Esempio n. 1
vocabularyCartPhones = CartVocabulary()
vocabularyCartStatePhones = CartStateVocabulary()
prefixTreeRoot = PrefixTreeNode()
prefixTreeRootTriphones = PrefixTreeNode()
prefixTreeRootCartPhones = PrefixTreeNode()
prefixTreeRootCartStatePhones = PrefixTreeNode()
tree = etree.parse("lexicon.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
lemmaList = root.findall(".//lemma")

numWords = 1
numPhonemes = 1
numWordsWith2Phonemes, numWordsWith3Phonemes = 0, 0

#adding silence word:

#generating lexical prefix tree
for word in lemmaList[4:]:
    currentPhonemeIDs = []
    numWords += 1
    #print word.find('phon').text
    currentStringPhonemes = word.find('phon').text.strip().split(' ')
    for phoneme_idx in range(0, len(currentStringPhonemes)):
        numPhonemes += 1
        #print currentStringPhonemes[phoneme_idx]
        #print vocabulary.index(currentStringPhonemes[phoneme_idx])
        currentPhonemeID = vocabulary.index(currentStringPhonemes[phoneme_idx])
    #print currentPhonemeIDs
    if len(currentStringPhonemes) == 2:
Esempio n. 2
class LanguageModel():

    def __init__(self, corpusFile, testCorpusFile, vocabularyFile=None):
        ######################## 1 ##########################
        self.corpusVocabulary = Vocabulary()
        if vocabularyFile:
            self.givenVocabulary  = Vocabulary(vocabularyFile)
        self.numRunningWords = 0      # 1a
        self.numSentences = 0         # 1b
        self.allSentenceLengths = {}  # 1c
        self.averageSentenceLength = self.numRunningWords / self.numSentences
        print 'Number of running words: ' + str(self.numRunningWords)
        print 'Number of sentences: '     + str(self.numSentences)
        print 'Average sentence length: ' + str(self.averageSentenceLength)
        print 'Statistics for occurring sentence lengths...'
        print 'All sentence lengths: '    + str(self.allSentenceLengths)
        #plotAllSentenceLengths(self.allSentenceLengths, self.averageSentenceLength)

        ######################## 2 ##########################
        # 2a
        self.sortedWordFrequencies = {}
        for word_idx in range(0, self.corpusVocabulary.size()):
            self.sortedWordFrequencies[self.corpusVocabulary.int2word[word_idx]] = self.corpusVocabulary.wordFrequencies[word_idx]
        self.sortedWordFrequencies = sorted(self.sortedWordFrequencies.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        self.writeListToFile(self.sortedWordFrequencies, 'sortedWordFrequencies')

        # 2d + 2e
        self.oov = 0.0
        self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot = PrefixTreeNode()
        print 'Counting 3-grams and OOV with given vocabulary: '
        self.allTrigramOccurrenceVoc = self.computeNGramOccurrence(corpusFile, 3, self.givenVocabulary, 'nGrams/givenVocabulary/')
        print 'OOV: ' + str(self.oov)
        print 'Statistics for trigram count-counts (write to file + plot) ...'

        # 2b + part of 3
        print 'Counting 1-grams with corpus vocabulary: '
        self.allTrigramOccurrence = self.computeNGramOccurrence(corpusFile, 1, self.corpusVocabulary, 'nGrams/')
        print 'Counting 2-grams with corpus vocabulary: '
        self.allTrigramOccurrence = self.computeNGramOccurrence(corpusFile, 2, self.corpusVocabulary, 'nGrams/')
        print 'Counting 3-grams with corpus vocabulary: '
        self.allTrigramOccurrence = self.computeNGramOccurrence(corpusFile, 3, self.corpusVocabulary, 'nGrams/')
        # 2c
        print 'Statistics for trigram count-counts (write to file + plot) ...'

        ######################## 3 ##########################
        print 'Recompute 1-grams and 2-grams from previously computed 3-grams'

        ######################## 4 ##########################
        #print "Number of nodes in tree: ", self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot.subtreeSize()
        print 'Computing discounting parameters: '
        self.discountingParameters = []
        print self.discountingParameters
        print "Unknown probability: ", self.score(self.corpusVocabulary.unknownWordID(), [])
        print "Size of vocabulary:", self.corpusVocabulary.size()

        unigramProbabilities, bigramProbabilities = 0.0, 0.0
        for word in range(0, self.corpusVocabulary.size()):
            unigramProbabilities += self.score(word, [])
            bigramProbabilities  += self.score(word, [5])
        print "Sum of unigram probabilities:", unigramProbabilities
        print "Sum of bigram probabilities:", bigramProbabilities

        ######################## 5 ##########################
        print "Perplexity for test corpus: ", self.perplexity(testCorpusFile)
        print "Perplexity for train corpus: ", self.perplexity(corpusFile)

    def initLM(self, corpusFile):
        Iterate through corpus file, create corpus vocabulary
        :param corpusFile: path to the corpus
        corpus = open(corpusFile, 'r')
        for line in corpus:
            currentWords = line.strip().split(' ')
            for word in currentWords:
            self.numSentences += 1
            # 1c
            sentenceLength = len(currentWords)
            if sentenceLength not in self.allSentenceLengths:
                self.allSentenceLengths[sentenceLength] = 1
                self.allSentenceLengths[sentenceLength] += 1

        # compute total sentence length
        for elem in self.allSentenceLengths.iteritems():
            self.numRunningWords += elem[0] * elem[1]


    def writeListToFile(self, data, outputFile):
        Write data (list) into file (outputFile) separated by space
        :param data:
        :param outputFile:
        output = open(outputFile, 'w')
        for elem in data:
            output.write(str(elem[0]).replace('\n', '') + ' ' + str(elem[1]) + '\n')

    def writeDictToFile(self, data, outputFile):
        Write data (dict) into file (outputFile) separated by space
        :param data:
        :param outputFile:

        output = open(outputFile, 'w')
        for elem in data.iteritems():
            output.write(str(elem[0]) + ' ' + str(elem[1]) + '\n')

    def computeNGramOccurrence(self, corpusFile, n, vocabulary, outputPath):
        Identify and compute n-grams from the given corpus file
        :param corpusFile: path to the corpus
        :param n: integer
        # build new prefix tree for each n-gram computation
        self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot = PrefixTreeNode()
        corpus = open(corpusFile, 'r')
        sentenceCounter = 0
        unknownWords = 0.0
        unknownWordId = vocabulary.unknownWordID()

        for line in corpus:
            currentStringWords = line.strip().split(' ')
            currentWordIDs =  [vocabulary.startSymbolWordID()]
            for word_idx in range(0, len(currentStringWords)):
                currentWordID = vocabulary.index(currentStringWords[word_idx])
                # count amount of unknown words
                if currentWordID == unknownWordId:
                    unknownWords += 1

            for i in range(0, len(currentWordIDs)):
                currentNGram = currentWordIDs[i:i+n]
            sentenceCounter += 1

        self.oov = unknownWords / self.numRunningWords
        #print "Outputting n-gram frequencies"

        # breadth first search to get n-gram counts
        queue = Queue()
        wordIDQueue = Queue()


        output = open(outputPath + str(n) + "-gram.counts", 'w')
        while not queue.empty():
            nextNode = queue.get()
            nextNGram = wordIDQueue.get()

            # Fill the queue
            for childWordID, childNode in nextNode.getChildren().items():
                childNGram = copy.copy(nextNGram)


            if len(nextNGram) == n:
                for wordID in nextNGram:
                    output.write(vocabulary.symbol(wordID) + ' ')
                output.write(str(nextNode.count) + '\n')


    def recomputeNGramOccurrence(self, maxNGramLength):
        Compute counts for the lower n-grams in a prefix tree and output them to a file
        :param maxNGramLength: integer for the maximum n-gram length

        self.discountingParameters = []

        # descend into the depth nGramLength of the prefix tree
        nextDepthQueue, currentDepthQueue = Queue(), Queue()
        wordIDQueue = Queue()
        for i in range(0, maxNGramLength - 1):

            # Open the output stream
            with open('nGrams/' + str(i+1) + '-gram.recomputed.counts', 'w') as output:

                # BFS search
                while not currentDepthQueue.empty():
                    currentNode = currentDepthQueue.get()
                    currentNGram = wordIDQueue.get()

                    # Fill the queue with the children of all nodes of the current depth
                    for childWordID, childNode in currentNode.getChildren().items():
                        childNGram = copy.copy(currentNGram)


                        # write the counts to the output stream
                        for wordID in childNGram:
                            output.write(self.corpusVocabulary.symbol(wordID) + ' ')
                        output.write(str(childNode.count) + '\n')

            # Swap the current depth queue (empty) with the next depth queue
            # for the next iteration
            nextDepthQueue, currentDepthQueue = currentDepthQueue, nextDepthQueue

    def computeDiscountingParameters(self, nGramLength):
        Compute discounting parameters up to a specified n-gram length
        :param nGramLength: integer for the n in n-gram
        self.discountingParameters = []

        # descend into the depth nGramLength of the prefix tree
        nextDepthQueue, currentDepthQueue = Queue(), Queue()
        for i in range(0, nGramLength):

            # Count the number of singletons (n-grams that appeared only once)
            # and doubletons (n-grams that appeared only twice) while parsing the children
            numberOfSingletons, numberOfDoubletons = 0, 0

            # Fill the queue with the children of all nodes of the current depth
            while not currentDepthQueue.empty():
                currentNode = currentDepthQueue.get()
                for childWordID, childNode in currentNode.getChildren().items():

                    # count
                    if childNode.count == 1:
                        numberOfSingletons += 1
                    elif childNode.count == 2:
                        numberOfDoubletons += 1

            # Calculate the discounting parameter
            #print (numberOfSingletons)
            discountingParameter = float(numberOfSingletons) / (numberOfSingletons + 2 * numberOfDoubletons)

            # Swap the current depth queue (empty) with the next depth queue
            # for the next iteration
            nextDepthQueue, currentDepthQueue = currentDepthQueue, nextDepthQueue

    def score(self, wordID, wordHistory):
        Evaluate the language model of a word given a word history
        :param wordID: word identifier to score
        :param wordHistory: list of word identifiers to condition the scoring of wordID
        :return The language model probability of wordID given wordHistory
                and the new word history including wordID

        # Recursion base case for unknown words and unigrams
        if len(wordHistory) == 0:
            probability = self.discountingParameters[0]
            probability /= float(self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot.count) * float(self.corpusVocabulary.size())
            probability *= self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot.getNumberOfChildren()

            if wordID != self.corpusVocabulary.unknownWordID():
                wordNode = self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot.getNGramNode([wordID])
                if wordNode != None:
                    discountedCount = wordNode.count - self.discountingParameters[0]
                    probability += max(discountedCount / float(self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot.count), 0.0)

            return probability

        # get the nodes from the prefix tree for the computation of the probabilities
        historyNode = self.nGramPrefixTreeRoot.getNGramNode(wordHistory)
        if historyNode == None:
            # N-gram does not need to be scored since the history is not valid
            # Use lower order probabilities
            return self.score(wordID, wordHistory[1:])

        # Get the probability for the current n-gram by recursively interpolating the (n-1)-gram prob.
        probability = self.discountingParameters[len(wordHistory)]
        probability *= historyNode.getNumberOfChildren() / float(historyNode.count)
        probability *= self.score(wordID, wordHistory[1:])

        # Add the probability for the n-gram, if available
        wordNode = historyNode.getNGramNode([wordID])
        if wordNode != None:
            discountedCount = wordNode.count - self.discountingParameters[len(wordHistory)]
            probability += max(discountedCount / float(historyNode.count), 0.0)

        return probability

    def perplexity(self, testCorpusFile):
        Computes perplexity based on the vocabulary of the 'train corpus'
        :param testCorpusFile:
        LL = 0.0
        corpus = open(testCorpusFile, 'r')
        numRunningWords = 0
        for line in corpus:
            currentStringWords = line.strip().split(' ')
            currentWordIDs = [self.corpusVocabulary.startSymbolWordID()]

            for word_idx in range(0, len(currentStringWords)):

                currentWordID = self.corpusVocabulary.index(currentStringWords[word_idx])

                LL += np.log(self.score(currentWordIDs[word_idx + 1], [currentWordIDs[word_idx]]))

            LL += np.log(self.score(currentWordIDs[len(currentWordIDs)-1], [currentWordIDs[len(currentWordIDs) - 2]]))
            numRunningWords += len(currentStringWords)+1

        PP = np.exp(-LL/numRunningWords)
        return PP