)
    print("Trained the model")
    all_word_vectors_matrix_2d = cluster.make_vectors_2D(throne2vec)
    print("Made matrix with vectors")