Esempio n. 1
def extract_mime_attachements \
        ( msg, directory
        , def_ext      = None
        , ignore       = _is_false
        , main_type    = _is_false
        , name_pat     = _is_false
        , part_indices = None
        , sub_type     = _is_false
        ) :
    if def_ext and not def_ext.startswith (".") :
        def_ext    = "." + def_ext
    pis = part_indices if part_indices else range (len (
    for i in pis :
        p          = [i]
        specified  = (not ignore (p.content_type)) and \
            (  main_type (p.main_type)
            or name_pat  (p.filename)
            or sub_type  (p.sub_type)
        if specified :
            name   = p.filename or ("%s_%s" % (, i))
            fn     = Filename (directory, name)
            if def_ext :
                fn = Filename (def_ext, fn)
            print ("    Saving", name)
   (fn, p.body)
        elif p.main_type in ("multipart", "message") :
            extract_mime_attachements \
                ( p, directory
                , def_ext, ignore, main_type, name_pat, part_indices, sub_type
Esempio n. 2
def message_from_file(filename, parser=None):
    if parser is None:
        parser = Lib.Parser()
    with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
        email = parser.parse(fp)
        email._pma_parsed_body = True
    return PMA.Message(email, sos.path.split(filename)[-1])
Esempio n. 3
 def download_pop (self, server, mdir) :
     md_name = PMA._Mailbox_.md_name
     result  = 0
     for msg_no, msg_size in self.pop_list (server) :
         email = self._new_email ("\n".join (server.retr (msg_no) [1]))
         name  = md_name         ()
         tname = sos.path.join   (mdir.path, "tmp", name)
         nname = sos.path.join   (mdir.path, "new", name)    (tname, email.as_string ())    (tname, nname)
         sos.unlink  (tname)
         server.dele (msg_no)
         result += 1
         if self.finish :
     return result
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__ (self, path, name = None, prefix = None, root = None) :
     if name is None :
         name           = sos.path.split (path) [-1]
     if prefix is None :
         qname          = name
     else :
         qname          = self.name_sep.join ((prefix, name))          = name
     self.qname         = qname
     self.path          = path
     self.root          = root or self
     self._box_dict     = {}
     self.change_list   = []
     self._messages     = None
     self._msg_dict     = {}
     self._ccount       = TFL.Observed_Value (0, mailbox = self)
     self._chg_list_idx = {}
     self.unsynced      = TFL.Observed_Value (0, mailbox = self)
     if qname not in self._Table :
         self._Table [qname] = self
     else :
         raise KeyError \
             ( "Duplicate mailbox name %s <-> %s"
             % (self.path, self._Table [qname].path)
     self.status = status = PMA.Box_Status (self)
     if self.supports_status :
         self.status_fn = fn = sos.path.join (path, ".status")
         status.load (fn)
Esempio n. 5
 def _formatted (self, format, msg = None) :
     replacer = self.formatted_replacers_sb \
         if self.short_body else self.formatted_replacers
     mapping  = PMA.Msg_Scope (msg, self.locals, self.defaults)
     result   = pyk.decoded   (format, PMA.default_encoding) % mapping
     result   = replacer      (result)
     return result
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, name, matcher, mailbox, prefix=None, **ckw):
     self.mailboxes = (mailbox, )
     self.__super.__init__ \
         ( name     = name
         , prefix   = mailbox.qname
         , root     = mailbox.root
     if not isinstance(matcher, PMA._Matcher_):
         matcher = PMA.Matcher(matcher, **ckw)
     self._matcher = matcher
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, email, name=None, mailbox=None, number=None):
     self.__super.__init__(email, name)
     self.mailbox = mailbox
     self.number = number
     self.status = None
     if mailbox:
         self.pending = _Pending_Action_(self)
         if mailbox.supports_status:
             mdn = mailbox.md_name(self)
             self.status =
     if self.status is None:
         self.status = PMA.Msg_Status()
Esempio n. 8
def messages_from_args (args, base_dirs) :
    parser = Lib.Parser ()
    for arg in args :
        matches = tuple \
            ( TFL.CAO.Rel_Path.resolved_paths
                (base_dirs, arg, single_match = False, skip_missing = True)
        if not matches and sos.path.exists (arg) :
            matches = [arg]
        if len (matches) == 1 :
            yield PMA.message_from_file (matches [0], parser)
        elif matches :
            print \
                ( "Multiple matches for %r: choose one of\n    %s"
                % (arg, "\n    ".join (matches))
        else :
            tail = ("in\n    %s" % "\n    ".join (base_dirs)) \
                if base_dirs else ""
            print ("No match found for %r%s" % (arg, tail))
Esempio n. 9
def messages_from_args(args, base_dirs):
    parser = Lib.Parser()
    for arg in args:
        matches = tuple \
            ( TFL.CAO.Rel_Path.resolved_paths
                (base_dirs, arg, single_match = False, skip_missing = True)
        if not matches and sos.path.exists(arg):
            matches = [arg]
        if len(matches) == 1:
            yield PMA.message_from_file(matches[0], parser)
        elif matches:
            print \
                ( "Multiple matches for %r: choose one of\n    %s"
                % (arg, "\n    ".join (matches))
            tail = ("in\n    %s" % "\n    ".join (base_dirs)) \
                if base_dirs else ""
            print("No match found for %r%s" % (arg, tail))
Esempio n. 10
def _main (cmd) :
    msg_base_dirs  = cmd.msg_base_dirs or PMA.msg_base_dirs
    directory      =
    if directory and not directory.endswith (sos.sep) :
        directory  = directory + sos.sep
    c_type     = cmd.content_type
    def_ext    = cmd.extension_default
    ignore     = cmd.ignore   or None
    name_pat   = cmd.name_pat or None
    parts      = cmd.Parts
    s_type     = cmd.sub_type
    if not cmd.regexp :
        if c_type :
            c_type = re.escape (c_type)
        if s_type :
            s_type = re.escape (s_type)
    c_type     = Re_Filter (c_type)   if c_type   else _is_false
    s_type     = Re_Filter (s_type)   if s_type   else _is_false
    ignore     = Re_Filter (ignore)   if ignore   else _is_false
    name_pat   = Re_Filter (name_pat) if name_pat else _is_false
    for msg in PMA.messages_from_args (cmd.argv, msg_base_dirs) :
        print (msg.path)
        extract_mime_attachements \
            (msg, directory, def_ext, ignore, c_type, name_pat, parts, s_type)
Esempio n. 11
                    print (a2ps)
                a2ps ()
        else :
            pyk.fprint (pyk.decoded (txt, encoding))
# end def _main

_Command = TFL.CAO.Cmd \
    ( handler       = _main
    , args          =
        ( "message:S?Message to print"
    , opts          =
        ( "-body_only:B?Restrict output to body of message"
        , "-msg_base_dirs:Q:?Base directories for searching `message`"
        , "-Print:B?Print the message(s)"
        , "-printer_name:S=lp?Name of printer to print to"
        , "-verbose:B"
        , TFL.CAO.Opt.Output_Encoding ()
    , description   = "Format mail messages for viewing and printing"

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
else :
    import _PMA.Message
    PMA.load_user_config  ()
    _PMA.Message._Command ()
### __END__ PMA.Message
Esempio n. 12
            caps = Lib.mailcap.getcaps ()
        self.caps = caps
        self.mct  = {}
    # end def __init__

    def mime_type (self, name) :
        mct    = self.mct
        result = mct.get (name)
        if name not in mct :
            if name in self.caps :
                result = Mailcap_Type (name, self.caps [name])
            else :
                main_type, sub_type = name.split ("/")
                if sub_type != "*" :
                    result = self.mime_type ("/".join ((main_type, "*")))
            mct [name] = result
        return result
    # end def mime_type

    def __getitem__ (self, key) :
        return self.mime_type (key)
    # end def __getitem__

# end class _Mailcap_

Mailcap = _Mailcap_ ()

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "Mailcap")
### __END__ PMA.Mailcap
Esempio n. 13
File: Progetto: Tapyr/tapyr
from   email.generator         import *
from   email.header            import *
from   email.message           import *
from        import MIMEAudio
from   email.mime.base         import MIMEBase
from   email.mime.image        import MIMEImage
from   email.mime.message      import MIMEMessage
from   email.mime.multipart    import MIMEMultipart
from   email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
from   email.mime.text         import MIMEText
from   email.parser            import *
from   email.utils             import *
from   email.utils             import mktime_tz

import mailbox
import mailcap

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.UnixMailbox = mailbox.mbox

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.MHMailbox = mailbox.MH

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export_Module ()
### __END__ PMA.Lib
Esempio n. 14
 def _new_message (self, m) :
     return PMA.Message (email = m, name = m._pma_path, mailbox = self)
Esempio n. 15
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004 Mag. Christian Tanzer. All rights reserved
# Glasauergasse 32, A--1130 Wien, Austria. [email protected]
# ****************************************************************************
# This module is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License
# <>.
# ****************************************************************************
# Name
#    PMA.SCM.__init__
# Purpose
#    PMA change tracker`
# Revision Dates
#    15-Jan-2006 (MG) Creation
#    ««revision-date»»···

from   _TFL.Package_Namespace import Package_Namespace
from   _PMA                   import PMA

SCM = Package_Namespace ()
PMA._Export ("SCM")

del Package_Namespace

### __END__ PMA.SCM.__init__
Esempio n. 16
                s = self._new_subbox (sos.path.join (self.path,
            s.add_messages (* b.messages)
            if transitive :
                for sb in pyk.itervalues (b._box_dict) :
                    s.add_subbox (sb, transitive)
        self.change_list.append (PMA.SCM.Add_Subbox (s))
        self.change_count += 1
        return s
    # end def add_subbox

    def import_from_mailbox (self, mailbox, transitive = False) :
        self.add_messages (* mailbox.messages)
        if transitive :
            for b in pyk.itervalues (mailbox._box_dict) :
                self.add_subbox (b, transitive)
    # end def import_from_mailbox

    def md_name (cls, message = None) :
        if message is None :
            return super (Mailbox, cls).md_name ()
        else :
    # end def md_name

# end class Mailbox

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "_Mailbox_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_S_")
### __END__ PMA.Mailbox
Esempio n. 17
        self.__super.__init__ \
            ( name      = name
            , prefix    = prefix
    # end def __init__

    def _eligible (self, messages) :
        return messages
    # end def _eligible

# end class V_Mailbox

from _PMA                  import PMA
import _PMA.Mailbox
import _PMA.V_Mailbox
import _PMA.Matcher

mbi = PMA.Maildir    ("/home/glueck/PMA/D/inbox")
mb1 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/planung")
mb2 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/BIKA")
mbs = PMA.MH_Mailbox ("/home/glueck/work/MH/Installscript")
vmb = PMA.V_Mailbox  ("f1", (mb1, mb2))
m   = mbs.messages [58]

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("V_Mailbox", "_V_Mailbox_")
### __END__ PMA.V_Mailbox
Esempio n. 18
                s = self._new_subbox (sos.path.join (self.path,
            s.add_messages (* b.messages)
            if transitive :
                for sb in pyk.itervalues (b._box_dict) :
                    s.add_subbox (sb, transitive)
        self.change_list.append (PMA.SCM.Add_Subbox (s))
        self.change_count += 1
        return s
    # end def add_subbox

    def import_from_mailbox (self, mailbox, transitive = False) :
        self.add_messages (* mailbox.messages)
        if transitive :
            for b in pyk.itervalues (mailbox._box_dict) :
                self.add_subbox (b, transitive)
    # end def import_from_mailbox

    def md_name (cls, message = None) :
        if message is None :
            return super (Mailbox, cls).md_name ()
        else :
    # end def md_name

# end class Mailbox

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "_Mailbox_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_S_")
### __END__ PMA.Mailbox
Esempio n. 19
            pyk.pickle.dump (cls._Table, f, pyk.pickle_protocol)
    # end def save

# end class _Status_C_

class _Status_I_ (_Status_) :

    def load (self, filename) :
        try :
            with open (filename, "rb") as f :
                try :
                    attrs = pyk.pickle.load (f)
                except EOFError :
                else :
                    self._set_attr (** attrs)
        except IOError :
    # end def load

    def save (self, filename) :
        with open (filename, "wb") as f :
            pyk.pickle.dump (self._attr, f, pyk.pickle_protocol)
    # end def save

# end class _Status_I_

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("_Status_", "_Status_C_", "_Status_I_")
### __END__ PMA._Status_
Esempio n. 20
 def load_status(self, path):
     self.status = stat = PMA.Off_Status(self)
     self.status_fn = stfn = sos.path.join(path, ".status")
     self.msg_status_fn = msfn = sos.path.join(path, ".msg.status")
Esempio n. 21
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004 Mag. Christian Tanzer. All rights reserved
# Glasauergasse 32, A--1130 Wien, Austria. [email protected]
# ****************************************************************************
# This module is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License
# <>.
# ****************************************************************************
# Name
#    PMA.SCM.__init__
# Purpose
#    PMA change tracker`
# Revision Dates
#    15-Jan-2006 (MG) Creation
#    ««revision-date»»···

from _TFL.Package_Namespace import Package_Namespace
from _PMA import PMA

SCM = Package_Namespace()

del Package_Namespace

### __END__ PMA.SCM.__init__
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__ (self, matcher) :
        self.matcher = matcher
    # end def __init__

    def match (self, msg) :
        return not self.matcher.match (msg)
    # end def match

    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "not (%s)" % (self.matcher, )
    # end def __repr__

# end class Not_Matcher

class Or_Matcher (And_Matcher) :
    """Or-combination of Matcher instances"""

    def match (self, msg) :
        for m in self.matchers :
            if m.match (msg) :
                return True
        return False
    # end def match

# end class Or_Matcher

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "_Matcher_")
### __END__ PMA.Matcher
Esempio n. 23
        def untrain_spam (self, msg) :
            """Un-Train classifier with spam `msg`"""
            self.hammie.untrain_spam (msg)
        # end def untrain_spam

        def _close (self) :
            if self.hammie is not None and self.mode != "r" :
                self._save ()
            self.hammie = None
        # end def _close

        def _open (self, mode = "c") :
            if self.hammie is None or self.mode != mode :
                self.mode   = mode
                self.hammie = (self.dbname, self.usedb, mode)
        # end def _open

        def _save (self) :
        # end def _save

    # end class _SB_

    SB = _SB_ ()

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("SB")
### __END__ PMA.SB
Esempio n. 24
    POP3_class = poplib.POP3

    def __init__ ( self, path, host, user
                 , passwd              = None
                 , prefix              = None
                 , root                = None
                 , port                = 110
                 , poll_interval       = 60 ### in seconds
                 ) :
        self.__super.__init__ (path, prefix, root)
        self.poller = Pop3_Poller \
            (self, host, user, passwd, port, poll_interval, auto_start = True)
    # end def __init__

    def passwd_cb (self) :
        raise NotImplemented ("Must pass passwd to Pop3_Maildir")
    # end def passwd_cb

# end class Pop3_Maildir

class Pop3_Maildir_SSL (Pop3_Maildir) :
    """Model a Pop3_Maildir using a SSL conection to the POP server."""

    POP3_class = poplib.POP3_SSL

# end class Pop3_Maildir_SSL

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
### __END__ PMA.Pop3_Maildir
Esempio n. 25
            caps = Lib.mailcap.getcaps ()
        self.caps = caps
        self.mct  = {}
    # end def __init__

    def mime_type (self, name) :
        mct    = self.mct
        result = mct.get (name)
        if name not in mct :
            if name in self.caps :
                result = Mailcap_Type (name, self.caps [name])
            else :
                main_type, sub_type = name.split ("/")
                if sub_type != "*" :
                    result = self.mime_type ("/".join ((main_type, "*")))
            mct [name] = result
        return result
    # end def mime_type

    def __getitem__ (self, key) :
        return self.mime_type (key)
    # end def __getitem__

# end class _Mailcap_

Mailcap = _Mailcap_ ()

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "Mailcap")
### __END__ PMA.Mailcap
Esempio n. 26
 def _storage_boxes(self, path, da):
     return \
         [   PMA.Mailbox (sa)
         for sa in subdirs (path) if sa != da
         if  not sos.path.split (sa) [-1].startswith (".")
Esempio n. 27
        , "-domain:S?Domain of sender"
        , "-editor:S?Command used to start editor"
        , "-forward:S?Message to forward"
        , "-HTML:B?Convert ReST message to HTML"
        , "-mail_host:S?Name of SMTP server to use"
        , "-mail_local_hostname:S?Name of host sending the email"
        , "-mail_port:I=25?Number of port of SMTP server to use"
        , "-mail_user:S?User name for login into SMTP server"
        , "-mail_word:S?Password for login into SMTP server"
        , "-msg_base_dirs:Q:?Base directories for searching `message`"
        , "-reply:S?Message to reply to"
        , "-Reply_all:S?Message to reply to"
        , "-Short_body:U"
            "?Don't start an editor, use supplied value as body instead"
        , "-subject:U?Subject of email"
        , "-tls:B?Use SMTP in TLS (Transport Layer Security) mode."
        , "-To:U?Email of receiver"
        , "-user:U?Name of sender"
        , description =
          "Send mail message (newly composed or reply to existing email)"

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
else :
    import _PMA.Composer
    PMA.load_user_config   ()
    _PMA.Composer._Command ()
### __END__ PMA.Composer
Esempio n. 28
    def __init__ (self, mail_host = None, ** kw) :
        self.smtp = self.SMTP (mail_host = mail_host, ** kw)
    # end def __init__

    def __call__ (self, email, envelope = None) :
        self.smtp.send_message (email, envelope)
    # end def __call__

    def send (self, from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_opts = None, rcpt_opts = None) :
        self.smtp.send (from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_opts, rcpt_opts)
    # end def send

# end class Sender

class Sender_Logger (Sender) :

    SMTP = TFL.SMTP_Logger

# end class Sender_Logger

class Sender_Tester (Sender) :

    SMTP = TFL.SMTP_Tester

# end class Sender_Tester

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
### __END__ PMA.Sender
Esempio n. 29
 def message_from_arg (cmd, arg) :
     try :
         return first (PMA.messages_from_args ([arg], cmd.msg_base_dirs))
     except LookupError :
         raise SystemExit (1)
Esempio n. 30
File: Progetto: JPilarr/tapyr
from   email.generator         import *
from   email.header            import *
from   email.message           import *
from        import MIMEAudio
from   email.mime.base         import MIMEBase
from   email.mime.image        import MIMEImage
from   email.mime.message      import MIMEMessage
from   email.mime.multipart    import MIMEMultipart
from   email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
from   email.mime.text         import MIMEText
from   email.parser            import *
from   email.utils             import *
from   email.utils             import mktime_tz

import mailbox
import mailcap

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.UnixMailbox = mailbox.mbox

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.MHMailbox = mailbox.MH

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export_Module ()
### __END__ PMA.Lib
Esempio n. 31
            , prefix    = prefix

    # end def __init__

    def _eligible(self, messages):
        return messages

    # end def _eligible

# end class V_Mailbox
from _PMA                  import PMA
import _PMA.Mailbox
import _PMA.V_Mailbox
import _PMA.Matcher

mbi = PMA.Maildir    ("/home/glueck/PMA/D/inbox")
mb1 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/planung")
mb2 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/BIKA")
mbs = PMA.MH_Mailbox ("/home/glueck/work/MH/Installscript")
vmb = PMA.V_Mailbox  ("f1", (mb1, mb2))
m   = mbs.messages [58]

if __name__ != "__main__":
    PMA._Export("V_Mailbox", "_V_Mailbox_")
### __END__ PMA.V_Mailbox