Esempio n. 1
def newGame():
    #holds initial level value
    global levelCount
    levelCount = 1

    wall = Wall()
    #builds wall of bricks
    wall.buildWall(gameDisplay, ballRect, ballDirection, levelCount)

    #creates new lists to avoid bugs
    global newBrickList
    global newRecList
    global newColorList
    global newHitList
    global newPowerList
    newBrickList = wall.brickList
    newRecList = wall.recList
    newColorList = wall.colorList
    newHitList = wall.hitList
    newPowerList = wall.powerList

    #resets intial life value
    lifeCount = 3

    #resets bricksBroken
    global bricksBroken
    bricksBroken = 0

    #resets startTime
    global startTime
    startTime = time.time()


Esempio n. 2
def levelFive():
    wall = Wall()
    #builds wall of bricks
    global levelCount
    wall.buildWall(gameDisplay, ballRect, ballDirection, 5)

    #creates new lists to avoid bugs
    global newBrickList
    global newRecList
    global newColorList
    global newHitList
    global newPowerList
    newBrickList = wall.brickList
    newRecList = wall.recList
    newColorList = wall.colorList
    newHitList = wall.hitList
    newPowerList = wall.powerList


    #resets bricksBroken
    global bricksBroken
    bricksBroken = 0

    #resets startTime
    global startTime
    startTime = time.time()

    global play
    play = True
Esempio n. 3
#randomizes initial location between bricks and paddle
ballRect.x = r.randrange(
    10, 790)  #width is 800, above 10 and bellow 790 so not on edge of screen
ballRect.y = r.randrange(
    146, 610)  #4 rows of bricks ending at 146px, paddle begin at 620px

#variable to change ball direction; begins in random direction
#tried using trig to calculate better angle options, but move() function only takes int
ballDirection = [r.choice([1, -1]), r.choice([1, -1])]

#creates wall object
wall = Wall()

#builds wall of bricks
wall.buildWall(gameDisplay, ballRect, ballDirection, 1)

#creates new lists to avoid bugs
newBrickList = wall.brickList
newRecList = wall.recList
newColorList = wall.colorList

#creates and places paddle with a rectangle
paddle = Paddle()
paddleRect = paddle.image.get_rect()
paddleRect.x = 300
paddleRect.y = 620

#allows for held down keys to continue movement
py.key.set_repeat(10, 10)